It would fall apart without the support of the 21% of this country who believe the lies and hang on to Fauci's every word. Here is an example of how deathless this is. My library (yah, I rail about it a lot, I know) is starting back up with its (commie) documentary series. The post about it was taken up by at least half a page about covid (the staff are nutcases, frightened of everything). Masks are optional, oh but you'll wear one if you're any kind of a decent human being with half a brain. If you don't wear one the whole town will know by the next day that you're a selfish, uncaring sack of shit. Don't come if you are sick, think you might be sick, or know anyone who's sick. Thank you for "respecting the well-being of our community." The film is about "climate justice" (whosah?) so I had no intention of going. But with this dictum I doubt they'll have a decent turnout. And that suits them just fine. But you know, I did my bit, I worked my ass off getting the funds together to build that library, and it's now being held hostage. I'm pissed.
There’s quite a bit of resentment going around these days Keahi! If anything, go with no face diaper on and SMILE! They hate smiles! Because you’re showing JOY in life!
Renee (my middle name), oh my dear I realized awhile back that being joyful is my best revenge on these miserable beings. They keep waiting for my unworthy unvaxxed carcass to drop and it's just NOT HAPPENING! They stare at me and mutter with menacing undertones, "So how have YOU been?" It's all I can do not to laugh in their faces.
I was just thinking that! Such a coward. Have to wonder if this is the first time The Fauch has had the Wuhan - or is this the first time it's leaked out - or is it fake? :)
I don't think Mullis called him stupid. Without re-listening, Mullis said something like Fauci doesn't know anything about anything -- regarding science -- which is probably true because he's spent decades climbing the corporate / government chain to get to the top.
But if he were stupid he would not have been able to amass his tremendous power.
The term "useless eaters" has been around for hundreds if not thousands of years. But you gotta wonder if Klaus Schwab knew it was used quite commonly by the Nazis.
I agree, Mary, and we are far from being alone in our suspicions. It was just too convenient. Mullis was the one person who had the gravitas and credibility to stand in their way.
This has always been my contention. Rona was already circulating prior to late 2019, at least earlier versions of it. But the world wide meltdown about it could not start with the man who invented the PCR test still alive.
It is possible to be incompetent and evil at the same time.
Violence can be a confession of terrible incompetence. It may have started as incompetence but it has turned into a slow-roll mass murder to cover up the incompetence. Malice and incompetence can be inextricably linked. They don't have to be mutually exclusive in order for harm to be rendered. I would argue this doesn't violate Occam's razor.
Can we equate stupidity to incompetence? Maybe, incompetence is a quality that can possibly be overcome. I am not sure about stupidity. Then throw in arrogance. I think arrogance is the worst quality. It enables evil.
The problem is people believe what the evil F speaks. They are unable to discern truth from lies/propaganda. The problem is not the evil F but those that believe in "THE SCIENCE" that comes from him and is ilk.
Now for your question. The answer is that many have become 'stupid people.' This does not mean they have a low IQ. The term 'stupid people' was defined by Dietrich Bonhoeffer in 1945. Just do an internet search for "Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Theory of Stupidity." I plagiarized this snip from one web site. He "argued that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. This is because while we can protest against or fight evil people, against stupid ones we are defenseless — reasons fall on death ears. A free society should be aware of what can happen when certain people gain too much power."
Thanks for this, I will look into Bonhoeffer's work. It's long been known that, counter to the myth of the mastermind criminal genius, most criminals possess lower IQs. Certainly true of the violent ones. They seem to possess a flaw in their inner vision, as well as problems with their moral compass (such as not having one). The movie "The Parallax View" is coming to mind for some reason.
Neither did Kill Gates… only useful idiots like Biden, Newsome, Pretty-boy-Turd-eau or Chrystia Freeland actually got the shot. As a matter of fact, “useful idiot” is the actual translation for “Young Global Leader”…
to be prescribed paxlovid requires a current kidney screen showing a certain result.
he prolly has a current as he knew something most of us do not.
i was offered paxlovid this past monday and checking my filed tests i did not have a current screen, and they do not do routine labs on covid positive subjects.
I was prescribed Paxlovid in April after a positive WuFlu test and no kidney screen. I told them in no uncertain terms (but not these terms) to go f themselves.
Better off w/o Paxlovid is why I'd want it shoved down his throat.
"The problem is not with Paxlovid, it is the same medication as given to the unvaccinated. The problem is with the immune systems of the vaccinated. The vaccinated cannot clear Covid, while replication is temporarily paused by Paxlovid. The unvaccinated can. Why?"
So, considering that Fauxi was injected saline solutions... he is practically "unxaxxed"...
He must know that hackslovid is just as good and safe as remdesivir... He approved those toxic products because they alleviate his hunger for $$ - how could he NOT know they are garbage?
If I had to guess, he took Ivermectin, zinc and HCQ, just like the queen of England.
You mean the vaccine doesn't prevent illness. Or keep you out of the hospital. Wait.......Or prevent death...but it is know to cause blood clots, death, miscarriages and strokes. I tell you the most important thing the vaccine does. It creates Billionaires.
Same here. I got the first two Modernas under intense pressure from my kids, who were sure this old coot would get it and die if I wasn't vaccinated. No booster though. I just hope those first two didn't leave me with lasting damage.
My husband still believes in it so we just don’t talk about it. When we saw my son he “told on me” saying I hadn’t been wearing a mask which is funny since he normally doesn’t wear one either.
Serious question though - would you really be unshotted if you could do it over again? What about if you lost your job? Or couldn't travel? Or couldn't go to school? Because those are the things the unshotted were/still are forbidden to do. You at least can do all those things with two. You are part of society still for complying.
I sincerely wish the govt would require 3 shots for everybody. Really, 4 now. This is the only way that shot mandates end.
I just got a vaccine for my 2005 Buick Van. You inject the unknown substance into you gas tank and it turns your van into a brand new Porshe. Damn, it didn't work and now my van is running bad.
The irony of it all, is that, those who took the jab are actually the anti-vaxxers. After all, they did receive a shot, that protracts the pandemic by weakening immune systems, resulting in endless variants and chronic waves of re-infection, thereby weakening the immune system further. Wouldn't a shot like that be the antithesis of a vaccination? Logic would follow that those who took the jab were literally receiving an anti-vaccination Therefore they are Anti-Vaxxers
It's only purpose? WRONG. It's about population control first, then a money grab. They have the money, more money is nice but it's about pop control and overall control.
And creates compliance. The shot is strictly used to control people in society. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH HEALTH. Why do you think shot mandates are still in place?
May be it's the booster, not Covid. Tempting thought. Yes, this man will face the Justice of God ultimately, but he must first face the Justice of the People. He has hurt too many for too long.
Well, I hope, but history is replete with evil people prospering in this world. Chesterton said something along the lines of it's depressing to think how few politicians are hanged.
All I can ever think through this, if Fossil Fauci, Flabby Gut Gates and the rest of the old, fat dinosaurs can get covid and survive it... why are we still acting like this is any sort of threat. It's over.
That’s so alarming and awful. My brother-her husband was 40 miles away and forbidden to see her or have any part in decisions. They called him and told him to prepare for her death. He was in total shock and in bits. All of us were. Then soon after she was forced to get shots to keep her pension. Her union totally caved. I have never seen such evil. Everywhere.
Please do not refer to Trudeau as an emperor, as that gives him a grandeur that he does not deserve. 'Lackey', 'meat puppet', or 'minion' are more accurate terms.
It really does. I looked up the word to be sure I understand the definition. The first definition which I did not already know says a mountebank is someone who sells quack medicine. Lol The other one I already had a general understanding of was boastful without cause. Both fit him to a tee!
I was in your boat merely weeks ago. But then I travelled to the UK (abroad for the first time in 2+ years) and got the latest variant. It was just a mild cold with barely any symptoms after the initial fever disappeared. And I cannot credit the "vaccines" for my mild symptoms because I've never been "vaccinated."
More likely he tested positive for not wanting to face Rand Paul again in the Senate hearing scheduled later this week
The Runnin' Justin gambit!
He should take another shot; who knows? Perhaps he would look symmetrical again 😏…
I wonder if he loves himself already 😏?
ridiculous funny
The best!
tomorrow - he was scheduled to be in the Senate Thursday to report on the state of the country's response to covid! That little fraudster.
Someone should tar and feather him and drag him in the Senate by his ear.
Isn’t that his buddy CUOMO?
Im still lost for words wondering how this farce is still considered an emergency....
There is no emergency. In fact, there never was. It’s the biggest psyop I’ve ever seen in my life.
It would fall apart without the support of the 21% of this country who believe the lies and hang on to Fauci's every word. Here is an example of how deathless this is. My library (yah, I rail about it a lot, I know) is starting back up with its (commie) documentary series. The post about it was taken up by at least half a page about covid (the staff are nutcases, frightened of everything). Masks are optional, oh but you'll wear one if you're any kind of a decent human being with half a brain. If you don't wear one the whole town will know by the next day that you're a selfish, uncaring sack of shit. Don't come if you are sick, think you might be sick, or know anyone who's sick. Thank you for "respecting the well-being of our community." The film is about "climate justice" (whosah?) so I had no intention of going. But with this dictum I doubt they'll have a decent turnout. And that suits them just fine. But you know, I did my bit, I worked my ass off getting the funds together to build that library, and it's now being held hostage. I'm pissed.
There’s quite a bit of resentment going around these days Keahi! If anything, go with no face diaper on and SMILE! They hate smiles! Because you’re showing JOY in life!
Renee (my middle name), oh my dear I realized awhile back that being joyful is my best revenge on these miserable beings. They keep waiting for my unworthy unvaxxed carcass to drop and it's just NOT HAPPENING! They stare at me and mutter with menacing undertones, "So how have YOU been?" It's all I can do not to laugh in their faces.
I first thought you said fauciistor.
He could attend by zoom!!
that's Justin's trick!
Are truckers heading for D.C this week?
Just like Trudeau during the truck visits in Canada
Like Trudeau tested positive (the first time) when the shit hit the fan. Had to run and isolate.
Yeah I would have thought he’d be taking ivermectin prophylactically, so a fake covid to avoid Rand Paul seems more likely
Yup… sounds exactly right…
Yup, that's exactly right. "Run, little rabbit, run!!"
I was just thinking that! Such a coward. Have to wonder if this is the first time The Fauch has had the Wuhan - or is this the first time it's leaked out - or is it fake? :)
Honestly, any could be true. I realize using the word “true” in the post as the faucister is ridiculous. But . . .
That’s an interesting one… hmmm 🤔
There's ZERO chance that Fauci actually got the jabs. He's evil, not stupid.
Kary Mullis called him stupid. Just sayin' 🤷
I don't think Mullis called him stupid. Without re-listening, Mullis said something like Fauci doesn't know anything about anything -- regarding science -- which is probably true because he's spent decades climbing the corporate / government chain to get to the top.
But if he were stupid he would not have been able to amass his tremendous power.
Hes an 80 yo Italian man from NYC . Hes prob got an ego the side of red giant star and operates like a mafia boss
I'm not gonna quibble over words. It may have been "ignorant". It may have been sentences. The bottom line was it condensed to "stupid." (And a liar.)
I guess there is that. Evil genius generally doesn’t equate to stupid. Not sure if that’s good or bad.
And a liar. He calls the majority of people, "sheep."
"A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth."
- Joseph Goebbels
He’s not wrong, given the mass compliance of the 2 years.
But then someone in the WEF calls us “useless eaters”….
Birds of a feather in their contempt for humanity
The term "useless eaters" has been around for hundreds if not thousands of years. But you gotta wonder if Klaus Schwab knew it was used quite commonly by the Nazis.
Wow, slap in the face.
Ironic that Mullis died in July 2019. 🤔
You say ironic. I say suspicious.
I say there are no coincidences.
I agree, Mary, and we are far from being alone in our suspicions. It was just too convenient. Mullis was the one person who had the gravitas and credibility to stand in their way.
This has always been my contention. Rona was already circulating prior to late 2019, at least earlier versions of it. But the world wide meltdown about it could not start with the man who invented the PCR test still alive.
🎯 --- Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm."
It is possible to be incompetent and evil at the same time.
Violence can be a confession of terrible incompetence. It may have started as incompetence but it has turned into a slow-roll mass murder to cover up the incompetence. Malice and incompetence can be inextricably linked. They don't have to be mutually exclusive in order for harm to be rendered. I would argue this doesn't violate Occam's razor.
Can we equate stupidity to incompetence? Maybe, incompetence is a quality that can possibly be overcome. I am not sure about stupidity. Then throw in arrogance. I think arrogance is the worst quality. It enables evil.
The problem is people believe what the evil F speaks. They are unable to discern truth from lies/propaganda. The problem is not the evil F but those that believe in "THE SCIENCE" that comes from him and is ilk.
Now for your question. The answer is that many have become 'stupid people.' This does not mean they have a low IQ. The term 'stupid people' was defined by Dietrich Bonhoeffer in 1945. Just do an internet search for "Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Theory of Stupidity." I plagiarized this snip from one web site. He "argued that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. This is because while we can protest against or fight evil people, against stupid ones we are defenseless — reasons fall on death ears. A free society should be aware of what can happen when certain people gain too much power."
Thanks for this, I will look into Bonhoeffer's work. It's long been known that, counter to the myth of the mastermind criminal genius, most criminals possess lower IQs. Certainly true of the violent ones. They seem to possess a flaw in their inner vision, as well as problems with their moral compass (such as not having one). The movie "The Parallax View" is coming to mind for some reason.
The high-IQ ones start pharmaceutical companies.
Great comment George. Very True.
The sin that God hates the most is pride. Fauxi is going to eternal Hell soon. He knows it.
His greatest "sin" is not "pride" but murder... Desk killer.
I wonder, does he know it?
Some might call it his home sweet home.
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here" - The Tempest, William Shakespeare
Not gonna disagree with you.
God. True. And it's straight to it.
There are a lot of Pinkys in the take over the world scheme! Thank goodness.
Meaning, too many chiefs & not enough Indians (to be a tad politically incorrect) or too many chefs spoil the broth, Canny Granny?
I thought he'd be the Brain?
If he only had a brain....a heart....or courage. The little weasel.
That's it, isn't it? There's the rub. The man is just so contemptibly small. It's not good when a little pissant like that comes to power.
Nope, little man syndrome.
A lot of this going on at 1600 Pennsylvania...
The Nazis were incredibly efficient in many ways, and stupid and incompetent in others, all the while being both mad and evil.
Simplest solution? I think you’re right
simple, but no simpler
it's still a tangled web though. i hope justice prevails
Sadly, I am not hopeful
Oh gosh Dr Linda. I rely on you for hope...;(
Agreed, there is absolutely no way he put that shite in his body. Stupid or not, he had foreknowledge of the outcome imo
Neither did Kill Gates… only useful idiots like Biden, Newsome, Pretty-boy-Turd-eau or Chrystia Freeland actually got the shot. As a matter of fact, “useful idiot” is the actual translation for “Young Global Leader”…
I remember when Bourla couldn't enter Italy cause he wasn't jabbed.
I didn't know that... WOW!
Administer a quadruple dosage of remdesivir and vent him up, stat!
Shove some Paxlovid down his gullet as well.
Remdesivir will work better...
Embrace the "and"!
to be prescribed paxlovid requires a current kidney screen showing a certain result.
he prolly has a current as he knew something most of us do not.
i was offered paxlovid this past monday and checking my filed tests i did not have a current screen, and they do not do routine labs on covid positive subjects.
better off w/o paxlovid!!
I was prescribed Paxlovid in April after a positive WuFlu test and no kidney screen. I told them in no uncertain terms (but not these terms) to go f themselves.
Better off w/o Paxlovid is why I'd want it shoved down his throat.
This is one of the drugs in the Paxlovid box:
Curious that has been given to HIV patients, what with all the HIV ads on TV in the past few months. Coincidence?
You're not better off w/o Paxlovid if you want to have it come back worse. You miss more work that way.
Thar she blows! I mentioned you earlier on Gato's last post. It was about your best subject. Thanks for your input!...:}
Dang it, I don't know where to look for it.
my understanding is that you have endless files documenting the climax charade. shiver me timbers...
I read The Fauch is taking Paxlovid!
Well, he actually might have; this is what Igor Chudov wrote in his Substack:
"The problem is not with Paxlovid, it is the same medication as given to the unvaccinated. The problem is with the immune systems of the vaccinated. The vaccinated cannot clear Covid, while replication is temporarily paused by Paxlovid. The unvaccinated can. Why?"
So, considering that Fauxi was injected saline solutions... he is practically "unxaxxed"...
Excellent point! And VP Harris never got a rebound infection (that I heard of) after she took Paxlovid ~ 🤔.
In a nutshell: NO.
He must know that hackslovid is just as good and safe as remdesivir... He approved those toxic products because they alleviate his hunger for $$ - how could he NOT know they are garbage?
If I had to guess, he took Ivermectin, zinc and HCQ, just like the queen of England.
😂 okay, I laughed out loud! Thanks!
Henceforth called the Hollywood Upstairs Medical College protocol.
Don't forget the Remdesivir!
Wishful thinking?
Bah, ha, ha.
clever Mr. Bart!
You mean the vaccine doesn't prevent illness. Or keep you out of the hospital. Wait.......Or prevent death...but it is know to cause blood clots, death, miscarriages and strokes. I tell you the most important thing the vaccine does. It creates Billionaires.
Ya this is why I’m sticking with two - wish I hadn’t bought into the whole stops transmission - I’d have zero
Same here. I got the first two Modernas under intense pressure from my kids, who were sure this old coot would get it and die if I wasn't vaccinated. No booster though. I just hope those first two didn't leave me with lasting damage.
Don't worry, I was "dis-owned" by my own father. Haven't talk to him in almost 2 years.
Omg…that’s absolutely heart wrenching. That’s not cool.
I'm sorry. That has to be hard to take. Maybe, hopefully, he'll come around sooner, rather than later.
Yeah, it's fine. He knows he's wrong. Supposed to see him over the 4th. All you can do is forgive. He'll have to wear the Scarlet letter.
🙌👏 Yea! --- The new scarlet letter = V. 😉
I tell my relatives I got the Wizer (TM) live non-attenuated vaccine (in other words a naturall infection).
My God, A. Roz. Are stories are virtually similar except I'm 51 tomorrow...arggh...
It sucks. Everyone I know who's had the shot, especially the boosted, are puny with sickness.
My husband still believes in it so we just don’t talk about it. When we saw my son he “told on me” saying I hadn’t been wearing a mask which is funny since he normally doesn’t wear one either.
I conveniently don’t tell my friends I’m not injected. I don’t see some of them often so it works out. If they asked I would let them know.
I convinced my mom not to take the booster(s).
I hope we convinced my son-in-law.
This is why kids are supposed to take advice from parents, and not the other way around.
Serious question though - would you really be unshotted if you could do it over again? What about if you lost your job? Or couldn't travel? Or couldn't go to school? Because those are the things the unshotted were/still are forbidden to do. You at least can do all those things with two. You are part of society still for complying.
I sincerely wish the govt would require 3 shots for everybody. Really, 4 now. This is the only way that shot mandates end.
What good are all those things if you're dead?
It's not a vaccine per se so much as it's a therapeutic, and a really shitty one at that.
When is a vaccine not a vaccine?
I just got a vaccine for my 2005 Buick Van. You inject the unknown substance into you gas tank and it turns your van into a brand new Porshe. Damn, it didn't work and now my van is running bad.
Now that's some funny shit!
Damn - and I was going to try the one that is supposed to turn my wife's mini van into a brand new 4 X 4.
The irony of it all, is that, those who took the jab are actually the anti-vaxxers. After all, they did receive a shot, that protracts the pandemic by weakening immune systems, resulting in endless variants and chronic waves of re-infection, thereby weakening the immune system further. Wouldn't a shot like that be the antithesis of a vaccination? Logic would follow that those who took the jab were literally receiving an anti-vaccination Therefore they are Anti-Vaxxers
I see what ya did there! I like it!
I'm no SoCrates, but it seems logical to me?
No, because they didn't know better.... Those who pushed the "injectable products" on the other hand :P...
Given that billionaire creation was its purpose, it's a complete success.
It's only purpose? WRONG. It's about population control first, then a money grab. They have the money, more money is nice but it's about pop control and overall control.
True that
And creates compliance. The shot is strictly used to control people in society. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH HEALTH. Why do you think shot mandates are still in place?
Quad saline injected. If he and Brandon keep f**king the American people as vigorously as they have soon both will have monkeypox.
Now now, let's not be racist. The accepted nomenclature is PridePox.
Pride goeth before the pox.
Mr. Carter. Cheers!
And pride comes before a fall....
Double entendres! Touché!
"but my possibly reliable gatosources™ tell me that he’s still testing negative for ethics, even at 100 Ct."
right on! thank you for making me laugh, even when there is nothing to laugh about....
there is ALWAYS something to laugh about.
and it's still the best medicine.
Exactly. Ridicule is fantastic for making these people more human and less intimidating.
Maybe the guys spreading pride pox should use it
Trust me, laughing at the wrong time can prevent a lot of babies getting made... That's why people turn off the lights first.
I had the same thought.
I don't know D. Twain; I like to see what I'm getting into...:)
Gosh you guys! Hopefully correct gender specific term
Unfortunately, testing negative for ethics is likely a requirement to be a top govt bureaucrat. It's one test that Fauci will never fail.
Turns out that saline injections are just as effective as "the vaccine" in keeping you safe from the virus - who knew :P?
The saline might be even better.
OF COURSE it is:
> It doesn't have negative efficacy shortly after
> Doesn't increase the excess mortality... unless that is an undeclared goal.
Does tend to make you a little salty.
May be it's the booster, not Covid. Tempting thought. Yes, this man will face the Justice of God ultimately, but he must first face the Justice of the People. He has hurt too many for too long.
Well, I hope, but history is replete with evil people prospering in this world. Chesterton said something along the lines of it's depressing to think how few politicians are hanged.
A few hangings now and then would keep society more well behaved, I believe.
All I can ever think through this, if Fossil Fauci, Flabby Gut Gates and the rest of the old, fat dinosaurs can get covid and survive it... why are we still acting like this is any sort of threat. It's over.
Mechanical ventilation.
Almost killed my SIL. She barely survived the kill treatment.
I know or have a connection to 5 men who died from that treatment!
That’s so alarming and awful. My brother-her husband was 40 miles away and forbidden to see her or have any part in decisions. They called him and told him to prepare for her death. He was in total shock and in bits. All of us were. Then soon after she was forced to get shots to keep her pension. Her union totally caved. I have never seen such evil. Everywhere.
"tests positive for covid."
This phrase is now meaningless propaganda horse shit, devoid of significance or consequence.
We’ve come a long way from Donald Trump’s trip to Walter Reed. But I guess that was also propaganda.
Safe and Effective™.
Wonder if the Poisoned Dwarf and Emperor Blackface Trudope were at the same party in LA?: Oh, and it could not happen to a nicer person!!!
Please do not refer to Trudeau as an emperor, as that gives him a grandeur that he does not deserve. 'Lackey', 'meat puppet', or 'minion' are more accurate terms.
I favor poltroon, dastardly bastard (most fitting), or possibly lickspittle.
He’s a maroon!
For me, the term mountebank perfectly fits the bill.
It really does. I looked up the word to be sure I understand the definition. The first definition which I did not already know says a mountebank is someone who sells quack medicine. Lol The other one I already had a general understanding of was boastful without cause. Both fit him to a tee!
A completely under-utilized old fashion word but very appropriate.
He’s so deserving!
What were they all doing in LA?
Dastardly and Muttly!
I still haven't had it once.
Get your goddamn boosters :P! All 6 of them :P!
Not 7+? Wow such an antivaxx bigot.
Ha, ha... I must have lost track now, that my neurons have been replaced by spike proteins :P...
As a start….
At once. That oughta work!
One can never be too safe :)...
I was in your boat merely weeks ago. But then I travelled to the UK (abroad for the first time in 2+ years) and got the latest variant. It was just a mild cold with barely any symptoms after the initial fever disappeared. And I cannot credit the "vaccines" for my mild symptoms because I've never been "vaccinated."
I've been in the UK forever, no covid. Well no I travelled to Rwanda and just got food poisoning, which was my own fault.
Finally some good news.
😂 🤣
Yes. Praise the Lord. 😇