The debate should have been over as soon as they said "Kids don't really get sick enough from covid to test efficacy, so we're just going to count the antibodies the shot is designed to create."


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So here's an interesting thing. Here in CA, the state mandates have been ahead of the FDA approvals. The governor was dictating vax for school kids well ahead of the FDA approval. He was demanding kids 12-16 be vaxed before the FDA approved anything for under 16 kids. How do health care professionals legally follow these mandates?

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The same way any other COVID tyrant or COVID quisling does: by ignoring any law that would prevent it.

Then, in proud woke tradition, project onto dissenters that they are not following the law.

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After all, those people tell us they are saving democracy!

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Safely inclusive and Equitably effective. Morale has improved!

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May 17, 2022
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Another "apple" booster please?

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Yes but the snake lifted up presaged the crucified and risen Christ. And was a symbol of healing to Israelites. Numbers 21:9 and John 3:14-16. Yes to you skeptics, I understand the caduceus supposedly is older than the story of Moses. But whether from Greek/Roman mythology or from Biblical truth, it is still considered a symbol of healing. God has always “confounded” men.

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May 18, 2022
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Did you see that they are voting to lower the age of consent to 12 on these clot shots? Yeah us parents are preventing these kids from protecting themselves so the schools that peddle evil will take care of it.

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Here in CA they've raised the age of consent to 175 :-). Nobody has a choice anymore....

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I had no idea until this week that, in California, the age of consent for a number of other vaccines (I think HPV is among them; I forget what else) is ALREADY, and has been for I don't know how long, TWELVE (12)!

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Here in Australia they didnt even bother asking. The Health Dept parked their drug bus down the road from schools and were jabbing 11year olds, without parental consent - been doing it for over a year now.. 🤬👹

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Same in NZ. My 15 year old just got jabbed on the way to school. No one asked me or my wife. I didn't want him to get it but then he is meant to spend months not going to movies, or restaurants with his mates or playing any sport......but hey no one was being forced into vaccination here.....because conspiracy theory

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Indeed, while grossly illegal, inhumane & unethical, they have planned it meticulously...

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What state in Australia are they doing that? I'm in Sydney and don't think they are doing that here.

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South Australia 😐

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Because good and decent folks refuse to ban together and put their NAME behind it. Get out of the shadows folks

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Well I'm here. My name and $8 will get you a cup of coffee ;-).

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I believe the price just went up.... 😢 already contemplating reducing coffee consumption. Yes, I’m literally at the lower end of I’m making it fine (barely) but if inflation increases I may not.

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They dont, but enough just assume it is law. Exactly how things worked here in Australia. Once the gov started saying you should do it, many just did it... 'compliant sheeple'..

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I believe the plan is to get it onto the childhood vax schedule; if they do, as I understand it, the drug manufacturers have... lifetime immunity. But I might not understand all the details.

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That is the plan and has been from the beginning. Their only two routes to the golden goose of immunity from prosecution for these devastatingly harmful products are:

1. Emergency authorisation (which, in theory, they cannot count on being indefinitely renewed; they have been criminally lucky to have gotten it extended as many times as they have thus far).

2. Being placed on CDC's childhood vaccine schedule. :( :( :(

They are racing against the gathering tsunami of deaths and injuries to get onto that schedule. I don't know of any vax that has been pulled from the schedule after getting on. I should look into it; I'm certainly praying that this one will be ripped off a.s.a.p. if they succeed in getting it on.

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I must correct my assessment, above, my naiveté being seemingly bottomless. Strike "criminally lucky." hahahaha. Make that, "criminally cunning over time in greasing the right wheels so as to ensure continued declarations of 'emergency.'"

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Yes! They want to make it a "cool" 30 different vaccines all at once. Nothing to see there

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Sounds criminally logical..

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Possibly Cold Related (PCR). Please Carefully Read (PCR) test results, what you see, isn't what you see. Patient Coding Racket (PCR). Please Conform Regularly (PCR)

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Please Cede Rights

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BTW, that's better than all mine. I cede to you

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You were the inspiration 😊

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There is no need for "please" anymore....

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Yes! Ad nauseum, right?!

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You would think. You would certainly think. To quote that one semi-viral Tweet manifesting Trump Derangement Syndrome... when it comes to a literal inability to gauge risk:benefit because the risk is too marginal, "As long as I live, I will never understand how this alone wasn't the end of it."

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We need to always remember these are not thoughtfulness people. They are planners. Not thinkers. And the plan is evil from beginning to end. What combats evil. Good. God. Jesus.

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If it only saves one life...

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Yeah. Only have to kill million to save that one. Seems a fair trade-off.

Notice that argument is usually used when it is impossible to measure that "one"??

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174 children have to be killed in order to save one. That seems like a net negative to me ghost rider

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Look, that is too straight-forward, damned near logical. Regulatory Capture detests logic and straight-forwardness. Better to have a guaranteed market!

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Any doctor, any nurse or technician giving one of these vaccines to a child is in my view a criminal.

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They either really believe the vaccines are beneficial to children, or they are threatened by a higher power to toe the vaccine line.

With my young son's doctor, I told her that the hospitalization rate for kids was close to zero and that the vaccine did not pass the risk/benefit analysis. Her response was that is a low risk, but it's a risk that's not zero. That's because it's something like 0.03%. I guess that's technically not zero.

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I have met some "true believers" who do not seem to see the inconsistencies or outright absurdity. I've met some who, being faced with mandates and the fact that non-compliance is career ending, are rationalizing. Sounds like your kid's doc is in the rationalizing stage. Or as we call it the "Solo" stage ("It's not my fault!"). They know inside it's nuts but feel they have no choice and so have to rationalize compliance.

How many of the people running gas chambers in Nazi Germany rationalized?

Not to compare the forced medicating of children against all reasonable conclusions based on the risks vs benefits to genocide. Totally different things. I hope. But I can see the 'rock and hard place' predicament of health care professionals.

On the other hand, plenty are true believers and followers of the doctrine no matter what. Largely I think because they've been well trained to follow doctrine dogmatically without question. The risk/reward analysis that seems obvious to us isn't to them. I see this in the continued belief in the myth that salt causes hypertension, that statin drugs used to lower some number to an arbitrary level in the absence of actual risk is a good thing, use of BMI as something meaningful, and dozens of other dogmas that have been well demonstrated to be wrong and even harmful. So given this generations of conditioning (and considering part of that conditioning is to assume THEY are smarter than YOU and everyone else), I suppose no surprise. The government and the AMA have given them "guidelines" (to be applied or else). QED.

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I accepted most of those medical dogmas before covid. After all, I thought, medicine is the doctors' job, not mine. I had -- still have -- a Ph.D., in a different field, so I was taught to respect other people's expertise.

Now comes covid, and the doctors are spouting obvious nonsense. My conclusion: well, if they're so wrong about this, what does that say about everything else they're saying? Everything they say, I have to examine the evidence myself, and make up my own mind. So, I've stopped taking statins, stopped getting flu vaccines, started taking megadoses of Vitamin D. I wonder how many other people have drawn similar conclusions.

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same here. every day i observe how lucky my wife and i had covid nov 2020. and that i stumbled across my heros gato, kirsch, igor.

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You saw the inconsistencies now and it made you doubt what you believed before. Good on you! Many people I know used their *previous* belief as a way to justify continuing to believe now, DESPITE the inconsistencies. For some of us, the covid dumpster fire is not a one-off--the first time the establishment has lied for its own benefit--but is simply the latest in a substantial history of similar B.S. Simply Put: This ain't the first time the FDA has half-assed a vaccine approval. Not close to the first time. Nor is it the first time messaging, manipulation, and marketing have been used to "sell" a worthless (or near-worthless) treatment to the public. It is (maybe) the first time the POTUS has been directly helpful in the scam, but that might be a small point.

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Yup. The primary problems come with acute care or genetic issues. In other words, I break my arm and I’m gonna want a good ortho. And some decent pain meds.

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Count me in that group too. No meds for me just a nice healthy dose of various immune boosting vitamins.

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Two of my docs parrot the approved line. One told my wife who tested positive for Omicron after some mild cold symptoms that the booster she had kept the symptoms mild. That seems to be the vaccinistas' narrative now. Another told me when I asked about Ivermectin that he had a patient who took it and still died of covid. No context though....could have been dying of something else, but this is apparently what they have been told to say when a patient questions the narrative.

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The "died of COVID" has become "he died therefore it was COVID"; looking at CDC data (a bit back when it was easier to download sets) they had a huge category of "died from COVID without confirmation" which the notes said meant no COVID test was given or the test was negative but someone said it looked like COVID. When we bought my wife anew car some years ago she looked at it and said "that's an color I've not seen a lot". On the way home, we saw a dozen of the same model in the same color. Hadn't seen before was because wasn't looking. Now that we were looking, we see it everywhere. I think COVID had become the same by mid 2020. I fear now if someone dies in a hospital the MDs feel they must tie ti to COVID somehow or risk being lumped into the "not to be tolerated" group.

Another thing that concerns about mRNA vaccines and kids is that the very first paper I found on mRNA vaccines in early 2000 (a survey of available literature) noted that mRNA vaccines had not been used in kids because the reaction of the immature physiology was not well understood. Every reference I followed from there was about the same the practice being to avoid mRNA based medications in kids.

SO what has changed? Our understanding of pee-pubesent physiology? The way mRNA vaccines work? The phase of the moon? I'm not biologist nor do I play one on TV so I admit I only vaguely grasp how mRNA works, but I know what I read.

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What has changed is the number of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ involved.

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This is similar to what I have been saying. I turned away from allopathic care nearly 40 years ago, although in an emergency I’m there. At 65 I have no health issues that I’m aware of. So far so good. BTW, the history of allopathic medicine is enough to cause any thinking person pause. Seems you may have read it. 😉

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It’s horrifying to me to consider what the mental rationalizations were amongst the evil Nazis. “Hey I threw that one into the incinerator because..... “ ???? What?

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True. Many have chosen their job over the real science.. Lets be honest too, Gen Practitioners (doctors) are not scientists, they are people, and they have proven this over the past 2+ years, if nothing else..

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It's closer to 0.0003% for children under 16

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Well not any more :-(

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What do you mean “not any more”? Seriously am I missing something? C19 deaths for under age 18 were approx 770 late last year (don’t know what they are right now?) and, while I have seen NO ONE absolutely prove this following point, even MSM seemed to admit at one point almost all but one or two of these 770 had serious comorbidities (e.g cancer) I’d like to see this proven (anyone got that data?) so we are talking 0.001% I believe I am right to call it CFR? For American kids. So 99.999% survivable. I do not know how many were considered harmed or disabled by covid or by Covid related MIS-c or something similar. So that could be the adjustment argument on their side. On our side VAERS already shows 108 deaths and massive health issues including 1,309 cases of myocarditis (I just checked the actual reports themselves, not just the summary page. The summary page also shows 436 permanent disabilities). If anyone isn’t yet aware these approved vaccines had less than 50% efficacy in the under age 5, I do not know what the gene therapy injection manufacturers say was overall 0-17 age efficacy but it’s got to be no more than 80% overall ever using their own figures. So you do the math. Steve Kirsch has done a way better job but he’s absolutely proven (and this was even known by CDC and FDA for awhile) That VAERS is at absolute bottom underreported by 7.7. That was the lowest figure EVER figured for VAERS. Again you do the math.

No benefit. None whatsoever.

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Slightly sarcastically I mean that estimate is before we start vaccinating kids with a leaky vaccine which the data shows harms the immune response in adults, increasing the risk of COVID infection.

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Exactly! Whatever the risks were before vaccination, they do not go down after vaccination, as they should, or as you might expect, but instead go up. (On the plus side, it does give Pfizer and the rest a substantial long-term market for boosters though. #SarcasmAlert)

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They have stopped thinking, or, are corrupt, sold their soles, stupid, ignorant/blind...

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I think many of the followers are simply scared.

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I think some are true believers in the doctrine and thus dismiss concerns as "anti-vax conspiracy nuts". That is of course scary in itself. But others, still in possession of logical skills, may be questioning in their inside voices, but are put in a difficult position, as any questing out loud may result in being dismissed, or de-licensed. See the "disinformation control" measures being taken by state medical boards. Further, in some places like CA, they are being required by state mandates and I have heard from some providers that they were threatened with criminal charges unless they complied, in some cases even when it was not legal to administer the vaccine as mandated (prior to FDA approval to give it to kids). Not a good situation for anyone.

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They have forgotten their OATH...and worse; their CONSCIENCE

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You are given a choice: do something you feel is unethical and lose your job, your license, your livelihood and possible be sent to prison, or "accept" the official doctrine backed by the official politically approved "science" ??

The "it's not my fault" kicks in - ample "back stop" of mandates and rationalizations.

Not justifying, just trying to understand with empathy. But at some point good people have to do the right thing even when it's hard. Which is easier to accept when you're 62, and not the one who's being threatened (yet).

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I know it sucks. But it's binary. It's only going to get "suckier".

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If they were clever enough to get into med school, they're almost certainly capable of learning a new trade.

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Two words: Student Loans.

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Well, depends on age too, right? I lost most my 36 year business because I’m unvaxed. Hard to think of starting a new career that would bring equal or close to equal income, plus years of becoming skilled in the new trade, etc. and then there’s ageism. It’s not just about being clever ....

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I personally am feeding information to an MD who’s part of the narrative. I know him pretty well. Just pray for me I will feed him EXACTLY what he is willing to accept.

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Good luck!

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Luck nothing. But I still appreciate the sentiment. I have sent Dr Julie Poness’s ethical argument (cf Brownstone.org), Peter McCullough’s medical nihilism speech to AAPS last summer and a quote recently on 20x higher miscarriages in the vaccinated along with s link to a brilliant article by Russell Blaylock, MD https://surgicalneurologyint.com/surgicalint-articles/covid-update-what-is-the-truth/

That also linked to Dr James Thorpe interview by Steve Kirsch on VSRF


We’ll see.

Ive also spoken to he personally three times. Not just linking things.

Not bragging. Just explaining we CAN be proactive.

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That fact that he's listening or reading your information is hopeful. He may see or hear of jab injuries that make him question the narrative. At least he is open to discussion. Many close their minds & hearts as soon as they learn a person is unjabbed. If they can see how blatantly corrupt these govt agencies & pharmaceutical companies are, MAYBE the rest makes more sense. That is the issue I have with my family. I sent them articles & videos of Drs warning of future damage--to no avail...They haven't been jab injured themselves (so far) or know of someone personally, so it must be so rare the benefits outweigh the tiny risks.. This is the mentality of my family. If I would have shown them proof of the corruption by the FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, etc..dating wayyyy back, maybe I'd have caused them to think more critically...i don't know. They've always trusted their Dr's, and govt agencies to tell them what to do. A couple wks ago they all went for their 4th shot. I quit sending them stuff after that.

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Absolutely agree but as we learned during WWII we cannot comply our way out of this. Do we have to repeat the same mistakes (it's a lot of the same players) and say "never again" again?

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All of my being says "I hope not" but also sees the reality that we are already there.

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*N.b.* There has been NO FDA approval of any COVID vaccine in the U.S. The three currently available vaxes are available under FDA "authorization" only, under a Declared State of Emergency. Pfizer's APPROVED vaccine against COVID, called Comirnaty, is not available in the U.S., only in other countries; according to Pfizer, this is because there is just so much plentiful vax here, they're going to use that up first and let other countries have access to the Comirnaty doses [the two products, authorized v. approved, are chemically identical but legally different]. But in reality, the reason for this mind-boggling b.s. is that, as an approved [i.e., non-emergency] product but one NOT on the childhood vax schedule, Comirnaty provides Pfizer with NO IMMUNITY SHIELD in the United States. This, and only this, is the reason there is no Comirnaty in the U.S. (until these devils get their vax onto the childhood schedule; then Comirnaty will no doubt make its first appearance in this country). CAN'T MAKE THIS !&^#!%!&@%^$@& UP!

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Shouldn't their EUA vaccine now be expiring product? Or do their production lines simply swap labels?

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The parents are criminals too

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Or like along the lines of what TIOK states, just buy into the dogma that doctors know best. And, most people don’t even have the time (like my niece, a single mother who works 50 hours a week outside the work involved taking care of her child), or even knows where to find alternative info. I know plenty of parents who are having their kids jabbed, including those in my own family. They are not criminals, they just don’t know any different. I hold the perpetrators of this injection campaign ultimately responsible.

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Same group of people are liable to get "culled" depending on how many they maim or kill. Just saying. It's insanity to go after the babies!

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Remain in the "Control Goup" folks

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My daughter and I joined this unjabbed control group last year in October. There does need to be a control group of unjabbed. It's free


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Thank you for the link

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It's only insane if you want GOOD for the babies. If OTOH you have evil intent, makes perfect sense.

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I would argue that is a working definition of psychopath: desiring harm come to children. That's insane in my world.

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Grim indeed

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Agreed. It was framed as a "non urgent offer" in the UK. But under emergency authorisation? How? How does that even work? 😆

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It worked because people have an incredible ability to not think. Banality of EVIL

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This is where I got confused. When our governor issued vax mandates, I went to the FDA database and read the "emergency authorization" and associated usage and compliance data. I also went through the approvals. At that time, neither authorized administering the vaccine to children (defined as under 16 by the FDA).

It seems that for at least the last year plus 4 months, the FDA has been acting after certain state governors' mandates as well as CDC "recommendations" have been issued. Almost as if the FDA is responding to the mandates and 'recommendations' expost facto.

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The California plan only ever said they would require the shots for children only upon FDA approval. But then they withdrew even that plan.

The FDA has not approved more than the adult “primary series” (still only EUA bottles available but I’ll let that pass). Most vaccine requirements stop at that. There should be no government mandated vaccination requirements on the public for EUA only vaccines. As far as I know only the city of Oakland, California requires vaccination for certain public accommodations. SF and NYC backed down. I wonder how Oakland manages to keep theirs up.

Employment and education is another matter. I know many colleges require boosters. But it’s not a public order so they slide by.

Anyway my position is any kind of employment or “public accommodation” discrimination on the basis of vaccination is illegal in the U.S.


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But they just follow orders mein Führer

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That's why they're crate training the kids; Tomorrow's brown shirts

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If only people had properly been educated about how their immune systems work in the first place, instead of having been dumbed down and lied to for so long, there might be a critical mass of critical thinkers.

Oh, wait..... hopefully there IS a critical mass, and Big Tech is just censoring the sharing of dissenting information and data. I do hope that there are enough parents out there who can still rub two brain cells together and refuse to participate in this genocide.

It's high time for the doctors and nurses who know better to get a spine and speak up and refuse to participate -- yes, even risking their careers.

When the dust settles, there will be PLENTY of people who will be looking for a new doctor they can trust to tell them the truth.

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Speak it!

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Let’s hope so

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The boosters will continue until morale improves, comrade! Good news! The booster ration will be reduced from 3 to 4! How many boosters does it take to screw...? Knock, knock. Who's there? Booster. Booster who. Booster everybody! Until you're all dead!

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Karl Denninger over at Market Ticker likes math. Early on, he did a bunch of stats on this, and came up with a stat of 1 in 30 dead or lifetime injury. He's standing by that number.


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A reasonable assessment. Keep your slaves scared, sick, and poor, and they will never revolt, or leave the plantation.

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Great piece Shibumi, thanks for the link. Just put it up on Gab.

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Thx for the link

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You're welcome to both of you; Denninger has been all over this, most especially the amount of excess deaths and the number of people no longer in the work force.

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You mean short staffing everywhere might not solely be the result of terrible economic policies? Don't tell the media! You know how they are when they smell blood!

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LOL. Short staffing. The other day I ran across a job that basically was:

-computer programmer

-graphic designer

-public relations

-project manager

Basically four jobs rolled into one. And wow, they'll pay you up to 50K per year! What a deal!

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Edgar Allen Poe could not have done better

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That is quite the compliment! I felt that I was working more in the Yakov Smirnov genre...

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Maybe Weird Al" Yankovic?...

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Do love Weird Al. Song parodies about COVID/vaccines would be awesome, but probably fall flat without the music. (Sing this as "Like a Virgin" by Madonna") Like a Fauci. Boosted for the very first time. Like Fa-a-auci. Let your arm (get) jabbed. Next to mine. Ooh-oh-oh, like a Fauci.

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Booster Rooster Doomster

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Oop! I meant to write "until health improves". Facepalm!

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Napalm anyone?

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I love the smell of boosters in the morning!

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cock a doodle doo Booster Rooster

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Thanks for the chuckle

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If you didn't laugh, you'd have to cry. In Biden's America, if you don't get the booster, the booster gets you!

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As scary as this "science by political edict" and the evidence piling up that the vaccines are doing real harm, more scary is how many people suspend all basic logic to believe without waiver, deviation or doubt that the vaccine is essential (as are masks, destroying the economy, house arrest and all the rest) despite the most obvious observations that none of it is working.

I keep hearing "yeah I got COVID again, but it really would have been worse if I wasn't vaxxed/boosted/isolated" and loyally following every crazy dictate of the chosen false gods (aka The Party).

Keep doing what you've already done, expecting different results.

That's a working definition of insane.

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It will be interesting to discover the effects of serial infections with the Cerveza sickness. I'm willing to bet that several infections per year, year in and year out, will lead to a ruined immune system and endothelial function.

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I believe the term is "mass formation psychosis."

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If you say so. I've long known there are a lot of different kinds of crazy. but I'm not familiar with them all!

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Fabulous insight into psyops used in COVID pandemic.. complete with "nudge" strategies to improve public compliance levels.. Dr. Robert Malone has a fab introduction on Dec 2021 Substack.. a must read & essential subject area. :~)


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Yeah, that makes my head want to explode, that ridiculous rationale. But they really believe what the tv docs and the msm tell them, the msm being fed info to broadcast (because...money). Scary stuff.

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Yes and it seems only to be escalating.

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I know that this whole thing has revealed such corruption and fraud that I will never take another vax. Nor will I ever give another another to my children. I was VERY pro vaccine before.

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Same. I mocked the anti vaxxers. Not any more!

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Meanwhile, I see comments like this on my elementary school's FB page: "Also mask mandates should go back through the end of May. This is ridiculous. I know adults who are triple vaxxed, have caught COVID and it is taking a LONG while to recover, which means missed work and potentially infecting family members. What's more kids who are getting COVID are missing AT LEAST a week of school if not more. Masks WERE helping keep numbers down. Unbelievable."

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Wow. You are right. This is the logic. Because people are getting sick NOW (because the cumulative health effects of the multiple vaccines plus Omicron are kicking in NOW), the person only sees that "uh.... mask mandates went away so that's gotta be the reason."


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My favorite part is "I know adults who are triple vaxxed and got covid..." She admits that 3 vaccines didn't protect them, but somehow my kid in a cloth mask with holes he can stick his tongue through will?

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and just yesterday one of my good friends told me that she recently caught COVID after her third booster shot required by her employer; I asked her how bad was the COVID? She said, "it was mild, like the sniffles." Her employer forced her to isolate for 10 days and then she had a negative test and per the policy, went back to work. However, two coworkers freaked out that she was back, because I guess once you have COVID you are now toxic and to be feared. She thinks it's ridiculous for people to panic over the sniffles, but she also thinks her shots protect her from severe disease. Also!!!!! She thinks that because she has now caught COVID AFTER being boosted, that she now had super-charged immunity!!!! Because that's what she has been told and believes.... and it is just so sad, because I know this young woman damages her immune system with each new injection.

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Sad. My daughter’s best friend has it, 13 yo and 2x vaxxed + booster. My daughter has yet to catch it, even when her dad and I had it (all of us unvaxxed).

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The vax probably stifled her immune system from generating antibodies to the Nucleocapsid. That's what the data out of the UK seemed to indicate.

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It would be easier to fight this injectable menace if it were not true, which it apparently is (per Vanden Bossche and Alexander et al., at least) that the vaccine DOES prevent/inhibit transfection in the lower respiratory tract. Since the vaxes are NOT without any demonstrated benefit, arguing for a different risk assessment than the one made by adults, "older" or not, who are going for that specific benefit is ... challenging. I find it so, anyway.

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agree. That is the counterargument my quadruple-jabbed elderly relatives give me: at least it prevents serious illness and death.

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So.... people are stupid and intellectually lazy?

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I would say brainwashed.

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Cognitive dissonance.

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I do know one person who had long Covid and I trust her enough that I’d say she’s right. But she was 69 or 70 already, and she’s had some lung issues. Some from breathing exhaust in HK (she was an English teacher at a local high school). She used budesonide and multiple naturals and she eats really healthy and seems fine now but it hit her for 6 months or so.

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I can only hope that parents protect their children from these criminals and step up!

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How? Parents are being forced with mandates. Not vaccinating your kids is being defined as child abuse and cause for legal action. It's more than insane. Dam glad my kid is 27 already.

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Mine is the same age and I, too, am beyond grateful. Cannot bear what parents are being subjected to by this evil mania now empowered to disable and destroy children. Unconscionable, what these perpetrators commit in their socio-psychopathic compulsion to control.

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It's seems to me that the socio-psychopathic compulsion to control has existed since the origin of human existence. And that the means we once had to contain it has been broken: the box opened, all controls removed and now the psychopathic has taken over without limits.

An observation made long ago, and fundamental to the structure of our nation's governments, is that concentrating power leads to abuse of that power. The only way to limit the damage is to limit the power that can be abused. That is the premise behind our constitution which, rather than enumerating the people's rights, enumerates specific powers granted (by the people) to the various governments (fed, states). The model embodied therein was a radical departure from "modern" history at the time as the general model was that rulers originated the power and granted specific "allowed" to the governed. Our inverted model was quite controversial then and is quite disputed today. In deed many people believe that there s/b a ruling class, above the governed, who are better, smarter, wiser, etc. Such a belief makes our constitutional model intolerable, as it's backwards.

Over the 240 years since adoption of our constitution, those psychopathic forces have been trying to undo it. And succeeded, in increments. Bit by bit. The ruling elite usurped power from the people. National political parties are a key part of the strategy and tactics to undermine the very concept of autonomy of the states. Slowly eroding the concepts of liberty, generally with false equivalences that drive "everybody knows" false conclusions (like the false premise that liberty and safety are inherently in conflict). First "reasonable restrictions" which lead to nothing reasonable. Generations of governments controlling education is key to the execution - right from Chairman Mao's playbook. But always it was incremental - take some, push back but not enough, push some more, back and forth inching forward eroding liberty and undermining the foundation intended to protect liberty.

Then 2020 happened. It was like all these demons finally unleashed without ANY bounds. Again national parties played a key role. Loyalty in The Party requires absolute obedience. An increasingly absurd dictates demanding ever less rational obedience. No more subtly, no more incrementalism, no more sneaky. Overt, and absurd. As if every crisis exploitation of the past was practice, rehearsal, a trail run.

Notice how "the solutions" to COVID crisis was largely the same demands always made when there is a crisis? YOUR choice is the problem. YOUR freedom is a threat to others., YOUR liberty can not be allowed anymore because of the risk to the greater good. Let the "proper authorities" take care of everything, ask no questions, just conform. Growing centralized power, growing dependence on central government, suppression of opposition (such as suppressing assembly, speech and of course possession of weapons). Always the same "solutions" but in 2020 it was like "whoa, we can get away with ANYTHING we don't even have to be sneaky about it!.

So here we are, with absolutely no rational justification from the view of health (biologically), experimenting en mass on children. There is no identifiable need to dose kids with this thing. There's been no vetting of the effects on kids. THIS approval (and following mandates) ARE the experiment to see what happens. 3 years ago most all of us would have agreed such a practice is unethical and immoral. But now, since The Party has decreed it, it's OK...?????

But I digress....

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Everybody should follow T's 'stack, it's great!

Off topic, this whole time I've been reading your name as Todd! Brains are weird.

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Pulled data today from covidactnow database. Ran a xy correlation on infections/100k vs percent boosted in counties over 50k population. Striking correlation of higher infection rates in more boosted counties.

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Steven Mazie is a professor and a legal scholar who writes about the politics of the Supreme Court. Doesn't his judgment on Covid-19 make you doubt his ability to analyze or understand anything at all?

We've credentialed a set of people who don't know anything, and can't. They only perform their status rituals. Their connection to reality is just gone.

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Our "Moral Panic" will carry on until we've created an actual emergency

I'm thinking recession/depression

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Good times weak men yadda yadda yadda. You’re so right. And if the recession doesn’t work it’s a toss up between nuclear war and an alien invasion.

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Y’all are aware right that the US military and reps are actually seriously looking into UFOs today? At least per MSM. I am NOT a UFOer. But I thought your comment was seriously funny with MSM reporting on it.

My opinion, for what it’s worth, it’s one more diversionary tactic. “Look up there: it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s (name the current thing)”

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Good it was meant to be funny! Operation Bluebeam is a fake alien invasion to introduce the One World Government. I'm pretty sure there's a timetable, a la Monkepox.

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Right! Love those Monkeypox memes though. There are some super good ones. Did you however read Malone’s stack on Mpox yesterday? It was a wee bit more serious. Despite his seriousness he still labeled a lot of it fearporn..

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I recently read the book "Identified Flying Objects" by Michael P. Masters. The author argues that UFOs are time machines visiting us from the future on Earth. Comforting thought: if he's right, humanity does have a future and will survive the current age.

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comforting indeed. who knows at this point.

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We all know the FDA (and govt at large) is corrupt, but any parent that allows this, condones this, is guilty of child endangerment.

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This is beyond horrible and, as you point out, is getting worse. But I am starting to get really frustrated by the Substack echo chamber, much as I like it and am regularly awed by the intelligence and insight shown here by authors and commentators.

So I will repeat what I am dropping in lots of Substacks. What do we DO? I believe many of us are agitated enough to do something ($$, letters, whatever) but it remains unclear (I love "become ungovernable", but that does not stop any of this -- and it has now been stolen by the anti-life crowd) what we can do other than wring hands and wait for another (likely rigged) election.

So I am hoping each Substack writer will have something in mind. There must be some really good, EXECUTABLE ideas out there somewhere. I (and I am sure others) would be happy to do our parts if we could figure out what to do.

So what think you, Gato (and pals)? This breaks every rule and for all I know, the law. Giving up is not in my nature, but whining on Substack is not, either. In my practice I have been strident about this all, but that does not change what the FDA is doing. Just feeling frustrated (as are we all, I expect) and hoping for a ray of light.

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I wholly understand your frustration. However, I think you are missing the forest for the trees. We are turning the very "Rules," that the dead commie Alinsky formulated, against them. One of the most potent is ridicule. When they feel an OVERWHELMING need to censor and shut down ridicule, we are producing a huge effect. Just make sure you spread the ridicule around to places other than our echo chamber. I am going back to making fun now.

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So, Netflix has not been performing well lately and they have memo’ed employees that they will have to encounter some content with which they don’t agree. And, if they cannot do so, seek employment elsewhere. So, hit everyone where it hurts. Don’t reelect those participating in the fiasco. Don’t spend one cent with businesses with whom you disagree. This takes work and discipline but is doable. Sounds as if you are standing up in your professional life. Good. Extend to all aspects of life, if possible. Hang in there.

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Step one is recognizing the real cause of the derangement. It's ideological, caused by the proliferation of addictive electronic devices. I'm convinced there's a connection. There's a short essay on my Substack page. This won't be easy, but I think our only hope is to raise awareness of the real ideological nemesis. I won't repeat it all here, but collectivists are under sustained ideological duress due to the breakdown of social collectivism, where it matters, at the hands of the devices. They feel it in the subconscious, but are unable to connect the dots. Thus the subconscious is in turmoil, leading to advancing stages of madness. As long as the conscious is blind to this, the subconscious will continue to lash out in more extreme ways. This is a dire situation. We're not seeing stupidity or ass-covering or anything rational. We're seeing sheer madness. A crude rationality exists but is hidden in the subconscious. The deranged ideologue within has a valid point but cannot communicate it. It can only scream, cry, disrupt and destroy. It's getting angrier and more dangerous. I believe our best and only hope is to point the finger at the devices. If we love the devices too much to do this, we deserve what comes.

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As individualists, it's our job to speak truth to the deadly mob. We have immunity to group hysteria. It's our superpower. The devices are wonderfully individualistic, which creates a difficult conflict of interest. Dare we speak out against these miracles of blissful individualism? To save civilization, we might not have a choice.

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Dr Naomi Wolf’s dailyclout.io. They have an action plan. They have over 2500 capable volunteers and 250 lawyers from the Warroom Pandemic show on Real Americas Voice. They are looking for more volunteers to sift through the Pfizer data drops, looking for signals of fraud/malfeasance.


Lots of info given about numbers to call, articles and websites to explore. Action plans to stop this madness. WHO looking to overtake the sovereignty of the USA and 190+ other countries in the name of “pandemic planning”

Call your senators and congressmen. Tell them they NEED to stand in the breach to prevent this. 202-224-3121: DC main switchboard to leave a message for your representatives.

Whether we Like the people putting this info out, or not: these folks are doing the heavy lifting and need support.

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The more people know the truth, the greater an effect that truth will eventually have.

When systems are eventually overthrown, it's because their legitimacy is increasingly eroded over time by more and more people realizing what is wrong with them.

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What's your bank? Your phone carrier? How often do you use your phone to make/send non-essential communications? How often do you use the ATM?

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