To be completely honest, and risk sharing too damned much, the amount of random (and useful) shit I learn reading your substack is ridiculous. I imagine you ride around on a hover chair, ala MODOK, while considering which piece of Internet knowledge to drop next. (Of course, your work is for good, in some contrast to the aforementioned Marvel supervillain.) Well, pretty sure the Blue Bird still thinks you are a supervillain, going so far as to ban even folks who seem to be cat-related!

ION, it is just too rich, pardon the pun, that rich assholes are supplying the left with fodder to shape their insipid opinions. Wow. Just wow.

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Check out Patrick Soon-Shiongs daughter Nika. He is the billionaire owner of the LA Times, she went to Stanford and Oxford, worked at the world bank, serves on the West Hollywood city council that defunded the police. The perfect commissar.

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The people of whom the mainstream media is comprised are a reflection of the contemporary Democratic Party’s base: White, affluent, college-educated liberals increasingly untethered from reality.

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Remember that rich dude, Friedrich Engels? Inherited wealth from daddy industrialist? He kept Karl Marx in bourgeois food and clothing. Well they wrote the original communist manifesto in 1848. Ain’t nothing new under the communist sun.

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I gotta be honest, I wish I could have the level of privacy these evil individuals enjoy.

Not so I could hurt people from behind a mask. I just want privacy. For me.

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"maserati marxism" ... priceless

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A few of these (at least) are presumably "assets" though, hence the help with having no footprint. Having an uncle that owns Wayback Machine is a sensible explanation for a limited digital footprint, but to have ...nothing... means CIA or similar 'assets'.

A large number of journalists are assets, look into Operation Mockingbird. And a large number of celebrities and cultural influencers (including people ranging from Harry Houdini to Charles Manson).

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It’s not that it’s easy to be socialist when you’re wealthy. These people are not socialists. They are the brutal ‘media suppression’ wing of the oligarchy. They’re here to deplatform, censor & silence anyone who challenges existing power structures. These people have never, for one fraction of a second, believed in equality, or freedom, or justice, or socialism. They’re here to shut up the people who do.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

I spoke with a older Polish man that moved to North America in the 1970s, He lived under communism prior to that, and had participated as a child in the Warsaw uprising during WW2. I assumed he would be strongly against totalitarianism after witnessing firsthand Nazi and Soviet oppression. Surprisingly he was pro communism and said his life was better in communist Poland than in the capitalist system in Canada. I was gobsmacked and asked him why. He said he had a good life there, his Dad was a professor and his family was part of the "upper class". In communist Poland, his college education was free, health care was free, and he said his wages were just enough to live off of and pay the bare essentials when he graduated college. However in order to have money to go out on weekends to the theatre and restaurants, he needed to buy and sell things on the black market. I told him the reason he had a better quality of life and discretionary income was actually due to capitalism not communism. From the look on his face, I realized he was confused and I explained the black market was creating his better lifestyle, not communism. How he didn't realize that the black market was in fact capitalism astonished me, but it does show the lack of self reflection these people have. It is amazing to me the thought process that rich communists in the west have and how they don't realize where their wealth and better lifestyle actually originates from.

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Don't worry, they're already working on the next level of censorship - not just social credit score, but regular credit score too. In other words, tweet whatever you want, but don't expect to get financing anymore. The IMF said so.


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thank you for the update on some of these 'journalists'. I don't know any of them because I don't go on social media. Wonder if Stephen colbert is in that row too.

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Just gonna leave that there.

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Is this kitten cousin cosplay? Holy smokes, I thought I joined so many others with a bad cattitude but now I must split my kitty feelings with nevillethecat. Magnificent!

Since I've been banned on Twatter, I'm sending daily appeals which they love to ignore always with a reference that "Elon is coming." After the twats at Twatter closed out "the case" with not even attempting to offer an excuse for a permanent ban, I just created a new one noting I'm documenting all this by timestamp for Elon. Then I let them know that helps to identify all the parties.

I'm going to win this fight one way or another, come hell or Elon. Free nevilethecat first!

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Remember when Chelsea Clinton worked for NBC or one of the big networks and made millions of dollars and never actually did any reporting? It's like the American banks that would hire the princesses or princelings in China for do nothing jobs to get political access. Or essentially the Clinton Foundation where you can legally bribe the Clintons for favors when they come to power in government. I'm sure this kinda nepotism goes on even to the non princelings. Knowing someone isn't always a bad thing, but that only depends on the character of the people overall and we're very lacking in that department these days.

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Well done that cat! Really impressive - what a champion!

Over here, the champagne socialists, arch-feminists, and LGBTP+ celebrities and the rest of the dregs and dross of political correctness are nearing critical mass panic.

No, not because they failed to push the Socialist Democrats to another term.

Not because the very real risk of Russia lashing out at its other neighbours.

Not becuse they've spent 25 years pissing on the danes, norwegians, poles and finns calling themnames like misogynist and racist because they aren't woke enough.

No, it's a much simpler reason for their panic.

The criminal gangs have discovered how easy prey they and their families and neighbours are.

On the other hand, there's not a swede outside media/entertaintment or politicis that doesn't know 99 out of 100 journos are so woke and PC those old enough actually cried when the Berlin Wall came down.

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>> made mincemeat of some of their scared cows.


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