Oh the kid can just eat outside while wearing a yellow star. What’s the biggie.

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just make sure the kid's RFID tag is working, or the "unvaxxed collector" could miss it and take the lil critter away to the pound. and suing the city for unvaxxed cruelty is a pain....

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Just attach his leash to the bike rack. Problem solved.

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“Nazis love to Nazi except when it happens to them”

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leave the baby in the buggy outside, gives Baby it's cold out there a piquant twist.

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Yeah. I live in Ontario and the rules are that all unvaccinated people (including babies) cannot attend day care for 14 days if they went abroad. Vaccinated children do not need to "quarantine." Last night I finally withdrew my almost 5 year old from a super expensive private Montessori school. I'm not sure how I will be able to work, but at least I'm self-employed, so I guess I'll figure out something....

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My daughter just finished her degree at Guelph for Neuroscience, she needed one more credit for an “Honours” certification But that would mean getting vaccinated and that is NOT happening. She put together her resume to see if she could teach unvaccinated children. She used to help teach music at music camp before she headed off to Uni and the kids loved her. Anyway, we are getting together with some other families with children who need school. We need to create a parallel society because the one they have planned for us is not an option.

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We're more than I thought we were 😊

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Way more!

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This is one of the difficulties with the anonymous subscriber sections on Substack. We could be next door, or on the same telephone exchange and we would not know and couldn't connect. (We're not, you are three time zones east of us.) You are evidently close to Sirka Sie, and may be able to see an actual email through your newsletter comments, but we (anonymous) proles can't. I appreciate the need for some privacy and safety from surveillance, but after Edward Snowden I have no illusion that the government could peel my identity from the Substack servers (AWS) in a flash if they cared or if I became too outrageous online.

This has unfortunately kept any resistance dispersed and marginalised.

Best of luck with the real education, there is a good chance that the children will not have their intellectual growth stunted.

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I must say that the level of discourse on SubStack, particularly this one, gives me so much hope for the future. Honest and literate people abound within this comment section.

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Thank you!

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Justin Hart and the Rational Ground folks are bringing Team Reality people together in localized Twitter chat groups across the continent. Go. Connect. Rise.

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This is the way.

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This is courageous. You obviously did a good parenting job. Well done.

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Create our own leper colonies 😎

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There’s a vaccine for that….sorry

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If you know other parents who think and believe as you do (and I am very aware that up in Canada you are in the minority) band together to start a micro school. Hire a teacher who also is fed up with the education system to teach your group of kids. It’s likely to be less expensive than what you are paying now in that ‘woke’ Montessori school your child is in now. I live in So California and a number of parents who are fed up with the education system (masks & vaccines) are doing this for their kids. The kids are with a teacher three days a week, doing ‘school’, then the other two days, they do extracurricular activities like sports, or go on ‘field trips’ or do things like ‘farm school’, where they learn real life skills on a farm such as growing your food, caring for animals, making things, doing chores, etc. There’s always a work around…you just need to get extra resourceful and start to ‘think outside the box’ that we All have been asleep in for so long!

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Yeah. I did find a group, but they fired the teacher because of her teacher mentality. They didn't want to replicate the mainstream education system. Yesterday my son played with boys his age for hours while I talked to adults in exactly the same boat as me. Those hours gave me the courage to break up with my beloved Montessori school...

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Socializing is the most important thing for the kids. You can homeschool any way you want. Not sure what the laws are were you live but even if you can't find a teacher, you can get started on cementing the social bonds by agreeing to meet several times per week, or as much as possible. Good luck!

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Thanks. They are quite serious about what they are doing (and incredibly relaxed about it which is incredibly healing for me). They spent all summer cleaning horse sh*t from a barn they rented out. That's the space where we meet (some are there every single day; I have agreed to (*paid for*) two days a week but I'm considering more than that). Homeshooling is legal in Ontario; I'm learning how that works. Homeschooling is not legal in Mexico (where we're looking to escape to). Did I say everyone feels the same way I do in that space? ❤🧡❤🧡

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That's fantastic. Creating spaces where we feel safe and protected is essential.

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I read a comment to that effect posted by a (what seemed like) an Alberta or Manitoba teacher in Canada's NP online paper. The teacher said public education has become so degraded that a child can spend 1/2 the hours and get more results with home schooling compared to public school schooling. Sorry, no links, I'd look for covid alliance websites, perhaps even go to the JCCF website or look to some of the politicians that are anti lockdown like Randy Hillier. They may have something on their websites.

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I had a friend who homeschooled her now adult son back in the 90’s. They did ‘school’ for 3 hours a day! That’s it! Then he did his chores, took care of all their animals, then met up with the local kids in the small village where they lived after they got out of school! He was very bright and all the kids loved him…and he did not lack for socialization whatsoever!

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I would do the same if my 3 kids were at that stage. Luckily they are now adults. Great idea and good luck from the UK.

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Thank you 💟

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This is the time for resourcefulness n regain sense of control 👍

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I would love more information on this--can you post a link or email where I can get more info? What grade level does this go to? Thank you in advance! We are in L.A.

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Jan 5, 2022
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Frontera - Might want to delete your comment now . . .

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Yes I did

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Thank you--I just did!

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my wife has taught every grade and been a college professor. she would be fantastic helping home schooling parents and/or teaching children for them. any thoughts on how to get started doing this?

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Learning pods are emerging all over Canada. The idea is that a few families come together with a facilitator/teacher. Check out this website: https://www.learningpods-canada.com/

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Force your public school to provide your children with equal opportunity and resources under the Independent Education protocols of CA. *most states have some equivalent. If enough parents force school admin to provide legally mandated resources. while not being compensated for enrollees, they will start to pressure the state to change exclusionary mandates.

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Funny how "child-oriented" the Montessori schools have been until the kids need sacrificing to protect the elderly. I thought they'd be at the forefront defending children's rights, but it seems most are in it for the marketing and yummy-mummy conformity.

I actually got bullied off a Facebook Montessori group for standing up for the children twice. One mum was going mental at her kids not wanting to brush their teeth twice a day and I dared to show them Weston A Price literature and suggest the kid's got a point if their diet isn't full of sugar. I was told I was being unhelpful.

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Oh the Montessori schools and The Waldorf schools are BAD now! They bought the Scandemic crap Big Time! In CA they are masking the kids and will likely require the Jab! What would Maria Montessori or Rudolf Steiner have to say? Plenty of rolling around in the grave, as they say!

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Well, not all of them are the same. The one my daughter goes has stayed strong and no mask mandate for kids (we are in Florida though). The worst part are the parents. Some teamed up to force masks and vaccinations mandatory for teachers. The directors of the school replied that people in disagreement with they policies could leave and their money would be refunded. None left. People is just plain stupid and evil.

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Our local Waldorf school is 100% freedom-minded, no mask, no vaxx. In Commiefornia, no less!

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I actually don’t believe you.

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Wow where? Not in places I have heard about! Not in a Waldorf ‘inspired’ charter school here in San Diego as well as a full Waldorf education (private) school in Sebastopol, CA.

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My spouse says he was dragged from the car into the Montessori school each day sobbing, “I don’t like polishing spoons,” until his parents withdrew him.

(I say this without judgment. I don’t know much about Maria Montessori’s ideas.)

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Well the first principle is "follow the child" so they fell at the first hurdle.

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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Oh my God he was one of the lucky ones!

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In Ontario schools are not allowed to be open unless they follow covid protocols.

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Well done you for protecting your child.

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Thank you 💖

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Absolutely. It’s the ONE job you have to do: protect YOUR child.

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You’ll be ok- you did the right thing. You have one life snd you’re living it right. That’s everything.

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Thank you 💗

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I am increasing seeing that homeschooling is the way to go.

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In the last 18 months I’ve learned much, much more than that Fauci is a fucking liar. EVERYTHING is corrupt. As Dr. Reiner Fuellmich says “we must rebuild everything. Everything from health care to education to law to infrastructure…everything”…it’s the only solution I can think of. We need to remove ourselves as much as possible from central control, government and its tentacles.

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I'm in Clown world, I mean Ontario as well... at least no one can eat indoors now and lets hope that pushes the end the vaccine passport narrative.

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Fellow prisoner...er, resident, of Ontario here: it's fun watching members of Team Vax get angry now that THEY are losing out on things.

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While our PM is calling the vaccine-free as racist misogynists. What a clown!!!

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Never understood why anyone would vote for PM who cries. I'd have thought you want your leader have a bit of 'son of a bitch' in him... someone who when faced with a tough situation ... exhibits a bit of steel.... instead Trudeau bawls and calls for mummy.

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I've never understood how anyone voted for the idiot prig.

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I could kick his twerp face in!!!

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Oh wouldn't that be fun! :-)))

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Unvaxxed and experiencing apartheid in Queenstown NZ (which is reportedly 90% vaxxed) I am hoping that we get a total lockdown due to omicron so that the smug vaxxed get to join us at the back of the bus :)

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They’ll join and they’ll stay. I’d say 1/2 are getting the booster and it WILL get less with each…until they roll out the NEXT psy-op

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In the mid 80's liberal leaderless David Peterson, in the summer, said by Christmas, you would be able to buy beer in the convenience store I asked a mate about that probability, he said, 'how old you wannabe?'

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Down here in Arizona, we have many winter visitors from Canada. Thes folks are generally a lot of fun to play golf with and chat with at hockey games. Good folks. funny, polite, not too full of themselves. All the same, when I read about what is going on North of the border, I frequently think..."what the heck has happened to Canada?"

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I truly believe most Canadians are complying to regain freedoms and they are so complacent because our government has always taken care of us. It has rarely given the average Joe a reason to complain so they believe that the government is acting in their best interests. Unless of course you are an indigenous individual, they should NEVER trust ANYONE. Until now, because NOW Canadas government is being held hostage by big Pharma who is screwing Justine (and she likes it) who is screwing us (we THINK we like it). That is what happened to Canada

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It sounds like you are talking about Australia!

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Sad…I know I have a former Canadian friend, who is married to a Yank, lived down here in the States for many years, raised their kids down here, too. Now they spend their time between AZ in the Winter and Canada in the summer. She has lost her mind, both she and Yankee husband got totally vaxxed up, and they can leave and go back and forth. I attempted to tell her about the dangers of the Vaxxines…she said I was crazy. This past summer up in Canada,she and her sisters, ostracized their one sister who did not get The Jab, and would not allow her to “visit them at the cottage” in the summer! because she was not vaccinated and might give them Covid! All she cares about is if she can keep doing and having the “lifestyle” she had pre-Covid. She has bought the TOTAL Propaganda narrative about the Scamdemic! She’s another totally misguided and delusional person that I had to drop off the ‘Friend List’!

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It’s the damn media. They can’t stop looking at their social media. I never got into that shit and MSM has ALWAYS been garbage I just never realize HOW bad it was. We MUST hold the line and I hope your friend has stood her ground as she will be the only living member of her family to carry on any genes. The vaccines are meant to exterminate

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I'm discovering there are a lot more people who don't fully buy into the government's/media's propaganda. They like being polite, but now they're coming for our children, and at least my neighbours have actually drawn the line there. But yeah, generally speaking Canadians need to follow rules ( I'm Mexican 😉)

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The Mexicans in Mexico appear to be fairly compliant, also. I go to the dentist in Tijuana frequently. Every time I walk across ALL the Mexicans are masked up! I’m one of the few people not wearing a mask! Also I have a long time friend who lives in a small village outside of the City of Oaxaca, in Oaxaca. There were plenty of her friends, both Mexicans and Gringos, who got the Jab. Some even had serious adverse reactions after getting it! And they are wearing masks like crazy!

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We spent ten months of the pandemic living in Mexico. Mexico has mask mandates but not vaccine mandates. The people have better things to think about other than covid. Mexicans are laid back and very mellow. But we can find all kinds of people anywhere in the world.

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They may be “laid back & mellow” and do as they are told, (goes back to the mentality of Hacienda days between the serfs and the Patrón.) I understand ‘the culture’ as I have lived and traveled all over Mexico, & grew up on the CA Mexico border as well as I speak Spanish.

Regardless if there is no ‘vaccine mandate’ in Mexico, I look at the ‘wearing of a mask’ from a different POV.

I refuse to wear a mask…because that is another level of compliance I chose to not participate in. The wearing of a mask, is like the frog in the kettle of water and the heat is slowly rising. As things start to heat up, it will comply with anything to get out of the pot! And besides the masks do nothing in the spread of infection whatsoever. They are another way of muzzling, control, and installing fear into the Psyche.

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Agreed and I’m German Chinese

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It's turning into a massive unsustainable shit hole. They will eventually "woke" themselves out of existence. I am hoping to get out eventually, have some property in Eastern Europe where people are still free and not invested in this hysteria.

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I thought the same thing about Australia.

Then I started streaming contemporary Australian shows and can now see how, for a lack of a better word, "pussified" the men have been on those shows for the last decade or so and it begins to make sense somewhat.

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It’s the “pussification” of the western world…easy to conquer

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It may have started with the ironically titled "Father Knows Best" in the black and white era. "I Love Lucy" -I could never figure out why. And "Archie Bunker" would now be reviled as a prototype Donald Trump. One ex- watched "Married With Children"- how to become an ex!

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Childcare/ECE is already heavily regulated by the various tentacles of the administrative State. The children really are in the crosshairs of this fiasco in so many ways.

In my occupied US territory the problem is a combination of the multiple regulatory bodies all vying to assert their powers - and the population itself, which is divided among diametric realities.

The State regulatory body for ECE, State childcare licensing, county health dept, State health dept., CDC, Montessori Associations, franchisors, etc. all have their mandates and regulations and "guidance". Its a labyrinth of contradictions, dead-ends, theatrics, and financial trappings all on a constant cycle of change based on arbitrary "data" generated from sources that at this point should be burned to their foundations.

Then there are the parents. 1/3 are furious that not enough is being done to "protect" the kids. 1/3 are angered by the confusing and contradictory measures being constantly employed, then dropped, then re-employed. 1/3 are perpetually annoyed that all of this is interfering with their ability to farm out their kids uninterrupted - especially given what they have to pay.

Then there are the staff, teachers, administrators, and owners who similarly fall across the spectrum of anti-reality hive-minded freaks, low-pay retail labor issues, and small business owners who have invested their entire lives into their schools. Much like healthcare, many are simply just leaving.

The increased stress, costs, and regulatory hoops that management has to constantly navigate whilst getting heat from all the above no matter what they do or don't do all while trying to maintain statutory staffing ratios in a labor "market" that is completely gutted by federal intervention and social decay have drained a lot of the goodwill in an already stressed industry.

The destruction of all of our institutions is underway. Godspeed with your child. He/She is in the best of hands now. You are not alone in this predicament. Have faith that as the great sorting continues there will be opportunities for those of us of sound mind to find ways to serve each other.

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By design no doubt. The older adults can't be changed, but the kids can--all focus is really on them and young adults.

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Beautifully written 👍👍

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👏👏👏👏 most of the time, we figure things out. Courage is more important teaching than anything that school would have taught.

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Thank you.

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It's already working Ruth you're already doing it! Bless up 🙏

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Ruth, you can do it. Also, not sure about Canada, but you can find homeschool networks. I live in Northern Virginia (the Loudoun County sick of teachers unions and wokeness) I have several friends in homeschool networks. It is a blessing. Seek out like minded cohorts, ones that you feel trustworthy of values and teaching style. Meantime, she will do fine with TV!! really, there are programs available on line, or check your local teaching library. I have confidence that you will find the next steps with ease

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Thank you!

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I suggest you find out of work teachers (my neice is one of them) who have been put on leave without pay. You can hire them to teach a group virtually. I know my neice would be interested. She has 20 years experience and loved her job before her forced leave.

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Your newsletter is kinda sparse there Ruth.

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I hadn't written anything. Don't know where to start. You have pushed me to write something. Thanks.

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I saw "Writes Ruth's Newsletter" next to your name so I went to check it out. I like your first post too!

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Thank you!

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I for one promise that ANY business that has adopted these vile vaccine passports required policies will not see ONE PENNY MORE from me, ever. And that is permanent, even if the passports eventually expire. You are all dead to me.

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This has had an impact on my charitable giving, too. I no longer give to arts groups that require proof of vaccination to go to their performances. So they lose not just revenue from tickets, but also donations. I guess I'll have more to spend on myself for a while!

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Salvation Army International is paying biggly for the CRT lessons for their staff...Essentially, all white people need to sincerely apologize for being white. When white donors stopped giving to the Red Kettle Campaign, the local chapter of SA had to buy radio airtime to walk-back their CRT. "No guys, really we don't believe in CRT, just give to our charity anyway. We're nice, really." My reply: I don't fund Marxists. Even nice Marxists.

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I don’t either. No money to them this year.

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I dropped SA in 2020 too. Them and Coke.

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SA, Coke, Bed bath & Beyond, Kohls (last two for dropping My Pillow)

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Ingesting anything from Coke seems as reckless as ingesting a product from Phizer, and not only for political reasons.

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It was a good incentive to ditch soda altogether, but I'll still have the occasional Pepsi Zero at a restaurant or a local root beer or birch beer.

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Also Ben & Gerry's ice cream, no more Chunky Monkey for me, they fund causes that are extreme.

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B&J specifically told me they don't want me eating their ice cream. I haven't for years. I don't go where I'm not wanted.

It's overpriced crap, anyway. Our local ice cream parlor makes their own from cows from the field behind them and costs less.

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Same. SA, Coke, and MLB (broke my little heart)

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I was a huge Coke Zero fan; Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper is actually much better, and doesn't come with a side order of smug wokitude.

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Which Coke?

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Coca "be less white" Cola.

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I recall years ago when a liberal couple I know decided to stop donating to Salvation Army because they found out it’s a Christian organization. And now the CRT fiasco. Too bad, because they were one of the good charities as far as I know.

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My grandma grew up in 1900's Sheffield, she remembered the only toy she had as a little girl was a china doll donated by the Salvation Army which she cherished.

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Actually, Salvation Army is one of the worst charities ever. Did you know most of the bell ringers are homeless people who get paid "3 hots and cot"? Whenever you see those Salvation Army 15-passenger vehicles, they're being bussed around from homeless shelter to grocery store.

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I think it depends on your local chapter. Ours gets volunteers from local churches and other community members (I was one of them). Then they use the funds to give out bags of groceries once a week to anyone who shows up.

It’s too bad that organizations like this have decided to jump on the liberal-Nazi bandwagon. While they are providing a service to some in our society, they are enabling the destruction of all of it.

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Wow didn’t know that. I had always thought they helped many people snd had a very high % of donations going to that.

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Punchline: The Salvation Army is an in-your-face slavery ring. No joke. Next Christmas, ask a bell ringer if what I'm saying is true.

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Good. I hope they suffer. I don’t fund any ists either. Not anymore.

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CRT grifters are just ordinary racist scum, not Marxists. Guarantee you Karl Marx never wrote in any of his books, "hey guys, go out and judge people by their skin color". That's more or less diametrically opposed to his ideas of working class solidarity.

Actual Marxism has lots of problems, but racism isn't one of them.

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I concede your point that Karl's ideas weren't couched in racism, but instead class distinction of proletariat vs bourgeoisie. But in today's world, there are many who have embraced Karl's methods and applied them to their own causes. Every wronged/oppressed group can now use Marxism as a method. For example, Black Lives Matter founder, Patrice Cullors stated in an interview that she and co-founder, Alicia Garza are "trained Marxists". Social Justice, Climate Justice, etc are using Marxism and joining together for the "othering" of our society into opposing groups. At least that's my view of the world at present, and yes they are grifters as you point out. Patrice Cullors bought herself 4 houses in gated, mostly white communities with BLMI $$$. Go figure that self described Marxists are really only Marxists until they get somebody else's money, then they're capitalists. Thank you for respectfully continuing the conversation! I love this community!

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CRT has been described as "Race Communism" - ie, dividing people against each other on the basis of race instead of class, but the underlying idea ("You are being oppressed by the <rich/white/whatever>") is the same.

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I saved a lot of money this past year when the philanthropic orgs I gave to invited vaccinated-only donors to workshops or dinners.

I am quickly becoming one of those people that will only look out for themselves and their families and have absolutely no room in my heart or wallet for anyone else because they are all potential threats.

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I would suggest it's NOT necessarily looking out for yourself, but reminding companies we don't support exclusionist behavior. SNEETCHES is a good example, and we shouldn't be having this discussion after everything in history taught us about segregation.

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