Now, now, gato. When the climate lockdowns come I'm sure that John Kerry and the rest of the World's Evilest Fuckers will give up their private jets and their expensive cuts of beef and live in the pods and eat the bugs with the rest of us, right?
I must come clean. As I watched that video, I laughed out loud! My tummy is almost hurting. I don't know what's funnier, our leaders doing whatever they want, or us thinking they won't do whatever they want, regardless of what they tell us. Consider: Have any parents in our studio audience ever told their kids a "little white lie" to keep them safe? (Let us not, for the time being, debate the morality of such.) That is EXACTLY how these people view their constituents, us. They tell us things--Dr. Fauci would call them noble lies--to make sure we take care of ourselves. They do whatever they think makes sense, because they know what to do and (they believe) we don't, so they control us. Lather. Rince. Repeat.
Only problem with your hypothesis is that these scum bag ingrates knew what they were forcing us to do was lethal to our economy, our kids' educations and our health. They were practicing their "tyrant wannabe" outfits on for the future they are working to create.
Actually, do not disagree. "Tyrant wannabe" or noble liar, same thing, different day. Some are evil and know it, and some are evil and don't know it. As you accurately assert, same outcome for us!
Exactly the case. Take the farmer, for example. He does things to his livestock that they don't like, but he knows is -- in the long run -- better for their health.
My. Dude. Great minds think alike! They think of us as LIVESTOCK. Taxation livestock, for the government. Profit livestock, for companies like Pfizer. Experimentation livestock, for organizations like the WHO or the NIH. And before anyone jumps to a conclusion and pulls a hamstring, neither of us is suggesting that the elites ACTUALLY know what is best. They simply believe they do, in their hearts, and act accordingly!
That's why the US constitution limits their power and it's up to us to stop them from usurping more than they constitutionally have...take 'em to court and they lose!
According to Saint Barry, climate change and racism are such existential threats that he lives in an oceanfront mansion in 95% white Martha's Vineyard.
It's worse than that. There is a town on the northern tip of the Vineyard, Oak Bluffs, which is significantly if not majority Black. Spike Lee used to famously summer there. But where do the anointed and entitled Obamas stay and eventually buy? Edgartown, which until they started showing up was I'm pretty sure 100% White. Even their maids and gardeners. It's the absolutely most exclusive part of an already exclusive island.
Saint Barak, the savior of Black America, was raised by his White mother and all of the White Privilege you could possibly imagine. Then he discovered his "Blackness" just in time to run for President and milked that for all it was worth. Now that he's cashed in, sold out, and given America the finger, he once again slides back into the White America he shat on for 8 years and pretty much avoids his "people".
Well until the electioneering heat's up and crypto money be a flowin'. That is when he goes to work for the "big guy" to "rally" (just hate on white and brown privileged MAGA for 12 months straight) their base of freeloaders and remind us all who they're paid to vote for.🤣
It's all just normal though. We never seem to learn that. No matter who the powerful are, no matter what "side" they seem to be on, it's always the same. Granny on Social Security, shopping the off-price store, putting her little dollar in the collection plate (or mailing it to the handy address) while the person of God keeps buying bigger houses.
They always cheat, they always lie, they always say they made a mistake when you catch 'em; sometimes they break into heaving sobs, depending on the cultural requirements, but they're all the same and everyone keeps trusting their futures, their children's educations, the appropriate direction of their souls to the hands and greedy pockets of these grifters of all persuasions.
And here's a new election season upon us and Trump pulled in two million in like two days, from people who need the cash more than he does. People are sending money to RFK Jr.'s campaign because we can never have enough dilettante princelings.
At least, dumb as I've been, I didn't actually send no money to Bernie. Recently tossed that free button I got when his volunteer knocked on the door in the trash, too, where all our politicians belong to be in the flesh.
Fer heck's sake. Those sobbing apologies are part of the schtick because them faithful folks are obliged to forgive, forgive, forgive because Swaggart et al claim confidently that Jesus forgave 'em first.
Of course, but at least they throw a bone of faux contrition for the rubes to chew on, which is unnecessary to keep Boobus Americanus Bohica voting for her own enslavement.
We all have a duty to do due diligence and learn about the political candidates history and lives to see what they have been doing not just trusting what they are saying. Trouble is the traitors know they must hide their Marxist/Fascist proclivities and get money from "sources" to have the means to hide truth from us (disappearing people and deleting past efforts from the books). So, if we're not careful we get brainwashed by the bought and paid for mainstream media. That means we simply have to work harder to get to the truth! But, it's still our responsibility--we can't delegate to others or just give up because far too many can't be bothered so just vote for whatever party they are comfortable voting for or don't vote at all. That's as good as serving the communist Chinese (under globalist control and direction) our nation on a silver platter!
I remember my daughter, when we went into the first lockdown back in March 2020, saying with shining eyes "this is so cool! We're living through actual history!" (we weren't ever worried about dying from Covid).
Now, 3 years later, she is extremely cynical about people in power and holds out little hope for the future of the human race 😒 Kind of sad to see her lose her faith in humanity's good sense and ability to think for itself...
We used c19 as an opportunity to teach our children how to be skeptical and to question authority. And to teach them how fast they can lose their freedom if it is not vigilantly defended.
Yes, it's not a bad thing, as long as she still believes some people are trustworthy.
I have been reading books on psychology to my kids, most recently "Inside the Nudge Unit" (Halpern) and now "Presuasion" (Cialdini), and I'll probably throw "How to Lie with Statistics" (Huff) at some point. The ability to spot manipulation is becoming more and more important all the time.
But, did you teach them to NOT COMPLY and engage in civil disobedience? Children learn by example far more than words. If you worked from home or took unemployment and only went to Walmart for your groceries you taught them exactly how to be obedient slaves.
The world biggest terrorist organisation, the US government, have followed the lead given to them by mainstream media and are now terrorising as many people as possible. When scared the sheep look to their masters for protection, even when they reach the abattoir.
It will be left to our children and grandchildren. So it depends on how well we taught them righteous principles and how to use the constitution God inspired the founders to give us to fight tyranny with. I'll be leaving behind two admirable fighters and two "useful idiots." If my case is the average we have a 50/50 chance of surviving another 100 years as a free country.
It's about time someone who shares what I thought was as important as this author took the message.
What a gracious comment. Thank you for announcing your love of county and sharing what practicing American Heritage is all about.
just a note own your web3 (Blockchain and internet) Data and digital privacy ASAP. Right?
The CBDC's are scheduled to go live soon. It's speculation to pin a day but the Bitcoin ETF proposals are in again. property rights on private data and controls there must be a legislative proposal via our Congressional reps email box.
To include with our existing personal property & privacy rights as to our data. the recent reports of how our data is and has been massively exploited by social media and search engines. but most recently AI development and regulations with public officials must be aware of the public domain verses private. based on terms and conditions of any service agreements must consider the value of such personal data.
Considering the Feds CBDC will run on a centralized Blockchain network, everything financial and connected to dapps like Bitcoin and Ethereum, Altcoins etc. will be transparent to those networks unless protected and compensated for any required banking, healthcare etc. personal data. there are Blockchain organizations founded upon these liberties and are already in compliance to administer the codex.
That's why devout Christians mostly keep their sanity by not fearing anything more than rejection by God and not worshipping any government by man. It helps them keep things in perspective in the midst of turmoil and catastrophes.
We had some at the top i Denmark as well who went to the gym, where on trains, etc. giving a sh.. about the rules they forced the rest of us to follow. My favorite is still one direction walks around lakes with fines if you walked the other way around the lakes.
Remember when they tied the swings on the swing sets together and closed the playgrounds so children couldn’t play outside? Here in north Florida, our Republican mayor closed the beaches for several weeks in the Spring of 2020. Too many people enjoying the fresh air and sunshine don’t cha know. Our superiors always know better than we peasants.
In the grocery stores I felt like I was in the movie The Stepford Wives (original version). Everyone was just masked-up and calmly walking in the designated direction.
keep these videos forever. next time these dingbats try to tell you what you "must" do, tie them down, hold their eye lids open with toothpicks and force them to watch an endless loop of their bad performances until they break down and beg forgiveness.
don't forgive them! keep the tapes playing until they go mad, then send them to bedlam in straight jackets and chains
What a shock! Communist aristocrats create laws for their subjects, sternly announcing such laws are necessary for public safety, but then they forget all about these supposed public safety concerns and flout their own laws. Almost like this is just about power, not public safety! I'm sure the "climate emergency" is real, though.
Now, now, gato. When the climate lockdowns come I'm sure that John Kerry and the rest of the World's Evilest Fuckers will give up their private jets and their expensive cuts of beef and live in the pods and eat the bugs with the rest of us, right?
and denver harbor bonds are an exceptional investment opportunity...
I’ll sell you tickets on a water train from pacific to Indian Ocean. Anything is possible.
God save the Queen man!
Can they use a bridge from Brooklyn to complete the decor?
The seas are rising so fast now that that those bonds will be worth a pretty penny around 3023.
I'm going for whatever they're building across the Indian Ocean.
You haven't heard?? The next big investment opportunity is Joe Biden's train across the Pacific!!
Are you referring to the model train in his basement?
You have to await the Denver beachfront to really profit from the harbour bonds.
Wait... What?? They aren't??????? Damn!
They definitely will give up gas stoves.....until its inconvenient that their food tastes bad:
This is perfect example of the future. Do you "know people"? You can live however you want. If you don't...........
I must come clean. As I watched that video, I laughed out loud! My tummy is almost hurting. I don't know what's funnier, our leaders doing whatever they want, or us thinking they won't do whatever they want, regardless of what they tell us. Consider: Have any parents in our studio audience ever told their kids a "little white lie" to keep them safe? (Let us not, for the time being, debate the morality of such.) That is EXACTLY how these people view their constituents, us. They tell us things--Dr. Fauci would call them noble lies--to make sure we take care of ourselves. They do whatever they think makes sense, because they know what to do and (they believe) we don't, so they control us. Lather. Rince. Repeat.
Only problem with your hypothesis is that these scum bag ingrates knew what they were forcing us to do was lethal to our economy, our kids' educations and our health. They were practicing their "tyrant wannabe" outfits on for the future they are working to create.
Actually, do not disagree. "Tyrant wannabe" or noble liar, same thing, different day. Some are evil and know it, and some are evil and don't know it. As you accurately assert, same outcome for us!
Exactly the case. Take the farmer, for example. He does things to his livestock that they don't like, but he knows is -- in the long run -- better for their health.
The 'elites' view us in EXACTLY the same way.
My. Dude. Great minds think alike! They think of us as LIVESTOCK. Taxation livestock, for the government. Profit livestock, for companies like Pfizer. Experimentation livestock, for organizations like the WHO or the NIH. And before anyone jumps to a conclusion and pulls a hamstring, neither of us is suggesting that the elites ACTUALLY know what is best. They simply believe they do, in their hearts, and act accordingly!
That's why the US constitution limits their power and it's up to us to stop them from usurping more than they constitutionally have...take 'em to court and they lose!
And this is what happens when the 'elites' have the power to play their games:
and the follow-up
According to Saint Barry, climate change and racism are such existential threats that he lives in an oceanfront mansion in 95% white Martha's Vineyard.
And let's not forget Jacobin Joe's red Climate Czar Kerry, who flew private to Iceland to pick up his "climate leadership" award.
What in heaven's name would we do without these "leaders" to save us all by Saving the Planet™?
That's all OK now. He has since given up the G-IV and sold it to a hedge fund, where it will likely see double the annual air hours and miles.
Like charging your Tesla from coal-generated electricity, you aren't really effecting change but you do get to virtue signal.
It's worse than that. There is a town on the northern tip of the Vineyard, Oak Bluffs, which is significantly if not majority Black. Spike Lee used to famously summer there. But where do the anointed and entitled Obamas stay and eventually buy? Edgartown, which until they started showing up was I'm pretty sure 100% White. Even their maids and gardeners. It's the absolutely most exclusive part of an already exclusive island.
Saint Barak, the savior of Black America, was raised by his White mother and all of the White Privilege you could possibly imagine. Then he discovered his "Blackness" just in time to run for President and milked that for all it was worth. Now that he's cashed in, sold out, and given America the finger, he once again slides back into the White America he shat on for 8 years and pretty much avoids his "people".
" When Obama discovered his blackness"...
Well until the electioneering heat's up and crypto money be a flowin'. That is when he goes to work for the "big guy" to "rally" (just hate on white and brown privileged MAGA for 12 months straight) their base of freeloaders and remind us all who they're paid to vote for.🤣
Classic. Thanks for the laughs.
Those are such horrible memories…
But highlights once again how frighteningly deadly the Covid19 was!
That must be some amazing dance music that makes one forget that you could die any minute 😂. Imma have to put that on my playlist for the end times.
Precisely! The take away? Not one of them really believed it was “a dangerous and deadly virus”. All a ruse.
They KNEW it wasn't dangerous. They probably were also taking Ivermectin.
It's all just normal though. We never seem to learn that. No matter who the powerful are, no matter what "side" they seem to be on, it's always the same. Granny on Social Security, shopping the off-price store, putting her little dollar in the collection plate (or mailing it to the handy address) while the person of God keeps buying bigger houses.
They always cheat, they always lie, they always say they made a mistake when you catch 'em; sometimes they break into heaving sobs, depending on the cultural requirements, but they're all the same and everyone keeps trusting their futures, their children's educations, the appropriate direction of their souls to the hands and greedy pockets of these grifters of all persuasions.
And here's a new election season upon us and Trump pulled in two million in like two days, from people who need the cash more than he does. People are sending money to RFK Jr.'s campaign because we can never have enough dilettante princelings.
At least, dumb as I've been, I didn't actually send no money to Bernie. Recently tossed that free button I got when his volunteer knocked on the door in the trash, too, where all our politicians belong to be in the flesh.
At least ol' Jimmy Swaggart publicly apologized for his indiscretions.
The politicians are beneath even that shyster.
And people keep voting for them.
For shame.
Fer heck's sake. Those sobbing apologies are part of the schtick because them faithful folks are obliged to forgive, forgive, forgive because Swaggart et al claim confidently that Jesus forgave 'em first.
Of course, but at least they throw a bone of faux contrition for the rubes to chew on, which is unnecessary to keep Boobus Americanus Bohica voting for her own enslavement.
Truly beyond pathetic.
Quite a maggotty bone and I'd say it's quite the spiritual enslavement.
If we're to be contemptuous of one then I think we should be contemptuous of the other, too. It's the same species of thinking.
🗨 Lady Justice hasn’t just been robbed of her blindfold, they’ve bent her over and invited every sick spook over for a gang bang.
h/t Good Citizen --> 🔥
We all have a duty to do due diligence and learn about the political candidates history and lives to see what they have been doing not just trusting what they are saying. Trouble is the traitors know they must hide their Marxist/Fascist proclivities and get money from "sources" to have the means to hide truth from us (disappearing people and deleting past efforts from the books). So, if we're not careful we get brainwashed by the bought and paid for mainstream media. That means we simply have to work harder to get to the truth! But, it's still our responsibility--we can't delegate to others or just give up because far too many can't be bothered so just vote for whatever party they are comfortable voting for or don't vote at all. That's as good as serving the communist Chinese (under globalist control and direction) our nation on a silver platter!
It just so happens that I was so enamored with the Covidian hypocrites that I made an extensive list of their many, many transgressions.
You may notice a pattern with regards to ideology and party affiliation...
Enjoy, my fellow gatovians.
Lmao mate!
Would you rather have just happened to live through this period of history or not?
I mean it was good sport laughing at the fucking stupidity.
Well, better this than, say, the Inquisition where for certain I would have been among the first invited to the barbecue.
Our times are indeed a surreal mix of outrage and hilarity at the shear absurdity of it all.
I suspect the powers that be have us on a list. [Cue Eric Idle 'List' song from 'Mikado'].
Oh, I'm sure we are on more than one list....
Absolutely anyone who didn't get the jab is on the list as well as any nay sayers or just confused and questioning citizens--
I remember my daughter, when we went into the first lockdown back in March 2020, saying with shining eyes "this is so cool! We're living through actual history!" (we weren't ever worried about dying from Covid).
Now, 3 years later, she is extremely cynical about people in power and holds out little hope for the future of the human race 😒 Kind of sad to see her lose her faith in humanity's good sense and ability to think for itself...
Yeah, that may serve her well in times like this.
Maybe it ends up being a good thing?
We used c19 as an opportunity to teach our children how to be skeptical and to question authority. And to teach them how fast they can lose their freedom if it is not vigilantly defended.
Yes, it's not a bad thing, as long as she still believes some people are trustworthy.
I have been reading books on psychology to my kids, most recently "Inside the Nudge Unit" (Halpern) and now "Presuasion" (Cialdini), and I'll probably throw "How to Lie with Statistics" (Huff) at some point. The ability to spot manipulation is becoming more and more important all the time.
But, did you teach them to NOT COMPLY and engage in civil disobedience? Children learn by example far more than words. If you worked from home or took unemployment and only went to Walmart for your groceries you taught them exactly how to be obedient slaves.
You have no idea Trish. You could put me in the top 1% of 1% of resistors.
What a stupid fucking statement
Agreed. It WAS "good sport". But at the rate we're going....
Great list. Thank youz
Great list! But I hope you will update it. There has been no shortage of Covidian hypocrisy since Feb 22 when your last listing was added.
Thank you. It will come in handy one day when the monsters who brought this upon us are brought to justice....and they will.
They don't care about us. They never did and they never will. These people need to be removed from office and put in prison.
🗨 The American people will decide nothing when it comes to which palm greasers and pocket liners work in the District of Corruption. 🤷
h/t Good Citizen --> 🔥
The world biggest terrorist organisation, the US government, have followed the lead given to them by mainstream media and are now terrorising as many people as possible. When scared the sheep look to their masters for protection, even when they reach the abattoir.
More here;
2nd Smartest Guy ITW has some additional details that which elaborate even further. From my own decade and a half of research; spot on brothers!
So now what's the plan for the people of America? Smoke a bowl and get absorbed into the globalist regime or what?
It will be left to our children and grandchildren. So it depends on how well we taught them righteous principles and how to use the constitution God inspired the founders to give us to fight tyranny with. I'll be leaving behind two admirable fighters and two "useful idiots." If my case is the average we have a 50/50 chance of surviving another 100 years as a free country.
It's about time someone who shares what I thought was as important as this author took the message.
What a gracious comment. Thank you for announcing your love of county and sharing what practicing American Heritage is all about.
just a note own your web3 (Blockchain and internet) Data and digital privacy ASAP. Right?
The CBDC's are scheduled to go live soon. It's speculation to pin a day but the Bitcoin ETF proposals are in again. property rights on private data and controls there must be a legislative proposal via our Congressional reps email box.
To include with our existing personal property & privacy rights as to our data. the recent reports of how our data is and has been massively exploited by social media and search engines. but most recently AI development and regulations with public officials must be aware of the public domain verses private. based on terms and conditions of any service agreements must consider the value of such personal data.
Considering the Feds CBDC will run on a centralized Blockchain network, everything financial and connected to dapps like Bitcoin and Ethereum, Altcoins etc. will be transparent to those networks unless protected and compensated for any required banking, healthcare etc. personal data. there are Blockchain organizations founded upon these liberties and are already in compliance to administer the codex.
this is not an advertisement.
congratulations! and spread the word please.
blessings to you and yours.
That's why devout Christians mostly keep their sanity by not fearing anything more than rejection by God and not worshipping any government by man. It helps them keep things in perspective in the midst of turmoil and catastrophes.
There won't be a next time.
And to think, Trudeau would have got away with it, if he'd blacked-up before visiting his family ;-)
No shame; I guess that’s the lesson we learn from them for next time. I will not be bullied
I was never bullied. Stood my ground. We all must continue to stand our ground.
Just to mention a few.
We had some at the top i Denmark as well who went to the gym, where on trains, etc. giving a sh.. about the rules they forced the rest of us to follow. My favorite is still one direction walks around lakes with fines if you walked the other way around the lakes.
In the USA, we had one-way aisles in supermarkets. What massive stupidity . . .
Remember when they tied the swings on the swing sets together and closed the playgrounds so children couldn’t play outside? Here in north Florida, our Republican mayor closed the beaches for several weeks in the Spring of 2020. Too many people enjoying the fresh air and sunshine don’t cha know. Our superiors always know better than we peasants.
They spray foamed the HOA playground in our neighborhood, before I moved my family to Florida.
I would look at other adults and say "let the kids be kids" and it was like everyone forgot what it was like to be 9.
That was it for me.
still haven't turned the water fountains back on...
Water fountains are like super bad for climate change ⛲️
And filled skate parks with sand; and arrested a surfer during off Malibu pier? I’m sure we could all go on and on.
In the grocery stores I felt like I was in the movie The Stepford Wives (original version). Everyone was just masked-up and calmly walking in the designated direction.
Not in Bonney Lake Washington they weren't. Most totally ignored them.
One way arrows that no one paid any attention to...
I think it's fair to say that any social contract we had with our peers and the societal institutions was officially voided within the last 3 years.
By them.
These are the true deplorables.
Shameless charlatans all.
keep these videos forever. next time these dingbats try to tell you what you "must" do, tie them down, hold their eye lids open with toothpicks and force them to watch an endless loop of their bad performances until they break down and beg forgiveness.
don't forgive them! keep the tapes playing until they go mad, then send them to bedlam in straight jackets and chains
What a shock! Communist aristocrats create laws for their subjects, sternly announcing such laws are necessary for public safety, but then they forget all about these supposed public safety concerns and flout their own laws. Almost like this is just about power, not public safety! I'm sure the "climate emergency" is real, though.
Such pathetic excuses for human beings.