Every time I encounter yet another article about the explosion of colon cancer cases in young people I think about the low-salt, low-fat diets they were forced into from childhood.
Thank you, Michelle Obama, for not only starving but toxifying our kids. An enduring legacy.
Quite a number of those profiled in the articles are (well, were) fit and active. That's the focus of these pieces. "They were so healthy!"
And remember all those "medical experts" mocking vitamins and supplements as "creating expensive urine?"
Me, I see considerable prophylactic value in the levels of vitamin C bathing my intestines and bladder, and passing through my liver and kidneys, as it courses its way out of my body.
The poisonous seasonings that makes people think mainstream "science" is palatable are false assumptions, cherry picked data, phony statistics and the circular reasoning that follows.
Research is funded because someone has an agenda they want support for. Researchers know that if they don't reach the desired conclusions they won't get published and won't get any future grants. It is well known that the results of any study are almost exclusively a measurement of research bias. The naive allow themselves to be easily manipulated by not understanding this.
IMHO, Mike Pence is an horrible dictatorial POS. A narcissist of the highest order. Someone you really do not want in the federal level. Please, understand this is my opinion from watching him at the state level.
I believe in open hearings Bobby will blow them all away. The nation doesn’t know him, the media has been largely successful in keeping his words out of the public’s ears but in public congressional hearings? The truth will triumph.
This isn’t RFK jr.’s first rodeo. The timing of the release of papers associated with the JFK, RFK, and Martin Luther King jr’s assassinations tells us that there is something in them that will make a difference and help RFK’s son stand as a witness to other atrocities that have been hidden from THE PEOPLE for too long. Congressmen know there will be severe repercussions if they fail to sustain and confirm him. Hang in there SAtK. RFK jr can’t be stopped!
RidgeCoyote - Here I am negative nellie, who pays attention to public congressional hearings. Not the the public. Jim Jordan exposed so much with his hearings and what was done? Not a thing.
I’m optimistic. There are turning points in history and this feels like one. Have you read Bobby’s Fauci book? Do you have any idea how smart and prepared this guy is? He’s not just a fine lawyer, he’s got his arguments honed and ready and he’s beat these pharma stooges already. They just don’t know it yet.
Me too, especially in the light of Trump embracing more "vaccines". His NRC director is a big supporter of nuclear power plants. ugh. Getting rid of the WHO did not get rid of the Health Initiative that has been worked into almost every gov't agency. Distractions on one hand, business as usual on the other.
Clean , safe energy, bad. No energy is perfect, the record for the last 40 years pretty doggone stable.
Maybe cow and unicorn farts will compete with bloviating bureaucrats co2 excretions to provide more warming effects.
Blow up more dams to save the endangered and precious swamp slugs. Wonder why we cannot extinguish apocalyptic wildfires. I live in So OR, leftist dumpocraps complete with gov nuisance down south to see which can be the most self serving ignoramus hippo arse.
Knowing about the chat, and knowing the contents of the chat are 2 diff things.
Unless one was in the room, we really don't know what was said, planned, negotiated, bullied, whatever. But I suspect I know who would be doing the bullying.
It is my position that those that have been labeled "RINOs" are actually the true republicans. Trump and company are Populists. In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.
Sadly, it's not just RINOs, but far too many legislators who list an "R" after their name. Spineless, deceitful, deeply in love with the good life in Congress. Their allegiance is to the lobbyist who arrives with checkbook in hand, ready to assist in keeping the legislator in office. The task of too many in Congress is to assure re-election. All else is for sale. Elections are just an expensive exercise to determine who will disappoint us next.
Honestly they’re hired by their backers , basically, to work within the given system- the fact that the system needs to change is over their heads, almost.
"NIH and CDC should not be funding any of this. it crowds out real work and generates a dependent class of useless researchers grifting from grant to grant and making whole careers out of low or negative value work/science flavored propaganda to prop up prevailing regime predilection." Wow Gato, beautifully said!! Truth truth truth.
It also builds a shadow economy where a class of highly-educated and highly-paid people live in high-class homes in high-class neighborhoods, eating in high-class restaurants and breeding high-class kids who wash, rinse, and repeat ad nauseam. It can all crumble. We can take the hit. It's like giving the country chemo.
it'll be like cutting off a gangrenous leg with a dull hacksaw without pain meds. but it has to happen or it's the end of our republic.
this is about much more than eliminating bloat, regulatory slashing and cost cutting.
this is about reminding the career bureaucrats they answer to the people through their elected representatives. and the parasitical career politicians need to exposed daily, in real time, on social media for their abject hypocrisy
only at that point can we restore the republic and balance out the 3 branches of government our Founders intended.
Yes. It's to undermine and destroy society, and rub it in the faces of us mere peasants as display of hypocritical unfairness, just for the sake of mockery.
It has been this way for a long time. The whole fabric of society will go to wrack if we really lay hands of reform on our rotten institutions. From top to bottom the whole system is a fraud, all of us know it, laborers and capitalists alike, and all of us are consenting parties to it.
It may be that as Napoleon succeeded the Jacobins of 1789, Uncle Elon and Company are succeeding the iteration of Jacobins that staged the Color Revolution of 2020?
Yes, but meritocracy contains the explanation that they "deserve" it because they jumped through all the hoops. It must be broken so the elites no longer feel they need to gaslight us to justify their power and wealth.
nah, it's more like picking off a tick and smashing it. Instant relief and gratification. Chemo hurts the host too. Squashing federal leviathan will only have positive effects. The ticks we pick off can find other work that actually serves other people. Those bloodsuckers are lucky we don't stomp on them after flicking them to the ground.
It has become a situation where it is necessary to know who is funding what studies and publications. There was a time when Lancet & NEJM were quality. Now I'm afraid this applie to the scientific and medical press: The press is the hired agent of a monied system, and set up for no other purpose than to tell lies where their interests are involved. One can trust nobody and nothing.
"a situation where it is necessary to know who is funding what studies and publications".
Prezactly! I postulated, in my university days, well over a half century past, that one could accurately predict the outcome of most public opinion surveys, or research programs, or government "studies", by simply determining exactly how, and by whom, or what, agency, each was funded.
Very perceptive for a time when some of us were more trusting. Life over time , taught me: "Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain wisdom."
Perhaps, an academic with minimal REAL WORLD experience? "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
AndyinBC - absolutely. Of course, when it's the government funding programs being sold by arrogant scientists who have little regard for unintended consequences, you can end up with safe and effective "vaccines", sun dimming, fracking, and safe nuclear waste disposal to name several.
Replication study funding and journals that publish only replication studies. And only with all meta-data openly submitted, and then crowd sourced all analyses, statistics, and "peer" reviews - would break a LOT of the scientism BS.
useless researchers grifting from grant to grant and making whole careers out of low or negative value work
That very much describes one of the groups I worked for at the National Lab. They were still milking the same dead cow years after I retired. The fact I retired had nothing to do with it one way or another, it's just many years later and the same ole, same ole.
Yes I've seen a LOT of this also - usually in the politically charged topics - like the climate change hoax, but even at DoD labs I've seen folks waste 15 years of just retreading the same BS research and never actually solving anything.
Yep, I was at a National Lab - DOD, DOE, DARPA. I was a data analyst assigned to different projects. One scientist I worked with actually did the work. He would see a problem, propose a solution, do the research, and either solve the problem or not. Write a paper and get on with the next project. This was RARE.
Yeah, a job that really is suited to the intellect of a kindergartner (my apologies kids!). Takes actually 10 bureaucrats to comprehend what needs to be done, 20 to write the plan, a committee to propose Legislation to increase taxes to support grant writers, a review board to oversee committee and grant grifters. Hire a review and advisory board to oversee the super important people and hire a tranny unicorn horned rainbow 🌈 identifying 4th grader related to the “big guy”. And the 4th grader will require a “donation” of $1,000,000 to do the work of 20 leftists.
How about Trump and his wrecking crew crush, with extreme prejudice, the entire RINO staffer-fundraiser-lobbyist network in D.C.?. Then ban them from all admin jobs and appointments, PNG their clients, and cut them off from all RNC and congressional campaign contracts. Then force them off their coveted committees. Then raise millions of dollars to primary their asses. And stop insider trading. There's no (D)ifference between let's say McConnell and Schumer. The RINO'S are the enemy.
as far as the hard Left, it's like a homunculus, it needs to excised like a vestigial organ by unrelenting mockery....or it will grow like a runaway tumor
Yeah Glitch showed his colors again last night. Gotta uphold the grift spigot coming from the military industrial complex and Hegseth might get in the way of that.
Exactly. Right after the vote he waddled over to shake hands with Chris Coons. But the rest of the Republican senators basically shunned him.
My buddy sent me a hilarious meme or something someone posted about how when aliens finally come to earth they'll be perplexed when they try to over throw our leaders...and they find out we're by their side and eager to help.
It's beautiful isn't it. Wait until he arrests the first politician trying to obstruct ICE. Make sure you have your phone camera ready, because it's going to be glorious!
Oh yes I do. It has two meanings. One is anatomical representation of for dispersion of nerve density and also a little human inside the body that could be made through alchemy
Just as an aside does it seem odd to anyone that we fund a Radio network that only hires registered Democrats? Shouldn’t it be a mix of diverse political views? Diversity is our strength in public broadcasting I always say.
I’m right there with you and continuing the “fast and furious” pace of cleaning up the mess POTUS just fired 17(!!) Inspectors General.
Why this is a good thing: in a former life.. OUR IG was promoted and hired directly from our work group. There was no realistic possibility that someone we met for lunch at least once a week and spent considerable after hours time with was ever going to hold us to account. Regardless of the potential infractions we knew that nothing would ever come out of it. This was the common hiring and promotion process for the MANY years I was employed. I have work friends who are still working in my old group and the system remains unchanged.
Perhaps the DEI training can be replaced with training in F.A. Hayek and his seminal book "The Road to Serfdom," published in Reader's Digest in the late 1940s. Like reviewing an 8th-grade test from 100 years ago, getting through the book knowing it was read by the vast majority who only had a high school education - if that - will humble you.
Hayek makes clear grifters, my term, not his, will always look for a way to grab $$$ and power while spouting socialism virtues. They then will fortify their fortress to ensure no one else can climb in. CA is one big fortress that is absolutely crumbling inside. I don't think the Trump wand can save it.
8th graders 100 years ago were smarter than most college graduates. My father taught school in a one-room classroom at the age of 16. He never had any college experience, but was tested to be close to genius level. Growing up on a farm with 9 siblings will make you work hard by nature. I agree, many would be humbled to read a test from long ago and compare to now.
The truth is much worse. The native intelligence has been polluted and obstructed by, to use a recent term, misinformation. Take a Ferrari and put sugar in the gas tank and it will run worse than a ModelT, though it has much more potential of outperforming.
Although Sowell is very clear and easy to understand, considering the intelligence level of the rank-and-file bureaucrats, someone will need to publish a "Thomas Sowell for Dummies" version.
I read the Constitution of Liberty in college. The case he makes for free markets being a foundation for human development made me a lifelong Libertarian.
I suspect the biggest blowback will come from the lesser courts dominated by leftist judges like Chutkan bent on thwarting Trump instead of following the laws.
Removing these partisan judges will be the biggest hurdle to overcome.
Not really. If you want me to sue you and I do just that, the judge will have no say in the matter. We immediately come to terms of settlement and the case is over. Neither of us appeal. Outsiders lack standing. Like dominoes, the agencies fall one by one.
That’s what I’ve been saying! Sue the government over every single regulation and every single exposure. Then have DOJ settle with an injunction against the fess enforcing those regulations and passing those monies.
Watching the tanking of DEI is so delightful to me despite my concern about executive orders run amok. It's almost too bad I quit my toxic corporate job before I could see what they do with it. We have these ERGs (Employee Resource Groups) that consisted of BIPOC (not kidding), LGBTQWERTIUIOP++, and Hispanics with their own group (not sure why they aren't part of BIPOC). They are a drain on resources and the actual "people of color*" weren't members. In a state that is 90% white, it was just virtue-signaling whites who run them and are members. There is a big population of Indians especially in tech, but none of them joined any of the ERGs. Telling! In any case, a few months back, they were trying to create YET ANOTHER DEI group, just for one of the business areas, but it was on hold. I'm guessing now it'll be whacked.
This all makes me very happy. Working as someone who was affected by all of the work and maintenance these ERGs took communications-wise, it will definitely be an improvement. I don't
think any business benefits from bringing Marxist culture and politics into the workplace.
* I cannot get an answer from any wokie liberal why "people of color" is OK but "colored people" is not. In the 1970s, we were told never to use "colored people" because it was now racist. But "people of color" is the demanded descriptor (stupid as it is - are whites "no color"?).
I think it's intended to keep us - those of US that are THEMs to, um, them *reboots* - off balance. That way you can be offensive without knowing in advance what shall be deemed offensive.
Because you're just a Racist White Bigot, even when you aren't.
1. Use AI to search the federal code (laws & regs), identifying any law/reg unsupported by the constitutional limits of federal authority & power: the enumerated powers
2. EO every violation out of existence
3. Search the budget & line-out every spend on stuff the Feds aren’t allowed to do. Start with Foreign Aid
4. Reduce the tax bill by removing taxation to pay for stuff the Feds aren’t allowed to do.
5.Reverse JFK’s EO 10988, legalizing public sector unions.
I thought you, like Jeffrey Tucker is prone to be, were being overly optimistic again, and none of this would really happen as you predicted. But I'm glad to say it looks as though I was wrong. It's glorious to behold.
Great article! Now, on to the NGOs. They are way too powerful and a phenomenal money grift, just like so many charities are. And the Foundations: Clinton, Bill & Malinda Gates . . .
Damn straight! Settle. Settle. Settle. It kind of reminds me of Chicago Teacher's Union negotiating with the city over money. Both of them are on the same side of the table :-) Here, we turn it upside down and drag ourselves into court to establish new settled law with no appeals. The parasite class will not be able to intervene because they lack standing. Brilliant!
"science flavored propaganda to prop up prevailing regime predilection."
Not merely alliteration - the Ps flow so nicely with the spacing - but also, 'science flavored' is an awesome and brutal label.
Bad Climate Science? It's mostly Science Flavored.
The Food Pyramid? Science Flavored.
15 Days to Flatten the Fearful? Science Flavored.
Instead of all this Artificial Science Flavored crap, now maybe can we get us some all-Natural Free-Range Cage-Free Science Flavoring?
Bravo, El Gato.
Your comment brings to mind the Farmington study and Ancel Key.
There were a significant number of political health policies, ideas, demands created from that flawed study.
A version of the seriously flawed (I’m being kind in that description) still exists today. Did they put bugs on it yet?
Every time I encounter yet another article about the explosion of colon cancer cases in young people I think about the low-salt, low-fat diets they were forced into from childhood.
Thank you, Michelle Obama, for not only starving but toxifying our kids. An enduring legacy.
I love smoking The Meats in our Big Green Egg, so I know that Salt is Magic.
Congratulations in joining Rikard as commenter who tortures with visions of exquisite meals that the reader can only enjoy by proxy.
Just another service I provide.
Plus they're all chubby and don't exercise
Quite a number of those profiled in the articles are (well, were) fit and active. That's the focus of these pieces. "They were so healthy!"
And remember all those "medical experts" mocking vitamins and supplements as "creating expensive urine?"
Me, I see considerable prophylactic value in the levels of vitamin C bathing my intestines and bladder, and passing through my liver and kidneys, as it courses its way out of my body.
Yeah. I agree. I don't feel the same without some of the vitamins and supplements my wife makes me take.
I don't think it's a placebo effect either.
My Vitamin C stopping an outbreak of shingles dead in its tracks was not, I think, the power of mind over virus.
I've found great value in lipisomals of all types also.
I'm a Vitamin D guy
Me, too.
I'm thinking if egm hadn't out that one quote on his X, then I may do so. It's brutal, excoriating, and brilliant.
What quote?
I clipped that section that Pi quoted ( regarding work/science ...) and put it up on my X. Thus far- nada .
The poisonous seasonings that makes people think mainstream "science" is palatable are false assumptions, cherry picked data, phony statistics and the circular reasoning that follows.
Research is funded because someone has an agenda they want support for. Researchers know that if they don't reach the desired conclusions they won't get published and won't get any future grants. It is well known that the results of any study are almost exclusively a measurement of research bias. The naive allow themselves to be easily manipulated by not understanding this.
Pete, what you said.
Spot on
Will science flavored be any less toxic without red dye #3?
Nope. They eventually brought back Red M&Ms.
But now the M&Ms packages read: "New and Improved Science Flavored", right?
It's Science Flavored all the way down.
Truth in packaging?
It's like licorice with or without salmiak (Ammonium Chloride, yes we put it in and on our candy!).
Don’t you dare insult my beloved licorice! Makes you sound like an anise, maybe even a horehound;)
It's what's for dinner!
Do you really wanna know?
Something something how the sausage is made
"What flavor Squishee did you get?" "BLUE!"
The RINOs talk the talk, but when it comes to walking the walk, they’re not up to it.
We see who they are when they fight confirming RFK jr. And the Rinos will go extinct. Pete Hegseth almost didn’t make it.
I am concerned about RFK Jr
We need to do the opposite of what pharma and Mike Pence want.
IMHO, Mike Pence is an horrible dictatorial POS. A narcissist of the highest order. Someone you really do not want in the federal level. Please, understand this is my opinion from watching him at the state level.
I concur with every word. After McConnell, Pence is the Republican I hate most.
Glitch McConnell. 😲😬😱👿🤡☠
He gives me the willies.
I believe in open hearings Bobby will blow them all away. The nation doesn’t know him, the media has been largely successful in keeping his words out of the public’s ears but in public congressional hearings? The truth will triumph.
I share your hope but do not share your optimism. How many senators are pHarma owned? I guess we will find out.
This isn’t RFK jr.’s first rodeo. The timing of the release of papers associated with the JFK, RFK, and Martin Luther King jr’s assassinations tells us that there is something in them that will make a difference and help RFK’s son stand as a witness to other atrocities that have been hidden from THE PEOPLE for too long. Congressmen know there will be severe repercussions if they fail to sustain and confirm him. Hang in there SAtK. RFK jr can’t be stopped!
I agree….. and it’s called THERE’S A NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN!
RidgeCoyote - Here I am negative nellie, who pays attention to public congressional hearings. Not the the public. Jim Jordan exposed so much with his hearings and what was done? Not a thing.
I’m optimistic. There are turning points in history and this feels like one. Have you read Bobby’s Fauci book? Do you have any idea how smart and prepared this guy is? He’s not just a fine lawyer, he’s got his arguments honed and ready and he’s beat these pharma stooges already. They just don’t know it yet.
Which is why I'm concerned he will be sidelined, and quickly. He's dangerous to the status quo.
Me too, especially in the light of Trump embracing more "vaccines". His NRC director is a big supporter of nuclear power plants. ugh. Getting rid of the WHO did not get rid of the Health Initiative that has been worked into almost every gov't agency. Distractions on one hand, business as usual on the other.
Really, against nuclear power???
Clean , safe energy, bad. No energy is perfect, the record for the last 40 years pretty doggone stable.
Maybe cow and unicorn farts will compete with bloviating bureaucrats co2 excretions to provide more warming effects.
Blow up more dams to save the endangered and precious swamp slugs. Wonder why we cannot extinguish apocalyptic wildfires. I live in So OR, leftist dumpocraps complete with gov nuisance down south to see which can be the most self serving ignoramus hippo arse.
May the coming flames purify us.
All depends on you believing the flawed premises of global warming models. GIGO as we used to say.
The last time Chump withdrew from the WHO, he gave all that money (which would have been earmarked WHO) to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
There was a LONG CHAT between Chump & Gates before he took office. Any guesses what happened there?
Not doubting, but do we have a record of that contribution to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?
I know about the long chat.
Knowing about the chat, and knowing the contents of the chat are 2 diff things.
Unless one was in the room, we really don't know what was said, planned, negotiated, bullied, whatever. But I suspect I know who would be doing the bullying.
Of course. There are always concerns.
Does that fossil still think anyone listens to him?
Here is his “non profit.” He is fighting to stop Trump’s people from being confirmed. https://advancingamericanfreedom.com/about/
Pence probably got a nice in$entive from the seed oil lobby.
Pence will do anything to go against Trump, IMHO.
He bizarrely seems to believe that the J6ers intended to kill him. Or does he believe it?
I'm not opposed to subjecting them to a Viking "blood eagle" ritual
gross, but LIKE!
It is my position that those that have been labeled "RINOs" are actually the true republicans. Trump and company are Populists. In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.
H. L. Mencken
Yes. It's a whole new party. And we're the Leave Us The Fuck Alone faction in the populist party.
What cracks me up is the establishment STILL can't figure out its a new party of class cohesion that has rejected the oppressor/oppressed tribalism.
SPOT ON! The right most valued by all civilized men is the right to be left alone.
Louis D. Brandeis
And by Rinos I assume you’re referring to every Republican senator save a handful. They are all rinos.
Sadly, it's not just RINOs, but far too many legislators who list an "R" after their name. Spineless, deceitful, deeply in love with the good life in Congress. Their allegiance is to the lobbyist who arrives with checkbook in hand, ready to assist in keeping the legislator in office. The task of too many in Congress is to assure re-election. All else is for sale. Elections are just an expensive exercise to determine who will disappoint us next.
Honestly they’re hired by their backers , basically, to work within the given system- the fact that the system needs to change is over their heads, almost.
"NIH and CDC should not be funding any of this. it crowds out real work and generates a dependent class of useless researchers grifting from grant to grant and making whole careers out of low or negative value work/science flavored propaganda to prop up prevailing regime predilection." Wow Gato, beautifully said!! Truth truth truth.
It also builds a shadow economy where a class of highly-educated and highly-paid people live in high-class homes in high-class neighborhoods, eating in high-class restaurants and breeding high-class kids who wash, rinse, and repeat ad nauseam. It can all crumble. We can take the hit. It's like giving the country chemo.
yes. exactly.
it'll be like cutting off a gangrenous leg with a dull hacksaw without pain meds. but it has to happen or it's the end of our republic.
this is about much more than eliminating bloat, regulatory slashing and cost cutting.
this is about reminding the career bureaucrats they answer to the people through their elected representatives. and the parasitical career politicians need to exposed daily, in real time, on social media for their abject hypocrisy
only at that point can we restore the republic and balance out the 3 branches of government our Founders intended.
It's all part of this giant grift machine we pay for with our taxes and our health. I'm so saddened that this is not obvious to half the country.
you can not have open borders and a welfare state. it's a shortcut to destroy civilization.
it's a perfect cauldron for a witches brew of grift and incompetence.
George Soros playbook 2.0!
Yes. It's to undermine and destroy society, and rub it in the faces of us mere peasants as display of hypocritical unfairness, just for the sake of mockery.
Soros, Schwab, Alinsky! Your home team for their personal enrichment and free world destruction! Go team - rules for thee, never for me!!!
"you can not have open borders and a welfare state"
But Ryan, they keep saying "If you can dream it, you can do it!"
Their dreams are my nightmares!
It has been this way for a long time. The whole fabric of society will go to wrack if we really lay hands of reform on our rotten institutions. From top to bottom the whole system is a fraud, all of us know it, laborers and capitalists alike, and all of us are consenting parties to it.
Henry Adams
We need for society to go to wrack - but we do have an opportunity to control that demolition.
It may be that as Napoleon succeeded the Jacobins of 1789, Uncle Elon and Company are succeeding the iteration of Jacobins that staged the Color Revolution of 2020?
Very well said!
Yes, but meritocracy contains the explanation that they "deserve" it because they jumped through all the hoops. It must be broken so the elites no longer feel they need to gaslight us to justify their power and wealth.
nah, it's more like picking off a tick and smashing it. Instant relief and gratification. Chemo hurts the host too. Squashing federal leviathan will only have positive effects. The ticks we pick off can find other work that actually serves other people. Those bloodsuckers are lucky we don't stomp on them after flicking them to the ground.
I'm all for the stomp.
Yes. So good I quoted EGM today in comments on Jessica Rose's substack "peer Review Process Needs A Fix"
It has become a situation where it is necessary to know who is funding what studies and publications. There was a time when Lancet & NEJM were quality. Now I'm afraid this applie to the scientific and medical press: The press is the hired agent of a monied system, and set up for no other purpose than to tell lies where their interests are involved. One can trust nobody and nothing.
Henry Adams
"a situation where it is necessary to know who is funding what studies and publications".
Prezactly! I postulated, in my university days, well over a half century past, that one could accurately predict the outcome of most public opinion surveys, or research programs, or government "studies", by simply determining exactly how, and by whom, or what, agency, each was funded.
Very perceptive for a time when some of us were more trusting. Life over time , taught me: "Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain wisdom."
Albert Einstein
Unfortunately, I presented that paper to my stats Prof.
He was not amused!
The only course I ever actually failed.
Perhaps, an academic with minimal REAL WORLD experience? "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
Upton Sinclair
AndyinBC - absolutely. Of course, when it's the government funding programs being sold by arrogant scientists who have little regard for unintended consequences, you can end up with safe and effective "vaccines", sun dimming, fracking, and safe nuclear waste disposal to name several.
Replication study funding and journals that publish only replication studies. And only with all meta-data openly submitted, and then crowd sourced all analyses, statistics, and "peer" reviews - would break a LOT of the scientism BS.
The Bad Cat writes something quotable pretty much every time out.
useless researchers grifting from grant to grant and making whole careers out of low or negative value work
That very much describes one of the groups I worked for at the National Lab. They were still milking the same dead cow years after I retired. The fact I retired had nothing to do with it one way or another, it's just many years later and the same ole, same ole.
Yes I've seen a LOT of this also - usually in the politically charged topics - like the climate change hoax, but even at DoD labs I've seen folks waste 15 years of just retreading the same BS research and never actually solving anything.
Yep, I was at a National Lab - DOD, DOE, DARPA. I was a data analyst assigned to different projects. One scientist I worked with actually did the work. He would see a problem, propose a solution, do the research, and either solve the problem or not. Write a paper and get on with the next project. This was RARE.
I'm in favor of putting them all in a cage full of Aztecs on Adderall.
Lol, the visual of that got me going today.
Putting MS-13 gangs in there would be a nice touch!
I saw Aztecs on Adderall open for Limp Bizkit in '99.
Uh, beavis that was just during the pre party for me in 99'. By the time I made it to the concert I WAS an Aztec
Mrs. Pi hails from Mayan stock. So, like, by marriage, you know. *nods*
Pretty sure our wives would get along swimmingly.
Next time you're near North Baltimore County, your bourbon money's no good here.
Was that the "Eat Your Beating Heart Out" tour? I saw it at Red Rocks. At least they were red when they were finished!
Nice. One day I, too, shall have seen a bloody show at Red Rocks.
"Aztecs on Adderall" - LMAO. Great one
I had a government job for 10 years. They specialize in creating jobs that require 1 1/2 people to do and then staffing it with 3 people.
I characterized it this way: for everyone they hire to do a job, they hire two to make sure he can't.
Haha, that's even better than my description.
90% of government jobs require zero people.
🤔 It Maths out.
Only three?
Beware the Industrial-Military-Academic Complex.
"I've worked in the private sector. They expect results."
The work requires three people, is given to one, and that one reports to three managers.
Very true! Been there, too.
There are also some private company jobs that are close to that.
The 1/2 person would be either a brain or an ass.
Yeah, a job that really is suited to the intellect of a kindergartner (my apologies kids!). Takes actually 10 bureaucrats to comprehend what needs to be done, 20 to write the plan, a committee to propose Legislation to increase taxes to support grant writers, a review board to oversee committee and grant grifters. Hire a review and advisory board to oversee the super important people and hire a tranny unicorn horned rainbow 🌈 identifying 4th grader related to the “big guy”. And the 4th grader will require a “donation” of $1,000,000 to do the work of 20 leftists.
Modern democratic efficiency - yeah 👍
"shut it all off and see who squawks" 💥
How about Trump and his wrecking crew crush, with extreme prejudice, the entire RINO staffer-fundraiser-lobbyist network in D.C.?. Then ban them from all admin jobs and appointments, PNG their clients, and cut them off from all RNC and congressional campaign contracts. Then force them off their coveted committees. Then raise millions of dollars to primary their asses. And stop insider trading. There's no (D)ifference between let's say McConnell and Schumer. The RINO'S are the enemy.
as far as the hard Left, it's like a homunculus, it needs to excised like a vestigial organ by unrelenting mockery....or it will grow like a runaway tumor
Yeah Glitch showed his colors again last night. Gotta uphold the grift spigot coming from the military industrial complex and Hegseth might get in the way of that.
Exactly. Right after the vote he waddled over to shake hands with Chris Coons. But the rest of the Republican senators basically shunned him.
My buddy sent me a hilarious meme or something someone posted about how when aliens finally come to earth they'll be perplexed when they try to over throw our leaders...and they find out we're by their side and eager to help.
Christopher Nuttal wrote a Sci-fi book about that.
Have you seen this yet?
Tom Homan is da man!
It's beautiful isn't it. Wait until he arrests the first politician trying to obstruct ICE. Make sure you have your phone camera ready, because it's going to be glorious!
Remember that fabulous Twilight Zone episode, How To Serve Mankind”? A seminal moment by the grand master.
Who knew how prescient his genius was in revealing the ignorance, hubris, megalomania of the main course.
BTW. "Glitch" is hilarious. I haven't seen that one yet.
LOL I thought the same.
I borrowed it from Steve Deace. Not sure if he came up with it but he has used it ever since the first freeze/glitch during a press conference.
"Homunculus", there's that word again.
I do not think it means what you think it means.
Oh yes I do. It has two meanings. One is anatomical representation of for dispersion of nerve density and also a little human inside the body that could be made through alchemy
Sorry Ryan, I was just having a little fun at your expense. Does excising a homunculus require a priest of a barber-surgeon?
All good. I was born in the 20th century.
I was just joshing with you...;)
Lol - well said!
*cough cough NPR cough*
Just as an aside does it seem odd to anyone that we fund a Radio network that only hires registered Democrats? Shouldn’t it be a mix of diverse political views? Diversity is our strength in public broadcasting I always say.
Sure seems odd to me
And there's your target!
I’m right there with you and continuing the “fast and furious” pace of cleaning up the mess POTUS just fired 17(!!) Inspectors General.
Why this is a good thing: in a former life.. OUR IG was promoted and hired directly from our work group. There was no realistic possibility that someone we met for lunch at least once a week and spent considerable after hours time with was ever going to hold us to account. Regardless of the potential infractions we knew that nothing would ever come out of it. This was the common hiring and promotion process for the MANY years I was employed. I have work friends who are still working in my old group and the system remains unchanged.
Perhaps the DEI training can be replaced with training in F.A. Hayek and his seminal book "The Road to Serfdom," published in Reader's Digest in the late 1940s. Like reviewing an 8th-grade test from 100 years ago, getting through the book knowing it was read by the vast majority who only had a high school education - if that - will humble you.
Hayek makes clear grifters, my term, not his, will always look for a way to grab $$$ and power while spouting socialism virtues. They then will fortify their fortress to ensure no one else can climb in. CA is one big fortress that is absolutely crumbling inside. I don't think the Trump wand can save it.
8th graders 100 years ago were smarter than most college graduates. My father taught school in a one-room classroom at the age of 16. He never had any college experience, but was tested to be close to genius level. Growing up on a farm with 9 siblings will make you work hard by nature. I agree, many would be humbled to read a test from long ago and compare to now.
and just as importantly they could work with their hands.
No, they weren't smarter. Check the Flynn effect.
The truth is much worse. The native intelligence has been polluted and obstructed by, to use a recent term, misinformation. Take a Ferrari and put sugar in the gas tank and it will run worse than a ModelT, though it has much more potential of outperforming.
Make Hayek required reading in US History classes.
Yes. And Sowell's "basic economics" book
Although Sowell is very clear and easy to understand, considering the intelligence level of the rank-and-file bureaucrats, someone will need to publish a "Thomas Sowell for Dummies" version.
Sowell is a giant and hardly anyone knows who he is.
This gal gets it. Lol:
I read the Constitution of Liberty in college. The case he makes for free markets being a foundation for human development made me a lifelong Libertarian.
"replaced with training in F.A. Hayek"
I wonder if you're familiar with these. I think they're funny but sum up the philosophies nicely.
Fear the Boom and Bust: Keynes vs. Hayek - The Original Economics Rap Battle
Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Rap Battle Round Two
I suspect the biggest blowback will come from the lesser courts dominated by leftist judges like Chutkan bent on thwarting Trump instead of following the laws.
Removing these partisan judges will be the biggest hurdle to overcome.
Not really. If you want me to sue you and I do just that, the judge will have no say in the matter. We immediately come to terms of settlement and the case is over. Neither of us appeal. Outsiders lack standing. Like dominoes, the agencies fall one by one.
That’s what I’ve been saying! Sue the government over every single regulation and every single exposure. Then have DOJ settle with an injunction against the fess enforcing those regulations and passing those monies.
So the judge did block the birthright citizenship exec order based on what? Where does a lawsuit come into play?
That's different
Think along these lines
The EPA and environmental groups historically coordinate actions to increase EPA powers.
EPA is sued because it's not doing a power grab that enviros(and EPA) wants to do.
EPA puts up little/no defense, and so now the thing they wanted to do all along is not a power grab, they were "forced" because they were sued.
Doing this in reverse to remove falsely assumed powers should be more effective with Chevron gone.
Watching the tanking of DEI is so delightful to me despite my concern about executive orders run amok. It's almost too bad I quit my toxic corporate job before I could see what they do with it. We have these ERGs (Employee Resource Groups) that consisted of BIPOC (not kidding), LGBTQWERTIUIOP++, and Hispanics with their own group (not sure why they aren't part of BIPOC). They are a drain on resources and the actual "people of color*" weren't members. In a state that is 90% white, it was just virtue-signaling whites who run them and are members. There is a big population of Indians especially in tech, but none of them joined any of the ERGs. Telling! In any case, a few months back, they were trying to create YET ANOTHER DEI group, just for one of the business areas, but it was on hold. I'm guessing now it'll be whacked.
This all makes me very happy. Working as someone who was affected by all of the work and maintenance these ERGs took communications-wise, it will definitely be an improvement. I don't
think any business benefits from bringing Marxist culture and politics into the workplace.
* I cannot get an answer from any wokie liberal why "people of color" is OK but "colored people" is not. In the 1970s, we were told never to use "colored people" because it was now racist. But "people of color" is the demanded descriptor (stupid as it is - are whites "no color"?).
I liked when some garbage men started calling black trash bags "bags of color".
I'm pink. That's a colour.
Is "pasty" a color? Inquiring minds....
"People of color" is now used because the Left wants to bring anyone else who is non-white into their coalition.
Thanks for the input but you miss my point.
My question is, why is "people of color" an ok term while "colored people" is not?
I think it's intended to keep us - those of US that are THEMs to, um, them *reboots* - off balance. That way you can be offensive without knowing in advance what shall be deemed offensive.
Because you're just a Racist White Bigot, even when you aren't.
Because you just are.
That could be part of it, but I think you give them too much credit.
I don't think they checked their own 50 year old work when they came up with the term "People of Color".
And don't even get me started on what the hell BIPOC is. Aren't Black people part of POC? Are Indigenous people not COLORFUL?
Make it make sense... even a little bit.
I'm sorry Mary Rose, but very little that the Left does makes sense. It's one of the great mysteries of life.
Their collective picture is next to the dictionary definition of cognitive dissonance.
Grey/black mackerel.
My fav!
Gee….maybe “clear”?🤣
Transparent? Who knows? I think of us as everything from light peach to dark olive. Why can't we be an "of color"? So unfair.
I’m tabby, akshually.
Which one, grey/black or orange/cream? Because Oranges get special treatment, being in the minority and all.
1. Use AI to search the federal code (laws & regs), identifying any law/reg unsupported by the constitutional limits of federal authority & power: the enumerated powers
2. EO every violation out of existence
3. Search the budget & line-out every spend on stuff the Feds aren’t allowed to do. Start with Foreign Aid
4. Reduce the tax bill by removing taxation to pay for stuff the Feds aren’t allowed to do.
5.Reverse JFK’s EO 10988, legalizing public sector unions.
I thought you, like Jeffrey Tucker is prone to be, were being overly optimistic again, and none of this would really happen as you predicted. But I'm glad to say it looks as though I was wrong. It's glorious to behold.
I like Jeffrey Tucker quite a lot actually.
Me, too.
Great article! Now, on to the NGOs. They are way too powerful and a phenomenal money grift, just like so many charities are. And the Foundations: Clinton, Bill & Malinda Gates . . .
Damn straight! Settle. Settle. Settle. It kind of reminds me of Chicago Teacher's Union negotiating with the city over money. Both of them are on the same side of the table :-) Here, we turn it upside down and drag ourselves into court to establish new settled law with no appeals. The parasite class will not be able to intervene because they lack standing. Brilliant!
Yes, it's genius if they're doing that. Thanks for emphasizing the point.
As always, brilliant observations. Kudos.
"I cannot get any work done" (because Trump, yadda-yadda-yadda)
You're fired.
Leaving a space open for someone who CAN get some work done.
Better yet, fire them and delete the position.