What I woke up to this morning... https://photos.app.goo.gl/jSGopVbydUrr1QmB7

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Happy catsmess

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Or in the words of pinky the cat: Do Not Comply


(make sure to watch until the end, and understand that someone that really has the back on the wall is way more motivated than a woke bureaucrat or a paid journashill)

The scream at the end of the guy had me in tears x)

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LOL. We were away one year after Christmas and a friend was coming in to feed the cats. The kitties knocked over the tree setting off the motion detector/alarm resulting in police false alarm call. Another year, cat-sitter stayed here and kitties knocked over the tree setting off the motion detector resulting in police false alarm call. That year, we had to pay for police call (2nd false alarm that year). We're 12-hours in with the tree up this year, and so far so good.

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I sit in my favorite chair and our black cat thinks it’s cool to jump up and play with the tree. Then the calico jumps up and plays with the black cat. So I get up and rattle the treat dish, and they leave the tree until I sit down again. One year it was me that tipped the tree over not the cat!

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When we were little (in the days of incandescent tree lights) my dad wired the tree to the ceiling so we nor the kitteh could pull it over

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You post the best cat photos. Love it!

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I forwarded your email to one of my vaccinated friends who has explicitly forbidden me to ever talk about vaccines to her because she is fully vaccinated and doesn't need any anti-vaxx horse medicine or worthless supplements. I thought my anti-vaxx sentiments would ruin our friendship. But no. As long as I share animal videos and avoid vaccines and politics we are pretty much safe to enjoy each other in other ways. She LOVED your recent post. She did not know she was loving an anti-vax bad cat! But I did. See? You are not unlovable. What you said is true: "you like to pretend that you don’t like bad cats, but deep down, you know you do…" I really enjoyed that she is loving an anti-vax cat--if she only knew. But you and I know. That is enough. (For now) :)

(NOTE I started being only opposed to mRNA vaccines, but I'm fully anti-vaxx now. I do believe it's better for everyone not to get vaccinated with anything except maybe rabies, but I wouldn't impose anti-vax mandates. I think the best way to support public health is to let doctors and patients decide what they think is best. Not rely on pharmaceutical companies and eugenicists. It is incorrect to lump anti mRNA criticism with all vaccine criticism, but that seems to be the label to discredit the people who don't accept Covid vaccination.)

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Better lawyer up, kitty!

My first dog knocked over our tree. Twice in his first Christmas post-adoption. After that he remembered it wasn't a pine-scented burglar. Second dog just kinda gave it side-eye.

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We used to have a tree every year, My cornish rex kitties always loved it. Only one chewed on the branches and I just sprayed a little bit of bitter spray on

They always sat under the tree, like it was their tree.

Since Pierro died in 2016.... I can not recover from that loss.

I have Miles and Princess now, but Princess is wild and crazy. She knocks over everything

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My cats did this once many years ago, so we secured future trees with ropes. :)

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If a tree falls in Schrödinger's living room and there's only his cat around, does it ever hit the ground?

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🤣🤣 My cats always did sh1t like this.

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hahahahahahaha! a close relative of my cat, clearly!

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Where were the cats a few years ago? I saw none for about two weeks or so.

Off in the other dimension dreaming up plans?

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Wonderful metaphor . . . .

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That was entertainment.

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lol, Déjà vu ~ How did you get a picture of my cat?

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An "attractive nuisance." They brought this on themselves.

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lol, was just calling someone out on stocktwits who was speculating what THEY were about to do!

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