Thank you for covering this. Silence from Democrats and human rights NGOs grows more deafening by the day. We all know who their real masters are: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-control-your-souls-desire

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Cmon you're being way too hard on the NGO people and the brave souls who fight for justice and freedom at Amnesty International.

They have lives and families in brownstone Brooklyn and you can only imagine the cruel punishments they'll face if they publicly disagree with the One True Narrative all good progressives on the Right Side of History™ believe.

One peep against Covid fundamentalism (masks shots and mandates always and forever!) and they may get a cold stare at the Park Slope Food Co-Op or one of their young NB They/Thems may get disinvited from a celebrity playdate.

You can't expect them to make this kind of sacrifice!

(big fan of your work)

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I have a grand-nephew in Brooklyn who just got married. His wife is some kind of executive at an NGO. The invitation to their wedding demanded the attendees to have a negative covid PCR result. Needless to say, I did not attend their soiree. The irony was they planned to marry in July, but both the bride and groom's family members came down with Covid. They had to postpone the wedding until October. I did laugh. No one died.

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I know many an upscale Brooklynite dedicated to the Social Justice religion. It is shocking to me their levels of neuroticism and also how they daily prove the point that no amount of "education" can keep you from falling for every fad and trend if your peer group is applying pressure to conform.

They all have some sort of Trans or "NB" child (and know dozens), they all have every shot and booster, they all wear masks everywhere, and they all keep getting Covid!

They are more or less just another cult impervious to reason or reality who live in a fantasy world, and they will cling to their belief system no matter the costs or damage.

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You are accurately describing my grand-niece-in-law. I'm not sure that her husband, my grand-nephew is as trend-driven as she, but I suspect he may be. Their wedding announcement had me laughing to keep from crying. They registered on some exploitative site called Nola. They had sweet pictures of themselves and a history of their meeting, etc. But they said their lives together would be devoted to Love (OK), respect for LBGTQI, immigration justice, black lives matter, and every other "progressive/liberal" trend. The Ukrainian conflict had not yet started, but I'm sure a yellow and blue flag would have been involved if it had.

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Considering that they are the slurs of choice in our time, I'm always hesitant to slap a racial label on anyone or onto any phenomenon etc, but that being said, it's hard not to notice that Social Justice (amongst other things) is a religion for upscale educated secular white women.

And they have a lot in common with the church ladies of old-time Christianity: punitive moralism, competitive and conspicuous compassion, social climbing "for a good cause", and a whole list of words you're not allowed to say.

Social Justice is the new Moral Majority, with Leftism in place of Christianity.

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Yes, you are thoughtful in your response and your conclusion. I agree that those issues are important and I support many of them, but virtue-signalling on their wedding announcement was what I found outlandish.

As a secular, slightly upscale white woman, but one who chose not to have the shots, I've had my eyes opened to much of the hypocrisy of the liberal/progressive causes I once supported vocally and financially. Now I try to see the agendas and propaganda in those causes, as well as the attempts at brainwashing that seem to be quite successful. Very little is as simple as presented by the trends and fads


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And yet for all their pretensions of sophistication, these same people, liberal women, are consistently found to be the least happy demographic in America. If you choose to live and think in a way that makes you miserable, you're probably making some mistakes. Unfortunately, that same world view nearly prohibits them ever admitting that they're wrong about anything.

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You left out two-faced, immoral, backstabbers.

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Ahh, all the classic and traditional great bases for a long-term relationship. I'll never forget all those utopian checkboxes in the family Bible.

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oh god what has happened to young people???

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Inability to think critically?? Not sure.

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Wow, just think of how much worse it would have been without the shots, masks, lockdowns, etc.!!!!

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I know. They were recently at a family gathering. My sister sent me some pictures. I remarked that I was amazed they didn't have their masks on, especially as I read NY is ready to do more mandates. I guess they're trusting everyone's shots, etc.

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We must ALL fight for our freedom! They plan to implement covid passports & complete control in the USA by 2030. We MUST fight back. Check out STOPWORLDCONTROL.com

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Well, that fiction of human rights NGOs needs to be shredded too.

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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 27, 2022

[edit] oh "human rights" NGOs.

Well the 'human rights' ideal got subverted by that horse-faced Elanore Roosevelt.

Nothing is a right that compels the labor of another man.

https://0x0.st/o0s2.png (you'll need animations turned-on in browser)

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You say that the "silence from the Democrats" is deafening, yet you do not mention the Republicans.

Maybe I just can't hear them over the deafening silence of the Dems and NGOs?

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The RINOS like McConnell and McCarthy are just as bad as Dems. Ron Desantis is the only leader who has spoken up, which is why he is the frontrunner for 2024.

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OK, so Ron Desantis, Senators Rand Paul and Ron Johnson, and Rep. Thomas Massie, are about it. How many Republicans are there in the national political spotlight? It's pathetic.

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Is the WEF and UN a human rights NGO?

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I've been saying this since the 1990's when the West sent it's manufacturing jobs to China.

Idiotic empowerment and enrichment of regimes we should have nothing to do with. And what has it brought us . . . cheap shit to offset the collapse of western wages.

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Cheap shit to cause the collapse of wages

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It'll end soon enough. Everybody in the West will have to learn to live without their 2.5 Chinese slaves.

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No .we will be joining them in shackles

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I hope you’re wrong. It’s definitely Klaus Rothschild’s plan, however.

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He's a chatbot

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I see.

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I think you're inhuman.

Prove me wrong, describe this picture: https://files.catbox.moe/uxipj4.jpg

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A pic of back end of an airplane that someone let their retarded child mark up.

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Actually, it’s the right wing of an airplane.

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The only retard here is the one that incorrectly answered a question not asked of them

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Everyone wanted cheap shit

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Did they? Or, were people convinced they wanted this crap? I never wanted any of it.

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Indeed we got cheap shit (deferred cost) - and our own occupying regime wearing the skinsuit of the "West".

Is 'western silence' re China really that unexpected when vocalized discontent with the globohomo anti-White/West/Christian culture war, open borders, economic destruction and looting of our national treasures, and shredding of our Constitution in the name of EqualityDiversity, etc. merits one the red badge of racism/extremism/threat to our democracy' right here in the free 'west'?

The totalitarian regime would not look the same in china as it does here in FUSA, but that doesn't mean we don't have our own version.

I struggle to understand appeals to the goodwill of Western Civilization when most of the other discussions are about the tyrannical, methodical destruction of same. The "USA" is an economic zone backed by a tenuous hegemony of violence. A lot more than jobs were traded for Progress.

Yeah, China is asshole. Give it time and FUSA will be #1 again. The orders to the camps will be written in 20 different languages. So, we will have that going for us. Which is nice.

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There's no Equality wanted. They want "Equity." They want hired because they are alive and breathing. There is no need to have ANY qualifications at all.

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Yuup. Agree. And Clinton destroyed America adding China to WTO.

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Yes, this was the nail in the coffin, yet everyone seems to forget this.

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If silence is tacit support then offshore production is empowerment. I always thought that it was naive to think that engagement would be good for our state, that trade and economic engagement would lead to beneficial political change. It’s just strengthened their hand. Cheap shit has benefited no one except the CCP and corporations. It’s not the first unholy alliance or the first time economic engines have been used by tyrants.

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They moved jobs to cheap labor camps in the 90's so they could keep inflating money to enriching themselves and pacify the Americans.

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I think your concluding statement is the thought that has impacted me the most over the past year or two - that humans never learn. I come from a Jewish background, heard all my life "Never Again"... and then had my eyes opened by all the insanity happening recently and learned that it happens over and over and over again. We really do not learn. This gives me such a profound sadness, because it implies something about human nature that cannot be changed. Truly sad.

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It took me awhile to realize everyone has an inner Good German and some people really thrive on the permission to let him out.

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Read Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer, in 1951.

The problem is we are herd animals and want to get along just to get along because it’s easier. Then when the “experts” tell you that the bad thing you are doing is really a good thing it makes you feel better about yourself.

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We're not herd animals but pack animals and wired to be submissive to the alpha pair. What's skewed the dynamic is society growing so large, the power has to be delegated to lots and lots of sub-alphas.

Humans keep breaking off from any larger group and forming new packs. That's always troublesome for governance. Xi built those "quarantine" camps under cover of Covid but they're gonna be multi-purpose.

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I think the reality we are a mix of both. In human societies, herding often involves people using the actions of others as a guide to sensible behavior, instead of independently seeking out high-quality information about the likely outcomes of these actions. herding evolved to benefit individuals, not groups or societies. Packs function as a group with each individual having a role that benefits the pack not the individual.

I think most people are part of the herd, willingly following what the herd does as long as it doesn’t affect them negatively.

I think those willing to buck the system, look out for one another etc fall more into the pack mentality.

Just my two cents but when I see the actions of the average person on a day to day basis I see a herd of sheep not a pack of wolves.

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Well, a pack (or troop, but why quibble) of primates may seem different from a pack of wolves, but most wolves are really just henchwolves, mighty submissive to the alpha pair and saving all that natural aggression for the prey.

It's just the size of the group that misleads our perceptions. Take any group from the beginning of time. You get a leader who hands down a doctrine and the penalties for disbelieving are pretty grim, but there's always a dissident who just can't conform regardless of the horrors of the penalties for heresy.

How many trazillion sects has every religion split into? How many political movements splitting from the parent theory?

It's always Mother and Father Cult Leader/Monarch and Consort trying to keep things together and always somebody wants to secede. Here we are in the disobedient Colonies and yet we reproduced those political dynasties, over and over, and trying to escape has brutal costs. But still people keep expressing heretical thoughts.

The parties grew too big and now independents are rising, but they don't have cohesive leadership because, you know, they're independents, and the hierarchical-inclined don't trust them because there's no leadership to adhere to.

Ripe for the rise of, you know, a charismatic leader. Real danger zone.

Cycle of life.

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We are closest related to Chimps. They are the only animals that will make gangs and have members hold down enemies while the leader rapes and pulls off genitals.

Man is bad. Very bad.

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"We're not herd animals but pack animals and wired to be submissive to the alpha pair."

Not everyone.

@33% conformist

@33% compliant/ aka go along to get along

@33% rebellious

It's the last group that's the big problem.

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I dont think we are heard animals..


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How bout some R&R at a CCP VACATION RESORT. Reasonable rates. No worries, no cares. Stimulating activities, educational courses, psychiatric care and treatment for attitude issues-negative thoughts. Medications included. Will pick you up at your house. Coming soon to a location near you.

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Everything we needed to know about Xi, he told us with the brutality of those camps--and charging the inmates for the accommodations.

The Australians didn't have the guts--and Flackmistress of the Dark Claire Lehmann ran cover for them.

But Xi also couldn't hide his one weakness. He can't tolerate mockery. His balls, big as they are, ain't quite big enough for that. No one of purported power in the West has the stones to exploit that.

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cool, thanks for the tip I will check it out - always looking for books that will help me make sense of this crazy world.

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Chinese and Jewish here. This has been a painful time. Never thought I’d see such craziness in the US.

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Yeah, I know what you mean, I get that feeling here in Canada as well.

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There's a video of our great leader Justin the man-child, saying that the country he admires the most is China.

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Homo sapiens f*ucked up. We must make a new beginning.

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It's not just Klaus Schwab who wants to emulate China - Biden and many (most?) Dems in Congress want the same. They don't speak out because they believe in the mindset and methods. At the very least, these people in our government are owned by China, but we know they have a major dictatorial bent. Look at how many ways the Constitution was trampled all in the name of a virus.

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i would urge caution about the presumption that this tendency to play apologist for and emulate china resides upon only one side of the aisle.

team elephant has been pretty awful on this as well.

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I wouldn't disagree with that. I just believe it is slightly more prevalent on one side.

I really don't favor the politicians on either side. I think almost all of them are corrupt, save a very few.

Most who know me know that for a long time I have termed the parties Demicans and Republicrats.

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Perhaps it always becomes more prevalent on the (any side) side that perceives it has or by moral imperative should have the upper hand?

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That's a good point. And perhaps on the other side, the opposite occurs because of disaffection of former supporters of the first side from the tyranny it moves to support?

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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 27, 2022

A caveat would be that Hollywood, Sports, Academia, The Bureaucracy, Media, Wall Street and Big Corp are all functionally Leftist who either support this or turn a blind eye.

So it's weighted left. And they have more influence than one politician or political party.

But if Lindsey Graham were president I betcha he could take care of this straight away......

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"Lindsey Graham...straight away..."

Haha. Very funny.

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I’m sure his wife would help.

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To " Hollywood, Sports, Academia, The Bureaucracy, Media, Wall Street and Big Corp," China = $$$$$$$$$$

consequently, they will tolerate anything for the Benjamins.

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Indeed. The media doesn’t hassle the Republicans “involved “ with China.

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I suppose I could have pointed to the fact that I've called out the two sides as being warring families in a crime syndicate, both constantly vying for the seat at the head of the table:


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Turdo loves China. Even if he got told off by Xi last week.

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They’re owned and controlled by a bigger force with which China is also complicit. It’s necessarily a global pact or it wouldn’t work.

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Almost as if China were the teachers pet, or should I say “global pact” pet?

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He’s got the power of the globalists behind him. Perhaps he’s not that stupid. At some point in the near future it won’t matter what we think.

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Bingo. I'm Catholic. Bishops and priests have suffered in China for decades. No one, not the Church or "free countries" spoke out. Now we have a pope who approves of a fake church, "patriotic association," and spits on good bishops like Cardinal Zen.

When you don't oppose it, you become it. Post it on your iPhone.

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“When you don’t oppose it, you become it.” Brilliant Jerry. Perfectly stated.

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The current Pope ..... look at his track record. The church has not given much support to people in the last years. It should also be at the forefront of achieving peace where there is currently none but there is silence or am I missing something

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It's been this way since the Church went silent on Communism at the Council. Remember Cardinal Mindszenty. He was stalwart against the commies in Hungary, was arrested and suffered 23 years. He was freed in 1971, and Pope Paul VI effectively shut him up. Kudos to Pope Francis declaring him Venerable, but too little, too late. Will Francis speak up about Bishop James Su Zhimin whom the chicoms "disappeared" 26 years ago? Will he speak up in support of the multitude of protesters currently engaging the CCP throughout China?

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I remeber a canadian pastor being arrested for opening his church:


Last year, Pawlowski faced a civil contempt charge for continuing to hold church services in violation of a provincial court order that forbade “organizing an in-person gathering, including requesting, inciting or inviting others to attend an ‘Illegal Public Gathering.’” As a result, the pastor faced three days in prison, a fine of $23,000 (CAD), 18 months probation, and was forbidden from traveling outside of Alberta. "

Did the pope come to his aid.....they were totally silent. The guy was put in solitary confinement apparently for 2 months.

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... and where were all the Canadian bishops, and pastors of other denominations? Fortunately, Artur was vindicated and all fines voided.

He was great! In one video, the "health" gestapo invaded his church and he let them have it. He rightly called them Nazis and yelled until they left. He was marked after that. The brave man stood!

What makes a person go Nazi / Commie? I'd like to think I have the grace to resist.

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China owns our rulers....

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this is one of the really nasty asymmetries in the current political sphere:

$1 billion is nothing to a nation the scale of china.

it is dynastic wealth for a political family.

now ask me why we need inalienable rights.

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No quibble with the need for inalienable rights but need to note even China's wealth is deeply entwined with Wall Street's political elite and weighing the power is tricky.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (AmCham Shanghai) is a non-partisan, non-profit business organization established in 1915. It is the third overseas American chamber to operate worldwide, established only three years after the founding of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. AmCham Shanghai was resurrected in 1987 after a break of 38 years, and is now among the two largest AmChams in Asia, alongside AmCham Japan.

AmCham Shanghai represents 1,300 companies and 3,100 individual members and is growing by an average of 80 new members per month. We are committed to the principles of free trade, open markets, private enterprise and the unrestricted flow of information.

AmCham's Corporate Visa Program provides a channel for expedited non-immigrant visas to the U.S., while the Medical Benefits Program leverages our buying power, bringing Chamber members good value for money with a well known international insurer.


Asia Times 2004 - The Bush family: Middle Kingdom rainmakers By Zach Coleman

Bush Sr and his relatives have turned that open invitation into a family franchise over the years, setting themselves up as gatekeepers between lucrative business opportunities created by the opening up of China's economy and the US corporate and political establishment. If Iraq is the place where the Bush men fight once they leave the oil fields of Texas, China is where they have made money.


Sun, 18 December 2005

China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co. Joins with Carlyle to Inject a Total of RMB 6.6 Billion New Capital into China Pacific Life Insurance Co.



Published: May 20, 2007

The Chinese government said today that it would acquire a $3 billion stake in the Blackstone Group, the private equity firm, in the country’s first effort to diversify its $1.2 trillion in foreign-exchange reserves beyond United States Treasury bills and into commercial enterprise.

The deal, which is set to coincide with Blackstone’s $4 billion initial public offering this year, will give China a roughly 8 percent stake in Blackstone, which owns companies that have 375,000 employees and $83 billion in annual sales.

It would also represent a watershed for the booming private equity industry as it tries to gain a foothold in China.

“It’s a historic change. It’s a paradigm shift in global capital flows,” Stephen A. Schwarzman, a co-founder of Blackstone, said in an interview. He called the Chinese government’s decision “huge” and even “surprising” to him.


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Western leaders stand by and say nothing because they want to exercise precisely those same powers over us. It’s not a question of “waking up” these leaders, or insisting that they “be brave.” Western leaders are precisely the same type of criminals.

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Biden’s silence is easy to understand when we realize his administration is working exclusively for our shadow government and pushing the elitist agenda along- captured in part by Soros’s statement that China is the model for the world.

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The laptop is real. Everybody knows it. It proves that Joe Biden is bought and paid for. Now it’s time to ask the hard questions: What would a bought president be doing? Cutting our energy independence? Hurting Americans by cutting off trade via sanctions? Pushing us into a war we can’t possibly win that would likely lead to the rise of China as the world’s superpower? Devaluing the dollar and gutting the middle class?

Maybe the better question is: If Biden’s goal was to wreck the economy and enable the rise of China, would he be doing anything at all differently?

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Agree completely that Xiden is bought. My guess is that 75% of congress/senate is bought and paid for as well. Maybe even higher. Plus... lots of the Deep State higher ups get Chicom $$$$ as well.

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No families. What I mean is, this is a country that had a 1-child policy violently enforced since the early 80s ( and silently encourage for a couple decades before that).

Families are where people learn to be in society. No family makes it difficult to give a shit about other people. This is a country of a billion people who have not learned the natural way to give a shit about anybody but themselves.

That man standing with the sign "You know what I want to say" has no brothers. Possibly one or both of his parents are dead. If they are both dead, he is finally "free" to attempt to buck the system because he is alone and they cannot get his loved ones. He has nothing to lose.

The global police bastards that dragged him away also have no family. They have attached themselves to the CCP to find a "place". They do not give a shit about the people they beat. Why should they? They do not know God.

Gotta go sit, grand baby just arrived.

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Not a word about the atrocity of locking people up for months. Not a word from any western country. A disgrace.

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I don't think China's lost its mind at all. They can afford to lose millions of people and they're making the "bad dogs" come out and show themselves so they can be exterminated.

The West didn't give a damn when China broke that nice little gentleman's agreement about how they were gonna give that whisper of freedom to Hong Kong. Xi's tryout in the provinces and now the show's on Broadway.

Xi knows every Western govt. knows now the how and where of that troublesome virus and yet China is paying no cost for the initial escape and the very very bad advice on how to handle the pandemic. If that led to no penalty, no one's gonna rescue the Chinese people in China.

We're not even rescuing ourselves, so...

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This regime is the one openly admired by scum like Trudeau. The world needs to collectively rise up and demolish these psychopaths.

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"and the west sits silent. and at a certain point, that silence becomes complicity."

Seriously, at a certain point it becomes complicit? How about 70-80 years ago. The west pretty much installed mao and millions died. the west also supported the overthrow of the russian royals and poured money and material into russia in support of the bolshevik revolution.

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of course we're silent - we are now just China West. a satrapy.

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Literally from day 1 this was my position for this exact reason. No lockdowns. Digital ID passes will only serve to restrict us more and more and we must not comply.

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It's all about the cash and doing business. We're supposed to fight a nuclear war over white Europeans but unspeakable horrors in China, shut-up, it's Black Friday and big screens are on sale!

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