This is spot on, as usual. I think most Jewish people were horrified by the hearings because clearly these colleges don’t believe in free speech, but only use it for those they prefer, and now Jews saw that they’re on the outside of this new system.

The answer cannot be to make Jews part of the victim system and continue the current selective speech program. The answer is actual free speech.

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The Israel government is Hamas: https://bitchute.com/video/3XKnSWnxhH6I [30 seconds]

"Hamas is the Israeli government. It was we who created Hamas in order to create leverage against Fatah."-Avi Primor, Israeli Diplomat

This was a false flag attack against both the Israel and Palestine people by their government. https://bitchute.com/video/eAN12noFlId0 [7:04 minutes]

A nation's people and a nation's government are completely separate things, and many are conflating the Israeli people with the Israeli government who is controlled by this man: https://tritorch.com/degradation/RothschildAbramovicSatanSummoningHisLegions.png [image]

Many are also conflating the Palestinian people with Hamas who is control by this man: https://tritorch.com/degradation/RothschildAbramovicSatanSummoningHisLegions.png [image]

That man also controls nearly every bit of information you receive about both this war and the history of this conflict which stretches back decades.

That man is posing with Marina Abramović in front of a painting titled 'Satan Summoning His Legions'.

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I’d argue the Jews are very much on the inside, as these people are losing there jobs. Since October 7th I’d say the Jews are no different than these presidents regarding free speech. They will happily allow you to speak freely about that with which they agree, but speak against what they believe and it’s the gulag for you anti semite. A word that much like racist or homophobe has lost all meaning.

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I agree the Jews are driving the response to the Congressional Ivy League clown show. The Jewish Kornbluth at MIT and black Gay at Harvard will retain their jobs while only the white non-Jewish Magill at Penn has lost her job. The magic of intersectionality at work! Jews largely created the woke Frankenstein monster that came to kill them in Israel, and that monster also stalks them on college campuses. Jews have considerable cultural influence and they may want to use that clout to stop the monster they created instead of feeding it. Remember, things didn't end so well for Dr. Frankenstein.

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Clown show ffs this is a time they actually got it *exactly right* saying it's context, and this is when it matters, and you're bitching?

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The clown show part was their hypocritical pretense they care about free speech. They are woke automatons who exposed the moral and intellectual depravity of academia epitomized by the Ivy League buffoons at the Congressional hearings.

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They may indeed be buffoons as you say, but again this is a notable occasion when they *didn't* show it. If you watched only those hearings you could easily conclude that they still had the correct enlightenment approach to free speech.

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Do not take solace from the transparently hypocritical statements of morons like the Ivy League Presidents. They hate the Enlightenment and free speech. The absolute worst part of the hearing was their pretended deference to the first amendment. It made a mockery of all the decent people they have banned and hounded for years for their unapproved views. The only bright spot of the hearing was exposing the corruption of these and other previously-elite universities and the mediocrities who run them.

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Please Israeli Zionists. Millions of Jews detest Israel and its policies.

Zionists are antisemites.

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Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin and Bari Weiss "I believe in free speech but . . ."

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Institutionalized anti-white slander is to a large degree a Frankenstein monster created by the ADL and other powerful Jewish organizations. Even as the monster lurched in their direction, they kept feeding it at first:


Now that their own monster looks truly dangerous to themselves, they suddenly see injustice and want to shut it down. But I do not recall even a single instance of any Jewish organization objecting to the monster while it was attacking only ordinary white people.

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Jews as officially part of the victim system in the universities will only call attention to how disproportionately well represented they are at the highest academic echelons. Far better to stay white and relatively invisible than that. Imagine the average citizen knowing Jews are only 2% of the U.S. population, but what % of Ivy League admissions?

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Exactly. The "white privilege" narrative will be harder to uphold in light of these naked statistics. Of course, everyone who's awake already knows what's going on. But most people aren't awake, and most who are keep their mouths shut, because, you know, Hitler. But what will happen when even the fig leaf hiding Jewish privilege disappears?

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Nope 👎. I was hoping to see some of that also .. but reading other Jewish substacks they are all for censorship & firing of those deans , who I personally think should all go anyway because of other reasons .. I would have loved to hear their answers if the protesters were carrying MAGA flags ..

plus many of these “protests” were not peaceful & involved stalking & physical harassment of students .. which is where you cross the line for me .. ✌️

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On the outside hahahaha what a jackass you are

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This is the longest and craziest 15 minutes in history, but sadly I don’t think it’s ending anytime soon. The Dark Ages lasted much longer than the Roman Empire. We are the monk scribes trying to preserve sanity and culture as the woke mind virus ravages the world like the bubonic plague.

After Claudine was appointed president in March, I made Harvard #1 in the Demoralized DIEvy League rankings. Their determination to be #1 in everything extends to the biggest clown running the asylum: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-get-into-harvard-part-3

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WB Yeats predicted these new Dark Ages over a 100 years ago:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;

Surely the Second Coming is at hand.


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As Jeff Childers (I think it was) said

The ‘Poison Ivy League’. They poison everything they touch.

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We have the internet. Infections and cures can happen much faster.

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May certain bastions yet hold out as our Byzantium for a few centuries more. See you at the walls when they regroup and send their crusaders to "help" us.

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I’m stealing “Rebel in the streets but colonized between the sheets”--sorry, it’s too good

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We better keep paper records or written journals for future generations to find ..

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A long time ago the KKK would acquire the necessary permits and stage marches through towns. Inevitably it would cause shouting and misgivings from onlookers. Sometimes even violence.

I recall someone asking a teacher why we allow this to happen? The answer was, It was their right under 1A to peacefully assemble and express their beliefs even when the majority disagree.

Besides, allowing them a platform gave onlookers a front row seat into theicrazy and so it mostly worked against them.

Also, the FBI liked keeping tabs on the KKK. So the logic was if they were hampered they’d go underground and be more difficult to track.

So for decades 1A, common sense, and law enforcement access was the ensuing logic. I was pretty content with that.

Just like the ensuing logic of, “If you don’t like what’s on TV change the channel.” And, “I may disagree with what you say but I’ll defend your right to say it.” “Sticks and stones…”

All of the platitudes, tropes, philosophies, tag lines, statements and edicts that millions of Americans once lived by have been burned to the ground.

Rioting is now merely Protesting. But only if it fits a certain narrative. Hate speech is a real thing now justifying new laws to ban, dox or sit on those with distasteful opinions. Changing the channel is no longer an option. Everyone is scrambling to put a boot each others face.

And, law enforcement? They’ve turned their backs on all of it. Except those uppity folks that see what’s going on and don’t like it one bit. They’ll wind up 1/6’d. That was the lesson in case you missed it.

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I am old enough to remember Skokie and that the ACLU used to have principles it was willing to pay for.

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The ACLU has gone insane ..

they actually declared our Moms for Liberty 🗽 Group a domestic terrorist organization ..

We are trying to get sexualized material & gender identity issues out of school libraries.. especially elementary schools..

Now we are terrorists 🙄🙄

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Yeah, it was a bit of overkill. Moms for Liberty is just kink for the conservative set.

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The ACLU was formed by ComParty USA members with the expressed purpose of undermining the Constitution from the inside. Helen Keller was a card carrying communist, and a founder of the ACLU. Their "principles" were the destruction of the republic and the establishment of a communist state. There is a reason they have never taken a 2A case.

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I have even read the the Helen Keller was an act. A totally deaf person would never be able to articulate the tonal sounds she made. She was an act sold to us and we accepted it as real.

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I've heard Owen Benjamin ponder this. Like, how might she have developed a British accent?

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You are incorrect.

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Please enlighten me. I am always ready to learn. As for the ACLU, they are NOT a liberty defender. Please don't use Wikipedia.

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There are some lesser known free speech cases. Here's a lesser-known one where the ACLU fought for the rights of a defendant to burn a cross. This case went all the way to the Supreme Court. A few things should be noted about the case: At issue was intent of such a display: to intimidate or protected expression? The revelance to current events (e.g. inflammatory speech or protests at universitie) should be obvious, I would hope.


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I like to have the terrible people and their views out in the open.

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💯 %

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The way I put it, is a city burning is referred to as a mostly peaceful protest, but a couple of windows broken, some injuries, and a tour of the capitol is "an insurrection." AS Gato says above...at least be intellectually consistent.

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And meanwhile the rest of us are learning to lie, and lie we will! These people don't want truth, they want power. It apparently does not cross their minds that they can be lied to very, very easily. That they can be duped. To use a possibly offensive analogy here, it is like back in the old-time slavery days when plantation owners used to routinely delude themselves that their "people" loved them and were happy in their situation, when this was far from the truth. They only saw what they wanted to see, only saw what they were manipulated into seeing. Because while you can compel words, you can compel actions, you cannot compel thoughts. A person who bows to the Emperor's statue is not necessarily a loyal subject of said Emperor. History is full of examples of rulers who thought that their people loved them only to get a rude awakening. But these folks don't study history because it's too oppressive . . .

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and, coincidentally, it happened right about Covid-Time

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Lots of unrest was happening in conjunction with Covid-Time. The country was being destabilized on purpose.

The goal was to get rid of Trump by making it appear the fabric of society was unraveling during his watch. We were being herded into “solutions” offered by the very orchestrators that were deliberately causing the problems in the first place.

You’ll notice Antifa/BLM, statue toppling, and all other manner of paid protesting has all but dried up under Biden. As I knew it would.

Biden is The Great Reset. Putting Soros’s and China’s agendas back on track. We are pawns in a war between Globalists vs Nationalists.

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During 2020, how many people started realizing this when they saw academics praising mass demonstrations because, "the virus of racism," was more deadly than covid, after also being told their church services and other gatherings were unacceptable because of the danger of spreading covid?

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What was most disappointing for me was the cowardice on display from church leaders across the country who gave no pushback whatsoever to their church's being deemed "non-essential."

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I totally agree. Since when was it acceptable for the church to put the state above God? Isn’t that the biggest sin of them all? To worship man and man’s institutions above God? I thought I was the only person who noticed that. What kind of leader sells out its own congregation? Not one I’d follow, that’s for sure.

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At least in Texas most of the churches were in active cooperation with the state government coordinating their "re-openings." They inverted the admonition of the apostles in Acts:

"Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him." (Acts. 5:29-32)

They obeyed men.

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I have never followed a leader except Jesus Christ.

Matthew 23 v. 8-10

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Yes, if only Nero and Diocletian could have seen this. They would have said, "is that all it takes to get rid of this pesky tribe of Christians? What are we doing wrong? Why aren't our Christians caving in like this?"

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Nero and Diocletian would be cursing the lack of technological development in their societies. Christians in those days couldn't "Join us Online" for church service, thereby neutering the belief that gathering together has any value.

I wrote a letter to the church my family was attending in April of 2020 asking them to reopen. The lead pastor called me and we talked. The church leadership was particularly happy about their online attendance numbers. Didn't want to reopen out of fear of looking reckless and angering members.

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The church I was attending also closed due to the lockdown. They were also pushing masking and vaxxing like crazy. What really got me was they wanted everyone to go along with their "we are all in this together" and "we are doing this because we care propaganda." I pointed out that when something is coerced, it is no longer a free choice and caring/not caring has nothing to do with it at this point. And for me to go along with this would be going along with a lie. I said you have the right to set whatever rules you want, and if you want to go along with the state you have the right to do that, but you do not have the right to tell me that I should comply out of the kindness of my heart. That is like saying you should pay taxes because it shows how you care for the poor. No. You have to pay your taxes no matter what. All you are doing is sugarcoating tyranny in the name of compassion. Well, the pastor said he wanted to have a meeting with me to discuss my concerns. I've been down that road before and I know how that story ends--being told to shut up and listen to my superiors. So I declined and I was glad I did when I heard about another member with similar views who had been called into a similar meeting. It ended up with the pastor (a relative newcomer) telling this long-time member of nearly 50 years that maybe they'd be happier somewhere else. So that's exactly what this member did--and took their entire family with them.

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Well said, except I now consider that the government here in the UK had a contract with me to use my taxes wisely. By promoting poisonous vaccines it has now gone on the attack of the citizens it is supposed to protect.

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Yes, in my fellowship it was fear of being seen to be irresponsible. Instead of which they made themselves out to be fools.


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I don’t believe my creator ever intended there to be “organized” religion. It’s simply another strategy (successful, mid evil tactic) to divide and conquer.

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Christian church made me puke during covid. What a cowardice. You are waiting to be introduced to the eternal life in heaven and people were exempted from mass and had to wear mask...

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Well said. I tried to get my small fellowship to see sense after the initial start which threw me as I came to grips with what was really going on. Many even took the vaccines despite my warning them.

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A glimpse of things to come. If we allow it.

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The hive mind was much more entrenched and substantive than I realized during 2020-21.

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As this stuff was going on I kept expecting a McCarthy style “have you no shame” moment to end it, some incident so outrageous that people would finally say

“You know what maybe 3 year olds putting dollar bills into the g-string of a guy large enough to play left tackle in the NFL while he sexually gyrates is a bit nutty”

That hasn’t really happened, but you can feel their power slipping away nonetheless. As more people are emboldened to simply laugh at them rather than genuflect they will grow increasingly weaker which will make them louder and even more absurd which will make them weaker still.

The arc of history does not bend towards batshit crazy as they seem to think.

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Oh Gato dear,

Haven't yet gone beyond first two paragraphs because I HAD to tell you, right away, just how excellently reasoned and written they are. Many many thanks.

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You should probably read the rest because he starts repeating usual bs allegations against protestors with zero actual evidence as usual. Fucking disgusting

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I did read the whole thing--just wanted to make that comment while the spirit was in me

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Absolutely! Like the Palestinians haven't gone through enough over the last 75 years! But of course this was a rant about "free speech" but it was also illogically composed in that regard also.

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I never thought I'd see the day when college presidents would be holding forth the piffle that they want to pass off as university "policy". Presumably the universities support inciting to riot, slander and all manner of hate speech, whatever that might mean, as expressions of "free speech". Say what you want, but don't weaponize speech. This nonsense about defending antisemitism while maintaining that misgendering causing harm bespeaks the unseen influence of a dark force. I suspect that these college presidents are putty in the hands of people who aim to use them to advance their totalitarian agenda. Orwell could scarcely have come up with a more wild picture of the dissolution of civilization. We're living Animal Farm on steroids.

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Agreed. In an effort to promote maximal equality for all, The Party has decreed that henceforth, all decks of playing cards shall be comprised of solely the ace of spades.

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It has been welcoming to watch the former "liberals" who are now pushed out because they aren't liberal enough, as you discuss in your last paragraphs. For some reason, those who are more libertarian or conservative, are branded as hate mongers, but because we actually know how capitalism works, hating anyone is going to leave you penniless, and learning about different cultures helps you get better at whatever you do. On the left, its great they all think alike and hate on the center and right, until the one moment they find themselves on the center or right of left.

I never hated those people, but I also am amazed it takes some of them so long to understand they were the ones voting for and living these lies and true hatred, only to find out later that anyone can be castigated by this cult. One day the monster will come for you if you never realize the monster is you.

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"I never hated those people, but I also am amazed it takes some of them so long to understand they were the ones voting for and living these lies and true hatred, only to find out later that anyone can be castigated by this cult. One day the monster will come for you if you never realize the monster is you."

Yuri Bezmenov, ex-KGB, predicted and explained in 1984 how this scenario would come to be and play out. He was branded a "lunatic". Yet, here we are:


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The whole point of going for more and more marginalised groups is censorship. Soon the marginalised groups will be the privileged ones (see women vs trans) and then everyone has to shut up because there's one person identifying as whoknowswhat and others need to support it.

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“once, this was hardly a rare belief or exotic concept. it was called “a principled stance on individual liberty”

Actually it is the Common Law, under which everything is legal unless the Law says otherwise. But... Common Law (passive) Rights may not be exercised at the expense of others’ Common Law Rights - so freedom of assembly doesn’t mean you can do it in somebody’s back yard; freedom of speech does not mean you can incite hatred or violence towards another to deprive them of their Common Law Rights to life, liberty and peaceful enjoyment of their property.

It’s all very simple, easily understood. USA is supposed to be a Common Law society - what happened? The same can be asked of the other English speaking Nations, the inheritors of English Common Law and the Rule of Law. Of course Legislation happened - invented rules (not Law) to give the State more power at the expense of the citizens’ Common Law Rights, and to give its cronies advantages over other sectors of society - contrary to the Rule of Law. It won’t end whilst we still have Government, just get worse. And it doesn’t matter who is running Govt, the problem is the institution itself... a self-inflicted tyranny that true democracy was supposed to prevent.

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Your essay is very good but here is where you lost me. Whatever you think of Muslim culture it is Israel that lobbies my country and has influence on my FREE SPEECH.

In fact Zionism is the Obi Wan Kenobi of cancel culture. Zionists hate free speech. If your essay is about free speech you might want to leave Israel out of that equation. It is amusing to see the students of cancel culture, LGBTQ, BLM, etc running up against the master.

And Israel violated the Nuremberg code as fast as any nation. A cancel culture that doesn’t even believe it’s own rhetoric.

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He lost me also at that same point.

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And now we can broaden the question of why do blacks mostly support the people who work to destroy them to include Jews. However, I really don't believe this will open any of their eyes because in the case of Jews, they have been directly responsible for the creation and acceptance of Leftist ideological poison. For that reason I find it rather funny that their blind stupidity is now biting them in their asses.

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These same Jews are perfectly fine with speech codes, that include them in the victim group. They are as big of hypocrites as these mealy mouthed presidents. There just mad they’ve been overtaken by Palestinians on the latest victim status hierarchy.

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You're half right but half horribly wrong... you see the Palestinians actually *are* victims. Real grievance per unit complaint is orders of magnitude greater for them than any group in US

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While the ZioNAZIS genocide them as we speak. The missing tidbit in this "libtards are wishy washy on free speech" diatribe.

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Haha I said the exact same thing!! It’s kind of great. What did they expect?

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Watching The Fall of Minneapolis last evening with husband. Now, reading your 9th paragraph: "this is dissolution. it’s madness. it is the literal opposite of civilization and the elevation of the worst and most damaged antisocial cluster B denizens to some form of purported priesthood of diversity". That documentary is the visual display of your words.

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In 2020, they stole a lopsided Presidential election by blatant cheating in ten states using a loophole they knew existed, namely that no-one in government had the power to to do anything about the steal.

And then they had the audacity to criminalize the very idea of questioning that result by labeling the questioning as "insurrection". There remain many people in jail and forever blackballed from "society" who did nothing more than voicing support for those that knew something was amiss.

I, like you, believe that Free Speech is an essential part of a free society. That collective idea that anyone could voice anything is what made America the shining Jewel on the Hill to the rest of the world. That is why people have chosen to emigrate to this country for the past 150+ years.

Somehow we stopped teaching that simple fact to a generation and now the chaos that marxism always brings has arrived. As always there hoped-for utopia, will fail again as "they didn't choose the right people to be in charge" (hint: due to human nature, there is no such thing as the right people - but a senile leader and cross-dressing incompetent underlings is a new twist).

I only hope that it fails quickly, the three other times the "progressives" have tried to go socialists in this country it took expending a whole lot of dead young men overseas before we came to our senses for another 20-30 years.

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If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?

Frederic Bastiat, The Law

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Yes I found the attitude and demeanor of the "legislators" to be very dictatorial and authoritarian.

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Remember the media and congressional outrage when the Universities were overtly anti- white, anti-male and anti-Asian?

Yeah, me either.

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Purrrrfectly thought-out and well written!

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