It should be undeniably evident by now that the goal of the globalists is to bankrupt their countries’ economies, force people into crippling debt, medical obedience and government stipends, and get everyone cozy in their 200 sqft cubicle WEF pods eating crickets or whatever Gates intends to cook up with his acres upon acres of farmland. Because there’s no other explanation for the ham-fisted monetary policy we’ve seen by supposed experts in their field other than willful negligence.

P.S. And they all belong in Hell or jail. I suppose the latter then the former.

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I get as mad about the price of ribeye skyrocketing as the next guy, but fuel... fuel is a different beast. Fuel is what gets the ribeye onto the meat counter. The price of fuel increasing is not functionally different from the price of everything increasing.

If someone slaps you across the face enough times consecutively, it doesn't matter how much they apologize, or swear up and down that it's not on purpose, that they have the best of intentions. And big governments have been doing a lot of slapping lately.

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These are not “unserious” people. They are seriously trying (succeeding?) to destroy our economy and country.

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Step 1: Govts. intervene in markets.

Step 2: Chaos

Step 2.5: Send billions to Ukraine.

Step 3: Govt. blames it on capitalism or Putin

Step 4: More govt. intervention to make things worse.

Step 4.5: Send billions more to Ukraine.

Step 5: Nationalization of markets or Guillotines return.

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At this stage, I have resigned myself... to a future of hardship and scarcity. Time and again I have been waiting for societies and governments to come to their senses, to no avail. The pandemic has merely widened the dissonance, for the mental break needed to continue going along with the covid nonsense has the side effect of making one quite pliable to all other kinds of nonsense

Over and over I wonder what these people are thinking. But then, really, what was I expecting?

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If people like us can see it so plainly, then obviously the powers that be are doing it intentionally and either with malice or out of negligence.

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I remember sitting in lines at the gas station with my dad in 73/74 on days when our license plate number allowed us to buy some gas. At the time, it was the evil Arabs at fault, not at all the U.S government meddling in the middle east and Nixon taking the U.S. dollar off the gold standard, which lost the the oil producers a ton since they traded in dollars. Now it is the evil Russians and evil corporations at fault and not at all U.S government meddling... I guess I will go get in line at the gas station again.

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Absolutely spot on. You couldn't make up this level of stupidity. However, I don't believe it is stupidity, too many countries are taking similar actions which we all know will end up in global economic carnage. This is being controlled and is a deliberate attempt to crash the global economy. It is the largest theft of money from the masses to the "elites" with the added bonus of reducing populations and making the remaining population obedient to their control and the imposition of the Great Reset and world government.

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"Price gouging" is one of the most ignorant claims a politician can make.

If someone somewhere is willing to pay a specific price for an item, then that's the market price and the price is not "too high". If you want it enough, you'll pay a high price to get it. It doesn't matter what it is, it doesn't matter whether it's "essential".

Prices are a function of consumer scarcity and producer availability. If one of those things changes, the price will change. Usually during emergencies, demand goes up and supply goes down (e.g. ice and water after a hurricane). The price necessarily must increase.

This is one of those times where having an academic background in microeconomics really makes my life uncomfortable.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

I was a teen in the 70s and remember all this well. My first "real" job in college was at a bank in the early 80s. One of my tasks was verifying the conversion of the manual commercial loan system to a computerized one. I distinctly remember rates in the 18-20% range. Fruits of the Volker Feds necessary contraction of credit that created the 81-82 double-dip recession, but ended the stagflation that preceded it.

And people shake their heads at me for being an anarcho-capitalist...

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"Price controls" is pretty much communism. You will only be allowed to buy what we want you buy, when we want you to buy it, and at the cost we want you to buy it. Pottery.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Been there, had (bell bottoms, Gremlin) and done that (odd/even gas days). Again I ask, no, beg, let’s pool our money (what’s left) and buy an island. These people do not deserve us.

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That is how narcissists think. They live in their own world, not the real world. In their world, their arrogance and delusion allows them to believe that which is not real, but which only exists in their imagination. "I was born a man, but i am really a woman" "if the rich get richer, they got rich by stealing from poor people" "Hillary had the election stolen from her, but Trump did not have the election stolen from him". I could go on and on, but the truth is, we are not dealing with sane people. Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results is not the definition of insanity (unknown source) but is in fact the definition of plain STUPIDITY. When you couple insanity with stupidity, you have a real problem that will not end well...ever.

The narcissist's world is a zero sum game. period.

Everything in the narcissist's reality can be explained if you analyze it from the viewpoint of someone that sees a zero sum game EVERYWHERE. "mommy, you are giving attention to my brother, hence you are not giving attention to me". "you make a lot of money, but that is because of me (you stole it from me)" "your free speech deprives me of my free speech, because i can't stand the fact that someone may listen to you and not ME" "prices are high because you are stealing more money from ME".

This thought process is how mentally deranged, and morally bankrupt people think.

It is also how STUPID people think.

It is nothing new (see Cain and Abel), but in the modern world it is now a dominating force.

We are witnessing proof that the Dunning Kruger effect is real, is now converging with the newly acquired modern ability of narcissists to dominate the public discourse through the use of mass media/modern technology. (this did not exist before as the lunatics were put in asylums before, not given iphones)

Throw in all of the CCP/Marxist/radical/WEF bots on twitter, to make things even more interesting, and you have a recipe for disaster.

These lunatics are actually running the place now. It is scary.

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The definition of insanity is trying the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.

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Oh no. Now I know the economy is gonna get worse. And we haven't gotten to the carbon restrictions yet. And people will get crazier as it gets worse. Gonna be a very bumpy ride.

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Agree with all you wrote except it’s still the era of ABBA.

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