fundamental humans rights (unless we decide to use them for leverage)
a tour of towering hypocrisy
it’s a funny thing about the authoritarian left: they speak in grand platitudes about fundamental human rights to all manner of things from speech to healthcare to education. they proclaim “my body my choice” and “human dignity” as foundational tenets.
and yet the minute they want something, this all goes out the window. what was moments before the axis mundi of moral society is now a point of leverage to arm twist you into submission to their demands as object lesson # 33,971 is applied on that most structural of power symmetries:
a government powerful enough to give you everything you want is also powerful enough to take everything you have.
what 5 minutes ago was the very intrinsic essence of your allegedly inalienable entitlement as a human is now theirs to withhold until you comply.
how many more lessons are you going to need before you wake up and smell the soy-child demagogue?
the people pushing these intrusions are deeply fascist and totalitarian. they have dreams of dictatorship.
note that this request for pervasive "papers please" (absent the please) is not "offered" nor sold as desirable.
it is simply demanded.
now imagine, once this is in place, what they will have the power to demand next…
see the problem?
they do not believe in your rights, it’s all tactical means to grab from some to buy others and then use the dependency they create to demand obedience.
and they will vilify all opposition to this and erect moral codes to glorify their dominance.
and the media will fawn.
but let’s consider the real question, shall we? because the “small group muscling in” is not who they claim it to be…
this sort of “processive-aggressive” left is notoriously unable to rotate shapes in their heads. they are emotive ideologues. the very idea that the rules they seek to impose upon you should also apply to them is inconceivable. they simply see some greater good to which they are fortuitously the beneficent champion and a benighted populace that must be led to it and away from their own base desires for liberty and self-determination.
for their own good, of course.
obviously, simple ideas like bodily integrity and self-determination are anathema. and this is true all across this movement (especially those who hang around in davos)
the game is ever the same: claim that “free stuff” is a human right, get people hooked on it while impeding the means to become self-sufficient, then threaten to take it away until people comply with whatever intrusion next takes your fancy.
a dependent populace is a subservient populace.
we can argue about whether it's simple machiavellian tactics and pretexts or the self-righteous self-delusion of the true ideologue taking you freedom "for your own good" but does it really matter? this feels more like a distraction than a profitable debate.
the real issue is more fundamental:
positive rights are not only unethical, immoral, and inconsistent with basic human liberty and self determination:
they are a trap.
all fundamental rights are negative. they are rights to non-interference. you have a right to speech, to association, to bodily integrity. such rights to not obligate anyone else to act for you, merely to leave you unimpeded. no one must listen when you speak, or agree, or associate with you if they chose not to. such rights are universal, reciprocal, and require mutual consent for actions. if you cannot have it alone on a desert island, it’s not a negative right.
but positive rights are different. a “right to healthcare” is a positive right. such a right implies that others must do things for you. healthcare does not just appear, someone has to perform it, someone has to pay for it. the time, agency, and treasure of others is made yours. but by what right? by what right may one take from others against their will and call it a just entitlement?
this is the issue that bedevils such structures: you cannot have positive rights without violating negative rights.
many have discussed this at length.
but what seems to get left out of the calculus is the next extrapolation: a government that can grant you positive rights also winds up granting itself the right to take away your rights as well.
that’s the whole essence of the deal.
your rights are no longer intrinsic and inalienable. they are privleges to be granted or withheld at whim to serve some “greater end” to which you may have no access or input.
and this is why the whole thing is a lie.
there can be no “fundamental right to healthcare” because it always and unavoidably comes attached to a system that violates negative rights and thus the notion of fundamental rights at all.
the premise is self-refuting.
it inherently abrogates the notion that your rights are intrinsic or inalienable. it demands the admission of the contrary.
and once you concede that rights are alienable from you, you’re just having a negotiation about what gets taken next.
and each new taking makes the next one easier and leaves you less and less able to resist. dependence begets deference.
this is the one way ratchet from citizen to serf.
you are not being given “free stuff” you’re being sold subservience as a subscription service that is devilishly difficult to cancel by people who the minute they get done telling you that health is a human right violate that right to bend you to the next compliance.
the irony that by any integrally consistent logic this makes human rights abusers is surely lost on them, but it ought not be lost on you.
ask yourself a simple question:
are these the sorts of people you want to trust with universal digital ID and central bank digital currencies linked to it to track all commerce and control everything from your healthcare to your ability to travel and buy basic goods?
of course everyone is tired and just wants some normal back. but this is not the path to that.
this is the path to the other place.
this is an obscenity inflicted by amoral hypocrites of the highest order.
it's not going to stop until it is stopped and each tightening of the ratchet will make it harder still.
if not now, when?
if not you, who?
Continued silence from human rights NGOs like amnesty international. They sided with Trudeau against the truckers:
Remember: digital currency will be as bad if not worse than vaccine passports. Please gatito, keep an eye on this and keep people informed.