Continued silence from human rights NGOs like amnesty international. They sided with Trudeau against the truckers: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-control-your-souls-desire

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Continued silence and compliance by the CHURCH as well.

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Not all of them, not the real church. Grace Community Church, opened their doors, under threat of jail, fined daily, leased parking lot taken by LA County, then the Church sued and WON! And the county had to pay the legal fees, $400k, I believe if I remember correctly. They are making a movie to come out this year, called The Essential Church about it. They also opened their own schools so parents could get their kids out of the mandatory vaccines and secular teaching shoving in garbage.

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Just looked it up and the lawyers represented 2 others and the total legal fees were actually 2.15 million that Newsom, et al, paid, 👏👏👏

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Newsom or taxpayers, that is the question 😏

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of course the taxpayers always pay these things. it would be better if newsome had to pay them personally! but taxpayers might get mad enough to go against newsome

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Taxpayers…we pay for EVERYTHING

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Right - it was us taxpayers that paid for the lawyers. And we paid Newsom to spend our money fighting the fundamental right to peaceably assemble and exercise religion. We paid Newsom to issue those dictatorial edicts. We're still paying Newsom to abolish our basic human rights.

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They were in the 10% that stood up to this. Sadly, 90% of the religions went along with it. Great to hear that they won.

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When threatened by armed enforcement, it's quite hard to stand firm. The tactics used to suppress reasonable dissent have been quite extreme here in California. But not all counties were compliant. In several counties (Riverside and Orange are two of which I'm aware), the county sheriff and attorneys recognized that Newsom's edicts were illegal, and refused to go along. Several cities in the central valley also declined. In at least one such city, Newsom followed through on his threat to send state LE in to enforce his edicts, physically expelling people from businesses, a church and a synagogue (I think it was Stockton?). A good friend (who is an attorney) in Orange County continued to attend services at his synagogue, and has been engaged in legal defense of several churches and synagogues in other parts of the state that were bullied into compliance. The legal fight is not over yet.

Remember here in California, where a physician's medical license can be revoked for questioning the state mandated policies such as suggesting that giving COVID shots to children may not be good risk/reward.

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Your local sheriff system is the ace in the hole for liberty. If you have a good sheriff there is nothing they can do to enforce their edicts.

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Would that more churches had followed this pattern. Compliance & silence is what most if not all churches did in Germany. History doesn’t look kindly upon them.

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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller

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Exactly. Eventually it will be you.

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History repeating itself.

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Wow. That's impressive. Wonderful Pastor & congregation. Lucky kids that get to go to school there.

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Feb 13, 2023
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None are denied salvation but those who refuse it.

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The higher power in which I believe knows no race other than human.

I once questioned the existence of the divine. Then I had a child. An existence proof of miracles.

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Guess how the churches silence was attained? The "right" of a non profit to remain a tax free entity if they don't engage in political speech.

Many pastors hold the position that Christ was not interested in an earthly kingdom so his followers shouldn't be concerned at all about politics. Christ also wasn't interested in having a wife but many pastors still encourage healthy marriages. Weird.

Of course, once the idea of encouraging traditional marriage is considered political hate speech the non-profit status of offending churches can be revoked and taxed into oblivion.

Would be nice if a majority of pastors could see the writing on the wall and start preaching Christian morals to be applied in the voting booth but that might be considered political which would threaten that precious non profit status. They will just keep telling you Jesus loves you and God is in control so sit on your hands and keep your mouth shut.

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I absolutely believe that Jesus loves me and that God is in control, but as my dad always said: 'pray like everything depends on God, work like everything depends on you'. Amen, hallelujah brothers & sisters!!!

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"Pray to God, but row away from the rocks" Hunter S. Thompson

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God is in control but he works through men who he has given the gift of free will. We still need to act for desired outcomes in our lives just as evil men are free to work towards evil outcomes. There are very few instances in the Bible where God takes direct action from Heaven. God parted the Red Sea and gave the Ten Commandments through Moses.

Even Grace through Christ was achieved by God becoming a man and acting as a man in this world.

I think what we have now is most leaders in the Church ignoring the Spirit and staying silent about political and social issues. They don't want to rock the boat and disrupt their plans for retirement. The only message left if you ignore all the "controversial" messages is that Jesus loves you. Yes, he does, but it won't do you any good if you embrace woke, leftist, LGBTQLMNOP ideologies because a pastor was too much of a coward to preach the difference between right and wrong from the pulpit. Many will reject Christ by refusing to repent for sins they don't believe are sins while falsely believing that they are saved because he loves them.

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With the disclaimer I'm not a believer (but I am familiar somewhat with Christian teachings) here are some points to ponder: Christ is quoted as saying his kingdom was not of this world. Yet others (Nietzsche!) argue that he claimed that Heaven was already here, available to all believers. Finally, about marriage: Christ was unmarried, but he did speak against adultery. St. Paul and others advocate chastity or marriage, but don't don't, so far as I know, condemn anything but immorality. One NT passage specifically says that a priest/minister should be married to one wife. It wasn't til many centuries of Christianity that the Church decided priests should not marry. To the best of my knowledge, there is NO biblical basis for that. That is but one example of how core points of Jesus's teaching are either disregarded or completely inverted by later "Christians." My solution is to avoid the whole mess by refusing to participate; not all will find that an acceptable compromise.

Although it's purely in the realm of politics, if I were in power, there would be absolutely no tax exemptions of other modifications of law for so-called private organizations. While good intentioned no doubt, they have morphed into immense abuses of power. E.g. it's illegal to bribe a politician, but (probably) not illegal to give him a lavish honorarium to speak at an event, nor to hire a friend or relative into a cushy "job." Etc. Do away with all the preferences; let these entities be subject to the same laws as everybody else. Anything else is favoritism, which should be anathema in any political system claiming equal protection of the laws.

Thank you for letting me speak. Now I'll put my soapbox away.

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Your points are why I do not believe in organized religion. Additionally, this is the word of God/Christ written down millennia after the fact. While I believe a lot of the gist of it is true, we all know how people insert their own words, thoughts, and feelings into rumors. How do we know this isn't any different? Then there are the inconsistencies. 🙄

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For your consideration....everyone in the world is religious, whether they belong to an organization or no. For myself, raised in the Christian faith, I take it as a given that we are created by an infinite being outside of universe, and that this is the only story which makes rational sense of the world as we experience it. IF the bible is true as it claims to be, this creator gave us the rules for how to behave individually and societally in that book. The evidence of history generally shows that those that adhere most closely to those rules--are blessed on this earth. What would our world look like without ‘western civilization’? I say all this while granting that my own and I assume your ‘faith’ in the goodness of those ‘western’ institutions has been broken due to the corruption exposed, but I can admit this while still believing they are the best (but not perfect) solution for sinful humanity.

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Oh, I didn't say I don't believe. I talk to God. I believe he hears. The 10 commandments could have been written by God, or just someone with morals and common sense. I prefer to believe God, but I don't know for sure. I wasn't there.

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I go to the Gospels, not a church, to learn about Christ. Many individual churches are full of good people. But bottom line I look to the Gospels. I also say screw all deductions. Why should I finance other people's projects? They should pull their own weight.

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Unless it’s a fake pastor in a fake Christian church, that pushes all the lefts ideas on there uneducated subjects. I’ve heard sermons from supposed followers of Christ that say abortion is ok, same sex marriage, trans acceptance. It’s all 100% anti christ. These people are devils, but have no fear of losing there tax-free status.

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Nothing weird about encouraging healthy marriages. There is the natural need to procreate. It is also a good foundation for a strong and healthy community. There also should be nothing political about marriage. Marriage became political because governments decided to define marriage and differentiate between married and not married under the law - that was the mistake that should be undone.

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So, when is someone going to take away the tax exempt status of the churches in NY? The ones that did what the evil governor told them to do and showed government produced propaganda telling the parishioners to take the jabs.

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Where I live, the bishop got involved in promoting the covid shots by allowing himself to be photographed for posters with a caption something like 'I have faith in the vaccines'. However, at the individual parish level, I never saw that. I also found out that most of the priests in the diocese disapproved of the bishop's covid posters. Some parishes were more strict about masking, social distancing etc., other parishes were more relaxed and went through the motions in order to avoid conflict.

I have mixed feelings about what you've written: part of me doesn't want to shut down the churches but another part knows full well that if there were more resistance, the tyranny would have ended back in 2020. Remember that a lot of especially catholic churches, their priests and parishioners face heavy persecution around the world. Even in Canada, a lot of churches have been attacked with not much attention from law enforcement, government or the press.

Douglas Farrow is a Canadian theologian who writes on substack. He doesn't write frequently but has written outstanding essays.

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It's not that the churches would be shut down, they might in the long run, it's that for a change the churches would have to pay their fair share of taxes. They gave up their tax exempt status the second they started shilling for the government.

The churches that I know about were Christian churches, not Catholic.

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Never, the ones that went against the narrative are the ones they will punish.

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I know. It was a rhetorical question.

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Tax deductions should be second to saying what needs to be said.

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Absolutely the most shocking experience for my wife and me. I was an elder of many years in my church. I moved that we return to normal operations in June 2020. My fellow elders actually read aloud the governor's decree about lockdown regulations in the elder's meeting. As if it were scripture.

I reminded them that the only example where Jesus became violent was when he fashioned a whip of cords and overturned the tables of the moneychangers, who were creating nonsensical rules regarding animal sacrifice to be enforced in the Temple. "Not in my father's house!" He proclaimed.

I then recognized Covidism as a competing religion, chock full of rituals and false virtue.

Found another congregation, that defied the state. We are blessed to call them brothers and sisters in Christ. The old church is dying, our new one is thriving.

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I had a similar situation in our church. Our pastor initially believed we should follow the governor's mask mandate and cited Romans 13. I effectively argued that the authority established by God was in the U.S. and State constitutions not in the man holding the office making the unconstitutional decrees. The governor simply did not have the authority to impose mandates or shut down any churches and in fact was forbidden to do so per the 1st Amendment.

To drive it home I pointed out that even though God gave me authority over my household He did not give me authority to beat my wife and children.

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I regret that my shock and anger overtook me, as in meeting after meeting the leadership descended deeper into Covidism. Romans 13 was their reference, as that scripture rightly should have been considered. But my church was literally occupied by an invading secular liturgy of nonsensical ritual. I re-read Daniel, and not being captive, took my family to a different fellowship. Shook the dust from my feet.

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You did the right thing. I'm fortunate enough to have a Church that by and large is attended by conservatives that largely went maskless when our pastor instructed them to just use their conscience. I would have taken my family elsewhere if things turned out differently.

It was still disheartening to come up against brothers who on one side will say don't worry about politics because God is in control of everything while on the other side willing to bend to tyranny for fear of a virus that God somehow doesn't have control over. My belief is that God has given certain things over to man to make his own decisions on, one of which is civil government, and Christians should be involved in that. It perplexes me to no end that they sought control over a virus that common sense tells us is largely beyond us while abandoning a fight we could win if we just applied ourselves. Faith was put in masks that clearly stated they were ineffective on the box they came in and untested vaccines instead of God.

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Nothing's more authoritarian than a formal religious structure.

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kind of like saying nothing is more totalitarian than a formal government structure. there are ways in which they can be constructed to facilitate empowerment of the individual.... it's just that power seeks coopting every time.

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Every formal religion requires obedience to its doctrines. Every group belief becomes a religion/cult and dissent is demonized. This is true whether adherents claim to be sectarian or secular. It's all the same. That which we call religion constructs a human-reflecting god and that which we call secular has administrators.

Empowerment of the individual usually means trying to escape with one's life and found a new sect, rinse, repeat ad infinitum.

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I agree with the first part, but not sure what you are getting at with:

"Empowerment of the individual usually means trying to escape with one's life and found a new sect"

mind expanding on this. I've spent decades of my life pursuing this one goal but my experience doesn't seem to align with your statement.

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Well, say you've been raised a Catholic [I am not nor have ever been a Christian]. You believe strongly in the message of Jesus. You believe equally strongly that the Bible, written in languages not your native tongue, should be accessible, directly to you, without any intervening commentary or interpretation by anyone else, and that the rituals of your church should be in your vernacular too. Write the next chapter, in any language.

Say you're a Hindu. Say you find Hinduism in daily application to be an appalling failure to address the ills of the world. You become Buddha, founder of a "new religion" that's just Hinduism reformed, as Protestantism is to Catholicism. Write the next chapter.

How many sects of believing Christians have been exterminated by other believing Christians because they had had the nerve to think for themselves? Insert the name of any dissenting sect of any religion and continue the discussion.

Now let's turn to purportedly secular movements. Trotsky didn't end up so good.

Now let's turn to Covid. You're a nice normal liberal person who cares about the wellbeing of others but you don't think masks work, because you've read some very plausible studies that dissent from The Party Line, and you definitely don't trust a new purported vaccine, even though you got your kids all the recommended shots from 20 years ago. In every other aspect of your life and belief systems and voting patterns you are exactly the same as your neighbors, except you're the only one in your neighborhood or workplace thinking as you do about Covid. Discuss.

Sure, lots of people have survived just fine, thinking differently, arguing with the family during Thanksgiving or Passover or Christmas, decade after decade, about anything and everything. Until Suddenly Things Change.

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Correct, even though I wouldn’t say if exactly this way 😀What’s the alternative though? There’s no functional society without authority structures. Even the beasts have this.

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Yes, that's the thing. We're pack animals, hungry for hierarchy and wired to seek an alpha guy or gal to follow. It's necessary for survival but there's no way to keep it in bounds. Follow, obey, get pissed off, rebel, get killed or run away and form a new pack.

Human nature don't change.

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Sure, go ahead and play god of your own world.

There is a problem with that: God is the Creator & Lord of all. That He allows evil to continue for a time is for His glory, as there comes a day when all will be called to account. We have such limited perspectives, many-most people cannot conceive of God graciously leaving rebellion unpunished in the present age.

For a human to claim supreme authority is arrogant pride & becomes tyranny. For the Creator to claim supreme authority is only claiming what is due Him.

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What has God to do with formal religion?

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God IS, and He has spoken! He has told us what we need to know of Him at this juncture, He has given us His moral precepts, and He has told us how He is to be worshipped. It is not to the vain imaginings of man, but as Jesus explained to the woman at the well in Sychar, God seeks those who will worship Him in Spirit & Truth.

You see this as “formal” and I would ask this: by what authority do you choose how relationship with your Creator is to be managed? Does He not have the absolute right to declare what He desires of us? And does that not place an absolute obligation upon us?

It is the narcissism of this present age that leads people to view God as they choose, as they wish to see Him. As the author of the book of Hebrews puts it “by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.” But this view doesn’t fit what PEOPLE like.

I suggest people seek to learn what God likes 😁

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Yes, each of us has the natural right to define as we choose, or declare undefinable, that which for convenience is called "God." I doubt any of that makes any difference to what for convenience we call God.

There's nothing about scriptures written and collected by human beings that has any particular relevance to God.

edited for clarity

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"woe unto the pharisees and scribes, hypocrites. they cross land and sea to win a single convert and when they do they make them twice the son of hell as themselves" - Jesus

For what it is worth, my parents were founding members of one of the largest and most influential churches in the united states. I only found god after I left the church. Most christians fundamentally do NOT understand or live by the teachings of Jesus.

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What is astonishing is that they could look across the street and see the liquor stores/smokeshop open, but refused to open their doors.

The excuses made were built on a foundation of fear...in one form or another.

Something is not right in the church.

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This kneejerk negativity towards Christianity really depresses me. Do we give up on capitalism because some people cheat, others are greedy and some businesses are incompentent? Christianity is a powerful bond that also should give us some of the protections that the woke claim for their pet identities. Spiritually it is good and Tactically too. Now I believe in the Christ of Absolute Love. People can disagree and I totally respect them as brothers. But, unlike many, if something offends me in a Christian practice, I pull it out before it sours me.

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What really depresses me is that at least in regards to Catholicism, the FBI doesn't need to track and call traditionalists "enemies of the state," the Vatican is doing that job for them. Catholicism is imploding on itself and causing it's own negativity. How sad.

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Likewise, the ACLU.

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Add Project Veritas to the list. Absent evidence to the contrary, recent news reports suggest the board has been "bought," presumably some combination of bribed and threatened, as is the universal MO for dark powers, thus forcing out the founder. You can find similar stories for many organizations large and small. I may be a secularist, but in my old age it's appalling to see how many institutions have decayed just in my lifetime, and the problem goes back far earlier.

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Not AWOL. Traitors to the Constitution.

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That is reprehensible. I had no idea

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Organizations weak-willed co-opted by carrot and stick (money and threats). Thinking (if at all) only in the moment and not about the long term downward spiral into total subjugation. No quarter spared. Take a look at the willing partners for this practice run, courtesy of the covid fraud. https://wecandothis.hhs.gov/members-covid-19-community-corps

Scroll down to find the faith organizations. Unions abandoning workers. Churches offering up their congregations. For compliance, a gold star on this examination paper. What next.

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They didn't care, since it was against people they didn't like. Apparently, human rights are conditional depending on your political views.

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"Rights" vary greatly by time and place. I wish it were otherwise but a passing familiarity with history (or even the daily news) will reveal otherwise.

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You forget, Comrade Yuri, that they are part of our movement.

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This illustrates the depth of corruption that comes from political party alignment. I gave up on the ACLU and ADL long ago when I realized they did not stand for liberty or against defamation, but rather, were bound by the platform of a single political party.

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They sided with Washington War Machine against Julian Assange too.

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NGOs are scams. They get YOU to pay for THEIR POWER. And, believe me, the right to hand out money IS THE ESSENCE OF POWER. In most cases the supposed beneficiaries only get what's left over after the elite have feasted. And on top of everything: the elite expect to be praised for THEIR SERVICE!!

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Getting a 501(c)(3) or equivalent designation is an effective lip-sealer.

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Remember: digital currency will be as bad if not worse than vaccine passports. Please gatito, keep an eye on this and keep people informed.

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Yes, we need a way OUT of digital currencies!

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barter. get to know your neighbor hood and your neighbors. gold, silver will be helpful. as will any other hard asset, even food, water, some drugs...anything that will help you get by for a few years. cbdc's will probably collapse eventually.

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Alcohol, tobacco and lead

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Don’t forget toilet paper!

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I don't know about tobacco...I was in Mexico city last December for the feast of Our Lady of Guadaloupe (it was great) and there were guys trying to sell cigs among the crowds. They didn't have lots of customers at all.

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Soap! Cold medicine, the list goes on and on!

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I read that the 1992 to 1996 Siege of Sarajevo forced the citizens to barter. The new currency included plastic garbage bags. I assume any consumable that is portable, storable, and has intrinsic use can be currency. I have several thousand rounds of 9mm FMJ.... ready to shop.

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I knew people who lived through that. Barter was what kept people alive and you're right: anything.

Remember the expression: one man's trash is another man's treasure.

I'm so glad we don't have to worry about pronouns, woke etc on this site!!!

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"I'm so glad we don't have to worry about pronouns, woke etc on this site!!!"


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You don't have to worry about it on any site.

When they kick you off, spread message somewhere else

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agreed. I was making a point.

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Keep your lead…you may need it more than the coffee you bartered it for!

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Here are some very easy things we can all do, thanks to Catherine Austin Fitts:



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repeal the coinage act(s) of 1965 and prior

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When you say “repeal”, I assume you don’t mean by appealing to consciences of politicians.

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"..especially by the action of a legislature." who else would? they won't because we're being ushered into some other thing that isn't hard cash made of scarce metal

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I am not using digital currency. I won't work for dc "pay", pay taxes, buy your stuff with it.

I will do my best to survive , and barter with those that also say no.

A great theft, and enslavement is planned.

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You can not say digital currencies in general though. Read more about bitcoin.

If you say centrally controlled digital currencies will be as bad if not worse. I can agree. Also worth to note that all FIATs are also 'digital currencies' already. Holding a paper in your hand does not change that.

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bitcoin is most likely an intelligence op nudging us in this direction

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That's more like ethereum. Look up who are the members of ethereum foundation. And sponsored by WEF...

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look up the NSA's "how to make a mint" there's a reason you don't know who Satoshi is, he's not your friend

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Just glanced it through and it's nothing like bitcoin.

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"You're tired, but the Communists who want to destroy your system aren't tired; they're not tired at all." - Solzhenitsyn

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Satan never sleeps.

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“I should like merely to understand how it happens that so many men, so many villages, so many cities, so many nations, sometimes suffer under a single tyrant who has no other power than the power they give him; who is able to harm them only to the extent to which they have the willingness to bear with him; who could do them absolutely no injury unless they preferred to put up with him rather than contradict him. Surely a striking situation! Yet it is so common that one must grieve the more and wonder the less at the spectacle of a million men serving in wretchedness, their necks under the yoke, not constrained by a greater multitude than they, but simply, it would seem, delighted and charmed by the name of one man alone whose power they need not fear, for he is evidently the one person whose qualities they cannot admire because of his inhumanity and brutality toward them.”

—Étienne de La Boétie, “The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude”

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"Rise like Lions after slumber

In unvanquishable number -

Shake your chains to earth like dew

Which in sleep had fallen on you

Ye are many - they are few."


People have to believe they can change the system and overthrow the tyrant and generally people don't believe it can be done by "normal" people. It's all part of living in a society - the condemned man walks calmly to the gallows because that is his part to play in the society he lives in.

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Thank you for that fabulous Shelley quote!

Étienne nails it again:

“A people enslaves itself, cuts its own throat, when, having a choice between being vassals and being free men, it deserts its liberties and takes on the yoke, gives consent to its own misery, or, rather, apparently welcomes it.”

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Simply do not comply - with any of it. Societies only change when the individual members change first.

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"The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude" (1577) by Étienne de la Boétie

PDF: https://cdn.mises.org/Politics%20of%20Obedience.pdf

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Thank you for sharing the link to this brilliant work that should be required reading for all humans. It was the inspiration behind the strategy I outlined in my second essay:

• “COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-if-you-want-it)

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Wow! (subbed)

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🙏 Thank you, Green Leap Forward! 🙌

(Ingenious handle, BTW.)

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Thank you Margaret! (Turns out I was already subscribed!)

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Thank you for this link/document!

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Covid was a real eye opener to how little resistance the average person is willing to put up. The vast majority of people I know refused to even question anything, let alone put up any form of resistance.

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I was shocked, frankly. Very early on, in the February, March 2020 time frame, I was raising questions with colleagues and friends, like....how can it be a "lockdown" when clearly delivery people are re-stocking stores ? Does it make sense to prohibit people from the beach ? If we could lock down for two weeks, the virus isn't going to disappear. Most people just went along with the mandates and orders, and thought I was just being difficult.

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Yes! If only more people would get this - that they only got away with this because we LET them do it to us.

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Beautiful. The truth is you have to accept the inevitability of your death at the hands of the tyrant for simply doing nothing to prevent it, before you can find the strength to risk your life to defeat him.

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I suspect a lot of Democrats I know are dealing with low level depression. Whenever we talk about things like CBDCs, they just say "it's the future, there's nothing I can do."

Which to me means:

1. I'm depressed and don't have the motivation to fight against a policy initiated by a guy I kind of support


2. Joe is my guy and if he wants me to be a digital slave, live in a pod and eat bugs, it's what's best for everyone

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I find their resignation staggering. Some of these folks are my friends. But i wont give up on them.

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You can talk about certain things to certain people, at least in my experience.

I can talk to three of the vaxxed that I know about CBDCs. I can talk to one about the WEF. However... I can't talk about any of them to my best friend who has gone full ostrich head in the sand. Sigh.

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Yes, there are investments in ideas that we make that we can't short, no matter how badly they serve us.

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"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing" (Edmund Burke)

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Doing something, anything that risks your life for someone else is perhaps the single greatest excercise of life.

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(unbelievably) Quoting Naomi Wolf…

Will we let these cultural functionaries — who operate just like those petty tyrants of the cultures of Berlin and Munich not so long ago — take up space, with impunity, in the heart of our America?

Or will we drag America back into daylight and sunlight again, and force these equivocating wretches to face their own degenerate crimes — crimes against freedom of speech and the Constitution?

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Powerfully stated!

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When your first principles are "Everything authority figures tell me is true!" and "The end justifies the means," then pretty much anything goes, as long as your screen tells you that's what the authorities want.

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No real values, just whichever way the wind blows. Ick. Glad I was raised differently!

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I just finished reading a book about Bella Dodd. Think of her as a female Whitaker Chambers. Her role as a communist functionary in the 30s was to infiltrate the NY teachers union, promote other fellow travelers, dominate the board and poison the minds of kids. Sound familiar?

In the book, Dodd claimed that she was instructed to forego the word "communism" and instead use "democracy" and "progressive" to make collectivism more palatable to Americans. Viciously attacking, with lies, anyone standing in opposition was part of the playbook. Again, does this sound familiar?

Collectivism is here:

--"We're all in this together."

--"No one is safe, until all are vaccinated."

--"Your mask/vaccine protects me. Mine protects you.

--"The world must act as one to stop climate change."

Communism didn't go away with the USSRs collapse. The combination of capitalist-communist governance (Dr. Aaron Kheriaty's phrasing) was tested in China and is being rolled out throughout the world.

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I cringe every time I hear a leftist politician or member of their aligned media use the phrase "Our Democracy." I view it in the same way former totalitarian states used the word "democracy" or "democratic", for example, the German Democratic Republic, Democratic Kampuchea, the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea, etc.

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Their democracy is a wood chipper with its throttle pinned.

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Everybody must chip in?

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On the plus side, anyone can use the tactics that Lenin and his gang formalised a century ago.

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We are approaching the point where the Machiavellian sword needs to be unsheathed and swung, if it's not already too late.

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I much prefer axes, to continue the metaphor. With the sword you can only ever fight -with the axe you can also build.

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I can imagine the US federal government threatening to withhold social security payments/Medicare etc unless the recipient is vaccinated.

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And they can kiss my rosy arse!

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I’m worried about that too, Sue

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I was thinking about this too. Who knows how many older benefit recipients will die from the shots or their consequences, but I wonder if they will have to wait until the generation for whom cell phones are part of their anatomy to get old before they try this? When I asked my sister's godson if he knew how to use an ipod, he looked at me like I was from Saturn or I had just crawled out of some dinosauric Lost World. Conversely, Biden or whomever of the Uniparty keeps leading this lemming stampede,would have to hire 86,000 Elder Outreach workers to assist the retired with QR codes and apps and digital ID. But maybe they just plan to let everyone starve and die or turn it all into Logan's Run. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USADM5Gk9Gs

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I just think that many, many things - government services @ state & fed level, but even banking, taking out a loan, airline or other travel will be tied to a digital proof of jab status & keeping those “updated”. I believe this happened in Israel (some sort of “green pass”) for some short period. If we give into this, it’s over for us. And yet IDK what the answer is to foiling it when they roll it out w/ no “opt out” option

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Joke's on them, I'm not planning on getting any SS money anyway!

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That is a prudent decision. Likewise, I don’t want anything to do with the current Medicare scheme. Reference my post on Corporation takeover of healthcare

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Dr. Kordonowy, what is the alternative? I know there are some concierge-type providers, but none in my area. It’s kind of surprising that so many medical professionals went along w/ the lies instead of banding together to provide independent services. But of course I also understand that med & nrsg boards & hospitals could also revoke licenses & privileges to punish….

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Event a former administrator admits Medicare is a mess:


She is wrong to start talking about more price controls (i.e. "pay for quality vs sick visits"). That is still government directing the health market.

Recently Sedara Health (health sharing model) is offering their program to Medicare aged people. Direct Primary Care is becoming the model for returning to private practice for Internists and Family Medicine physicians. My practice model is third party free and daily I invoke my professional peers to cancel the contract (that is all it will take to implode the Medicare program) and move on. Physicians totally lack the basic understanding that it is they who are licensed to practice medicine. There is no way to actually conscript us to come to work. Docs and patients are limited in imagination because they are literally 'trapped" by their believe that they depend upon the program.


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I'm surprised they didn't do this during the height of the covid mandate madness. They missed a good opportunity in forced compliance. Instead they focused on working people, not knowing that working people would rather quit than be poisoned by bioweapon shots.

I guess most retired/disabled people got the shots anyway so maybe it wasn't needed.

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After 2020-- sure, why not?

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The issue described here is Sphere sovereignty. We have abrogated our responsibilities for care of others to the State....only as we increase our share of the burden does the state shrink...and the psychopaths gradually lose their control.

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Yes. Power only comes from responsibility. Take back our duties and our powers will come back on their own.

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Excellent point!

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Be afraid, very afraid, of Central Bank Digital Currencies. CBDCs will enable Big Brother to control your digital wallet and easily enforce compliance to the coming ESG (green and woke) social credit scoring tyranny.

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There is only TWO things I see as being a major hurdle to CBDCs in America:

1. Many in the black population do not have bank accounts. How will they manage this? It seems... wait for it... a racist policy

2. How are the cartels going to do business? They need $$$ to peddle their Chicom fentanyl, and our political class needs cartels $$$ to line their pockets

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Except for forced vaccination was a racist policy too, many black people resisted and it still happened in many companies.

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The black market (e.g. freedom) always find a way. In a society where everyday activities that in a free society were legal (e.g. private transactions) and put one at risk of fines, imprisonment or worse, you might as well do a little unofficial business...stock up on gold, silver, trade goods, etc. now while they're available.

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There will be groups of people allowed to fly under the radar, like the proles in 1984, but you and me, it will be a different story.

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Unfortunately, I do agree. My husband is very smart white Christian chemist. He's their "patriarchy" and they want him gone. Pretty sure they wouldn't mind me being gone either.

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George Gammon came up with the perfect name for digital currencies, CBDSS: Central Bank Digital Surveillance Software.

I was aware that health care funding has been under discussion in Canada but until you pointed it out, I had no idea it was being used to leverage digital id's. And I read a lot! Mark of the beast, that's all I can say.

Actually, digital id's or not, we don't really have health care in Canada anyway. We have health waiting lists.

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Here in the US along our border with Canada, our health care service providers do a tidy business of Canadian health care tourism for cash customers...

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Been there, done that...might do it again if the border opens up to us non vaxxed.

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Again....exactly right!

Most scary thing for me is CBDC. Any ideas at ALL to stop it Feline Fatale would be greatly appreciated!!

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We all need to use cash as much as possible. We can’t let businesses switch to all digital and cc payments. But if we all continue to use credit and digital payments then we make it easy for the businesses to go that route. Use cash!

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Need to get businesses to NOT put it in the bank or else it'll turn digital anyway.

Businesses need to understand THEY could be targeted for less purchases by consumers depending on their type of business too.

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Anytime you concede to a government scheme, you give up more of your liberty. A lot of people seem to prefer this.

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Without expressing an opinion regarding the vaccines themselves, the US cares about human rights only to the extent they can be as a stick to beat those the government doesn't like with, while ignoring far worse violations in itself and its pets.

This leaked State Department memo spells it out in black and white.


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Mandela was lucky these people weren’t in charge when he was imprisoned!

Ben Rhodes, "Cuba Views Political Prisoners as Having Broken Laws!" (Much Like N. Korea, just thinking the wrong thing is against the law!) http://freebeacon.com/politics/rhodes-cuba-political-prisoners-broken-cuban-law/

(Human Rights) White House Justifies Imprisonment of Cuban Dissidents By Promoting Regime Excuse (Having Broken the Laws) https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2016/03/22/white-house-justifies-imprisonment-of-cuban-dissidents-they-broke-the-law-n2137553

John Kerry downplayed China human rights abuses to deal on climate


Kerry: Protecting Planet ‘First and Foremost’ in Dealings with China,

Not Human Rights, Life Is ‘Full of Tough Choices’ https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/09/22/kerry-protecting-planet-first-and-foremost-in-dealings-with-china-not-human-rights-life-is-full-of-tough-choices/

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The fundamental rule is: 'Anything that you get from me I can take away'. Don't take anything from somebody you don't trust. They are all 'Strangers with Candy' who want to get you in the back of their creeper van.

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Excellent article, thanks. Yes, monster Trudeau is one of the most important pawns in the global coup. We know he works directly for Davos. As for Eric Adams, no way he thought all on his own that they might need vax-mandates again in NYC. I wonder who exactly is telling him what to do?

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