On pressuring people to get the vaccine: for me personally, I was much more open to it during the initial rollout phase. The propaganda ramped up quickly though, and when the government started sending people into law vaxxed neighborhoods I had seen and heard enough, and there was nothing they could say to convince me to get jabbed. The more they mandate this stuff, play semantics with things, move goalposts, the more I dig my heels in. Besides the point, but I’ve recovered from Covid anyway.
I was always skeptical of a vaccine ran through so quickly, especially when the early scare stories settled down and it became clear it really is just the flu for the vast majority, but I was willing to wait and see. Then came the racial justice, the politics (especially the 180° by Dem partisans in the US), the coercion, the 56 years to release the FDA papers, hiding of inconvenient data and now outright fascism.
I won't get it. I won't pay fines, or I'll run up such a huge bill it'll be absurd. If they gulag me I'll consider it a moral imperative to be as much of a nuisance as possible.
thanks Delred...I am also recovered, and came within minutes (decisionwise) to get the jab, after my partner and kid of 19 did...but somehow my cellular intuition kicked in and i simply skipped the appointment. (No way to cancel a jab appointment online i tried)....
And that cloudy morning became my salvation, and my devestation, as now my family and I are more than somewhat divided. Feel like the tiny bit of NATIVE AMERICAN i have in me (less than the legal limit) is doing a GHOST DANCE right now.
my stud? not sure re stud...but yes, am aware the vax was shed unto me via my loved ones, but sadly for the virus I had had the original illness, ie the Covid19, Nov-Jan or so 2019...(drankd nothin but Burdock tea and was fine, a sticky cough and laid low 45 days...) and so that issue was resolved by my superior INNATE immune response which was not neutralized by some...jab....so i really did not feel it, but i feel you, I sort of felt it....no worries here 'mate' as they must have said 'down under' until quite recently....
Compare northern New England to the Dakotas here in the states. We have been pretty much normal and wide open for most of the "pandemic". We "let it rip" last fall with some of the highest per capita rates in the country. Now our cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are much lower than what we are seeing in the NE lockdown states. Natural immunity for the win again?
ND and SD peaked at around 1400 per 100k in November of 2020. I believe we are already past our peak this year, which is about 620 cases per 100k here in ND in early October.
Meanwhile, NH peaked at 810 cases per 100k in December of 2020 and they have already reached a peak of 2062 cases per 100k as of yesterday. Their case curve appears to still be on the rise, which would correspond with last year's seasonal curve.
ND and SD combined are now at about 2,570 covid deaths per 1 million people, from the Worldometers data tables. The U.S. is at 2,440 deaths. There are only 8 states left below 1,600. So, for about a year now, most of the rest of the country has been getting closer to the Dakotas.
We're all going to end up at the same place in the end. Virus was always gonna virus. Just a matter of how much collateral damage we choose to inflict upon ourselves.
Seasonality and regionality. Take Australia, with similar vax rates, that feral State Victoria continues to have "cases" around 1,000s whereas NSW had 1,000s for only a few days; and other States had hardly any or zip.
The business model was to give.a “free sample” to all takers to get them hooked. (They always said they may only work for 3 mos., but that went unreported.) When the free sample didn’t work as well as hoped, it became like the Opium Wars, forcing open the “ports” (veins) and barreling through.
We had 2 months of mandated masks and limits on restaurants and sporting events enacted by our weak-kneed governor. Those restrictions (conveniently) went into place after we had already hit our peak in November of 2020. Otherwise, we quickly bounced back to normal. Most people started ignoring the idiotic interventions by early January. They were officially lifted by Governor Burgum in mid-January of 2021.
- Sweden has greater natural immunity and as a result more people with immune memories of ALL 4 proteins of the virus NOT ONLY the spike
- Because a virus mutates hundred of times inside each individual (its called a viral swarm), they have also more varied memories so Sweden has more of that too
- Swedes with more immunity have also immune memory on non-structural proteins, like the ORF's ones that appear ONLY while the virus is being built. In stark comparison with the spike protein that is THE LAST protein that is being built and if you wait till THAT point to stop the virus, you are in for ... some viral load.
- Germans having had more naive persons transfected ('vaxxed') by massive amounts of an old version of the spike protein as it looked in 2020, seem to can't learn the other proteins as much as Swedes do (Original Antigenic Sin)
That means that the immunity of Swedes is MUCH MORE heterogenous (both in proteins and versions of the said proteins) and the virus is harder for them to find a configuration that will trick a lot of people of the same population.
On the other hand for the Germans, all it has to do is to mutate its spike protein to NOT look like the one of 2020 which was contained in the 'vaccine'.
And that my friends is what the HIV Nobelist Montagnier was warning us about: vaccines in people that do not need it put evolutionary pressure to the virus to change away from the most homogenous immune pool of the population, the Vaccinated.
I think it is very fair to say that. And although it is hard to find accurate and consistent data, it seems Germany's population is significantly more obese than Sweden.
I've been thinking about that myself. Sweden was famously, among low carb/high fat circles, the first country to stop officially demonizing saturated fat. To those of us who follow this sort of metabolic chemistry research, it means that Swedes are less metabolically damaged. The metabolically damaged (overweight, obese, diabetic, heart disease – it's all on the same spectrum) are those who suffer more severe cases of Covid.
There is that big spike of excess Swedish deaths at the beginning of the pandemic. However, the previous year Sweden had a lower than average overall all-cause mortality, so 2020 was doing some catch-up; and I think in any country, the virus picked up the elderly and the sick who would have died soon in any case. So maybe that initial spike is not as significant as it might seem at first.
Well, they shut down small businesses, kept kids from school, destroyed mental health, incurred tremendous national debt. That's something accomplished!
Cinderella was suppressed and her magic slippers demonized.
Utarh Pardesh - 240 million people, positive test rate of just over 20 percent. Magic solution was simple, contact trace to all cities and towns, give kits contains Vitamin D, Zinc, and Ivermectin.
Results- the disease died, the RO crashed way below 1. The test positive rate quickly went to .01!
Then it went to ZERO and remained there.
THE GEBs running things are guilty of democide ( Death by Government) the largest killer in the past 120 years.
The solution was known very early in 2020!
Natural immunity and effective cheap prophylactic treatments.
Covid, the virus itself, and the global government response, will likely be the greatest crime in human history. Nothing may come close after final results are in. The willful train wreck of the global economy, the mass murder of the injected, the weakened immune system and manifesting morbidity and potential fatal response of billions of jabbed, the willful dividing of the jabbed vs the un-jabbed. The imprisonments of millions. ( one must count all the high cycle false positives that forced many to two weeks of isolation plus psychological and financial harm.)
Those in charge are NOT stupid. Therefore their actions are willful, criminal and evil.
Eyeing local conditions here in Michigan closely these days, and it is hard to get a read. We had some disastrous mortality from the Cuomo-inspired nursing home scandals early on. So I think we may not actually have as much adaptive immunity as the reporting would lead one to believe.
But if our seasonal curve ends up comparable to last year's, one thing is certain: it will strain credulity to maintain the aggressive NPIs did anything except crush the working class.
I'm not that good at getting a read, but I keep wondering why such severe waves repeatedly here in MIchigan (beyond the initial wave). Demographics and genes? Air pollution? Humid wretched polluted summer air with floods so less D and exercise? People unable to afford cleaner foods and fruits and vegetables, since the microbiome is crucial to inflammation? Low selenium in the affordable grain foods? Only a few early treatment doctors (as opposed to say Florida or Texas, where there are hundreds)? Covered-up anti-biotic resistance outbreaks in hospitals? Then there's the thought that corporations are skewing the data (https://starkmanapproved.com/category/medical/). Enraging whatever
combination of these factors are at work! [Expletives deleted]
Michiganders being notoriously vitamin D deficient has gotta be up there for whatever root cause is at play there. We are the home of Kellogg and Faygo and like five pizza chains so empty carbs galore in the diet. Virus gonna virus and who can really claim to know the full story.
i went from Michigan in 1992 to Portland and now its 2021...both places are low land and not necessarily the kinds of places smart peoples settled...any port in a storm as they say, our ancestors, if non native, could not choose about the lands they settled in as carefully...too busy cashing in land grabs from the natives and gov.......natives of 97217 did not spend all year here, from what I have read, and it makes sense,....Portland OR is a hella damp place, and it takes special adaptations not to be all moldy here....(30 years of trying...), love the algae on my car mirror but really it's a hard thing to manage....
Yes Tardigrade, definitely...especially the really smaller banana slugs...and the little snails....and the slime molds, they also do really well here. I didn't have alot of respect for slime molds till it was pointed out to me that simply the ability to move from beneath something to the surface of that same something, (leaves, etc) was quite an evolutionary feat for the slime mold.
And with that conquered, I guess slime mold just said, good enough. Guess that's what I do. (Of course I am sure it is a quite busy thing to be a slime mold, and exciting in it's own right. )
I try to do alot of Sauna, I know it can help. Matter of fact....maybe soon! Took me years to figure out that the damp cold is a formidable foe; it also makes it so you want to eat the entirety of a bag of potato chips quickly before they wilt. The basement dehumidifier fills 2 gallons a day. Still surprised that much water can be in air.
(and always surprised that the word surprise has that first 'r' in it....suprised is my new variant.)
Britain had the Common Cold Research Unit for decades trying to find a vaccine and/or cure. Human coronaviruses responsible for some Colds were first identified here. Volunteers were infected with Cold viruses and various things tried on them. In 1989 the Unit shut down as it had been impossible to develop vaccines or cure for these coronavirus and other Cold viruses.
Influenza vaccines have been around for 80 years with overall poor results. We still have Winter ‘flu epidemics every year of varying severity, millions get it, thousands, sometimes tens of thousands die every year. These viruses just mutate too quickly.
I think this knowledge tilted the pharma companies to gene therapy ‘vaccines’ as they knew normal vaccines made from the virus stood little chance of any substantial effectiveness. And what a great opportunity to experiment on the World population without the expense and hindrance of ethical clearance, years of animal testing, regulatory work-up and careful Human phase testing.
The truth is the gene therapy, doesn’t work either for the same reasons normal respiratory virus vaccines don’t. The viruses are too fleet of foot; mutations too numerous, too fast evolving.
Having been involved in the medical arena for 30 years, an insider’s knowledge, I never had ‘flu vax nor have had or will have the SARS CoV 2 pseudo-vaccines on the grounds that I am exposing myself to an unnecessary risk - don’t care how slight - (extent as yet unknown with the gene therapy) and on the grounds of being at little risk from the actual disease contractable from multiple different viruses and mutations (so immunising against one virus won’t stop me getting the disease from another), and the unlikelihood the vaccine would offer me any greater protection than my immune system on its own after a lifetime of exposure to coronavirus, influenza and other respiratory virus.
Flu vaccines have been so drilled into people's minds that many folks, particularly elderly ones, get them almost religiously. They also believe the mantra that, 'even if I get it, it will be less severe thanks to the vaccine'.
Also, few realize that most people who fall sick during annual 'flu epidemics' are not actually tested for flu. When they are tested, it often turns out that they don't actually have influenza, but what are categorized as 'influenza-like' illnesses.
A meta study of papers on effectiveness concluded an overall effectiveness of 15% ranging from 50% effective up to age 65, then diminishing thereafter even below 15% in very old with comorbidity. Indeed the most at risk group do not get vaccinated as their immune systems would not cope. And more important, unlike measles, polio, mumps, etc, ‘flu vaccine do not give lifetime protection.
It is well recognised that many people suffer Colds and ‘flu symptoms within the two weeks of vaccination. So they get a bout of disease they might not otherwise have had. The less serious claim is one of those claims it is impossible either to prove or falsify, as there can be no way to know how an individual would have responded without the vaccine.
The problem with ‘flu vaccines is every year they have to be changed usually based on new ‘flu mutants circulating in the Southern Hemisphere during their Winter, our Summer. Some years a different mutant strikes in the North than the one(s) the vaccine makers had anticipated making their vaccine useless.
However it is still the case, you cannot be vaccinated against influenza (the disease), just one of the viruses causing it. Since the number of circulating ‘flu viruses is enormous, being protected against one does not mean another one will not get you, or a coronavirus, rhinovirus, etc.
But influenza - unlike SARS CoV 2 - can be very serious and fatal among the young and healthy, particularly babies and infants. Isn’t it strange then, given the manic rush to vaccinate the young against SARS CoV 2 from which the risk to the young is approaching zero, that in previous times there has never been such zeal to vaccinate the young against ‘flu virus, which at least would make some sense as it is more effective among young? Fatalities during the 1917 Spanish ‘flu epidemic were mostly among the young.
And then there is the pneumonia virus. I’ll bet you didn’t know there was a vaccine against that… a very serious virus. I didn’t know until last year until my sister mentioned she had had the vaccination in the 1980s. It gives lifetime immunity, so just one dose per person and is long off patent so no money in it for Big Pharma. Could that be why we never about it I wonder, or am I just being cynical?
Not sure about the vaxx - but they did the "let's send this one back in there and see what happens" thing for the nursing homes, as I understand it - at least until they realized it was a bloody stupid things to do.
There weren't many cases of somebody going to the hospital from the nursing homes in the first place, because nursing homes are their own mini-hospitals, so it is very rare that anybody needs to leave. The only case that I know of happened because a woman got an asymptomatic infection, at a time when we all believed that you needed to have symptoms to spread it.
The real problem was that the staff in the nursing homes spread it from place to place as they travelled from one to another because these places share staff. We also ran out of protective gear, and testing equipment early on.
At some point, somebody will link you an article with the King of Sweden saying their covid strategy failed. He's talking about the nursing homes, not keeping everything open.
It was the lockdown of the nursing homes that he was particularly unhappy with. You had to lock them down to protect the people inside from catching covid. But that meant that when it came time for the people in them to die, they could not do so surrounded by their relatives, as they had been promised before they agreed to go to the nursing homes. There is no good solution here, and the King knews this, but that doesn't make it a tragedy.
They also refused oxygen to all nursing home patients but did supply them with respiratory depressants such as midazolam. Thus, they managed to lower their elder care burden. All very efficient. But other than killing off their elderly they had a very sensible approach to the whole thing.
Sorry if someone said this already but... the difference could be vitamin D consumption. Swedes typically eat more fish than their German counterparts. I've heard, anecdotally, that they are very aware of their lack of sunlight and thus supplement more than usual for Europe.
That does not explain that SWEDES have MUCH LESS hospitalizations across trime, at the start and almost negligable now. It is the same people = they had the same vitamin D intake, give or take
Significant immunity from infection appears to be the only way to drop the curve. The states and countries that seemed to succeed at suppression in 2020 and early 2021 are paying the price now. They didn't stop the virus. They postponed it. Corona is a total bitch, and she will have her pound of flesh.
Japan seems to be an exception. They had a huge wave over the summer, probably a consequence of the Olympics and the Delta wave. The head of the Tokyo Medical Association recommended ivermectin when the vaxx failure was obvious in late August. A few days later, the curve turned and dropped like a rock. Their case numbers remain low even as South Korea and Vietnam numbers have risen. It could be correlation. It could be causation. We'll have to watch and wait.
It is correlation AND causation. Several meta analysis all support Ivermectin. ( even when including the horribly done studies) Real world results in Utarh Pardesh, Indonesia, Japan, many African nations etc, STRONGLY support Ivermectin. The real world results when practiced broadly within a contained community ( a village, a city, a nation) were MORE effective then limited studies. Why? Because they crushed the disease, the broke the RO way below 1, and the virus died.
The correlation is strong, the results global, the pathology known.
You're preaching to the choir. I have my own stock pile. While the head of the Tokyo Medical Association gave this speech in support of the ivermectin, we don't have data on how broadly if was used...so we can't say with certainty that it caused the case curve to turn and drop like a stone. Uttar Pradesh is probably the best example.
non-pharma interventions have done and are doing nothing. They also maimed and killed a lot of people. You throw in the fact that the vaccines also compromise the immune system and friends you have the trifecta of stupidity.
I live in Sweden. I think it was hope, more than fear. We really hoped that the vaccines would provide sterilising immunity. After that proved not to be the case, in a nation where 'international travelling' is the #1 hobby, it was 'you need it to travel'.
On pressuring people to get the vaccine: for me personally, I was much more open to it during the initial rollout phase. The propaganda ramped up quickly though, and when the government started sending people into law vaxxed neighborhoods I had seen and heard enough, and there was nothing they could say to convince me to get jabbed. The more they mandate this stuff, play semantics with things, move goalposts, the more I dig my heels in. Besides the point, but I’ve recovered from Covid anyway.
I was always skeptical of a vaccine ran through so quickly, especially when the early scare stories settled down and it became clear it really is just the flu for the vast majority, but I was willing to wait and see. Then came the racial justice, the politics (especially the 180° by Dem partisans in the US), the coercion, the 56 years to release the FDA papers, hiding of inconvenient data and now outright fascism.
I won't get it. I won't pay fines, or I'll run up such a huge bill it'll be absurd. If they gulag me I'll consider it a moral imperative to be as much of a nuisance as possible.
It was the exact same for me...if something is too good to be true...it's not good, or not true! 😉
thanks Delred...I am also recovered, and came within minutes (decisionwise) to get the jab, after my partner and kid of 19 did...but somehow my cellular intuition kicked in and i simply skipped the appointment. (No way to cancel a jab appointment online i tried)....
And that cloudy morning became my salvation, and my devestation, as now my family and I are more than somewhat divided. Feel like the tiny bit of NATIVE AMERICAN i have in me (less than the legal limit) is doing a GHOST DANCE right now.
Whatever your tiny bit is probably still more than Elizabeth Warren or that new one, in Canada I think, under the name Sun Bear or Mountain something.
Are you aware that your partner and kid can pass the vax onto you, especially your stud?
my stud? not sure re stud...but yes, am aware the vax was shed unto me via my loved ones, but sadly for the virus I had had the original illness, ie the Covid19, Nov-Jan or so 2019...(drankd nothin but Burdock tea and was fine, a sticky cough and laid low 45 days...) and so that issue was resolved by my superior INNATE immune response which was not neutralized by some...jab....so i really did not feel it, but i feel you, I sort of felt it....no worries here 'mate' as they must have said 'down under' until quite recently....
"past exposure and recovery seems to be the only relevant immunity gain"
You mean how it worked for thousands of years before we thought we could 'outsmart' a virus? Sounds like a conspiracy theory.
def as in definitely
Compare northern New England to the Dakotas here in the states. We have been pretty much normal and wide open for most of the "pandemic". We "let it rip" last fall with some of the highest per capita rates in the country. Now our cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are much lower than what we are seeing in the NE lockdown states. Natural immunity for the win again?
the seasonality has been very different though.
it's hard to make comparisons on any given date.
Agreed. I'm not looking at specific dates, rather the overall case curves.
ND and SD peaked at around 1400 per 100k in November of 2020. I believe we are already past our peak this year, which is about 620 cases per 100k here in ND in early October.
Meanwhile, NH peaked at 810 cases per 100k in December of 2020 and they have already reached a peak of 2062 cases per 100k as of yesterday. Their case curve appears to still be on the rise, which would correspond with last year's seasonal curve.
ND and SD combined are now at about 2,570 covid deaths per 1 million people, from the Worldometers data tables. The U.S. is at 2,440 deaths. There are only 8 states left below 1,600. So, for about a year now, most of the rest of the country has been getting closer to the Dakotas.
We're all going to end up at the same place in the end. Virus was always gonna virus. Just a matter of how much collateral damage we choose to inflict upon ourselves.
Seasonality and regionality. Take Australia, with similar vax rates, that feral State Victoria continues to have "cases" around 1,000s whereas NSW had 1,000s for only a few days; and other States had hardly any or zip.
The natural immunity narrative going mainstream and taking over the world: Gates very worst nightmare.
Plus vaccines, and MRNA especially, will never be trusted by a very large % of the population moving forward.
The business model was to give.a “free sample” to all takers to get them hooked. (They always said they may only work for 3 mos., but that went unreported.) When the free sample didn’t work as well as hoped, it became like the Opium Wars, forcing open the “ports” (veins) and barreling through.
thanks for letting us know here in 97217 PORTLAND OR
Greetings from Oregon City (97045)!
Is there a city left in that place?
yes last i saw 11/21
Not quite I read that North Dakota acted like any blue State.
We had 2 months of mandated masks and limits on restaurants and sporting events enacted by our weak-kneed governor. Those restrictions (conveniently) went into place after we had already hit our peak in November of 2020. Otherwise, we quickly bounced back to normal. Most people started ignoring the idiotic interventions by early January. They were officially lifted by Governor Burgum in mid-January of 2021.
Here are some differences:
- Sweden has greater natural immunity and as a result more people with immune memories of ALL 4 proteins of the virus NOT ONLY the spike
- Because a virus mutates hundred of times inside each individual (its called a viral swarm), they have also more varied memories so Sweden has more of that too
- Swedes with more immunity have also immune memory on non-structural proteins, like the ORF's ones that appear ONLY while the virus is being built. In stark comparison with the spike protein that is THE LAST protein that is being built and if you wait till THAT point to stop the virus, you are in for ... some viral load.
- Germans having had more naive persons transfected ('vaxxed') by massive amounts of an old version of the spike protein as it looked in 2020, seem to can't learn the other proteins as much as Swedes do (Original Antigenic Sin)
That means that the immunity of Swedes is MUCH MORE heterogenous (both in proteins and versions of the said proteins) and the virus is harder for them to find a configuration that will trick a lot of people of the same population.
On the other hand for the Germans, all it has to do is to mutate its spike protein to NOT look like the one of 2020 which was contained in the 'vaccine'.
And that my friends is what the HIV Nobelist Montagnier was warning us about: vaccines in people that do not need it put evolutionary pressure to the virus to change away from the most homogenous immune pool of the population, the Vaccinated.
Want to learn more ? https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological/videos
Is it fair to say Swedes probably have higher overall health than ze Germans?
I think it is very fair to say that. And although it is hard to find accurate and consistent data, it seems Germany's population is significantly more obese than Sweden.
I've been thinking about that myself. Sweden was famously, among low carb/high fat circles, the first country to stop officially demonizing saturated fat. To those of us who follow this sort of metabolic chemistry research, it means that Swedes are less metabolically damaged. The metabolically damaged (overweight, obese, diabetic, heart disease – it's all on the same spectrum) are those who suffer more severe cases of Covid.
There is that big spike of excess Swedish deaths at the beginning of the pandemic. However, the previous year Sweden had a lower than average overall all-cause mortality, so 2020 was doing some catch-up; and I think in any country, the virus picked up the elderly and the sick who would have died soon in any case. So maybe that initial spike is not as significant as it might seem at first.
Seems to me that all interventions did nothing. Not just non medical.
Well, they shut down small businesses, kept kids from school, destroyed mental health, incurred tremendous national debt. That's something accomplished!
“ Only the Government can create a sand shortage in the middle of a desert.”
Milton Freedman
I think that was a Milton Friedman original quote.
All “ government “ interventions.
Yep. Prior-exposure immunity has been the Cinderella of the story. Nature will not be thwarted. The only way out is through.
Cinderella was suppressed and her magic slippers demonized.
Utarh Pardesh - 240 million people, positive test rate of just over 20 percent. Magic solution was simple, contact trace to all cities and towns, give kits contains Vitamin D, Zinc, and Ivermectin.
Results- the disease died, the RO crashed way below 1. The test positive rate quickly went to .01!
Then it went to ZERO and remained there.
THE GEBs running things are guilty of democide ( Death by Government) the largest killer in the past 120 years.
The solution was known very early in 2020!
Natural immunity and effective cheap prophylactic treatments.
Covid, the virus itself, and the global government response, will likely be the greatest crime in human history. Nothing may come close after final results are in. The willful train wreck of the global economy, the mass murder of the injected, the weakened immune system and manifesting morbidity and potential fatal response of billions of jabbed, the willful dividing of the jabbed vs the un-jabbed. The imprisonments of millions. ( one must count all the high cycle false positives that forced many to two weeks of isolation plus psychological and financial harm.)
Those in charge are NOT stupid. Therefore their actions are willful, criminal and evil.
Eyeing local conditions here in Michigan closely these days, and it is hard to get a read. We had some disastrous mortality from the Cuomo-inspired nursing home scandals early on. So I think we may not actually have as much adaptive immunity as the reporting would lead one to believe.
But if our seasonal curve ends up comparable to last year's, one thing is certain: it will strain credulity to maintain the aggressive NPIs did anything except crush the working class.
I'm not that good at getting a read, but I keep wondering why such severe waves repeatedly here in MIchigan (beyond the initial wave). Demographics and genes? Air pollution? Humid wretched polluted summer air with floods so less D and exercise? People unable to afford cleaner foods and fruits and vegetables, since the microbiome is crucial to inflammation? Low selenium in the affordable grain foods? Only a few early treatment doctors (as opposed to say Florida or Texas, where there are hundreds)? Covered-up anti-biotic resistance outbreaks in hospitals? Then there's the thought that corporations are skewing the data (https://starkmanapproved.com/category/medical/). Enraging whatever
combination of these factors are at work! [Expletives deleted]
Michiganders being notoriously vitamin D deficient has gotta be up there for whatever root cause is at play there. We are the home of Kellogg and Faygo and like five pizza chains so empty carbs galore in the diet. Virus gonna virus and who can really claim to know the full story.
i went from Michigan in 1992 to Portland and now its 2021...both places are low land and not necessarily the kinds of places smart peoples settled...any port in a storm as they say, our ancestors, if non native, could not choose about the lands they settled in as carefully...too busy cashing in land grabs from the natives and gov.......natives of 97217 did not spend all year here, from what I have read, and it makes sense,....Portland OR is a hella damp place, and it takes special adaptations not to be all moldy here....(30 years of trying...), love the algae on my car mirror but really it's a hard thing to manage....
Don't forget the banana slugs.
Yes Tardigrade, definitely...especially the really smaller banana slugs...and the little snails....and the slime molds, they also do really well here. I didn't have alot of respect for slime molds till it was pointed out to me that simply the ability to move from beneath something to the surface of that same something, (leaves, etc) was quite an evolutionary feat for the slime mold.
And with that conquered, I guess slime mold just said, good enough. Guess that's what I do. (Of course I am sure it is a quite busy thing to be a slime mold, and exciting in it's own right. )
I try to do alot of Sauna, I know it can help. Matter of fact....maybe soon! Took me years to figure out that the damp cold is a formidable foe; it also makes it so you want to eat the entirety of a bag of potato chips quickly before they wilt. The basement dehumidifier fills 2 gallons a day. Still surprised that much water can be in air.
(and always surprised that the word surprise has that first 'r' in it....suprised is my new variant.)
Britain had the Common Cold Research Unit for decades trying to find a vaccine and/or cure. Human coronaviruses responsible for some Colds were first identified here. Volunteers were infected with Cold viruses and various things tried on them. In 1989 the Unit shut down as it had been impossible to develop vaccines or cure for these coronavirus and other Cold viruses.
Influenza vaccines have been around for 80 years with overall poor results. We still have Winter ‘flu epidemics every year of varying severity, millions get it, thousands, sometimes tens of thousands die every year. These viruses just mutate too quickly.
I think this knowledge tilted the pharma companies to gene therapy ‘vaccines’ as they knew normal vaccines made from the virus stood little chance of any substantial effectiveness. And what a great opportunity to experiment on the World population without the expense and hindrance of ethical clearance, years of animal testing, regulatory work-up and careful Human phase testing.
The truth is the gene therapy, doesn’t work either for the same reasons normal respiratory virus vaccines don’t. The viruses are too fleet of foot; mutations too numerous, too fast evolving.
Having been involved in the medical arena for 30 years, an insider’s knowledge, I never had ‘flu vax nor have had or will have the SARS CoV 2 pseudo-vaccines on the grounds that I am exposing myself to an unnecessary risk - don’t care how slight - (extent as yet unknown with the gene therapy) and on the grounds of being at little risk from the actual disease contractable from multiple different viruses and mutations (so immunising against one virus won’t stop me getting the disease from another), and the unlikelihood the vaccine would offer me any greater protection than my immune system on its own after a lifetime of exposure to coronavirus, influenza and other respiratory virus.
Excellent and informative comment, thanks.
Flu vaccines have been so drilled into people's minds that many folks, particularly elderly ones, get them almost religiously. They also believe the mantra that, 'even if I get it, it will be less severe thanks to the vaccine'.
Also, few realize that most people who fall sick during annual 'flu epidemics' are not actually tested for flu. When they are tested, it often turns out that they don't actually have influenza, but what are categorized as 'influenza-like' illnesses.
A meta study of papers on effectiveness concluded an overall effectiveness of 15% ranging from 50% effective up to age 65, then diminishing thereafter even below 15% in very old with comorbidity. Indeed the most at risk group do not get vaccinated as their immune systems would not cope. And more important, unlike measles, polio, mumps, etc, ‘flu vaccine do not give lifetime protection.
It is well recognised that many people suffer Colds and ‘flu symptoms within the two weeks of vaccination. So they get a bout of disease they might not otherwise have had. The less serious claim is one of those claims it is impossible either to prove or falsify, as there can be no way to know how an individual would have responded without the vaccine.
The problem with ‘flu vaccines is every year they have to be changed usually based on new ‘flu mutants circulating in the Southern Hemisphere during their Winter, our Summer. Some years a different mutant strikes in the North than the one(s) the vaccine makers had anticipated making their vaccine useless.
However it is still the case, you cannot be vaccinated against influenza (the disease), just one of the viruses causing it. Since the number of circulating ‘flu viruses is enormous, being protected against one does not mean another one will not get you, or a coronavirus, rhinovirus, etc.
But influenza - unlike SARS CoV 2 - can be very serious and fatal among the young and healthy, particularly babies and infants. Isn’t it strange then, given the manic rush to vaccinate the young against SARS CoV 2 from which the risk to the young is approaching zero, that in previous times there has never been such zeal to vaccinate the young against ‘flu virus, which at least would make some sense as it is more effective among young? Fatalities during the 1917 Spanish ‘flu epidemic were mostly among the young.
And then there is the pneumonia virus. I’ll bet you didn’t know there was a vaccine against that… a very serious virus. I didn’t know until last year until my sister mentioned she had had the vaccination in the 1980s. It gives lifetime immunity, so just one dose per person and is long off patent so no money in it for Big Pharma. Could that be why we never about it I wonder, or am I just being cynical?
As ever, you have cat-apulted the central issues into the limelight.
It's very interesting that a damn good answer to many covid questions is "Sweden".
Lockdowns? Sweden
Masks? Sweden
Closing schools? Sweden
About the only thing Sweden got wrong was following the Cuomo-Care-Package for the elderly.
And mandatory vaxxpass. Don't forget that. They're apparently skipping all the fuss and drama and going direct to Great Reset.
"They're apparently skipping all the fuss and drama and going direct to Great Reset." Very droll...
They deeply missed the Ivermectin, zinc, vitamin D solution, and a just of other effective treatments.
Did they force vax and bring in the infected at the nursing homes?
Not sure about the vaxx - but they did the "let's send this one back in there and see what happens" thing for the nursing homes, as I understand it - at least until they realized it was a bloody stupid things to do.
There weren't many cases of somebody going to the hospital from the nursing homes in the first place, because nursing homes are their own mini-hospitals, so it is very rare that anybody needs to leave. The only case that I know of happened because a woman got an asymptomatic infection, at a time when we all believed that you needed to have symptoms to spread it.
The real problem was that the staff in the nursing homes spread it from place to place as they travelled from one to another because these places share staff. We also ran out of protective gear, and testing equipment early on.
I had no idea... so sad. But they are def showing the way otherwise. thanks for the info.
At some point, somebody will link you an article with the King of Sweden saying their covid strategy failed. He's talking about the nursing homes, not keeping everything open.
It was the lockdown of the nursing homes that he was particularly unhappy with. You had to lock them down to protect the people inside from catching covid. But that meant that when it came time for the people in them to die, they could not do so surrounded by their relatives, as they had been promised before they agreed to go to the nursing homes. There is no good solution here, and the King knews this, but that doesn't make it a tragedy.
Yet we didn't really have general excess mortality here. It was average.
They also refused oxygen to all nursing home patients but did supply them with respiratory depressants such as midazolam. Thus, they managed to lower their elder care burden. All very efficient. But other than killing off their elderly they had a very sensible approach to the whole thing.
It wasn't 'all nursing home patients', but terrible things did happen. But not in the name of efficiency or to lower a burden.
Sorry if someone said this already but... the difference could be vitamin D consumption. Swedes typically eat more fish than their German counterparts. I've heard, anecdotally, that they are very aware of their lack of sunlight and thus supplement more than usual for Europe.
The difference suggests letting a virus run it's course vs trying to control it.
That does not explain that SWEDES have MUCH LESS hospitalizations across trime, at the start and almost negligable now. It is the same people = they had the same vitamin D intake, give or take
Look https://www.svt.se/datajournalistik/corona-i-intensivvarden/
And compare it with Norway (which is so far less dense than Sweden and pulled a lockdown at the start like everyone else) https://www.nrk.no/korona/status/?utm_campaign=korona-ministatus&utm_source=button&utm_medium=status-i-norge
I can attest that German doctors do not recommend D supps and even scoff at it. Won’t stop my fam from taking copious amounts.
Significant immunity from infection appears to be the only way to drop the curve. The states and countries that seemed to succeed at suppression in 2020 and early 2021 are paying the price now. They didn't stop the virus. They postponed it. Corona is a total bitch, and she will have her pound of flesh.
Japan seems to be an exception. They had a huge wave over the summer, probably a consequence of the Olympics and the Delta wave. The head of the Tokyo Medical Association recommended ivermectin when the vaxx failure was obvious in late August. A few days later, the curve turned and dropped like a rock. Their case numbers remain low even as South Korea and Vietnam numbers have risen. It could be correlation. It could be causation. We'll have to watch and wait.
It is correlation AND causation. Several meta analysis all support Ivermectin. ( even when including the horribly done studies) Real world results in Utarh Pardesh, Indonesia, Japan, many African nations etc, STRONGLY support Ivermectin. The real world results when practiced broadly within a contained community ( a village, a city, a nation) were MORE effective then limited studies. Why? Because they crushed the disease, the broke the RO way below 1, and the virus died.
The correlation is strong, the results global, the pathology known.
You're preaching to the choir. I have my own stock pile. While the head of the Tokyo Medical Association gave this speech in support of the ivermectin, we don't have data on how broadly if was used...so we can't say with certainty that it caused the case curve to turn and drop like a stone. Uttar Pradesh is probably the best example.
non-pharma interventions have done and are doing nothing. They also maimed and killed a lot of people. You throw in the fact that the vaccines also compromise the immune system and friends you have the trifecta of stupidity.
So if Sweden had a "don't panic" appraoch that worked, why did the MAJORITY get vaccined? Fear is more powerful than facts?
I live in Sweden. I think it was hope, more than fear. We really hoped that the vaccines would provide sterilising immunity. After that proved not to be the case, in a nation where 'international travelling' is the #1 hobby, it was 'you need it to travel'.
Yes, basically. People here in general believe that there was a large death toll and are deathly afraid of the virus.
This indicates that it is lockdowns rather than vaccines that kill outside of the COVID season.
The best source I’ve seen for analysis of Swedish data. Thorough analysis regularly the last 2 years: https://softwaredevelopmentperestroika.wordpress.com/2021/11/22/sweden-covid-outcomes-and-all-cause-mortality-incl-nov-14/.
If you include excess mortality data, it will provide a more complete picture.