“boosting is just going to make it worse and invert the viral gradient even further. any short term help from boosted antibodies (at the price of another round of dangerous adverse events) will just run up a bigger bigger bill to pay when it comes due later, and it’s far from clear that this booster strategy even provides short term help.”

Well at least public health policy and fiscal policy now match. It’s a sign of the times.

This is what happens when the “make your own reality” crowd is in charge. But real reality has a nasty habit of flailing back around and decapitating the deluded.

It’s best not to pretend.

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indeed, injecting health is the new injecting liquidity.

unfortunately, it's going to work about as well as "printing prosperity" did.

all of western government has essentially become one big cargo cult.

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“Quantitative vaxxing,” huh?

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Modern Monetary Theory -> Modern Immunity Vaxxing

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Where in MMT do they say "give trillions to banks and asset holders (rich people) to cause prosperity"?

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Of course the rhetoric of MMT like the rhetoric of communism is that the right people will be in charge so the money will all be given to right causes and the right people. But it falls apart at step one. Anytime the US Government issues debt they allow the investment banks to front run it and take their cut. No one does better from MMT policy than Goldman Sachs.

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A point of MMT is that currency issuing governments do not need to give banks a cut and should stop doing so. MMT views monetary policy as ineffective compared to the alternatives. MMT policy prescription is to remove the banks from the process and instead have direct government expenditures. How does Goldman Sachs gain from the government buying/sending people money and goods instead of the government sending G. Sachs money?

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That’s what I’m afraid of.

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Moderna Immunity Vaxxing

moderna = pfixer, basically

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very droll...

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Transitory vaxflation.

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Your comment reminds me of my favorite line from a guest essay I just published by Fernando Andacht:

“It harvested a sea of rolled-up sleeves and expectant bare arms yearning for the injectable salvation.”

—From “A New Journal of the Plague Year Three Centuries Later: The Pandemic, the Commercial Break, & the Lost Identity” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-new-journal-of-the-plague-year), written and self-translated from the Spanish by Fernando Andacht

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Nowhere have I seen the phrase Injection Fatality Rate used. Strange.

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This comment right here is what is called the nutshell. It describes EVERYTHING we are forced to endure in a nutshell.

I am so heartsick of having to deal with people who are convinced they are smarter and more sophisticated than the reality that stares them in the face every day. It sucks the creativity, energy and life out of a person.

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Nov 19, 2021
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Congrats on your classic which we, including Margaret Anna Alice, have viraled

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My country Ireland is perhaps the clearest example of this. We hit 50% vaccinated in July and are at 95% of adults now and 90% over 12. Every single metric is MUCH worse than this time last year, including deaths which have been higher every month since and including July. I have all this in a spreadsheet if you want it.


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Thanks for that chart, very interesting. From Ireland myself but live in the US now. Been reading the news on RTE the last few weeks and watching the growing crescendo of panic. Sure not much mention of the Oct 22 "freedom day" now is there ?

But boosters will solve everything of course (/sarcasm) !

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Where are the Real and Provisionals when we need them? I was surprised at how soft the Paddies have become, along with the show-offs Maoris.

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I commented something similar above before reading this Damian. It's comical.

What are people in your social circle making of it?

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Heads in the sand. I'm an anti-vaxxer for even mentioning it.

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Ireland is one of my favorite countries, and of course there are still great people there but I've been shocked at how poorly this has been handled there. With the recent history of the Brits having their boot on your neck, you'd think more people would see this for what it is.

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Yeah most people I know are fed up or questioning the narrative, or at least the governments response.

Mate of mine came up to me last week, not a well read dude, saying "these vaccines aren't effin working " with a look of panic in his eyes.

The work from home crowd and the old people are fine in their relative financial security and fear paralysis, but young people who've been shafted and anyone whose work is at risk of lockdown are getting red pilled.

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It is infuriating to me that in response to this vaccine failure, the unvaxxed are being blamed and policies enacted to punish the unvaxxed. News from this afternoon - "Austria plans compulsory Covid vaccination for all" (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/19/austria-plans-compulsory-covid-vaccination-for-all). I live in Czech Republic and this is really bad news. I am afraid Czech authorities will take this as a model to follow. They are really upping the stakes for social discord with this kind of policy. Whatever happened to science and human rights? Is freedom dead in Europe?

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The news this afternoon from Austria is indeed horrifying. They won't be the last. Germany next, and then - I suspect - the Canadians. We're approaching the height of the storm.

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I am tempted to start wearing a yellow star on my jacket in protest. But actually I don't think that's in very good taste. The Czech government recently said it is following the "Bavarian model" to exclude unvaxxed from public life. I don't know much about how Sweden's been handling covid, but if the government has to follow the example of some other European country, couldn't we try the "Swedish model" instead?

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I have proposed a little yellow coronavirus instead. Surely that would avoid offense to the yellow star crowd.

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Genius! 🤣

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CJ Hopkins had the same idea and encourages dissenters to wear the inverted red triangle badge: https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/the-propaganda-war-and-how-to-fight

I also expose the propagandistic inversion of the yellow star that has occurred in this manifestation by making it a symbol of inclusion (mask-wearers self-don their symbols of oppression) in Stage 2 (Symbolization) of genocide in “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier) as well as exploring it in my Yellow Star Series of memes for subscribers: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/the-yellow-star-series-memes-110

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Coincidentally, I had the same idea as CJ and have been wearing a red triangle badge pin on one of my hats for about 15 years now …

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I'm thinking a red 5-pointed star fashioned out of stylized syringes. Close enough to get the point across without disrespecting the horror of the holocaust.

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One of the reasons we haven't had a holocaust, yet, in America is that we aren't afraid to point out its precursors. The people anxious to accuse others of trivialization are the ones who make Holocausts possible.

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Excellent point as Germany has made “relativization of the Holocaust” a crime—gee, I wonder why they don’t want people making comparisons between the present and past fascist states!

That said, I actually do believe we are undergoing a worldwide Holocaust as we speak, including in America, and it is occurring through the voluntary (and mandated) participation of its victims. We are already at Stage 10 of genocide, Denial, as I examine in “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier).

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Funny how those who advocate selective suppression of thought or speech, even if it is claimed to be "trivialization" or "denial" of a favored dogma, so rarely realize that they themselves are engaging in a form of authoritarianism or (in the extreme) totalitarianism. Who decides why one group shall be favored over others, or certain topics are taboo? These concepts are, or at least should be, anathema in a truly free society that claims equal treatment for all.

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Nov 19, 2021
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Thanks for this info, I didn't know about it. So, Sweden is going down the discriminatory path, too. Not a surprise, really.

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I hope you're right, but I've stopped putting too much hope in politicians.

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Yep. We are transitioning into the end game.

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Are you so sure? I don't want to be a pessimist, but could we still be right at the beginning and a lot of unforeseen pain is coming our way? This could continue to play out over years. I think we might be at only the start of the effort of the powers-that-be to force universal injections. You can use your imagination to think of some ways this might go ... but there are many things that might happen that I can't even conceive of yet.

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I think once our freedoms are stripped we are circulated and it doesn't matter after that point. I expect this winter will be when the last few we have are lost

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Those who got the experimental vaccine have several options

1) Admit the vaccine was unsafe and ineffective and therefore they harmed themselves and others.

2) Find a scapegoat to blame.

It is a lot easier to blame those who didn't mindlessly obey Pfizer if you've been insulting them as stupid, conspiracy theorist, selfish, dirty dangerous unwashed masses for 6 months+.

The easiest way to enslave a society is to make it think they are free. Freedom is like life and will some day. It needs constant rebirth or else it goes extinct.

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I'm in Prague. I have exactly the same concerns. Let's hope Austrian courts throw out the measure very, very soon. If not, I think Germany is next, immediately followed by CZ.

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Where do you think the Pirate Party would side on this? Would they support mandatory injection?

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No idea. I'm a foreigner. By now, my Czech is pretty decent (especially reading), but that's a relatively recent development. ;-) My point: I don't understand the ins and outs of Czech politics yet. These new measures were introduced by the old government. So, I'm waiting to see what the new one does. I'm worried that "Germany's doing it!" will be seen as sufficient proof that the measures are correct, even if they're a disaster.

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Unfortunately it may be. That was one of the motivations for the worldwide lockdowns and masking in the first place. If they all did it together no one country could be blamed. They could all say "everyone was doing it". I think nothing motivates public health authorities more than this.

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I think each of these countries is testing the water to see what their populations will accept. Whether this is coordinated or not among the state leaders, I don't know. You saw how France in the summer mandated use of the vax pass, and that was seen as an unprecedented step at the time. It's like they are breaking barriers of decency (and, in my view law and rights and justice and logic) to see how far they can go, and once one country does something, it gives cover for other countries to do the same thing.

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Not to Godwin but of course that was what the Nazis did too. Commit an atrocity, then look around to see how the world reacted before moving on to the next one. Every time the world shrugged they were emboldened to commit a worse one.

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Former Soviet satellites are a mixed bag. Sure, they're all passionately anti-Soviet, but some of them (let's not name names, shall we?) have a strong neo Nazi presence. So, they're anti-Soviet, but still authoritarian. But CZ seemed a bit different... Well, maybe it is different. We're in the process of finding out, aren't we?

Re: "I think each of these countries is testing the water to see what their populations will accept."

Well, there's that, but there's also the fact that all these "important people" with huge egos are essentially out of ideas, but their careers, reputations, and egos are on the line. Remember when lockdowns and masks were going to save us? If we just patiently waited a few weeks, COVID would go poof. That worked out really well, didn't it? Then there were the vaccines. 95% efficiency, remember? Except that, oops. But they have nothing else in their arsenal. Just lockdowns and vaccines. So, it's increasingly a case of "we must do something; this is something; hence, we must do this." It doesn't work, but when did that ever stop an egomaniac?

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Imagine if “Germany’s doing it!” was sufficient justification for emulating the policies of the Third Reich 🙄🤦‍♀️

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well, it certainly used to be.

it's easy to forget that fascism was seen as a positive. FDR and wilson loved it. they sought to emulate it. it was "modern government for modern people."

the technocrats always sell their impending debacles of tyranny that way right before they wreck everything they touch.

"build back better" is just the 1930's with a new PowerPoint deck.

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Agreed. And with the defeat of the Axis in WW II liberal democracy bloomed in Europe, USA and elsewhere. And here is where I will part company with many people. Not all the changes were for the best, at least from the point of view of the average, native-born citizens. We need not get into details right now. But suffice to say that 70 years of liberal democracy has sown seeds for -- what? Ominously, quite possibly a resurgence of nationalism (but not necessarily national socialism or fascism). I don't know what the future holds, but somehow I doubt it's going to be some peaceful one world of brotherhood.

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Absolutely right, el gato, and most people forget how many Bellamy-saluting eugenicist fascist acolytes there were in the US during the 1930s.

I want your last line on a bumper sticker 😆

BTW, I thought you might like to know one of your Puerto Rican compadres (perhaps a gatopal™?) tweeted my “Letter to a Tyrant” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-tyrant) at your governor with the following warning, “Wake UP, Governor. Open your eyes, your brain, and your conscience. You are destroying Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans. Especially the children.”


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In the last Czech elections the Pirate party allied with "the mayors an independents" The Mayors violated the electoral agreement and therefore the Pirate party lost most its seats. (Czech as a complicated parliamentary electoral system). The majors and SPOLU have a majority, therefore the Pirate party is not needed to pass laws/hold power.

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Yes, I just wondered as a member of the SPOLU coalition government, what position the Pirates will take on vax mandates. The same goes for the mayors and Christian Dems. I wouldn't be surprised is ODS is "Europe friendly" and goes along with the EU and examples like Austria, but I wonder about the other members of the coalition.

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Freedom isn't dead, but it's definitely on life support, and that's in most of the Western world.

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I should have mentioned justice, too. Is justice dead in Europe? Because this treatment of the unvaxxed is unjust. Hence my thought of wearing a yellow star in public to protest. I don't think I'll wear a star, first as I said before it's probably not in good taste, but also I'm afraid most people who see it won't get it.

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Do you have guns there?

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Yes, the gun laws here are extremely liberal compared to the rest of Europe. (See this article from this summer: "Czech Republic Passes Constitutional Amendment: Right to Self Defense with Arms" - https://www.ammoland.com/2021/07/czech-republic-passes-constitutional-amendment-right-to-self-defense-with-arms/). More than guns, my hope is that the Czech people will remember their totalitarian past and refuse to accept a new police state. I also hope (not sure if this is well-founded or not) that the police might not enforce such measures.

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I'm a foreigner living in Prague. I've been keeping my fingers crossed that the Czechs are still partially "vaccinated" against totalitarianism. But after the latest developments, I'm less optimistic...

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It's been sad to see what's happening in other Eastern European states like Lithuania and Latvia, where I hoped the memory of Society tyranny would prevent them embracing these covid policies.

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Couldn't have said it better,. I had an Estonian friend in college and she had strong memories of communism.But I guess life has changed there. When the news about those countries locking down got out I was totally shocked.

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Soviet tyranny

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CZ did just ratify something approaching a Second Amendment. Good for them.

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Nov 19, 2021
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Thank you, we need it! St. Wenceslaus (patron of the Czech lands), pray for us!

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All by design. When 2021 YoY data comes in it will be shocking and horrifying for all waking up from the death cultist spell; the “vax” is the real pandemic.

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That, and stupidity.

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Stupidity is not a major component to this. I've seen much smarter people than myself fall for it. It is fear and dominance being applied. Those do not discriminate for intelligence.

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Dumb and stupid are two different concepts. I have known some awfully cunning people whom you wouldn’t necessarily categorize as “smart”. And I’ve known some highly intelligent people who were easy to label stupid.

But I do agree that intellectual and moral cowardice are very much at play.

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That, and narcissism.

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Now Austria is making vaccines mandatory for everyone. There is no doubt that will happen in other places as well. This is beyond frightening.

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Not sure if you saw this study regarding Israel, regarding the vaccine failure:

"Israel national airport is a unique setting, where the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated individuals all have to test, which allows a more objective assessment of both the booster and Green Pass efficacy in preventing infections. The analysis suggests that the positivity rate (number of cases divided by number of tests) among the Vaccinated cohort throughout August-October is only1.54-fold smaller than the one among the Unvaccinated cohort (about 35% relative protection). More specifically, compared to the Unvaccinated group, the Vaccinated group has a significantly higher positivity rate during the month of August, then in September it shows a 3.45-fold smaller positivity rate (71% relative protection), and this protection decreases to 2.66-fold (62% protection) during October. The analysis suggests that the relative protection of the booster shot against infection is likely to be significantly smaller than the initial estimates of 10-11-fold (over90%) reported by the MOH, probably around 60% at best. This also implies that the absolute number of infected individuals in the Vaccinated group is likely to be at least as high as in the Unvaccinated, raising serious concerns that the new Green Pass is inefficient in preventing infection spread, and could expose high risk individuals to risk”


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You see, kitty, the problem is that, like communism, vaccination has never been properly tried. If you just vaccinate everyone, absolutely everyone, no medical or religious exemptions, no nonsense bodily autonomy, then that'll solve the problem.

(And that was sarcasm, in case it wasn't obvious. I feel the need to say that because, at this point, I wouldn't be particularly surprised to see someone write the paragraph above in all seriousness.)

BTW, what happens if you've had COVID and then get one of these gene therapies? Lots of people are in that situation: recovered from COVID, but they cannot escape gene therapy because it would cost them their job and might even turn them into outlaws (as in Austria). I'm actually worried it'll happen to me. I recently had COVID (wasn't fun; essentially, the worst flu I've ever had, but I successfully recovered, no hospitalization), but I'm worried that soon enough, the gunk will be a legal requirement. I'm in the Czech Republic, and where goes Germany, there goes the Czech Republic. I suspect Germany will soon follow Austria in mandating the gunk.

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I hear parts of Germany have gone into ful lockdown, irrespective of vax status.

If that isn't a massive "L" for the vax I can't think of any other. Weren't we told the vax would put an end to lockdowns and masking?

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It's the fault of the unvaccinated! Obviously.

So, this is where it seems to be going: they'll blame vaccine failure on the unvaccinated, and they'll mandate vaccination by law. That'll get the vaccination rate to approximately 100%. By the time that happens, it'll be spring again, cases will be down, and they'll claim it was a victory for the vaccines. Come fall, cases will shoot up. They'll blame that on low booster uptake, or on too long of a period between successive boosters. (By that point, the early vaccinees may already be on their second or third booster, i.e. fourth or fifth shot total.) So, they'll reduce the time between boosters, and mandate that by law, too. Meanwhile, hospitals will keep getting overrun with people with (mostly) cardiovascular problems. They'll notice the rising rates of heart attacks, strokes, etc., but they'll dismiss any suggestions that they're linked to their beautiful vaccines. They may even make it a criminal offence to suggest that there's a link. And that'll go on for one-to-ten years. At that point, the narrative will go down like the Berlin Wall. Sadly, plenty of damage will have been done by that point. It's also likely that childhood vaccination rates will collapse, as the public's confidence in vaccines (*all* vaccines) is severely shaken.

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Some countries are now putting on big orders of the protein subunit vaxxes like Novovax which won’t have the same side effect profile and may also be more effective. So there’s a potential off ramp there for vax injuries at least. But either way, they will claim victory for every summer and blame the unboosted for every winter. At least until so many people have natural immunity the virus actually goes away.

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It is FAR TOO SOON to speak about “reduced side effects” to any unreleased experimental jab.

Remember Moderna and Pfizer were without side effects………so they said.


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I wish them luck. There has never been a successful (human) vaccine against a coronavirus. You can make the nicest vaccine in the world, but those darn viruses have a tendancy to mutate, rapidly rendering the latest vaccine (or individual immunity, for the matter) less effective. There is, apparently one that works for animals, so not all hope is lost. 😑 Just as Moderna et al. had tried and failed with mRNA technology for years and magically hit upon a successful formula just in time to hit the mother lode with COVID-19, no silly long-term proofs of safety or efficacy required, perhaps a similar "Hail Mary" will happen with more traditional vaccine products. In closing, I will repeat the dictum of some famous investor: "The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet."

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Yeah, I'm hoping that if/when they force me to get the stuff (medically, I really, truly don't need it; I have my natural immunity, thank you very much), something less dangerous will be available. We'll have to wait and see.

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I have a spare bedroom. But I am in the USA so it might not be possible to come on over

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LOL! Possible? Yes it's quite possible, just catch a flight to Mexico.

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Surprisingly Indonesia and Turkmenistan and a few other countries are mandating too. I also read Cuba vaxxed all age 2 and up. They used their own stuff so it might be better. Cuba is known for excellent doctors.

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Sure they are! International medial tourism flights into Havana are a thing. 🤣

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Should we move to Cuba to escape communism at home LOL

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Nov 19, 2021
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You can read about the Russian "Sputnik V" formula over here:


It sure sounds just like the Western ones.

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they are all crap. I have lost my trust in medicine a long time ago. Until a few days ago I thought there might be a few good ones. But I am reading Dissolving Illusions from Dr Suzanne Humphries, and now my last favorable ideas have gone. Even the old smallpox vaxx is useless. (PS watch Bill Gates saying that the next epidemic will be exactly smallpox, and several vials have been found in the freezers of Merck. They have been given to the very well trusted CDC, who will probably open them on the word of Gates to see if they are still working)

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I believe the concept of vaccination is a type of McGyver medicine where it sometimes works, but there are far more optimal ways of doing it with the right knowledge and equipment. Peoples personal health is the prime factor and as we know population health sinks like the stock market rises.

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Nov 19, 2021
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Sure, everybody else is doing it lol.

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Ha! Thanks. :-)

But no, not possible to come...

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Well, it’s as you predicted Kitty. Germany said mask harder, then vax harder and now lockdown harder. That’s all they have. Too bad those billions spent weren’t used on developing actual better treatment in the hospitals or in training nurses, cough, cough instead of a Big Pharma gravy train and bail outs for the governments and monopolies with our hard earned taxpayer monies....

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Nov 19, 2021
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Australia here. We have the passports in my state right now. Supposed to end 15 December. We will see. My work has just announced they want to mandate it. Mexico looks good.

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Nov 19, 2021
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I’ll go down fighting, no jab here. Take a stand!

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In Germany we are going back to lockdown-lite. Bavaria already announced three 3 weeks shutdown. Life is getting harder for the unvaccinated with either outright verboten entries to daily testing. They are the escape goat here in the media narrative. At the same time booster campaign for the vaccinated is getting a boost and strongly encourage to get it.

Smart people are unable to do 2 and 2 here

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"Escapee goat" was probably a typo, but here's an anecdote. "Scapegoat" in modern usage, means the party blamed unjustly for something. But the original meaning from Old Testament was slightly different. In the ceremony, there were two goats. One was killed. But the scapegoat truly was an escape goat: he was allowed to wander off unharmed, although he might come to a bad end wandering around in the wilderness. Given this distinction, I would much rather be the scapegoat.

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Thanks for that. Clearly, I haven't used scapegoat in writing in a long time :)

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Can you see people reporting the unvaccinated to police, or is that down the road a bit?

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Some sort of "last solution" or "final answer" or something seems to be in order.

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Really I can't even get all the way through this cause of course it makes TOO MUCH SENSE! Why are all the "experts" resisting the fact that it's a NEW FREAKING SEASON and this is not the same as the old stuff and that is why every year they have a new flu JAB??


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Not all the experts. One those that parrot the government. People like mercola. Tozzi. Vandenbosch have warned right on that this would happen. Governments bought or pressed by bigpharma told the fable. Now it has become more of a bad horror story. I still laughed when I saw their car wreck though. Great essay.

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VandenBossche's latest interview on the Highwire is his starkest warning yet.

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That was excellent! Another case of TOO MUCH SENSE!

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These "outbreaks" are considered newsworthy when they impact well under 1% of the population. This means you can have a hundred "waves" before you get real immunity in the population. The only hope is people stop caring.

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They got it so wrong that their reaction will be destroy what is left. Scorched earth policy.

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Ireland is an even more comical example. The most vaccinated population in Europe at around 93% and lockdowns are incoming, our deputy PM was on CNN blaming the unvaccinated.

No normies I know are buying it. People are livid and even Conor mcGregor is losing his sh!t on twitter.

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It must be noted that the establishment of a "covid case" is based on the fraudulent use of PCR.

What is happening in Germany, and all over, is an increase in toxicity in the body due to the injections of a certain "substance" which is breaking down the body's immune system.

The PCR is pick up this increased level of "debris" and those predisposed to using the catch-all "covid" terminology will label it as such. It is nothing of the sort.

People are having poison injected into their bodies- that is what is happening. The more of these poisons people pump into their body, the closer they are to their doom. Not from any fake covid, but from their immune system crashing into dust. Those spiky little proteins get into your blood and destroy cells and also wreck the protective layer inside the main arteries that help create nitric oxide for blood.

The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.

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We can now imagine how lab rats must feel. And all these poor humans who have that grub inside them. Will they all die from the next corona virus cold? I read that all the animal tests ended that way, and to my horror, that food animals who will live less than one year like chickens, still get injected with mRNA vaccines. I am now decidedly going vegetarian.

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You know what I admire Hitler for? He said "it's not right to use medical experimentation on innocent animals. We should rather subject our worse criminals to this, as punishment and payment to society".

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This is not what I meant. These are animals that are being fed to us, and we don't know they got mRNA in them. Did you? And as to the medical experiments - the whole world is experimented on. Most don't even know.

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No I did not really know that. Doesn't come as a surprise just hadn't thought of it. I have heard you shouldn't touch chicken meat before you cook it.

Is there any way to avoid it then? Vaxxed people are shedding and they are putting shit in everything we consume. I believe our bodies are made to eat both veg and meat in order to give us all the nutrients we need and the same people telling us to vax are also telling us to veg so I'm wary of going down that route.

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In the 1970's America rushed a vaccine for and it got removed because it was unsafe. There were no cororna type virus vaccine's before the Covid emergency approval because the early testing showed they were unsafe. Likewise there have been no approved mRNA treatments because they were deemed unsafe. In the animal trials these vaccine's/innjections harmed the health of the animals, however the researchers killed the animals themselves so we cannot accurately say all the animals were killed by the injections.

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We’ve known since June/July that the vaccines don’t work. We’ve known when you flatten the curve that you widen the base. When you widen the base you extend the the pandemic. Now you have all folks that were scared to death and hunkered down that were vaccinated. They were never exposed to the actual virus. The vaccines make you up to 400 times more likely to get the virus. If they had just protected and vaccinated the 80 plussers with comorbidities we’d probably be past this from natural immunity.

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As of 12/31 the CDC will be withdrawing the request to the FDA for the EUA of the flawed PCR test. If the 'authorized' replacement tests are anything close to accurate then cases worldwide will suddenly plummet. Convenient timing to do that when winter cases are climbing and boosters are being rolled out.


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I think the CDC will back down and keep the PCR test going. It can be manipulated, thus keep the scamdemic going.

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COVID-19 statistics have been mostly crap from the outset. The PCR "test" is of course a big part of that. A mix of procedural and political errors. Even leaving politics out of it, multiple re-definitions of what constituted a "case" (positive or negative test) makes any reliance upon statistics, especially over long time periods, and from differing jurisdictions, very problematic.

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