My comment to a lady complaining about the peanut story getting so much attention….

Megan, … you may be misinterpreting the national interest… a single wildlife agent or warden was all that was required to investigate “ a case of keeping a rodent, a misdemeanor. This couple was swatted with 10 drawn lethal guns, the house town apart… why? The alleged “perp” was completely cooperating. Without a judges hearing or trial of any kind, Peanut and Fred were euthanized…. What’s important, Harris signed off on DOD 5240.01 , allowing police to use lethal force on American Citizens for any perceived subjective dissent or perception the officer fears an attack. Now add in J6, hundreds still incarcerated for entering the capital, declared an insurrection by Pelosi and Liz Cheney NO MATTER THAT NOT A SINGLE ACCUSED CARRIED A WEAPON OR GUN…. this new tyrannical law is in place… swatting American Citizens at dawn often with children in the home, breaking the door down, guns drawn, frighting non combative citizens is akin to WW2 Germany tactics… and will continue if this regime continues… personal 2nd amendment guns will be confiscated already stated by this regime, first amendment and 2nd amendment will be dismantled…

Evidently you need to be swatted for merely posting a comment in opposition to any government narrative… Elon Musk has stated several times his life is in danger if this regime continues, we the people know the manner in which J6 was handled, no due process, lies and accusations that cannot be defended by the accused IS OUR CURRENT STATE OF GOVERNMENT…. no wonder 70 % of the country, proclaimed domestic terrorists and garbage by Biden, are putting our very lives in a former president that never treated American Citizens with such outward disgust and hate….

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From a historical perspective, much of the authorization and public acceptance of heavily armed jack booted G-men raiding homes and confiscating or simply destroying property began first with Prohibition, which you might call the War On the Devil's Brew.

When the utterly failed War On Drugs (which first began as Nixon's war on those dirty hippies) was seriously ratcheted up in the1980's, pre-dawn domestic SWAT raids against anyone suspected of once having smoked a joint became the new normal. Many unnecessary deaths resulted, including children. While Reagan is often blamed for this, a certain Senator from Delaware was a fierce advocate of anything goes in the name of combatting drugs. At least until his darling son discovered the joys of meth.

Come 9/11, the newly minted "War On Terror" became the Raison d'état for unconstrained use of lethal government force -- as well as the near total loss of any civil rights or due process -- against anyone even suspected of a minor activity which could be in any way associated with terror. We also ushered in an Orwellian level of illegal domestic spying on the citizenry. The Big Brother act will preserve our freedoms, we were told.

Under the totalitarian regime of Biden/Harris, the definition of "terrorism" has been expanded to essentially nullify the first amendment. Today, with the help of a mini me of Harris, a certain Democrat governor with front teeth not unlike that of the dear departed P'nut, we have reached the next level where even the suspected harboring of an unapproved pet is an excuse for feuer frei!

Where and how this ends depends on the decision we as Americans make tomorrow. The stakes have never been higher.

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Well said

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Exactly right

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Interesting context.

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The bottom line is that they hate anything, anybody, and any animal that makes people happy,,,It's a war on fun, because leftists think fun is likely to accompany people who aren't miserable like them.....

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A Democrat is a person who exists in a permanent state of abject terror, fearing that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

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Well I must make them miserable.

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And you should be commended for your ongoing efforts to do so!

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Taking it further - they want everyone to bow at Satan's feet at not God. That is at the core of EVERYTHING

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As Vince Ellison writes in his book "The Iron Triangle," the goal of liberalism is to enslave all of us in forced ghettos, living off government hand-outs, governmental healthcare for all, poverty and hopelessness just like what the black community has allowed since the fake Civil Rights Act.

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So funny that one of their recurring themes is 'Joy".

They do not inspire joy in the least.

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Never, ever forget- mass murderers, serial killers & Sociopaths always begin their careers by torturing and killing helpless animals. Small ones, pet ones, the most innocent & gentle in many cases. (Think Fouci & the Beagles.) Then they move up to human children, on towards prostitutes & the homeless, those who will go unnoticed, before becoming very bold and taking "regular folks" or planning gas chambers at Aushwitz (sp). Or building Bio-weapons to sicken & disable & kill millions or billions.

If everyone knew the laboratory behaviors of those designing our medicines & our vaccines to small animals and our relatives the great apes, or to partially developed human babies in the womb, they would recoil in horror. (I hope.)

We lose our compassion, our conscience, our empathy at our highest risk of all. Once innocent peaceful & healthy pet animals can be taken ruthlessly, violently, & then killed, our Government is teetering on the edge if full blown Sociopathy. If "Covid" didn't prove this, I do not know what it will take for the American public to wake.

Maybe it's this. Maybe 600,000 people will tell the evil empire, New York State, to f off. Maybe more. Maybe these officials will be voted out, & the demon dismantled. Maybe Americans will remember Peace, Liberty & Freedom & find they are worth fighting for.

Maybe not. And we will have our version of the Iron Curtain fall on our Nation. Which it us is up to each of us.

Do something, do nothing.

Each is a creator of a very different future for United States of America.

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They are already onto the children. Full blown child sacrifice in place. Trans, trafficking, pedophlia , toxic food, toxic vaccines and treatments, horrible schools, masking, forcing children to take the risks to save adults asses. SSRIs, psychotropic drugs. The list goes on and on. I wish for vaporizing revenge.

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Tragically, they have been on to the children for some time.

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For the Dems, the more abortions the better. Life in the womb is not a safe space in America.

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Yes, but children fart dontcha c? This produces methane gas, a major contributor to climate change, producing hotter and cooler temperatures, droughts, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, earthquakes, and landslides.

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Kamala’s mother held part-time positions with ape labs in the Midwest over two years-plus.

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How do you unearth an info like this one ??? 🤔🤔🤔 Just askin', NO political thoughts whatsoever !!

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There is talk that Kamala is a product of MK Ultra, also.

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Yes, it's pretty clear to me that she isn't "normal," & that MK Ultra or something of that ilk is a distinct likelihood in her case.

George Bush Jr. too, if you ask me....

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Well, George HW was certainly involved in some horrible things. Susan Ford, AKA Brice Taylor, who was an executive model MK Ultra sex slave, said GHW Bush was the most vicious person she ever had to have sex with. Her book is “Thanks for the Memories,” because Bob Hope purchased her for a million dollars.

I read her book for free online in 2016. It was the beginning of my red pilling.

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It could explain why we have never seen anyone with such odd behavior as Kamala, and perhaps it explained why she was hoisted all the way up to possibly POTUS.

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Many thanks for THAT link !!! 👍👍👍

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You don’t get it. No ultra. Scoot past the conspiracy theory bs and move in to legit science. Bc my ultra paved the way for obamas brain initiative. Where they are inundating the food supply air and water with hydra bacteria that are photo optogenic. Why do you think they banned all lightbulbs except blue light led? Same shit on your tv computer and phone. It programs your mind. They alter the dna thru their toxic shit they put into the food system then remotely program you little goyim thru the trinkets of technology you have to have I suggest you read up on that brain initiative and ask yourself why darpa and the Military is so consumed with the mind. And for the record. The military is not for other countries. It’s for us. To control us. The biggest threat to these Phoenician jews

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I think it was Rense.com

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You're right !!! 👍👍👍

This is the link I got from "The King":


Enjoy !!

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Wutz an ape lab?

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Very well said!

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Friends and their 17 yr old son attended

J6. They describe an entirely different day than the news described.

Their home was surrounded like this by FBI agents, all along their road with their black SUVs, guns drawn, helicopters circling. The son was jailed for nearly 2 yrs, and it was awful. Worse than most

will ever know.

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Who raised the people in the SWAT gear? Happy to have guns drawn and swat down people over a rodent? Who had them? Who raised them?

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Very well said.

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As I have said over and over: This will not end until we end them. The left has to die. The permanent government has to burn. Keep your weapons handy. The election isn't really over.

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Story is fake. And i welcome these stupid as holes to use lethal force we will see who walks out of my house alive and isn’t flossing with lead in their head. If you aren’t thinking like this. You are weak and the problem in this world. Bc your boo hoo approach helps no one it is a victim mindset. And those people are cannon fodder.

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One of the Israeli "art students" detained for joyfully dancing during the 9/11-events bragged after being detained : Just give us 20 more years, we'll own the US media entirely and then destroy your country" .. Any coincidences ??? ...

But still you're lucky he did not claim to OWN the land for biblical reasons as these psychos do elsewhere ...

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Have been giving it to animals for several years. Many major zoos gave the "jab" to their animals.

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Comment removed. Ie. Didn’t fit the agenda the author wanted. How ccp of you.

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exact words from another substack post = bot.

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Gato, thank you for covering the important points so well. Here's one more, though. Peanut wasn't euthanized. Euthanasia is the deliberate ending of a life to stop pain or suffering. Peanut was not in pain. Peanut was not suffering. Peanut was KILLED.

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even 'killed" seems to me inapt. peanut was murdered and murdered with malice aforethought.

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Thank you Gato, you have surpassed yourself. Squirrels are not a vector for rabies. I have read that no squirrel-to-human rabies transmission has ever been recorded. Squirrels can contract rabies, but being so small, they die quickly. This is what I have learned since hearing of this atrocious incident. I also read that it is very rare for a squirrel to be socialized so successfully, which makes Peanut's life all the more precious, and the crime all the more heinous. "There is a special Providence in the fall of a sparrow," and I can only hope that some Providence is at work here and put out a giant pile of sunflower seeds for the locals.

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Also, it was a squirrel that lived inside a house....it was not even potentially infected. These people are evil to the core.

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I had a friend at boarding school (religious) in Tennessee - Charlotte.

Charlotte had the most beautiful auburn red hair, milky lightly freckled skin, and gorgeous green eyes. This was high school, and she was talented too - though I can't recall if it was music or gymnastics. Definitely one of the brighter bulbs - though - that was a very "bright bulb" school I was lucky enough to experience.

Anyhow, on "free" weekends, we could bring pets, and she had her pet squirrel. Can't remember his name, but it was amazing, how sweet they were together.

If Charlotte's red hair wasn't striking enough - Charlotte with a bushy tailed squirrel on her shoulder was outstanding. It was actually cruel of the school to separate them for most of the year, IMO.

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After culinary school in Vermont I did my externship at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver Colorado. My very first apartment was in Aurora Colorado, while my parents were there visiting I showed them how the local squirrels would come thru the sliding glass door into the apartment to accept food and eat before leaving. I believe my parents have pictures. They probably not as friendly anymore.

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Yes, it was vicious cruelty because they could.

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the whitehouse occuppant's dog has bitten several ss agents over the last 3.5 years, yet he is still around (whereas if he lived amongst the plebes he would have been "disappeared" by now).

not to restate the obvious but it seems "all animals are equal, except some, are more equal than others"

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By recent accounts, or at least according to Newsweek and the Daily Mail, the White House resident himself has bitten several babies in public—potentially infecting those babies with rabies or scabies.

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Terrific point!!

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100% .

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days later and I'm still furious about this - woke up at 2:30 crying over P-Nut and Fred :(

heavy heart for their guardians, too. completely evil - is it bad enough yet? Yes...

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I have no proof, but I suspect that if as reported a person was bitten, the squirrel was immediately killed in anger. They're not big, they break easily. And since "the cameras weren't working" (Epstein, anyone?) it seems logical to assume some sicko bully used violence on a tiny animal. Psycho/Sociopath.

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This seems a reasonable speculation, based on my knowledge of squirrels and people from the government.

A long time ago, well over 20 years back, in our back garden, one of our cats caught a squirrel, and my wife interfered to save the shy woodland creature. She managed to pry the cat's mouth open and pluck the squirrel from the jaws of death, literally. And then the ungrateful little bastard bit her on the finger, drawing blood, and dashed off into the woods.

We washed and dressed the wound, and forgot about it. No hospital visit. No jabs. No nothing. She never developed tetanus or rabies or plague or even squirrel flu.

The SWAT team that took away those animals and killed them are thugs. In today's New York, I suppose we can't really expect justice to be done, but at the very least they all deserve a good doxing. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and their armed goons—don't let them forget what they did.

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Supposedly, Peanuts was killed to determine whether or not he was infected with rabies. You can’t make this wicked insanity make any sense!!

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Yet squirrels

aren't a

vector for rabies. Wildlife

experts are


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Spot on!

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Excellent point!

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Yes, I have read entirely way too much about this. Satan has a grasp - oh how sad

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Fidel Castro, Jr?

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We don't have to guess!

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My dysautonomia neurologist told me people with my condition are often euthanized in Canada. We’re very expensive. And our level of disability means depression is a normal response. It’s a different life. One worth living.

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I am so glad you are here. You are a reminder to the world that life doesn't require the absence of suffering to be worth living.

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I really appreciate you saying that. This is a high pain day. Kindness of all kinds is appreciated.

Suffering of the long term and probably permanent variety has taught me so many lessons I’m grateful for. I’m more empathetic and kinder. I’m more resilient than I thought possible. I see the little miracles. I find a reason for gratitude in everything. I don’t anything for granted. My life is poignant and precious.

I do feel bad about being very expensive to treat. But I found a way to keep working. I contribute as much as I can. Today I have much work to do. Maybe there will be time for whining tomorrow. 😉

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Emily, you are a true hero, in my book! 💟🌷🙏

I know from personal experience what a challenge chronic (long-term) illness and disability can be. Your capacity for gratitude and grit in the face life's daily challenges is nothing less than exemplary.

Thank you for speaking out! Your inspiration is invaluable . . . .

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Thank you very much. I swear I wasn’t fishing for compliments. I just wanted to mention euthanasia, even when things suck, is extreme. Life is so precious.

The biggest lessons I’ve learned are so simple. I used to be a highly capable knowledge worker. I’m still a knowledge worker, but less. Much. My brain isn’t always reliable. My pain and fatigue levels are unpredictable. As an employee I’m a bad bet. It’s why I work for myself. Flexibility is my greatest need.

But - big but - when my identity was shredded and unrecoverable I discovered something important. There’s exactly nothing wrong with my ability to love, to worship, to demonstrate compassion. My heart (the emotional part, anyway) is, if anything, enhanced. Turns out that’s my actual superpower.

Pretty cool, huh?

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In fact, may I quote you, Emily? I maintain an online library that includes resources related to neuroplasticity and "invisible" chronic illness, and I'd *love* for others to benefit from your wisdom and experience, if you are willing?

> DiscoveryNow.net

If you prefer, I can share your comments anonymously ~ without your name or the link to your comments here in this discussion, or with your initials only.

Just let me know what you prefer.

Thanks 💟

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Good way to look at our lives.

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Have you every heard of DMSO? A Midwestern Doctor here ion Substack has had several articles on it recently and I seem to recall him indicating it helps regulate the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. He does require a paid prescription for many of his posts, but some are free. If you are interested and can’t read the posts, let me know and I could copy some of the relevant portions for you to read and direct message you.

He apparently uses it quite extensively in his practice with very good results for a number of chronic diseases and references the applicable scientific studies. It has been found to be very non-toxic unlike many pharmaceuticals.

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Thank you. Yes. I’ve read all of the DMSO articles on Midwestern Doc’s Substack. In fact I’m waiting for my DMSO to dry on my skin right now!

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For dysautonomia, I would consider ingestion.

I did a 3 day course last weekend (over the weekend, in case of reaction). 1 small tsp in my morning "health beverage" (ACV, barley grass, ginger/turmeric, etc.). I tried to measure 1/2 tsp, but my only metal spoon was 1, and so - 1 small tsp.

It pulled me out of a deep, painful fatigue, and while I still struggle, I'd say it took off the top 25% of my struggle.

When it's systemic, like dysautonomia - internal clear stuff up. Just be kind to yourself - start small. And pulse - try 3 days, then quit - see what you have.

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Good luck, I hope it is as miraculous for you as it is for many people!

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I also am waiting for my first order of oral DMSO order to arrive today. I don't know if we're allowed to share product links in the forum, but if you do a search for "Restorer 3" on the "Native Remedies" site, you can learn more.

Also, if tremor is an issue, oral ionic magnesium is an absolute godsend. I can provide links to some suppliers, if you are interested. Just DM me:

> beyondc19@substack.com

Wishing you all the best!

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Nov 4
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A collection of a wide variety of neural retraining programs, including Phil's Lightning Process, are available here:

> https://bra.in/7qVwmJ

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Thank you Emily Terrell.

Some days I wonder why I do this. And it is a different life, largely misunderstood (I had dysautonomia after coming off psych drugs, and it's largely resolved - but the "chronic invisible" thing...).

Just because it's different - and just because it's getting harder to interface with that thing I used to call "humanity," is no reason to stop.

I still find connections, places of light and warmth.

But I went out "into it" a lot in the past week. The lights are wrong. The sounds are loud. The screens are everywhere, commanding you what to do, where to go next. The shopping mall has removed all but 2 directories - expecting you to rely on the app to find what you need a huge 300 store mall. (I don't do apps, ever.)

Speaking of apps - it's common to order in restaurant using QR code. Have fun, app people! And today, we had to go searching for "app free street parking". It's getting really hard to interface, and while I used to call it humanity - it's become more like

Family. The people I choose in my life. What was it Carlin said? I've got a front row seat to humanity circling the drain.

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Thank you, Tim.

My husband is also a massively infrequent flyer in the healthcare system. My kid, unfortunately, is a lot more like me. I didn’t know at the time I carried an autosomal dominant genetic condition. It took me 25 years of suffering and achieving end stage disease conditions before I finally met someone who knew what it was. Breaks my heart. At least my son won’t have to spend decades in pain and misery before someone takes him seriously.

Most of my specialists, including my straight up fabulous and really hard working dysautonomia neurologist are cash only. Government care won’t touch us. Private insurance can’t find a box to fit us in. That said my private insurance has paid $275k on me in 262 claims this year so far. They aren’t aware of dozens of others or the $30k out of pocket I’ve paid.

The Honduran dysautonomia neurologist is married to a delightful woman with my same condition. When he told me about Canada, he looked like he would cry - again. He’d obviously cried about it before. I understand why the Canadian contingent give up. I have a strong family, unbreakable faith and a stubborn streak a mile wide. Still, despair and I are companions in the dark night. It’s a tough ride. But it’s also full of wonder and grace.

I work to pay for treatment. I praise God he gave me the resources to run a boutique consulting company with clients that love me as is. I will move mountains for them, even when it has to be done one teaspoon at a time.

PS I just painted DMSO gel on my husband’s plantar fasciitis. 🙂

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Emily, your dysautonomia neurologist sounds like a fun doc. I hope they severely disapprove of the Canadian situation, which is literally Satanic IMHO.

Always remember that, while the doctor is helping you (if they are a good doctor) by treating you, you are helping them by allowing them to treat you. after all, without patients, they would have no work to do.

I've been paying government health insurance for 47 years now—five years in the UK and 42 years in Japan—and apart from regular quarterly dental appointments, ad for the past few years an annual blood, urine and cardiac test at my local GPs, I have seldom used the healthcare system at all, and I haven't spent a single night in a hospital bed.

The system has done very well out of me, but I don't resent making those contributions one bit. I count my blessings and consider myself lucky not to have needed any very expensive treatment up until now.

People like you are not a burden on the health insurance system. People like you who have very expensive medical needs are the main reason why we have a health insurance system. If everybody's needs were cheap to cater for, there would be no reason to have health insurance and governments and health insurance organizations would have no excuse for charging high prices.

After reading A Midwestern Doctor, I too am going to start experimenting with DMSO. While I'm not ill, I do have a few problems that I'm hoping might improve with regular consumption. Let's give it a try and see how it goes.

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Nov 5
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The FDA squished and demonized it - can’t patent a natural substance. No money to be made.

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I often wonder

whether this can be helped with detox— specifically heavy metal

detox? There are


many ways heavy metals

can inhabit

the body and brain. Polysorbates go past the blood

brain barrier

and usher toxins with it. Polysorbates are found in nearly

every childhood vaccine.

KNX has been a huge help



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I thought about that, too. I was surprised when the stupidly expensive testing I had done showed a wrecked metabolism (not a surprise) but zero heavy metal or mold toxins in my system. I’m 51 so not as many childhood vaccines. I wish I’d known to skip vaccination for my son. He knows to end that cycle if he has children.

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Exactly right! It's all part of the globalist plan being implemented to cull the population in every way possible, including the ever-increasing assaults on animals and nature; of course the countries most complicit such as the U.S. and Canada are already shills and puppets under t he control of their globalist puppet-masters; we are repeatedly being forced to see what genuine EVIL really looks like and how meticulously it is being spread and "normalized" in a world almost totally devoid of moral conscience; "Canadians do not ask" but neither does most of the rest of the nations of the world which are ALL complicit in this sorry mess of an excuse we call civilization or as Erich Fromme once called our species, "existential failures".

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Did you read about the Australian designed/built 3D printed Pod that was used in Switzerland recently?

Australian, because - we're a lot like Canada and headed that way.

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Could it be the Peanut incident is subconscious, predictive programming telling us all they will breach our home and kill our pets?

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During the plandemic they wanted to breach our homes, take away our children and haul us off to FEMA camps for reeducation. These people are extremely dangerous and we really don’t hate them enough.

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Yeah, but the gender divide in politics right now fills me with hope, as I'm reasonably certain of two things: 1) This is heading towards violence 2) She-Ra is not a documentary

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We are the pets. We amuse our overlords. We feed their egos. We follow their commands. Don’t think they won’t kill you in your home if you defy them. Try not paying a parking ticket to the very end, they will kill you.

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Remember the Chinese authorities killing the pets during covid? If a person tested positive, he or she was forced into quarantine and any pets killed. There was a deranged video of several of these fascists chasing a small dog around an apartment and beating it to death.

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Yes. They are already indicating that they will do just that. Pets are bad for the environment, don’tjyaknow. During the panic, several cases of mass killings of rescued animals in the U.S. and East Germany with koalas were reported.

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And let's not forget the 15 million minks that were culled in Denmark just because a moderate proportion of them contracted covid. In all likelihood most of them would have survived their bout of "an influenza like illness"

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Yes, then too. Forgot all about that. Given that they mostly used a single PCR as proof, it is questionable whether they even had covid.

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Way more likely that the desired outcome is for government to kill US. What appears to have been breached is the locked wards and wall of America's mental institutions.

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More insidious than confiscating your pet is the reality that they can confiscate your children. They have done this already when it comes to trans agenda. So yes, it’s crazy how a cute squirrel can be murdered but OUR CHILDREN are getting brainwashed in school, on internet, and the state will take them from you.

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Several places in the world did just that during the insanity called covid. Pets are animals, hence part of nature, hence dangerous to humans. It’s all part of the narrative

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It's a test case for the state - trying to see what reaction they get.

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Exactly !

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Take a hint as they say.

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Pets first. Children next.

I hope every American here votes by tomorrow, For freedom.

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Perhaps it a hidden message? Racoon is an anagram for Corona & Jimmy Carter is the peanut farmer .. Somebody smarter than myself should help put the puzzle pieces together.

Will Carter be presented as dead & then a new plandemic will ensue? They use their signs & symbols to speak to one another .. we just need to pay attention.

I agree they want to kill our pets ... almost as much as they would like to see us not uselessly eating.

How does their Only Fans factor into this? Perhaps a publicity stunt?? This is multi-level mind F*ckery. It's ALWAYS about the mind-games for the final checkmate.

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Of course, that's exactly what it is!

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Yes, shameful. Shameful.

And you strengthen me as I gird up my nethers and prepare to go forth and cancel out the vote of one of these many morons who will give the Democrats victory in my voting ward. But we may carry the state.

And in a strange omen--guess what I have been crafting for myself to wear to the polls. I swear this is true. It's almost finished.

An acorn backpack.

Peanut, ye shall be with me in spirit. I didn't know I needed to be ready for you but here I am.

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Why were you making an acorn backpack?

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It's a lovely graceful shape and suitable for the season.

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what a sweet idea. Will it be large to carry on your back? I would love to see it.

I would make one but I am not on fire to. I have been doing english paper piecing and making some amazing blocks. No plan in sight.

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I adapted this knit pattern for crochet. The drawstring becomes two shoulder straps. I previously made a crocodile keychain holder and a koi fish cellphone bag, both of which can be clipped into security pockets (NY habits die hard).


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And the pattern made by the amazing Sally Pointer no less! 😍

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It is very sad for me that I can't knit. Or rather I can, slowly, pathetically and without enjoyment.

But I realized recently that any knit pattern done in the round that gives stitch counts at the end of each row can be adapted for crochet. I felt like a little genius when that lightbulb went off.

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I used to haunt Ravelry ❤️

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My morning routine: Check email. Check Substack activity. Check Jonathan Turley. Check RealClearPolitics roundup. Check Ravelry. Read Daily Mail Online. Make my mug of tea in between all this fun.

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oh those are incredibly cute!!!

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Here's a crochet version. I took the best aspects of each and adapted as necessary.


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Also, a shape suitable for a backpack :)

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It came out better than I hoped.

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Make! Men can crochet/knit too.

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I am going to fashion a mourning armband this morning and wear it until my grief and anger subside.

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Don't mourn. Your vote is your vengeance but it is the first step. If Kamala becomes President, our work shall have just begun. From the ground up we must grow a new generation of kids whose heads have not been wrenched around wrong. This is on us. This is our job.

Conservatives (of whom I am not one) and liberals (of whom I am by default one) have very badly failed in the generations of the 20th century. We didn't get here by magic and it will take very hard work to remedy.

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I have been saying this over and over… Get your kids out of the cesspool that is our public schools. HOMESCHOOL THEM… Whatever you have to do to get this done. Your children and our entire future in this country may depend on it.

It looks like we are sliding quickly down the slippery slope of communism… we may already be there. In fact, I think we are! Our constitution seems to be in name only at this point… 🔥🔥🔥🙏🏽

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It is a luxury to be able to homeschool.

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It is, for single parents. But it is doable - though it requires significant sacrifices - for 2-parent families. I am SO grateful that my daughter and son-in-law have committed to home-schooling their precious kiddos.

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It's easy to imagine that couples need only tighten their frivolous belts a little and they can then homeschool without too many tears.

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What is informative of this story is that the authorities sought the most disruptive and cruel way of "fixing" the issue. The most simple fix was to do nothing. Now, since the squirrel was public knowledge, I can appreciate there could be problem with just ignoring the situation. So the next best fix was to make the situation legal. Does the owner need a piece of paper? Give it to him. Does the owner need a certificate? Give it to him. This was not a difficult situation. In fact it was an incredibly simple problem. You give the owner his piece of paper and you tell the "karens" to find some other reason to be unhappy.

Why did the officials pursue the most disruptive and cruel way of addressing the complaint? Ultimately it is because these government employees believe they will never be the ones with a boot stomping on their necks. This is the greatest issue with Tyrannical government. You make a certain class of people confident they will never be humiliated and that they will be the ones imposing humiliation, and you create monsters.

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"What is informative of this story is that the authorities sought the most disruptive and cruel way of "fixing" the issue. The most simple fix was to do nothing."

Yes. You are absolutely correct.

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Very astutely stated! And believe it or not, this was no accident or rare occurrence but another part of the very tyranny you describe; once psychopaths are in control they never miss an opportunity to reinforce the power and control which sustains them, even using innocent animals as excuses to destroy privacy and freedom.

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They chose the most disruptive and cruel way precisely to make an example. Giving a piece of paper after the fact rewards the dessacration of their authority and power. No, no, that can not happen! Especially with as public figure such that p'nut was! An example had to be made in the most gruesome way.

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New York "State" is a full-blown Sociopath. If you don't know this I think perhaps you haven't been paying attention to the Mandates, Cuomo & the Nursing Home/Covid Patient killings, tge interment camp laws of Hochul, etc.

It's a deadly dangerous Government & one that desperately need dismantling.

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Oh I know it. I left New York State after high school and vowed never to return because the winters were so cold. Many years later the winters haven't improved much but I would never return because the government has become Totalitarian.

This is a shame as New York has some beautiful geography.

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Yes. My mother & my blood if from Upstate New York, I actually trace back to the earliest settlers. But, it is psychopathic in it's Government & has crushed the People completely. Imo.

So while my family still owns property in the Adirondacks, I could never live there as a resident or fall underneath their control.

Sad. Because all included it is the most beautiful landscape I know. Perhaps this is only a genetic memory bias, but I still feel it.....

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Apparently they were in the process of getting all of their “papers…” 😡

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It's conceivable that because the squirrel had not bitten the Texas karen, or anybody else, they conceivably could've arranged a quarantine to rule out rabies. I know people who have rescued birds and animals who got a license from the authorities to keep them. It was just the classic tyrannical beat-down-the-door response.

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Sanctity of home, freedom of expression, bodily autonomy.

The right to just be left alone to live our frickin’ lives in peace.

The left respects none of these.

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The party of slavery proves they are ever so.

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Points to Swabbie! Swabbie's eloquence is so!

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Thanks for writing this gato....

This was not an alligator theme park with kids at risk of getting bitten, this was not tiger king potentially keeping large animals in substandard or abusive lodgings, this was not exotic animals being smuggled in from foreign locations for profit.

It was the lowest of low risk for a county animal control department...and should've been mocked.

The insane brutality and show of force from an uninformed and malicious complainant from a joyless lunatic in another state may seem like peanuts but it's a very steep slippery slope....

Soon an anonymous complaint about a citizen and the state is inspired to swoop in and kill the human occupants of your home. Kinda like what happened with the ATF in little rock not too long ago...

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Waco, anyone?

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I was on alert for them to do this during Covid. Cats carry coronaviruses. They seemed to sense that we would not tolerate them coming for the cats but there was an article or two testing the waters. The people who instigate this are more vile than a normal human can imagine. And they crave creating pain through their authority.

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Who knows if it was true, but there were stories circulating in 2020 about Chinese authorities seizing and killing pets. You'd think the New York authorities would be leery of someone spreading that comparison.

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Nov 4
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I will as soon as my stomach stops churning; thank you.

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I felt that way after a run-in with them in early life. So I set out to learn to read the enemy better than they knew themselves. I fight back with the confidence that comes from knowledge.

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I ran into a Cluster-B type a few years ago and you are correct: knowledge of those traits is essential, and really extremely difficult to fathom absent personal experience--and even then, quite a challenge. I'm going to take a long hot shower and read some Harrison Koehli and I thank you again.

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Thanks for this - I had not heard of that Substack

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Nov 4
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A.- Your effort to share the origins from Lobaczewski and the current from Koehli and the research of Mitchell is being recognized. keep it up.

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An interesting aspect of this is how instantly the Peanut affair split politically, with the Right being outraged and the Left making excuses or poo-poohing it as no big deal. Does anyone know of a Leftist on X who expressed outrage over this?

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Waiting for Kamala to have to defend squirrel murder....

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And the Left call us a cult…

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And Nazis…

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Yeah, that is just unbelievable. Why is this a partisan issue? Defend the Leviathan at all costs? Scary stuff

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Good question… 🤔🤔🤔

Too bad Tom MacDonald couldn’t put out another hit about all of this. His “You Missed” was excellent!

If you haven’t heard it, look it up. 👍🏽

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Here here gato!!! That was a Thomas Paine “Common Sense” article for our time..

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“Requiem for a squirrel…” Jeff Childers, Coffee and Covid from Sunday is a good one also.

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This makes my heart hurt- and my head ache. WTF is wrong with people thinking they are "doing their jobs for the common good"- I hope this woman who reported the "dangerous animals" meets her maker soon. (I bet she ratted on her neighbors during covid too...(

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I’m sure she’s jabbed up to her coffee snorting schnozola . So there is that. 🤔

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me too. so so sad. And here we are .... I am not imagining a very calm reasonable ending.

Perhaps Madonna will come out and declare blowing up the white house again

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Even if you don’t like Trump. You have no choice if you want to hold on to any little bit of sanity that remains in this country.

Having Elon in the administration as a cabinet member for efficiency can hopefully start to rid this country of some of its dead weight employees such as those employed to kill innocent animals. They definitely have to much time on their hands.

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He will be an advisor. He would never get confirmed.

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Possibly, I’m hoping he has a strong voice in the Administration. But, we shall see.

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He and Ron Paul would be a formidable pair. We need it to happen.

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Like he has time? Really?

Yeah, advisor, but a big ear pointed his way.

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Thank you for this article. You speak for many of us. I just Unfriended a longtime social media animal rescue site who came out in favor of the government action. I guess they have not been swatted yet. Where is the decency?

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Or they have been jabbed out of critical thinking. After all - their money comes from Crazy Cat Ladies...

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"i am deathly sick of being this political. i really, truly am."

I haven't voted since 2004. But, the Left (really Deep State) has just gone too far the last four years. We need massive change and the only option on the table is to vote for Trump.

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Thank you, Gato, for consistently speaking truth.

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You guys need to push back.

It's not a "gun" thing, it's a state of mind. Here in England, when they go too far, first we ignore the stupidity, and if they don't get the hint, then we burn it.

You don't fight the people in uniforms, you break or sabotage their tools of oppression.

Expanding builders foam can tie up a LOT of resources trying to unfuck a situation that an annoyed

citizen has created. Locks will keep their owners out when properly treated with a mix of epoxy and sand. The revolution can be small and very untelevised if you all start to take individual action, to drop little "spanners in the works". If you really hate a particular policeman don't wound him, just make him late for work, by killing his car with builders foam up the exhaust... Keep asking questions, that require a human in the government to make a written response. If you ALL sent a request for infromation that their power game mandates that you get a reply for, how much of tehri resurces gets diverted from the oppressing? It's YOUR government, it's YOUR individual job to actively oppose it, and woudn it as much as you can, as safely & responsibly as you can, if it's as wrong as even ours is... 1 guy in England took down a "vaccination station" in the U.K. for a week, simply by gluing the locks! Unco-ordinated responsible adn thought out individual effort makes big changes, with small actions. Just liek pouring sand into a complex machine.

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I lived in Czechia for 4 years. It was the only experience I have had being long-term in a civilization.

Communism/socialism from 1938-1989 was a long-term disaster. The scars still existed nearly 20 years later, like tornado damage in a forest.

Although the state security/secret police existed to keep thinking in line and counteract competition, the people still had a measure of control. There were limits to how far civil enforcement could go. If a local police administration or force started going rogue, people staged demonstrations. If a cop got out of control, there was a whole range of solutions that could be applied, up to and including disappearance. Problems like that got solved.

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Seconded, same thing here in Sweden, sans the burning (so far).

Fake compliance if and when they are watching, do your own thing when their back is turned and make it too expensive for them to come after you.

But, as I think the Americans are starting to learn: /Don't/ grandstand and make song-and-dance routine out of it. Messings things up for the wannabe-Gestapo is the point, not ego-stroking.

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Sweden. Home of the incredibly competent motrocyclist "Ghost Rider" of youtube and other fame...

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Interesting… 🤔

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Just remember your humanity, and go after the machinery of oppression and not the people caught up on the wrong side of this. Even if they provoke conflict.

For example, builders foam incrrectly applied to a riot control person could injure him quite seriously, but correctly used, just means they have to swap out his gear after the shift. Particularly the shield... (do it on the INSIDE SURFACE) They'll run out of specialist riot gear before we rn out of foam...

Pockets full of marbles or other small spheres can make YOUR retreat turn into a rout for THEM, involving a lot of comical falling about, but with less injuries than the tradtional brick inflicts.

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and keep your eyes peeled for the cameras....

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