Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

It helps if you understand the true aim. It is not ‘clean’ energy, it is no energy. Environmentalism is a misanthropic, Malthusian project to cull the number of Humans on Planet Earth, regress them to a pre-industrial, simple, subsistance agrarian society so as not to ‘use up’ the ‘Earth’s resources’ - there being a no more stupid notion than the Earth having resources, resources being the invention of Mankind, and only of use and value to him. Coal has no value until Man invents a use for it. And that means we cannot know what resources we currently cannot imagine will be invented in the future, short, medium, long term.

It also helps if you view the climate change evil, in the same light as CoVid Fakedemic evil: about science, not bumbling idiots over-reaching, but about a globally coordinated effort to place power and control over the masses into the hands of a few.

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

C19 dry run = Proof of Concept (POC) for Rolling Climate Clampdowns.

Have you ever seen any other POC which demonstrates an idea/product validation wholesale?

In other words; preseason games are over

The product is CONTROL.

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Thanks I will

Follow these links and have watched Headwinds https://youtu.be/7RgyLDVlAg4

Australia is jumping into the CCP power fix, stupidity at its best, where does the money go... to China...

we export coal but try these stupid ideas.. the coal is going to be burnt in Indonesia India etc producing cheap energy for them but we can’t use it.. the most stupid garbage.. one look at these wind farms and you know there’s a massive carbon input just getting them there, inefficiency power and no doubt they won’t last..

But people don’t look past their emotions and media indoctrination..

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Is Carbon Dioxide even the enemy we're told it is? There's a lot of debate around this. I'm starting to think it's all just another lie positioned to get the masses to support government decisions to invest in corporations who create the "solution" (remember the pandemic anyone?) It's hard to see how unsustainable and environmentally damaging solutions like wind turbines help anyone but those invested. Somebodies making bank!

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The "windmill on fire" line got me. One near my childhood hometown in New York State, 2 hours from me, caught on fire just a few days ago. They're all over the place in Western NY. Beautiful area turning into ugly landscaping.

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

Thank you! I'm going to forward this to a conservative online newspaper in CA so they can help publicize this info. Plus, I kinda like seeing bureaucrats fall on their sword. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0GGndnnOqw Here's to you, governor hair gel.

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I porpose we've overlooked the main reason for so-called "green" energy: money (greed.) St. Paul famously writes that the love of money is the root of all evil. Maybe not ALL evil, but surely a large fraction thereof. One of the oldest rules for investigators, "Follow the money," will answer 99% of your questions, 99% of the time. This isn't to claim that greed is man's sole motivation: Fanatics occasionally willingly (?) kill themself and victims because, presumably, they are acting for some higher ideal. Or perhaps they're just mad. On a happier and much less newsworthy note, millions of volunteers donate money and time in mostly invisible charitable activities, whether it's enabling the local Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, working the ghetto soup kitchen, ladies' sewing circles who knit woolen caps for soldiers in cold climates, and so on.

But the skeptic will never go far wrong in asking "Who profits?" when looking at nearly any individual and, especially, group activity. Often there is a public relations effort, a cover story if you like, to put a happy face on what is at best a crass money making motive, at worst sometimes downright harmful intent or "unavoidable" collateral damage -- e.g. even the most unprincipled capitalist doesn't deliberately set out to sicken the peasantry or lay waste the land; those are unfortunate side effects of his main goal, wealth extraction. In fairness, by no means am I saying that a profit motive is illicit; my point is that there is a line that can be crossed, from honest profit to negligence, to deliberate deception and manipulation and -- sometimes -- coercion. The latter is especially likely whenever governement is invovled to any degree.

Applied to the present topic, for so-called "green" the greed aspect almost always returns to direct or indirect government subsidy. The super-rich profit (e.g. an Elon Musk), the upper middle class (e.g. tax and other subsidy to buy that EV or put solar panels on one's roof), but few of these make economic sense. If it were rational to do those things, in general people would choose them without a stick or a carrot from government.

Whether it's "climate change" or the Covid-19 "pandemic," alleged racial injustice or any of a thousand other burning issues, the observant citizen will note that the "crisis" nearly always is presented as dire, that we must Do Something Right Now!!! And that We're All Gonna Die, or suffer some other calamity if we don't urgently act. May I suggest that to act in haste is nearly always the worst decision? And, unfortuantely, all too often there are "helpful" people looking to stampede the sheep in highly profitable ways. Yes, sometimes the house is afire and one should get the hell out. But really, we should start to ask questions when the fire department was already waiting outside and a kind gentleman was escorting us into the waiting cattle car, handing us a brouchure about our new housing options.

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It seems as though the (Substack) world has become divided between "Drill, baby drill" folks who love their fossil fuels with a side dish of nuclear and the borderline-demented "renewable" folks who insist we can solar panel and windmill our way out of our current energy consumption addiction which requires that someone, somewhere suffers for our energy use, whether it's polluted water supplies from oil drilling and fracking or the mess that lithium mining for batteries leaves behind...and countless other examples.

I don't have the schooling, nor the credentials, nor the ability with the English language that the author of this post and many of the commentators have, so have at me.

I have zero knowledge of chemistry, physics, geology or anything remotely related to energy production or consumption or any related field.


Three times in my life, completely unsolicited, completely unexpected I have found myself in conversations which, to me, are strong enough signals to indicate that all of the really, really smart people, not just here on Substack or Quora, but also in Silicon Valley (if there are any decent human beings left there) and elsewhere might find it worthwhile to at least ask some different questions and dig a bit deeper before jumping in their foxholes and hurling grenades at the other side.

1. I met an engineer (through a swinging-type group, not remotely related to any politics) who worked for British Leyland, I believe, who told me that, back in the 70s, he, along with his fellow engineers, had access to off-the-shelf, immediately-implementable technology to get 50-70 mpg out of cars of that era. When they brought that information to their supervisors, they were told to put it back on the shelf, forget about it, the upper crust wasn't interested. OK....

2. A friend of mine from back home, a very accomplished welder, was hired by a small business who had developed some technology that they thought would revolutionize energy consumption/use as we know it. He was hired to do demonstrations of a welding machine that, apparently, operated on little more than a small battery (for initial starting) and water. Neither he nor I have ANY idea of how this thing actually worked, but he said that the portable version that he was sent on the road with, made absolutely perfect welds. He was brought out to California to do a demo for PSEG, and the room fell silent. He described something like what I have read about in Mr. Tesla's workshop, with sparks flying everywhere, but nothing burning. When he directed the tips of the welding rod to the metals, they fused the way they are supposed to.... He was asked by the big wigs how the machine worked, and he replied with words to the effect: "I'm a welder, not a scientist. I'm telling you the welds are perfect. I have no idea how the machine works. That's your job."

When he got back off the road show, he was told to forget about what he saw or did, that the project was cancelled, there would be no more work, and not to tell anyone. So.

3. More recently, I was chatting with a distant family-member-through-marriage whom I had not seen in a while who was catching me up on his recent work. His paying job was for Sikorsky, but he and a couple of friends were burning the midnight oil working on a project, which was basically a small, home-size electrical generator which ran on water after it was started using a small electrical charge to start (in his case a battery). I lost track of him, because he separated from his wife, who was my family member, but he was peddling the invention to people with money and who were interested in buying it, to kill it, and but his silence. I don't know how it ended up, but I never heard anymore about it.

That's it.

Why is there no sustained interest in finding out what Tesla was doing ? Why are we asking the same questions over and over and over again, always about how can we "extract" energy from something ? Maybe, just maybe it can be generated plentifully ("at scale") with close to zero pollution or environmental degradation.....

I trim trees for living, so I have no ideology here or bones to pick or cause to champion. I'm just asking....

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There is soooo much fact, soooo much evidence, that these “green dreams” are pure fantasy, the people pushing it are either totally brainwashed into full-blown delusion or something far more sinister is at play.

It is a murder/ suicide pact to persist in the lie.

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This is all just pretext to put the government in control of yet another aspect of society. Luckily for them, there are plenty of liberal peasants who don’t respond to logic or reason, so the “zero [insert preferred narrative here]” nonsense continues.

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What's gonna happen is that all those digital control freaks wanting everything and everyone tied into a world of digital virtual reality are going to meet true reality. In the virtual world, the only thing real is your slave ID embedded into your body. The true reality is that the power needed to get the whole shebang in operation is going to be woefully lacking from the green energy-less grid. And that's a win-win for humanity.

Digital slavery and green energy are at opposite ends of the spectrum. All we need do is ramp up our use of electricity to the point where the system blows...or at least lacks consistency.

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The energy lies seem to perfect reflect those of the Plandemic Lies: box out alternative therapies, gov't subsidies for the crap-product, and mandates and liability protections.

What Mitt Romney would call "free market capitalism" is really gov't cronyism and fascism.

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This post seems to accept the unwarranted assumption that CO2 is problem and needs to be reduced.

CO2 is not a driving force in "climate change," formerly known as "global warming." But the warming part itself is pretty questionable, too. There is evidence for a three-decade pause in whatever warming has occurred. As for "warming" attributable to humans, that is minimal. Interglacial warming is still a factor. Solar activity is a bigger influence. There are a multitude of things affecting climate. AGW is an overblown scapegoat.

Then there are the data alterations that the CC criminals commit to bolster an untenable case.

Life flourished when CO2 was magnitudes higher than it is now. Plants love it. CO2 is not a global threat in any way, shape, or form.

Indeed, in reality, we are at a dangerously low level of CO2 barely above extinction level. What we NEED is MORE CO2 not less.

In any event, people need to stop parroting the insidious lie that CO2 needs to be lowered and uselessly arguing about how best to do what does NOT NEED TO BE DONE.

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Greta, please tell me the ideal temperate and how we get there.

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In the UK the rapid expansion of wind should have diluted the effects of global gas price rises. Instead wind generators get paid the gas prices. Something wrong here.

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Interesting that solar flares are not included in the data

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