That’s the wrong standard. Look to the best, not the worst -- remember the bell curve. Fealty to high ideals is difficult, but the value is in the attempt. You might be invigorated by the effort to do better. Don’t reject high ideals simply because some fail to live up to them. Doing that seems to me to be an excuse born of fear of failure.
That’s the wrong standard. Look to the best, not the worst -- remember the bell curve. Fealty to high ideals is difficult, but the value is in the attempt. You might be invigorated by the effort to do better. Don’t reject high ideals simply because some fail to live up to them. Doing that seems to me to be an excuse born of fear of failure.
That’s the wrong standard. Look to the best, not the worst -- remember the bell curve. Fealty to high ideals is difficult, but the value is in the attempt. You might be invigorated by the effort to do better. Don’t reject high ideals simply because some fail to live up to them. Doing that seems to me to be an excuse born of fear of failure.