Yes all true. I made some similar observations in an essay a while back in American Mind: "The general public is now by definition irreproachable. What Christopher Lasch famously called a Culture of Narcissism has become so hard-wired into the Western psyche that it is now barely noticed. The significance of this cultural change is hard …
Yes all true. I made some similar observations in an essay a while back in American Mind: "The general public is now by definition irreproachable. What Christopher Lasch famously called a Culture of Narcissism has become so hard-wired into the Western psyche that it is now barely noticed. The significance of this cultural change is hard to overstate but modern conservatism generally has no more to say about it than Progressives do. A culture that acknowledges that most people are ineluctably less than perfect will be less susceptible to the sanctification of particular sub-sets as ‘victims’. And those designated as such would be less likely to feel it as a reason for abrogating any personal responsibility for the condition of their lives."
"For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred."
2 Timothy 3:2 New Living Translation
Excellent points, Graham and Gato. Your comments reminded me of this snippet of scripture.
Yes all true. I made some similar observations in an essay a while back in American Mind: "The general public is now by definition irreproachable. What Christopher Lasch famously called a Culture of Narcissism has become so hard-wired into the Western psyche that it is now barely noticed. The significance of this cultural change is hard to overstate but modern conservatism generally has no more to say about it than Progressives do. A culture that acknowledges that most people are ineluctably less than perfect will be less susceptible to the sanctification of particular sub-sets as ‘victims’. And those designated as such would be less likely to feel it as a reason for abrogating any personal responsibility for the condition of their lives."
"For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred."
2 Timothy 3:2 New Living Translation
Excellent points, Graham and Gato. Your comments reminded me of this snippet of scripture.