Have you ever considered that what you call Christian’s’ “insistence” is actually loving others and wanting their best? It’s standing against those very things that are tearing down our society as well as our humanity. Would you think me good and kind to let my child play in the road because it makes him happy and “it doesn’t hurt others…
Have you ever considered that what you call Christian’s’ “insistence” is actually loving others and wanting their best? It’s standing against those very things that are tearing down our society as well as our humanity. Would you think me good and kind to let my child play in the road because it makes him happy and “it doesn’t hurt others?” We’re the ones picking up the pieces of those who have reaped the consequences of that thinking.
It’s exactly that ‘I know best for you. And I will make sure you do what’s best for you, because I am so good and have so much love for you.’ Kind of thinking that got us into this mess. Respect for others is love, humility is virtue.
Have you ever considered that what you call Christian’s’ “insistence” is actually loving others and wanting their best? It’s standing against those very things that are tearing down our society as well as our humanity. Would you think me good and kind to let my child play in the road because it makes him happy and “it doesn’t hurt others?” We’re the ones picking up the pieces of those who have reaped the consequences of that thinking.
It’s exactly that ‘I know best for you. And I will make sure you do what’s best for you, because I am so good and have so much love for you.’ Kind of thinking that got us into this mess. Respect for others is love, humility is virtue.
Please do not "love me" without my consent.