We found ourselves sharing the same cabin at sleepaway camp and it was so much fun at the beginning but turned out we'd been mismatched from the start. Nobody's fault but still it left a painful feeling.
And now you're stuck on a really long bus ride back from Connecticut and Joey Fatmann stank up the one bathroom beyond repair and there's yellowjackets but no one can figure out where they're coming from.
Strange bedfellows once again, eh?
We found ourselves sharing the same cabin at sleepaway camp and it was so much fun at the beginning but turned out we'd been mismatched from the start. Nobody's fault but still it left a painful feeling.
And now you're stuck on a really long bus ride back from Connecticut and Joey Fatmann stank up the one bathroom beyond repair and there's yellowjackets but no one can figure out where they're coming from.
Hey lady.
No. They made my parents pick me up because I kept fainting at morning assembly. Turned out I do poorly at standing before breakfast.
Oh, you were one of THOSE. :)
You betcha.