But in fact, some believe eternal damnation in hell is not unpleasant for people like Scully, that they may receive something like a paradoxical gift ... because they are in their element and in the company of others just like them. Right where they belong and feel at home. I personally prefer not to occupy myself with such musings, beca…
But in fact, some believe eternal damnation in hell is not unpleasant for people like Scully, that they may receive something like a paradoxical gift ... because they are in their element and in the company of others just like them. Right where they belong and feel at home. I personally prefer not to occupy myself with such musings, because I have unshakeable faith that God has everything well under control.
But in fact, some believe eternal damnation in hell is not unpleasant for people like Scully, that they may receive something like a paradoxical gift ... because they are in their element and in the company of others just like them. Right where they belong and feel at home. I personally prefer not to occupy myself with such musings, because I have unshakeable faith that God has everything well under control.