the therapeutic benefit and risk profiles (both individual and systemic) of a vaccine are predominantly determined by the party that occupies the white house.
this effect is so powerful that it can invert both efficacy and adverse outcomes and turn “poisonous untested bleach shots that pose serious risk of spreading and intensifying disease” into “miracle water fauci ouchies that only an anti-social reprobate would refuse.”
honestly, it’s kind of amazing we managed for 100 years of vaccination without knowing this.
someone should get a nobel prize for this groundbreaking work…
(note: because there seems to be some confusion: that is an old interview. it’s from pre biden. (march 2020 i believe) that’s the point. fauci knew about all these issues then. he’s simply choosing to pretend they do not exist now. )
The medical profession already had little trust for me. It is now way below zero. I have a few friends retired nurses, to whom I turn in case I can't solve the problem myself, and a doc who knows I only show up if everything else fails, about once every 10 years. Next time I need him, he will probably no longer be there LOL
The thing is if you research your symptoms or whatever ails you, you can usually find something to fix it through natural remedies and if I bring this to my doctor he will just write a prescription with 5-10 side effects worse than my original reason for visiting!
Spoke to a doctor recently. Told him about taking vitamins, eating healthy, and exercising. He said that won't help against this virus. I said goodbye.
The problem that is widespread in medicine and public health is the “God Complex”.
If Public Health had any humility, rigor or integrity it would have been actively and aggressively encouraging healthy lifestyles. Lots of exercise and sunshine. Nutritious food. Enjoyable social activity. These things strengthen immune systems and overall health and well-being.
What did public health officials actually do? Shut down gyms, basketball & tennis courts and hiking trails. Lock everyone inside. Create a perpetual state of fear that led to stress eating and weight gain. Isolate people from each other in a very unnatural way that led to depression and suicidal ideation.
Public Health officials and many doctors have little respect for the natural resilience of the human body. They believe that they alone can save us from pathogens. And their arrogant, frantic and erratic interventions often make things worse and hinder our own natural defenses while wrecking our health and our joy in life.
My doc said "There are no early treatment protocols" and I handed her Dr McCullough's. She looked at it and said she doesn't care about vitamins and Ivermectin doesn't work- at which point I gave her a printout of showing its effectiveness. I told her she could keep them, which she did, so maybe a seed was planted. As a retired ICU RN, I'm shocked at how uncritical the thinking is.
I've mentioned this before. The last time I went to the doctor for a nagging ear issue that wouldn't go away I got a bill for 275$ for the office visit and 110$ for a prescription. The visit involved the "doctor" literally looking up my symptoms on a computer and then looking up the drugs to treat the symptoms. I was so mad at myself for that whole ordeal. 4 drops of mineral oil would have fixed my issue. *Absolutely no trust left.*
I was on every medicine for IBS with constipation. One of those medicines almost killed me, my husband thought I was going to die. That medicine was called Cisapride, look up what it did to people. Approved by our esteemed FDA.
Yrs later after an appendectomy, my symptoms went away. Apparently what I thought were stomach bugs, were appendicitis’s. This also had me wondering about the GI doctor who ran a million tests. Anyway, it would encapsulate itself and the cycle would start over again, scare tissue etc. This caused severe pressure on my my colon. WaLa, no more medicine.
L-glutathione and NAC. Check out some excellent companies touted by integrative and functional docs. Thorne, Designs for Health, Research Nutritionals, Premier Research (Cleanest and Most Certified), Quiksilver and Xymogen.
I’m not surprised. I also, in the middle of of treatment for IBS-C, had my gallbladder removed. It was like the star chamber, doctors in search of the criminal.
My MIL was given remdesivir when hospitalized for COVID.. She died of kidney failure shortly after. Even the WHO advises against it. Doctors seem to now be slaves to Big Pharma. You'd think, given it was only just before Obamacare the liberals hated Big Pharma, they would wake up and see what is happening.
Zero trust. Both my parents died from hospital error, that was the start. The end is all this COvID bs. I just hope Al the energy I put into my health pays off 🤞🏻
To some degree, unfortunately medical errors are inevitable. That they should be a leading cause of death, however (yes, really, look up the stats). A bit scarier, and certainly explaining much of the Covid-19 drama, is the fact that (for USA) as long as drugs, devices and other products are classed "emergency use approval" and/or during a declared emergency, the entire medical system, from manufacturer down to the attendant serving the patient, are totally indemnified from any liability. Complete, total protection against lawsuits. This fact alone when coupled with the free money from government incentives and recommended modes of treatment, make it obvious why hospital administrators choose certain treatments over others.
Amen Ingrid. You know, as an old guy, we just never went to the "doctor" unless we truly had something wrong with us or a broken limb or something. We have been conditioned over the last couple of decades that we have to go to the "doctor" for *everything*. Young guys in their 20's at work would floor me when they would tell me they had a "doctor's" appointment. I'd usually give them crap and tell them that my 100 year old Grandmother (for real) went to the "doctor" less then they did. The constant testing etc to find out if we have something wrong with us is insane. I may die early because something didn't get "caught" in time, but I will at least be able to leave something for my family instead of giving every last thing I own to a hospital administrator.
And the risks of the actual tests themselves, as well as the treatments that may be prescribed, are often higher than the purported condition being tested for. One of my pet peeves is colonoscopies. The complication rate and injuries for this testing is quite high, with awful consequences. But they are handed out like candy. But all it takes is one testimony that a person had a (ostensibly) budding colon cancer detected and is now a "cancer survivor", and people will line up to be reamed.
So if something like that did happen, naturally they would stop administering it, right? Or would it be better to try to eliminate the control group and recommend boosters ad infinitum?
I have lost ALL faith and respect in "experts" in the health care field, except for those who are fighting to keep their jobs. And my primary care Dr.- He doesn't wear a mask. I like him!
My 14 yo son's pediatrician recently refused to order him a covid antibody test because she claimed that the results would be "misused" and she "strongly encourages vaccination."
Look for a functional medicine doc. They’ll order the test and will be much more likely to help him stay healthy, than to constantly dole out “sickness care.”
Best choice I ever made was when our beloved family doc moved away, instead of finding a new “primary care provider” I got the whole family to begin seeing a chiropractor regularly. She introduced me to an integrated medicine/holistic doc, who we’ve had help us with a couple of kids’ allergy issues. And her husband is a functional med doc; a couple of us have seen him and gotten help actually correcting health issues through diet and lifestyle changes.
I have lost all respect for so many of my medical colleagues. They have lost sight of evidence-based medicine and "first do no harm". In other circumstances, we would never deliver an intervention to a patient, particularly a child, when the benefit is virtually zero and there is the potential for side effects - even if small. Would I give bp med to someone with normal bp and risk side effects for no benefit? Of course not, that would be dumb. In this case it is apparently acceptable. We don't give the elderly HPV vaccine because it is unlikely to help them - so we don't do it. We don't give healthy teens pneumonia vaccines for the same reason.
I agree with others, ignore your pediatrician and get him tested, the labcorp test seems to be the best.
Your son's pediatrician is not completely wrong. Covid antibody tests have definitely been misused by the scientists conducting clinical trials for Pfizer.
Not sure I quite understand the point you are trying to make, but I will say that the data is pretty clear, even to non-doctors, that covid itself is less dangerous to his demographic than the "vaccines" are.
That the pediatrician - a doctor with actual medical training who is obligated to have his best interests at heart - wants him to get the "vaccine", tells me that she is more interested in pushing a corporate hospital line and keeping her job than actually caring for her patients. I cannot abide that.
And, for what it's worth, I instead just went to the local CVS to get him the test and it came back positive, as I suspected. \
I asked for the antibody test so as to better fend off demands from 3rd parties that he get the dangerous shot. If airlines or cruise ships or god forbid his school ever demand he get the shot, I will tell him he is protected via prior infection, just like I am, and if that is not accepted then that's on the 3rd party for being ignorant, not me for being a bad parent for refusing to put my child at risk from a dangerous experimental "vaccine".
I support free speech. Unfortunately, that must allow uninformed opinions. Sir, your post proves you know less than zero about basic biology. Viruses are part of Nature (except those that, yes, are synthetic, created in a laboratory). They've existed for millions, perhaps billions of years.
Folks, you have to watch out for ignorant comments like these. Freedom of information can't filter out misinformation. You have to do that yourself.
If Pharma had tested the [mRNA] "vaccines" for more than 5-6 months on at most 40,000 healthy subjects, they might have learned more about their effects. Either they did not, or they did and are concealing unfavorable information. A combination of both, I would guess. The only thing you can be sure of, is that you can't trust a single word that comes from officialdom these days.
Read Robert Kennedy Jr book. Puppies were just the start of his diabolical behavior. He experimented on women and children all over Africa. Leaving in his wake, death and destruction. Walks away without being called a racist. 🧐
It’s an eye opener. You know our gov’t is bad now, read the book and find out how diabolical FrankenFauci and Bill Hates, really are. They are not alone, there’s a lot more that need to be tried for crimes against humanity.
FAUCI IS A SMUG PRICK. LYING SON OF A BITCH. (EXCUSE LANGUAGE). He will have to admit to this out loud soon and then he will be trying to save his ass bc he knows the end of the road is nigh so now he will "entertain" the fact that jabs make things worse; something we all already knew months ago and he already knew. Putrid piece of refuse this POS is. I hate him with all my being. He needs to be shown his place. In permanent submission. How many he has killed with his "experiments". Foul subhuman who needs to pay. Kiss my ass fauci, you are obsolete.
They say if you don’t learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it, and that is exactly what is happening now, with all the corruption inside the FDA regarding the Covid scamdemic. Anthony Fauci is part of a medical cartel whose powerful corruption dates back to the President of the American Medical Association (AMA) from 1924 to 1950, and the infamous Dr. Morris Fishbein.
Morris Fishbein’s rise to power began when he labeled all natural healers “quacks” and used the AMA “seal of acceptance” the way the FDA uses their fast-track drug approvals and “emergency use” authorization to sell toxic and dangerous medicine at exorbitant prices. It’s called racketeering, and yes, it is still illegal.
Meet Dr. Anthony Fauci, a deep-seeded, criminal-minded huckster who has long promoted “gain of function” research. This dates way back to long before the Wuhan virus outbreak.
Don't forget, during the '80s the AMA was predicting a 'doctor glut' so they colluded with government to artificially reduce the number of people who could become new doctors. How much better off would we be with another 50,000 doctors right now?
In “Capitalism and Freedom” Milton Friedman took aim a the AMA. He called it what it is—a union, whose goal is to restrict membership and drive up wages of members. Like other unions, it helps insiders at the expense of outsiders.
The AMA has been hostile to nurse practitioners, who could help reduce the cost of medical care. It’s essentially a conspiracy against the public.
Incredible. My 96 year old dad has almost always refused medications--he also had no vaccines as a kid based on his age--instead he actually had diphtheria, typhoid, measles, mumps, etc. He finally gave into BP meds a few years ago because we put so much pressure on him--before we woke up--and after falling about 7 times, he stopped taking everything. He has been golden ever since and going strong. I only woke up about a year ago. I can't believe the spell I was under but it helps me understand why people act the way they do.
We know from reading Fauci's emails that he actually has all the relevant information to come to the correct conclusion, he simply ignores that which doesn't feed the political narrative. He knows masks don't work. He knows the virus is seasonal. He knows the jab loses effectiveness quickly.
He knows all of this but ignores it all because it doesn't advance the political science, which is what we've ACTUALLY been following since March 2020.
The cold is likely the most common sickness: around people in the United States come down with a billion colds annually. Most adults come down with two to three colds a year, and children even more. It usually takes people between seven and 10 days to get over a cold.
Many viruses cause the cold, which includes symptoms like runny nose, sore throat, coughing and sneezing, headaches and body aches. The most common culprit is the rhinovirus. Symptoms typically start two to three days after you’re infected.
The cold is usually passed along when you touch a surface infected by cold viruses.
Most people recover from colds within seven to 10 days. But people with weakened immune systems, asthma, or other respiratory illnesses can develop serious illnesses, like bronchitis or pneumonia.
In 2020 there were 711,000 pneumonia deaths in the United States alone.
To date there have been ZERO deaths from Omicron in the United States and maybe one in the World.
New lock downs, mask mandates, forced injections of harmful experimental drugs....The World has gone nuts, being lead by even nuttier leaders.
HCQ is old and widely known and used globally, and not toxic in proper doses. Hundreds of clinicians around the world have testified to its efficacy for Covid, as have several trials. Fauci's "trials" used purposely excessive doses (read RFK's book for details). Remdesiver is toxic and worthless though. Fauci just told Trump to say that and Trump complied.
Ivermectin is a very safe drug, billions of doses given, especially in Africa to combat river blindness. Guess what, those countries are not suffering from Covid-19 epidemics.
BoriquaGato, love your substack so much. Your work is so important.
If I had a Christmas wish it would be that, there was a Spanish one too so that I could send it to my brainwashed family in Nicaragua that don’t speak English (and to try to get the word out to Spanish speaking world in general)
Apart from the content, I also enjoyed the word 'reprobate'. First I thought you made a new word up out of reproduction and masturbate. But unfortunately it already existed as 'an unprincipled person'.
I love this clip of Fauci and disseminate it to those who mock me for saying just what Fauci is saying in this clip.
Their retort-- propagandized citizens make the best "fact checkers"-- is that "Well, if he knew about this, it's a good thing. It means they made sure this wouldn't happen before approving these vaccines."
They got me there. I mean, all those years of clinical trials, and their attention to the behavior of the vaccine on viral mutations, and most obviously what is happening in the real-world data right now support their narrative, right? Good old Fauci, always on our side!
“Furthermore, they would not repent of their murders nor their sorceries nor their immorality nor their thefts.” Rev 9:21.
This verse describes with precision the global evil at work now. The globalist campaign demonstrates all of these characteristics. Look, the “murder” part is obvious, the jabs kill and will be the cause of a lot more deaths. Then there’s the needless ancillary deaths. They have made it clear that they want fewer people on the planet. They’re actively working towards that goal, hence “murder”.
Sorcery is “pharmakon” in the Greek. The translation alone makes the connection obvious.
“Immoralities” can be and often is used to denote idolatry—or the worship of a thing created by man. AI and robotics and the stuff they’re working on in transhumanism answer to that. They even talk about “creating God” through these efforts. Couldn’t more closely resemble idolatry.
“Thefts” is covered by their plan encapsulated in the words, “you’ll own nothing; and you’ll be happy”. They are after all the world’s wealth, including yours. It is all to go toward their plan.
When times and events match ancient prophecy so closely, well, I’m just saying it seems prudent for the pilot/navigator to consider taking a fix and perhaps adjusting course accordingly. Major storm coming.
If a reputable doctor in that interview said the same thing to the douche on the left, they would be FB banned. Instead an incompetent and corrupt mini mouse Hitlerian gets center stage.
The medical profession already had little trust for me. It is now way below zero. I have a few friends retired nurses, to whom I turn in case I can't solve the problem myself, and a doc who knows I only show up if everything else fails, about once every 10 years. Next time I need him, he will probably no longer be there LOL
The thing is if you research your symptoms or whatever ails you, you can usually find something to fix it through natural remedies and if I bring this to my doctor he will just write a prescription with 5-10 side effects worse than my original reason for visiting!
Spoke to a doctor recently. Told him about taking vitamins, eating healthy, and exercising. He said that won't help against this virus. I said goodbye.
The problem that is widespread in medicine and public health is the “God Complex”.
If Public Health had any humility, rigor or integrity it would have been actively and aggressively encouraging healthy lifestyles. Lots of exercise and sunshine. Nutritious food. Enjoyable social activity. These things strengthen immune systems and overall health and well-being.
What did public health officials actually do? Shut down gyms, basketball & tennis courts and hiking trails. Lock everyone inside. Create a perpetual state of fear that led to stress eating and weight gain. Isolate people from each other in a very unnatural way that led to depression and suicidal ideation.
Public Health officials and many doctors have little respect for the natural resilience of the human body. They believe that they alone can save us from pathogens. And their arrogant, frantic and erratic interventions often make things worse and hinder our own natural defenses while wrecking our health and our joy in life.
And Merry Christmas.
The other problem is they have little training in nutrition.
My doc said "There are no early treatment protocols" and I handed her Dr McCullough's. She looked at it and said she doesn't care about vitamins and Ivermectin doesn't work- at which point I gave her a printout of showing its effectiveness. I told her she could keep them, which she did, so maybe a seed was planted. As a retired ICU RN, I'm shocked at how uncritical the thinking is.
Good for you!
Wow what a POS doctor! Good decision!
Stagnant Qi usually
I’m confused. Are you talking about the video game?
This comment gave me a good chuckle. Doubt you are the worst... and stuff. Be well my friend.
What recreational drugs are you currently taking? They seem... Interesting.
This person certainly is having an interesting conversation with him/herself.
LSD would be my guess. Or some sort of psychotic break.
I'm with you too. I've had multiple episodes of errors or negligence involving myself and family or friends. There is no trust left.
I've mentioned this before. The last time I went to the doctor for a nagging ear issue that wouldn't go away I got a bill for 275$ for the office visit and 110$ for a prescription. The visit involved the "doctor" literally looking up my symptoms on a computer and then looking up the drugs to treat the symptoms. I was so mad at myself for that whole ordeal. 4 drops of mineral oil would have fixed my issue. *Absolutely no trust left.*
I was on every medicine for IBS with constipation. One of those medicines almost killed me, my husband thought I was going to die. That medicine was called Cisapride, look up what it did to people. Approved by our esteemed FDA.
Yrs later after an appendectomy, my symptoms went away. Apparently what I thought were stomach bugs, were appendicitis’s. This also had me wondering about the GI doctor who ran a million tests. Anyway, it would encapsulate itself and the cycle would start over again, scare tissue etc. This caused severe pressure on my my colon. WaLa, no more medicine.
L-glutathione and NAC. Check out some excellent companies touted by integrative and functional docs. Thorne, Designs for Health, Research Nutritionals, Premier Research (Cleanest and Most Certified), Quiksilver and Xymogen.
I was treated for 6 months for stomach ulcers. It was, in fact, my gall bladder.
I’m not surprised. I also, in the middle of of treatment for IBS-C, had my gallbladder removed. It was like the star chamber, doctors in search of the criminal.
My MIL was given remdesivir when hospitalized for COVID.. She died of kidney failure shortly after. Even the WHO advises against it. Doctors seem to now be slaves to Big Pharma. You'd think, given it was only just before Obamacare the liberals hated Big Pharma, they would wake up and see what is happening.
Zero trust. Both my parents died from hospital error, that was the start. The end is all this COvID bs. I just hope Al the energy I put into my health pays off 🤞🏻
To some degree, unfortunately medical errors are inevitable. That they should be a leading cause of death, however (yes, really, look up the stats). A bit scarier, and certainly explaining much of the Covid-19 drama, is the fact that (for USA) as long as drugs, devices and other products are classed "emergency use approval" and/or during a declared emergency, the entire medical system, from manufacturer down to the attendant serving the patient, are totally indemnified from any liability. Complete, total protection against lawsuits. This fact alone when coupled with the free money from government incentives and recommended modes of treatment, make it obvious why hospital administrators choose certain treatments over others.
Amen Ingrid. You know, as an old guy, we just never went to the "doctor" unless we truly had something wrong with us or a broken limb or something. We have been conditioned over the last couple of decades that we have to go to the "doctor" for *everything*. Young guys in their 20's at work would floor me when they would tell me they had a "doctor's" appointment. I'd usually give them crap and tell them that my 100 year old Grandmother (for real) went to the "doctor" less then they did. The constant testing etc to find out if we have something wrong with us is insane. I may die early because something didn't get "caught" in time, but I will at least be able to leave something for my family instead of giving every last thing I own to a hospital administrator.
And the risks of the actual tests themselves, as well as the treatments that may be prescribed, are often higher than the purported condition being tested for. One of my pet peeves is colonoscopies. The complication rate and injuries for this testing is quite high, with awful consequences. But they are handed out like candy. But all it takes is one testimony that a person had a (ostensibly) budding colon cancer detected and is now a "cancer survivor", and people will line up to be reamed.
Ingrid - I'm so with you on this
You might not be able to get away with it. Who knows how many treatments (for your good, of course) they'll try to mandate.
I can't keep up. Which side of his mouth is Fauci talking out of here? Also, who is the animatron he is talking to?
lol. that's mark zuckerberg, CEO of facebook.
Oh. He is almost life-like.
Looks more like a bad cartoon, doesn't he ?
The uncanny valley is real.
So why didn’t you recognize Zuckerberg?
Mark Zuckerborg.
I think this interview is from much earlier in the course of the vaccine rollout. I expect Fauci wouldn’t be caught saying such a thing now.
He always looks like he has a double case of pink eye.
Cyborg. Zuckerborg.
So if something like that did happen, naturally they would stop administering it, right? Or would it be better to try to eliminate the control group and recommend boosters ad infinitum?
Yep! “The definition of sanity is if something isn’t working, double down and keep doing more of it”.
Isn’t that what Einstein said?
Wait, what?!?!
💥BAM !
I have lost ALL faith and respect in "experts" in the health care field, except for those who are fighting to keep their jobs. And my primary care Dr.- He doesn't wear a mask. I like him!
My 14 yo son's pediatrician recently refused to order him a covid antibody test because she claimed that the results would be "misused" and she "strongly encourages vaccination."
I'm now looking for a new doctor for him.
If you’re trying to determine immunity, a t-cell test might be better. This site was shared on another comment thread:
Try Cost me $6 for their test referral fee and the test cost was covered by insurance.
Look for a functional medicine doc. They’ll order the test and will be much more likely to help him stay healthy, than to constantly dole out “sickness care.”
Best choice I ever made was when our beloved family doc moved away, instead of finding a new “primary care provider” I got the whole family to begin seeing a chiropractor regularly. She introduced me to an integrated medicine/holistic doc, who we’ve had help us with a couple of kids’ allergy issues. And her husband is a functional med doc; a couple of us have seen him and gotten help actually correcting health issues through diet and lifestyle changes.
I have lost all respect for so many of my medical colleagues. They have lost sight of evidence-based medicine and "first do no harm". In other circumstances, we would never deliver an intervention to a patient, particularly a child, when the benefit is virtually zero and there is the potential for side effects - even if small. Would I give bp med to someone with normal bp and risk side effects for no benefit? Of course not, that would be dumb. In this case it is apparently acceptable. We don't give the elderly HPV vaccine because it is unlikely to help them - so we don't do it. We don't give healthy teens pneumonia vaccines for the same reason.
I agree with others, ignore your pediatrician and get him tested, the labcorp test seems to be the best.
Does that test look for long term reaction or just floating antibodies?
Asking bacauce I had it in 2/2020
Your son's pediatrician is not completely wrong. Covid antibody tests have definitely been misused by the scientists conducting clinical trials for Pfizer.
Bless you for that.
He's trying anything to keep from jabbing his kid... keep that in mind
Not sure I quite understand the point you are trying to make, but I will say that the data is pretty clear, even to non-doctors, that covid itself is less dangerous to his demographic than the "vaccines" are.
That the pediatrician - a doctor with actual medical training who is obligated to have his best interests at heart - wants him to get the "vaccine", tells me that she is more interested in pushing a corporate hospital line and keeping her job than actually caring for her patients. I cannot abide that.
And, for what it's worth, I instead just went to the local CVS to get him the test and it came back positive, as I suspected. \
I asked for the antibody test so as to better fend off demands from 3rd parties that he get the dangerous shot. If airlines or cruise ships or god forbid his school ever demand he get the shot, I will tell him he is protected via prior infection, just like I am, and if that is not accepted then that's on the 3rd party for being ignorant, not me for being a bad parent for refusing to put my child at risk from a dangerous experimental "vaccine".
A good parent. love you for that
oh good
I support free speech. Unfortunately, that must allow uninformed opinions. Sir, your post proves you know less than zero about basic biology. Viruses are part of Nature (except those that, yes, are synthetic, created in a laboratory). They've existed for millions, perhaps billions of years.
Folks, you have to watch out for ignorant comments like these. Freedom of information can't filter out misinformation. You have to do that yourself.
I saw this yesterday on gab. Iirc, the fuller clip shows it is from earlyish 2020.
So it is not Fauxi admitting his vaxes are dangerous
It is, however, evidence that Fauxi is *knowingly* trying to kill us.
Stupid: 0
Evil: 1
yes, it's an old video. it's from pre biden. that's the point.
he knew about these issues then. he's just ignoring them now.
If Pharma had tested the [mRNA] "vaccines" for more than 5-6 months on at most 40,000 healthy subjects, they might have learned more about their effects. Either they did not, or they did and are concealing unfavorable information. A combination of both, I would guess. The only thing you can be sure of, is that you can't trust a single word that comes from officialdom these days.
so.... the election stealer crowd did not start lying about vaccines until they got power?
Inconvenient timestamp.
Inconvenient truth.
It would be nice to get the entire video. Nice to hear the context. I appreciate that you and gato have stated it's from early 2020.
I cannot hear what Fauci says, I can only think how sexy he is...
Thanks for the laugh!
I know you're kidding but every time I see him, I see puppy blood on him
Read Robert Kennedy Jr book. Puppies were just the start of his diabolical behavior. He experimented on women and children all over Africa. Leaving in his wake, death and destruction. Walks away without being called a racist. 🧐
I'm afraid to read it.
It’s an eye opener. You know our gov’t is bad now, read the book and find out how diabolical FrankenFauci and Bill Hates, really are. They are not alone, there’s a lot more that need to be tried for crimes against humanity.
interesting pet
FAUCI IS A SMUG PRICK. LYING SON OF A BITCH. (EXCUSE LANGUAGE). He will have to admit to this out loud soon and then he will be trying to save his ass bc he knows the end of the road is nigh so now he will "entertain" the fact that jabs make things worse; something we all already knew months ago and he already knew. Putrid piece of refuse this POS is. I hate him with all my being. He needs to be shown his place. In permanent submission. How many he has killed with his "experiments". Foul subhuman who needs to pay. Kiss my ass fauci, you are obsolete.
Before reading RFK Jr's book, I didn't think I could hate Fauci more. I was wrong.
They say if you don’t learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it, and that is exactly what is happening now, with all the corruption inside the FDA regarding the Covid scamdemic. Anthony Fauci is part of a medical cartel whose powerful corruption dates back to the President of the American Medical Association (AMA) from 1924 to 1950, and the infamous Dr. Morris Fishbein.
Morris Fishbein’s rise to power began when he labeled all natural healers “quacks” and used the AMA “seal of acceptance” the way the FDA uses their fast-track drug approvals and “emergency use” authorization to sell toxic and dangerous medicine at exorbitant prices. It’s called racketeering, and yes, it is still illegal.
Meet Dr. Anthony Fauci, a deep-seeded, criminal-minded huckster who has long promoted “gain of function” research. This dates way back to long before the Wuhan virus outbreak.
Don't forget, during the '80s the AMA was predicting a 'doctor glut' so they colluded with government to artificially reduce the number of people who could become new doctors. How much better off would we be with another 50,000 doctors right now?
In “Capitalism and Freedom” Milton Friedman took aim a the AMA. He called it what it is—a union, whose goal is to restrict membership and drive up wages of members. Like other unions, it helps insiders at the expense of outsiders.
The AMA has been hostile to nurse practitioners, who could help reduce the cost of medical care. It’s essentially a conspiracy against the public.
He nailed it there.
My dad, who was a physician from 1950-1992, loathed the AMA.
Either really well or everyone dead.
Why this guy hasn’t been strung up with piano wire is a mystery to me.
I never found out…who shot you, JR ?
My sister in law!
Thanks for the long-awaited revelation 🤣
...loved that show!💕🐱💕
Incredible. My 96 year old dad has almost always refused medications--he also had no vaccines as a kid based on his age--instead he actually had diphtheria, typhoid, measles, mumps, etc. He finally gave into BP meds a few years ago because we put so much pressure on him--before we woke up--and after falling about 7 times, he stopped taking everything. He has been golden ever since and going strong. I only woke up about a year ago. I can't believe the spell I was under but it helps me understand why people act the way they do.
We know from reading Fauci's emails that he actually has all the relevant information to come to the correct conclusion, he simply ignores that which doesn't feed the political narrative. He knows masks don't work. He knows the virus is seasonal. He knows the jab loses effectiveness quickly.
He knows all of this but ignores it all because it doesn't advance the political science, which is what we've ACTUALLY been following since March 2020.
His mind is a black hole, with lots of dead bodies floating in it. (per RFK Jr.'s book),
mNRA jabs are a ponzi scheme and he is at the top of it; not sure if he could ever be
adequately punished for his leading role in poison jabs the last 35 years. (since AZT)
I watched some friends die on AZT in the 80's-a known poison. Baaaaaaaaad man.
Common cold and Omicron
The cold is likely the most common sickness: around people in the United States come down with a billion colds annually. Most adults come down with two to three colds a year, and children even more. It usually takes people between seven and 10 days to get over a cold.
Many viruses cause the cold, which includes symptoms like runny nose, sore throat, coughing and sneezing, headaches and body aches. The most common culprit is the rhinovirus. Symptoms typically start two to three days after you’re infected.
The cold is usually passed along when you touch a surface infected by cold viruses.
Most people recover from colds within seven to 10 days. But people with weakened immune systems, asthma, or other respiratory illnesses can develop serious illnesses, like bronchitis or pneumonia.
In 2020 there were 711,000 pneumonia deaths in the United States alone.
To date there have been ZERO deaths from Omicron in the United States and maybe one in the World.
New lock downs, mask mandates, forced injections of harmful experimental drugs....The World has gone nuts, being lead by even nuttier leaders.
If Trump is elected in 2024 they will all turn back to dangerous bleach shot mode.
If Trump is elected, he will probably still be afraid of what he called a "terrible plague" and still bragging about his vaccines.
HCQ is old and widely known and used globally, and not toxic in proper doses. Hundreds of clinicians around the world have testified to its efficacy for Covid, as have several trials. Fauci's "trials" used purposely excessive doses (read RFK's book for details). Remdesiver is toxic and worthless though. Fauci just told Trump to say that and Trump complied.
Ivermectin is a very safe drug, billions of doses given, especially in Africa to combat river blindness. Guess what, those countries are not suffering from Covid-19 epidemics.
Interesting angle I haven't heard before. I will look into that.
Quercetin is supposed to have the same mechanism, a zinc ionophore.
BoriquaGato, love your substack so much. Your work is so important.
If I had a Christmas wish it would be that, there was a Spanish one too so that I could send it to my brainwashed family in Nicaragua that don’t speak English (and to try to get the word out to Spanish speaking world in general)
¡Sí, por favor! +1 una versión español
I would also love a Spanish version for my Peruvian family and they are brainwashed bad down there. Double masks everywhere!
Apart from the content, I also enjoyed the word 'reprobate'. First I thought you made a new word up out of reproduction and masturbate. But unfortunately it already existed as 'an unprincipled person'.
I think it will be very hard to get anything from the combination you proposed LOL
sometimes the urge reproduces itself and one has to go again
"Reprobate" = unprincipled person, sinner. If you've ever been party to the legal process called "Probate," it's not much better 😅
I use this from Mark Levine, reprobates, malcontents and miscreants. I’m an avid listener of his radio program.
Dr Fauci pitched the first no-hitter of baseball's modern era.
Well there goes plausible deniability.
Pre-Biden? Pft. Doesn't count. The Science has evolved.
I love this clip of Fauci and disseminate it to those who mock me for saying just what Fauci is saying in this clip.
Their retort-- propagandized citizens make the best "fact checkers"-- is that "Well, if he knew about this, it's a good thing. It means they made sure this wouldn't happen before approving these vaccines."
They got me there. I mean, all those years of clinical trials, and their attention to the behavior of the vaccine on viral mutations, and most obviously what is happening in the real-world data right now support their narrative, right? Good old Fauci, always on our side!
But... what happens now? Will this be ignored by the media, WHO and the all the safety crazies? (even though The Science said it)
Will governments still force their citizens to take this vaccine that "made people worse'?!?
How does one get this info to billions of people,
that prefer boosters every morning with their coffee, without realizing the consequences?!?
Gonna wax scriptural here, heads up.
“Furthermore, they would not repent of their murders nor their sorceries nor their immorality nor their thefts.” Rev 9:21.
This verse describes with precision the global evil at work now. The globalist campaign demonstrates all of these characteristics. Look, the “murder” part is obvious, the jabs kill and will be the cause of a lot more deaths. Then there’s the needless ancillary deaths. They have made it clear that they want fewer people on the planet. They’re actively working towards that goal, hence “murder”.
Sorcery is “pharmakon” in the Greek. The translation alone makes the connection obvious.
“Immoralities” can be and often is used to denote idolatry—or the worship of a thing created by man. AI and robotics and the stuff they’re working on in transhumanism answer to that. They even talk about “creating God” through these efforts. Couldn’t more closely resemble idolatry.
“Thefts” is covered by their plan encapsulated in the words, “you’ll own nothing; and you’ll be happy”. They are after all the world’s wealth, including yours. It is all to go toward their plan.
When times and events match ancient prophecy so closely, well, I’m just saying it seems prudent for the pilot/navigator to consider taking a fix and perhaps adjusting course accordingly. Major storm coming.
The sad state of science: it has proven without a doubt medicine performance plummets like rock when patent expires
If a reputable doctor in that interview said the same thing to the douche on the left, they would be FB banned. Instead an incompetent and corrupt mini mouse Hitlerian gets center stage.
VEI is the story, yes. But this tweet was a trick to attempt to bury it. Are kitties in on this?
Asymmetric troll warfare is a bitch
When reptiles get together to synchronize their attacks through coded speech.
That Faucistein, he is one smart guy.
This example is one of the few times Fauci told the truth--good find!!!
This is an old interview. I watched it when it was live, it showed how much of an imbecile Suckerburg is.
This guy is a dangerous prick. What a madman.
Do you have a link to the whole interview? Thanks for the great work. Best wishes, Kimberley
The robot and the Faucian devil.
This has nothing to do with the above (other than we can act like the cat is responding to Fauci) but bad cattitude might want to save this clip for use in a future post. LOLOL.
Thank you so much for 'Fauci Ouchie".
Merriam-Webster should certainly take this up
Bob Dylan was right in 'Talkin' World War 111 Blues' -
"He grabbed my arm, I said "Ouch!"
As I landed on the psychiatric couch"
It is all quite nuts.
"Owchie Fowchie
Put me on the Cowchie"
Hearing FauXi maybe speaking a tiny bit of truth makes me hear the Horses of the Apocalypse thundering towards us. What fresh hell is coming?
Just read the note. whew! maybe not a fresh hell, just this hell
Maybe this is hell.
This is an old clip from 2020.
He addressed that at the bottom of tbe article.
Priceless - thanks!