😂🤣😂🤣. The first 3 failed so go get a 4th. 😂🤣😂🤣😂.

My 10 year old daughter looked at my husband and I the other day and says “I think I need to become a doctor. Too many doctors are cray cray and not very smart, especially the younger ones. Like, I’m not even sure how they passed the bubble tests to become a doctor. If something isn’t working, you try a different way, but all these doctors out there just want to keep doing the same way that’s clearly not gonna suddenly work. Dumb and cray cray is a bad combination”

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OMG - fevers, aches and fatigue! More experimental gene therapy PLEASE!

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My daughter's best friend doesn't believe in the shot. She still got it last week because the law firm she wants to work for requires it. Guess what she came down with this week....

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Dec 24, 2021·edited Dec 24, 2021

I think they've abandoned the pretense of it being a vaccine in the traditional sense. Now it's being touted as if it was say, a multivitamin. Just because you took one yesterday, doesn't mean you don't need another one today. It's medicine as a subscription service. Sort of like Windows, always another update coming, and riddled with bugs.

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Dec 24, 2021·edited Dec 24, 2021

"I personally know 30,000+ people with current active infections. All boosted and all under 45. Fevers, aches, fatigue. One for over 9 days now. Where is the 439th dose for healthcare workers/immunocompromised?"

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I’m amazed at how many times a day i see people blaming the unvaxxed. Everyone who is sick has had the shot. What exactly has to happen for them to realize the stuff doesnt work?

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Best part of that tweet is that her "mask" is photoshopped onto her avatar.

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My nephew is a lost cause, visiting from Germany. "wearing a mask can't hurt anything. I just want to be safe. We have to trust the state. Why would they give us something dangerous? They need workers so they can generate tax revenue!" and so on. I did nazi that coming 😢

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actually this is getting scary... please checkout Geert Vanden Bossche Substack post this am ‘second call to WHO’... because it’s gonna take massive support for this

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There is no data that can change their minds. They don’t understand how to read and discern data. In fact, I’m shocked they can spell “data”…

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I always just assumed these accounts were the “bots” they were talking about. Anytime me or my friends would respond with rational thoughts they would accuse us because we didn’t have a bunch of followers.

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“All you need is more”, be it heroin or the vaxx.

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Dozens of people that she knows with 3 shots ARE SICK and she wants the 4th? WTF? At what point do these ID10T contest winners admit "THE VAX DOESN'T WORK"? 5? 6? 7? NEVER?

This is a full on CULT movement. Cults can NEVER admit a mistake. Even when reality doesn't agree with them they just say "reality is wrong" and believe it. Sigh.

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I know a somewhat disabled man who lives with his elderly mother. Both got COVID, then both took the jab. Then the mother took the boost—over a month ago—and still hasn’t recovered from that. When I told the son that I’m unvaxxed, he said that I’m lucky, not because I avoided adverse vax events but because I haven’t gotten COVID despite being unvaxxed

Like I’m a real risk-taker.

I didn’t quibble with him—his disability is brain injury related—but the obvious concern is that his mother will be fortunate to recover from vax damage—which never got reported to VAERS.

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Cornell with 900 cases and almost all vaccinated, Royal cruise 95% vaccinated COVID breakout......so obviously booster. People are just not thinking anymore......not to mention are not considering any potential downstream problems with injecting novel medication into their body

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This is what happens when you push social justice in education rather than teaching things people really should know, such as (just a thought here) science (not Science TM, but science, little "s" but for real).

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And *begging* for more of what didn't work the first 3 times? WTH? I'm in awe.

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Fodder for Christmas arguments... on the theme of "who is responsible for spreading covid", I worked up a conceptual analysis combining vaxx rates with fading VE vs Delta and negative VE vs Omicron (see recent Imperial college/other studies). The mainstream view is of course that it's the unvaccinated. My analysis, admittedly back of envelope, suggests that for Delta, the vaccinated were likely responsible for the majority of spread and that for Omicron it's clearly the vaccinated.

For full analysis, use this link: https://neverletdatagetinthewayofagoodstory.com/covid/pandemic-of-the-unvaccinated-who-is-spreading-covid/

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I was actually 100% on the same page with her until the final sentence.

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The vaccine and booster response in metaphor. Source: A Plumbing We Will Go starring The Three Stooges. “Hey Moe, pass me another section of pipe”


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I work at a “Prestigious” Academic medical center as a Pathologist with 26 years of experience. I said to the Chair of oncology, “why are you going to vaccinate your patient against Covid immediately prior to chemo? You know chemo wipes out immune memory.”

Answer, “It’s safe!”

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NC mom. That’s the first thing I thought of. The first three failed so you’re looking for #4???!! And probably 5 and 6 and 7…..🤦‍♀️

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4rth dose only? what a wanker. She should have had at least 5 doses by now. Efficacy wanes at the 2 month mark. so 5 x 2 =10 and she is already falling behind.

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"We did something that didn't work, so we want to do it harder, maybe it will work then..." But it could be that the spike protein-manufacturing injections are creating tons of spike protein - and *that* is causing the symptoms...

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Some of these people have been lied to for so long, they cannot recognize the truth

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80% of humans are a joke, a parody of what life could be. IMO

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the list of uninvestigated harms from the shots is longer than the list of symptoms from covid, whatever new brand..

while this pronouncement flies in the face of observations from uk and den,ark...

no i trust no one in nih or the media, including fox.

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One's too many,

and a hundred ain't enough.

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Love it, I want a shot too, I’m not sick, I just want to be a part of something too!

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Please read and watch the short dystopian sci-fi animation that literally predicts everything that's been transpiring over last 2 years:


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Stop this propaganda until I sell my pfizer options please....+!!!!!! oh and join my channel if you want :) merry Christmas

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Some of these "influencers" are being paid, by, well, companies like Pfizer or representatives of such. Ergo, they will promote boosters until we all have one of those "frequent booster" cards you showed a few weeks back. Free pizza!

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That human has a masters in Public Health?!

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Can someone help me understand why the NYC data indicating that unvaccinated folks appear to be getting hospitalized at higher rates does not prove establishment's point that it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated? https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data.page#daily

(39 unvaxx vs 3.79 vaxxed per 100k)

For the record I am sceptical of the vaccine in general.

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I know I'm a parody account, it's clear in my FB bio: The Director of the Panglossian Institute of Public Philosophy. But after so many of the Twitter scientists have asked me about pangolins, the possible intermediate hosts for the virus, I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe I'm for real.

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The title of this post is a rhetorical question, right?

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As an alcoholic in recovery for 10 years if I had followed this train of “thought” I’d be dead by now.

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I was offering hugs to strangers in April 2020. They weren't amused. What's worse than these freaken psycho measures? The absolute insanity driving them... complete lack of logic

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To avoid spoiling Christmas by mandating lock-downs that don't work anyway, our government here in Manitoba instead "strongly recommended" people cut back on their Christmas travels, visits, and groups. I heard a lady on the radio saying, "It was so much easier last year when the government told us exactly how many people we could invite into our homes. This year we are having trouble deciding what to do!" Sigh!

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But seriously these sort of tweets ( this is my favorite so far: https://twitter.com/sailorrooscout/status/1474085465393401856) are meant to generate anger and sew division. that IS the game plan.

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The twitter person Vee above... The black thing on her face is made from a Hefty garbage sack. Utterly appropriate and unfortunately for her has depleted the oxygen to her brain.

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Dec 24, 2021·edited Dec 24, 2021

Idiocracy doctor vist scene. The sales reps for the pharmaceutical companies on the leashes of the managed care organization accountants are easily replaced by kiosks,


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I just checked her twitter feed but couldn't find the tweet. So, I posted this article to a tweet about the flight cancellations in which she exhorts people to get boosted. Seriously...these people are crazy.

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Oh, we aren't a week away from this same twitterer wanting 2 doses at the same time.

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As with the gift wrapped frequent flier from a recent post, I thought this was a joke until I read further. Two steps forward, 1 step back.

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