But no one complains when the elites have a helicopter drop them at the top of a mountain so they can ski/snowboard down it. And if there is an accident or an avalanche, the patrol guys (making unbelievably crappy salaries) have to risk their lives to rescue them. Sometimes Mother Nature wins. My entire group of friends from the 70s would be sitting in a federal prison if we were young now. Amazingly, no one died during any escapades.

Also adding "nunya" to my vocabulary.

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Why do we cede to them such a ranking? They iz us. I mean look seriously, even the royal houses of Europe, you think those guys are elite? They're not much more than disappearing brains and chins factories.

The great thing about America, anybody with drive and intelligence and, yes, it often took luck too, once he made a lot of money he was one of the elite even if he couldn't tell a fish fork from cigar cutter. That's why Europeans sneered at us while they begged our heiresses to marry their aristocrats and save the family farm.

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🤣 “disappearing brains and chins” You’re right, but at this point I think the word “Elite” is becoming derogatory. We need a new descriptive term.

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Thank you so much for this link.... totally delighted to find her Substack. Thank you....

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The danger of the word is how it attempts to obscure that they really iz us. And it's really really true, all power corrupts. Anyone who's ever lived in a place where you can afford servants in the house even if in American terms you're just middle class, that instinct towards tyranny bursts out like the slimies in "Alien."

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"Nunya" reminds me of the Australian "onya" bags & other eco-accessories, a company started in the 1990s I think and still going strong.

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Nunya biz if I do the "outback red".

Don't look it up...I'm warning you...lol...:)

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Jun 7Liked by el gato malo

"America! F*ck yeah!!!"


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Personally I think we should go back to the 70's/80's so boys can play war and shoot each other with BB guns (and pellet guns if you're feeling brave)...and build POW camps....lol...but we did all of it!

I miss those days!

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My favorite el Gato ever is his "In Praise of Lawn Darts." There is much profound wisdom in that piece. That's the way I was raised. Oh my, life on the farm. When raising our kids we were slightly more cautious. Slightly....they have stories I am just now hearing.

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When we played Lawn Darts we usually threw them at each other, which ended up with my Mom giving them away.

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It helps weed out the ones that probably shouldn't reproduce.

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It's kind of awesome to hear my now adult kids share stories about their childhood adventures, some of which are news to me. I raised them to be respectful of others' property but also fearless, and they had a lot of fun along the way.

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I agree. It gives a parent a deep satisfaction that your children knew the limits but pushed them and have some crazy memories. The life lessons that provided are irreplaceable.

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Raised on a farm too. Oh, my, what we got up to. The hay mow floor was lined with old linoleum. Very slippery. So we would glide around on it. The un railed edge could have dropped us into where the hay baler was stored and into the maw of dangerous parts. Or just the 15 foot drop. Miraculously, we never damaged ourselves much until my brother got on a scooter and ended up having surgeries. I think I walked around with a broken or messed up shoulder bone for a month or 2 but never told anyone. Playing jumping horses. Those were the days. 🤣🤣🤣

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We did this all the time, but eventually got our BB guns taken away after a neighborhood mom freaked out. Needless to say her "Narc" son was ostracized for a good 3 months - yeah, ruin our fun and you'll pay! He broke the code: never tell your parents and NEVER rat out your friends. Of course wristrockets were everywhere, and being south Florida, some form of launchable nut, fruit, or berry was available all year long. We actually tied our POWs to trees, and shot them if they tried to escape. Then again we had plenty of war movies, documentaries, WWII and Korea vets who regailed us with stories to learn from. Good times!

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Thats AWESOME. Yeah we eventually got busted for molotov cocktails. I'm not kidding!

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I'd believe it. Eventually we always give in to that primal lure of fire and explosives. The most popular kid in the neighborhood was always the one who brought back fireworks from South Carolina.

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Maybe boys wouldn't be such buttercups these days if we'd just let them be boys?

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I'm not much of a gun guy but, if you want something burnt or blowed up, I'm your guy, Kertch.

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We soaked Styrofoam peanuts in gasoline and made, essentially, napalm.

Which smells great in the morning.

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we may need to know this sort of thing ....

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That's pretty darn clever

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Bet you watched "Combat." I couldn't stomach it but my brother was a fan. It was sometime in the 60's.

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Combat was the best series on tv in the mid 60’s. Lt. Hanley, Sgt Saunders, Caj, Little Jon, Kirby. They were the baddest squad in the European Theater.

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Thanks for validating my memory😂

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Those were the days!

Ryan, I had a toy Winchester lever action, multiple revolvers, M-16, and German MP 40 (my favorite!). My dad even removed the bolt from a non-functioning. 22. A cop saw me wielding it on my friend's front lawn during one of our battles, screeched his car to a halt, and came to investigate further.

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I remember when our cap guns looked like real guns. I think every other kid had an MP-40. My favorite was my all-metal Colt 1911.

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Nice. My plastic 1911 shot a rubber-tipped dart from its muzzle.

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Lolol. Wed have been quite the team.

One part Josey Wales and another RAMBO!

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It might still happen, amigo. They keep pushing.

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Lol...you crack me up...:)

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In the 1950s, Mattel made a toy machine gun that would burn through an entire roll of caps in about 5 seconds. Greatest toy ever and made Mattel a fortune. Today they sell for $350 on Ebay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/134006179716?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28

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When my brother (2 yrs my senior) was allowed to carry his first pocket knife, he taught me how to play chicken. If either was mildly injured, we didn't dare tell for fear of being shamed by the other. Luckily, he had a good aim!

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Hey Lucia! Same in my house. Only my dad gave us the knife!! Go Dad!!!

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Love it...:)

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The other day I was listening to a podcast of yet another blackpill gloomy preview of what the satanopedo elite are planning next.

And I saw, on a suburban front lawn, three teenage boys admiring a dirt bike. Two of them were smoking.

And I thought, "maybe we're gonna be alright."

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Lurrrrrrv this version! Yeeeehaw!

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Beat me to it!

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Greatest movie theme song ever.

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That movie rocked!

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So all those antifa mostly peaceful protesters in the CHAZ and at other protests shootring fireworks at police, at police stations, and at Federal court buildings. are in prison now. Right? right? ?

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Besides, I thought they were all for the Darwin Awards, or else they would not have mandated the jabs, and encouraged transgender surgeries for kids. <Sigh>

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After arresting the paddle boarder in the middle of the ocean for breaking the pandemic lockdown rules this doesn't surprise me at all.

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Here's a slightly different spin on this....So the feds can shoot incendiary devices from aircraft, but the people cannot?? Sounds like a 2A issue, really.🤷🏻‍♂️

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Absolutely agree. The federal government has killed many thousands of people in a very irresponsible manner using this same platform. Revolution is coming.

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Production quality is impressive!

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The answer is to abolish regulatory agencies.

"But what about...?"

No. They are not keeping anyone safe from anything.

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Agree completely!

The question is: How do you keep the people safe from regulatory agencies?

The answer is: Abolish regulatory agencies.


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In 1999 I went to Burning Man with an English boyfriend. Literally his first words upon arriving were "Holy hell, FLAMETHROWERS!"

They were everywhere. We'll be okay if we can get back to that.

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i was there that same year.

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A good year. Death by wind propelled porta-potty, nary a helicopter in sight. Huge number of families, even people in our same camp had completely different experiences one to the next.

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I'm sure you were up to no good! What a hoot.

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those were the early days of "the deep end" which later became "distrikt."

also i think the first year i fought in thunderdome.

good times.

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Thunderdome?! Holy cow, ain't that something.

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Are you guys kidding. Holy shit I was there that year too...in all my glory at 29!

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sigh. couldn't get there.

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But, but, but....SAFETY!

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Never forget, safety third!

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thank you, jrod!! your comment led me to mike rowe’s thoughts and video on the subject. he wrote, “I’d put the desire to be safe after ‘the need to make money,’ and ‘the willingness to assume risk.’ In other words, ‘Safety Third.’”

sounds like many businesses, including big pharma.

i say, freedom first, with the understanding that actions have consequences. my heart also guides me to have a compassionate reverence for life.

business perspective vs. perspective of self-actualization.

bureaucratic authority vs. higher authority.

gratitude for this article and your comment!

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Mike Rowe is a humble, grounded, stand up guy. If you haven't seen it, look up Tucker Carlson's interview with him from a few months ago. It is fantastic!

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yes. i’ll check it out. thanks, jrod

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I call it the "broken leg" rule. I'll give something sketchy a shot as long as I'm confident I won't break a long...at least when I was younger!

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Exactly how else does a kid learn to evaluate risk?!

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Somehow free range became free deranged by safety freaks somewhere in the early 90's.

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I wonder if the feds can prove it wasn't special effects? Maybe this is the first step in killing future action movies that use real people & real equipment.....?

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Good defense idea lol

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That was my thought—how is it ok for film makers and not YouTubers?

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My wife found an article that said the youtuber didn't have the proper permits. Another example of selective law enforcement from the morally superior brainiacs at the doj.

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Hard to imagine being so devoid of life that you see something like this video as a criminal matter. We’ve handed the reigns of power to the lamest people on earth.

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Government could never exist without burning its citizens at the stake. It's the master-slave thing.

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Kinda disappointed at these comments as I suspect you may be as well, my feline friend.

I propose you come down to Texas and join me for some real fun shooting hogs from a helicopter with automatic weapons. Way more exciting than shooting fireworks at a Lambo.

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comments where people show you who they really are are always good comments.

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I'll bring the whiskey.

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Whistle Pig for me please.

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My son helped write the bill which passed the Texas legislature. Feral hogs are a menace!

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Speaking about "I thought this was America" wth about the anti-semitism bill passed in the house a month ago. Absolutely outrageous.

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The " Shut up about our Sponsors Bill"??

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Exactly. It's been really disappointing that so many substack writers claiming to be freedom fighters have remained completely silent on the most egregious attack on the 1A in our lifetime.

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This...right here. THIS!! *waves flags and sparklers *

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Having grown up west coast starting in SF, on to Portland then Seattle I was used to the regulation brigade, feeling the queezy stomach whenever I heard a siren, questioning myself....is it for me...did I do anything they could consider an offense? Is my helmet and life vest on properly in my car with my dog on a leash, poop bag at the ready??? I will never forget one of the first sights I saw on the road entering South Carolina....a pick up truck- rope towing an old beater car towing a dirt bike carrying a young man and woman in shorts without helmets. No sirens,no shameful looks......I knew I was home!!

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Ah, the "olden days".

Before safetyism became the state religion.

And the excuse for the imposition of ever more draconian regulation, and the erosion of what remained of our constitutions freedoms.

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lol, in SC we still do this!!!

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If a stunt like this was pulled in San Fran for Pride Month it would be celebrated as “so brave”. 🤪

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"if they did this in the middle of san franciso"

Actual I think there could be a lot of public support for this venue.

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Puts a whole new perspective on "urban renewal".

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*shakes head in admiration*

I say it all the time, Andy - we definitely have a place for you in Our Administration.

#PiGuy2024: I probably won't make $#!+ any worse!

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