Oh hey another case of the truth being the antipode of the claim. Just take whatever they're saying, invert it, and you'll have a fairly reliable indicator of reality.
Once you view this all through the lens of evil propagating itself, the satanic inversion of the Truth is clear. "They lie" is simply insufficient at this point. Particularly given how they have established the same pattern of narrative primacy in the face of observable contrary evidence across multiple sacred cows of their orthodoxy.
Meanwhile, our inability to prove some elaborate "conspiracy" does not negate the fact that our own experience plainly affirms the truth - and thus must be continuously gaslit, drowned out with noise, and silenced through coercive and violent means. All of which further confirms the inversion.
DangerousVariant, whats so disheartening tho is that they get away w/ it, no consequences. They (FDA?) are STILL talking about not trialing anything “new” in “vaccines” coming down the pike. And tons of people still willing to line up for them anyway…. Just last evening a covidiot friend was telling me she’s going to hold off on her FOURTH shot until the new Moderna one comes out this Fall.
The truth is coming out even in medical literature now & it doesn’t seem to matter.
Modernity is rotten with ways to avoid both the Truth and the consequences of avoiding the Truth. We have constructed one of the greatest, most comfortable and bountiful civilizations - upon a spine of blue razzberry jello. Consequences are just not part of the program.
Nor are discomforts. Or paying the costly trade-offs we all confront when the proposition of upholding the Truth visits our own doors.
"Covid" laid bare the truth about our culture's moral hierarchy and preference for comfort, materialism, and distraction over the indictments that might tear down the comforting facades (read: lies) we all propagate, be it explicit or implicit.
Yet even then, most among the awake would lay down their pitchforks and torches to just go back to 2019 and grill. As if "Covid" sprung from the ether. Fact is, there is a great toll to be paid. When the hat comes around most will have suddenly found themselves in the restroom. That's as old as time. Be ready for that.
So, forget the CDC et al, it is "Ordinary Men" who make or break the bonds of this spiritual slavery. Everyone must come to their own reckoning. Most will not choose the Truth. That is indeed hard to watch. Be ready for more of that.
But in those reckonings resides the seeds of consequences of which you speak. Where do we choose to plant and cultivate the Truth? What are we willing to give up to cast off the evil, to bring justice in our own lives? To restore the Truth to its rightful station?
God's justice is not for us here on earth, so desiring evil to meet its just ends on our watch is not just futile but contrary to the grace and faith that is required.
But indeed, man's justice is fickle - and often flawed. It tends to slumber then strike out in fury. So, hold strong and have faith. Chances are the cost of said justice set loose will be its own set of problems for us. Once nature's arbiter is summoned, all bets are off.
>>> "tons of people still willing to line up for them anyway"
Why is this a bad thing?
At this point, anyone who is lining up has absolutely no excuse except terminal levels of ignorance.
For those people to probability-tilt themselves out of the gene pool makes me happy every time I think about it. A world with fewer flabby-armed Karens (and their imbecilic offspring and cucked husbands) - BLISS.
If it *was* part of a plan, I would buy the planners a beer.
But NO BEER FOR THEM, because this was just a fuckup.
The perps who developed Fauci's Bioweapon were trying to kill-shot China[1] (and Iran); it backfired and their own schlubs started dropping off the twig (although mostly only the really old, really sick ones); they tried an audible ('Warp Speed') and fucked THAT up too.
So this is just typical .gov and .mil incompetence: none of the shit they do is ever fit-for-purpose against a peer adversary.
I used to joke that SARS-nCoV-2 was the Windows Phone of respiratory illnesses; in fact when you see how heavily-resourced the US bioweapon program is, it's more like the F35.
[1] China had three US-authored bioweapon-based attacks in 4 years: swine flu that killed ~40% of their pig herd; avian flu that killed ~50% of their poultry flock... and SARS-CoV-2, which didn't do much because 85-year-old Chinese aren't obese diabetics with COPD.
Wait until the Russians start releasing all the data they've accumulated from the US bioweapons research facilities in 'Ukraine' (aka "Country 404"). It won't change many minds in the Empire of Lies, but the Global South will take notice.
Well, I guess the only thing I can really say is that I still care about some of those family & friend dopes, despite their blindness &/or discrimination of me earlier.
And be careful re the “flabby arm” description. I’m defiantly unvaxed, have had wu-flu probably twice & @ least once (Feb 2020 & Dec 2021), I am 63 AND I have depressingly flabby arms
>>> Russians said they'd release those and nothing...
Odd that you would pretend to be able to make declarative statements about what's been 'released', when what you just wrote is DIAMETRICALLY at odds with the facts.
The Russian Ministry of Defence issued "Briefing on the results of analysing documents related to the military-biological activity of the USA in Ukraine" on July 7 2022 on its Telegram channel.
Like I said: "It won't change many minds in the Empire of Lies" - mostly because the livestock in the Empire of Lies does not 'forage' for information, but gets it from 'gavage' (like a goose having its liver fattened so that bourgeois sophisticates can have foie gras).
Flabby thinking is much MUCH worse than flabby arms, but the two are pretty highly correlated.
Thank you for the link and thank you for putting me in my place.
My bad, and it wasn't gavage feeding, after all it wasn't forced into me and if anything I came across it in my usual sources. Took it for granted that there would be follow up and I expected it to be big enough to be noticed, how naive of me. I have very limited means of accessing wider sources, hence seeking it, among other places, here. You know, like believing that
we support each other in these crazy times. Flabby thinking and lack of
access to what's available out there doesn't have to be the same thing.
I sure hope you consider the time you've spent on helping me not totally
wasted. But, if I may: your analogy sucks, maybe a good in intentioned but
The tragedy is that in most herd instances, it's the outliers who get preyed upon, whereas, with the covid jabs, it seems to be the herd that is suffering the predation.
Yeah, with them and all the other "Alphabet govt. agencies". Those we used to cite..."According to..., or Per the ... (CDC, FDA, etc...)" as if doing so bestowed credence upon the information cited. Now it has done a 180....warning us "Turn around and run! LIE METER ALERT!". Whenever I hear people stating "FDA approved", I find myself deleting any potential credibility involved, as deception and lies. A lesson they are teaching us.
I was lucky last week to find a service station with only 3.98 if you paid cash. Only carried 25 on me but got more than three quarters filled up. Not going anywhere these days, so need only one fill a month !
Wow, you must be on the left side of the state! We are currently "only" at about $5.30 in rural NE WA. Insanelee is doing his best to destroy the state.
Off topic. Is there any analysis about the personal characteristics of the unvaxxed? Why are we mostly conservative? What do we have in common? Because we are obviously a different breed.
Simple explanation, many of them are just downright lazy, both physically and intellectually. They would rather be told what to do than look into things and think for themselves. Doesn't apply to all of course, but definitely most. There are those that are true believers but most just go along as it's the path of least resistance.
It's pretty sad but most people really have turned into lazy slugs. How many people in your neighborhood mow their own lawn or wash their car themselves? This was common behavior fifty years ago. Change their own oil? Don't make me laugh. Look at how many have to call AAA (or some relative) when they get a flat tire as they are too lazy or ill-informed to change a tire. How many people do you know that *never* read? It's shocking to realize just how many there are. Huge chucks of the population have not read a book since high school when they were last forced to.
Couple laziness with a lack of common sense and it's an ugly combination.
I get that. Intellectual lethargy and/or aversion to confrontation. Some people comply just to avoid the possibility of uncomfortable social encounters.
As soon as it is identified, let’s say it’s a genetic thing, the globalists will do all they can to exterminate those bearing the gene. Best not define it too sharply.
I mistrust everything that calls itself scientific these days. I have mistrusted scientific toothpaste for a very long time and guess what, I was right! So who knows what all the rest is !
Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, Jimmy Dore are not conservatives. (Edited to add Bill Maher to the mix, who has been calling BS on a lot of the covid crap and other crap in recent years.) Neither am I. (Yes, conservatives are less susceptible to this particular mass psychosis.)
I think it's about being an honest, independent thinker, having a rebellious or contrarian streak, etc.
There has also been a lot of deception. There are people who saw through all of this from Day 1. I wasn't one of them, but the point is, the ranks of the "awake" at the very beginning were smaller than they are now.
I have some academic colleagues who are very good, kind people, but who were completely taken in by all of this, beginning to be uneasy.
I did not buy into any of the Covid crap! I never stopped traveling, only wore a mask at doctor appts and spoke out about the craziness. I was vilified by my community once they knew I was unvaxxed! It doesn’t feel good to now see what I believed would ultimately happen to the vaxxed!! I’m also conservative. We believe in limited government which is why mainly conservatives understand what has been happening. The more gov’t you have, the less freedoms you enjoy! Not rocket science!
From the very beginning, I had a strong intuitive gut-feeling this was all planned. People thought I was nuts. I am even more firmly convinced now that it was all planned to transform the world and usher in the globalists' utopian vision. Imagine all the people....No thanks.
I wonder - and worry, as I know several good, kind people who have been taken into this evil charade, what comes next for them. The path thus far has been for the narrative cultists to double-down, to let loose upon the slippery logic that loops them back into the dissonance again and again.
The true believers aside, there are many who followed the delusion as a function of the moral high ground and high self-regard that progressivism assures (and requires). Others simply trust their doctors or the teevee.
But as the narrative implodes, will the architects offer them an offramp? A means to resolve the dissonance without losing their minds further, knowing now (or eventually) that they poisoned themselves, tortured and poisoned their children, and were party to one of the greatest abuses in human history?
A great and righteous anger will rise. The problem I see is that being susceptible to such delusion in the first place means they are primed to be easily steered to any target of that anger that the architects might see fit. So, while I daydream of heads on pikes, I think its 50/50 whether or not the awakening - if it happens at all, will result in the right heads on pikes. And that's assuming the believers can survive their own awakening without some psychotic break.
People who are steered this easily can (and probably will be) steered to blame the unvaxed. The people who created this mess aren’t going to just confess, they will need someone else to blame it on....especially if things get worse. And in that case the unvaxed will make perfect targets. Not only did we refuse to get the clotshots, but we also may be unscathed medically. That can be used by the asswipes who started this to blame us for everything ......the vaxxed aren’t going to blame themselves and will be looking for a scapegoats....
If they are beginning to be uneasy, I'd say your academic friends are still negotiating the world of cognitive dissonance. To many people in academics are mentally lazy and focus on their credentials. Those in the medical science sphere, either were uneducated, forgot or ignored the effects of mRNA vaccines in the first decade of this century.
As H.L. Mencken said, " a man can not understand when his income depends on not understanding it."
Great quote. So true. It's both sad and disgusting. The doctors who did have the cajones to stand up and speak their unfiltered thoughts, were silenced by Big Tech, Big Pharma, the U.S. government, and the CDC, AMA, NIH, etc.
Conservatives are less susceptible to all mass psychoses because conservatism is a political philosophy not an ideology, like progressivism. As a reasonable philosophy it accepts the world as it exists and adapts its precepts to that reality primarily by testing them historically.
Progressivism as a utopian ideology rejects the world and human nature as they exist and seeks to mold both into their preconceived notions of what the world should actually be.
The mountains of corpses from the last couple hundred years are predominantly experiments by one ideologue or another trying to squeeze the rest of us into their little heavens on earth.
I think it’s more related to cynicism - a trait shared across the political spectrum - than conservatism.
For me, when I saw the scientific arguments against masks (and for HCQ and ivm) being answered with nothing but ad hominem vitriol and personal cancellation, my bullshit radar started blinking red. Then the same pattern repeated with the jabs. Kory, Cole, McCullough, etc would use science to explain the dangers and Team Fauci would just respond with “safe and effective”. They never countered with facts. Ever.
I knew it was a scam in mid 2020 in England when an academic here claimed that natural immunity didn't work and that the jabs, which didn't even exist at that point, would work differently from and better than natural immunity.
It was clearly sales talk. They were pimping the vaccines, and once I realised that, everything else that was weird fell into place. They'd published a study which showed antibodies dropped in the months after infection, and as Gupta pointed out, everyone in the business knew that. It was deliberately designed to mislead.
As you say, the personal attacks on anyone who questioned their sales pitch were the confirmation that they were in some big joint lie narrative to sell the dodgy jabs.
Perhaps not cynicism, but a pre-existing commitment to and valuing of truth. I'm a person who tends to optimism about people (a trait now sorely tested) and yet, what I cannot accept is being lied to. I pick up on it and refuse to listen to sources that keep lying to me.
I think perhaps there are a lot of people who are okay with a certain amount of lying and have conditioned themselves to keep listening. Some of us aren't naturally cynical, but when lied to, we write off that source as not credible and look elsewhere.
And we gravitate toward truth tellers and can recognize courage and sincerity where we find it. Not because someone told us who to trust, but because we really can tell.
Too many people heard from the media that fascism would come from the right and "saw" what they were told. Others watch for which patterns actually match reality. They aren't fooled because they pay attention, they treasure the truth and so they find it.
Truth always rests with the minority, and the minority is always stronger than the majority, because the minority is generally formed by those who really have an opinion, while the strength of a majority is illusory, formed by the gangs who have no opinion — and who, therefore, in the next instant (when it is evident that the minority is the stronger) assume its opinion… while truth again reverts to a new minority.” --Soren Kierkegaard
The whole thing was just weird from the get-go. When have we ever had a worldwide lockdown and vaccine mandates for something with a 99+% survival rate? Once you determine something's awry, it causes more digging (like why did Twitter ban doctors, why was the word, "Ivermectin" banned, etc.).
I think, too, if you’ve been lied to and manipulated in life and come to realize it, you can start spotting BS more easily. Maybe more people have led pure untainted lives than I realize?! 🤣 Or! Or more people are less prone to self reflection and learning from their past. People like to drown out reality through drugs alcohol entertainment work etc. I like to think I prefer facing what’s in front of me.
I might argue that it'd be worth looking at WHERE the lemmings get their "news" and "information".
I suspect WE (the purebloods) are far, FAR less reliant on the alphabet legacy media for how we remain informed citizens. Alex, Bari, Naomi are not conservatives, so it's not conservatism per se, IMO.
See who gets > 90% of their "news" from the alphabet legacy media, and you'll find most of the Covidiots and vaxx fanatics.
Pure guess on my part, of course. But for years I've subscribed to the belief that the alphabet legacy media are the true cancer among us, that without the corrupt, dishonest, Democrat Party propaganda arm media carrying their water day in and day out, the Democrat Party would be at most a fringe element in American politics.
Kill the media, resurrect America. Kill the media, free America. Kill the media, save the world.
That's what distinguishes "us" from "them", it seems to me: WE don't get our news from the alphabet legacy media; they DO.
But still we come back to, what common factor means some rely on MSM and others eschew it and search more widely for diversity in sources of information.
Laziness. I'll go with laziness. That's a common factor that crosses ideological lines.
Being an informed citizen takes effort, is work. The Covidiots are Covidiots *because* they're lazy. Easier to turn on the boob tube and be spoon-fed than to go online and do one's own due diligence and research.
Perhaps another common factor is rudimentary (at best) critical thinking skills, so Covidiots will be people who are educated in public schools and people who graduated college after, say, 1983, when HOW to think was replaced by WHAT to think in higher education.
Yes I suppose it’s a cost/benefit analysis then make an informed decision. Is the cost of informing yourself greater than the benefit? For some - many - it isn’t. It’s cheaper for them just to go with the flow, do the fun things that require little mental output, then complain about it later when gasoline is $6 a gallon and no food in the shops… and blame others.
For others - seemingly a minority - the benefit is, I think, survival. The urge to make sure what you are being told is in fact best for your future.
"It’s cheaper for them just to go with the flow, do the fun things that require little mental output"
"Give me the vaxx, give me the boosters, I want to go to restaurants and on cruises.
I'll wear a mask, I want to go to restaurants and stores and the park.
I'll stand 3 feet away from - what, CDC says it's 6 feet? - but WHO says 3 feet. Whatevs, "science".
Tell me what to do, master and overlord, so I can "do the fun things that require little mental output."
I'll think about the consequences later...when it'll be too late. But at least I got to eat at that restaurant before my heart attack/stroke/blood clot disabled me for the rest of my life, if I was lucky that it didn't kill me. And I didn't really want to have kids, anyway..."
No, it's more than laziness. I wrote a comment about this above, but I think it is about whether one is committed to listening to truth or not. I was pretty uninformed and most of my news came from NPR until about 2016. I knew to have some distrust of NPR, but thought they were telling enough truth that I could sort out what was real. But when the Russia haox became all they talked about, even though I had access to no good sources to set me straight (laziness, but also a full life as a mom), I suddenly sensed these were lies because I have paid attention to what blatant lies sound like. And these were not subtle ones. These people sounded insincere. It led me on a path to discovering the truth about many things.
Basically I valued truth, but when lies were subtle I could still be fooled. When lies were pushed shamelessly, I caught on and could no longer accept it. We need to inculcate in our children to treasure the truth so that even if they start to be mislead, they can right themselves as they keep aiming towards light.
Yes, but some of us don't. I'd toss out the thought that most of us have had opinions and political affections in the past that put us at odds with the establishment ideology at the time, and have left us permanently soured on the mainstream propaganda media. Critical thinking abilities are more widespread than many of us here allow, but only those of us who *resent* the propaganda have motivation to use it. People who have grown up without that early conflict with authority are not really "rooted", and can be washed away into absolutely anything, depending on what the world around them seems to be telling them.
I'm a traditional liberal (the 70's type). Strong belief in personal liberty and a hefty mistrust of corporations and the state. I think liberalism lost its way.
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!
It's not that conservatives are "resistant", that's the wrong framing. Conservatives are no more or less resistant than any normal person who doesn't care about politics. The actual issue is that progressives are highly susceptible to scientific sounding claims coming from people they perceive as unbiased intellectuals (i.e. academics, public sector bureaucrats). If you assume that anyone who isn't progressive is conservative (a bad assumption) then it may look like conservatives have some sort of special resistance to this stuff, but it's not the case.
So the real question is why are progressives so susceptible to incorrect claims by public sector intellectuals? I posit the following answer: they possess an incomplete mental model of human nature, in which they recognize that incentives distort people's behavior/honesty, but don't correctly generalize that beyond commercial profit. The average progressive is totally open to the idea that people might lie for dollar profits, but the idea that scientists might lie in order to obtain reputation, social status, lab funding or just to exercise power for its own sake simply doesn't occur to them, so they assume it never happens, and therefore if experts say something they don't need to test it against reality.
That's one possible answer, but there are plenty of others. Progressives tend to be people with degrees, often advanced degrees for which they invested large sums of money and time. So they are strongly incentivized to believe that academic expertise is real and powerful. If they accepted that professors could make grievous errors or even worse, deliberately make scientific claims that weren't true, then it would devalue their own qualifications and by extension their own very comfortable position in society.
And finally, to be a progressive is to orient your whole personal identity around the notion of supporting abstract society-level "Progress". In the progressive mindset, Progress is the most important thing, and Progress comes mostly from rational "science" (incl. social science), which in turn comes primarily from universities. If you hear a claim that university research isn't reliable then it's not just your qualification or understanding of human nature that's being attacked, it's your whole identity and optimistic vision of the future. If professors can't be trusted to create Progress, then who can? Not companies, because they only care about their customers at best or their own pockets at worst.
So to accept that the public sector made mistakes or lied about COVID is extremely difficult, because it undermines the pillars around which they built their identity. A very tough pill to swallow at the best of times.
Oh, yes. And having not been helped by the medical establishment because they couldn’t cure something that an alternative remedy knocked out in less than two days. Trust the medical/industrial complex? Not me.
I don't think it's a conservative thing. I saw a poll (in Canada) of the vaccine hesitant and the profile was white liberal 41 yr old women.
My observation is that it's largely people who were slightly distrusting of the medical establishment (or of govt). Every single alternative health practitioner I've seen is unvaxxed ( osteo, naturopath, etc etc).
Not conflating what we feel, what we believe (morals, religion, ethics), what we (think we) know and what we have experienced personally. In a thinking individual, capable of metacognition, these coexists as a (dis)harmonious whole, able to separate and congeal in different permutations both consciously and spontaneously.
In an instinctive individual, who have difficulty with abstract thought, and hasn't developed or is able to use metacognition, these are instead ordered hierarchically in much the same way reflexes trumps conscious thought. So if such an individual is exposed to stimuli which harmonizes with what they feel is right (morally, factually, other), all other processes gets subjugated to the task of enforcing this feeling as true.
There is nothing wrong with those who functions that way, quite the contrary. In a social group, that kind of mechanism is key to keeping the group functioning with a minimum of internal strife and conflict. Objectively to an outside observer, it may well look like psychosis or even madness, but that is because the outside observer is using other metrics than the group.
Meaning that once a group-member (which we all are to some extent no matter what) starts to, for whatever reason, use different metrics than the group, they will either experience such strong dissonance that they immerse themselves even more into the groups core identities, or they will start to question and measure and think more and more until they alienate themselves from the group, becoming its enemy (not by intent, only by being a 'spanner in the works').
Thus the questioner seeks a new group, in the way a stray wolf seeks a new pack. And any group the questioner may find conforms to the original pattern but of a different variety, say for instance less dogmatic beliefs in a given topic or no focus on liturgical/ritualistic practices, or uses a tangible metric (must be this tall/rich/well-endowed/other to participate).
In the real world, we of course belong to many such groups which intersects and flows together and apart with us being the zone of overlap of the Venn diagram of social interactions. Remember, this lump of fat we use to think with has 2 000 000 years of experience in keeping a social group together, but only about 200 years of modern urban society.
Thank you. I hope it doesn't sound pessimistic - the idea is, we are experiencing the very quick change from the last vestiges of our pack/herd-origins to being part of much greater herds than is natural sans technology, and that the process if left alone (wish I could underline that!) will develop smoothly and naturally with very few areas of dangerous conflicts.
The problem being of course that lots of people - again, quite naturally - think and feel in terms of a human lifetime, or even shorter than that, and that makes them force this change to happen in a specific way and within an arbitrary timeframe.
Which is like taking steroids and going on hard keto instead of physical exercise and normal food, adapted to one's specific needs. In short term, it might look good but long term it wrecks the entire system, including destroying future potential.
But on this I remain optimistic. The whole globalist idea of a world citizen is simply the very same herd instinct scaled up, and that's why it will fail.
maybe less conservative than libertarian? i know i don't like anyone to tell me what i have to do. this time, though, it seems very different. i have/had many skeptical intelligent rebellious friends who swallowed the covid bullshit hook, line and sinker. these are/were people who didn't take pharmaceuticals, ate organic, went to alternative doctors and suddenly lost their minds!
my BF sometimes asked "are we wrong?" but i haven't changed. i've never had a mammogram and remember all too well my cousin's wife spending a year in a wheelchair after getting the terrible swine flu shot of 1976. i buy all our food from regenerative farmers, drink raw milk, grow vegetables in our homemade compost and paid extra for an ozone filter in our saline pool.
it would be completely out of character for me to jump on the covid vaccine bandwagon.
i think if the administration had left people alone about the vaccine, the uptake would have been better. as it is, some people desperately wanted it (i know a 26 yr old New Yorker who jumped over old folks to be first in line!), some people took it just because, some people took it resentfully to keep their jobs (we lost ours) and the rest aren't going to take it no matter what you do to them. that's just how it is
It has been said, birds of a feather flock together. Cvd need not apply.
Someone very close to me remarked, "the only problem with having to show proof of vaccines, to see a game at the garden, is that some people will fake them."...so wrong, would rather just not go!!
The smarticles want to make it a political affiliation. If you’re unvaccinated you deserve to die from covid according to them. Maybe the personal characteristic that sets us apart is they’re Godless? We will be analyzing this shot show for years to come trying to figure out why people drank the koolaid and why they drank it for so long and what’s going to bring them back if that’s possible. I liken pharma fed machine to Jim Jones. Drink your cup of spike proteins or Jim’s thugs will force you to. F Joe Biden Jones and his thugs.
I was always apolitical, but more left leaning if I had to choose a side. Bullshit is bullshit, no matter what side it comes from. It took a little while for me to smell it, but once I did, there was no ignoring it.
This also makes perfect sense mechanically. If we assume that the spike protein is cytotoxic and can cause internal damage and inflammation in the bloodstream (which we've proven), then taking the vaccine is always going to cause the vast majority of heart damage rather than the virus. The virus first enters the body in a mucous membrane, nose/mouth/throat/lungs/etc... Mucous membranes have their own separate means of attacking viruses and will delay any virus making its way into the bloodstream by quite a bit. This is to say nothing of the fact that generally when you catch a virus, you're catching it from a very small dose of virus, meaning the virus has to work to manufacture enough virus to cause a real problem in the body, which also takes time.
By contrast, when you get injected with these mRNA shots, you're putting spike protein into your bloodstream immediately, and in uncontrolled reproduction amounts.
Of course the people who take the shots are going to get internal damage those who didn't take it will not have.
And this is how I, in my uneducated and simple mind thought of it. And: how was "one size fits all" approach, with an experimental product, on the global scale going to be a solution? This on the top of lots of other issues, contradictions and inconsistencies.
"sure, vaccines may cause increased risk of myo and pericarditis, but it’s lower than the increased risk of same from having gotten covid."
This will transform into:
"sure, vaccines may cause increased risk of myo and pericarditis, but those to things are treatable, and everyone knows if you're unvaxxed, you'll die of COVID."
BTW... I was pretty much told that by the friend who manages clinical drug trials for Pfizer. She really believes COVID is a death sentence, even though she had it early and never went to the doctor. Anecdotally, she managed some of the COVID clinical trials for Pfizer last year; some of them have had major problems. Not sure if she had any hand in the bad studies, but if there is a reckoning some day, my guess is that lower level minions like her will be punished.
I was cynical of all things Covid a month before the lockdowns began and had a friend from China warn me what was coming. I thought we would handle it the way we did bird flu and other "pandemics" in the past. But this is proof positive you never step in the same river twice.
I get those that say "we just didn't know" how bad/good Covid was going to be, except we did. Lockdowns didn't begin here in the states until March. Covid had already been here for four months, and we never heard stories of people collapsing in the streets. Chances are, if you got sick from November-February of 2019-2020, you had Covid. The default response to this should have been "when in doubt, stay the course."
I can't see it going well. I had close family members who were vaccinated recently and the reason they did it was in order to see a family member who stipulated that as a condition to see him face to face.I don't pity them, but rather empathize for them as they were coerced to do something they really shouldn't have had to do.
Every time I read a comment like yours I'm reminded of The Seekers, a UFO cult in Chicago described in the book "When Prophecy Fails". The cult had predicted that a UFO would come to save the faithful from a catastrophe which would befall the world. Eventually many members accepted that they were delusional and moved on. Others, tho, clung tightly to their faith even after it had been discredited by two failed prophesies with fixed dates. To resolve their cognitive dissonance, these enthusiasts added the idea that their faith had saved the world from the promised disaster.
Given the circumstances of Covidianism and vaxxerism, I expect that believers who cling doggedly to their error will be a much higher percentage of all those who believed the hoax. There is no missing UFO to taunt the chumps about. They didn't state a fixed deadline after which everyone who didn't take a jab would die. Even worse, published data and research is so corrupt that it will be easy to find apparently confirming evidence that the cult was correct.
Even if it weren't a myth it wouldn't matter because the shots don't prevent you from getting covid. So you have to add P(myo from jab) * N shots + P(myo from covid).
Doses vary considerably according to batch numbers. Michael Yeadon showed this with Pfizer documents. (They knew what they were doing). Also the bio distribution of the vaccine spike protein - ovaries, liver, heart, lymph and more.
I am working with a data set, n=60 (literally, they are my colleagues) - all vaxed (control group n=1) most attorneys (trained to detect self-interested testimony, etc); I know of one; 29 yr old attorney diagnosed with a "post covid heart condition" - she seems to have zero insight into other possible explanations. She is avidly pursuing a treatment protocol; has moved to a standing workstation setup; exercise equipment in office, etc (blood clot management) - expensive Pfizer produced blood thinner (Eliquis) no doubt. Very sad; has a 6 yr old child. David Martin is now saying 700 million vax deaths by 2028 (globally).
Thanks for cataloging and chronicling all of this, it's good to see the relevant data broken down.
I personally got very ill from receiving the vaccine (hospitalized, not like I just had the flu), I got it because my workplace told everyone they would be let go if they did not get vaccinated. For the most part I seem to be fully recovered, but it was pretty touch and go for about a month or two. For context, I'm a male in my mid 30's.
My better instincts all told me what the reality actually was, but I went against them anyways. All I can hope now is that there's no long term damage. It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out.
Also, when I did recover and return to the world, it was right around when they were pushing boosters for omicron or whatever else, saying people had to get more shots. That was pretty shameless and when I knew for sure they were trying to turn this into a flu shot instead of a one time deal like the polio vaccine or something.
*Also I'd add that a reason I'm particularly sore is that I had pre-existing underlying heart conditions. If this vaccine caused heart damage then it was particularly dangerous for someone like me and still I was more or less forced to receive it. It makes me feel like I could have died just so Pfizer or Moderna could bump their stock prices or whatever. And not only that, the social ostracization going on for people that raised concerns like this. It's really just disappointing and gross.
Oh hey another case of the truth being the antipode of the claim. Just take whatever they're saying, invert it, and you'll have a fairly reliable indicator of reality.
Once you view this all through the lens of evil propagating itself, the satanic inversion of the Truth is clear. "They lie" is simply insufficient at this point. Particularly given how they have established the same pattern of narrative primacy in the face of observable contrary evidence across multiple sacred cows of their orthodoxy.
Meanwhile, our inability to prove some elaborate "conspiracy" does not negate the fact that our own experience plainly affirms the truth - and thus must be continuously gaslit, drowned out with noise, and silenced through coercive and violent means. All of which further confirms the inversion.
DangerousVariant, whats so disheartening tho is that they get away w/ it, no consequences. They (FDA?) are STILL talking about not trialing anything “new” in “vaccines” coming down the pike. And tons of people still willing to line up for them anyway…. Just last evening a covidiot friend was telling me she’s going to hold off on her FOURTH shot until the new Moderna one comes out this Fall.
The truth is coming out even in medical literature now & it doesn’t seem to matter.
Modernity is rotten with ways to avoid both the Truth and the consequences of avoiding the Truth. We have constructed one of the greatest, most comfortable and bountiful civilizations - upon a spine of blue razzberry jello. Consequences are just not part of the program.
Nor are discomforts. Or paying the costly trade-offs we all confront when the proposition of upholding the Truth visits our own doors.
"Covid" laid bare the truth about our culture's moral hierarchy and preference for comfort, materialism, and distraction over the indictments that might tear down the comforting facades (read: lies) we all propagate, be it explicit or implicit.
Yet even then, most among the awake would lay down their pitchforks and torches to just go back to 2019 and grill. As if "Covid" sprung from the ether. Fact is, there is a great toll to be paid. When the hat comes around most will have suddenly found themselves in the restroom. That's as old as time. Be ready for that.
So, forget the CDC et al, it is "Ordinary Men" who make or break the bonds of this spiritual slavery. Everyone must come to their own reckoning. Most will not choose the Truth. That is indeed hard to watch. Be ready for more of that.
But in those reckonings resides the seeds of consequences of which you speak. Where do we choose to plant and cultivate the Truth? What are we willing to give up to cast off the evil, to bring justice in our own lives? To restore the Truth to its rightful station?
God's justice is not for us here on earth, so desiring evil to meet its just ends on our watch is not just futile but contrary to the grace and faith that is required.
But indeed, man's justice is fickle - and often flawed. It tends to slumber then strike out in fury. So, hold strong and have faith. Chances are the cost of said justice set loose will be its own set of problems for us. Once nature's arbiter is summoned, all bets are off.
Wow that is good. And sounds just like "Live Not By Lies | Rod Dreher & Dr Jordan B Peterson" on YouTube.
what you should do to constrain evil, and that's really what we're talking about in this podcast period, is to take on the
moral burden that produces atrocity in the world onto yourself and solzhenitsyn's advice was you start by not lying
Good men do nothing. They left politics ages ago....
>>> "tons of people still willing to line up for them anyway"
Why is this a bad thing?
At this point, anyone who is lining up has absolutely no excuse except terminal levels of ignorance.
For those people to probability-tilt themselves out of the gene pool makes me happy every time I think about it. A world with fewer flabby-armed Karens (and their imbecilic offspring and cucked husbands) - BLISS.
If it *was* part of a plan, I would buy the planners a beer.
But NO BEER FOR THEM, because this was just a fuckup.
The perps who developed Fauci's Bioweapon were trying to kill-shot China[1] (and Iran); it backfired and their own schlubs started dropping off the twig (although mostly only the really old, really sick ones); they tried an audible ('Warp Speed') and fucked THAT up too.
So this is just typical .gov and .mil incompetence: none of the shit they do is ever fit-for-purpose against a peer adversary.
I used to joke that SARS-nCoV-2 was the Windows Phone of respiratory illnesses; in fact when you see how heavily-resourced the US bioweapon program is, it's more like the F35.
[1] China had three US-authored bioweapon-based attacks in 4 years: swine flu that killed ~40% of their pig herd; avian flu that killed ~50% of their poultry flock... and SARS-CoV-2, which didn't do much because 85-year-old Chinese aren't obese diabetics with COPD.
Wait until the Russians start releasing all the data they've accumulated from the US bioweapons research facilities in 'Ukraine' (aka "Country 404"). It won't change many minds in the Empire of Lies, but the Global South will take notice.
Well, I guess the only thing I can really say is that I still care about some of those family & friend dopes, despite their blindness &/or discrimination of me earlier.
And be careful re the “flabby arm” description. I’m defiantly unvaxed, have had wu-flu probably twice & @ least once (Feb 2020 & Dec 2021), I am 63 AND I have depressingly flabby arms
Sorry, I fail to see what flabby arms have to do with.
And yes, Russians said they'd release those and nothing...
>>> Russians said they'd release those and nothing...
Odd that you would pretend to be able to make declarative statements about what's been 'released', when what you just wrote is DIAMETRICALLY at odds with the facts.
The Russian Ministry of Defence issued "Briefing on the results of analysing documents related to the military-biological activity of the USA in Ukraine" on July 7 2022 on its Telegram channel.
See, for instance:
• https://t.me/mod_russia_en/2627 (link to briefing and documents)
• https://t.me/mod_russia_en/2628 (another link to documents)
... and so on and so on.
Like I said: "It won't change many minds in the Empire of Lies" - mostly because the livestock in the Empire of Lies does not 'forage' for information, but gets it from 'gavage' (like a goose having its liver fattened so that bourgeois sophisticates can have foie gras).
Flabby thinking is much MUCH worse than flabby arms, but the two are pretty highly correlated.
Thank you for the link and thank you for putting me in my place.
My bad, and it wasn't gavage feeding, after all it wasn't forced into me and if anything I came across it in my usual sources. Took it for granted that there would be follow up and I expected it to be big enough to be noticed, how naive of me. I have very limited means of accessing wider sources, hence seeking it, among other places, here. You know, like believing that
we support each other in these crazy times. Flabby thinking and lack of
access to what's available out there doesn't have to be the same thing.
I sure hope you consider the time you've spent on helping me not totally
wasted. But, if I may: your analogy sucks, maybe a good in intentioned but
somewhat flabby comparison.
They don't call it 'herd instinct' for nothing.
The tragedy is that in most herd instances, it's the outliers who get preyed upon, whereas, with the covid jabs, it seems to be the herd that is suffering the predation.
… because it is no longer hidden conspiracy, it is declared policy.
And this might sound simplistic to the uninitiated, but sadly, it's pretty accurate.
It's genuinely disappointing how reliable it is. It's too easy.
Yeah, with them and all the other "Alphabet govt. agencies". Those we used to cite..."According to..., or Per the ... (CDC, FDA, etc...)" as if doing so bestowed credence upon the information cited. Now it has done a 180....warning us "Turn around and run! LIE METER ALERT!". Whenever I hear people stating "FDA approved", I find myself deleting any potential credibility involved, as deception and lies. A lesson they are teaching us.
Brandon's behind-the-scenes "Disinformation Governance Board" does not approve of this message, John. 🤣
why biden wanted a ministry of truth!
today i put 59 bucks in my subaru. my personal record!
let's go brandon
I envy you. We've been crossing the $80 mark on ours! Yeah, FJB.
i said "let's go brandon' out loud as I was shutting off the pump.
not allowed to say that at the house.
$134 here in Florida
Chump change Florida Man! I filled up two riding lawnmowers and four gas cans...it was $137. Ha ha...😉
Okay, I feel bad about my deception. It was non-ethanol gas. 🤷♂️
still painful.
I was lucky last week to find a service station with only 3.98 if you paid cash. Only carried 25 on me but got more than three quarters filled up. Not going anywhere these days, so need only one fill a month !
And that is the goal. They do not want us travelling anywhere. And they want to crash the economy with staggering levels of inflation.
In WA state we are at $6.50 and up a gallon. I have a Sienna it takes $90 to fill up. My work truck is a Dodge Ram. 1/4 a tank in $75
Wow, you must be on the left side of the state! We are currently "only" at about $5.30 in rural NE WA. Insanelee is doing his best to destroy the state.
I spent $100 to fill my Toyota. The difference is I live in California. Under $7 is cheap.
$125 fills the odyssey
I've been gimping around on two to four gallons at a time to stay within my $10-20 fuel budget.
hate to comply with the WEF-desired protocols of driving less, but unless money falls from the sky, I'm stuck.
Off topic. Is there any analysis about the personal characteristics of the unvaxxed? Why are we mostly conservative? What do we have in common? Because we are obviously a different breed.
A self-reliant mindset? Respect for but distrust of human authorities?
Ability to see blatant bullish!t for what it is? Willingness to look at hard realities rather than wish them away?
The better question is “what the hell is wrong with the followers of this crap?”
Common sense still exists. Ability and guts to question authority. We don’t jump off a bridge just because our friends are doing it
Simple explanation, many of them are just downright lazy, both physically and intellectually. They would rather be told what to do than look into things and think for themselves. Doesn't apply to all of course, but definitely most. There are those that are true believers but most just go along as it's the path of least resistance.
It's pretty sad but most people really have turned into lazy slugs. How many people in your neighborhood mow their own lawn or wash their car themselves? This was common behavior fifty years ago. Change their own oil? Don't make me laugh. Look at how many have to call AAA (or some relative) when they get a flat tire as they are too lazy or ill-informed to change a tire. How many people do you know that *never* read? It's shocking to realize just how many there are. Huge chucks of the population have not read a book since high school when they were last forced to.
Couple laziness with a lack of common sense and it's an ugly combination.
I get that. Intellectual lethargy and/or aversion to confrontation. Some people comply just to avoid the possibility of uncomfortable social encounters.
Better to avoid the social encounters than to sink into complicity.
Those I really don't understand are the 'I did it so I can travel on holiday' type.
The question may well become 'But how much travel time do you have left?'
A thoughtful take, I thought. https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/gaslighting-the-psychology-of-shaping-921?r=ydcjg&utm_medium=ios
Also glad you shared. Exploring that writer a bit further was eye-popping.
Hmm, very interesting. Spooky too. :-) Glad you shared this.
Yes, I can imagine that. But I would like to see something more "scientific".
As soon as it is identified, let’s say it’s a genetic thing, the globalists will do all they can to exterminate those bearing the gene. Best not define it too sharply.
I mistrust everything that calls itself scientific these days. I have mistrusted scientific toothpaste for a very long time and guess what, I was right! So who knows what all the rest is !
Agree. And I'm a retired vascular surgeon.
I am acquainted with a scientist or two and their lack of rigour (manifested as a keenness to believe the official narrative) has been an eye-opener.
Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, Jimmy Dore are not conservatives. (Edited to add Bill Maher to the mix, who has been calling BS on a lot of the covid crap and other crap in recent years.) Neither am I. (Yes, conservatives are less susceptible to this particular mass psychosis.)
I think it's about being an honest, independent thinker, having a rebellious or contrarian streak, etc.
There has also been a lot of deception. There are people who saw through all of this from Day 1. I wasn't one of them, but the point is, the ranks of the "awake" at the very beginning were smaller than they are now.
I have some academic colleagues who are very good, kind people, but who were completely taken in by all of this, beginning to be uneasy.
I did not buy into any of the Covid crap! I never stopped traveling, only wore a mask at doctor appts and spoke out about the craziness. I was vilified by my community once they knew I was unvaxxed! It doesn’t feel good to now see what I believed would ultimately happen to the vaxxed!! I’m also conservative. We believe in limited government which is why mainly conservatives understand what has been happening. The more gov’t you have, the less freedoms you enjoy! Not rocket science!
Me too!
From the very beginning, I had a strong intuitive gut-feeling this was all planned. People thought I was nuts. I am even more firmly convinced now that it was all planned to transform the world and usher in the globalists' utopian vision. Imagine all the people....No thanks.
I wonder - and worry, as I know several good, kind people who have been taken into this evil charade, what comes next for them. The path thus far has been for the narrative cultists to double-down, to let loose upon the slippery logic that loops them back into the dissonance again and again.
The true believers aside, there are many who followed the delusion as a function of the moral high ground and high self-regard that progressivism assures (and requires). Others simply trust their doctors or the teevee.
But as the narrative implodes, will the architects offer them an offramp? A means to resolve the dissonance without losing their minds further, knowing now (or eventually) that they poisoned themselves, tortured and poisoned their children, and were party to one of the greatest abuses in human history?
A great and righteous anger will rise. The problem I see is that being susceptible to such delusion in the first place means they are primed to be easily steered to any target of that anger that the architects might see fit. So, while I daydream of heads on pikes, I think its 50/50 whether or not the awakening - if it happens at all, will result in the right heads on pikes. And that's assuming the believers can survive their own awakening without some psychotic break.
I’ve been wondering about that for a long time.
People who are steered this easily can (and probably will be) steered to blame the unvaxed. The people who created this mess aren’t going to just confess, they will need someone else to blame it on....especially if things get worse. And in that case the unvaxed will make perfect targets. Not only did we refuse to get the clotshots, but we also may be unscathed medically. That can be used by the asswipes who started this to blame us for everything ......the vaxxed aren’t going to blame themselves and will be looking for a scapegoats....
If things get bad enough, some of the unvaxed may end up with OUR heads on spikes.....
If they are beginning to be uneasy, I'd say your academic friends are still negotiating the world of cognitive dissonance. To many people in academics are mentally lazy and focus on their credentials. Those in the medical science sphere, either were uneducated, forgot or ignored the effects of mRNA vaccines in the first decade of this century.
As H.L. Mencken said, " a man can not understand when his income depends on not understanding it."
Great quote. So true. It's both sad and disgusting. The doctors who did have the cajones to stand up and speak their unfiltered thoughts, were silenced by Big Tech, Big Pharma, the U.S. government, and the CDC, AMA, NIH, etc.
Conservatives are less susceptible to all mass psychoses because conservatism is a political philosophy not an ideology, like progressivism. As a reasonable philosophy it accepts the world as it exists and adapts its precepts to that reality primarily by testing them historically.
Progressivism as a utopian ideology rejects the world and human nature as they exist and seeks to mold both into their preconceived notions of what the world should actually be.
The mountains of corpses from the last couple hundred years are predominantly experiments by one ideologue or another trying to squeeze the rest of us into their little heavens on earth.
May I add "psychopathic" to "ideologues"?
Observation and common sense.
I think it’s more related to cynicism - a trait shared across the political spectrum - than conservatism.
For me, when I saw the scientific arguments against masks (and for HCQ and ivm) being answered with nothing but ad hominem vitriol and personal cancellation, my bullshit radar started blinking red. Then the same pattern repeated with the jabs. Kory, Cole, McCullough, etc would use science to explain the dangers and Team Fauci would just respond with “safe and effective”. They never countered with facts. Ever.
Is that cynicism or rational analysis though?
I knew it was a scam in mid 2020 in England when an academic here claimed that natural immunity didn't work and that the jabs, which didn't even exist at that point, would work differently from and better than natural immunity.
It was clearly sales talk. They were pimping the vaccines, and once I realised that, everything else that was weird fell into place. They'd published a study which showed antibodies dropped in the months after infection, and as Gupta pointed out, everyone in the business knew that. It was deliberately designed to mislead.
As you say, the personal attacks on anyone who questioned their sales pitch were the confirmation that they were in some big joint lie narrative to sell the dodgy jabs.
Knew when the CDC did not talk about natural immunity that it was all bullshit! Bring back the Gallows
Yes. I think the biggest contributor is shortages of bullshit meters.
Perhaps not cynicism, but a pre-existing commitment to and valuing of truth. I'm a person who tends to optimism about people (a trait now sorely tested) and yet, what I cannot accept is being lied to. I pick up on it and refuse to listen to sources that keep lying to me.
I think perhaps there are a lot of people who are okay with a certain amount of lying and have conditioned themselves to keep listening. Some of us aren't naturally cynical, but when lied to, we write off that source as not credible and look elsewhere.
And we gravitate toward truth tellers and can recognize courage and sincerity where we find it. Not because someone told us who to trust, but because we really can tell.
Too many people heard from the media that fascism would come from the right and "saw" what they were told. Others watch for which patterns actually match reality. They aren't fooled because they pay attention, they treasure the truth and so they find it.
Here's a rule I've always followed: if everyone is saying/doing the same thing; that's when my spidey-sense antenna is at full mast.
I suspect a lot of us are like that
Truth always rests with the minority, and the minority is always stronger than the majority, because the minority is generally formed by those who really have an opinion, while the strength of a majority is illusory, formed by the gangs who have no opinion — and who, therefore, in the next instant (when it is evident that the minority is the stronger) assume its opinion… while truth again reverts to a new minority.” --Soren Kierkegaard
Great quote. Love it. Thanks for the post!
Thou contrarian!
We should start a club.
The whole thing was just weird from the get-go. When have we ever had a worldwide lockdown and vaccine mandates for something with a 99+% survival rate? Once you determine something's awry, it causes more digging (like why did Twitter ban doctors, why was the word, "Ivermectin" banned, etc.).
Not to mention a *frantic* push to get an *experimental* product into every living thing on the planet.
Bullseye. I went along with the narrative until I saw how hard they were pushing the vax. Never seen anything like it.
Yeah that was my breaking point too.
I think, too, if you’ve been lied to and manipulated in life and come to realize it, you can start spotting BS more easily. Maybe more people have led pure untainted lives than I realize?! 🤣 Or! Or more people are less prone to self reflection and learning from their past. People like to drown out reality through drugs alcohol entertainment work etc. I like to think I prefer facing what’s in front of me.
Yes! Some of can't simply accept being lied to. Self reflection and learning from the past may be a key trait.
I might argue that it'd be worth looking at WHERE the lemmings get their "news" and "information".
I suspect WE (the purebloods) are far, FAR less reliant on the alphabet legacy media for how we remain informed citizens. Alex, Bari, Naomi are not conservatives, so it's not conservatism per se, IMO.
See who gets > 90% of their "news" from the alphabet legacy media, and you'll find most of the Covidiots and vaxx fanatics.
Pure guess on my part, of course. But for years I've subscribed to the belief that the alphabet legacy media are the true cancer among us, that without the corrupt, dishonest, Democrat Party propaganda arm media carrying their water day in and day out, the Democrat Party would be at most a fringe element in American politics.
Kill the media, resurrect America. Kill the media, free America. Kill the media, save the world.
That's what distinguishes "us" from "them", it seems to me: WE don't get our news from the alphabet legacy media; they DO.
But still we come back to, what common factor means some rely on MSM and others eschew it and search more widely for diversity in sources of information.
Laziness. I'll go with laziness. That's a common factor that crosses ideological lines.
Being an informed citizen takes effort, is work. The Covidiots are Covidiots *because* they're lazy. Easier to turn on the boob tube and be spoon-fed than to go online and do one's own due diligence and research.
Perhaps another common factor is rudimentary (at best) critical thinking skills, so Covidiots will be people who are educated in public schools and people who graduated college after, say, 1983, when HOW to think was replaced by WHAT to think in higher education.
Yes I suppose it’s a cost/benefit analysis then make an informed decision. Is the cost of informing yourself greater than the benefit? For some - many - it isn’t. It’s cheaper for them just to go with the flow, do the fun things that require little mental output, then complain about it later when gasoline is $6 a gallon and no food in the shops… and blame others.
For others - seemingly a minority - the benefit is, I think, survival. The urge to make sure what you are being told is in fact best for your future.
"It’s cheaper for them just to go with the flow, do the fun things that require little mental output"
"Give me the vaxx, give me the boosters, I want to go to restaurants and on cruises.
I'll wear a mask, I want to go to restaurants and stores and the park.
I'll stand 3 feet away from - what, CDC says it's 6 feet? - but WHO says 3 feet. Whatevs, "science".
Tell me what to do, master and overlord, so I can "do the fun things that require little mental output."
I'll think about the consequences later...when it'll be too late. But at least I got to eat at that restaurant before my heart attack/stroke/blood clot disabled me for the rest of my life, if I was lucky that it didn't kill me. And I didn't really want to have kids, anyway..."
No, it's more than laziness. I wrote a comment about this above, but I think it is about whether one is committed to listening to truth or not. I was pretty uninformed and most of my news came from NPR until about 2016. I knew to have some distrust of NPR, but thought they were telling enough truth that I could sort out what was real. But when the Russia haox became all they talked about, even though I had access to no good sources to set me straight (laziness, but also a full life as a mom), I suddenly sensed these were lies because I have paid attention to what blatant lies sound like. And these were not subtle ones. These people sounded insincere. It led me on a path to discovering the truth about many things.
Basically I valued truth, but when lies were subtle I could still be fooled. When lies were pushed shamelessly, I caught on and could no longer accept it. We need to inculcate in our children to treasure the truth so that even if they start to be mislead, they can right themselves as they keep aiming towards light.
Quite a high proportion have God in common.
Yes, but some of us don't. I'd toss out the thought that most of us have had opinions and political affections in the past that put us at odds with the establishment ideology at the time, and have left us permanently soured on the mainstream propaganda media. Critical thinking abilities are more widespread than many of us here allow, but only those of us who *resent* the propaganda have motivation to use it. People who have grown up without that early conflict with authority are not really "rooted", and can be washed away into absolutely anything, depending on what the world around them seems to be telling them.
I'm a traditional liberal (the 70's type). Strong belief in personal liberty and a hefty mistrust of corporations and the state. I think liberalism lost its way.
John - I'm with you.
What happened to these types of liberals? :
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!
–Mario Savio
I think you are probably right, and I'm not sure why. Of course some libs are in with Team Reality--Joe Rogan, Brett Weinstein, etc.
It's not that conservatives are "resistant", that's the wrong framing. Conservatives are no more or less resistant than any normal person who doesn't care about politics. The actual issue is that progressives are highly susceptible to scientific sounding claims coming from people they perceive as unbiased intellectuals (i.e. academics, public sector bureaucrats). If you assume that anyone who isn't progressive is conservative (a bad assumption) then it may look like conservatives have some sort of special resistance to this stuff, but it's not the case.
So the real question is why are progressives so susceptible to incorrect claims by public sector intellectuals? I posit the following answer: they possess an incomplete mental model of human nature, in which they recognize that incentives distort people's behavior/honesty, but don't correctly generalize that beyond commercial profit. The average progressive is totally open to the idea that people might lie for dollar profits, but the idea that scientists might lie in order to obtain reputation, social status, lab funding or just to exercise power for its own sake simply doesn't occur to them, so they assume it never happens, and therefore if experts say something they don't need to test it against reality.
That's one possible answer, but there are plenty of others. Progressives tend to be people with degrees, often advanced degrees for which they invested large sums of money and time. So they are strongly incentivized to believe that academic expertise is real and powerful. If they accepted that professors could make grievous errors or even worse, deliberately make scientific claims that weren't true, then it would devalue their own qualifications and by extension their own very comfortable position in society.
And finally, to be a progressive is to orient your whole personal identity around the notion of supporting abstract society-level "Progress". In the progressive mindset, Progress is the most important thing, and Progress comes mostly from rational "science" (incl. social science), which in turn comes primarily from universities. If you hear a claim that university research isn't reliable then it's not just your qualification or understanding of human nature that's being attacked, it's your whole identity and optimistic vision of the future. If professors can't be trusted to create Progress, then who can? Not companies, because they only care about their customers at best or their own pockets at worst.
So to accept that the public sector made mistakes or lied about COVID is extremely difficult, because it undermines the pillars around which they built their identity. A very tough pill to swallow at the best of times.
Michael, what you said makes a lot of sense to me, I believe that is an important part of it. Thank you.
Not to mention another unlikely opponent of the craziness, Naomi Wolf.
I imagine knowing someone who was harmed by "safe and effective" drugs in the past is a significant contributing factor.
Oh, yes. And having not been helped by the medical establishment because they couldn’t cure something that an alternative remedy knocked out in less than two days. Trust the medical/industrial complex? Not me.
Yes, big time. Or even read about thalidomide, or DES, or the advice to put babies face down to sleep.
We can make sense of nonsense because we have common sense.
I think that gets to the nub of it.
I don't think it's a conservative thing. I saw a poll (in Canada) of the vaccine hesitant and the profile was white liberal 41 yr old women.
My observation is that it's largely people who were slightly distrusting of the medical establishment (or of govt). Every single alternative health practitioner I've seen is unvaxxed ( osteo, naturopath, etc etc).
Yep! Saw that too and I’m one of em.
Not conflating what we feel, what we believe (morals, religion, ethics), what we (think we) know and what we have experienced personally. In a thinking individual, capable of metacognition, these coexists as a (dis)harmonious whole, able to separate and congeal in different permutations both consciously and spontaneously.
In an instinctive individual, who have difficulty with abstract thought, and hasn't developed or is able to use metacognition, these are instead ordered hierarchically in much the same way reflexes trumps conscious thought. So if such an individual is exposed to stimuli which harmonizes with what they feel is right (morally, factually, other), all other processes gets subjugated to the task of enforcing this feeling as true.
There is nothing wrong with those who functions that way, quite the contrary. In a social group, that kind of mechanism is key to keeping the group functioning with a minimum of internal strife and conflict. Objectively to an outside observer, it may well look like psychosis or even madness, but that is because the outside observer is using other metrics than the group.
Meaning that once a group-member (which we all are to some extent no matter what) starts to, for whatever reason, use different metrics than the group, they will either experience such strong dissonance that they immerse themselves even more into the groups core identities, or they will start to question and measure and think more and more until they alienate themselves from the group, becoming its enemy (not by intent, only by being a 'spanner in the works').
Thus the questioner seeks a new group, in the way a stray wolf seeks a new pack. And any group the questioner may find conforms to the original pattern but of a different variety, say for instance less dogmatic beliefs in a given topic or no focus on liturgical/ritualistic practices, or uses a tangible metric (must be this tall/rich/well-endowed/other to participate).
In the real world, we of course belong to many such groups which intersects and flows together and apart with us being the zone of overlap of the Venn diagram of social interactions. Remember, this lump of fat we use to think with has 2 000 000 years of experience in keeping a social group together, but only about 200 years of modern urban society.
It's like we've added nitro to a moped.
"nitro to a moped" great analogy Rikard. And the whole of the above as well. Thank you.
Thank you. I hope it doesn't sound pessimistic - the idea is, we are experiencing the very quick change from the last vestiges of our pack/herd-origins to being part of much greater herds than is natural sans technology, and that the process if left alone (wish I could underline that!) will develop smoothly and naturally with very few areas of dangerous conflicts.
The problem being of course that lots of people - again, quite naturally - think and feel in terms of a human lifetime, or even shorter than that, and that makes them force this change to happen in a specific way and within an arbitrary timeframe.
Which is like taking steroids and going on hard keto instead of physical exercise and normal food, adapted to one's specific needs. In short term, it might look good but long term it wrecks the entire system, including destroying future potential.
But on this I remain optimistic. The whole globalist idea of a world citizen is simply the very same herd instinct scaled up, and that's why it will fail.
maybe less conservative than libertarian? i know i don't like anyone to tell me what i have to do. this time, though, it seems very different. i have/had many skeptical intelligent rebellious friends who swallowed the covid bullshit hook, line and sinker. these are/were people who didn't take pharmaceuticals, ate organic, went to alternative doctors and suddenly lost their minds!
my BF sometimes asked "are we wrong?" but i haven't changed. i've never had a mammogram and remember all too well my cousin's wife spending a year in a wheelchair after getting the terrible swine flu shot of 1976. i buy all our food from regenerative farmers, drink raw milk, grow vegetables in our homemade compost and paid extra for an ozone filter in our saline pool.
it would be completely out of character for me to jump on the covid vaccine bandwagon.
i think if the administration had left people alone about the vaccine, the uptake would have been better. as it is, some people desperately wanted it (i know a 26 yr old New Yorker who jumped over old folks to be first in line!), some people took it just because, some people took it resentfully to keep their jobs (we lost ours) and the rest aren't going to take it no matter what you do to them. that's just how it is
It has been said, birds of a feather flock together. Cvd need not apply.
Someone very close to me remarked, "the only problem with having to show proof of vaccines, to see a game at the garden, is that some people will fake them."...so wrong, would rather just not go!!
The smarticles want to make it a political affiliation. If you’re unvaccinated you deserve to die from covid according to them. Maybe the personal characteristic that sets us apart is they’re Godless? We will be analyzing this shot show for years to come trying to figure out why people drank the koolaid and why they drank it for so long and what’s going to bring them back if that’s possible. I liken pharma fed machine to Jim Jones. Drink your cup of spike proteins or Jim’s thugs will force you to. F Joe Biden Jones and his thugs.
I was always apolitical, but more left leaning if I had to choose a side. Bullshit is bullshit, no matter what side it comes from. It took a little while for me to smell it, but once I did, there was no ignoring it.
The graphic will continue until morale improves.
Remember, myo/pericarditis is a feature, not a bug. 😏
This also makes perfect sense mechanically. If we assume that the spike protein is cytotoxic and can cause internal damage and inflammation in the bloodstream (which we've proven), then taking the vaccine is always going to cause the vast majority of heart damage rather than the virus. The virus first enters the body in a mucous membrane, nose/mouth/throat/lungs/etc... Mucous membranes have their own separate means of attacking viruses and will delay any virus making its way into the bloodstream by quite a bit. This is to say nothing of the fact that generally when you catch a virus, you're catching it from a very small dose of virus, meaning the virus has to work to manufacture enough virus to cause a real problem in the body, which also takes time.
By contrast, when you get injected with these mRNA shots, you're putting spike protein into your bloodstream immediately, and in uncontrolled reproduction amounts.
Of course the people who take the shots are going to get internal damage those who didn't take it will not have.
Yeah, Jessica Rose had a very vivid and detailed description of precisely this,
And this is how I, in my uneducated and simple mind thought of it. And: how was "one size fits all" approach, with an experimental product, on the global scale going to be a solution? This on the top of lots of other issues, contradictions and inconsistencies.
"sure, vaccines may cause increased risk of myo and pericarditis, but it’s lower than the increased risk of same from having gotten covid."
This will transform into:
"sure, vaccines may cause increased risk of myo and pericarditis, but those to things are treatable, and everyone knows if you're unvaxxed, you'll die of COVID."
BTW... I was pretty much told that by the friend who manages clinical drug trials for Pfizer. She really believes COVID is a death sentence, even though she had it early and never went to the doctor. Anecdotally, she managed some of the COVID clinical trials for Pfizer last year; some of them have had major problems. Not sure if she had any hand in the bad studies, but if there is a reckoning some day, my guess is that lower level minions like her will be punished.
Unfortunately, I know many brainwashed sheeple who buy into the covid myocarditis scam rather than damage from the jabs.
I'm running myself ragged visiting and caring for the hospitalized with serious heart problems but they continue to get more and more vaccinated!
And so glad I never bought into it...
At some point, believing lies is a sign you are lazy and won't do the work to know the truth. We passed that point at least a year ago.
Are you a nurse? Do you do home healthcare?
I was cynical of all things Covid a month before the lockdowns began and had a friend from China warn me what was coming. I thought we would handle it the way we did bird flu and other "pandemics" in the past. But this is proof positive you never step in the same river twice.
I get those that say "we just didn't know" how bad/good Covid was going to be, except we did. Lockdowns didn't begin here in the states until March. Covid had already been here for four months, and we never heard stories of people collapsing in the streets. Chances are, if you got sick from November-February of 2019-2020, you had Covid. The default response to this should have been "when in doubt, stay the course."
lol, no, it's all friends!
Wow, that blows. Do they regret getting the vaccine? Do you talk to them about it?
I say little because it goes like talking politics. I just pity them and hope I'm not completely wrong myself about things.
I can't see it going well. I had close family members who were vaccinated recently and the reason they did it was in order to see a family member who stipulated that as a condition to see him face to face.I don't pity them, but rather empathize for them as they were coerced to do something they really shouldn't have had to do.
Exactly! Your Last paragraph is spot on!
Every time I read a comment like yours I'm reminded of The Seekers, a UFO cult in Chicago described in the book "When Prophecy Fails". The cult had predicted that a UFO would come to save the faithful from a catastrophe which would befall the world. Eventually many members accepted that they were delusional and moved on. Others, tho, clung tightly to their faith even after it had been discredited by two failed prophesies with fixed dates. To resolve their cognitive dissonance, these enthusiasts added the idea that their faith had saved the world from the promised disaster.
Given the circumstances of Covidianism and vaxxerism, I expect that believers who cling doggedly to their error will be a much higher percentage of all those who believed the hoax. There is no missing UFO to taunt the chumps about. They didn't state a fixed deadline after which everyone who didn't take a jab would die. Even worse, published data and research is so corrupt that it will be easy to find apparently confirming evidence that the cult was correct.
And Myocarditis from the jab is more dangerous than Myocarditis from COVID:
There is no myocarditis from Covid. It's a myth.
Was going with the same reply, but spotted yours first.
Even if it weren't a myth it wouldn't matter because the shots don't prevent you from getting covid. So you have to add P(myo from jab) * N shots + P(myo from covid).
Now we will hear stories about myo/pericarditis from Covid jabs is always “mild” and “treatable”.
There's no such thing as mild when it comes to myo/pericarditis!
That's more bullshit.
I know I'm preaching to the choir.
But it's true.
The “vaccines” have more cytotoxic spike protein than the virus.
That's why Myocarditis from the jab is far more dangerous...
Technically the shots don't contain any spike protein. They contain code which causes your cells to make spike protein.
Yet nobody takes the time to figure that out. It's widely available.
Measure twice, cut once
Poison twice, read not an ounce.
Doses vary considerably according to batch numbers. Michael Yeadon showed this with Pfizer documents. (They knew what they were doing). Also the bio distribution of the vaccine spike protein - ovaries, liver, heart, lymph and more.
Agree. Malevolence!
English pro cyclist Lizzy Banks got COVID in February and says it was bad but her vaccination would prevent it from becoming serious.
Come May and she says the COVID has resulted in pericarditis..
So yeah, safe AND effective.
I am working with a data set, n=60 (literally, they are my colleagues) - all vaxed (control group n=1) most attorneys (trained to detect self-interested testimony, etc); I know of one; 29 yr old attorney diagnosed with a "post covid heart condition" - she seems to have zero insight into other possible explanations. She is avidly pursuing a treatment protocol; has moved to a standing workstation setup; exercise equipment in office, etc (blood clot management) - expensive Pfizer produced blood thinner (Eliquis) no doubt. Very sad; has a 6 yr old child. David Martin is now saying 700 million vax deaths by 2028 (globally).
At a particular and notable point in the human experience, it will not be merely the pantaloons of these servants of darkness that combust.
Thanks for cataloging and chronicling all of this, it's good to see the relevant data broken down.
I personally got very ill from receiving the vaccine (hospitalized, not like I just had the flu), I got it because my workplace told everyone they would be let go if they did not get vaccinated. For the most part I seem to be fully recovered, but it was pretty touch and go for about a month or two. For context, I'm a male in my mid 30's.
My better instincts all told me what the reality actually was, but I went against them anyways. All I can hope now is that there's no long term damage. It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out.
Also, when I did recover and return to the world, it was right around when they were pushing boosters for omicron or whatever else, saying people had to get more shots. That was pretty shameless and when I knew for sure they were trying to turn this into a flu shot instead of a one time deal like the polio vaccine or something.
*Also I'd add that a reason I'm particularly sore is that I had pre-existing underlying heart conditions. If this vaccine caused heart damage then it was particularly dangerous for someone like me and still I was more or less forced to receive it. It makes me feel like I could have died just so Pfizer or Moderna could bump their stock prices or whatever. And not only that, the social ostracization going on for people that raised concerns like this. It's really just disappointing and gross.
It's all smoke and mirrors. Isn't monkeypox symptoms indistinguishable from shingles, and shingles is a major known side effect of the clot-shot.
Yeah but
it would have been worse if you hadn’t been vaccinated science is real men can get pregnant