Okay, now here’s where we take that ball and run all the way to our victory lap with it.

Start using “VAIDS,” and people will automatically associate AIDS with the vaccines, and voìla, we’ve circumvented a year’s worth of pro-vaxx propaganada with a single flick of framing.

PSA: For anyone who’s interested, the Washington State Board of Health is meeting today (1/12/22) (https://sboh.wa.gov/Meetings/MeetingInformation/2022/January12Online – see the call-in instructions if anyone wants to listen in) about the involuntary detention of dissidents in isolation camps and the mandatory injection of schoolchildren—or at least that’s what appeared to be slated for discussion before they issued a statement about misinformation and the agenda items were subsequently clarified. Perhaps the misunderstanding was for the best as it triggered a tidal wave of public comments, including my own, which I published here:


Thanks to Mike Yeadon (https://t.me/robinmg/13847), Steve Kirsch (https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-washington-state-board/ and https://twitter.com/stkirsch/status/1480779695578750981), Clif High (https://twitter.com/clif_high/status/1480691150440648705), and hundreds of others sharing my letter, it has now circumvented the globe and helped raised awareness about creeping COVID totalitarianism.

I have subsequently created a generic version of the letter (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-governing-body) people can share and adapt for their own boards, legislators, policymakers, etc. to combat any legislation/policies related to mandates, quarantining, vaxxports, and any other ludicrousness related to and purportedly justified by Almighty COVID.

I encourage everyone to wield these tools to combat tyranny in their own respective states and nations.

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Hard pass ... dunk away. The malfeasance of supposed scientists and medical professionals as they cowered to political pressure and "woke" trends needs to be punished endlessly until they admit their errors and ask for forgiveness. These people instituted policies and practices that led to an increase in all cause mortality that was NOT attributable to the virus. They killed people. They need to suffer for that.

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The WHO is backing off on boosters too, per Alex Berenson's most recent Substack.

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Are any other paid subscribers getting duplicate el gato emails since signing up? Or is it just me? Not that I mind getting twice the snark and twice the data. Just curious.

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TBH I'd rather see you alley-oop these MFs.

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So what is their plan? If the shot loses efficacy after a matter of only months...what's the point? What happens to all of the passports?

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Ignorant fascist is ignorant?

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hahahahaha! 😆

(then suddenly remembers the "VAIDs" part)


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Sig Gato Malo: just to let you know. The last few times I have clicked on ‘Like and comment’ at the bottom of your emails I get, ‘ {"error":"Post not found"}’

So I have to come to the site by other means.

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