LOL… I should thank this guy as I’d missed some of these stacks. Great service he has provided to all of us!

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That’s just what I thought. I might tweet him a thank you!

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A lot of people did 😆

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Good idea; “thanks for the list sir”

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Or ma'am. Depends on how he/she/it is identifying today.

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Ditto! The Left never learns. Ahh, and now I get el gato malo's reference to the Streisand Effect, which I didn't know until I just looked it up.

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Yes, the Streisand Effect makes information go "dashing through the snow..." (Reference to her Christmas album.)

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Yea, Babs gets around.

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So funny. I was pleased with the numbers of authors I already subscribed to. And more to check out! AND most especially happy to know that we might be quiet, contemplative, READERS, but we are here and most likely growing in number. Ahhhhh. Nice.

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Admit it, you are part of the unruly mob that thinks free speech means anyone can say anything and everyone else is free to listen or not at their will. That unruly mob that asks questions, doesn't blindly follow The Party doctrine, that even dares to form opinions on your own! Part of the insurrection!


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Happy to note that I had found all the good ones.

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Yea! I added those links plus some additional ones in comments pinned at the top of https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/community-covid-resources/comments?s=w so I can reference them more easily! ;)

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All that guy did was give me a list of new authors to look up - hadn’t heard of most of them

*thumbs up*

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Precisely my response as well! Just a few of the red ones were new to me. As a courtesy, he could have made them hyperlinks or text - but it's a blob - you have to key in the substack sites.

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Yea! I added those links plus some additional ones in comments pinned at the top of https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/community-covid-resources/comments?s=w so I can reference them more easily! ;)

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Thanks for the great effort making the hyperlinks. Bookmarked an tweeted. Sent to my private group of Nextdoor refugees.

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This is of course the problem of trying to control when you don't really have the ability to control. Of course the solution is to give an elite few total power to control the entire internet so that those disruptive authors can be blocked absolutely!

Which is why we have a federal bureau of misinformation and now an international equivalent about to be sanctioned. We must stop this ridiculous notion that "free speech" can exist without oversight by the benevolent lord high rulers!

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And don't forget - I could be wrong, but pretty sure - Substack runs on AWS - Amazon Web Services ... the actual servers and storage devices that every Substack word and image resides on is controlled by Jeff Bezos

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I cannot begin to express my disappointment that Gatito Malo Malo is so low on the nefariousness list. Must. Try. Harder.

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Sadly many of us who were tweeting out his 'stack also got banned.

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I’ve never had Twitter as I am a FB die hard (as in I find something I like and stick with it--razors, tampons, toothpaste), but even there I can tell most of my substack shares are shadow banned. Zero engagement. But I still have an account, so I’m walking a fine line.

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I too am a non-Tweeter. I've never held any interest in Twitter. No particular reason, just never paid much attention. Well, not until the Musk insurrection. Now it's interesting. Still not a member, but having fun watching the dictatorial zealots implode.

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I would rather have had him buy out reddit and fire the pedophiles. A girl can dream...

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Just shadowbanned?? Mine get me Restricted and jailed ...try harder. 😆

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Ha ha yeah I haven’t managed that at all ever. It’s hard to explain. Like I’m such a loser they just don’t care?

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I don't know what shadowbanned means. I FB but haven't been jailed or restricted (yet). I generally steer clear of politics because many of my FB friends and followers are devote believers in The Party and I'd rather post pictures of my dog.

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ain't nothing wrong with that--maybe it gives you more clout than I have when you do talk about weightier matters. Shadow banned means they leave up my posts, but don't show them to anyone. They don't come up in a newsfeed--only if you come to my page and look for them. It's kinda cruel in a way. As if you are not allowed a voice if you do not play by the rules. When the rules are not the same for everyone. I fukin hate Calvinball players.

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I just spam message almost all of my contacts through messanger. I don't care what they think and there's no shadowbanning at that level.

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Reminds me of a joke someone posted on FB: Why old guys don't get hired by politically correct high tech companies:

Interviewer (young and perky): so what is your biggest weakness?

Old guy: My honesty

Interviewer: I do not think honesty is a weakness!

Old guy: I don't give a rip what you think.


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haha! love it!

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SO your the Mongolian princess that wants to meet me so badly ;-).

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May 14, 2022Edited
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That will be gifted to you by a Nigerian Prince if you just sign over your bank information...

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I like your style! I’ve thought about it a few times, but it seems utterly futile and costly. I just haven’t had the balls to do it yet. Maybe one day.

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I got off fb and just stayed on messenger. Fb was making me too mad! I was sharing stacks but yeah little to no engagement. And I know I was getting shadowbanned. I like the idea of spamming people in messenger. Gotta get the guts!

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Here is an example of a typical fail when I try to engage in reasoned discussion of politics on FB: Everyone was ranting about the "leaked draft decisions" on RvW as if the evil "rethuglicans" would be roaming the street running over women with gasoline powered SUVs. So I posted a simple thought: Having read chief justice Roberts's statements on the document (not a draft, not something "voted in secret" ..not any of what it has been reported to be) I suggested as far as I could tell the oft repeated report (that originated with AP and was repeated verbatim by most every other outlet) might be wrong, and maybe you should read it for yourself and believe your own eyes. The angry responses included links to NYT, WaPost, CNN, etc... in other words more sources repeating the same AP story verbatim. This is why I post pictures of my shoes when traveling and my dog when home :-).

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Yeah I'm my body my choice all the way and have been for decades, so it's a nice cover to stir the pot. But most people have stopped coming into my kitchen, so it didn't have much impact. Plus people seem to like getting riled up for nothing these days. Certainly don't seem to care about basic human rights eroding left and right. Weird. I wonder what makes them do that?

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To your point it’s good to share! Spread the word. And if a subscription can help out some good cats and dogs even better. :)

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Not too cold, not tooo hot. Jus’ right!

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I think it reflects a lack of commitment...🤷‍♂️

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As a whole egm plus comments are just right! 💯

Some larger stacks so many comments that just get glossed over.

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Dang! Now you make me get serious. I agree. I tend to read through the comments because they contain gems to be mined.

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Don’t get too serious.



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This is a logical conclusion. I’m really not sure what I’m doing right, or wrong. I feel like friends have been jailed for less. I guess I’m such small potatoes no one really cares. No one sees it anyway. Everything I say is lost in the wind. 😔

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Buck up Steph! I have full confidence in your ability to willingly go to FB jail, or Twit oblivion. Keep posting memes. They require thought, and that scares them to death. You will be banned before you can wipe the tears of laughter from your eyes.

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Thanks for the encouragement to up my game! I’ve always been an article sharer, from since before times. One of the reasons I prefer FB. Not many people would read or respond back then either. Memes are definitely the way to go.

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The cognitive dissonance required to "fight autocracy" and silence peaceful, highly intellectual debate still fascinates me, even after losing all faith in humanity years ago.

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Goes along with my personal mantra…I hate people!

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Takes a lot of energy/ hate to keep negativity high!!

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Fortunately, I start each day with a hearty breakfast of black coffee and smoking.

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Same here but augmented with a country ham biscuit and the smoke is a nice cigar....

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I'm trying to lose weight, or I'd be right there with you.

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May 13, 2022
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I'm American but my heritage is half Danish.

I could subsist entirely on bacon, and Bulleit is my absolute favorite brand. But no booze in the house as my husband is in recovery, and I'm in the process of starving myself to a better me, so bacon is for dinner only. :)

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I find fresh eggs with bacon on toast to be quite a wonderful "breakfast for dinner" item. ;)

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You're making me hungry again! Stop it! 😉😋

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I've been cooking for too long. It always comes back to food for me.

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I've been eating for too long. It always comes back to food for me. 😉😂

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BLT's. YUM!!!

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I admit feeling a little burst of happiness when I see a visitor coming directly from Twitter, because it means that SOMEBODY is out there sharing my stuff and ensuring it gets out.

As far as the anti-vaxx 'misinformation' tags, isn't it weird how they aren't actually able to disprove the underlying claims and instead just call us names? (Not really, this has been the MO for a while)

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Yeah, one of my tweets to that clown was to ask him to rebut the "disinfo", not just call it "disinfo." 'course we all know that'll never happen, but at least the challenge is out there for others to see and maybe think to themselves, "Yeah, why doesn't he rebut them? Why does he just call them names?"

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I had just started waking up to the vaccine BS and finally started looking into the rest of it and happened across an article that listed all the “conspiracy theorists” ruining the consensus in our country. And for a split second I thought, oh no, so all these people saying things that make total sense are actually losers? And I should ignore them? And the next second I thought, but where’s the evidence? It’s just he said she said and the person slinging mud here is not the person with actual arguments, so I’m gonna get back to listening to people who make fucking sense! That meme where the cartoon gets pushed over the line to the other side? That was me.

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You’re spot on on so many things. Thank you! And appreciate you taking the hit to interpret the ramblings of the big guy. :)

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I certainly appreciate the recommendation list from Señor Norteño! I didn't realize Graham Linehan was on Substack, for example. I'll check out the others when time permits.

Exciting to see James Roguski is getting so much traction. He is doing a tremendous service with his #StopTheWHO efforts. We've both joined forces with the World Council for Health to #StopTheAmendments, #StopTheTreaty, and #StopTheWHO. Below are a few posts for those who want to learn more and help us #StopTheWHO!

• "Letter to the US HHS Office of Global Affairs" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-us-hhs-office-of-global)

• "Letter to the WHO" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-who)

Check out the announcements section for resources at the end of these posts:

• "Dialogue with a Curious Injectee" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-a-curious-injectee)

• "Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

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ma’am love your input, research. on my list!

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Graham Linehan was banned from Twitter for questioning a gender identity ideology hardly anyone believes in, but which has become influential in certain powerful institutions. He states the real reason Joe Rogan gets attacked is because he also questions said ideology. Not sure if Graham does really believe this, that particular battle being the thing he is so deeply engaged with, or whether he wants to avoid dividing his subscribers by admitting it's really more covid-related.

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Good point. I think Graham probably believes that because he is so myopically focused on that issue (an important one, admittedly; Derrick Jensen has taken similar flack for touching that third rail). I don’t know how cognizant he is of the COVID lies but hope he wakes up if he isn’t already.

Whatever the case, he’s up by a few thousand points just for having created “Black Books,” “The IT Crowd,” and “Father Ted” 😁

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We just found a lawyer--in Canada no less--who'll sue an employer for firing The Dirty. They weren't around 6 months ago. Something's changed.

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This is fabulous! Congratulations!

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Yayyyy 👏👏👏👏👏

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I would like to thank them for publishing this.

Now I can see which substack authors I am missing and should subscribe to :)

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Be sure to add Coffee and Covid to your essential reading. Wicked sense of humor and great info. Winning Combo! https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/

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Coffee&Covid is a great substack. It's by a lawyer who fights the covid tyrants. He puts out a blog every morning!

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My thought too. When I win lotto I will even be able to afford full subscriptions and read every one.

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I'm subscribed to most of the Orange accounts and in a few minutes I'll be subscribed to all of them. Also that color was most definitely chosen because... wait for it... "Orange Man Bad!"

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Ha ha I didn’t think that, it just seemed to scream HAZARD! But maybe you’re right!

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I love it when people help animals! They do so much nasty shit to other people...

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As an actual data scientist, meaning a longtime lab scientist who has turned his attention to data related scientific problems in industry, I almost always detest anyone who loudly declares themselves a data scientist. Usually they have modest modelling skills, maybe from a master's degree, can absolutely not hack the mathematical foundations of statistics, and want to appear as the voice of "the science" for reasons of online clout. These people have made me embarrassed to call myself by my rightful professional title and I just refer to myself as an R&D scientist so thatist. people know I am an actual trained scient

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I'm in the same boat as you. When people ask what I do, I usually just say "I analyze data".

I too occasionally come across people (typically job applicants) who took an online course or two, and have figured out how to run some canned analysis or visualization code, but who lack analytical insight. This Norteno seems like the type, pointing out clustering in a graph layout with an apparent insinuation that it means something sinister. Then along comes somebody like gato, who has truck loads of analytical insight, and suggests a highly plausible explanation that slays whatever point he was trying to make.

People like that don't get hired. At least not by a company who wants competent analysts.

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The first thing a scientist learns is that correlation does not imply causality. There must be a plausible mechanism, and some sort of strong supporting information, to say "A causes B." Most often, it ain't there.

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The more math I studied in college, the more math I realized I didn't actually understand. And that was at a Masters level in structural engineering, we had to have a fair bit of statistics understanding. Guy is a psuedo-intellectual clown.

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Love this! And I tweeted it with the caption: “ How wonderful! I found a bunch more awesome substack writers to follow! ” 😁😁😁

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Wow. I love how someone can claim that something is disinformation or misinformation without supporting their accusation with any evidence.

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"The DGB says so."

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To be fair, it doesn't matter as neither really exist. The data is either factual or non-factual. 'Mis' or 'dis' is simply an indication (of their concern) that you might interpret said data in the wrong way (i.e not theirs). Accusations are the bread and butter of wokies. Covid wokies are just another variant.

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Great cat pic!!! We should talk sometime. I emailed you my phone number

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Holy cats, more powerful forces converging! 💥 💥💥

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I was mentally formulating a comment as I reached EGM’s: “isn’t it curious how the “truth” of one side is so fragile that it cannot be allowed to be challenged and yet the “disinformation” of the other so robust that it constantly invites engagement and refutation and yet seems to remain standing?”.

So I don’t need to comment now.

And another thing…

The twitterarti (President of the Truth Ministry) has decided that Twitter should allow amendments to tweets, like Wikipedia which is never wrong. But only by people who are authorised and do never wrong. What could possibly go wrong? Warning: nausea ahead: https://video.reclaimthenet.org/articles/jank-vid-2.mp4

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Hmmm... maybe that's where the definition of 'janky' came from 😎


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I can't watch it. It's too ugly in mind and body. 🤢🤮

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And it's all about to take an even more surreal turn as this whack-job-crack-pot Nina Jankowicz wants the power to edit Tweets for 'context'.

Here have a look. Warning if you click the video it will reveal cringe:


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Holy shit that’s bad. 💩

I’ll try to read the piece later, but the headline is cringe for sure!

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We are on the same page of the same book in the same library.

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