The most impressive intel psyop was convincing the libs into thinking they’re all on team reeeesistance together. Then again the libs aren’t all that bright...

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Lucky the FBI and CIA have all us independent thinkers here on Substack. All in once place so there is less work for them to monitor us all!

They clearly financed Facebook and probably Twitter. What about Substack? Or have I just blasphemed?

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by el gato malo

Thank you for so eloquently articulating what many of us have been thinking for some years now.

I agree with your thesis that razing the “security apparatus” is imperative -- it can’t be fixed.

But I would not stop there: name one federal agency whose existence hasn’t become an end in itself. Education? Don’t make me laugh. Ok well then how about the SEC? Now that’s a shakedown operation if ever there was one. Energy? Commerce? Housing? “Public Health”? They’re all the same smash-and-grab operation simply with different coats of paint.

The bow has slipped below the waves, so who wants to be captain?

Man the lifeboats and scupper the hulk.

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Another fantastic read from Gato Pal. '20 was my red pill moment and prior I was aware of intelligence agency scandals and the Oliver Stone JFK work, believing those things in the past and deserving of skepticism. Like most things pre '20, I completely underestimated the pervasive nature and reality of what it means for all of us. My dad was a graduate of a top journalism school and spent his whole career as a news anchor with science reporting interests. I'm a GenXer that grew up playing in news rooms. My dad passed in '21 and never recognized what was going on even in the media for himself - he was so ingrained in his own left leaning personal biases. As all this comes to to the collective awareness, the alphabets will just continue wielding power and too many people will go along believing it only conspiracy theories - because it indeed is so ridiculously wild and evil. Just finished podcast interview with author of a book on the NYT history. Where do we go from here?

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My question is Why Now? Why are all these things now just being acknowledged? Our biggest problem here is we do not follow our Constitution. That law has been on the books for centuries. And then there are also those who say there is no God. Well, we are now seeing the fruit of that false statement in the degenerate behavior of those who tell us that too. What happens next? I have no idea. But the large intestines and colon of this country and much of the world is growling like Krakatoa Volcano before it blew its top. LOOK OUT BELOW.

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I wrote this last weekend:

“We are facing times that feel more fraught than any I remember. Like waves of toxic sludge, the technocratic horror rolls down, white-coated and masked, dead-eyed grinning and unfettered by human feeling. It is the long fetch of disease that has been growing bloated on the accumulated travesties of the modern past, metastasizing beyond nightmare proportions. How easy it would be to despair in this moment!

But is it disease, or is it healing?

If I had a wand to wave, a magic plaster to silence the mouths and pens from which this darkness flows, would I use it? Would I stop this process of monstrous revelation?

I would not. All of these impulses of control and destruction that we are seeing are not new. They are buried deep in the psyches of all of us; any of us who have ever had a moment of wishing that the world could be remade to our specifications contains the seeds of this. Seeing it revealed in its hideous march wakes us up and reminds us that what we are facing is within as well as without.

When I was lying in my hospital bed in terrible pain, I remember asking of my illness (for it was mine, custom made for me, specially designed to call forth the dragon and demand my courage in its face), “What are you asking of me? How can I help you so that we both get what we need before you kill me?”

I find myself asking that question again, except, instead of a physical hurt that I can hold in my hands, it is an existential pain that threatens to drown me. And I know, more deeply than I’ve known anything since those dark moments in that hospital bed, that it is here to help me heal, to demand that I heal. Its face is deceit and a maniacal, anti-human world where people are considered a liability, a cancer, something to render miserable and subordinate.

If that is the mirror, then my deepest imperatives are truth and love. How honest can I be with myself, with others? How open can I be to the humanity with which I am surrounded? How surrendered can I be to the great current, that I trust enough to act when I am shown right action?

The portal is open. The moment of healing is here.”

The structure itself is the disease. Our only hope is that the money dies and we the people stay ahead of the demagogues with a better offer and better leadership for a peaceful and productive society. This whole disaster is baked in; as Spooner told us, the Constitution either enables it or fails to prevent it. I would go with the former, although I’m not sure they knew that.

We HAVE to build parallel societies. When they crush us and grind us down we have to dust ourselves off and get back up. There needs to be something light-filled to enter the vacuum of the coming chaos, or people will beg for more of the same. The majority of people you ask have no problem with these agencies because they still believe they only target bad guys. That is so deep in the marrow that nothing other than the physical inability of the alphabet soup to function will end it.

And I have hope.

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It’s even worse than you might think.

There is no authorization in the Constitution for a Federal Police Force. Which is what the FBI has become.

There is a reason for that. The Constitution specifies exactly what are to be considered ‘Federal Crimes’. Those are very few in number, treason and counterfeiting, being the most recognizable.

The framers did not believe a Federal Police Force to be necessary or warranted.

I would argue that the FBI is not just a rogue agency, totally out of control, it is unconstitutional on its face. It was unconstitutional on the day it was formed, and remains so today.

And while we are on the subject, 99% of the Federal Criminal Code is also unconstitutional. Unless the crime was specified in the Constitution, it cannot be a Federal Crime.

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Mint Press ran a great investigative piece earlier this year, naming names of various 'assets' who'd moved into the social media companies. It explains why that whole "TikTok is a national security threat and we are considering banning it" thing just went away quietly. Instead of shutting down such a powerful spying and propaganda tool, they just stuffed it full of spooks and started using it too.


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The DC three letter agency disease. And I mean every one of them.

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This is what explains the unyielding allegiance to Trump by a faction of people and it is understandable why. Trump has A LOT of flaws (paving the way for Fauci to terrorize us for three years running is a horrendous pock mark) but he has stood up to the "intelligence community" and that fiend Schumer gleefully described that revenge was coming...and what have we seen since?

There are so many outrages with respect to "Trump/Russia" and the subsequent bullshit impeachments but look no further than the first 100 days of Trump's presidency. The DC establishment knew there was nothing to "Trump/Russia". It was absurd on its face (if Trump really was in cahoots are you telling me our NSA/surveillance state did not have the goods and would have figured out a way to get said evidence into the proper hands to take Trump out?) and yet despite the absurdity, the GOP part of the DC mafia went along with the charade. You expected that out of the democrats but the GOP? Mitch and his thugs KNEW it was bullshit but they all wanted President Pence in the spring of 2017. Pence was part of the controlled and controllable DC gang and Trump was not.

It is a crying shame that it was Trump that broke through and shocked the world and not Ron Paul but part of me pulls for Trump despite his warts. The man has balls and he did try to expose some of this even if he was not up to the task.

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Read the description of Operation Northwoods, then think about the last 60 years.


The plan was rejected by Kennedy, a bona-fide war hero who promptly had his head blown apart in front of his wife in Dallas TX, for the crime of loving the American people.

This what we are up against.

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reading suggestion for anyone with the time to do so - to see the start up history of the CIA read a) Poisoner in Chief and b) Devils Chessboard ... roots of the tree started off horrible

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Where do we go from here? Not violence - that’s their game and they are salivating at the thought of us trying it. Begin today creating community w everyone in your vicinity (hint: quit using divisive derogatory terms) and parallel systems. Grow food! Learn skills : wiring, mechanicing. Relearn primitive ways of staying alive that don’t rely on systems that can fall apart or be turned off look for role models Amish for example and learn what you can NOW

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Intelligence agencies are all powerful but they are themselves subservient to global imperial interests. Empire rules directly through the Deep State. That means the nominal government is just a facade left standing to fool us into believing we still have the Constitutional Republic. Republic is long gone. There are no checks and balances; there is no oversight. Everything is subverted and controlled by “GlobCap”, “Mr. Global”, call you what you want. We live within a criminal enterprise. If you have any doubts, read Whitney Webb’s latest book in two volumes.

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022

"The function of hegemony is to transform ideology into culture, into a "world view" that is seen as "normal" and "natural" by everyone from the controlling classes to the subordinate classes. Today, the major means of establishing the hegemony are the mass media"

- Rupert Woodfin

I think this quote explains why the relationship between the media, the state and the Intel Communities are circular, symbiotic and incestuous.


IMO this is why they are censoring and crushing dissent.

We live in perilous times.

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One problem with the CAPTCHA meme. America is a republic not a democracy. There is a huge difference. In a republic the rights of the individual come first. A democracy sells itself as "for the greater good", when in fact it is just a small cabal at the top getting rich off the backs of the proles.

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