I am sharing this article with a lot of people. In addition to addressing the disgrace of school closures and the harms done to children, it covers some very basic principles of interpretation of statistical data and the big problem of PCRs, that "experts" have chosen to ignore for a year.

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Will people ever be able to look back at this last year ( now going on 2) and actually think ANY part of these horrible decisions by inept people who get to call the shots, helped , are helping or did anything at all, for anyone? When will they wake up. I bookmark and share most of your articles. They are golden and need to be for all to see.

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This breaks my heart. Honestly. I am fortunate to live in a state with mainly in-person or hybrid (50% in school) learning until a few months ago when all students went back full time with no testing. That said, I am profoundly saddened by what is occurring elsewhere. What I don't understand is, where are the parents? Why aren't they protesting? I have been emailing all the data I can to my school board about getting rid of masks...I can't imagine if the kids weren't in school. That is criminal. Truly criminal And no one is doing a darned thing about it. Where is everyone? I have lost faith in my fellow Americans.

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It's shameful stuff. My 5-year-old was supposed to start kindergarten this year but with the restrictions (all-day masking, etc.) there was no way I was sending him into that dystopian nightmare. Thankfully my circumstances allow for this as I know not everyone can. This is in Florida, by the way, which is supposed to be fully free. Unfortunately it is not.

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Good to see you back around, though I miss your tweets.

I just spent some time looking for state or Federal criteria for a complete return to normal.

There aren't any. Every layer of government is assuming that Covid restrictions, at some level, are to be a permanent fixture in American life, no matter what.

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My town in NH has been full time in person school, sadly with masks, since Sept. One shut down two weeks before Christmas break, I do not recall the excuse. The town my Grandkids live opened my second graders for 2 days per week in Mar 2021. Her sister opted for Parochial school to be in person. That school had some kids' quarantine "as precaution" but no shut downs. It has been 'political' here in my state!

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I can't believe the child abuse continues. I thought this would be the point that people stood up.

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the issues with pcr testing seem well documented, i have seen considerably less written though regarding antigen/rapid testing.. are these the same thing just with different names? a friend of mine tested positive with the antigen test and then negative with the pcr, he had only minor sniffles.. the doctor told him the antigen test was more likely to produce false negatives so his positive was probably more accurate than the negative pcr, but this screams of bullshit to me. can you share any information about antigen testing..? i’m purely curious.

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Epidemics are seldom reparatory.

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Closing schools forever? That actually sounds good to me as a libertarian and a youth rights supporter. I see disruption of the authoritarian school system as the silver lining of the admittedly very dark cloud of lockdowns.

You know that feeling you get when you see your fellow libertarians support the tyrannical nonsense of the past year? I get a similar feeling when my fellow libertarians ignore or rationalize the various ways that people are systematically taught to submit to arbitrary authority in the first two decades of life: compulsion-based schooling, tyrannical parenting, etc. And then we wonder how our fellow adult citizens became so sheepish.

If you think the next generation is doomed to illiteracy without compulsion-based schooling, you're apparently unfamiliar with the successful experiment in youth rights that is the Sudbury Valley School and its many imitators around the world, where children teach themselves reading, writing, arithmetic, and many other subjects on their own initiative. Children and adults participate on equal footing in the school's democratic process, which makes me wonder why we need a minimum voting age. Youth rights is not a utopian pipe dream like Marxism. It's a proven, replicable success. Facts are stubborn things.

I'm about to turn 49, and I'm still not convinced that the correlation between age and wisdom is strong enough to justify any discrimination under the law based on age. Therefore, I support the agenda of the National Youth Rights Association:


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In the screenshot of the Moderna study one of the conditions is “positive for SARS-COV-2 by RT-PCR.” Is that different from the regular PCR tests you’re referring to that they don’t use as acceptable measures?

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It is the same test. The point is that in the Moderna trial they used tha criteria of "Positive RT-PCR" ONLY in subjects with clinical symptoms of the disease. In sick people, the test helps confirm the diagnosis. In asymptomatic people, most positive results are false positive. It is a principle of Epidemiology... The "experts" managing the epidemic should know this.

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Ah duh, thank you for the clarification

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Sure Jake. You ok.

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Brilliant. Many thanks for pointing out this horryfying misconception that has turned the lives of children in nothing less than hell. Even in my country The Netherlands where childeren used to score among the happiest on the planet. It's frankly unbelievable that even after a year so many adults (including professionals in educational settings) act solely upon panic and fear.

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Brilliant and eviscerating as usual. But I don't really understand the benefit of maintaining the charade. Pre-election, there was a political angle. Now, I would think that the marginal returns would be diminishing for even the most fervent doom-peddlers.

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once one realizes that teacher's unions own most left leaning politicians especially at state and local levels and that the first law of being a public sector union is that you are, foremost and always your own constituency and care little for those you allegedly serve, it all pretty much falls into place.

this is just crony capitalism from teachers finding confluence with the desire of public health officials to fief build, increase their budgets, and wield more influence. 2020 was the year nameless public health officials become power brokers and celebrities. they are not looking to go back to the prior status quo.

the two are natural allies in this crisis because extending and overstating the crisis is a win for both.

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