The Green New Deal and Great Reset are the new Great Leap Forward. The Opium War from the 1800s has reversed into fentanyl and TikTok (digital opium) killing young Americans. Many of our leaders are Emperor Pooh's court eunuchs, so they have no problem with any of it: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/ccp-opium-war-tiktok-fentanyl

PS: Nice How To title!

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China just replaced its top foreign policy official and its top nuclear military bosses for the Air Force and Navy. They are tanned, rested, and ready. We are NOT. But if it makes you feel better, our military knows everyone's pronouns and how to put on a drag show. I hope everyone likes cheap Chinese cat food...

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The Chinese look like they have things together, but itโ€™s all a facade, like a fake old west town. The buildings are just facades made of cheap plywood. This is obvious if you understand how Communism works. Or rather doesnโ€™t work.

You can have the biggest military in the world, and itโ€™s only as worthwhile as your supply chain. Look up how they were skirmishing with the Indians and didnโ€™t even have enough firearms to go around...

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You are 100% right. No, you are 1000% right. Chinese Communism will come out the same as Russian Communism, Cuban Communism, Venezuelan Communism, and North Korean Communism. It's simply common sense.

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WEF's 8 Predictions for the World in 2030:

#2 - The US won't be the world's leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate.

China describes its system of governance as "Socialism with Chinese characteristics." One of the handful of countries that will dominate.

The inference in that description is that there are other countries that will dominate that will also have the same nomenclature for their systems of governance. Like, say, "Socialism with American (US) characteristics." And, "Socialism with European characteristics." Etc.

It's a global club. Each nation assigned a lane to dominate - China - global manufacturing; United States - global police; Europe - financial sector; etc.

China doesn't seek to dominate the world, to replace the US as the global hegemony. One of a small club of global dominators. Think of it like a global Apalachin Meeting, International Crime Syndicate, to divvy up the spoils and settle differences between the powerful national crime families avoiding wars between the powerful nations.


Using and exploiting the smaller nations for their resources and proxy battles, and using and exploiting the factions within their own nations that threaten them or unproductively consume resources. Blaming China is the product of small thinking or intentional distraction from the far more dangerous criminals running our own nation, and the entire world.

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The Chinese are on their way out, literally. Their 40+ year long โ€œone child policyโ€- an attempt at playing God- has had the usual predictable outcome to anyone who understands the premise- God will not be mocked- or anyone who understands what happens when man thinks he can dominate Nature- Nature smacks him across the face. Their population is likely overstated by ~250 million people (because in communism you canโ€™t tell the truth and live), they keep murdering and enslaving their political opponents, and have succeeded in brainwashing their youth into not having children.

They are on the brink of a devastating population collapse, the worst since the Black Death of 14th century Europe and itโ€™s going to probably be worse than that.

By the way, socialism or Marxism or communism or whatever you want to call it lasts only until you run out of slave labor and people to murder. And the Chinese have greatly shortened this timeline by artificially suppressing their population. Heh.

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Have you looked at where 90% of what people buy comes from? China. Have you seen the containers hauled across the country on trains? Chinese. China. China. China. China. It's the manufacturing hub of the world. Their lane. Survive without it. Good luck to all of us. A China collapse = one to two-hundred million US dead. We can't support ourselves today. This isn't 1940's America that can outmanufacture the world and dominate it.

Our fate is inextricably linked to China's in 2023. By design. Their assigned lane in an interconnected world. Globalization intended to preserve world peace. And unless and until the US can sustain the manufacturing needs of 330 million people without them our collective fates are joined at the hip.

Heck, the US military is even dependent on China. Equipment and electronics all made in China. With hidden codes and tracking, even self-destruction engineered into it. The US is the world's policeman. Our lane in an interconnected world. And the US is off-the-charts fascistic today. We don't have freedom. We don't have a constitution anymore. In case you haven't noticed. Mussolini and Hitler would be envious, saying "why the hell did you destroy us if you loved our system so much?"

We, The People of the world, our fates are all interconnected. Either We, The People rise up together and reclaim our God-given freedom from the Marxists, Fascists, Communists, Socialists, Oligarchs, and the God-less demons intent on controlling a world with only a tiny fraction of today's population or we all will perish and those left living will be servants and slaves to the 'elite' masters. Because that is their plan. China's implosion ought not be what we cheer on, that's our own implosion, too. And the people of China aren't our enemies.

Unite or Die. It's not the US vs. China or any other nation-state. It's We The People of the world vs. The Powerful of the world. We The People have both numbers and God on our side. The moment we remember that fact and lean into each other and God we will prevail. Your comment fixates on the wrong foe.

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I cannot agree. China is even now in the process of hitting a wall. They cannot have their free market cake and the eat their Communism too. It just doesn't work in the long run. Ask the USSR.

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And I'll add that Communism has never been what we were taught to understand it to be. Marxism, Communism and Socialism and many other -ism's that are branches of that philosophical tree are all a part of the same tree: Man controls the natural world. While Adam Smith's "invisible hand" understanding of the Wealth of Nations recognizes that man doesn't control the enterprise of other men in the most efficient and productive manner, capitalism as we've been taught to understand it to be hasn't truly existed for much of our nation's existence like we were taught that Adam Smith's insights inspired from its earliest incorporation into economic theory. It quickly evolved into Crony Capitalism as government control dictated the terms and conditions of economic activity with public policy infringements on absolutely free markets. Always for "public safety" concerns. Real or not.

The US economy hasn't been a free market economy for most of our nation's existence, but especially in the past century when volumes of laws have been passed to constrain dangerous "unbridled capitalism." We have a very controlled economy. Just not quite as controlled as China's. But closer to CCP China's economic model than Adam Smith's. Your assertion that we benefit from a free market that China doesn't is a false narrative of our own nation's propagandists. Our not free market is in the process of hitting a wall. Pointing at your neighbors home that's imploding because it's foundation was poorly built while your own home's foundation is also failing is foolish pride. We must fix our own home before we worry about our neighbors.

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China gave up on communism as we were taught to understand it. Yes, they know it doesn't work. These are organized crime syndicates, crime families, that dress themselves up in public offices, titles, ideological -ism's for the illusion of respectability, but no more believe in any ideology than they believe in Santa Claus. The only -ism they believe in is utilitarianism. What model and rhetoric can they use to achieve their agenda - more wealth and more power. Like any crime family seeks.

They call their governance "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" for a reason: the illusion of international respectability than say, "Xi Crime Family Syndicate shakedown and protection racket." Or, like in our nation, "Biden/Obama/Bush/Clinton/Cheney/Rockefeller/Soros/etc Crime Family Syndicate shakedown and protection racket." Or in the UK, "Windsor Crime Family Syndicate shakedown and protection racket." Or in Germany, "Thyssen Crime Family Syndicate shakedown and protection racket." On and on and on. The whole world. One big Apalachin meeting of crime family syndicates divvying up the spoils of their organized crime rackets.

Step outside a false paradigm to see the big picture.

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The US feds look like they have things together, but itโ€™s all a facade, like a fake old west town. The buildings are just facades made of cheap plywood. This is obvious if you understand how Fascism/Crony capitalism/Communism works. Or rather doesnโ€™t work.

You can have the biggest military in the world, and itโ€™s only as worthwhile as your supply chain. Look up how they were skirmishing with the Afghans/Syrians/Russians and didnโ€™t even have enough firearms to go around...

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lol we have plenty of toys because Janet keeps printing t-bills.

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Are you aware that those toys HAVE to be bought overseas otherwise all those funny monies are coming back and the effect will be Weimar style economic disaster? I mean,apart from the social and cultural Weimar disaster you already have. Also you know what comes after a weimar.

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Indeed, they are hollowing out and rotting from within.

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You mean like we are all going to be eating cheap cat Food, or are we are all going to be eating cheap Cat food? Makes a difference

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I'm glad you mentioned the Opium Wars. China has always played the long game and how better to get revenge on the loss of face imposed by Western establishments through the use of drugs in the 19th century than by using the same methods against them in the 21st?

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The Green Leap Forward, Comrade.


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Add to that Hitler's Jahr Null, Year Zero, the Nazi Great Reset for the Thousand Year Reich. All these megalomaniacs have the same idea to Build Back Better.

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America is energy dominant nowโ€ฆwe have more than enough natural gas for North America and Europe and Japanโ€ฆat least when you include Australia and our allies Qatar.

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I appreciate you going there. Something very evil is coming to fruition, that's for sure.

I posted this on one of your articles a while back:https://www.dailywire.com/news/communist-china-private-ownership-of-guns-in-u-s-serious-problem-must-change

Xi announced bizarrely (a tremendous humanitarian, he is worried about "gun violence" in America...) that America has too many guns, in 2019. Since then, Democrats have been furiously passing laws against so-called "assault weapons." Kinda weird, huh? Almost like he sent out a fax to DNC headquarters.

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He doesnโ€™t want his army shot during the invasion.

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Xi clearly lacks an understanding of the American Redneck.

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Be a damn shame if we lost our redneck lifestyle and mind-set. We're gonna have to fight for it one day, and soon - so best practice up and make it count. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLHeeK4Kzmo

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Well this is true. The Chinese mind set doesn't incorporate the mindset of the frontiers man... one is subservient to the authorities the other IS the authority is the person with the biggest weapons and gang...

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His army is already here...they are still coming in every month through the Darien Gap.

abou 50,000 last I looked.

And their CCP masters are already here...have been for past 20 years, stashed in our Universities and corporations.

REmember Pfizer is a Chinese Run company, and so is Moderna.

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Five or six years ago I had a dream. I was in an enormous field of amber grain and I was wondering what I was doing there. It felt like North Dakota. All of sudden, as I was looking around, a large grass covered hatch opened up and hundreds of chinese militants started rushing out, like ants out of an anthill. It was so disturbing that I woke up and have never forgotten it. When I heard about Bill Gates and the Chinese purchasing farmland next to a military base in Fargo or Grand Forks North Dakota the vividity of the dream came back to me. Maybe that's why I dreamed it? PS later, during the plandemic, I heard about a supposed North Dakota farmer family fued over land that resulted in their killings. Don't know who ended up with the land. I hope my dream doesn't come true but it felt like one that would.

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I remember Biden saying he was prioritizing Chinese migrants...

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He's not worried about his ARMY, Corkey. His army has their own guns. Lots of them.

But he may legitimately be concerned about the safety of the "administrators", the tens (hundreds?) of thousands of commissars he is in the process of installing to ensure our *correct* behaviour and purity of thought.

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"the tens (hundreds?) of thousands of commissars he is in the process of installing to ensure our *correct* behaviour and purity of thought."

I aim to misbehave.


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I with you Mal!

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As the Japanese said in WWII, behind every blade of grass.

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"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."

- apocryphally, Admiral Yamamoto c. 1940-something

This should be something more than mere legend.

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And suddenly guns are getting banned in various countries around the worldโ€ฆ

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Yes, they need us disarmed in order to fully implement whatever it is they have planned for us.

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Kinda of like "Hopey/Changey"?

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Kinda like "It can't be saved" so scrap the lot and start again with eternal/transcendent principles when the dust of destruction has settled.

At least one would hope so. I see/like what they named the generation after the soft boned Zoomers; Generation Alpha. The science exists but is currently ridiculed. In Pandora's Box the last thing left was hope. So hope it is, while all the evils are unleashed...

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Sure, but perhaps guns being assaulted on our shores and banned elsewhere is just one piece to the puzzle. If the Convid jab is deadly, oddly enough to younger, military age men specifically, one can't but entertain the fact that they are killing our potential military and we've seen just the tip of this iceberg. Arguably, those dropping dead, aka died suddenly, in high numbers and even the healthiest sports players are part of this... And if those dying suddenly are engaging in high physical activity when they drop, will this also happen during the field of battle on our shores? Anything that gets the heart pumping, whether running towards an enemy or even the adrenaline rush of being under attack, could wipe out a potentially large percentage of our militia before the battle even begins. We need someone in a position of power who can change this trajectory now. I don't agree with all that Trump did, tho he set up a good foundation to build upon. And I don't see the current, weaponized legal issues going away either. But with our without Trump running in the primary, I'd suggest all who share similar concerns to research Vivek as possibly a better candidate than Trump and if Trump is kept from running by the weaponized left (and some on the right too), Desantis is not the one to get us out of this mess. He's a bureaucrat, an administrator, and can be played like any politician. Research Vivek, folks - his plan and vision is what we need to thwart China and become the America our founders set forth 250 years ago.

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Please listen to Ed Dowd's interview 4 days ago on Greg Hunter's show. He says 30 percent of the work force either: is dead, are disabled and not working OR are working but chronically ill. He predicts deaths will peak in 2024 from con jabs AND he further states we will be in a glacial slow western collapse where supplies will suddenly be non existent and the skilled labor to do work, gone. so repairing your car will take forever and they will offer you a new car or more money for the totaled car rather than a repair. Or, you will try to put a new roof on and not have the supplies and sit for months with a roof not done (hello FLORIDA) and meantime the food and other necessities (electricity, gas, water supplies) will get tighter and tighter and more and more expensive. Regulations for fuel will get tighter - so replace your AC NOW and get used to not using too much electricity. Drill a well if you can (and use it sparingly). Get a good water filter (municipal supplies will not be great, think Flint, MI). Lay in those food supplies slowly and discreetly and also work on getting a garden. Learn the weeds you can eat just like the Great Depression. And if a Central Digital Dollar is introduced? They can turn you off at the flip of a switch.. so be ready to live in a tent travelling or in a 'free state'.

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They have prepared our perfect geographical location for Chinese colonization and a servant underclass

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Yes, Iโ€™m worried about our military dropping dead in battle at the first surge of adrenaline as well.

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Yep, Doc Holliday, Obummerโ€™s administration is just the one to do it, too

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"if you wanted a weapon to destroy a society, how could you improve upon the confluence of carbon obsession and woke? youโ€™ll make them poor. youโ€™ll convince them that math is racist. youโ€™ll pit group against group, make a muddle of sexuality, vilify child rearing, and have everyone so furious fighting over and politicizing nothing that theyโ€™ll barely notice their demographic decline, their school scores sliding, their science stultifying and politicizing, and their family structures dissolving. youโ€™ll have them clamoring for truth ministries and ideological purity over fact."


"We" allowed that to happen, though.

We have met the enemy. And he is us.

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The genius of this ideological assault is that it weaponized virtue. The climate hysterics, anti-racist racists, gender deformity advocates, and media propagandists all claim to be fighting on the side of the angels against deplorables who refuse to march to their tune. Such delusions of virtuosity stoke their self-destructive fervor and are used to silence any reasonable person who objects.

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Covid also weaponized virtue. The jabberoo idiots wanted to put the non consenting into camps or erradicate them. It was and is a religion with them. They were 'holy' we were 'unclean'. And yet? Who is still standing, eh? The believers or the dirty non believers

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Precisely! And you canโ€™t fix a system that incentivizes all that we have become.

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...Which suggests the whole lot is being exposed, all of it; law, religion, medicine etc., and us too in our hypocrisy. Then all washed clean and reimplemented.

I do wonder if the Confucian aspect has a part to play on the future mentality of

Guns/Bible/F*Yeah USA, because it's not a religion per se, but a philosophy (and a decent one).

Meister Ekhart, (medieval Christian) said,

"The only thing that burns in hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life: your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away, but they're not punishing you, they're freeing your soul. If you're frightened of dying and you're holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. If you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels freeing you from the earth."

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Thatโ€™s quite a Meister Eckhart quote. Wow. Been told to read him since I was a kid. Maybe time to pull him out of the book stack.

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thankyou for the meister eckhart, that metaphor suddenly struck clear as a bell. something "apparently" happened and there's nothing, or it's real, but obviously unreal too (which is terrifying and unacceptable, but had been seen a few times over the years- although that's only arising now too as an apparent memory, big bang style!). don't get me wrong, its not dissociation or anything. I don't know anything at all and nothing changed. because the arising stuff here, everything disintegrating, is the apparent me clinging to survival. (& to "knowing"). There isn't one. ( a me). and there never was.

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Aug 3, 2023
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Easier to say we are sparks from the same fire, trying to get home.

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Meister Elkhart huh ... nice

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If the dynamic is as you suggest, and I think thereโ€™s good reason to believe your thesis is relatively near the truth, then โ€œweโ€ bear a good portion of the blame.

Thereโ€™s no โ€œget out of jail freeโ€ card for civic complacency, moral indolence, intellectual sloth and spiritual vacuousness. The general failure of western citizens to participate vigorously in their own governance (pro tip: voting every once in a while and prattling on about who โ€œyou want for presidentโ€ doesnโ€™t qualify as participation) has left our institutions open to easy exploitation.

The good people can overwhelm the criminals who have infested our institutions at all levels, but it will involve tearing themselves away from their Netflix and their beer, putting aside pursuing that new car and getting moral, responsible, serious people elected to school boards, town councils, state legislatures and congress. Itโ€™s not a quick fix, but if the heretofore complacent citizens swarm it, itโ€™s doable.

Weโ€™re at the crucial juncture: act or submit.

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โ€ฆOr get your foeโ€™s military to inject itself with a bio-weapon and force out those who wonโ€™t take it?

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Yes but, alll those that didn't? All those guns... sigh. There IS an easier way.. an EMP

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WSJ front page 8/3/23: โ€œYoung Hires of 2023 Ill Prepared to Workโ€. Nursing hires canโ€™t do the math to figure medication doses. Structural engineers โ€œfailed to answer questions about the use of trusses in the construction of bridges.โ€. Sharp declines in the behavior and performance of job applicants across all sectors. The article does not spell out the long term consequences but is clearly throwing up red flags.

If you wanted to bring a country to its knees, shutting down schools and social interactions for a year turns out to be incredibly effective. And the genius of a โ€œdeadly virusโ€ that makes a population eager to destroy their own society so you donโ€™t have to.

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And the Overton window allows only a bianary choice for how the virus happened to come about. Neither of which is necessarily accurate. That's often how these psyops are constructed - a little like twelve Saudis with boxcutters.

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it's clear that home schooling and including real world applications of classical skillsets (free of the woke agenda) is even more critical now than it ever was....

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"WSJ front page 8/3/23: โ€œYoung Hires of 2023 Ill Prepared to Workโ€. Nursing hires canโ€™t do the math to figure medication doses. Structural engineers โ€œfailed to answer questions about the use of trusses in the construction of bridges.โ€ "

Funny that their first two examples are not merely "Young Hires" but supposedly _educated_ Young Hires.

Age isn't the only, or let alone the by-far primary, factor in this lack of preparedness.

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As an old person who thought my career was over? I got 2 job offers over the age of 56 which is usually a death knell... and I see that I can work to 70 at least in one of them because staffing is such a HUGE issue... the young come? They go too. They don't like the work, don't make enough $$$ and can't think either...

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Ed Dowd. 30 -percent work force either Dead from Con vid jabs, disabled from Con vid jabs, OR working chronically ill. Lose 30 percent of the skilled workforce (nurses not taking jabs, not hired, health care workers dying.. a la Canadian doctors?) and what happens? Slow societal collapse... and when you arrive as savior (Chinese or Russian) who do you think they'll embrace? Moi, I like my chances with the Russians not the Chinese. Sibera and permafrost for me...

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Your best ever, Gato (and that is saying a lot).

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the West plays non binary tic tac toe whilst the rest of the world plays chess

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Love the article, Gato, and love your desire to tackle big questions that deal with big timeframes. Allow me to play Devil's Advocate, however. Now, I don't disagree with a single thing you're laying out about the degeneration of our civilization. Neither do I disagree about the true nature of so-called "Green" groups, whose solutions always seem to come back to increased central power. But I wouldn't call this the result of a Master Attack by another civilization. (I read the Three Body trilogy as well - one of the few "Holy sh**" trilogies I've read in my life. Excellent books.)

And the simple reason is this: China and Russia are nothing if not monuments to Central Planning, and time and time again, central planners prove to be spectacularly incompetent. They funnel money to the wrong places. They misallocate capital and resources. They miss new opportunities due to ideological blinders. They launch bold ideas that are little more than an emperor's folly. China's central planners gave them the Great Famine and the One Child Policy, which has Chinese demographics looking even worse than ours.

Now, the end result is the same - the West decaying into an unrecognizable corpse. And Marxist/CRT ideologies have absolutely played a central role in fomenting and nurturing these civilizational tumors. But the fault lies as much in our post-WWII selves as it does with the disciples of Comintern. The Commies and Greens are less Grand Masters, and more sleazy pimps with dime-bags of easy fixes. We should have known better; we should have cleaned them out decades ago with the enthusiasm that we cleaned out the Nazis. But we didn't. I wish I had a more satisfying answer. I personally believe we've passed a Point of No Return, and we're stumbling into an unknown Dark Forest of our own making. The only way out is forward, and hope we live long enough to teach our children to be wary of Central Planners.

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consider the possibility that this is, in fact, what makes them so dangerous.

i 100% agree that their potemkin economies and dogmatic societies will collapse and fail (and that china is probably far closer to this than people realize, especially if deflation takes hold).

but what will their response to this failure and the insecurity and instability it brings be?

outside war is the classic unifier and just because they cannot make an economy work does not mean they cannot mess up someone else's if they are determined. many of the same impulses that impede local growth make for very effective interference in the societies of others.

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I can't disagree. I was second-guessing my comment, even as I pressed Send. You're touching on an excellent point: the CCP doesn't make decisions to further the interests of China. It makes decisions to further the interests of the CCP. Sometimes those goals align, for a brief golden time. When they don't, Central Planners go back to the standard playbook to deflect blame and attention. Maybe the sad truth we're uncovering is that Grand Plans are great if you want to destroy something, but if you want to create something, they're as useful as a chocolate teapot.

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Exactly the case!


Of course, at no time have we seen the devastating effects of central planning more than during the covid years. From terrible incentives to emergency powers to outright censorship, government has spent the last few years completely circumventing the free market and the ability to make an informed choice. Quite the opposite, government wanted to ignore the โ€œriskโ€ portion of the โ€œrisk/rewardโ€ calculation entirely. When the โ€œexpertsโ€ were forced to acknowledge the risk, it was always downplayed or stated in absolute terms โ€” never the relative terms used to exaggerate the benefit of vaccines.

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Except China is importing a lot of food and fuel which would slow\stop courtesy of the US & Japanese navies. Collapse would occur within months. They saw what happened with Russia.

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Iโ€™m pretty sure China would have no issue simply allocating their resources to those who matter and letting the rest of the country starve to death.

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Given their history of allocating resources/money, I doubt it would be successful.

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Depends on how you define โ€œsuccessโ€. I suspect the Chinese define it as destroying their enemies and having enough control left to maintain their power. Sure maybe they would fall apart ten, twenty, or thirty years later but Iโ€™m not sure that does us any good. The fact that they eventually will fail isnโ€™t too comforting if before that or even in the process they manage to destroy our country. The damage Vietnam did to our culture, political discourse and social fabric is far worse than the damage inflicted on the battlefield. Sure the Chinese are incompetent, the problem is more so now than at any time in our history so are we.

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You describe all power based 'gov'ts' ... none will give up power they will double down, starve the masses extort more for the 'Father/Mother/Transland'.... until they are completely destroyed a la Germany.

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You're a Misesian! Yea!

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Here: the Fed Reserve in 1913 was the start of the 'rot'. Then it runs down hill .... Smedley Butler didn't write that war is big business from ignorance. He saw it up close. Just as was done in the roman empire.... but all empires die. They overstrech themselves, rely on non 'citizen' to do the dirty jobs that are hard, the 'citizen' becomes weak and not willing to sacrifice... it is all VERY predictable... of course the banking class is a big one too... factor in disaster and destruction that is... some like to blame the Jews, but there are also the Mafiosa Italian bankers and the Masons, and the secret societies peddling esoteric knowledge and 'cachet' and 'power' that like perversion and and atrocities and 'worship' Gods like Moloch, Baal and Baphomet....(child sex, murdering and prostitution, trannies, sexual mutilation)... there's alot to go around now a days you know. Collapse is probably inevitable. Global disaster too.. either from earthquakes (Dark Star), or solar cycles sunspots and perhaps X plus class flares... while the earths ionosphere is weakened (HAARP etc). And of course volcanic activity (hello Tonga, 35 trillion gallons of super heated vapor injected waaaaay into the stratosphere... )

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I donโ€™t think โ€œweโ€ allowed it to happen. People cannot be convinced of things through argumentation, generally, so what โ€œweโ€ did was fail to adequately propagandize people, and Iโ€™m okay with that. The ends donโ€™t justify the means. I pled the case against CovidTotalitarianism and few were receptive, and even then, the burden of proof they wanted me to bear was unrealistic because I was speaking from principle and they were deluded about the evidence, but deeply propagandized and unable to access their own intuition.

So, now, the question is, stay and fight, or get out? If the former, what would that even look like? If the latter, to where? The Far East? Theyโ€™ve got plenty of problems, too.

Fiat currency has enabled all of this, and the enemy without readily becomes the enemy within. My focus is on helping people learn to access and trust their intuition, and to distinguish between inner understanding and external programming.

There is an idea that culture is constructed. I donโ€™t believe this is necessarily true. A real and sustainable culture is discovered. Revealed. Marxists have to impose theirs because it wonโ€™t emerge on its own, but the heart of American culture is (was) what springs forth amongst freedom-leaning people.

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"So, now, the question is, stay and fight, or get out? If the former, what would that even look like? If the latter, to where? The Far East? Theyโ€™ve got plenty of problems, too."


โ€œIf we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.โ€

โ€• Ronald Reagan


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Thatโ€™s what Americans say, but does anyone else say it? Easy to be myopic.

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Thereโ€™s a reason people are coming in by the millions and that pretty much no matter what country you are in thereโ€™s a long line of people who want to immigrate to the US meanwhile the people constantly threatening to leave refuse to do so. So I would say a fairly good chunk of the world feels that way.

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But are they coming from everywhere?

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With respect, there are those who have realised Europe, the English-speaking and Mid-Eastern countries will never be free until the USA Corp. gets its boot off their collective necks. A collapse is in their favour. Some know that the US is not "run by Americans" per se.

It is a cycle's end and illusion is everywhere. But a new cycle is beginning too. That's the interesting thing to watch for.

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Itโ€™s amazing to me that everyone doesnโ€™t realize this. The fiat dollar is the boot on the worldโ€™s neck.

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The dollar sign is a truly fascinating symbol.

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Meh, that was 40 years ago, give or take, so maybe things have changed some. America has backslid some, for sure, and a number of places like those from the former Eastern Bloc have truly experienced increased freedoms - Poland is a Shining Light of Liberty (but we never hear about all the migrants/refugees from Turkey running roughshod over their border...) - so maybe there are some more places to go.

Still, we're far better than average when it comes to having real freedom. If there are other bations of hope, then I hope it keeps growing.

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I'm in the Far East and, believe me, we are well insulated from most of this bullshit. And the sun always rises over the beach to the East

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Iโ€™m on an east coast, too:) Can you say more, though? Does it make sense to take the hit on the cost of living to try to relocate?

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I'm in a place they call "The Morning of the world" where life landed me whilst I was busy making other plans. COL here is about one third of the US and the local people just ignore the Government if they don't like what they want. It isn't a simple choice and one which was made for me by my business career and marraige.. It's worth thinking about though because, even more now than I sensed in the 1970's, the future is in Asia. God luck to you.

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Good point. The big players leave some areas alone because if/when they win the game against the big countries they can just sweep up the lesser important places.

In your post you mentioned fiat currency, but more pointedly, I think it is the central bank systems. If we were printing treasury notes instead of having Federal Reserve Notes we would be in a better position. All the current block chain crypto currency and whatever the BRICS are planning with there digital currency (PARTIALLY backed by gold = because there is not enough gold on the planet for a fully gold backed global currency) becomes another fiat central bank currency but with total control to enforce compliance over the people and the nations.

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I donโ€™t really distinguish between having a central bank and having a fiat currency; to me, they are the same problem. If the government is constrained by what it can steal or borrow, there isnโ€™t as much funny money to chase terrible policies because there isnโ€™t as much, period.

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Of course it would help if we could have ever passed law about having a balanced budget, and cleaned up the ability for things being sneaked into bills that obligated spending on top of the budget. But, that ship has sailed long ago and sunk in the storm.

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Extremely well argued Sarah. As is El Gatoโ€™s article.

Stay and fight? But who will do this fighting?

The same arguments about an asiatic culture capable and inclined to work towards a goal that no individual involved will live long enough to see fulfilled apply to resistance from a western culture fixated on the here and now. Or the next four/five year political election cycle.

It has taken a multigenerational effort to have infiltrated western society in The Long March. It will take an equally strong commitment to unpick the embedded forces. And we (western society) are demonstrably ill-equipped, disinterested and incapable of recognising the need for such a root and branch societal disinfection. A large part of the problem is that we are now they and they us. To even contemplate resistance is to attempt to close the stable door a century after the Trojan Horse has bolted into our yard.

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I don't mind nuclear-powered plants as long as they're built in the Hamptons, Greenwich Ct, Malibu, Martha's Vineyard, or anyplace the affluent congregate so when a fuck up occurs it won't only be the working-class who are poisoned by an inevitable catastrophe.

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Nuclear is very safe, if you donโ€™t build a plant in a major earthquake zone or are a corrupt communist country.

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Yes, if it's very safe then build the nuclear plants in Scarsdale, Larchmont, Greenwich Ct, Westport, etc.. and not in some working-class town. There's plenty of affluent areas that are not located in earthquake zones.

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They can build one in right my backyard, then I would know I would be in one of the safest most environmentally clean spot in the country. A coal or gas plant, on the other hand. Or ugly wind or solar giant installation. No, don't want any of those. I'm not a fool.

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Exactly! Me too!

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Actually they should- on a small scale nuclear works even better. Less likely to create a real mess and less loss from transmission. They have torn up the Texas hill country with transmission lines from the windmill scam in west Texas.

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I'd really like to see small-scale nuclear with **multiple** independent grids. No or few interconnections. Make it far more resistant to massive grid outages as have happened in the past.

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I personally believe "all" forms of available energy should be utilized rather than putting a California-style deadline on gas powered cars and now even lawn equipment.๐Ÿ˜

The sustainability grifters conveniently neglect to mention the debris generated from rusted unused windmills, the limited lifespan of solar paneled roofs. Not to mention the barbaric plunder of the environment which is required to extract rare earth minerals for lithium batteries. In addition, we're not technologically ready to abandon anything.

In fact, if these grifters really viewed climate change as an existential threat the billions going to Ukraine would be used to put solar panels on the roofs of those living in the south and southwestern part of the US. And water harvesting devices would be required on all new residences.

That being said, the climate change agenda is just another way to transfer trillions to the most wealthiest while immiserating the middle-class.

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