For those who still don't get it: "2 weeks to flatten the curve" turned into mandatory masks which they are now positioning into permanent mask wearing to combat the never ending string of "variants" which will be used to support annual "upgrades" to the vaccine. This is the software marketing model.

"Coincidentally" promoted at the cost of at least $10 billion by a software marketer who's transferred his energies to the vaccine business. The only "info" normies receive on the matter comes from "news" media that has received over $100 million in grants from this deviant.

Here’s my obvious question to those who continue to obey: How long do you intend to submit to this insanity? All of this year and the next? The rest of your life? Will there be a point where you say, “Enough!” If so, when will that point be?'

The current worldwide scam should be called "The Gates-Fauci CoVid Fraud." It's accurate, descriptive, short and to the point and suggests where the prosecutions should start.

Seriously, how can people be this consistently stupid?

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Many, after their half-hearted (if you’ll excuse the lame pun) first two doses of venom, are balking at the (revenue) “booster” and I don’t blame them. Uptake of the endless series of boosters (conspiracy theory? Australia has foolishly purchased 14 shots for every man, woman and child on that sad continent) will drop off sharply.

Sooner or later, a kind of natural selection will kick in: people will either wise-up and jump off the booster train or the shots will kill them.

At some point, one way or another, everyone is going to refuse further participation in the madness.

Recognizing that inevitability, I thought it wise never to board that particular express-train to nowhere.

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Turns out everything I was called 'tinfoil hat' for a year ago is happening. And they still comply.

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Same with me. I started calling it the Cassandra curse -- I kept predicting everything that eventually happened, but all I got was eye-rolling until it happened. And I don't know why I've used the past tense, because I'm still predicting worse things to come.

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Ha! I've told all my friends who see all this stuff & likewise predicted it that we all have Cassandra syndrome: Destined to be able to see the future, but no one will believe us.

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And I've done the same. In fact my partner is beginning to realize all my predictions are coming true.

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Bet those who rolled their eyes at you do not acknowledge that you predicted any of this, do they?

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Actually, one of them told me that after a while her husband blurted out, "Phoebe was right about everything!" I remind her of that whenever she starts rolling her eyes again. ;-)

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A rare gratifying moment, no doubt, but also one we wish we could all avoid since none of us want what we are predicting to come true!

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I get it about natural selection, but they might drag you out of your house and stick you with their magical potion whether you want it or not. They are about ready to do this in Australia even before the new variant hysteria hit, which they will exploit to push even greater insanity.

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Yeah, some of us are preparing to deal with that, too.

I am awaited in Valhalla.

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“magical potion”—you must have been reading my fairy tale :-) https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/the-vapor-the-hot-hat-and-the-witches

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The 14th Booster injection will be the one to bring us back to normal!! It would have been the 5th if not for all the conspiracy theorists sabotaging our lives!!

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Yep, that is how they’ll sell it.

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I'm wondering if they'll snap out of it when the gov't starts telling them to do the Hokey Pokey and turn themselves around 10x a day to fight off the virus. Maybe that would do it? Rest assured, the ghouls running the show are demanding more and more ridiculous behavior. I mean, the social distancing has been funny enough, but the forced masking and telling people not to talk to each other just gets uber bizarre. What the hell is wrong with anyone that can't see through the obvious hoax?

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I have arrived at the belief that if told that in order to stop the virus we all had to hop around on one foot and squawk like a chicken that most would do it.

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I concur.

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Be careful about sarcastic predictions. By next year, we may be seeing people doing the Hokey Pokey all over the country. (I used to use the example of mandated beanie hats with propellers on top, until it occurred to me that this might actually happen as an auxiliary source of wind power when all the windmills fail.)

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Hahahaha, I would not be surprised! This gets wackier by the day.

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This is very much worth a read, if you haven't already seen it.


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Very nice, thanks.

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Glad you enjoyed it, Vida :-)

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Really stellar work. Thanks again.

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Aww, thanks, Evil Harry!

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They are literally hypnotized and deep in what Professor Mattias Desmet calls 'a mass formation psychosis'. They are like terminators. You cannot reason with them and they absolutely will not stop until we are all jabbed.

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Yes indeed. They are like zombie/terminators. LOL

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I will NEVER get over this part of my life. I have watched in amazement as people I thought had at least a bit common sense comply with total insanity in hopes of getting "back to normal." WOW. If there was no history at all with examples of societies that "complied" with people waving a magic wand, I could give folks a pass. But there are literally dozens of examples from history including some from our lifetimes. Again... I'll never get over it.

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There will never be a time where many reach their “Enough!”, moment. For them to do so will require treat they admit to being lied to and falling for the lie. For far too many, it is less a blow to their ego to keep up appearances of continued belief in the lie than to admit they were fooled.

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I think it all has to do with the extreme emotions surrounding the word "vaccine".

For many liberals, being "anti-vax" is the absolute worst thing you can say about someone - for them it's associated with brainwashed anti-science conspiracy-theorists. Their desire to avoid the anti-vax label is so strong that they will go to great lengths to avoid it - IMO that's why all this is happening.

So the first thing we need to do is show them that these new medicines are not really vaccines - they're more like therapeutics since they don't prevent you from catching covid.

It was a genius PR move by the pharma companies to label them vaccines. They get the best marketing program ever developed - the POTUS telling everyone it's your patriotic duty to take them. Cha-ching. $$$

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Yeah, well..the "anti-vax" movement itself happened for a very real reason. Can't keep one's eyes closed to that and expect the 2.0 version to sort itself out.

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Entering the factuality room at a med. school a few years before the panic, two colleagues were have a heated discussion about how stupid anti-vaxxers were. They were in agreement but so worked up over the idea that anyone could possibly be against “the science” (Yes, this phrase has been in use prepanic.) that they were yelling at each other. I just stared and wondered, “Where the hell did that just suddenly come from?” As far as I knew/know, the topic had not been in the news for q long time prior to their outburst. It just magically became a hot topic.

Every time I run across the word “anti-vax” and its derivatives I recall that episode and wonder if there is a connection.

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I've been thinking a lot about that lately and wondering if demonizing anti-vaxxers before COVID was part of the plan. It seemed like a lot of vitriol aimed at what I think is a small segment of the population. Putting others down is also an easy way to feel good about one's self.

I'm not a blanket anti-vaxxer (Gen X who got all of the kiddie shots plus a couple tetanus booster or two), but from what I understand kids now get many more shots than I did. I think it's good to ask questions if so many shots might lead to some problems, especially autoimmune disorders. It bothers me when people shut down questions with insults. And, sheesh, it's not like accepted science has never been found false at a later date.

And looking at the CDC's own numbers on the flu shot effectiveness coupled with it being needed annually made me decide against it. The push for flu shots seemed like borderline propaganda to me (I remember reading an article saying if you get the shot, you won't get it and others saying feeling crappy after the vax wasn't the shot's fault, it meant you must have caught the flu right before the shot).

Little did I know what medical propaganda was😟 I wish doctors and the "health" orgs would be honest. Honestly lay out the risks of the disease based on various factors and the risks of medical intervention and let everyone decide. Some of the info is out there, but most people won't dig for it. And for heaven's sake, stop berating and punishing people who think your product isn't that good.

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The whole antivaxxer BS has long bothered my. Like you, I too got all my childhood vaccines in the early 70s and few more later in life while in the navy and to travel abroad. I learned about vaccines in school and no one thought anything bad about them. Much later I would first hear of vaccine injuries from non other than Obama at some point before he was elected president. I did not give the issue much thought until those who supported vaccines strongly claimed that they were “perfectly safe”. Well, nothing is “perfectly safe” so I began to think that’s those who were against vaccines had either bad personal experiences with them or knew someone who did.

Once president, Obama suddenly became a big supporter of them. That really caught my attention. Was it just due to my increased attention to this topic or was this topic suddenly a hot topic I do not know. However I know I saw increasing numbers of news stories against “antivaxxers”. I remember some government official claiming that the reason previously eradicated diseases were in the US again was due to “antivaxxers”. “NO.”, though I at the time. Once eradicated, vaccines are no longer necessary just as the Japanese encephalitis vaccine is not required in the US unless you traveled to Japan. If the disease is not in the US, there is no need to get vaccinated for it unless you plan to travel to a country the diseases resides in. No, the reason diseases previously eradication in the US have come back is because the government has been derelict in its duty to keep the diseased out of the country.

So, why did my colleagues suddenly decide that this issue was so important? Still have no idea but it was odd that they suddenly started railing against antivaxxers. One of these two, a Canadian-Brit, had a habit of walking into the factuality room and spouting off about some travesty from the States. She suddenly was all against the American Football league because of head injuries. She had long supported “the science” of climate change and the LGBT agenda.

I think that there is no doubt that the left has been preparing for such an opportunity for a very long time through their control of all levels of “education”. I am beginning to wonder if they had also been preparing their soldiers with “the science” argument and softening us up with their restless pushing and shoving of their agenda.

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I've long believed the US government was incompetent, wasteful, and somewhat corrupt. I have started to think some of them might be straight-up evil. Depopulation and/or NWO or CCP takeover don't seem far-fetched based on their behavior the past year+.

I've seen the looming fiscal crisis with Social Security and Medicare coming for a while. I assumed they would withhold treatments when people reach a certain age (I think this is what England does) and tell those of us who actually saved for our own retirement to pound sand.Now I wonder if they are trying to get rid of expensive old and/or sick people. It's not a happy head space to be in ☹

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Oh, and then there were all of the disturbing memes/comics about dead antivaxxer children. It just didn't sit well.

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Children will have to die or get chronically ill. Look for type 1 diabetes to skyrocket thanks to the clot shot. My child's clinic is already expecting a doubling of customers in the next 5 years.

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Can you elaborate on this point.

"My child's clinic is already expecting a doubling of customers in the next 5 years."

Is that something that the doctors in your clinic are stating? Is that something that the clinic is advertising?

How have they come to this conclusion? What are their stated reasons for expecting this?

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The nurses and dieticians there stated this to her. They did not give reasons afaik.

I'm looking at their site https://www.charleshbest.com

and will try and find a reference.

In the meantime, there's this https://www.healthline.com/diabetesmine/type1-diabetes-growing-alarming-rate#New-CDC-stats-on-type-1-diabetes

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Sounds like they're spreading dangerous misinformation, huh?

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The numbers will have to get to a level that the media nor the guvmint will be able too cover it up. Who knows what that level is.

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Big problem is that there are at least 10-15% of the population that seem to be born gatekeepers and they are being highly rewarded, in any number of ways, for standing Covid guard. It's a clearly delineated mission for true believers.True believers with multi-passes and blank checks are scary.

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Born and PAID. This is a multi trillion dollar operation.

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Yes it is. Millions of businesses, schools, institutions paid to keep the charade going.

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Welcome to Permamergency State. Been like this since, I dunno, 9/11/2001? Getting worse all the time.

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Yes, apparently, Muslim extremists weren't scary enough scapegoats, so it had to evolve into an invisible 'enemy'. But yes, they have been scaring us with enemies at an excellerated rate since 911. You can make a parallel line of how the fearmongering, brainwashing, programming, touchless torture, hypnotism has racked up and intensified starting with JFK's assassination (another national shock) - 911 - covid19. In between, lots of other false flag disasters. Most if not all were engineered by the same people foisting the covid19 'live exercise' on us.

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While I agree in the main, just because one is paranoid does not mean that there are not those who are out to get them. I was a college student in Tokyo shortly after Clinton bombed a factory in the Sudan and a training camp somewhere, Afghanistan I think. Walking in a suburb of Tokyo one stop from my home a non Japanese person called out to me and beckoned me over. After a pleasant talk with he and his 2 companions, one of them put his hand on my shoulder and asked “Do you know Osama Bin Laden?”…..We’re his friends.” It was one of very times I thought I was not going to see another sun set. US citizens in the homeland are out of reach for most terrorists, but for hose of us who travel or live/study abroad, the threat can be very real.

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Amen, brother!

FYI, apparently, leaked documents show Bill Gates gave $319 million to MSM outlets: https://www.mintpressnews.com/documents-show-bill-gates-has-given-319-million-to-media-outlets/278943/

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Just watched a video of him from a year ago, where he's twitching and 'duper's deligh'-ing, and saying that because the public has the wrong idea about him and Fauci (we think they're ghouls) that social media was going to have to crack down on wrong-think.

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Of course they are. You could tell those “conspiracy theorists” were really getting under his skin. Good!

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I've got no idea. Read the question and answers often enough. No one knows. Every observer is clueless. We don't know.

My best guess is it's the enormity of the lie.

'If you're going to tell a lie tell a big one.' Well this is the biggest ever, isn't it?

There never was an emergency.

None of the measures have done anything to improve anything.

This is no way to continue it's simply creating an emergency.

All the measures, every one, have been prejudicial to the immune system: hence, health.

Vaccines have been shown not to work.

Vaccine has been shown to have adverse consequences.

It just goes on and on...

There is no end to it....

So they just can't believe it IS a lie. Because it is too big.

There must be something, somewhere in it, that is NOT a lie. Maybe wearing masks, surely that's some good, not hurting me anyway... I'll do that..

Or vaccines... we've been taking them since we were babies, all of us, they must be alright... I'll go for the vaccines...

It is a sea of lies. A universe of lies. They cling to those two planks to stay afloat on the sea is my guess.

Unfortunately those two planks by some magic is all 'the powers' need to keep the sea of lies going....

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Well-summarized, arthur, and I’d say mass hypnosis partly explains the epic obtuseness of the Covidians. I address this in many of my articles and include a compelling interview with Prof. Mattias Desmet on the subject in my last piece, “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-an-agree-to-disagree-relative).

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Thank you for the link. Some interesting reading there. :)

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Haha, glad you appreciated it, arthur, and enjoy! :-)

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We see it — many if not most of us. The backlash will take a while to cohere, but if you’ve ever watched the surf on a windy day, you will have seen how it works: every once in a while crests coincide and there’s a king wave of astonishing power that suddenly and dangerously arises out of nowhere. The ripples of rebellion are becoming waves. Crests will coincide. Only those watching carefully will see the king wave before it hits.

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It would help if blue staters had to stay put to reap the benefits of their policies, rather than running to screw up red states. I don't want medical carpetbaggers clogging up our hospitals.

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I sure hope so!!

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There is also that famous quote that change happens slowly ... and then suddenly. I have no idea what the spark will be, but it might be vaccinating young children who are not statistically at risk.

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In the meantime here in Texas we are going about our business and living our lives.

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Yes but I am still amazed at the number of idiots masking up

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Especially when driving alone in a car.

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I'm in San Francisco, the land of mask woke. I just saw an ad on a bus kiosk advising people to mask up in the "great outdoors". People were depicted as solo bird watchers and cyclists wearing masks. My heart sank.

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That is the reality in japan and has been for over 20 months. We went hiking today. true, most of it was in town but still, wearing a mask while hiking? Saw many masked cyclist, joggers and runners just as I have for the past 20 months. Beam me up Scotty…..

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Isn't Austin part of Texas? LOL. I have heard the people there mask up even when there is no instruction to do so.

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Austin is the San Francisco of Texas. The motto in Austin is "Keep Austin Weird". Really.

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SF native & resident here. Just visited Austin last week, and can tell you Austin is nowhere near as psychotic as my hometown. Pretty much no one on 6th St. was masked up outdoors on Saturday night, while the analogous Valencia St. in SF averages ~75% outdoor masking on the weekend evenings. + we have a vax mandate for bars & restaurants. As our friend who we visited there said, "yes, it's a liberal city, but it's surrounded by Texas!".

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I escaped SF in August, 2020. Saw the writing on the wall. When people were lurching around Fort Funston - even the near-empty beach - fully masked, I decided that I couldn't take it any more. That was a place of joy for me. Couldn't take the psychological ruination.

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I was and am unmasked at fort funston. My dogs too rofl.

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Seeing so many zombies depressed me. I think I was just done with Cali to be honest.

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You don't see the lurching so much anymore but I think that's because they assume everyone is vaccinated like themselves and they like to pay the vax that homage at least. Too many masks though even outside in the parks. People still living in squalor on the streets and store shelves in locked cases yet I can't get coffee in a cafe without showing proof of vax.

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Where'd you escape to? (dog walkers have been really bad)

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Fellow SF inmate here - can confirm.

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Peninsula has no vax mandate (yet). I refuse to eat out in SF.

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Relatively speaking.

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So I hear. I have lived in both Austin and SF and can concur, even tho Austin was a loooong time ago.

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I don’t live in Austin, but I was just there for The Rolling Stones concert and almost nobody was masking anywhere we went other than the Lyft drivers. The experience was worlds better than what I live with daily in Albuquerque, where most are so afraid that the y probably wear masks in the shower.

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I love to imagine the freaking out of the NYC crew while watching the Cowboys play in front of a packed stadium.

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Esp. if they start shouting "Let's Go, Brandon".

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They might want to consider what that nurse is telling. I know several people who had a spouse or family members sick and never got it themselves. Seems like NYC got from a nutcase to a basketcase. Poor NewYorkers. There must be better in such a big city than that. I thought the Trump administration was a disaster, but the Biden administration is worse. And we have to suffer through another 3 years, and god only knows what comes next.

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However, New Yorkers voted for both the basket case and the nut case, so perhaps they could learn from their mistakes? Same stuff here in Colorado., although it’s like a dual world-divided into “panic and mayhem!”, and “be quiet and leave me alone”. I feel like I live in a schizophrenic world.

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It was only for a few months like that here in GA. Now everything is back to normal. I am so grateful it is, because this spring I lost a few friends because I did not get the jabs. They still only communicate via text or email, like a phone call could transmit a sickness I do not have. The idea LOL

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People hate missing out. When they send you messages, perhaps you should reply, "Sorry, sweetie, can't talk. I'm at a brunch," and "Sorry, can't talk. I'm at a party," or "Can't talk! Friends over for Star Wars binge!" At some point, your friends might realize they've made a mistake without you even having to say one harsh word.

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Great idea ! Thanks !

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HAha- Tell them you have upgraded to 6G so they can't be infected via telephonic transmission anymore. The unvaccinated are using the digital waves to infect the world!!

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You do. We all do.

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Good or bad, I'm gonna say Trump comes next. All the loons on the left will spontaneously ignite.

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If only they would. Did I just say that out loud?

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Hospital administrators are not going to be treated kindly if future historians are honest.

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Hospital staff are so into this “vax” thing, no matter what disasters happen as a result, they will blame it on the un-jabbed. Some of my family members are looking forward to 2-3 “boosters” a year, and love to mask up, what a feeling of safety they say…..

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That’s so creepy to me- this enjoyment they get out of an obsession with their own health. It’s almost masturbation at this point.

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Found a relevant passage from a book written in England in 1898 about vaccination status: https://wellcomecollection.org/works/vky3b2wj/items?canvas=5

"Add to this the facts, often overlooked, that medical men, even if officials and highly placed, are still liable as men to err, and that their errors will probably accord with their cherished beliefs, and it will readily be understood.

that the evidence of detailed cases—which is really the only evidence on which the credit of vaccination depends—cannot be accepted wholesale as if it were

not open to question. A vaccinated patient with no visible signs of vaccination is likely to be described as unvaccinated if his case is severe, and especially if death ensues ; while if the marks are not plainly visible, the explanation of " not properly performed " is an obvious one and the patient will be included as " belonging to the unvaccinated or imperfectly vaccinated class " in the list of cases, and, tout court, as " unvaccinated " or " having no marks " in the official summary. I think it would be advisable for my medical brethren to accept as authentic only published and tested cases, or such as have come under their own personal observation.

To those who are about to legislate for the country on this vexed question I also address myself particularly. The Queen, in her Speech at the opening of the present Session of Parliament, called for "earnest consideration" of the subject. Hitherto vaccination bills have been passed into law without adequate discussion or debate. Parliament has been assured (incorrectly) that there is complete unanimity in the medical profession concerning the nature, value, necessity, and safety of vaccination; and that has sufficed. Lords and Commons have at once bowed before this alleged unanimity, with the result, as vaccinists claim, but cannot possibly prove, that small-pox has been practically stamped out, but undoubtedly also with the result that hundreds of infants have died from the effects of the operation, that thousands of otherwise blameless citizens have been fined or imprisoned for their very natural and proper resistance to this extraordinary law, and hundreds of thousands of pounds of public money have been spent on what I am satisfied is nothing but a useless and mischievous fallacy. It is strange that members of Parliament do not perceive that the strength of the pro-vaccinist party lies in the public endowment of the practice. Right through the century there has existed a body of officials, ostensibly paid to promote the practice of vaccination, but also, parth' at least, paid to vindicate it theoretically, and to explain away its failures and its accompanying disasters. But for this State aid, vaccination would long ago have been con- signed to the same limbo as has received a thousand other similar fads which, fortunately for the public, have not secured official recognition and support. I hardly expect that legislators will have time to read the numerous cases I adduce—some showing that im- munity from small-pox exists without vaccination, others that mild attacks of small-pox were recorded long before there was any alleged mitigating 'power in vaccination to which to ascribe them, and, again, others proving that neither vaccination nor revaccination nor recent vaccination can be depended upon to protect from small-pox or even from death from that disease. But to the cases of injury and death resulting from vaccination I trust they will not refuse to give some attention. This evidence should be enough to determine any fair-minded enquirer that the enforcement of vaccination by law is indefensible. Take away first the compulsory law, and then take away (if vested interest is not too strong for you) the endowment of the practice, and, when this has been effected, medical men will find themselves for the first time since 1805 free to discuss the vaccination question as a scientific one on its own merits. To what result that unfettered discussion will lead I have myself (now that I have studied the matter carefully for some years) no sort of doubt."

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A perfect fit for today. Given that mankind has been down this road before and that its “leaders” are loath to try out new paths, we know how this ends.

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The problem is the historians will be vaxxed, their children vaxxed, and everyone else who isn't will be given a death sentence at the rate we are accelerating. So we won't ever have a true history. Only the history written by the "victors".

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This is some straight up Jim Jones Kool-Aid drinking crazy talk. That bitch is insane in the membrane.

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Oh she definitely would have been serving the Flavr-Aid with gusto and pride at Jonestown.

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Whenever I see headlines screaming about covid19 patients filling hospitals, I just go to my handy dandy government hospital capacity checker: https://protect-public.hhs.gov/pages/hospital-utilization

What do you know? I expected higher covid19 patients than in mid-summer, but it's actually lower, at 7%. And this is of course so-called covid19 which we don't even know if it exists, because it's never been isolated. And we know that the PCR tests don't work.

I just downloaded two videos of masks and tests being made in filthy and unsanitary conditions in India. It was kids sitting on a dirty floor putting them together.

The people running this hoax are laughing at us and also laughing all the way to the bank.

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This pandemic has been about only one thing: Capitalizing on the profits and socializing the losses. The public is made to pay interest on the losses incurred by the leadership and they enjoy their parties while we rot.

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Our leaders "capitalizing on the profits and socializing the losses" has been going on for decades now. That didn't start with Covid.

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The Sunk loss bias has now gone from a foggy whisper to a pertinent 20 story monster rampaging the hospitals.

Vaccine enthusiast have spent the last year thinking they are morally and intellectual superior for getting the experimental injection. They've insulted, pressured, and forced their friends, family, and strangers to get the injection. The have now injected their kids. Before they can contemplate that they have been wrong they'd have to admit they've been illogical assholes for a whole year. Assholes who've caused a large amount of harm.

To paraphrase and add to Upton Sinclair's quote, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary, moral and social status depends on him not understanding it."

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Thanks for the MSM antidote. Excellent work. I also saw this excellent article today on the new variant and the vaccines crashing and burning.


Only infection has ever conferred critical and fatal outcome protection with coronaviruses through history. There are no exceptions. Not only have all previous attempts ended in failure several have resulted in vaccine-enhanced disease ripping through the vaccinated test subjects on re-challenge with several of those trials ending in the death of all or nearly all test subjects -- which were fortunately animals and not humans. This time around we have performed a mass experiment with zero evidence over a period of years to demonstrate that what has happened 100% of the time in the past will not happen again.

It appears we're losing that bet -- a loss that, on the basis of history, we had every reason to believe would happen and yet instead of every single firm manufacturing this crap being an instant zero several are being rewarded. What the hell sort of rampant, outrageous stupidity is that?

While the data is not yet in there is reason to believe, given the mutations described in this newest "variant", that the vaccinated may be ****ed as the mutations may confer full evasion and yet the binding antibodies you get from being jabbed are still there. If that pans out here comes the exact same thing that has repeatedly happened with coronavirus vaccine attempts except this time we were dumb enough to mass-vaccinate humans rather than a handful of cats.

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That is correct. Antibodies that bind, but do not neutralize the virus, often become assistants in helping the virus into our cells rather than blocking them from entering. When this happens, all bets are off. Not looking forward to 2022 somehow.

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This reminds of the movie “I Am Legend”.

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“Wreckers” is being generous. Kathy hoeschul in NYS might be a low level useful idiot in this march towards a socialist dictatorship. But somewhere there is a group of hardcore ideologues. Like american Alfred Rosenbergs who are VANDALS , criminals , committed marxist revolutionaries. Meanspirited hateful jealous ideologues . I suspect obama is one of those people as he always came across to me this way. He didnt fool me at all. hiliary is another. But there is a group that know what they are doing , they dont realize that its failed everytime its been tried but they are trying it again anyway

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You may be right about Obama and Clinton but I suspect that they are just foot soldiers in this. Line officers perhaps but the field officers are behind the smokescreen.

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My thoughts exactly when wacky Hochul declared the "emergency." Oh, and "a few fries short of a happy meal" - I'm going to use that.

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I have heard that french fry joke before...but I still laughed out loud this a.m. used in this context. Funny- but not so funny if you had a hip replacement scheduled.

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At some point the source of all this pain and suffering must be addressed and remediated. Call it Fauci,Gates, Davos or whatever. But it will have to addressed before it’s too late.

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It seems the impact of this incompetence will be spread evenly across the voting base. Even Democrats get sick. An overnight waiting for help in the ER queue, or "heart surgery is now considered elective" experience will be remembered next election.

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I am not certain there will be a next election. No doubt there will be the stage performance of an election but it is already scripted, the sets and props being built.

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What I’m noticing now is all the chicken littles will squawk about any variant but Delta. Delta is the vaccine resistant highly infectious strain that accounts for 99% of the cases in the US. If they admit that, then the boosters and mandates are worthless.

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Want to put an end to your fear?……buy the book.. “The Real Anthony Fauci

“ by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The problem is your fear will be replaced with anger knowing about the 100,000 of needless deaths that have taken place at the hands of monsters.

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