Yes, that is obviously true. They are using climate change, now translated into the ESG scam, to cause economic misery, destroy the Middle class, create a climate of fear and violence, into which they will come in as the white knight saving us with a brutal authoritarian centrally controlled regime in their home base = Davos, Switzerland. Likely in addition to that, genocide or population reduction, these Malthusian, Club-of-Rome creeps have long been advocating for reducing world population to between 0.5 to 2B people. Psychopaths with unlimited cash because our corrupt & idiot politicians have granted them the incredible gift of money creation.
That’s true. In the UK gas central heating will be banned from 2030, internal combustion engines too. All new homes have to be constructed to new green standards, all property owners must bring their houses up to the energy efficiency level required by 2028 mostly by installing increased insulation or energy efficient heating.
Heat pumps are being touted as the energy efficient replacement, but to install one with the required insulation and new pipe work and radiators, it is reckoned will cost £30 000 for an average size house.
Since the clowns have finally realised that free wind and solar energy is going to be very expensive, and electricity prices must continue up and up and will be the only energy source - think of that UK will be dependent on a single energy source wholly dependent on Britain’s notoriously variable and unreliable weather - they must make fossil fuel energy so expensive that wind and solar will look cheap in comparison.
Yes it is deliberate. It is ruinous. No they don’t care.
"Wind and Solar" are not viable without energy storage and transmission. Both provide opportunistic energy. It is sustainable but not available when and where you need it. It is available when and where it is available. Storage can solve the "when". Getting it to "where" is the other half.
When we consider lifecycle costs and impacts, burning coal looks "clean". Storage has come a good ways in the last dozen years but is still not scalable to where it can support opportunistic sources on the scale needed. Transmission infrastructure exists, but generally not where wind and solar conversion is possible requiring massive infrastructure build out. Which has a rather large negative environmental impact (look into copper mining....)
Don't even ask about PV. If you look into what goes into making it, and what you end up with as wasted after the useful life (20-30 years right now), it's very, very ugly.
In short, we have to ask, is Wind and Solar as an usable energy source really sustainable? While the Sun and the Breeze are expected to outlast humans, the stuff you need to capture it, translate it, and use it requires a lot of resources that are finite.
Which means these opportunistic sources will continue to be expensive and damaging token efforts and dead dinosaurs will continue to be needed. The irony here is that natural gas is very friendly to the environment in ways that matter like spewing stuff toxic to humans and cute furry animals. Not as clean as nuclear power of course, but the second best. The killing of nuclear energy is another example of bad politics blocking good science.
And you're probably right, it is deliberate. We're been mandates for solutions that don't really work. If we are allowed solutions that work then there isn't a profound crisis that requires total submission to combat.
Even storage - even if technologically possible - cannot solve the inconsistency of supply from wind/solar.
For example, pumped water storage works because fossil fuel/nuke power is continuously available, so spare off-peak output can be used to pump water back up to the reservoir of a hydroelectric scheme. During the day the stored water is run through turbines to assist day time peak demand, then pumped back at night from off-peak supply. This is a continuous cycle possible because power to pump back the water is always available on demand.
Now suppose wind replaces fossil fuel/nuke for this. Water is pumped at night and stored. The wind drops during the day, the stored water is released to provide power, but the wind stays calm so there is no night time power to pump the water back up into the reservoir.
Now what?
In order for storage to work, the power source must be despatchable, otherwise availability of stored power will be no more reliable than its primary wind/solar source.
The presumption of ‘wind always blowing/sun always shining somewhere’ assumes a very complex, well coordinated network of inter connectors linking massive storage and generating arrays over a huge area, including internationally. This fantasy inevitable must include layer upon layer of redundancy and transmission of power over long distances.
Anyone who "thinks" that hasn't really thought about it.
You can tell because when you ask them to think about it the have some sort of seizure manifest by uncontrollable shaking and shrieking.
Ask the next person who chimes in "well it's good to have $10 gas as it will force people to switch to EVs" one or more of the following:
1. Where does the energy come from to charge your EV (hint: it's mostly coal, oil and natural gas in the US and Europe outside of France where it is nukes and might actually make sense).
2. What is the lifecycle environmental costs of manufacturing and disposing of your batteries in your cool $100,000 EV?
3. If they answer (1) with "the sun!" you can have even more fun! Point out how little of the worlds electricity is recovered solar, then ask about the life cycle impacts of PV (hint: it's worse than batteries!)
Uncontrollable shaking, occasional mumbling, and frequent emotional outbursts are the usual results. Side effects can include prolonged rage and cancelling your invitation to family functions.
I saw someone (Tucker Carlson perhaps?) asking a woman who had waxed poetic about saving the planet with her electric car how she charged her car. Her answer: I just plug it in. Stage one thinking.
Electrons magically appear at the outlet. For free. Without harming any small furry animals, trees or consuming any resources. What's not to love?
I am reminded of a study, for real, done by some physiological experts at a famous university (FU) on the west coast of the US. They study was intended to be about problem solving skills but became more of a lesson in question design for the researchers.
My favorite:
"What would you do with a red brick?"
#1 answer: "paint it blue".
Problem solved.
Yes, they asked a bunch of engineers. Now they know.
A wrecking crew in DC, working in coordination with wrecking crews in London, Paris, Berlin, Ottawa, and several dozen other Davos-aligned governmental administrations all voicing the WEF mantra, “build back better” but leaving out, “After we finish reducing civilization to smoking ruins”.
They want a deep reduction in the global population, and their efforts will largely succeed. The aim of maintaining the human populace at a half billion, per the Georgia Guidestones, may not come to be, but they’ll kill an awful lot of people.
The events are foretold in Revelation 14, with the “harvest” with the “sickle”. Then the perpetrators themselves will feel the “sharp sickle” of the harvest of the “vine of the earth” or what have been called “the grapes of wrath”.
What a dreadful thing, to live to see the end of the pre millennial ages of man. But here we are.
During the 2020 campaign, quite late, while trailing in the polls by monumental margins, candidate Joe Biden (or the animatronic double) gave a speech in which he promised "it has to get worse". The economy was, compared to 2019, suffering as a direct result of national policy invoked not by the federal government but by a national political party, after governors in 46 of 50 states and all the territories imposed absurd "shutdowns" putting millions out of work, arbitrarily. Then the "heros" of that same party, with the willing cooperation of "the other guys" (who really are the same party, kittens), "helped" all those sad folks they put out of work by making them completely dependent upon the governments. And we witnessd not only a historic abandonment of freedom, and free thinking, we also have seen a historic increase in the number of people who can't survive without debt funded government "assistance" (aka dependence). Which has been the pattern of "progress" for the last 4 decades.
This "worse" is for a reason. Look at real inflation - not reported but felt. Triple transportation costs, double the cost of food, and suppress the supply of essentials. Notice that pot shops and liquor stores were always deemed "essential" and we're not seeing "supply chain issues" there? Likewise, internet access is "essential" as is access to broadcast media. Keep the "medication" and propaganda going, make people suffer, and use the combination of drugs and propaganda to convince them total dependence on government is the only solutions.
Yeah, sure, this is all just random orbits and intersections by chance....hey wanna buy a bridge?
Observe that keeping people alive via the dole assumes that someone must create those tax dollars, eventually. As Thatcher noted sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Whether we have reached an end to this silliness is unclear but at some point we won't have enough revenue to sustain outlays AND nobody will buy government bonds. What then?
What then? There's two ways to sustain spending like this (1) borrow money, (2) just print more. When (1) is no longer an option, (2) is what's left.
With the 2021 spending explosion, on top of the disastrous 2009 budget that guaranteed exponential deficit growth via automatic spending, the ability to borrow may be coming to an end. The remaining option is print more money. Part of our inflation situation is because this is inevitable and the very threat of it has devalued our currency.
For those that still cling to the "tax the rich" mantra, look at the numbers. We haven't' enough rich to tax. The total wealth controlled by US based billionaires is around $4 trillion. Federal spending is over $6 trillion just this year and escalates every year. The new spending passed in 2021 is over $13 trillion. We're looking at 12 to 15 trillion dollar ANNUAL spending in a few years. Today, confiscating 100% of the assets of all US billionaires would cover spending for less than 9 months.
We past the point where the power to tax can sustain spending...past it so fast if you blinked, you missed it.
The PTB are blaming everything on Ukraine --- which creates the perception that these troubles (high energy costs - supply chain collapse)... are TEMPORARY. When Ukraine ends we return to the good times.
Not going go happen.
But heaven forbid the hordes get hold of the idea that this is not about Ukraine but a permanent problem (actually a temporary problem because as Herb Stein said - what cannot continue will stop - the global economy will collapse under high energy prices)
Yeah, like suddenly after 10% reduced demand due to Covid, oil supply has shrunk drastically. While they are deliberately blocking new supply & the pipelines to distribute oil - ENGOs paid by Rockefeller linked foundations. There are substitutes for oil, which are less expensive & better. Like methanol & DME. You can make them from waste biomass, stranded gas, coal and nuclear power with flue gas (i.e. cement plants) or seawater CO2. DME runs directly in diesel engines, Methanol directly in gasoline engines.
Oil has dropped from 49% of World primary energy supply in 1973 to 31% in 2020. There is no real problem reducing oil even to zero. Rationally you would keep the less expensive oil production to supply petrochemicals and jet fuel. Everything else can easily be replaced with gas, coal & nuclear. As gas supplies deplete coal & nuclear will suffice. Note Nazi Germany and currently South Africa produce a large portion of their diesel fuel from coal. South Africa was at 30% CTL diesel fuel.
The scheming, lying Davos Psychos and their minions in government have been deliberately and maliciously disrupting oil production in the West, cancelling pipelines, imposing giant carbon taxes and mandates, cancelling oil & gas drilling leases on public land, pushing refinery closures enhanced by wacky covid restrictions and of course their real bonus was to deliberately cause the Russia-Ukraine war and then use it as an excuse to impose unheard-of-ever draconian sanctions on Russia including for oil & exports. This was all planned. We are seeing true unmitigated evil at work here.
Preach. Biomass and ethanol can at least produce crops. They did in the 1920's and 30's. Did you think a bunch of puckered ladies prohibited booze...nah, it was oil, cracking down on the home stills that fuelled midwestern tractors in the day. On the farm my dad grew up on, the still was mostly run to fuel the machinery. I heard gramps got off on it too.
Presidential policy cutting off oil production and exports created the "energy crisis". Not just in the US, but in Europe and the UK, too. between late 20-17 and early 2021, the US was in the top 3 suppliers of energy products to the world's markets, which made Europe and the UK no longer dependent upon Russia. For the first time in decades OPEC+Russia had competition, breaking the collusive monopoly. Not only was the US no longer dependent upon OPEC+Russia, neither were our trading partners who now had another source.
Putin was not pleased. Nor were the Saudis.
Day 1 in the WH, the Biden administration "fixed" the problem Russia and the Saudi's had from US competition, halting exports by edict. Throttling (again) production. Putting OPEC+Russia back in control.
This in turn revitalized Putin's revenue stream (which Trump's policies had hurt badly). He also now had the leaders of the European economy by the sensitive follicles again. That enabled Putin to resume his expansion into E. Europe.
The current situation in Ukraine was enabled by US energy policy, not the other way around.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
"They" do know, or at least the puppet masters do.
What I was referring to is the economic illiteracy of the voting public, who seem clueless to the downstream ramifications of obviously disastrous government actions and personal debt decisions. They keep voting for moronic actors who promise handouts, "free stuff", subsidies, equity, etc etc, never once acknowledging that EVERYTHING "given" was taken from someone else by threat of violence.
Between personal debt and national debt, the Weimar Republic sequel is just around the corner without a course correction. Obviously the WEF barking seals think it is just another "opportunity" to be exploited.
That said, I worked for a short while in DC as a contractor. I'll just say that the lot of them top to bottom (more so on top) were stupid beyond belief, utterly incurious and fat, lazy ticks. And that is sugar coating it. Generally, government people dumb. Dark money puppet masters are scary, powerful and they apparently can do what they want without fear of facing consequence ordinary folk would have to endure. Except the ones the Clintons deal with uh course.
The illiteracy of the many is part of the problem. People don't know what's really going on. Some are more than illiterate - they are what I call "militantly ignorant" meaning they are ignorant of the facts and will fight anyone who attempts to provide actual information.
Too bad if they're ignorant. This is war, a war against us and you don't get to opt out. They need to be learned, even if their brain hurts from the effort.
Governments are getting better at creating problems and blaming private individuals/industry for it. In Canada, there are massive delays at airports due to vaccine passports and testing (yes, still) and the Trudeau government is blaming out of practice travelers.
The middle class mass formation psychosis Democrats I know are OK with all of this. If Dementia Joe says oil is bad for the environment and all things related to fossil fuel must go up, it's OK. We're saving the environment.
However, if a Republican was saving the environment and causing prices to skyrocket, it would be a problem.
The game is rigged, that is for sure. The main aim is to bankrupt the country and impoverish the people, followed by accelerated death rates and destroyed fertility of young people. Left-Right framework explains very little under these circumstances. To achieve their goals they must cut supplies, which raises prices which will starve the economy of energy. They are also cutting supplies of diesel and DEF which will result in shortage of everything. Investments do very little in this sort of environment because the normal functioning of market forces is prevented by other means.
I am not so certain we are dealing with economic illiteracy here. There is an argument to be made that this is being done intentionally in service to the “green” aspirations of those who would like nothing more than to make fossil fuels less and less affordable. And by enacting “windfall profit taxes”, price gouging laws and the like, they can still play the game of politics by showing their newly cash-strapped constituencies that we are the ones truly on your side - and many will buy it, hook, line, and sinker.
Yes, you're correct. Except don't be misled. The "green" they are pursuing is cash, not ecology. These are 80 year old kleptocrats leading this parade.
If they really cared about emissions they wouldn't be shutting down perfectly good nuclear power plants and wasting $trillions on wind & solar which increase emissions and energy costs.
These jokers WANT high fuel prices! They are unabashed at saying the quiet part outloud - they've been on a tour de force this last 2 weeks. This is just a 40 year temporary "fuel adjustment charge" to transition to renewables. Ain't gonna happen. I started a solar company 18 years ago. Solar is not a bad investment for commercial buildings. Technology has improved significantly over that time. However, it's nowhere near ready for prime time.. We're not even close. Fever dream. Chaos is the goal.
Get ready for a relentless stream of $500+ mil boondoggles like Solyndra. Maybe we should have California "manage" this 40 year transition. There will be a lot of bridges to nowhere. CA has perfected the uncanny ability to throw good money after bad, for unicorn dreams. Newsome is a real "straight shooter with upper management written all over him"...
Energy is the lifeblood of commerce. If the NWO/WEF can control the energy supply, well then, they will control everything! Climate change is just the surreptitious "catalytic" event that's the de facto Trojan horse to meet those ends. It's a diversion folks. Scary times indeed.
Times could be rough for We the People.
Here are some encouraging words for tough times.
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”
Who remembers that the progressive FDR thought that the cause of the Great Depression was low prices, which is, like most of what progressives believe, the exact opposite of reality, and so burned crops, destroyed livestock and limited food production.
This while people were starving and millions queued up in breadlines and soup kitchens.
This is how leftists roll, then, now and forever.
"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it."
All part of a lager evil intent: to destroy free markets and to perpetuate globalism. Dementia Joe actually thinks destroying the energy economy (and therefore the nation) will hasten the Green Revolution. Solar and wind are unreliable and create more pollution and disposal problems than fossil fuels. The sun controls the climate - there is no Climate Crisis - the next 30 years will be cooler due to solar minimums. This is one big "duh". Everything Government controls or subsidizes turns to crap. There is no alternative to energy independence for now. I lived in Europe with $8 a gallon gas. You plan your trips carefully and never use a car in the city because they have safe public transport. Do you know any American city with "safe" public transit?
The Real ER, agree. As the scamdemic was never about public health, the green new deal & the havoc it will wreck is not about saving the planet. It’s all just tyrannical control, depopulation, you’ll own nothing & be happy
California has one of the sunniest climates in the U.S. The state put too much emphasis on renewable power and the result is lots and lots of blackouts because there isn't adequate power from the renewables (33% in 2020) and they don't produce enough electric power for the population. Period. The green morons just refuse to acknowledge the limitations of what they have forced on us. I've gotten to the point where I don't believe any punishment that exists is too bad for them, and furthermore, I'd relish watching them get their just due.
When the "man made global warming" became a thing, I noticed that many of the most visible band-wagon drivers were the same people who had been advocating for population control. These were the folks predicting an end to humanity because the planet could not support 7 billion people and if we didn't "do what has to be done" to stop population growth we'd all die. Forced sterilization and "priority based resource controls" were in their quiver of policy tricks before MMGW. Forced lifestyle changes were stock and trade, too. The "climate crisis" isn't about climate, or the environment, it is about forcing lifestyle conformance. Just read carefully what they propose as "fixes" and it becomes clear.
The Biden administration has not banned Russian exports and in fact specifically excluded anything from sanctions that might impede energy product production and exportation from Russia. The "sanctions" they imposed actually protect Russian energy production (as well as grain exports). If we blocked Russian oil exports the warfare in Ukraine would decline as Russia would lack the resources to sustain the conflict.
The staggering cost of economic illiteracy is the debt that keeps on keeping on.
At this point, can we agree that all of this is deliberate? I have no other explanation.
It has to be. They think they are "saving the planet" by making energy and gas prices sky high.
They are telling their useful idiots that they're saving the planet. They, however, the puppet-masters of Davos, they know better.
Yes, that is obviously true. They are using climate change, now translated into the ESG scam, to cause economic misery, destroy the Middle class, create a climate of fear and violence, into which they will come in as the white knight saving us with a brutal authoritarian centrally controlled regime in their home base = Davos, Switzerland. Likely in addition to that, genocide or population reduction, these Malthusian, Club-of-Rome creeps have long been advocating for reducing world population to between 0.5 to 2B people. Psychopaths with unlimited cash because our corrupt & idiot politicians have granted them the incredible gift of money creation.
Have you seen a photo of the dozens of private planes lines up on the tarmac that brought all the monsters to the Davos meeting?
And did you see the photo -- IIRC on Rebel News -- of their dinner spread? What, no bugs? Surely you jest, Klaus 🤣🤣
They don't eat their own :P!
Klaus failed to mention the plebs will be served zee bugs. Klaus and his boys will never get near any bugs.
Go fund me - Kinzhals for Davos!
And yet you don't subscribe to a single substack.
That’s true. In the UK gas central heating will be banned from 2030, internal combustion engines too. All new homes have to be constructed to new green standards, all property owners must bring their houses up to the energy efficiency level required by 2028 mostly by installing increased insulation or energy efficient heating.
Heat pumps are being touted as the energy efficient replacement, but to install one with the required insulation and new pipe work and radiators, it is reckoned will cost £30 000 for an average size house.
Since the clowns have finally realised that free wind and solar energy is going to be very expensive, and electricity prices must continue up and up and will be the only energy source - think of that UK will be dependent on a single energy source wholly dependent on Britain’s notoriously variable and unreliable weather - they must make fossil fuel energy so expensive that wind and solar will look cheap in comparison.
Yes it is deliberate. It is ruinous. No they don’t care.
"Wind and Solar" are not viable without energy storage and transmission. Both provide opportunistic energy. It is sustainable but not available when and where you need it. It is available when and where it is available. Storage can solve the "when". Getting it to "where" is the other half.
When we consider lifecycle costs and impacts, burning coal looks "clean". Storage has come a good ways in the last dozen years but is still not scalable to where it can support opportunistic sources on the scale needed. Transmission infrastructure exists, but generally not where wind and solar conversion is possible requiring massive infrastructure build out. Which has a rather large negative environmental impact (look into copper mining....)
Don't even ask about PV. If you look into what goes into making it, and what you end up with as wasted after the useful life (20-30 years right now), it's very, very ugly.
In short, we have to ask, is Wind and Solar as an usable energy source really sustainable? While the Sun and the Breeze are expected to outlast humans, the stuff you need to capture it, translate it, and use it requires a lot of resources that are finite.
Which means these opportunistic sources will continue to be expensive and damaging token efforts and dead dinosaurs will continue to be needed. The irony here is that natural gas is very friendly to the environment in ways that matter like spewing stuff toxic to humans and cute furry animals. Not as clean as nuclear power of course, but the second best. The killing of nuclear energy is another example of bad politics blocking good science.
And you're probably right, it is deliberate. We're been mandates for solutions that don't really work. If we are allowed solutions that work then there isn't a profound crisis that requires total submission to combat.
Even storage - even if technologically possible - cannot solve the inconsistency of supply from wind/solar.
For example, pumped water storage works because fossil fuel/nuke power is continuously available, so spare off-peak output can be used to pump water back up to the reservoir of a hydroelectric scheme. During the day the stored water is run through turbines to assist day time peak demand, then pumped back at night from off-peak supply. This is a continuous cycle possible because power to pump back the water is always available on demand.
Now suppose wind replaces fossil fuel/nuke for this. Water is pumped at night and stored. The wind drops during the day, the stored water is released to provide power, but the wind stays calm so there is no night time power to pump the water back up into the reservoir.
Now what?
In order for storage to work, the power source must be despatchable, otherwise availability of stored power will be no more reliable than its primary wind/solar source.
The presumption of ‘wind always blowing/sun always shining somewhere’ assumes a very complex, well coordinated network of inter connectors linking massive storage and generating arrays over a huge area, including internationally. This fantasy inevitable must include layer upon layer of redundancy and transmission of power over long distances.
Anyone who "thinks" that hasn't really thought about it.
You can tell because when you ask them to think about it the have some sort of seizure manifest by uncontrollable shaking and shrieking.
Ask the next person who chimes in "well it's good to have $10 gas as it will force people to switch to EVs" one or more of the following:
1. Where does the energy come from to charge your EV (hint: it's mostly coal, oil and natural gas in the US and Europe outside of France where it is nukes and might actually make sense).
2. What is the lifecycle environmental costs of manufacturing and disposing of your batteries in your cool $100,000 EV?
3. If they answer (1) with "the sun!" you can have even more fun! Point out how little of the worlds electricity is recovered solar, then ask about the life cycle impacts of PV (hint: it's worse than batteries!)
Uncontrollable shaking, occasional mumbling, and frequent emotional outbursts are the usual results. Side effects can include prolonged rage and cancelling your invitation to family functions.
I saw someone (Tucker Carlson perhaps?) asking a woman who had waxed poetic about saving the planet with her electric car how she charged her car. Her answer: I just plug it in. Stage one thinking.
Electrons magically appear at the outlet. For free. Without harming any small furry animals, trees or consuming any resources. What's not to love?
I am reminded of a study, for real, done by some physiological experts at a famous university (FU) on the west coast of the US. They study was intended to be about problem solving skills but became more of a lesson in question design for the researchers.
My favorite:
"What would you do with a red brick?"
#1 answer: "paint it blue".
Problem solved.
Yes, they asked a bunch of engineers. Now they know.
Stage 6 thinking, surely? She omitted the five stages (including the burning of'fossil' fuels) that got the power to her charging point.
Such blinkers will come in handy when we're all getting around on horseback again...
Was she blonde?
Nah... we are running out of inexpensive energy.
Before Ukraine
Ya think?
A wrecking crew in DC, working in coordination with wrecking crews in London, Paris, Berlin, Ottawa, and several dozen other Davos-aligned governmental administrations all voicing the WEF mantra, “build back better” but leaving out, “After we finish reducing civilization to smoking ruins”.
Yep, I think it’s deliberate.
I guess they want to be Kings of the Hill, the hill being the garbage dump they turn the world into.
Not exactly. The King's hill will stay clean.
They want a deep reduction in the global population, and their efforts will largely succeed. The aim of maintaining the human populace at a half billion, per the Georgia Guidestones, may not come to be, but they’ll kill an awful lot of people.
The events are foretold in Revelation 14, with the “harvest” with the “sickle”. Then the perpetrators themselves will feel the “sharp sickle” of the harvest of the “vine of the earth” or what have been called “the grapes of wrath”.
What a dreadful thing, to live to see the end of the pre millennial ages of man. But here we are.
Don’t be a grape.
"To make an omelet you gotta break some eggs."
Break all the Sovereign Nations make the NWO.
Unless we stop them.
We certainly have to try.
A thousand hills worth dying on.
No prisons worth living in.
I'm with you. We win this or we fight to our last breath.
Anything else is unthinkable.
I have to believe it's deliberate. No one could be this dense, thick, stupid, uninformed. Our lives are deeply affected by these vicious idiots.
I used to think of such thoughts as wacko conspiracy theories. Now I call it "paying attention" :-).
It is getting harder to conclude otherwise.
During the 2020 campaign, quite late, while trailing in the polls by monumental margins, candidate Joe Biden (or the animatronic double) gave a speech in which he promised "it has to get worse". The economy was, compared to 2019, suffering as a direct result of national policy invoked not by the federal government but by a national political party, after governors in 46 of 50 states and all the territories imposed absurd "shutdowns" putting millions out of work, arbitrarily. Then the "heros" of that same party, with the willing cooperation of "the other guys" (who really are the same party, kittens), "helped" all those sad folks they put out of work by making them completely dependent upon the governments. And we witnessd not only a historic abandonment of freedom, and free thinking, we also have seen a historic increase in the number of people who can't survive without debt funded government "assistance" (aka dependence). Which has been the pattern of "progress" for the last 4 decades.
This "worse" is for a reason. Look at real inflation - not reported but felt. Triple transportation costs, double the cost of food, and suppress the supply of essentials. Notice that pot shops and liquor stores were always deemed "essential" and we're not seeing "supply chain issues" there? Likewise, internet access is "essential" as is access to broadcast media. Keep the "medication" and propaganda going, make people suffer, and use the combination of drugs and propaganda to convince them total dependence on government is the only solutions.
Yeah, sure, this is all just random orbits and intersections by chance....hey wanna buy a bridge?
Observe that keeping people alive via the dole assumes that someone must create those tax dollars, eventually. As Thatcher noted sooner or later you run out of other people's money. Whether we have reached an end to this silliness is unclear but at some point we won't have enough revenue to sustain outlays AND nobody will buy government bonds. What then?
Money printer will continue to go brrrrrr....Zimbabwe levels of inflation???
What then? There's two ways to sustain spending like this (1) borrow money, (2) just print more. When (1) is no longer an option, (2) is what's left.
With the 2021 spending explosion, on top of the disastrous 2009 budget that guaranteed exponential deficit growth via automatic spending, the ability to borrow may be coming to an end. The remaining option is print more money. Part of our inflation situation is because this is inevitable and the very threat of it has devalued our currency.
For those that still cling to the "tax the rich" mantra, look at the numbers. We haven't' enough rich to tax. The total wealth controlled by US based billionaires is around $4 trillion. Federal spending is over $6 trillion just this year and escalates every year. The new spending passed in 2021 is over $13 trillion. We're looking at 12 to 15 trillion dollar ANNUAL spending in a few years. Today, confiscating 100% of the assets of all US billionaires would cover spending for less than 9 months.
We past the point where the power to tax can sustain spending...past it so fast if you blinked, you missed it.
Congratulate Obummer. It was going down before it, but not as fast. Let's buy out GM! Let's fund insurance for everyone, it won't cost much!
The Ukraine 'war' was launched to provide an excuse for what we energy prices that were already spiralling BEFORE Ukraine kicked off.
The PTB are blaming everything on Ukraine --- which creates the perception that these troubles (high energy costs - supply chain collapse)... are TEMPORARY. When Ukraine ends we return to the good times.
Not going go happen.
But heaven forbid the hordes get hold of the idea that this is not about Ukraine but a permanent problem (actually a temporary problem because as Herb Stein said - what cannot continue will stop - the global economy will collapse under high energy prices)
Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told
Exactly this.
Yeah, like suddenly after 10% reduced demand due to Covid, oil supply has shrunk drastically. While they are deliberately blocking new supply & the pipelines to distribute oil - ENGOs paid by Rockefeller linked foundations. There are substitutes for oil, which are less expensive & better. Like methanol & DME. You can make them from waste biomass, stranded gas, coal and nuclear power with flue gas (i.e. cement plants) or seawater CO2. DME runs directly in diesel engines, Methanol directly in gasoline engines.
Oil has dropped from 49% of World primary energy supply in 1973 to 31% in 2020. There is no real problem reducing oil even to zero. Rationally you would keep the less expensive oil production to supply petrochemicals and jet fuel. Everything else can easily be replaced with gas, coal & nuclear. As gas supplies deplete coal & nuclear will suffice. Note Nazi Germany and currently South Africa produce a large portion of their diesel fuel from coal. South Africa was at 30% CTL diesel fuel.
The scheming, lying Davos Psychos and their minions in government have been deliberately and maliciously disrupting oil production in the West, cancelling pipelines, imposing giant carbon taxes and mandates, cancelling oil & gas drilling leases on public land, pushing refinery closures enhanced by wacky covid restrictions and of course their real bonus was to deliberately cause the Russia-Ukraine war and then use it as an excuse to impose unheard-of-ever draconian sanctions on Russia including for oil & exports. This was all planned. We are seeing true unmitigated evil at work here.
Preach. Biomass and ethanol can at least produce crops. They did in the 1920's and 30's. Did you think a bunch of puckered ladies prohibited booze...nah, it was oil, cracking down on the home stills that fuelled midwestern tractors in the day. On the farm my dad grew up on, the still was mostly run to fuel the machinery. I heard gramps got off on it too.
The research on EROEI doesn't really fit in very well with what you're saying here.
They've got it backwards, of course.
Presidential policy cutting off oil production and exports created the "energy crisis". Not just in the US, but in Europe and the UK, too. between late 20-17 and early 2021, the US was in the top 3 suppliers of energy products to the world's markets, which made Europe and the UK no longer dependent upon Russia. For the first time in decades OPEC+Russia had competition, breaking the collusive monopoly. Not only was the US no longer dependent upon OPEC+Russia, neither were our trading partners who now had another source.
Putin was not pleased. Nor were the Saudis.
Day 1 in the WH, the Biden administration "fixed" the problem Russia and the Saudi's had from US competition, halting exports by edict. Throttling (again) production. Putting OPEC+Russia back in control.
This in turn revitalized Putin's revenue stream (which Trump's policies had hurt badly). He also now had the leaders of the European economy by the sensitive follicles again. That enabled Putin to resume his expansion into E. Europe.
The current situation in Ukraine was enabled by US energy policy, not the other way around.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
If you have $100,000k in your account ... and deposit $1000 every month but withdraw say $5000 every month -- what eventually happens?
It's absolutely deliberate.
Do you think it is economic illiteracy that is the problem? I think they know what they are doing.
"They" do know, or at least the puppet masters do.
What I was referring to is the economic illiteracy of the voting public, who seem clueless to the downstream ramifications of obviously disastrous government actions and personal debt decisions. They keep voting for moronic actors who promise handouts, "free stuff", subsidies, equity, etc etc, never once acknowledging that EVERYTHING "given" was taken from someone else by threat of violence.
Between personal debt and national debt, the Weimar Republic sequel is just around the corner without a course correction. Obviously the WEF barking seals think it is just another "opportunity" to be exploited.
Well! We agree to the uttermost.
That said, I worked for a short while in DC as a contractor. I'll just say that the lot of them top to bottom (more so on top) were stupid beyond belief, utterly incurious and fat, lazy ticks. And that is sugar coating it. Generally, government people dumb. Dark money puppet masters are scary, powerful and they apparently can do what they want without fear of facing consequence ordinary folk would have to endure. Except the ones the Clintons deal with uh course.
The illiteracy of the many is part of the problem. People don't know what's really going on. Some are more than illiterate - they are what I call "militantly ignorant" meaning they are ignorant of the facts and will fight anyone who attempts to provide actual information.
I was in the educational system while it was being deconstructed. Americans' ignorance is intentional.
Too bad if they're ignorant. This is war, a war against us and you don't get to opt out. They need to be learned, even if their brain hurts from the effort.
Plus they have memories like a sieve.
They are "breaking" the Sovereign Nations so they can create the NWO.
And the Formerly Free World is the target, especially the U.S.
Read the "Real Anthony Fouci."
Particularly the last chapter and the epilog...
Well the "breaking" part seems to be going very well...
Governments are getting better at creating problems and blaming private individuals/industry for it. In Canada, there are massive delays at airports due to vaccine passports and testing (yes, still) and the Trudeau government is blaming out of practice travelers.
Trudeau is a gutless coward.
The middle class mass formation psychosis Democrats I know are OK with all of this. If Dementia Joe says oil is bad for the environment and all things related to fossil fuel must go up, it's OK. We're saving the environment.
However, if a Republican was saving the environment and causing prices to skyrocket, it would be a problem.
And Republicans are doing exactly that. As well as doing their very best to elect Democrats and implement their policies.
I believe the phrase is "uniparty." It's a big club, and we're not in it.
I simply call it The Party. Giving credit to George Orwell.
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." -George Orwell, 1984
Yes I have the hat "Make Orwell Fiction Again"
Funny. But y'all are smart enough to know, it was never fiction. Orwell was an observer.
Unfortunately, things are going according to plan.
Crash energy. Crash healthcare. Crash Real Estate. Crash Currency. Crash America.
It’s playing out in real time and still it seems most folks can’t their heads around the reality that our “leaders” are willfully causing it.
All necessary steps to "build back better".
Orwellian language. Really means "build back worser" or even "don't even bother building back, plebes can starve and die".
This is what happens when a shrieking teenager and bartender run energy policy:
We need to get these jackasses out of positions of power!
The game is rigged, that is for sure. The main aim is to bankrupt the country and impoverish the people, followed by accelerated death rates and destroyed fertility of young people. Left-Right framework explains very little under these circumstances. To achieve their goals they must cut supplies, which raises prices which will starve the economy of energy. They are also cutting supplies of diesel and DEF which will result in shortage of everything. Investments do very little in this sort of environment because the normal functioning of market forces is prevented by other means.
As a former president said, everything they touch turns to shite.
"Everything the government touches turns to crap."
~ Ringo Starr
I am not so certain we are dealing with economic illiteracy here. There is an argument to be made that this is being done intentionally in service to the “green” aspirations of those who would like nothing more than to make fossil fuels less and less affordable. And by enacting “windfall profit taxes”, price gouging laws and the like, they can still play the game of politics by showing their newly cash-strapped constituencies that we are the ones truly on your side - and many will buy it, hook, line, and sinker.
Yes, you're correct. Except don't be misled. The "green" they are pursuing is cash, not ecology. These are 80 year old kleptocrats leading this parade.
The useful idiots believe the propaganda. The puppet-masters are pursuing power, from which they can produce cash. Or vice-versa, works both ways.
If they really cared about emissions they wouldn't be shutting down perfectly good nuclear power plants and wasting $trillions on wind & solar which increase emissions and energy costs.
One more example of why small government is the best government. Without the extra personnel they can't screw up as many things.
These jokers WANT high fuel prices! They are unabashed at saying the quiet part outloud - they've been on a tour de force this last 2 weeks. This is just a 40 year temporary "fuel adjustment charge" to transition to renewables. Ain't gonna happen. I started a solar company 18 years ago. Solar is not a bad investment for commercial buildings. Technology has improved significantly over that time. However, it's nowhere near ready for prime time.. We're not even close. Fever dream. Chaos is the goal.
Get ready for a relentless stream of $500+ mil boondoggles like Solyndra. Maybe we should have California "manage" this 40 year transition. There will be a lot of bridges to nowhere. CA has perfected the uncanny ability to throw good money after bad, for unicorn dreams. Newsome is a real "straight shooter with upper management written all over him"...
Energy is the lifeblood of commerce. If the NWO/WEF can control the energy supply, well then, they will control everything! Climate change is just the surreptitious "catalytic" event that's the de facto Trojan horse to meet those ends. It's a diversion folks. Scary times indeed.
Times could be rough for We the People.
Here are some encouraging words for tough times.
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”
- G. Michael Hopf
Who remembers that the progressive FDR thought that the cause of the Great Depression was low prices, which is, like most of what progressives believe, the exact opposite of reality, and so burned crops, destroyed livestock and limited food production.
This while people were starving and millions queued up in breadlines and soup kitchens.
This is how leftists roll, then, now and forever.
"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it."
~ Thomas Sowell
All part of a lager evil intent: to destroy free markets and to perpetuate globalism. Dementia Joe actually thinks destroying the energy economy (and therefore the nation) will hasten the Green Revolution. Solar and wind are unreliable and create more pollution and disposal problems than fossil fuels. The sun controls the climate - there is no Climate Crisis - the next 30 years will be cooler due to solar minimums. This is one big "duh". Everything Government controls or subsidizes turns to crap. There is no alternative to energy independence for now. I lived in Europe with $8 a gallon gas. You plan your trips carefully and never use a car in the city because they have safe public transport. Do you know any American city with "safe" public transit?
The Real ER, agree. As the scamdemic was never about public health, the green new deal & the havoc it will wreck is not about saving the planet. It’s all just tyrannical control, depopulation, you’ll own nothing & be happy
All true Cindi, the COVID debacle was the greatest crime in the history of humanity.
It was the start of it, for sure. I think there is worse fallout to come - from the shots as well as what the Davos set has in mind for us
California has one of the sunniest climates in the U.S. The state put too much emphasis on renewable power and the result is lots and lots of blackouts because there isn't adequate power from the renewables (33% in 2020) and they don't produce enough electric power for the population. Period. The green morons just refuse to acknowledge the limitations of what they have forced on us. I've gotten to the point where I don't believe any punishment that exists is too bad for them, and furthermore, I'd relish watching them get their just due.
And if the “electric chair” were to be powered by the Sun & wind, it could be a deliciously SLOW just due 🤣
You are going to drag astrophysics into a discussion on how planets behave?
That'll get you labeled "denier" and sent to stand in the corner :-(.
They are trying to save the planet by killing off the deplorables and useless eaters.
Not as sarcastic as you may have meant it.
When the "man made global warming" became a thing, I noticed that many of the most visible band-wagon drivers were the same people who had been advocating for population control. These were the folks predicting an end to humanity because the planet could not support 7 billion people and if we didn't "do what has to be done" to stop population growth we'd all die. Forced sterilization and "priority based resource controls" were in their quiver of policy tricks before MMGW. Forced lifestyle changes were stock and trade, too. The "climate crisis" isn't about climate, or the environment, it is about forcing lifestyle conformance. Just read carefully what they propose as "fixes" and it becomes clear.
"You will own nothing and you will be happy." Otherwise phrased as, "We will own everything and you are going to like it."
Discourage investment in domestic production while "banning" Russian
The Biden administration has not banned Russian exports and in fact specifically excluded anything from sanctions that might impede energy product production and exportation from Russia. The "sanctions" they imposed actually protect Russian energy production (as well as grain exports). If we blocked Russian oil exports the warfare in Ukraine would decline as Russia would lack the resources to sustain the conflict.
Ain't the Great Reset grand?! #ControlledDemolition #YourGovernmentHatesYou