As someone who identifies as Reformed Woke, I was very surprised to discover how deeply unpopular Wokeism is, particularly among blue collar folks, once I exited my earnest Woke fog.
I just remembered - I used to host a Woke bookclub, unironically 😂
I'm a free speech purist. I wrote my thesis on John Stuart Mill and Jurgen Habermas. Censorship was my line in the sand, so the censorship around Covid vaccines and injuries snapped me awake hard.
Also, unlike some of my Woke ex-friends, I was very earnest in my Wokeism. It seemed obvious to me that Team Woke ought to advocate AGAINST coercion (#metoo as precedent) and FOR the vaccine injured, and FOR bodily autonomy. So I was pretty aggrieved when they didn't.
I wrote about the My Body My Choice hypocrisy here in the hope that some of them would read it. I only know of one who did. It was one of my first Substack posts. I was so angry!
These are the ones I can remember. I also bought one of those white guilt books (can’t remember which one) and started the ‘workbook’ but abandoned it as tbh it seemed toxic.
Ayn Rand strikes me as unlikely choice for a woke book club since she was all about the individual and excellence. Sapient was very interesting imo but I quit when he got on his vegetarian soapbox. I read it before Hararii put a target on my back.
A lot of those "all whites are racist" books are written by white people. I think they say these things because they know they are racist inside and see the world that way.
Although I am a Christian and I hate abortion, I had to become prochoice when I realized the contradiction between my being pro-bodily autonomy/anti-coerced vaccination, and arresting women for killing their babies. I still think abortion is murder and morally wrong, but it's their right to do it. I also wrote about my change in opinion which was pretty scary since I am a Christian blogger. I also discovered the moral conflict that exists within the radical animal rights movement that fanatically fights to protect animal life but whole-heartedly supports abortion as birth control.
But the other side claiming the sacred principle of "my body, my choice" was completely unconcerned by their hypocrisy. Funny that. It's like they don't have any principles, or something.
Abortion destroys, in brutal fashion, a unique human life. I would ask you to revisit your revisiting of your stance on abortion.
Amen. Especially when birth control is so easily found and easy to obtain/use. Abortion used as birth control is never right. Abortion used to get big payouts from aborted fetal parts/organs is beyond monstrous, but what Planned Parenthood is based on.
Key words: abortion used as birth control...they like to claim that women don't do that, but a friend who is very liberal pro choice had to quit working at PPH when she saw the women coming in for multiple abortions - even though each time she discussed birth control. These were NOT prostitutes or pimped out women... these were every day women, who thought they ought to be able to get one on demand....
The hidden, developing life in the mother's womb was denigrated as just a clump of cells by our opposition for years. Ultrasound technology clearly showed a tiny human forming in the womb.
Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a co-founder of NARAL) was shaken to his core by what was disclosed via ultrasound and knew that he could no longer support the destruction of an innocent human life. He completely changed his stance and actually converted to Christianity.
The notion of human rights and the dignity of each and every human being stemmed from Christianity. Protecting human life has to be the foremost expression of Christian belief in the political sphere.
From 2016 onward the number of people I'd formerly admired (or at the least thought decent and honest) crashed like a series of flameout meteors. The Plague Era accelerated that to escape orbit speed.
This is how I felt when, as a Christian, Muslims became my greatest allies in the pro-human movement and there was a massive reconciliation on my part. I was wrong. I still don’t agree with the caliphate, but we have rather the same enemies.
I have six children and they all belong to God. The problem with your statement is that you seem to think that other people have autonomy over another person's body. Are you in favor of vaccine mandates?
It is an individual life and thus has agency and the right to exist intrinsically. And “fetus” means “little one” though people like you think of it as a way to dehumanize the innocent.
To hear you call yourself a Christian and admit abortion is murder while saying it’s someone’s “right” to do it is quite something. I respectfully suggest you worry more about God’s opinion and less about seeming hypocritical to other humans, because you are most definitely on the wrong side of this issue.
Also, do you also believe that it is a woman’s right to murder her newborn or her toddler? Because location and age don’t change humanity. It’s our responsibility to protect the innocent. Especially those of us who call ourselves Christians.
I respectfully suggest you show me where it says in the Bible that it's a Christian's job to police the world. Pretty sure our job is to love and help people and spread the Gospel. That includes pregnant women. Do you think women should be locked up and forced to give birth? Or should we offer them a reason to keep their babies? They need hope and truth, not prosecution. I don't see any of the early church fathers talking about abortion. They do talk about God's offer of grace and forgiveness. Seeming hypocritical is not the same as being hypocritical. The latter is what concerns me. It is hypocritical and a sin to put ourselves in God's judgment seat. I've done some soul searching and my eyes are open to how badly the Christian church in America is failing to do it's job. Which I why I wrote a blog called Please Don't Call America A Christian Nation.
Women should not be locked up to give birth. At the same time, unborn children should not be put to death. My main thoughts is that taxpayer money should not cover it, and secondly that if I truly believe abortion is wrong, I will never personally put a woman into the situation where she has to make that choice. So I abstain as I really don't want my tubes messed with. It's "my body my choice" not that any woman considers not having sex with me deprivation or a punishment of any kind.
Consider that I have set before thee this day life and good, and on the other hand death and evil:
[16] That thou mayst love the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways, and keep his commandments and ceremonies and judgments, and thou mayst live, and he may multiply thee, and bless thee in the land, which thou shalt go in to possess. [17] But if thy heart be turned away, so that thou wilt not hear, and being deceived with error thou adore strange gods, and serve them: [18] I foretell thee this day that thou shalt perish, and shalt remain but a short time in the land, to which thou shalt pass over the Jordan, and shalt go in to possess it. [19] I call heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, that both thou and thy seed may live: [20] And that thou mayst love the Lord thy God, and obey his voice, and adhere to him (for he is thy life, and the length of thy days,)
Wow. You are twisting yourself into a pretzel to justify your unjustifiable position.
Not once did I say women should be locked up. But yes, murderers should indeed pay a penalty, so there you go.
Now answer my question, the one you ignored. Do you believe women have a right to kill their children at any time? Because as I said, location and age don’t change humanity.
Also, the Bible tells us to be salt and light. Jesus said if salt loses its saltiness it’s good for nothing and should be spit out. A Christian making excuses to justify murder should consider that very seriously.
I’ve saved your post to read later. I’m really impressed with your (change of) stance! I’ve found it really strange to encounter this divide in personal philosophy on both sides of the argument. As a lifetime pro choicer, that never had to change for me. My mother raised me in a very strict religion and raised me to feel that abortion was very rarely the moral choice to make, but it was mine to make just as it was the prerogative of any female finding herself in that predicament. So I had a hard time watching my pro choice bubble of friends completely drop the bodily autonomy ball, while simultaneously wondering why newfound antivaxxer friends seem so stereotypically vehement in selectively protecting the rights of the unborn as though a woman has none of her own. I applaud your comment and wish there were more of us. It’s a silly thing to argue about. And so very American.
I was wondering if it was very American . What about the trans agenda ? Is that being actively promoted by the liberals in your country like it is here ?
Funny you should ask, because omg yes. I don’t know what is going on, the sober, socialized medecine Dutch should not be going down this road, yet here we are. I keep hearing that Nordic countries are pulling back but the US and the NL are going full steam ahead. Waiting lists are long, the state news is reporting on how to order illegal hormones online and our children are being propagandized left and right. It’s really depressing. It leaves me thinking that it really is part of a larger nefarious agenda under cover of the SDG. There’s no other explanation because it is not healthcare and all the useful statistics prove that. I saw the Alex Berenson has an article out about it, I would really love EGM to wade in on the data analysis side of things, costs, benefits and true motivations.
Help me believe that some people have the right to kill other people? So...can I kill my 3 year old if it becomes a burden to me or develops a disease? Who gets to decide? What if a father doesn’t want the baby; can he kill it too or does only the mother have that right? If murder is wrong why would we punish some practitioners and not all? Being pro bodily autonomy has NOTHING to do with abortion as there several ways to prevent this condition.
When the police entered that school in Nashville and confronted the shooter, who immediately did not lay down her weapons, then she needed to be killed, right there and then in order to protect innocent lives.
No one said anything about killing a child after birth. You might want to think this over more. It is a big deal to claim that you can force a woman to stay pregnant. I already said that I am anti-abortion. The word 'right' might not be the best choice, but I can't think of another way to say it. I don't think states should subsidize abortions. The bottom line is this. Abortions have always existed. The only thing that has changed is whether they were state sanctioned. The state got involved in order to help the reduce the poor and ethnic population, period. This was never about caring about babies for the Supreme Court.
Once you perform the act to get pregnant, it’s your responsibility to carry that baby to term. You don’t kill the baby YOU MADE because it becomes inconvenient. That is straight up murder.
It would be nice if someone seeking an abortion would stop and think for a second, that's all I really ask. I guess I'm not totally against some pregnancies being terminated, but it should not be the default, not by a long shot. It's not "reproductive healthcare" it is taking a life and not something to be done frivolously.
That’s yet another satanic weasel word. Just like health care is actually sick care is actually money care, poisoning, control, satan worship, anti God
I think if you put some thought into it you will see that it does. They both have to do with outside forces using the power of law to control someone's body. Note that I said I hate abortion. I am talking about legal power over someone's body, just like mandated medical treatments. Think of it like this. Anyone who can use a law to force you to do something, can also use laws to prevent you from doing the same thing. They need to leave our bodies alone, period. We do not belong to the state.
I like your point above, that making laws to keep a woman pregnant are just as intrusive as laws for allowing abortion. The libertarian view is that laws have no business in any of this. Doctors who believe in it will perform, doctors who do not believe in it do not. (likewise, why do we need a rainbow circus to celebrate either choice?) LOL Ayn Rand or Invisible Hand market driven, the flotsam will rise to the top, and it will be easy to see who has chosen with integrity.
Yeah. Looks like freedom also extends to the carrying mother in some circumstances, at least according to JP: This issue is a lot more complicated than forcing people to take a completely useless vax that carries enormous risk!
Well the vax can kill or maim you, just like abortion, so they are both pretty important issues. I love children. I have six of them. Two of them are completely unvaccinated. I believe in personal freedom and responsibility because we will all stand before God as INDIVIDUALS.
The reason I shared the video with you is because what you wrote seemed to resonate with what JP says. The complication with the issue of abortion is that there are two lives at stake. I like what JP and you have expressed. It is a lot braver than my own personal stand.
This whole subject has stirred up a bunch of stuff for me. Some have boosted here the notion that all we have to do is exercise the bodily equivalent of "just say no" and of course that makes a lot of sense. If only I had.
My own journey as a child who was trafficked for sex, and how this experience that started at age 4 and went on for several years led me in adulthood to believe that self-destruction in its many forms was the only viable option. I have frequently wondered what would have happened if I would have "just said no" but the threats against me doing so seemed to my child's mind, insurmountable. My self-loathing about my own moral weakness, lack of courage, and my resentment against my lack of resilience while going through all this is a constant and daily refrain.
The good news is that it can give me real empathy for those who are trapped in their own little hell, and not spend too much time criticizing them for not saying no up front.
I am sorry to hear of your experience. the world has many Despicable predators who exploit the weak, and there’s a special place in hell for someone who hurts a child. My own experience is you can never erase these things. They form a scar, but it is possible to rebuild and find peace and happiness --- I wish this for you.
Thanks for the kind words. It has taken decades, but I am at a place where I can mostly live with the scars and the on-going open wounds.
This happened to me in 1960s, when pedophiles were menwho to attacked young girls, and boys were not considered vulnerable. One therapist told me that I likely would not have been believed had I spoken up. In some ways, even now, its hard to believe that it happened in suburban America.
And for the millennia of human history before that, all children were vulnerable and the acts against them were tolerated and even encouraged. So I am not unique, far from it. In some ways, this sort of wounding is part of what it means to be human.
Doesn't change the life-long low level attachment to death (escape), which is also pretty common among us. What's not common is talking about it.
I'll be dead honest with you: I didn't go through nearly what you did, but my male cousin molested me, and years later, when I finally came forward and told my family what happened, I was shunned, not believed and hated for telling the truth.
Or thinking about it. Sometimes the safest thing feels to be to ignore the whole episode and move forward on auto pilot. Unfortunately our subconscious then takes the reins and creates all kinds of havoc. I think it’s so important to ensure after trauma that you understand how this works so you can move forward in formed towards a better life.
Currently, the predators have political strength and are right now today grooming children for sexual purposes. This is exactly what needs to be stopped--immediately. It's like every single evil stepfather who ever molested their new wife's kid is in charge of most of the USA.
There was a poignant scene in Outlander (Season4?) in America where Brianna, the daughter, was raped by an awful rogue, and she kept blaming herself. She should have said "no," she should have fought. Jamie, her father, took her to the woods, and held her, told her to escape - but he was too strong.
He said something like, "how can ye be ta blame for what ye cannot overcome?
Ye would have been killed."
It was like a weight lifted from my chest as I realised, all the pain - not just mine, but so many women I know who have suffered in various situations - was not caused by ourselves. Sometimes to submit is to survive.
"advocate AGAINST coercion" So those women on the casting couch couldnt have walked away? They didn't make a choice to get the job? In a way them going along to get along speaks volumes more about their lack of character then the dirt bags who made the proposition. This happens every day in smaller form in every corporation (bullying and such) and most people do nothing. If you don't nip it in the bud at that level, then advocating for the already wealthy and famous ain't gonna do jack and shit, and jack just left town.
I agree, and unless people say no to dirt bags that make that proposition, it won't stop. All it takes is a few people standing. Covid wasn't really that different then the casting couch. You want a job, take the shot.
I didn't go along with it, lost my job, got a better one. I could do that because I have resources (savings). Others could not. Also, there was no guarantee that after you took the shot that they wouldn't fire you a few months down the road, which is exactly what just happened to thousands of people.
It's more than a proposition. It's a power situation, about dominance and control - like rape. The casting couch is a vulnerable place; people attracted to the Arts are (often) sensitive, in order to produce their Art.
Many are attracted by the hope that *this* is the way out of whatever inner space they've found themselves in. A place of insecurity. Will I get a chance, a break? Maybe they've been pounding the pavement for months, years, been in hundreds of calls just like this one. Maybe they have a child to feed, or a sick mother, and are desperate. The Man in the Chair has the Power Over this. He can make many of your problems go away. For a time. (ah, is this like a drug?)
We all make bad choices, and some of the most tragic ones develop one step at a time. I have compassion for those who end up there, even if I don't necessarily agree with the "see you in court," response. (though, I believe differently if there were offspring)
Hollywood has always been sleazy and there's a never-ending supply of starry-eyed young girls who will bare all and do whatever it takes to get the role. You can see it in all the broken actors out there and the only way to end it is to end Hollywood and even then, it still won't end because whatever entity comes after it will still use those unbalanced power relationships to exploit people.
How's Amber Turd doing? Haha, she fled to Europe in hopes of salvaging her rep. I think she forgot peeps have access to the Web. Rep Tarnished Worldwide.
"but when you go along with it, even for a short time, it is now morphed into a negotiation"
Exactly, you aren't a victim. Its like when i read on facebook, some person who works for a college and advocates for student loan forgiveness. Not realizing they're the reason nobody can afford higher education. Bailout my industry, bailout my salary, make everybody else pay for it.
And I should mention that children are exempt, they do not have the skills of reasoning that an adult does to understand they are being predated. As adults our responsibility is to protect children from predators.
Thank you awesome cat! And Rebekah - I love to hear stories like yours! Because defeating the insanity will happen with “believers” who wake up (sorry😆) and rebel!
Agreed. I'm like Doubting Thomas, who needed to see and feel the holes in Jesus's hands before he could take it as fact that Jesus had died and risen again. I needed to see a lot of information, written in the style I was accustomed to (referenced, well thought out, etc) to believe something as fantastical as 'the government is a lying war machine and the people running the world literally don't give a shit that they're killing heaps and heaps of people, they're covering it up and carrying on anyway.' So I now produce content to aid in waking up people like me.
IDK if this is true, but it seems like it would probably be easier for a former wokester to reach & convince at least some in the woke tribe than for we never-woke to do so. Simply because admitting one was dead wrong to those of us they abused & that we were right all along is a step too far? Easier to commiserate too - former wokester to former wokester - “how could WE have been so wrong?” rather than “how were YOU so right & I so wrong?”
Maybe! Personally, I am fairly open minded, so I never wrote off 'conspiracy theorists' without at least engaging with their sources. I DID apologise to some people who I had thought might have been going off the deep end for claiming that the virus was made in a lab, but then I learned about Gain of Function research and altered my position ;) The benefit of being Reformed Woke, from my view, is that I genuinely do see things from both sides because I've been on both sides. I think that makes me compassionate and sensitive to where people are coming from, which makes me a good conversational partner, and if someone is open to another perspective, I'm well positioned to offer it. Also knowing the language helps. I frequently remind Wokesters that using perjoratives like 'anti-vax' is 'harmful' and 'dangerous', for example, which on the one hand I find mildly funny, but also, in their their own vernacular, that is the correct use of the terms.
I think you’re absolutely right & welcome to the “awake not woke” club! It’s pretty interesting how at least the majority of “conspiracy theories” of the past 3+ years turned out to be spoiler alerts, isn’t it?
In some Native American teachings, this is called coyote learning. You have to learn it upside down or backwards in order to learn it. It's learning "the hard way," however, once you learn it - you know it in all directions, deep and well.
Just read your very comprehensive, and at times, hilarious symptoms of wokeness in the mentally impaired. It must have been painful to search twitter for your evidence and I truly appreciate your dedication.
Deep secret: Even on the bastions of liberalism, like Sillicon Valley, Woke is not popular as it may seem to be, especially on the upper echelons. A lot of folks, of course, are cynical politicians and make a theater of being true believers to hitch a ride on the train, but once the foundation starts to crumble, they will move away faster than a rat fleeing from a sinking ship.
Two questions lovely lady…what inspired (if you can call it that) to ‘go woke’ in the first place and most importantly - what was it that shook you out of it!
I really, really hope you're right, but where I currently live (purplish district of a blue state) woke school board members just mopped the floor with candidates trying to tap the brakes on this insanity. Lots and lots of money was dumped into a school board race on the side pushing DEI and gender nonsense. Some very powerful people and organizations are pushing this harmful ideology.
This also assumes free and fair elections where the will of the people is advanced. I'm not sure those exist anymore. Just a guess (not sure if the St. Petersburg Times-Picayune ever ran a poll), but I would guess that Communism was never wildly popular in 1920s Russia, certainly not in Ukraine. Didn't matter. Collectivism was imposed with rather dire consequences, while the rest of the population was fed a steady diet of propaganda demonizing "kulaks." Look around 21st century America. Substitute "MAGA-Republicans, gun owners, white people" with "kulaks" and, in Twain's aphorism, lots of rhyming seems to be going on. Targets are being isolated and attacked. Those with no dog in the fight will sit out the fight, for the most part, and just go along with the flow (CJ Hopkins has written a bit on this phenomenon)
Maybe Musk's wonderfully rough handling of that effeminate reporter signals a welcome start of an intra-elite tussle on this subject. Let's hope so, but so far the overwhelming majority of government, media, corporations, culture, and entertainment are all on one side of this issue.
Precisely, we’ve all been conditioned to “be quiet and accept the beating” from whatever oppressed, or oppressed-adjacent, or representative of the oppressed. So questioning is seen as brutal and harsh. Elon was far more civil, and balanced and equipped for the conversation than the allegedly professional reporter from the BBC.
Shibumi, these snowflakes curl up into a wailing ball even w/ civil debate so I’m pretty sure it was “rough” to that dope. Esp now w/ that interview being shown EVERYWHERE now & how laughably bad he came off. The karmic wheel turns. Just needs to spin faster & roll over a whole lot more
Thank you for the comment and the link. I had a hard time getting through that.
As it mentioned that Florida federal judge, the article reminded me that Florida's Attorney General Ashley Moody has written U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and other House leadership. AG Moody is asking for the impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas, a lying, incompetent, corrupt little worm. AG Moody provides several pages of evidence.
Prompts me to think that another impeachment is order -- that of that repulsive, degraded, incompetent, corrupt head of the U.S. "Justice" Department, Grandma Merrick Garland.
This is Soviet Union kinda stuff, ladies and gentlemen. It needs cleaning out and fast or the republic is well and truly lost.
It's not getting cleaned out by any bureaucratic or legal means, sorry. The chances of that are nothing given how the system protects itself from criticism or true accountability.
Wow! I am referring to Estes. Our Bill of Rights and the legal protections once revered in this country, as a symbol of American excellence, are being mutilated in every which way. I know its never been perfect, however now Its fully out in the open, with no shame or even excuse offered. I agree with you overall and so I don’t feel optimism just yet. If only the lunatics were on their own. I see it as a color revolution inside our borders ( what’s left of them). The useful idiots of wokism are the tip of a CIA spear or deep state or the global agenda drivers etc. Its as if American excellence is being purposefully dismantled. The Brandon Admin couldn’t do a better job of destroying the country if it declared it outright as their platform. Elections don’t work, by design, so....sorry, got nothing.
Tsarist Russia was bankrupt, defunct, corrupt, tyrannical and violently oppressive and had been for a long time. The sounddrubbing they got in WW1 just hammered this home even harder but by then the tsarist system where Russia was in essence the private domain of the tsar + cronies was hated and reviled even in the countryside.
What was different from previous peasent rebellions was that in 1917 there was a class of urban industrial workers, little more than serfs really, and also a class of intellectuals kept out of various bourgeois careers due to lack of familial connections inside thestate.
This is what made communism look possible and attractive to the peoples of Russia: the failure of aristocracy, of indutrialism and of foreign (mainly german and british) capitalism, though obviously all such atempts were hampered by Russia being such a retarded nation. (Not unlike the attempts from the 1950s to today to impose western democracy and western economical theories on african and mid-eastern peoples.)
The real problems and failures to deliver results while adhering to marxist dogma didn't become obvious until the mid-to-late 1920s, upon which Lenin, being the prophet of Marx, decided to institute NEP, something which Stalin would use against him later.
The cat’s right, wokeism will die. The question is the timeline. If it dies in 2 years we’ll all be happy. If it dies in 20 years we’ll all be in a gulag.
I agree that there is a long way to go. This is a video news report of a disgusting event: a high school scheduled a drag queen performance. However, the response of the students is very heartening and bolsters the arguement of our feline host.
If you watch the video, you'll notice that the students said only a few select students were allowed to attend the performance along with the 'approved' media. You've got to wonder why.
I have no doubt that wokeness is hugely unpopular and am heartened that it is being met with fierce resistance, but my concern is that we no longer live in a society where the will of the people matters at all.
Trudeau's Canada is already pushing through legal protections for the alphabet people. Harsh punishments await those who perturb, in any way, the feelings of our overclass of sexual curiosities.
They are on one side because I am convinced now that these propagandas are distractions. Everyone have an opinion about these topics and everyone talks about it very easily. So while everyday Joe is smoking about gender, climate and other nonsense propaganda politicians comfortably steal whatever they can and legislate laws putting you in a 1984 state prison.
It's an interesting fight here in SE PA, some affluent districts remain completely up their own asses with this stuff, but some districts at the outer edge of the Metroplex are starting to resist.
The vitriol is astounding! Scratch any mild-mannered suburbanite in my area and watch them erupt in anger against the right-wing terrorist rethuglican christofascist child-abusing (everything)phobic racist school board members (and the troglodytes who elected them) daring to push back. The coverage in the local media is comically biased, so far gone they probably don't even know.
A friend is a teacher in one of those districts and, minus the wokeness, would probably be a good teacher. But I just can't listen to her rants any more.
I have to concur with your guarded pessimism. Gato is completely right in principle, but this all goes back to George Carlin's statement that we have 'owners'. All the talk is just a facade for brute control by the powers that be, and until we loudly declare that control to be unacceptable, nothing will change.
I’m Curious (unlike the BBC reporter) - who are these parties referenced in this clip from your post ...”pushing DEI and gender nonsense. Some very powerful people and organizations are pushing this harmful ideology.”
The same people behind the push for vaccines, the "fortified" election, the pandemic, "climate change", and gun control...
On the level of my school board, local social media sites and comment boards of local news sources were jammed with hysterical and angry comments warning that free speech would be killed off, if the anti-woke candidates won. This was not a grassroots movement--there are PACS feeding money to support this nonsense.
The nearby, lily-white HS hired a DEI dean (at over $150k, iirc) and sent out a a shiny mailing boasting of efforts to push DIE at the start of the school year.
Since I live in a blue state, I pay an arm and a leg in taxes to fund this poison. Yes, I am in the process of fleeing what was once an idyllic suburb.
ESG is wokeism, that's the S and the G. The extortion and racketeering for the perfect 100 CEI score. Red state AGs need to take this system down, these companies don't care how stupid or marally bankrupt the ideas. Their biggest market now is China, not us.
The whole point of elections is exactly that--to right the ship. There is no longer an opportunity for that given current election capture in many jurisdictions, however.
The purpose of all these magical words is to disguise ideological uniformity as cultural diversity.
A moral epistemology of: I'm angry, therefore I'm right.
This is just a construct of beliefs, because for an opinion to be true, the so-called truth and its justification must be connected in order to be actual knowledge.
Their "knowledge" is just beliefs with no justification except feelings.
So their words, being untethered from reality, eventually meet their boundaries and just go echo...echoo.....echoooo......oooh.......ooh
Maybe the woke "sound" wave will dissipate to a whisper....because they "broke" the "safe" barrier?....
This article made me very happy so thank you. I watched Elon's BBC interview on the internet after the event as I don't have a BBC licence or a television come to that - that made me happy too. On BBC radio 4 the day after the interview I heard the BBC talking about how Elon probably wasn't as smart as people think he is and how he didn't give them enough time to organise - and guess what - that made me happy too. About time we had a bit of fun.
Presumably the interviewer prepares a list of questions to ask the person whom he will interview. What does he mean by Elon not giving them enough time to organize? Also presumably, the BBC has wished for a long time to have some/any opportunity to interview Mr. Musk
What a lot of tripe they are the BBC it’s not like they’re defending or discussing a complicated scientific topic. They are just supporting work. They’ve already done.
Worm turning... well 20% of GenZ is identifying as not straight. And it looks set to rise. I'm seeing a morph from trans movement into transhumanism (with the rise of AI & robots). So looks like this is continuing to me. I think strong organic futuristic lifestyles need to be promoted, otherwise people just fall into AI, metaverse, ready-player-one or worse dystopias. Everywhere I look is kids on screens.
Back in the day, to be part of the 'in' crowd, people got mullets.
Is 'identifying as not straight' essentially the mullet of this particular period of time? If it were not trendy and if the MSM/gov did not literally worship anything not heterosexual, would we see the same numbers?
Not just kids, adults are just as bad. People can’t sit at red light, pump gas, walk there dog, walk there baby in a carriage, watch there kids play on a playground, without there face buried in a screen. Sitting at bars, out with friends, the list goes on and on. The idea that it’s kids only is a falsehood. These mini machines have overtaken everyone of all ages.
I'm not a fan of the way transhumanism gets lumped in with all these awful things. I can want to improve the human condition with technology and still be vehemently opposed to the woke mob, WEF, totalitarians etc. Really, I don't think I've heard any serious alternative proposed to transhumanism apart from just falling behind the folks who move ahead with improving themselves with AI integration. All I get is some halfhearted "just stop doing AI" stuff, which quickly turns into "the government should enforce bans on AI" and people unironically don't seem to realize that they've just become big government advocates.
I believe that softening the masses to transgender ideology is the camel's nose in the door. Confuse the children, so they don't know exactly what their identity is - they will except the "next great thing" with ease. Additional bonus, medical procedures are permanent and for life. Icing on the cake, they won't breed, either. Transgender is the camel's nose to Transhuman.
Supporting arguments: brain damage = fluoride in water, psych drugs & statins for everyone, and now the shots. fertility damage = glyphosate, plastics (surely someone knew?) The brain damage puts people's psyche's in a state of crisis. Add Fear Porn, mix, and bake for 2 years. They'll take anything now. (and why I think my country is liberalising about cannabis = sedate the masses)
The woke index measured by the volume of craziness on social media might have dropped a few points but in terms of being embedded in institutions it is only just getting going. I run a business regulated by the FCA in the UK and they will soon expect all regulated business to implement DEI and ESG policies
A preference cascade does seem quite inevitable at some point, but these people still control all the institutions and they're not giving that up any time soon.
Precisely. However, that power evaporates the moment their troops refuse to follow orders. The question is how much longer the naked emperor's self-humiliation can compel the obedience of his functionaries.
The decline of the petrodollar may play a role in this.
Too bad the modern-day imperators don't have a praetorian guard made up out of troops willing to replace any imperator that went too far off the deep end?
He was shot and Oswald was the fall guy, but for who or whom I have no clue.
Palme suffered a similar fate. We are to believe that a 50-year old life-long petty criminal and substance abuser randomly bumped into him in 1986, the on night he's told his security detail to take the night off, while said substance abuser who'd never been associated with guns before iscarrying a .357 Magnum revolver (which was nigh-on impossible to get hold of in Sweden in 1986, legally or not).
Then, we are told that this 50-year old man, in poor shape, ran up a set of escalators more than four stories high and then sprinted along what was then the main whore-street of Stockholm full of people who'd recognise him (no-one saw him) and disappeared completely, taking the tube home without getting caught on camera or beeing spotted by the guards working the subway stations down-town.
(I ran up those escalators when I in my teens. Even if in good shape, you see stars and white flashes when you reach the top.)
Oh, and there wasn't a single police unit (neither on foot or in a car) in Stockholm's city centre, not within 15 minutes response time - and you coulds print from the nearest station in ten. Oh oh, and once a patrol arrived, they took an additional ten minutes to call for ambulance.
Oh oh oh, and the commissioner assigned the case? Came from the unit dealing with illicit gambling, petty theft and assorted, and lost goods. He'd never helmed a murder investigation once in his life.
But: he was a Party member in good standing and personal friends with several Party higher-ups.
They really do not care how obvious their lies are, do they? I sometimes wish they'd stop lying and just comeout of the totalitarian-authoritarian closet. Careful what you wish for, eh?
I'm sure you know the Goebbels quote: "The lie can be maintained only for such time as the state can shield the people from the ... consequences of the lie." I like your optimism, but the state is still doing an awful lot of shielding.
I really liked how "BBC boyo" said he was seeing more hateful content, but then when he couldn't provide a single example, reverted to saying that "many organizations" were seeing that.
Arrogance. Elon blew his mind by questioning the viewpoint of the establishment he represents. He has absorbed and defends his received viewpoints, but has never questioned.
The Beeb eliminated "facts" as relevant many years ago. Given that wokeism is a *feelings* based religion, spokesbeings for woke organizations have only to *feel* something to make it real.
“If you cannot handle someone telling the truth, you’re teaching them to lie to you.” This principle has been carried out on society-wide scale. How many people are playing the word game of the “word cult” without believing a word of it? I believe many. And as the craziness hits their own families (parent “cancelled” for an off the cuff remark, only child telling that she wants to be “trans,” etc), the downfall of the Woke cult will be swift and the lies will tumble upon any inspection.
This information control tactic preceded woke. I have been fighting it since the Clinton years when it first ascended as a weapon. Mercola lays out who is behind the tactic. These are the most powerful and influential people on the planet. Stopping the tactic will be a revolution against the Transnational Capitalist Class (TCC). The marriage between the TCC and Woke ideology, and their associated thought and behavior control tactics is the merger monster. This is truth and humanity against lies and transhumanism.
They are not done. They keep coming. There is a crack in the dam., but we have to keep pushing back on the madness and that takes practice and courage. When things collapse is when they will make a big grasp. Reject fake digital currency or the cycle will continue.
As someone who identifies as Reformed Woke, I was very surprised to discover how deeply unpopular Wokeism is, particularly among blue collar folks, once I exited my earnest Woke fog.
I just remembered - I used to host a Woke bookclub, unironically 😂
good for you, what woke you up? (pun intended)
I'm a free speech purist. I wrote my thesis on John Stuart Mill and Jurgen Habermas. Censorship was my line in the sand, so the censorship around Covid vaccines and injuries snapped me awake hard.
Also, unlike some of my Woke ex-friends, I was very earnest in my Wokeism. It seemed obvious to me that Team Woke ought to advocate AGAINST coercion (#metoo as precedent) and FOR the vaccine injured, and FOR bodily autonomy. So I was pretty aggrieved when they didn't.
I wrote about the My Body My Choice hypocrisy here in the hope that some of them would read it. I only know of one who did. It was one of my first Substack posts. I was so angry!
Well done Rebekah. If logic cannot be applied equally, it is propaganda.
I forgive you for the woke book club.
Edit: I will still laugh though.
I gratefully receive your pardon.
I’m in tears laughing. This is so funny.
What type of books were read in the WBC? Just a few titles would be interesting to see. I read all kinds of books across the spectrum of life.
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
Zealot by Reza Aslan
These are the ones I can remember. I also bought one of those white guilt books (can’t remember which one) and started the ‘workbook’ but abandoned it as tbh it seemed toxic.
Ayn Rand strikes me as unlikely choice for a woke book club since she was all about the individual and excellence. Sapient was very interesting imo but I quit when he got on his vegetarian soapbox. I read it before Hararii put a target on my back.
A lot of those "all whites are racist" books are written by white people. I think they say these things because they know they are racist inside and see the world that way.
Was it the one on White Fragility?
The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged were all along the lines of libertarian thinking were they not?
Sapiens is great but I had trouble getting through the animal cruelty part.
Was "Better Angels of Our Nature" too statistically optimistic about humanity or maybe it was in the list?
Germs, Guns and Steel?
Intellectual Consistency is a rare thing.
Although I am a Christian and I hate abortion, I had to become prochoice when I realized the contradiction between my being pro-bodily autonomy/anti-coerced vaccination, and arresting women for killing their babies. I still think abortion is murder and morally wrong, but it's their right to do it. I also wrote about my change in opinion which was pretty scary since I am a Christian blogger. I also discovered the moral conflict that exists within the radical animal rights movement that fanatically fights to protect animal life but whole-heartedly supports abortion as birth control.
But the other side claiming the sacred principle of "my body, my choice" was completely unconcerned by their hypocrisy. Funny that. It's like they don't have any principles, or something.
Abortion destroys, in brutal fashion, a unique human life. I would ask you to revisit your revisiting of your stance on abortion.
Human life should always be protected.
Amen. Especially when birth control is so easily found and easy to obtain/use. Abortion used as birth control is never right. Abortion used to get big payouts from aborted fetal parts/organs is beyond monstrous, but what Planned Parenthood is based on.
Key words: abortion used as birth control...they like to claim that women don't do that, but a friend who is very liberal pro choice had to quit working at PPH when she saw the women coming in for multiple abortions - even though each time she discussed birth control. These were NOT prostitutes or pimped out women... these were every day women, who thought they ought to be able to get one on demand....
I agree about abortion, but people kill each other all day long. It's part of a much bigger problem, loss of regard for human life.
The hidden, developing life in the mother's womb was denigrated as just a clump of cells by our opposition for years. Ultrasound technology clearly showed a tiny human forming in the womb.
Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a co-founder of NARAL) was shaken to his core by what was disclosed via ultrasound and knew that he could no longer support the destruction of an innocent human life. He completely changed his stance and actually converted to Christianity.
The notion of human rights and the dignity of each and every human being stemmed from Christianity. Protecting human life has to be the foremost expression of Christian belief in the political sphere.
The solution isn't to legalize it.
Yes, one of life's most painful growth moments is when a person must confront their own often quite earnest hypocrisy.
Unfortunately the forced vax feminists haven't gotten there yet.
If anything good came from Covid, it's that it forced people to really think about their beliefs. I got red-pilled big-time.
From 2016 onward the number of people I'd formerly admired (or at the least thought decent and honest) crashed like a series of flameout meteors. The Plague Era accelerated that to escape orbit speed.
This is how I felt when, as a Christian, Muslims became my greatest allies in the pro-human movement and there was a massive reconciliation on my part. I was wrong. I still don’t agree with the caliphate, but we have rather the same enemies.
Yes! I am seeing this as well. I also learned that what I had been taught about Catholics was wrong.
Ridiculous. You don’t have autonomy over your baby’s body, madame.
I have six children and they all belong to God. The problem with your statement is that you seem to think that other people have autonomy over another person's body. Are you in favor of vaccine mandates?
Forcing someone to do something (vaccinate) is wrong, allowing someone to kill a baby is just as wrong, arguably worse.
Then who does, as the fetus has no agency?
It is an individual life and thus has agency and the right to exist intrinsically. And “fetus” means “little one” though people like you think of it as a way to dehumanize the innocent.
No one does. You don't own your own body, either. It's integrally you, not your property.
To hear you call yourself a Christian and admit abortion is murder while saying it’s someone’s “right” to do it is quite something. I respectfully suggest you worry more about God’s opinion and less about seeming hypocritical to other humans, because you are most definitely on the wrong side of this issue.
Also, do you also believe that it is a woman’s right to murder her newborn or her toddler? Because location and age don’t change humanity. It’s our responsibility to protect the innocent. Especially those of us who call ourselves Christians.
I respectfully suggest you show me where it says in the Bible that it's a Christian's job to police the world. Pretty sure our job is to love and help people and spread the Gospel. That includes pregnant women. Do you think women should be locked up and forced to give birth? Or should we offer them a reason to keep their babies? They need hope and truth, not prosecution. I don't see any of the early church fathers talking about abortion. They do talk about God's offer of grace and forgiveness. Seeming hypocritical is not the same as being hypocritical. The latter is what concerns me. It is hypocritical and a sin to put ourselves in God's judgment seat. I've done some soul searching and my eyes are open to how badly the Christian church in America is failing to do it's job. Which I why I wrote a blog called Please Don't Call America A Christian Nation.
Women should not be locked up to give birth. At the same time, unborn children should not be put to death. My main thoughts is that taxpayer money should not cover it, and secondly that if I truly believe abortion is wrong, I will never personally put a woman into the situation where she has to make that choice. So I abstain as I really don't want my tubes messed with. It's "my body my choice" not that any woman considers not having sex with me deprivation or a punishment of any kind.
No more straw men. Killing a baby is wrong.
Deuteronomy 30:15
Consider that I have set before thee this day life and good, and on the other hand death and evil:
[16] That thou mayst love the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways, and keep his commandments and ceremonies and judgments, and thou mayst live, and he may multiply thee, and bless thee in the land, which thou shalt go in to possess. [17] But if thy heart be turned away, so that thou wilt not hear, and being deceived with error thou adore strange gods, and serve them: [18] I foretell thee this day that thou shalt perish, and shalt remain but a short time in the land, to which thou shalt pass over the Jordan, and shalt go in to possess it. [19] I call heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, that both thou and thy seed may live: [20] And that thou mayst love the Lord thy God, and obey his voice, and adhere to him (for he is thy life, and the length of thy days,)
Wow. You are twisting yourself into a pretzel to justify your unjustifiable position.
Not once did I say women should be locked up. But yes, murderers should indeed pay a penalty, so there you go.
Now answer my question, the one you ignored. Do you believe women have a right to kill their children at any time? Because as I said, location and age don’t change humanity.
Also, the Bible tells us to be salt and light. Jesus said if salt loses its saltiness it’s good for nothing and should be spit out. A Christian making excuses to justify murder should consider that very seriously.
Every other type of murderer is locked up...why should women be exempted?
I’ve saved your post to read later. I’m really impressed with your (change of) stance! I’ve found it really strange to encounter this divide in personal philosophy on both sides of the argument. As a lifetime pro choicer, that never had to change for me. My mother raised me in a very strict religion and raised me to feel that abortion was very rarely the moral choice to make, but it was mine to make just as it was the prerogative of any female finding herself in that predicament. So I had a hard time watching my pro choice bubble of friends completely drop the bodily autonomy ball, while simultaneously wondering why newfound antivaxxer friends seem so stereotypically vehement in selectively protecting the rights of the unborn as though a woman has none of her own. I applaud your comment and wish there were more of us. It’s a silly thing to argue about. And so very American.
I was wondering if it was very American . What about the trans agenda ? Is that being actively promoted by the liberals in your country like it is here ?
Funny you should ask, because omg yes. I don’t know what is going on, the sober, socialized medecine Dutch should not be going down this road, yet here we are. I keep hearing that Nordic countries are pulling back but the US and the NL are going full steam ahead. Waiting lists are long, the state news is reporting on how to order illegal hormones online and our children are being propagandized left and right. It’s really depressing. It leaves me thinking that it really is part of a larger nefarious agenda under cover of the SDG. There’s no other explanation because it is not healthcare and all the useful statistics prove that. I saw the Alex Berenson has an article out about it, I would really love EGM to wade in on the data analysis side of things, costs, benefits and true motivations.
Help me believe that some people have the right to kill other people? So...can I kill my 3 year old if it becomes a burden to me or develops a disease? Who gets to decide? What if a father doesn’t want the baby; can he kill it too or does only the mother have that right? If murder is wrong why would we punish some practitioners and not all? Being pro bodily autonomy has NOTHING to do with abortion as there several ways to prevent this condition.
When the police entered that school in Nashville and confronted the shooter, who immediately did not lay down her weapons, then she needed to be killed, right there and then in order to protect innocent lives.
That’s not murder....🤦🏼♂️ Babies in the womb aren’t attacking and murdering teachers and students. Do the schools not have dictionaries anymore?
No one said anything about killing a child after birth. You might want to think this over more. It is a big deal to claim that you can force a woman to stay pregnant. I already said that I am anti-abortion. The word 'right' might not be the best choice, but I can't think of another way to say it. I don't think states should subsidize abortions. The bottom line is this. Abortions have always existed. The only thing that has changed is whether they were state sanctioned. The state got involved in order to help the reduce the poor and ethnic population, period. This was never about caring about babies for the Supreme Court.
Once you perform the act to get pregnant, it’s your responsibility to carry that baby to term. You don’t kill the baby YOU MADE because it becomes inconvenient. That is straight up murder.
Choice is a better way to explain it. Because God gives us free will.
Mmm good points. Most intellectually honest people should have faced (and worked through) cognitive dissonance over this issue by now.
It would be nice if someone seeking an abortion would stop and think for a second, that's all I really ask. I guess I'm not totally against some pregnancies being terminated, but it should not be the default, not by a long shot. It's not "reproductive healthcare" it is taking a life and not something to be done frivolously.
That’s yet another satanic weasel word. Just like health care is actually sick care is actually money care, poisoning, control, satan worship, anti God
this isn't a very thoughtful comparison -- mandated vax V. optional / choice pregnancy -- your argument makes no sense.
I think if you put some thought into it you will see that it does. They both have to do with outside forces using the power of law to control someone's body. Note that I said I hate abortion. I am talking about legal power over someone's body, just like mandated medical treatments. Think of it like this. Anyone who can use a law to force you to do something, can also use laws to prevent you from doing the same thing. They need to leave our bodies alone, period. We do not belong to the state.
I like your point above, that making laws to keep a woman pregnant are just as intrusive as laws for allowing abortion. The libertarian view is that laws have no business in any of this. Doctors who believe in it will perform, doctors who do not believe in it do not. (likewise, why do we need a rainbow circus to celebrate either choice?) LOL Ayn Rand or Invisible Hand market driven, the flotsam will rise to the top, and it will be easy to see who has chosen with integrity.
Guess I'm getting anarchic in my old age.
Yeah. Looks like freedom also extends to the carrying mother in some circumstances, at least according to JP: This issue is a lot more complicated than forcing people to take a completely useless vax that carries enormous risk!
Well the vax can kill or maim you, just like abortion, so they are both pretty important issues. I love children. I have six of them. Two of them are completely unvaccinated. I believe in personal freedom and responsibility because we will all stand before God as INDIVIDUALS.
The reason I shared the video with you is because what you wrote seemed to resonate with what JP says. The complication with the issue of abortion is that there are two lives at stake. I like what JP and you have expressed. It is a lot braver than my own personal stand.
This whole subject has stirred up a bunch of stuff for me. Some have boosted here the notion that all we have to do is exercise the bodily equivalent of "just say no" and of course that makes a lot of sense. If only I had.
My own journey as a child who was trafficked for sex, and how this experience that started at age 4 and went on for several years led me in adulthood to believe that self-destruction in its many forms was the only viable option. I have frequently wondered what would have happened if I would have "just said no" but the threats against me doing so seemed to my child's mind, insurmountable. My self-loathing about my own moral weakness, lack of courage, and my resentment against my lack of resilience while going through all this is a constant and daily refrain.
The good news is that it can give me real empathy for those who are trapped in their own little hell, and not spend too much time criticizing them for not saying no up front.
It’s also why I am so strongly biased against drag / trans reading to children. It is just such an overt attempt to groom.
I am sorry to hear of your experience. the world has many Despicable predators who exploit the weak, and there’s a special place in hell for someone who hurts a child. My own experience is you can never erase these things. They form a scar, but it is possible to rebuild and find peace and happiness --- I wish this for you.
Thanks for the kind words. It has taken decades, but I am at a place where I can mostly live with the scars and the on-going open wounds.
This happened to me in 1960s, when pedophiles were menwho to attacked young girls, and boys were not considered vulnerable. One therapist told me that I likely would not have been believed had I spoken up. In some ways, even now, its hard to believe that it happened in suburban America.
And for the millennia of human history before that, all children were vulnerable and the acts against them were tolerated and even encouraged. So I am not unique, far from it. In some ways, this sort of wounding is part of what it means to be human.
Doesn't change the life-long low level attachment to death (escape), which is also pretty common among us. What's not common is talking about it.
I'll be dead honest with you: I didn't go through nearly what you did, but my male cousin molested me, and years later, when I finally came forward and told my family what happened, I was shunned, not believed and hated for telling the truth.
Or thinking about it. Sometimes the safest thing feels to be to ignore the whole episode and move forward on auto pilot. Unfortunately our subconscious then takes the reins and creates all kinds of havoc. I think it’s so important to ensure after trauma that you understand how this works so you can move forward in formed towards a better life.
Currently, the predators have political strength and are right now today grooming children for sexual purposes. This is exactly what needs to be stopped--immediately. It's like every single evil stepfather who ever molested their new wife's kid is in charge of most of the USA.
A four year old can’t survive on their own and cat say no.
Be kind to yourself. This is not on you though you must be so strong to have gotten through it
Thank you for sharing some reality.
There was a poignant scene in Outlander (Season4?) in America where Brianna, the daughter, was raped by an awful rogue, and she kept blaming herself. She should have said "no," she should have fought. Jamie, her father, took her to the woods, and held her, told her to escape - but he was too strong.
He said something like, "how can ye be ta blame for what ye cannot overcome?
Ye would have been killed."
It was like a weight lifted from my chest as I realised, all the pain - not just mine, but so many women I know who have suffered in various situations - was not caused by ourselves. Sometimes to submit is to survive.
"advocate AGAINST coercion" So those women on the casting couch couldnt have walked away? They didn't make a choice to get the job? In a way them going along to get along speaks volumes more about their lack of character then the dirt bags who made the proposition. This happens every day in smaller form in every corporation (bullying and such) and most people do nothing. If you don't nip it in the bud at that level, then advocating for the already wealthy and famous ain't gonna do jack and shit, and jack just left town.
People need to stop acting like they have no agency, no say in the matter, they're all "victims".
They may have made the choice, but sex should never be a requirement for a job.
I agree, and unless people say no to dirt bags that make that proposition, it won't stop. All it takes is a few people standing. Covid wasn't really that different then the casting couch. You want a job, take the shot.
I didn't go along with it, lost my job, got a better one. I could do that because I have resources (savings). Others could not. Also, there was no guarantee that after you took the shot that they wouldn't fire you a few months down the road, which is exactly what just happened to thousands of people.
It's more than a proposition. It's a power situation, about dominance and control - like rape. The casting couch is a vulnerable place; people attracted to the Arts are (often) sensitive, in order to produce their Art.
Many are attracted by the hope that *this* is the way out of whatever inner space they've found themselves in. A place of insecurity. Will I get a chance, a break? Maybe they've been pounding the pavement for months, years, been in hundreds of calls just like this one. Maybe they have a child to feed, or a sick mother, and are desperate. The Man in the Chair has the Power Over this. He can make many of your problems go away. For a time. (ah, is this like a drug?)
We all make bad choices, and some of the most tragic ones develop one step at a time. I have compassion for those who end up there, even if I don't necessarily agree with the "see you in court," response. (though, I believe differently if there were offspring)
The HR department of a whorehouse would take exception to that statement.
Hollywood has always been sleazy and there's a never-ending supply of starry-eyed young girls who will bare all and do whatever it takes to get the role. You can see it in all the broken actors out there and the only way to end it is to end Hollywood and even then, it still won't end because whatever entity comes after it will still use those unbalanced power relationships to exploit people.
How's Amber Turd doing? Haha, she fled to Europe in hopes of salvaging her rep. I think she forgot peeps have access to the Web. Rep Tarnished Worldwide.
There’s always a choice, but when you go along with it, even for a short time, it is now morphed into a negotiation
"but when you go along with it, even for a short time, it is now morphed into a negotiation"
Exactly, you aren't a victim. Its like when i read on facebook, some person who works for a college and advocates for student loan forgiveness. Not realizing they're the reason nobody can afford higher education. Bailout my industry, bailout my salary, make everybody else pay for it.
And I should mention that children are exempt, they do not have the skills of reasoning that an adult does to understand they are being predated. As adults our responsibility is to protect children from predators.
The overarching theme for all these things is abdication of responsibility
Except that Uni fees have risen by 3-8x since I went to Uni.
It's slavery.
But "forgiveness of debt" (UBI anyone?) comes with a slavery of it's own.
I should say - IF there’s a choice
nobody held a gun to their head
Don’t you love it when you send them stuff to read and they go: I don’t even want to look at that. Stunning
This is really good!
More evidence that those people are irrational and inconsistent.
Thank you awesome cat! And Rebekah - I love to hear stories like yours! Because defeating the insanity will happen with “believers” who wake up (sorry😆) and rebel!
Agreed. I'm like Doubting Thomas, who needed to see and feel the holes in Jesus's hands before he could take it as fact that Jesus had died and risen again. I needed to see a lot of information, written in the style I was accustomed to (referenced, well thought out, etc) to believe something as fantastical as 'the government is a lying war machine and the people running the world literally don't give a shit that they're killing heaps and heaps of people, they're covering it up and carrying on anyway.' So I now produce content to aid in waking up people like me.
More of this, please
Hoping you can wake up scores of brainwashed and woke loved ones who shrieked:
There’s no part too small to play in this debacle. 🙏🏼
IDK if this is true, but it seems like it would probably be easier for a former wokester to reach & convince at least some in the woke tribe than for we never-woke to do so. Simply because admitting one was dead wrong to those of us they abused & that we were right all along is a step too far? Easier to commiserate too - former wokester to former wokester - “how could WE have been so wrong?” rather than “how were YOU so right & I so wrong?”
Maybe! Personally, I am fairly open minded, so I never wrote off 'conspiracy theorists' without at least engaging with their sources. I DID apologise to some people who I had thought might have been going off the deep end for claiming that the virus was made in a lab, but then I learned about Gain of Function research and altered my position ;) The benefit of being Reformed Woke, from my view, is that I genuinely do see things from both sides because I've been on both sides. I think that makes me compassionate and sensitive to where people are coming from, which makes me a good conversational partner, and if someone is open to another perspective, I'm well positioned to offer it. Also knowing the language helps. I frequently remind Wokesters that using perjoratives like 'anti-vax' is 'harmful' and 'dangerous', for example, which on the one hand I find mildly funny, but also, in their their own vernacular, that is the correct use of the terms.
I think you’re absolutely right & welcome to the “awake not woke” club! It’s pretty interesting how at least the majority of “conspiracy theories” of the past 3+ years turned out to be spoiler alerts, isn’t it?
Thanks, I like it here ☺️
In some Native American teachings, this is called coyote learning. You have to learn it upside down or backwards in order to learn it. It's learning "the hard way," however, once you learn it - you know it in all directions, deep and well.
Win them to reality one mind at a time.
We all suffer from at least one or two symptoms of the Woke Mind Virus IMO:
Lol ‘Cares About ‘Social Justice,’ But Not Really’
Just read your very comprehensive, and at times, hilarious symptoms of wokeness in the mentally impaired. It must have been painful to search twitter for your evidence and I truly appreciate your dedication.
Deep secret: Even on the bastions of liberalism, like Sillicon Valley, Woke is not popular as it may seem to be, especially on the upper echelons. A lot of folks, of course, are cynical politicians and make a theater of being true believers to hitch a ride on the train, but once the foundation starts to crumble, they will move away faster than a rat fleeing from a sinking ship.
Was there a drum circle? You can tell us...
Two questions lovely lady…what inspired (if you can call it that) to ‘go woke’ in the first place and most importantly - what was it that shook you out of it!
PS…I’m also rolling at WB_PersonalAcct on Twitter!
I really, really hope you're right, but where I currently live (purplish district of a blue state) woke school board members just mopped the floor with candidates trying to tap the brakes on this insanity. Lots and lots of money was dumped into a school board race on the side pushing DEI and gender nonsense. Some very powerful people and organizations are pushing this harmful ideology.
This also assumes free and fair elections where the will of the people is advanced. I'm not sure those exist anymore. Just a guess (not sure if the St. Petersburg Times-Picayune ever ran a poll), but I would guess that Communism was never wildly popular in 1920s Russia, certainly not in Ukraine. Didn't matter. Collectivism was imposed with rather dire consequences, while the rest of the population was fed a steady diet of propaganda demonizing "kulaks." Look around 21st century America. Substitute "MAGA-Republicans, gun owners, white people" with "kulaks" and, in Twain's aphorism, lots of rhyming seems to be going on. Targets are being isolated and attacked. Those with no dog in the fight will sit out the fight, for the most part, and just go along with the flow (CJ Hopkins has written a bit on this phenomenon)
Maybe Musk's wonderfully rough handling of that effeminate reporter signals a welcome start of an intra-elite tussle on this subject. Let's hope so, but so far the overwhelming majority of government, media, corporations, culture, and entertainment are all on one side of this issue.
And, of course, we need an impartial legal system. Oh, look:
Was Musk rough? IDK. I think he was very calmly challenging his thoughts, and being pretty respectful. That used to be called civil debate.
In my world, rough is "let me tell you how stupid you are." LOL.
Precisely, we’ve all been conditioned to “be quiet and accept the beating” from whatever oppressed, or oppressed-adjacent, or representative of the oppressed. So questioning is seen as brutal and harsh. Elon was far more civil, and balanced and equipped for the conversation than the allegedly professional reporter from the BBC.
I found it entertaining that the so called "journalist," who is probably more of an activist, had no response when Elon asked him for examples.
Challenge these people. They're obviously not used to it.
A Simple Woke Deterrent:
Please make your claim, and provide evidence for why your claim will net benefit society. No feefees or Oppressor Narratives allowed.
Polystyrene I do like, your name, but written like I did
Shibumi, these snowflakes curl up into a wailing ball even w/ civil debate so I’m pretty sure it was “rough” to that dope. Esp now w/ that interview being shown EVERYWHERE now & how laughably bad he came off. The karmic wheel turns. Just needs to spin faster & roll over a whole lot more
My guess is that "journalist" is crying to all his woke friends about how mean and hostile Musk was to him.
Good! 😂
Musk was absolutely NOT rough.
Thank you for the comment and the link. I had a hard time getting through that.
As it mentioned that Florida federal judge, the article reminded me that Florida's Attorney General Ashley Moody has written U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and other House leadership. AG Moody is asking for the impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas, a lying, incompetent, corrupt little worm. AG Moody provides several pages of evidence.
Prompts me to think that another impeachment is order -- that of that repulsive, degraded, incompetent, corrupt head of the U.S. "Justice" Department, Grandma Merrick Garland.
This is Soviet Union kinda stuff, ladies and gentlemen. It needs cleaning out and fast or the republic is well and truly lost.
It's not getting cleaned out by any bureaucratic or legal means, sorry. The chances of that are nothing given how the system protects itself from criticism or true accountability.
Before fossil fuels, the world had slavery and manual labor. Everywhere.
Wow! I am referring to Estes. Our Bill of Rights and the legal protections once revered in this country, as a symbol of American excellence, are being mutilated in every which way. I know its never been perfect, however now Its fully out in the open, with no shame or even excuse offered. I agree with you overall and so I don’t feel optimism just yet. If only the lunatics were on their own. I see it as a color revolution inside our borders ( what’s left of them). The useful idiots of wokism are the tip of a CIA spear or deep state or the global agenda drivers etc. Its as if American excellence is being purposefully dismantled. The Brandon Admin couldn’t do a better job of destroying the country if it declared it outright as their platform. Elections don’t work, by design, so....sorry, got nothing.
I agree with you 100%. The Summer of George was our color revolution.
Tsarist Russia was bankrupt, defunct, corrupt, tyrannical and violently oppressive and had been for a long time. The sounddrubbing they got in WW1 just hammered this home even harder but by then the tsarist system where Russia was in essence the private domain of the tsar + cronies was hated and reviled even in the countryside.
What was different from previous peasent rebellions was that in 1917 there was a class of urban industrial workers, little more than serfs really, and also a class of intellectuals kept out of various bourgeois careers due to lack of familial connections inside thestate.
This is what made communism look possible and attractive to the peoples of Russia: the failure of aristocracy, of indutrialism and of foreign (mainly german and british) capitalism, though obviously all such atempts were hampered by Russia being such a retarded nation. (Not unlike the attempts from the 1950s to today to impose western democracy and western economical theories on african and mid-eastern peoples.)
The real problems and failures to deliver results while adhering to marxist dogma didn't become obvious until the mid-to-late 1920s, upon which Lenin, being the prophet of Marx, decided to institute NEP, something which Stalin would use against him later.
This is the programming we’ve been told. By communists. Was the holodomor any better? Were the Khmer Rouge, Stalin , and Mao better?
You hit the nail on the head, well said.
Thank you.
The cat’s right, wokeism will die. The question is the timeline. If it dies in 2 years we’ll all be happy. If it dies in 20 years we’ll all be in a gulag.
I agree that there is a long way to go. This is a video news report of a disgusting event: a high school scheduled a drag queen performance. However, the response of the students is very heartening and bolsters the arguement of our feline host.
If you watch the video, you'll notice that the students said only a few select students were allowed to attend the performance along with the 'approved' media. You've got to wonder why.
Thanks for the link.
I have no doubt that wokeness is hugely unpopular and am heartened that it is being met with fierce resistance, but my concern is that we no longer live in a society where the will of the people matters at all.
Trudeau's Canada is already pushing through legal protections for the alphabet people. Harsh punishments await those who perturb, in any way, the feelings of our overclass of sexual curiosities.
They are on one side because I am convinced now that these propagandas are distractions. Everyone have an opinion about these topics and everyone talks about it very easily. So while everyday Joe is smoking about gender, climate and other nonsense propaganda politicians comfortably steal whatever they can and legislate laws putting you in a 1984 state prison.
It's an interesting fight here in SE PA, some affluent districts remain completely up their own asses with this stuff, but some districts at the outer edge of the Metroplex are starting to resist.
The vitriol is astounding! Scratch any mild-mannered suburbanite in my area and watch them erupt in anger against the right-wing terrorist rethuglican christofascist child-abusing (everything)phobic racist school board members (and the troglodytes who elected them) daring to push back. The coverage in the local media is comically biased, so far gone they probably don't even know.
A friend is a teacher in one of those districts and, minus the wokeness, would probably be a good teacher. But I just can't listen to her rants any more.
I have to concur with your guarded pessimism. Gato is completely right in principle, but this all goes back to George Carlin's statement that we have 'owners'. All the talk is just a facade for brute control by the powers that be, and until we loudly declare that control to be unacceptable, nothing will change.
Maybe you could write a column called “open wide” lol
I’m Curious (unlike the BBC reporter) - who are these parties referenced in this clip from your post ...”pushing DEI and gender nonsense. Some very powerful people and organizations are pushing this harmful ideology.”
The same people behind the push for vaccines, the "fortified" election, the pandemic, "climate change", and gun control...
On the level of my school board, local social media sites and comment boards of local news sources were jammed with hysterical and angry comments warning that free speech would be killed off, if the anti-woke candidates won. This was not a grassroots movement--there are PACS feeding money to support this nonsense.
The nearby, lily-white HS hired a DEI dean (at over $150k, iirc) and sent out a a shiny mailing boasting of efforts to push DIE at the start of the school year.
Since I live in a blue state, I pay an arm and a leg in taxes to fund this poison. Yes, I am in the process of fleeing what was once an idyllic suburb.
Just mention Jordan Peterson to make them cringe.
DEI must Die (18 mins)
The Truth about Communism (9 mins)
edit - links
I lived in Ukraine for much of my adult life.
You'd be surprised.
Oh, please, please expand.
He’s talking about 1920s Ukraine- I doubt you lived there then
ESG is wokeism, that's the S and the G. The extortion and racketeering for the perfect 100 CEI score. Red state AGs need to take this system down, these companies don't care how stupid or marally bankrupt the ideas. Their biggest market now is China, not us.
The whole point of elections is exactly that--to right the ship. There is no longer an opportunity for that given current election capture in many jurisdictions, however.
The purpose of all these magical words is to disguise ideological uniformity as cultural diversity.
A moral epistemology of: I'm angry, therefore I'm right.
This is just a construct of beliefs, because for an opinion to be true, the so-called truth and its justification must be connected in order to be actual knowledge.
Their "knowledge" is just beliefs with no justification except feelings.
So their words, being untethered from reality, eventually meet their boundaries and just go echo...echoo.....echoooo......oooh.......ooh
Maybe the woke "sound" wave will dissipate to a whisper....because they "broke" the "safe" barrier?....
"A moral epistemology of: I'm angry, therefore I'm right."
You have just hit on an axiomatic truth I think. They (the woke, broadly speaking) think as in the quoted part.
Their opponents think the opposite way:
"I'm right, therefore I'm angry".
For the woke, emotion is truth. For all others, reality is truth, something which you can have emotional and rational reactions to.
Yes? No?
I was about to make a cause-effect comment to @RyanGadner above but this is it. They're just so sure that they're absolutely, unquestionably right.
Socks first, then shoes.
Yes. Agree. That's what I'm trying to articulate. I think perhaps you just did more succinctly
Me succinct? I do believe the Sun rose in the North today!
(And thank you both!)
But I do appreciate your "purple" prose. I read all of it. Every time Rikard. Rarely do I not understand the point you're trying to make.
And when I don't understand I give you shit about it. Lol friend!
Shit is just another name for fertiliser, so it's all good! 💩
Ironically enough, I just came in for coffee after mucking out the hen-houses.
Egads, the stench of two weeks droppings, old sawdust, ensilage and feathers, it is enough to straighten your nose-hairs!
“I don’t know if I’m right, but if I search honestly I might learn if I am.”
Diversity is our strength! But not diversity of thought!
Diversity Is Strength
War Is Peace
Freedom Is Slavery
2 + 2 = 5
A lot of this behavior is related to the mis-application of post-positivism by academic hacks looking to promote communism.
Agree. Spot on.
This article made me very happy so thank you. I watched Elon's BBC interview on the internet after the event as I don't have a BBC licence or a television come to that - that made me happy too. On BBC radio 4 the day after the interview I heard the BBC talking about how Elon probably wasn't as smart as people think he is and how he didn't give them enough time to organise - and guess what - that made me happy too. About time we had a bit of fun.
Time to organize? In an interview?
Explain more ViaVeritasVita
Presumably the interviewer prepares a list of questions to ask the person whom he will interview. What does he mean by Elon not giving them enough time to organize? Also presumably, the BBC has wished for a long time to have some/any opportunity to interview Mr. Musk
I agree - it was just the BBC coming up with pathetic excuses because Elon made their interviewer look stupid.
What a lot of tripe they are the BBC it’s not like they’re defending or discussing a complicated scientific topic. They are just supporting work. They’ve already done.
Worm turning... well 20% of GenZ is identifying as not straight. And it looks set to rise. I'm seeing a morph from trans movement into transhumanism (with the rise of AI & robots). So looks like this is continuing to me. I think strong organic futuristic lifestyles need to be promoted, otherwise people just fall into AI, metaverse, ready-player-one or worse dystopias. Everywhere I look is kids on screens.
Back in the day, to be part of the 'in' crowd, people got mullets.
Is 'identifying as not straight' essentially the mullet of this particular period of time? If it were not trendy and if the MSM/gov did not literally worship anything not heterosexual, would we see the same numbers?
Not just kids, adults are just as bad. People can’t sit at red light, pump gas, walk there dog, walk there baby in a carriage, watch there kids play on a playground, without there face buried in a screen. Sitting at bars, out with friends, the list goes on and on. The idea that it’s kids only is a falsehood. These mini machines have overtaken everyone of all ages.
I agree. This is growing. It will take a revolution from common sense normals to stop it.
I'm not a fan of the way transhumanism gets lumped in with all these awful things. I can want to improve the human condition with technology and still be vehemently opposed to the woke mob, WEF, totalitarians etc. Really, I don't think I've heard any serious alternative proposed to transhumanism apart from just falling behind the folks who move ahead with improving themselves with AI integration. All I get is some halfhearted "just stop doing AI" stuff, which quickly turns into "the government should enforce bans on AI" and people unironically don't seem to realize that they've just become big government advocates.
I believe that softening the masses to transgender ideology is the camel's nose in the door. Confuse the children, so they don't know exactly what their identity is - they will except the "next great thing" with ease. Additional bonus, medical procedures are permanent and for life. Icing on the cake, they won't breed, either. Transgender is the camel's nose to Transhuman.
Supporting arguments: brain damage = fluoride in water, psych drugs & statins for everyone, and now the shots. fertility damage = glyphosate, plastics (surely someone knew?) The brain damage puts people's psyche's in a state of crisis. Add Fear Porn, mix, and bake for 2 years. They'll take anything now. (and why I think my country is liberalising about cannabis = sedate the masses)
I predict a lot of suicides, then. Those choices aren't going to long-term solve the emptiness in their lives.
Yes. Socialism, communism, and fascism all lead to transhumanism.
Folks like the BBC reporter know that there is a world outside the echo chamber, in fact, they need that world, just that they have contempt for it.
The woke index measured by the volume of craziness on social media might have dropped a few points but in terms of being embedded in institutions it is only just getting going. I run a business regulated by the FCA in the UK and they will soon expect all regulated business to implement DEI and ESG policies
Yes. They are using violent trannys to help impose a top down control mechanism
It's just another far-left cultural revolution thing that is going to have to be stamped out if civilization is to flourish.
A preference cascade does seem quite inevitable at some point, but these people still control all the institutions and they're not giving that up any time soon.
Emperors who hold power can use that power, whether they are naked or not.
Precisely. However, that power evaporates the moment their troops refuse to follow orders. The question is how much longer the naked emperor's self-humiliation can compel the obedience of his functionaries.
The decline of the petrodollar may play a role in this.
Too bad the modern-day imperators don't have a praetorian guard made up out of troops willing to replace any imperator that went too far off the deep end?
What do you think happened to JFK?
He was shot and Oswald was the fall guy, but for who or whom I have no clue.
Palme suffered a similar fate. We are to believe that a 50-year old life-long petty criminal and substance abuser randomly bumped into him in 1986, the on night he's told his security detail to take the night off, while said substance abuser who'd never been associated with guns before iscarrying a .357 Magnum revolver (which was nigh-on impossible to get hold of in Sweden in 1986, legally or not).
Then, we are told that this 50-year old man, in poor shape, ran up a set of escalators more than four stories high and then sprinted along what was then the main whore-street of Stockholm full of people who'd recognise him (no-one saw him) and disappeared completely, taking the tube home without getting caught on camera or beeing spotted by the guards working the subway stations down-town.
(I ran up those escalators when I in my teens. Even if in good shape, you see stars and white flashes when you reach the top.)
Oh, and there wasn't a single police unit (neither on foot or in a car) in Stockholm's city centre, not within 15 minutes response time - and you coulds print from the nearest station in ten. Oh oh, and once a patrol arrived, they took an additional ten minutes to call for ambulance.
Oh oh oh, and the commissioner assigned the case? Came from the unit dealing with illicit gambling, petty theft and assorted, and lost goods. He'd never helmed a murder investigation once in his life.
But: he was a Party member in good standing and personal friends with several Party higher-ups.
They really do not care how obvious their lies are, do they? I sometimes wish they'd stop lying and just comeout of the totalitarian-authoritarian closet. Careful what you wish for, eh?
They do, their called the intelligence agencies.
I'm sure you know the Goebbels quote: "The lie can be maintained only for such time as the state can shield the people from the ... consequences of the lie." I like your optimism, but the state is still doing an awful lot of shielding.
I really liked how "BBC boyo" said he was seeing more hateful content, but then when he couldn't provide a single example, reverted to saying that "many organizations" were seeing that.
Arrogance. Elon blew his mind by questioning the viewpoint of the establishment he represents. He has absorbed and defends his received viewpoints, but has never questioned.
The Beeb eliminated "facts" as relevant many years ago. Given that wokeism is a *feelings* based religion, spokesbeings for woke organizations have only to *feel* something to make it real.
“If you cannot handle someone telling the truth, you’re teaching them to lie to you.” This principle has been carried out on society-wide scale. How many people are playing the word game of the “word cult” without believing a word of it? I believe many. And as the craziness hits their own families (parent “cancelled” for an off the cuff remark, only child telling that she wants to be “trans,” etc), the downfall of the Woke cult will be swift and the lies will tumble upon any inspection.
This information control tactic preceded woke. I have been fighting it since the Clinton years when it first ascended as a weapon. Mercola lays out who is behind the tactic. These are the most powerful and influential people on the planet. Stopping the tactic will be a revolution against the Transnational Capitalist Class (TCC). The marriage between the TCC and Woke ideology, and their associated thought and behavior control tactics is the merger monster. This is truth and humanity against lies and transhumanism.
They are not done. They keep coming. There is a crack in the dam., but we have to keep pushing back on the madness and that takes practice and courage. When things collapse is when they will make a big grasp. Reject fake digital currency or the cycle will continue.
Now slay the magic "virus exist" cult. Then we are home safe and dry
“Neither smart, not informed, just convinced.” Probably the best description yet.
A rich feast. Much to chew on. Thanks, egm!
I hold that this is a race to the wire. Evil eventually turns on evil because of the precise nature of its elements.
But, man, the rest of us need to awaken to the reality that we must return to our Christian roots. God will not be mocked.