Thank you...again. My friends and family do not thank you. When I get taken in by Covid Panic Porn, I sound normal to them. Then, I get a dose of reality from one of your articles, and I withdraw from the panic. To my friends and family, I once again become this strange creature who looks skeptically upon SCIENCE and the TRUTH as presented by the CDC and the media. Apart from an appalling absence of capitalization, your articles help keep me sane.

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Don't be so speciesist. Cats have a hard time with the shift button.

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Think of the lack of capitalization as an echoing of ee cummings for our times. I personally enjoy how soft spoken it makes it sound in my head :-)

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I think the thing is that you do believe in science and truth and you don't see it coming from any "official" site and THAT is what makes you skeptical. Words without evidence are just what they seem to be.. opinion!

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Maybe start a mirror using this tool? https://convertcase.net/

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The gullibility of the average citizen is the real horror show. Even after explaining to people close to me that all of the establishment media is in the pockets of pharmaceutical companies, they default to believing the BS because it’s so well-orchestrated for the uninitiated in MSM skepticism. The tool provided will certainly help, if they choose to check. Thank you for pointing it out.

While doing a quick check of the fearmomether level, this gem popped up https://coloradonewsline.com/2021/08/11/should-the-unvaccinated-be-denied-health-care/

I’m afraid my head will come loose from shaking it for so many months with no end in sight.

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I just had an evening out in Tulsa last night. Met some new people, friends of a friend. From a business owner to his lowly employee, the apathy and naïveté is a frustrating factor. I tried to not be pushy or throw out too much information at once so as not to trigger too much cognitive dissonance. I use Australia and France as examples of what will be coming to us if we allow this to continue much longer. One observation is that for anyone who got the shot, even if they are not total COVIDians, they are reluctant to accept that they’ve basically been played. They are likely to think, “hey I got it and I’m fine, what’s the big deal?” When one asked if my disagreement with the policies was based upon our constitutional rights, I explained that is a factor, but it’s the violation of basic human rights and dignity that our constitution was based upon that alarms me the most.

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I have had the same issue with all the head shaking in the past 1+. "Pain in the neck" has become very literal.

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She is "a journalist" and a candidate for Senator in Colorado (surprise). No way to respond to her posts (surprise).

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ugggh, she's awful. she WAS running for senator last year but dropped out in June 2020. i fear that's not the last of her.

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Thank you so much. I had a friend put up and article yesterday about Texas ICU Pediatric "no beds" panic article. Decided to do a little research for myself and found out that those counties are fine (most of them) and the ones with 0 available beds are probably very small emergency facilities yesterday. She couldn't find anything going on in OUR state (Az) so she had to jump to Texas. I refrained from mentioning anything about the border situation.... Love the "bullying bluebird" name. So true!

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They did that in Washington a while back as well.


Regular ICU capacity of those four counties: 0

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newsweek played that same trick in florida last year

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Thank you so much for this article. I'm going to bookmark it so I can share it to every Chicken Little I come across on the "bullying bluebird's" website.

Beyond that, I learned early to check the stories. I live in the largest city in my state with the headquarters of the two main hospital systems. As much as I pay attention to the local news, we were hearing apocalyptic warnings about how the hospitals were overflowing and we were going to see patients on the sidewalks if we didn't mask up and hide in our houses. And then I checked the state website. What did I find? Yes, the local hospitals were close to capacity (close but not over, and never over), but you want to know what hospitals weren't? All the outlying hospitals, the feeder hospitals in this malignant spider's web of medical big business. So what was happening was rather than take care of patients locally, they were bringing in patients from elsewhere, and we were expected to shut down to spare those two greedy little institutions who would rather cut costs than prepare their branch outfits. The problem is not COVID. The problem was never COVID. The problem is a for-profit system that cuts costs to improve net income and leaves itself unable to cope with any overload, no matter how minor.

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I stopped watching the national news, but still watch the local news and have kept the local newspaper just stay somewhat connected and to know what's being said. It's devolved into garage. It's amazing how much you can mislead and manipulate without technically lying. Anyone else notice they've stepped up reporting on every heat wave or extreme weather event, using the same tactics. It's disturbing to watch, and I suspect they're also shooting themselves in the foot by destroying the trust of half of the population. The other half doesn't mind because their "truth" is defined by what the collectivist elites have decided.

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Another important factor is that the average person doesn't understand what gets qualified as an ICU stay. They only have references from teevee, so they think every ICU inhabitant is hanging onto life by the slimmest of threads with all the medical staff running around damaging things be done "STAT!" or shouting "CLEAR!" every five minutes.

Hell, the ER isn't even like that most of the time. I've been in ambulance rides when my mother had to be taken in and sure, the sirens are blaring on our way to the hospital but everyone in the vehicle was having a nice, relaxing conversation while basic stats were being taken. Of course most people on the street figure someone is in there coding. Nope, but still, get out of the way so they can drop us off and possibly have to leave for someone who IS coding somewhere.

And of course as you and others have pointed out, hospital budgets. Now, those are delicate things that can quickly end up on life support with no defib that can revive it. The hospital where I was born here in Chicago closed a few years ago and I've heard of others that, well, are being put on vents.

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For my mental health (ANXIETY IS A COMORBIDITY!!), I have stopped consuming any news from sources other than you and a small number of other substackers.

I happened to see a very scary headline on my husband's phone when I was using it to find some yard sales this morning (yard sales are a summer staple in Cincinnati, where I live).

It stole my contentment and I felt sick and worried. Then I checked my email and got your latest message. I just want to thank you for reminding me of the reality. You helped this stranger get back on track and reject the fear.

Please always keep it real for us. You are making a difference.

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I've been sharing the HHS hospital data w/family, friends, and online combatants for quite a while, & made up this link for the chart version (even though it seems a week behind the bad cat's main HHS data page): http://tinyurl.com/USHOSPDATA. Good to know that Park City is alive and awakened. I spent quite a few years going to the Sundance Film Festival, and am curious how they'll handle the next session. Since it's mostly run by Hollywood, I'm not too optimistic.

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Anyone who STILL believes this crap is a real idiot, or so drunk on the Kool-aid that they can't see straight. As you point out the data is right there for anyone to see. Now let's look at the Rt's for some select "super blue highly vaxed states" vs "irredeemably evil anti vax red states shall we? Blue vaxers: Oregon: 1.46. New York: 1.22. Mass 1.21. Michigan 1.63. Illinois 1.32. DC 1.54. WA 1.88 - many still climbing. Red deplorables: FL 0.97 AR 0.89 MS 1.11 MO 0.91 UT 0.87 TX 1.23 - all heading quickly lower. But it's those damn red antivaxers that are causing all of this!! TBF of course this is all triggering and timing. Virus doesn't give a crap what your politics, mask or vax status are. (Rt data courtesy covidestim.org

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The HHS site has been wonderful for proving people wrong. I also have screenshots of what it looked like last year, and what do you know? The same states that had an issue last summer have an issue this summer.

What comes next: A small lull in fall, followed by a winter wave across the country.

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I remember last year when the newspaper headline shrieked that the hospitals were 70% full!!!!!! (Can't remember if it was hospital in general or ICU.) Anyway, nowhere in the article did it say what the percent of beds filled had been the year before or the year before that. And if the hospital were fuller, nowhere did it consider any other factors (like fewer employees) that could have affected capacity. And nowhere, of course, did it say what level hospitals are meant to be at in order to stay afloat. But let's all panic because 70%!!!!

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I've read...but not yet investigated...that many of the so-called haironfire hospital bed shortages are actually due to short staffing. People have burnt out. People have been laid off. People have quit or been fired for refusing the jab. I suspect this problem will get worse as time goes on.

I've said this before, but...greed, avarice, stupidity, cya, clicks...none of it seems sufficient to explain the bizarro world we're living in. As the vaxx failures become more apparent, the media and public health and the zombies have doubled down (btw, I really hate that expression).

This feels coordinated. Who's behind it? What's their endgame?

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Million dollar question. My take is that Covid has heavy poly religious over tones. That’s the toughest nut to crack. A great podcast I’ve been fortunate to discover is “Trish Wood is Critical”. She is intrepidly searching for answers in lockdown nation, Ontario. Trish was formerly a science writer during the AIDS crisis and interviewed Fauci. Anyway give her a listen.

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Thank you for this, btw.

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yeah well so you say, but my cousins wife's brother works in a hospital in houston and they have lines coming out the door and no one can get in until someone goes out like at the parking lots sometimes

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If you provide the name of the hospital and the dates, it can be looked up. Otherwise the information is as good as hearsay in court.

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And last but not least hospitals don't PLAN beds to be empty they can't make any money with empty beds or personnel standing around not doing anything!!! Yes sad but true!!

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Maybe I am wrong (as I so often am) but I still feel like something is driving what looks to me like rising urgency of the operation to nail down objectives right quick. I would guess there is some ticking time bomb underneath the vacs. I expect a year or two from now to see numbers of live births down by more than 25% from what they were in 2019 in the US, but I feel like there must be something else, some emerging phenomenon of the vacsed that will not be possible to paper over with the sort of fabricated fear porn highlighted above. Along with organized revolt of the Spartacus or Joker variety, they fear losing control of the narrative, so I am guessing there must be something in the next 6 to 12 months that will require police-state repression to squash.

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The winter wave is going to sweep across the country, and then everybody is going to know somebody who got jabbed and also really sick.

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Yes, that could well be it, but in these types of situations where it appears that the high-level players are aware of some approaching blowback and are taking an urgent situation into an acute situation in order to secure gains, it is impossible for we proles to now exactly what is coming. But whatever it is, it appears to have a very high density, as it is forcing their hand. Also worth noting how much of the operation has been a total failure based on its apparent goals. In a geopolitical sense, every country on the planet was supposed to be coming to the US and US on their knees begging for the vax, willing to make any and all concessions. But Sputnik V blew that out of the water and now the whole op has been scaled back to Five Eyes/NATO and the abject vassal colonies like Brazil, and even at home it isn;t going well. Sure they have their social credit score system ready to launch and their CBDC ready to roll and all of this shit, but look what they are having to do to even crush domestic US vax dissent. I am certain this is all very much less than they had hoped. I guess you could say the virus was their wunderwaffe, the last ditch weapon to save the Reich, so to speak, the Empire of Chaos. Puts me in mind of the last Davos when Xi and VVP spoke by video, and clearly VVP was not amused and when Klaus asked him, "Will Russia rescue Europe again?" VVP's smirk and response was just priceless, and left little Klaus quivering in his wet pants. These people can play psycho games with our lives for the next few years, and they will and are doing immense damage, but it is damage we are allowing them to do. Really, they are the shadow side of us.

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Hence they are already talking “booster shot”. Does this ever end? When ppl stop complying with Covidstan. Unfortunately legacy media actively & zealously shills for power brokers and big pharma. Big tech censors effective anti-Covidstan reporting. Always darkest before the dawn.

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No, it never ends. The op will have to be pried from their cold, dead hands, or the cold dead hands of their servant class. But that will not be necessary, I reckon, as events are rapidly overtaking them, and many of these events, as I see it, will occur on the international stage, before they blow back to domestic political turmoil, which will be worse than the Cult Covidian dictats. One of the central myths of the US people's self-image, military supremacy, is on full display now in Saigon 2.0. These kind of humiliating military defeats -- by 75,000 sheep fuckers in sandals, no less -- will be entirely caustic to the USA! No One! self-image created by Hollywood. It is also a graphic demonstration of an Empire literally going backwards in time (1975) and re-enacting previous humiliating and very public defeats. I wish Jung were alive to comment. It is also a highly visible display of the kind of infighting at the top of the Empire. The CIA refuses to give up its base of operations where it manages its opium business and sends paid jihadis off into the Caucasus and Xinjiang and Iran, etc. to spread death and chaos while the War Department can't, politically speaking, override the MICs making gigantic profits in order to order the withdrawl that should have been done ten years ago. The end result is the various players in the US forces in Kabul running out of a house that they set on fire. It is a perfect example of the kind of external destabilizing event that will blowback to domestic politics because it so vividly portrays the degree to which our so-called leaders live in a bubble that has lost any mooring in reality. These are the kinds of things that are motivating the move of the Covidian op to acute stage.

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Watch this interview of Dr. Ryan Cole of Cole Diagnostics in Idaho before YouTube takes it down. He's seeing signals of harm (latent viruses, depressed CD8 cells, cancers).


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the likely one is Mareks phenomenon and that bodes ill for all unvaxxed.

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I'm trying to prove this one is clickbait (a friend's husband works at Vandy as a doc), but have been unable to so far. Any ideas?


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https://protect-public.hhs.gov/pages/hospital-utilization and enter Vanderbilt University Hospital on Broadway, Nashville

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enter Vanderbilt University Hospital, Broadway

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Thanks! But when I enter it, I get "Data reported for week of 7/29/2021". That seems insufficient to prove that it's not true currently. Any more recent data?

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The data uses the latest values reported by each facility within the last four days. This allows for a more comprehensive picture of the hospital utilization within a state by ensuring a hospital is represented, even if they miss a single day of reporting. Scrolling down to additional charts shows data through 8-15-21.

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