This is why I walked away from my job teaching at a blue state state university--because sure, they "accommodated" my RE, but part of the "accommodations" were the weekly testing and face-covering. I said none of these are acceptable and so got put on 100% remote teaching and EFF THAT. My last semester and seriously considering a move to a red state, tho I too, have fears that the feds can interfere there as well.

I am dismayed that my county has JUST reinstated an indoor mask mandate, for EVERYONE, again. I am amazed that most everyone I talk to or see has simply accepted the fact of the skam. I now have to be a "jerk" if I shop locally, and see who will let me get away with it (because the are also tired of the BS), or else drive 40 minutes to a county with no mandate. Let's face it, if EVERYONE refused, and refused to enforce, these mandates would wither away. But refusing is tough--some days you just want to buy more cat food and not have to have the transaction turn into a weird and negative confrontation. Like, you just want to go about your business and NOT have to TAKE A FUCKING STAND FOR FREEDOM just by trying to buy cat food with a naked face. It is insane. Esp in CA where everyone has absorbed the mind-virus and just walks around glazed-eyed okay-and-in-fact-happy with hidden faces. But I have to try. Maybe it will inspire someone else. Maybe the staff will 'fail to notice' or 'forget' about the (illegal) mandate. It is stressful, but necessary.

I have no doubt that requiring these alleged public health measures to qualify for federal aid is exactly what is planned; it will likely coincide nicely with whatever next manufactured crisis wipes out yet more independent businesses, and leaves people starving/homeless/etc.

Please, don't just resist--REFUSE.

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The fact that so few people see through this is what scares me.

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Many thoughts.

First, this is the opportunity to see if any R's have the backbone to say "NO" and go head to head with the feds. Claim they are sanctuary states, whatever. Stake their entire political careers on it. Any R governor that doesn't is not a leader. This IS their moment.

Second, if this goes forward - and it will in some states - we will see the equivalent of a national strike. Factories and other places of work won't function if they are missing too many people. Truckers if affected will just shut down commerce. Grocery stores won't be able to stock shelves. It is going to get UGLY.

Third, I just don't see the folks I talk with on a daily basis in factories giving in. The feds will have to back off - but the damage done will be incalculable.

I've been dreading this day..

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Germany and Belgium now how very high levels of sick people. I t is of course the fault of the few unvaccinated, and of the children. Belgian newspapers report the high numbers in positive tests in children, which of course, prove nothing, as they test with defective tests... and the dying and mostly elderly. Terrible. And everyone who has a say has been forced into silence. Doctors who dare speak up loose their license, even professors at the uni, newspaper who dare to publish an article against vaccines are being shut up. Nazi part 2

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serious stupidity would be amusing, but this is worse than stupidity........

On a serious alternative note, ever since I recovered from COVID last year, my life long cat allergies have disappeared. No joke! Is there really a silver lining to COVID that is being suppressed?

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The hospitals in our area have just started implementing similar policies. I know one nurse who is on maternity leave, and she's required to come test every week, *even though she isn't working*. She won't go back to work for a month, but she's been told that she has to go test herself every week regardless, and report the results.

It doesn't make any sense if you still believe this is about "safety" or "science", she isn't a risk to anyone sitting at home alone with her child.

It only makes sense from the perspective of intentionally spreading fear, to garner more power and control.

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If you want all those on welfare vaxxed, you hit the group that might get unemployment for being fired because of the shots. So you cannot really do that. But I would get all the government vaxxed. All of congress and all the mayors etc. See what happens.

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Watching 12 Years A Slave helped me finally realize that what allowed slavery to be so "successful" was the visible difference. Same with the yellow star. If this gains traction we are indeed much farther down the road than we would like to admit. Some nightlife hotspots in my country have turned to wristbands to avoid the cumbersome and time consuming digital health pass. This shortcut to discrimination concerns me greatly.

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Remind me of the medical justification for making the unvaxxed wear a mask but not the vaxxed?!?

There is none. Zero.

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I don’t understand how any of this is enforceable - it seems like jingling keys and nothing more. Certainly is poison - “look at him in his mask, I knew Bob was antivax!!!” Around the water cooler

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OSHA is whole cloth unconstitutional, of course - "To assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women" does not have grounds anywhere in I-8 or even 14A. Could be upturned at the slightest challenge. As far as I can tell, corporations like it as it forms a tax on would-be competitors.

In the meantime there's no limit on the power the act grants. The government can define "working" and "safe and healthful" as anything. Not really any other way to read the act besides a back door to government-controlled economic exclusion. Presumably the 50 years since 1970 have just been spent transitioning the corporate leaders into "party" sympathizers.

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Listening to MSM news in Germany. First news item: majority of germans in favour of Mandated vaccination. Second news item: child dies because of vaccination.

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I am retired military and swat trained LEO, I am waiting to be told I can no longer get Medicare services because I will not take their poison jab, I know that is on the horizon watching every thing the boob in the white house is doing. I have recovered from lung cancer and need the medical services as a result of that issue, so which kills me first the lack of medical services or the government response to me telling them "fuck off" I will not comply. I am old but there is a lot of fight left in me, so let them bring it on, I will die a warrior, not a gutless coward

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We have reached that point in our broadcast where logic is suspended and we just go with "because I said so." If the vaccines cannot stop transmission, then neither mandating them or masks based upon their usage makes any sense at all. One quibble with the piece you linked on masks. It says, "Face masks in the general population might be effective, at least in some circumstances, but there is currently little to no evidence supporting this proposition." No! We need to stop waffling on this mask bullshit. They. Do. Not. Work. Ever. There is NO EVIDENCE that says they do. Not "limited and confusing evidence" but none. You cannot argue against a "might" and we have been letting 'mights' hold sway for way to freaking long.

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In a word......Totalitarianism.

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parallelize everything, let them compete with their masks and vaccines

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Cal-OSHA enacted a similar order months ago, as the traditional test bed for out-of-control government overreach. We don't comply. I would assume most companies in red states will not comply. If OSHA has the same percentage of inspectors that the FDA used for Covid vax trials (see yesterday's BMJ article about the Texas whistleblower), I think most companies will be OK.

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Fully Vaccinated should object to this lethal order if they have even a slightest ability to analyze the outcome.

If Masks block anything at all from the unvaccinated and they are asked to wear it, It will be a maximum of 28 days before every single fully vaccinated person will be at risk of immune escape variants that are likely far more lethal to them transmitted from other fully vaccinated.

Mono-cropping is considered a risk in agriculture for the same reason, diversity allows competition between variants that slows down the evolution and reduce risk of run-offs.

Unvaccinated folks, if they were shedding at all, were going to shed variants the MaxxedVaxxed's immune system could likely deal with and reduce the likelihood of more lethal, less sensitive/more resistant variants completely getting a free run on their immunocompromised bodies. Variants that their other Fully Vaxxed buddies will be shedding due to Vaccinal selection.

I say, good for the Unvaccinated overall, it will prove once again, that the Project Salus DOD data showing maximum infections happening in Vaccinated when they took their masks off in the Summer to be correct.

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I’m in an area that is heavily compliant, but the atmosphere is definitely changing. I haven’t worn a mask for months now, and I don’t follow any of the mandates. I don’t view myself as non compliant, as this puts out an energy that you get back. I compose myself before shopping and I’m attempting to keep my vibration high and see everyone with unconditional love. Show people love when they show fear. It brings their vibration up too, and forms a positive connection. This is how we unite people. The battle is really within ourselves. Have a solid foundation of awareness and they can’t touch us. The light has already won, we are just seeing the last of the pantomime playing out

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I have a question about that graph el gato has shared many times from the UK data showing that the vaxxed get Covid at higher rates than the unvaxxed. I was discussing this with someone I know who is huge into numbers and stats and he said that lots of people (including el gato, Alex Berenson, and Ron Johnson) are misreading the report. He said:

"In defense of those using it, it's an inherently misleading chart." As an example, he says: "It gives every appearance of saying that among those 40-49 in England in that time period, those vaccinated were more likely to get sick than those unvaccinated. It appears to say that out of 100,000 vaccinated people in that age range, 1,281 got sick, and out of 100,000 unvaccinated people in that age range, 690 got sick. That would mean in that age range vaccinated people were twice as likely to get sick as unvaccinated people. And that's how it was interpreted by "bad cat" and Sen Johnson and countless others."

He said that to understand the chart/graph, it has to be understood in context of the vaccine efficacy chart in the same report and the "Interpretation of the Data" section of the report, which starts out: "These data should be considered in the context of vaccination status of the population groups shown in the rest of this report." He went on to say:

"It's not saying that out of every 100,000 vaccinated people in that age range, 1,281 got sick. But rather they're saying that out of every 100,000 of the full population of that age range, that there were 1,281 illnesses of people vaccinated. It's a convoluted way to present the data, and they knew it was misleading, and they published it that way anyway with a note talking about how misleading it is, which is very poorly done, but that's a different subject. So to get the data that the chart gives the impression of providing, as the caveat says, you need to apply the vaccination rate. So you would divide 1,281 by the approx 75% vaccination rate of that age group provided in the same document to get 1,705 illnesses per 100,000 vaccinated. And you would divide 690 by the 25% non-vaccinated rate in the age group to get 2,760 illnesses per 100,000 unvaccinated. So it's not that the vaccinated in that age range are twice as likely to get sick, it's that they're about half as likely to get sick. To verify that this is indeed the correct interpretation of the chart I looked up the total number of people in that age range in England, and divided the total vaccinated and unvaccinated illnesses and confirmed the same numbers."

He finished up by saying: "Out of 100,000 total population, of which 75% were vaccinated, 1,281/100,000 were vaccinated and sick, and 690/100,000 were unvaccinated and sick. So after the math, 1,706/100,000 vaccinated got sick, and 2,760/100,000 unvaccinated got sick. So the probability of the vaccinated in that age group getting sick compared to the unvaccinated was about 1,706/2,760 = 61%. I picked the 40-49 age group because eyeballing it, it looked like the worst case age group for the vaccine. Checking the same math for surrounding age groups, I get that for age 30-39 the probability of the vaccinated getting sick is 55% of the probability of the unvaccinated getting sick. And for 50-59 for the same measure I get 22%."

Can el gato or someone please address this? If he is correct, it means the UK data isn't at all as damning of vaccines as it looks by the graph. And it seems that if we're all interested in using facts to make our arguments, we want to be sure we're not falling into the error of relying on bad math or a wrong interpretation of the numbers to make our arguments, because it leaves vaccine questioners open to the charge of "mis/disinformation."

El gato, thoughts?

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Steve Kirsch has a great comment that destroys the mask narrative at: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/my-vaccination-guide-for-parents

"Masks are more likely to lead to respiratory infections than saving you from being infected. The virus is 25X smaller than a smoke particle and the CDC admits that masks don’t protect you against wildfire smoke. In other words, masks don’t work… they never did. It is political theater designed to make people feel like they are protecting themselves."

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David Icke (who predicted all this for the past 30 years) talks about the power of NO. NO to any of their insane moronic demands. NO to testing. NO to social distancing. NO to forced mask-wearing. We all say NO and this stops. If you do not say no to ALL OF IT then you have lost all semblance of self-respect. Stop caving to these people. They are morons who have been given power. They are not smarter than you, they are programmed people who were put in positions of power because of their soulless, plastic natures.

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My hope is that even the people who have received the vac fight this. Because if they have any kind of buyer's remorse on the first two jabs, and don't want boosters, this OSHA rule I am sure, will require businesses to maintain employee records with vaccine status, and when you're due for a booster, ya better go get your booster to keep with compliance. THIS OSHA RULE NEEDS TO BE DOA! #LGB

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Now is the time for our Normandy Beach moment. It only takes 10% to rise up! https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/time-for-our-normandy-beach-moment

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A loud, obstinate "NO" is a more powerful weapon against tyranny than a lot of people realize. Make them enforce it. Make a scene.

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Note how the administration dropped the OSHA ETS today to shift the dialog away from the Virginia election results.

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"this is no longer about virus. this is about punishment and compliance." It never was about the virus, even on day 1. There arguably is not even a virus. It hasn't been isolated, and the PCR tests don't work. There is a population fatality rate of less than 1% from said 'virus' which were mostly deaths from a plethora of other reasons. Also, people were drugged and killed on ventilators, killed with Remdesivir, etc. This was all planned out years and years ago. They tried to do this in 2009 but it failed. When people understand that the reason they have obvious and utter morons telling us to do moronic stuff, is more psychological than physical. And when you comply, they will ratchet it up even more. Until people wake up to the ruse, it's going to get worse and worse. Disobey indeed. We should have done that on day 1.

Have you noticed how plastic and villainous - like out of a bad Disney movie - the WEF puppet 'healthcare' leaders or even country leaders like Justin Trudeau or that Jacinda mess are? And people listen to these utter muppets? Really? It's been a nightmare trying to wake people up for 1.8 years. I think I will just become a hermit soon.

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Let’s go Brandon!

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We are in for some seriously dark times in this spiritual war. Hold the line. Pray.

But also buy food, ammo, crypto, and PMs

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yes, we are all being punished bc we are not obedient.

millionaires and other such people with bags of money get the attention of politicians.

off topic though, funny, this climate change thing. It is chilly outside and a few nights ago,

I did not hear the crickets singing. oh my.

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Just moved from Michigan to red state...the difference in anxiety levels from a population standpoint between the two is stunning. Moving was a godsend.

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Preach! As a Covid survivor with multiple health conditions, I am angry and upset that I am demonized for not wanting anymore spike proteins in my blood. I still believe that I am dealing with the real ones from the infection, although I also think that long Covid is a scare tactic. I talked with my big boss this morning regarding my plans and my opinions. I even volunteered to be available for discussion should any of the powers that be care. Fortunately I’m medium age and have saved since I was 18. I think I can access retirement savings and live a different life in a different place as long as I can get some health insurance.

The world is upside down. Be strong all. I’m planning on it. Somebody has to lead and be the example. Join me.

Oh, when is the elephant party going to grow a pair? I’m happy to see the grass roots stories from Tuesday, but the top people need the message and quickly.

I love inquisitive kitties. Ours is black and is evil. Thanks for the service, Gato.

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Time to fight folks. Max pressure needs to be put on ALL GOP pols to oppose this with actions, not words. We can start with Youngkin. He needs to deliver on the first day. We must be the Refuseniks!

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...but remember to be super nice to the people going along with it because they're scared, and being scared excuses moral behavior.


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Anyone out there waiting patiently and hopefully that one day, soon, TPTB; i.e., ultra-wealthy bankers and investors, will dial back on these restrictions is living in a dream world. TPTB have hitched their wagon to vaxx, vaxx, vaxx, of 7.9 BILLION people around the world in perpetuity as THE vehicle for endless profits, and nothing will stop them. Watch the increasingly draconian restrictions and mandates and you will see that no quarter will be allowed; nothing will stop them from exerting as much control over us as is humanly possible. The numbers of us who choose to disobey will dwindle under constant and relentless pressure until we are so few that we can fit in their newly-built concentration camps and either eliminated or forcibly injected with their poison. In that sense, I must respectfully disagree with the author; we have not yet reached peak "mandatory public signaling of outgroup exclusion." "They" have a long way to go, and many tricks in their little bag of tricks. It will get much, much worse before we even begin to see any glimmers of light at the end of this tunnel.

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Those who are taking part of this medical experiment and have gotten the mRNA injections can carry and spread covid just as those who are normal.

If normal people are supposed to be subjected to testing and forced mask wearing, why should the injectors not need to be tested and masked as well? There is literally no difference in their likelihood of spreading the Wuhan flu.

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OSHA is so corrupt. Ugh.

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Indeed, disobey, it is our duty.

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No Mandate NYC protest sign ~ "You can not comply your way out of tyranny. We will not comply, we do not consent %$#@ your mandates." Bigger crowds every week too, we will prevail!! :~)

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Two points:

1. This is why 2A must be defended and protected at any and all cost

2. This is how you get a #SecondAmericanRevolution or #SecondCivilWar

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About masks being the most useless but degrading of the Convid rituals: They're among the most degrading and therefore the most useful. Coercion is and always has been the goal of the Convid scamdemic, which has never been about a virus.

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Rep. Andy Biggs has introduced a bill to abolish OSHA. I read yesterday, DeSantis plans to opt out of OSHA, totally legal, and create a state department instead.

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All these scientific papers and these guys like McCullough, Kirsch etc etc are truly heroic. But theyre ignored. But such is The culture that we need a celebrity and a damn Tiktok video of some adverse reaction to stop this madness.

Failing that repeated boosters are the long game. Come shot 4 or 5 it must fall

Apart. It must.

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Again, listen to this expert on the subject matter: https://youtu.be/uLDpZ8daIVM?t=3923

He puts forward the strategy of dealing with this, but we will, inevitably, go through the circles of hell first. As we've seen bu now, the enemy is well organized and way stronger than the rest of us. The main goal is to survive the looming bloodbath. Sad, but may be true. We'll see soon.

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"This is no longer about virus. It is about punishment and compliance."

It's never been about virus. It has always been about power. Punishment and compliance are just a part of that. The masks, social distancing and lockdowns were all an elaborate social experiment to see just how much the ruling class could gaslight the masses into obedience. Even they were astonished at how much fear they could instill, and how much compliance they could exact.

Drunk with power after their early successes, they've been pushing the envelope ever since -- turning up the heat on us near-boiling frogs.

Along the way, they've destroyed small businesses and left the poor and much of the middle class wholly dependent on Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, Uber, Wal Mart, etc., for our livelihoods and our "stuff." Make no mistake, the leadership of those entities and many others are part of the ruling class. But, for the ruling class as a whole, it used to be a difficult proposition to control the masses. With the so-called pandemic, they eliminated the competition. Alternatives have been wiped out. Those who were wholly- or partially-independent are now subservient. They've tightened the screws and the reins. Control is difficult no more.

That is what this has been about since before they used their concerted actions to cancel Parler and re-frame 1/6 as an "insurrection." If you control the comms and everything else, you control the masses.

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Relax…..you are being conned.

It is a great time to be alive.😎


Let’s look at the big picture. How would Big Pharma, George Soros, and Bill Gates bilk the World out of $100’s of billions. Easy, make a highly contagious virus in the Wuhan Lab. Then expose people with existing comorbidities, such as stroke, hear disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cancer which are the most important risk factors for comorbid mortality in elderly COVID-19 patients. Then in a few months they have an mRNA injection on the market to stop the virus and have Fauci convince Trump it is safe to be released on an FDA emergency order. Of course this has all been in the planning for years…..just watch old Bill Gates TechTalk on YouTube videos.

How do you scare the shit out of everyone to put the plan into action. You put Fauci on TV daily. Tell the CDC, WHO, and other Government Agencies, to count anyone that dies as being infected with COVID….if they test positive. To make sure as large number of people as possible test positive, use a new highly sensitive PCR testing method that shows nearly everyone is infected. Which in itself is probably true. That’s the way highly infectious viruses work. The virus infects everyone eventually, but 99.9% of peoples immune systems easily fight it off, never even realizing they were infected. But it is no longer about actual deaths, it is now about being infected. A meaningless fact. The PCR testing was used as a tool for propaganda and fear….it worked.

WALLA…you have a Faux Fauci CHINESE Pandemic with millions infected and only Fauci has a cure. Nothing else will work but his new elixir….mRNA injections. Of course no one tells you all of the above players have been directly and financially involved with the leading companies developing and selling mRNA injections for years. Doctors around the World that have successfully used other drugs now don’t know what they are talking about…they are quacks. Alternate treatments are now illegal. The President mentions a drug and it is quickly made illegal to prescribe. To have anything different than mRNA prescribed by your Doctor or buy; or to even discuss on the Internet any cure or method to strengthen your immune system, other than mRNA injections, is criminal and blocked. Only the Fauci elixir mRNA injections work and allowed. Of course if you get injected and die on the spot…..that’s on you. They have zero liability.

After 18 months the CDC says…..whoops that PCR test is not very accurate. We might have inflated those infection numbers a little…sorry to cause this panic and use a totally inaccurate method; while we have been running around shouting “the sky is ..the sky is falling… lock the world down, everyone wear a mask, close all business, get injected, get injected, get injected ….. (which they really never apologized for, in fact they have simply doubled down)

I am not saying COVID is not highly infectious or deadly….but so is the flu every year for many…especially the elderly.

The problem is that all the people that would probably died normally from age and comorbidity are now being moved to the COVID death column by hospitals everywhere. You have a deadly car accident and it is now death from COVID. Why wouldn’t they when they are being paid to do it and they need the money to survive in this shutdown. Hospitals receive a very nice Government bonus for deaths marked COVID.

Where is all this going? How do you prove this is a simply a game of propaganda, fear, and distorting the truth for money and power. You have all heard those claims before.

EASY...look at the graph below. Worldwide total deaths from everything per year over the last 70 years.

It is obvious the World has become a much safer place in the last 70 years when it come to disease and health, and is most likely the reason we have so many high comorbidity weaker elderly people alive today that COVID seems to attack first.

Total Worldwide deaths period from everything per thousand. Worldwide death rate was nearly 300% higher in the 50’s than today. Death has rapidly declined from over 20 to just over 7 deaths per thousand. There is no significant new surge in deaths around the World during this so called COVID pandemic. They are just shuffling numbers from one column to another.

The real fact is total Worldwide deaths per thousand graph does not supports a COVID pandemic….or any pandemic

I think it shows a biased COVID death book keeping system by our Government and the CDC, blaming deaths from other normal causes on COVID, which has been heavily influenced for money and power.

Worldwide deaths per year.


It will take one helluva surge to equal the risk of dying in the 50’s. If we do get a surge now many fear it may be from mRNA injections themselves weakening the secondary immune system….not COVID.

Of real concern is that a number of new research papers show that mRNA injections rushed to market may have other long term negative effects from man made Spike proteins into those that have been injected. Remember, the FDA skipped the part in normal approval procedures that requires long term testing on animals and humans before being approved. Years not months. mRNA injections have never been approve by the FDA for humans. mRNA genetic modification has never even worked effectively on rats in the lab. This is not a vaccine in the true sense it is a genetic modifier. But, of course approval gets much easier when many on the FDA board have direct past and present financial ties to Big Pharma and conflicts of interest.


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For anybody that listened to a reasonable portion of the FDAs advisory committee meeting that ultimately resulted in a 17-0 (with one abstention) vote to move vaccines forward for 5-11 year olds, one major theme was that they felt that the vaccine should be available to vulnerable children ("organ transplant recipients") but they were concerned that moving forward would lead to mandates.


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Very well said. Would that people everywhere might try to seek out facts and think think things through for themselves. Thence, a truly potent peaceful disobedience movement might take shape.

Fear that this will just not be in the cards, however, after observing how pliant ordinary people everywhere have been for almost two years. And how so many resist any suggestion that they stop and think.

So there is a real possibility that post-covid times may be increasingly oppressive - with a majority of the people in most countries steadfastly stringing along with govt edicts, whatever those edicts might be.

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this is nuts, Biden just issued I guess an official vaccine mandate, on twitter it was tweeted... yeah, this has NEVER been about a virus, thanks. Shouts of and screams of Let's Go Brandon all over the country

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