Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

I have a word....the word is malignorant.

It's an amalgam of the words malevolent and ignorant (or could it be malignant and ignorant?), and is to be used to describe the "leadership" that we were subjected to during the covid insanity, especially that which came from "public health authorities".

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And remember to use Margaret Anna Alice's word for the likes of malignorants like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Fowchi, Birx, et al: philanthropaths.

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Philanthropath...I like that one.

You might find that 'psychophant' is another useful word amalgam that describes many of their followers.

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Oh, that's a good one. Keep this up and a whole new lexicon for these spiteful mutants will be in common use.

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i'll be using that word! and i'll be sure to tell everyone that i learned it from a friendly pirate


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I like it too as “malignant ignorance”!

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Arrr, so will I!

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Excellent! It also has "malign" in it too.

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Makes me think malignant like a cancer. These people are definitely a cancer.

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had to share!!!! and yes, I'll be using that word to refer to leadership going forward!

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Living in the People's Republic of Silicon Valley, most of the people I know are jabbed to one extent or another.

Without exception, every single one of them has gotten Covid, many of them twice. And yet many are lining up for another jab.

Then we have Comrades Biden, Fauci et. al. all incanting gratitude to the Vax deity (h/t eugyppius) for getting a jab that did not protect them.

We truly live in surreal times.

"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."

~ Marcus Aurelius

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eugyppius called it the "corona prayer" today when people post on twitter that they've tested positive for the Vid and are experiencing mild symptoms.

About crapped my pants laughing at that one.

That's what's great about him, Gato and Igor. They dig into all this effery and are funny too.

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What the h— are mild symptoms????

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That's why they post it the minute they test positive...when the symptoms could be mild.

When the symptoms get bad they take paxlovid as atonement for their sin of testing positive.

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(I think) I had it a month ago. Vaccine free. Was a flu for 3 days. My jabbed colleague at work, a few years younger, similar fitness level I would guess to me, had it a couple of weeks before. He said it was quite bad for 5 days.

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That "1 dose and zero doses are the same" bullshit confounds so much.

There are vast differences between one and two doses (backed off because of side effects? lazy /negligent self-care?) and one and zero doses.

I cannot think of a single study on the planet where a "0 and 1" group would make any logical sense. People who murdered up to one other person? People with up to one cancer diagnosis?

The only person that would see no significance to this is someone willfully attempting to ignore vaccine damage or to obscure it.

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So you're in a good mood today?

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 17, 2022Liked by el gato malo

Great article, and I especially liked the decision making aspect of it.

I wish these studies comparing vaccinated vs unvaccinated outcomes were conducted more often (they are almost not at all conducted) and involved more people and dimensions. Unfortunately health authorities do not want to finance them.

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I think that works to our advantage; long ball style.

And I bet the Stack authors pick up more followers because of that.

I look at it as an opportunity:

The more nonsense they throw at us, the easier it is to make them look silly.

The average Joe doesn't understand how to examine data. Hence the obfuscation.

We can use that obfuscation to make the frauds look silly; thereby making "converts" feel sagacious. People don't like being associated with silliness...even though they fell for it.

The converts are the two shot and done folks. There's a lot of them!

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Ask them why they boosted for a variant from 2019, in 2021 / 2022. That always makes the smart "follow the science" crowd look silly. Not had a decent comeback to anyone I asked that to.

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This is the best btw.

Great post!

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I think we need to start sharing ideas like this to break the current narrative. That's the one I have had most success with.

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Yes. I implore Gato to perhaps facilitate that in a series of issues and allow for some open threads, that would allow him to participate to a greater extent.

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They don’t want to know the truth about the unvax’d / acquired immunity vs. the vax’d because it will be devastating

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Financially devastating, yes!

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I love your handle, Riki Tiki Tavi, I was (proudly!) raised on Kipling

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Oh wonderful! ...I am also a fan of Donovan. :)

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“Just So Stories” & the poem “If”! Brings tears to my eyes to remember my mother reading “Just So Stories” & my reading it to my boys. And both have “If” framed on their walls. I think he’s considered a racist now 🤬

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haha your comment re: "I think he's a racist now." I wonder if Mark Twain is now considered a racist...?!

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“The illusion of evidence based medicine” https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o702

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I’m going to Iceland in 2 weeks. Any local research I can do involving bars...the kind of bars with adult beverages, not charts and such.

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Be sure to have a snort or two of brennivín. It will cure what ales you.

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I’m pretty sure brennivin is the only reason anyone can stand to eat hakarl.

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Damn, that sounds pretty bloody nasty.

I will, however, try almost anything once...

Like, say, agutuk. Back when there were Eskimos, we called it Eskimo Ice Cream.

Although a variety of fats may be used for this delicacy, the texture, aroma, and overwhelming flavor of walrus fat is simply unparalleled.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022

Is that the mixture of fat and dried berries? I read somewhere - it may have been Andrew Weil - that its modern day replacement is a nice big bowl of shortening and fruit cocktail

Think I'll stick with the walrus fat...

And then there's kiviak...about which the less said the better. Nothing could be worse. Except, in the Philippines, that delicacy known as balut. An acquired taste.

Okay, I'm done. Sweet dreams.

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"...a lingering aftertaste that can only be described as urine."

Not today, thank you.

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Maybe with a splash of bitters?

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Will do. Have a bottle in my fridge that may cure me when I get home today.

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Mmm, I bet it does. I am intrigued. How does it compare with Scandinavian akvavit?

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They are similar, except brennivín only uses caraway, so that flavor is quite pronounced.

Being ombibulous and part Scandahoovian, I love them both.

Both make one hell of a bloody mary, but akavit perhaps better as it is more herbaceous. Brennivín with tonic, a lime and a splash of bitters is the bomb.

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Angostura, Peychaud’s??

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Alpino and Saturnalia are my top choices.

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Ooo I must say, they all look Very Exciting! Enough to warrant Random Caps!! I'm very fortunate, a Bosnian friend makes his own bitters and keeps me supplied. I think they include Yerba Santa, hibiscus and something that grows along the Adriatic coast, that his mother sends him. No duplicating the stuff. May God preserve him in good health!

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white privilege bomb

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Actually, an ancestry test revealed a significant share of Neandertal, which means that not only am I among the original aboriginals wiped out by you colonizing Cro Magnon bastards, but that way, way back in libertate's woodpile someone with some serious beer goggles got seriously busy.

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That bull my ancestors painted with their bare hands at the Lascaux cave was documentation of the indiscretion of your lineage.

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Hah! You and Ozzy Osbourne! Lucky you, party on!!

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It is like white phosphorus, only more blinding.

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I'm trying to eat and you made me spit out my lasagna. Thx a lot libertate.

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Huh, interesting! I shall have to seek it out. I love akvavit, and caraway, and I too am ombibulous. Not Scandahoovian, but as my grandfather was a 6'6" Friesian (man, not horse), Dad was 6'4" and I am 5'10", I suspect we have some wild Viking corpuscles in the mix. Heaven knows I love their food and drink, to say nothing of the beauty of their land and sea.

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I’ll drink to that! 😎

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So glad I never fell for their promise of ‘safety and healthy practices for the common good’—when coercion, force, mandates, and possible job loss was used, it was a big red sign 🛑

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In a way I am glad of the coercion, I went from 50/50 "I don't really need this" to "fuck that, there is no way I am taking that!".

Prince Harry, David Beckham and Tony Blair telling me to take it? No thanks. That cringe Vax-scene video with dancing syringes from some US show (was it Colbert?). Ariana Grande dancing around telling me to get it. Nah, I'll give it a miss.

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You are spot on. If vaccine worked properly, as in number of cases going down and not spreading, then coercion not needed. Don’t forget the free donuts offered by some businesses, when in fact obesity was a major comorbidity and diet was never addressed.

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Gato, the memory hole is getting full! What do we do now?!?!?!?

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We dig a moat around it and keep filling it in with the water of truth...and let them drown on their lies.

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Keep digging deeper until you reach your ideological mecca, like Pelosi.


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You really cannot make this sh*t up.

I too dug for China. But I misread my compass and I surfaced in the Strait of Malacca, where I was eaten by sharks. Nancy, having no compass, moral or otherwise, never got there either. She has only her stories. Nothing but.

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Not even Jaws would take a bite out of Pelosi the Pustulant.

How in the world can one live 82 years and still be dumb as a bag of rocks?

"I believe in natural gas as a clean, cheap alternative to fossil fuels."

~ Nancy Pelosi

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There's no incentive to get tested if you are unvaccinated in Europe.

You only get the recovery certificate once and it lasts for 6 months. That's it.

So if you didn't buy into the narrative you wouldn't test if you had some minor sniffles.

On the other hand quadruple jabbed individuals tend to be more neurotic and would test with the first sneeze.

There. All these studies are useless.

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Probably because 1 dose tracks the stated definition of "not fully vaccinated." But yeah, feels completely wrong to lump people who actually were injected with pure bloods.

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Solid assessment as usual, Gato, especially given how this study appears to reinforce a lot of what Team Reality has been saying. Pointing out potential flaws in something favorable to your cause just isn't something that's been seen from the Covid Apocalypse crowd since day one. If nothing else it's another of countless smoke signals we're suppose to believe doesn't actually point to there ever being a fire.

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Using these horrible broken tests to determine "reinfection" is fraud. Vaccines making reinfections worse is probably a valid conclusion because it is a relative measure. Absolute reinfection rate cannot be determined with these broken tests.

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I am curious what reinfection actually means. Are these people ill in any way? Do any of them actually get seriously ill, more than the first time? Is it just a positive PCR which can be absolutely meaningless. It goes against everything that I learned studying biology nearly 30 years ago - like much of the scamdemic narrative.

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It is just two meaningless positive PCR tests. The JAMA study says:

"Reinfection was defined as a positive PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 60 or more days from a previous positive test. "


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I made similar concerns in my post from yesterday:


I have no idea why so many people just took this study and ran with it. It was deeply flawed and so many variables were not accounted for. No mention of the type of vaccines, no mention of when people got vaccinated with respect to their infection/reinfection. No mention of severity of illness as it appears a reinfection was based solely on PCR tests. There was so much with this study that was questionable but it just fit the narrative and therefore people cited it.

I raised concerns about the adjusted vs unadjusted ration, and given that the reference was for an individual in the 18-29 group I wonder if that means that most of the effect size is derived from the 18-29 group and using that reference changed the odds ratio a lot.

Also, I mentioned that it appeared only 4 people were included into the 1 dose category. The results mention 2942 people had at least one dose by the Omicron wave, Table 1 mentions a total number of 2398 for those who had 2 or more, meaning only 4 people were left who had only 1 dose. Given that number why not just throw out that whole cohort and mark it as unvaccinated?

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They were hoping for a different result. When it was the oppo they stopped.

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why they chose to compare 1 or fewer to 2 or more.*

For the same reason they gave no cogent explanation as to why the mRNA vaxx was a two shot regimen vs one.

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Or why you're not considered vaxed until 2 weeks out from your most recent shot.

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I agree. But, we're making two different points.

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60 day PCR gap for reinfection is short for a VitD deficient population and not a lot of discussion on CT thresholds. So some ‘reinfections’ might just be residuals. Does that affect one cohort more than the other?

I was told the authors made the 1 Vax vs 2+ cut because so few people are unvaxxed in iceland.

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Every country showing this data just reinforces what we’ve thought all along—a globalist conspiracy to weaken countries and curb population engineered by WEF elites and Bill Gates.

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