The mRNA injections are working quite well, as intended- most lucrative pharma products in history.

Also creating a new cavalcade of diseases that will ensure future pharma "business opportunities."

Furthermore the rationale for eliminating pesky AND COSTLY, long term studies and trials for future "vaccines" has been established and normalized. This is ONE OF THE biggest "obstacles" that the Pharma ghouls have been wanting to eliminate for decades- they have now done so.

A lot of people aren't getting yet that the mRNA "vaccine" cash cow is going to be much bigger than the Covid con itself. They plan to use a similar mechanism against any and all concocted viral pathogens and now that they've gotten the tech to market, they'll start going down the list.

Governments will look to mandate the shots in a myriad of ways (or short of that, will use every form of coercion available to them) for entire populations.

Everyone on the planet to be an endless source of revenue for Pharma and their investors. Everyone to become human pincushions in order to line the pockets of The Pharma Cartel.

This is the plan for the next epoch of medicine, a subscription model for endless mRNA injections.

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"This is the plan for the next epoch of medicine"

This has been the model of mainstream medicine for at least 60-70 years. Many older people are on a dozen or more pharmaceuticals, often to deal with the derangements caused by the previous pharmaceutical they were put on.

It remains to be seen whether the catastrophe of covid-1984 injectable bioweapons is big enough to cause a Kuhnian paradigm shift in modern medicine. Some days I'm a starry eyed idealist. On other days I'm a very bitter cynic.

Today I'm a fatalistic cynic. You can't fix stupid. Darwin Doin' Work.

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I'm done with meds. I look for holistic solutions unless it's a $4 copay or free.

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I’m turning 65 in April and happy to say I have no prescriptions! I eat healthy, take nutraceuticals, and am now doing time restricted eating. But it’s important to do screenings like blood work and colonoscopy. I strongly recommend DirectLab.com, where you can order your own lab tests. Vitamin D blood test is $49, which is cheaper than my insured cost. Not sure if Medicare will cover it. My doctor doesn’t believe in Vitamin D (!) so it’s just easier to order for myself. They use a regular lab like Quest. Check it out.

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Fire your doctor - they are not competent.

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Thanks for mentioning DirectLab...I will use them! I’m 54 & docs are always amazed when I say I don’t take any meds & don’t have any medical conditions. I eat healthy and exercise and regular docs don’t seem to like patients who use their own knowledge to stay healthy! Just that attitude led me to an MD who is also a homeopath & who doesn’t take insurance. It’s more expensive, but I get a real health partner rather than a drug dealer. I know there are great docs out there but most work for a bigger entity now & have to follow the company’s rules 😩

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My father (who sadly passed away in January at age 97) was a pathologist and he turned me on to Direct Labs. It’s empowering to use them and take charge of my own health. I’m just starting Medicare in April but now am seeking a doc like you have, who most likely won’t take Medicare! I like how you describe it as “having a health partner rather than a drug dealer”! Worth the $, IMO.

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I take 10mg simvastatin. I didn't have high cholesterol but doc said it helps prevent strokes and some cancers. My only other is an occasional muscle relaxant for back spasms. One or two usually do the trick. That's it except for anti-vax detoxing and supplements to ward off covid which neither of us have yet to have, as far as we know.

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Now that I'm in my 60s, I am adding the Rx's. I'm up to four, but can claim three since one is baby aspirin 😛. At least so far, another advantage of inexpensive drugs: even if cost is not a concern, the drug is more likely a generic. That may not mean it's absolutely safe, but it does mean that it's been around for a very long time (as pharmaceuticals go). It has a better known history of side effects and so on. In contrast, we have the mRNA jabs, with billions of doses dispensed, and (being generous), maybe two years of human data, but which no one in power seems to be paying much attention to. A thought: if these "vaccines" were really so "safe and effective" as they constantly claim, where are the peer-reviewed studies that support those claims? Perhaps they exist. "They're too complex for the layman to understand." They might say. Very well, make them available to us, and we will seek out experts to tell us in simpler terms what each study says.

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There are no relevant studies. People won't report the truth; they are too afraid of being mocked, canceled, or having the Big Pharma money well run dry. Most researchers are as useless as teats on a bee.

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The vacx is free. ;-)

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Back in 2004, there was a little news item in the Sunday paper magazine. It stated that Tennessee had the highest prescription rate per capita. Women in Tennessee had an average of 17 prescriptions. SEVENTEEN. I still have that news clip because it is so hard for me to believe. I have no prescription meds so that means some other woman is on even more. It’s mind blowing.

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I was seeing a neuro for my Pfizer vax damage from the one I got coerced into last summer. 39 years. The neuro was absolutely flabbergasted I wasn’t on any meds. Rx or over the counter. He was shocked.

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I’m 63. I hang out with fairly healthy hikers and even they were surprised I’m on no drugs. They are all on at least a couple. One of them had some heart issues on a hike is the reason the subject came up. Sadly, they all but one took the vax willingly. I’m sorry about your experience. I hope you are able to find something to help repair the damage.

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"I have no prescription meds" Me neither. Damn. That IS nuts.

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I’m pushing 60, and have no prescriptions, though there are 2 prescription meds that I buy in Mexico (where they’re OTC) and take regularly as a medical version of Pascal’s wager:

Ivermectin - twice a week per FLCCC guidelines for COVID prophylaxis.

Metformin - supposedly all the billionaires take this for life extension. Not waiting for the results of human trials. It’s an old drug, and safe if you’re not a binge drinker.

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You think like me. :) I had my husband on metformin when he had cancer. I'm sure it contributed to his well-being. And yes, I love that you can just rock up to the pharmacist and get it.

It's fun to see so many DIYers who don't trust the system or who want to be free from idiotic controls in this space. A big psychological reward after what we've been through the last 2 years that gives me hope.

On that note I do buy bioidentical hormones from Vanuatu and Australia. LOL. If you can call them medicine. I don't. But they are probably the best biological "hack" we have.

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I am sure gates and schwab are on metformin. no way they could live to their age without it because they don't exercise. lol

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How do you buy in Mexico? Can you do it online? I bought my Ivermectin here in the states, but it was expensive!

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That other woman must be taking 34 meds, to offset your Zero pills. How would she keep track ? Or maybe that even wouldn’t matter .

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Psychotropics are another example. Its astounding how psychotropic cocktails are RXd, like 5, to 1 person, to be taken concurrently, and it’s normalized. Most often when I ask if it helps, I get “I don’t know” or “I guess”, and the rationale we’ve all gotten to know and not love: “It would be worse without it....”. One of the worst crimes by the Medical Cartel, in my view, was reframing “mental illness” as a status, like you are or you aren’t. If you are, tough noogies. You better learn to “manage” it for life. People accept a diagnosis as an identity now, not a sign that you need to balance something that is out of whack, usually for good cause. Even the rare- in terms of incidence- conditions that are heavily determined by genetic load, are subject to change and reflect ongoing needs, so a story- what’s happening to you , with a “you” in the center, responding to the action, which ultimately determines the quality of your experience. You are the center of your experience , not underneath it. We live in a society that is deeply sick, as evidenced by even the social meaning of “health” is actually about disease management.

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I remember when we did away with mental hospitals and put all those people on the streets.

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A friend now has a raging case of autoimmune hepatitis with cirrhosis after the jabs and on top of the treatments for that nasty thingdocs are throwing against a wall to see if it sticks, one of the drugs induced diabetes so she’s shooting herself with insulin. Think of the lovely additional revenue there. So maddening.

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Janet, that is terrible. I am sorry to hear this. Prayers for your friend.

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That, Janet’s friends situation, is infuriating! I’m a big believer in prayer and my sympathy is big for the friend but pharma just earned one more black mark in my book. Fauci and all those pushing it too.

While I believe this was a jab result, was this confirmed and has SHE admitted it and is she fighting to report this to VAERS and anyone else who will listen?

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Yes, prayers for your friend.

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A friend’s 38 year old son died in his sleep last summer. I’m assuming vaxxed since he worked at a California school. He was an alcoholic and was said to have died of cirrhosis. Does cirrhosis cause sudden death? So sad either way.

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I agree that the injections are working as planned, but I think big pharma is a secondary beneficiary. I'm thinking that the people pulling the strings are making inroads into depopulation and transhumanism with these.

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Along with this, the rise in transgenderism, especially in young children, which was unheard of 60 years ago. Something is going on here that isn't being talked about and needs to be studied instead of just accepted. Is this a biological/neurological change caused by the environment, and if so, where is the evidence? Because everything I've read on the subject makes it sound like this is merely a subjective state of mind--there are no physical indicators, such as hormone levels or chromosome anomalies--that indicate a person is not the same gender as their physical body, which is not the case with certain rare intersex conditions. Either way, once a person decides to do the full transition, the medical and pharmaceutical establishments are rubbing their hands with glee, because here's another new customer for life; and the younger you can hook them with puberty blockers (another pharmaceutical) the better. And of course legalized drugging of problematic schoolchildren has been the norm for quite some time now.

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The hormonal milieu of the fetus matters a lot. It's hard to ignore the massive increase in fertility problems over the last 5 decades, and the high levels of... for lack of a more polite way to say it... androgyny... in the population that I frankly do not remember existing when I was a kid in the 80s.

I'll just refer to you to Alex Jones at this point, but xenoestrogens etc. are in fact a thing.

Or, if you prefer George Carlin, "The EARTH is gonna be fine. The PEOPLE are fucked."


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One of the things that isn't talked about much is what has been happening to our water supply ever since oral contraceptives came into widespread use. And there really isn't any polite way to put this either--if you are on hormones you are literally pissing them into the water supply. Remember, I used to work in the industry and one of the things I was involved in was oral contraceptive testing, and it bothers me to hear parents talking about putting their teenage daughters on the pill. I get that they want to avoid them getting pregnant, but what of the long-term effects of being on something nature never designed the female body to be on? It is an artificial suppression of a natural function, and I don't think women are told the whole truth about this. Come to think about it it sounds a lot like what we've been told about a certain vaccine category--safe and reliable.

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Oh yes. "better living through chemistry" is baaaaaad juju when it comes to birth control. Artificial progestins are in large part responsible for karentopia, quite frankly. Being loaded up on them for decades leads to androgynous, bitchy, fat cows in middle age.

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I think all of this woke stuff is part of the plan. All of the things that don't make sense are part of it. I know this sounds paranoid, but we are being confronted from many different directions.

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Transgenderism has as much to do with the social media kids are exposed to, It has become a social hysteria fueled by platforms like Tik Tok. Here is an interesting video about the phenomenon. It also examines the role of social media in other issues like anorexia and self-diagnosis of mental illness/DID, etc. This is a harrowing watch and there are some disturbing scenes, but it is very revealing of how much media is feeding this. I'm not saying there may not be a chemical issue, but a lot of it is social:


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Oh, I agree that much of it is social, simply because no one seems to be seriously investigating the causes of the rise of this relatively recent phenomenon, unlike autism, which seems to be a combination of environmental and genetic factors. As I said it was unheard of 60 years ago, especially in kids--there were one or two celebrated cases of adults in the late 60's but after that it really wasn't an issue for several decades later. It seems to me that this is something this ought to be looked into, instead of saying we're ok with that.

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There’s a great video from a conference in 2012 with Dr randy tent from Texas about vaccines and the like called: the exploding autoimmune epidemic - Dr Tent. It’s not autoimmune, you have viruses.

https://m.youtube.com/ watch?v=eFICJzKmCaM

He argues that transgenderism comes from “growing the viruses/bacteria”

(don’t remember the correct words) on aborted featuses - an industry in itself....

It’s a 2 hr long video well worth the watch, he also mentions the explosion of cancer that we have seen over the last many decades due to the polio vaccine given to over 200 mil americans from 1957 to 1963, as prophesied by Bernice Eddie who discovered it and pointed this out to the manufacturers...she was immediately relegated to an obscure cellar where she could munch over her Lost career....

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Me too. Even Big Pharma, as cutthroat an industry as it is, would not ordinarily take these types of risks. You don't get to the top of giant corporation without having psychopathic tendencies, sure, but I suspect that the powers that be have dirt on the perps (the Albert Bourlas of the world), and they've been ordered to deliver... or else. (People lower down in the chain, such as public health officials, have either been brainwashed or bribed.)

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Big Pharma relies on blockbuster drugs to stay afloat.

If you take a look at their stocks in late 2019, they like most of the rest of financial sector, were in steep decline.

I'm not saying that is the only reason as my view is that these types of orchestrated events serve multiple purposes.

Most of those public health officials don'e have to be bribed as they are already brainwashed- true believers. And every single of the many I have personally come across are quite dense.

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"Inroads" is an understatement. They're on the high road to both goals with these latest crimes ~ a high road on which there appear to be no posted speed limits or, indeed, traffic regulations of any kind ....

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That only works if the pushers don't get arrested or otherwise dealt with by their victims.

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I vote for them being dealt with by their victims, whatever that may be.

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They're trying to normalize their ineptitude, incompetence, and criminal behavior of the past 2 years.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what's next, and it seems to bea giant rug, an even bigger broom, and a whole lot of look the other way. That's what they want "next" to be, at least until they regroup and have the will to dominate "the little people again."


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Super-genius Canadian PM Trudeau acquired enough vaccine for every Canadian to last 6-7 years, and even here in Alberta radio ads, TV ads, billboards are still encouraging citizens to get boosted. It's mind-boggling stupidity! An unvaccinated individual still cannot get on a plane or train and travel freely in this country, while our grandstanding PM and his band of Liberal elites are overseas "Standing with Ukraine". There has never been a more vacuous bunch of politicians in Canadian history!

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I was hoping JT would get to participate in Monty Python's "Upper Class Twit of the Year" competition.

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“Super-genius Justin Trudeau”. May he end up like Wile E Coyote, Super Genius.

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That's exactly what I was going for, Lawrence. LOL! Anytime I can slip a Loony Tunes reference in, I do it!

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Yeah, where’s the Road Runner when you need him?

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He ran around Ottawa, honked, and ran out!

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The only conclusion that makes sense is that the vaccines are a binary bioweapon, otherwise the pharma marketing departments would be pivoting and pushing expensive paxolovid and monowhatever and nasal sprays to the "hesitant" demographics. First waves of death and long covid, then effects of immune dysregulation and cardiopulmonary weakenss, then more of that due to boosters, or maybe the gato hypothesis on immune fixation in the genome. And this simultaneous with blithering Dominionist leaders with power psychosis; the WEF trained, who babble in pseudo sympathy to the woke fragile, turning the whole blue world into a gaslight daycare center; and actual dictators who rival Duvalier in Haiti ("I am already an immaterial being"), but who are clearly being puppeted somehow. Then there will be a suitcase nuke or leak, and Anne Coulter will be flying around in a biplane yammering about hormesis and how radiation is good for you. That's my failed (no doubt) attempt to grasp the gestalt.

We are all Lucille Clifton now:

...here on this bridge between

starshine and clay,

my one hand holding tight

my other hand; come celebrate

with me that everyday

something has tried to kill me

and has failed.

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Just read what the various Toadies promoted by and financed by the Davos Gang of Psychopaths have said. And then figure out what they are up to:

"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable."

Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit

"All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."

Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution

"The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man."

Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point

"A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells, the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people. We must shift our efforts from the treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions."

Prof. Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb

"A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible."

United Nations, Global Biodiversity Assessment

"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."

Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major UN donor

"The resultant ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less than one billion."

Club of Rome, Goals for Mankind

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis."

David Rockefeller, Club of Rome executive manager

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto determination practiced in past centuries.”

David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991

“This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long – We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

David Rockefeller, Club of Rome, Sept. 23, 1994

“For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.

If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

from David Rockefeller’s autobiography ‘Memoirs’

"In Nature organic growth proceeds according to a Master Plan, a Blueprint. Such a master plan is missing from the process of growth and development of the world system. Now is the time to draw up a master plan for sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all resources and a new global economic system. Ten or twenty years from today it will probably be too late."

Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point

"The concept of national sovereignty has been immutable, indeed a sacred principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation."

UN Commission on Global Governance report

"Democracy is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything and it is unaware of its own limits. These facts must be faced squarely. Sacrilegious though this may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead. The complexity and the technical nature of many of today's problems do not always allow elected representatives to make competent decisions at the right time."

Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution

"In my view, after fifty years of service in the United National system, I perceive the utmost urgency and absolute necessity for proper Earth government. There is no shadow of a doubt that the present political and economic systems are no longer appropriate and will lead to the end of life evolution on this planet. We must therefore absolutely and urgently look for new ways."

Dr. Robert Muller, UN Assistant Secretary General

"Nations are in effect ceding portions of their sovereignty to the international community and beginning to create a new system of international environmental governance as a means of solving otherwise unmanageable crises."

Lester Brown, WorldWatch Institute

"A keen and anxious awareness is evolving to suggest that fundamental changes will have to take place in the world order and its power structures, in the distribution of wealth and income."

Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point

" Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it. "

Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute

" The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet. "

Jeremy Rifkin, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation

" Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun. "

Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University

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"Environmentalists. Don't. Like. People." Patrick Moore - founder of, and escapee from, Greenpeace.

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who voted them in to power: pangolins?

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Yes, eastern pangolins.

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Devil’s Spawn. Very clear to me.

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Born on Christmas day ...

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I don't need to go anywhere that badly.

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Amen, Sister!

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Justin will go down in history as a serious tragedy. Does he not know this? Does he even care?

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Self awareness is perhaps his worst quality among multiple other issues. Narcissists are always the last to know.

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Depends on who gets to write and control history. If the past 10 years is any guide, these WEF leaders will all be portrayed as saviors - Google says so, fact checked by Reuters and Meta.

I myself wonder if they (Trudeau, Ardern, Macron etc.) truly believe they will get a 'seat at the table' post 2030, or if they are set to be sacrificed for the next crop of 'saviors' (we still have many more crises to go before 2030).

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Review the credulity of most adults over the past 2 years, following the 'science' and narrative. Spoon fed obvious fallacies and illogical directives. Picture the percentage that went along with this. By my estimates it is above 85%.

Now picture your kids. Maybe 10 years old, fifteen, five? And they are already in the sights of the WEF new young crop of WOKE global influencers. What chance do they have given the level of gullibility of us adults?

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Yes we have drawn the short straw .

However we ( but not me ) elected these ————s .

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'There has never been a more vacuous bunch of politicians in Canadian history!'

You spelt 'evil' wrong.

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Sorry, my mistake.

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Gato wrote: "the simple fact is that the instant these vaccines were seen to be non-sterilizing, their administration should have been halted."

But in fact the opposite happened, they went from being recommended (albeit aggressively) to mandated with failure to comply resulting in loss of job or exclusion from society. Then they tried to force it on children!

So how could this happen? How could the every established government, political, and cultural institution not only avoid the right thing, but actively do the wrong thing to an even greater extreme? Seems to me there are four groups at play here:

1) The true believers/useful idiots - These people really thought we were going to vaccinate away Covid like we did smallpox. Not many in power in this group, but lots of "early adopters" who lined up for shots. These are the dirtbags who shamed friends and family who didn't get vaccinated.

2) The corrupt - Obviously pharma and the shills at the FDA, CDC, AMA, AAP, ad nauseum. Too much money at stake here to stop the "experiment" that had gone off the rails

3) Societal control - Those planning to use vax passports as a prelude for a social credit system. These are the WEF types who saw this as their once in a lifetime opportunity to remake the world economic system into their elite-controlled Marxism, and punish those who didn't comply.

4) Depopulation - These are the smug, evil elites who view common folks as parasites. People like Gates and his ugly ilk who have gone on the record saying population needs to be reduced 90%.

I've been long convinced groups #2 and #3 were driving the bus here with group #1 being used as cannon fodder. Group #4 seemed just too crazy, like a James Bond villain personified. Things like the reverse transcription study are making me question that though, as its gets harder and harder to ignore mounting evidence.

One thing is absolutely clear though, none of this was driven by legitimate concerns for individual health.

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your Group 2 was thinking "we need to eliminate the control group." that was why the shift from "yay vaccines" to "vaccinate or be shunned/destroyed." once they saw the problems start to develop, it was IMPERITIVE to get rid of any control.

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They even got rid of the control from within their own trial. This is not possible to attribute to bumbling. It is intentional and criminal.

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Good analysis. I've wracked my mind trying to ascertain if malevolence or incompetence is to blame for this disaster. I circled both answers on the test, but underlined and drew stars around "malevolence."

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the two are so interwoven it's hard to even tease them apart in meaningful fashion.

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Any malevolence sufficiently advanced will appear to be incompetence.

That is why Democrats are the kings of 'unintended' consequences, which require MORE government intervention, of course!

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As Brett Weinstein says, every decision they've made has been for the worst. That really wouldn't have happened if they were simply incompetent.

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Groups 3) & 4) are one and the same and control groups 1) & 2). Its all about creating a Totalitarian World Fascist Feudal Government. Justified by wacky Malthusian Ecofascism dogma, expounded by their Club of Rome Elite Society. They promote the notion that its now or never to "Save the World" from the "Cancer that is Man". Covid is just contrived disaster #1 in their Plan. Ukraine War is #2. Look forward to a contrived Cyberattack and then Climate Emergency disaster.

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The one thing which needs to be reduced by 90% is government. Nuking the buildings of the Administrative State, while occupied, would be the sterilizing inoculation that society needs in order to survive.

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Have you seen the latest analysis from Edward Dowd, el gato? 61k excess deaths in Millennials aged 25–44 (+84% baseline):


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That age group lost the equivalent of US war dead in Vietnam. And then some.

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Yes—and it will continue to rise for that group and all others until these lethal injections are pulled from the market and the perpetrators prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.

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They willbe pulled quietly in 2025 after the govt sets up a covid vaccine injury and death trust fund to answer all the class action suits that will pop up starting in 2023.

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Not holding my breath on that… and the butcher’s bill is going to be staggering.

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I know we are discussing vaccines here, but it's also informative to look at excess deaths.

Using data from my State (FL), total deaths annually by age cohort, I found that, even after allowing for likely annual population growth (based on earlier years):

Deaths in 2021 were even higher than 2020. Counter-intuitively (at least for me), the biggest increases in mortality were NOT in the very old, but in roughly ages 25-45, and percentages from mid 20s to as high as 35% or so. (This considers both 2020 and 2021 deaths, compared to 2019).

I'm not published, but these results can easily be derived if you make a spreadsheet using data from


You can probably do similar raw data downloads from many sources.

Added: I made my latest (?) spreadsheet available to download here:


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I guess this is why Australia is now warning doctors that publicly sharing ANY scientific data that doesn't support the government narrative will result in loss of licensure. Yes, they are really saying that.

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In The US, CA is looking at passing similar laws, and the Surgeon General has demanded information from Big Tech regarding the dissemination of "misinformation" about covid...

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I have to say again, thank you, and that it truly is helpful to have you continue the narrative. To be swimming upstream in this “hurry up and take the jab or else” culture is wearing, and seeing the evidence you provide reminds me that I’m not insane (at least not on this issue). If you can figure out the rest of my life, I’ll really be in good shape.

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Adopt a bad cat ?

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Or BE a bad cat.

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Flu vaccines don't work either but 50% of Americans still get them. This mass psychosis has a lot more mileage in it. Coming your way soon? Self-amplifying mRNA vaccines for covid and everything else:



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I never took that crap. One look at Cochrane database and it was clear fly shots are crap. But the constant onslaught to get your Flu shot each year is NUTS.

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Not us. Never again.

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:) I'm glad more people are learning and waking up. I don't have a good handle on how big that number is. In any case, I think we are looking at a complete collapse of many systems before things improve.

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And we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg, IMO. The next decade is going to be horrific.

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You said it.

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Agree- when the data is fully released, scrubbed, analyzed and evaluated by the private sector there will be a massive reaction. And the "we were against it too!" chorus of gaslighting will be in full bloom. Don't buy it...

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Im not sure. The Pfizer stuff is out & being analyzed for what they knew the effects could be, but you only hear about it in places like El Gato & similar blogs, nothing in the MSM (natch) but even Tucker isn’t talking about it.

The implications for every business, government entity, etc who forced employees on pain of loss of livelihood & w/out truly informed consent are massive. I wonder how many businesses, employees, doctors, nurses, etc who are complicit &/or took the poison can face what has been done to them or by them….

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Exactly. That guy who was on the board of the German insurance company who blew the whistle was summarily dismissed. They'll try shooting the messenger as long as that works, and it is working.

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Since FOX accepted government money to promote the jabs, I guess even the fearless Tucker has one topic he won't be permitted to touch.

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I’ve stopped watching Fox etc. They're so behind! I’m getting my information from what someone coined “the new dissidents”: subject experts who speak out with supported facts, have nothing to gain, and everything to lose. Substack and other free speech platforms are my new Fox News.

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Smart move!

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Mine too! El Gato, Naked Emperor, euggipius, Brighteon, Highwire, Spartacus, etc

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Yeah, I heard about that too. Can’t say I’m very surprised, given how many of the anchors & “contributors” (including the several so-called “doctors” were shilling the vax.

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Yes. Even as the data got worse and worse, I sat amazed as the hosts of The Five continued to preface every vaccine discussion with "of course, I'm vaccinated and it was the right thing to do and the best way to end the pandemic...." Absolutely maddening.

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Ugh 🙄. The ones I despise are Safire, the Seigel & Neshwat (sp?) - who pushed the vax really hard, even for kids. Unforgivable & so dishonest that Fox took $$ to promote the narrative. So deeply dishonest, but who isn’t these days

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I thought Saphire was against the jab….am I wrong ?

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And why are they mandating boosters and Vax passports for products that don’t work.

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They work for Big Pharma, and for Big Government...and little Karens...

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Sinister motives. Vaccine Passports --> Digital ID --> CBDC --> Chinese style Social Credit System. ESG = World Tyranny, Population Reduction and a Feudal Society where most people own nothing and are impoverished whereas an indentured Ruling Class lives in the lap of luxury, obscene Wealth. All justified by crackpot Malthusian environmental fanaticism. Note that German Nazism morphed into EcoFascism. Hey Klaus Schwab.

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Emphasizing two points in Gato's article:

1- For 100 years we have known that distancing, masks, closing businesses, restricting travel... don't do anything to stop the spread of a RTI.

2- We also know that a leaky vaccine will make things worse. The lame excuse that "they were never meant to stop the spread" is a blatant lie.

I am still dumbfounded that anyone with the most rudimentary knowledge about medicine or public health could be in favor of what has been done. I am a medical and public health professional and I am so dissapointed in my "colleagues". To me, it is beyond belief.

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Bravo el gato malo!

Please write the book on this whole thing.

No one else can do it like you do.

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Agree- el gato should allow the cat to wander across the keyboard and write a history!

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“Public health” was never the goal & the outcomes of what has been injected into millions was not only known by the pushers, but was the desired outcome. How so many were blinkered & not alarmed enough w/ self-preservation instincts at the rapidity of their sudden availability is just beyond me

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Lotsa luck. Regional newspaper letters section as genocidal as ever. I'm on the email list for our regional major medical center/teaching hospital affil. with a medical school, and they keep quoting Scripture in all their updates. It's gonna take 40 years wandering in the wilderness for these guys, but with the state of the younger generation I ain't feeling much encouragement for the future. We got some very highly-educated morons up here.

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Well there's one vaccine that does work:

A daily dose of El Gato Malo's purrfect blend of snarkasm and facts setting off that wonderful aftertaste of finely roasted cynicism and resolve. Keeps your sanity alive and well, while leaving it free to adapt to the ever-mutating nature of nature.

And politicians repsonsible for masking, lockdowns, and so on should be fired. From catapults, plural.

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They work as well as Fauci's other headline product: AZT.

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