at least in a banana republic, we'd get cheap bananas or something


"The Philadelphia agency that oversees elections said it will delay counting thousands of paper ballots after the polls close Tuesday night because of a lawsuit that accused it of being open to double counting." (NYT)

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Nope silly; bananas would be for export ONLY 😏.

I was born in the East block, and I can tell you that all our food would go to export, to pay the funny money debt…

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Delay? Like do it much later innthe week, after everyone goes home?

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Your reminder that the 'ballots in suitcases was debunked' was clearly a coverup. The official narrative is that these people THOUGHT they were done working, but it turns out that they weren't done after all.

Then why did they wait until everybody else left to get started again?


This particular incident starts around 5:20.

Edit: Change the video link because 'suddenly' banned from Vimeo.


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That was so frustrating. I kept being told, "I heard that was debunked." I was like, "Walk me through the debunking process." They went straight to "that's been debunked," without actually debunking it.

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I had the identical argument with a good friend -- and hard core NPR listener -- just last week. He insists that any and all claims of voter fraud in 2020 have been completely debunked and are nothing more than "right wing conspiracy theory". And that every court in which election fraud was alleged found nothing. I told him that no court has ever ruled on the merits of any fraud claim and instead just dismissed the cases outright in pure judicial cowardice. He had no response.

For some folks the Kool Aid is just too strong to resist. Or too frightening to consider alternatives to.

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Meanwhile, multiple states have (finally) ruled that changes for the 2020 were illegal.



Delaware tosses mail-in ballots and same-day registration

This follows along with Wisconsin ruling that ballot drop boxes are illegal and Michigan finding that the Secretary of State illegally changed election rules for 2020. Similar cases had similar results in Pennsylvania, where universal mailing of ballots was declared illegal AND that Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State had no authority to arbitrarily change election deadlines. Ditto in Virginia, where the rule allowing mail-in ballots to arrive late WITHOUT A POSTMARK was determined to be illegal. (No giant integrity hole there, no siree!)

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And Biden's home state already had more restrictions in place than GA's new "voter suppression" law. What is really transparent is the utter condescension with which the Dems regard their voters. "Ya'll are just too stupid or lazy to fill out a ballot correctly so we'll just accept an 'X' scrawled somewhere on the page."

Yeah, so long as it's for the "correct" candidate.

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I had a similar "discussion" with my local GOP rep ... the Uniparty is strong in my parts. 😠

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Thus is the power of the 'fact check' -- not to actually check the facts, but to give the NPCs an URL to point to and say 'debunked'.

My very favorite one involved tap water triggering a positive response on a covid test. The 'fact-check' spent roughly two pages assuring everybody that covid doesn't actually survive in water, therefore the idea that 'tap water can make you get covid' was false.

Of course, that wasn't even the issue at hand. The issue was (and still is) that the test is so worthless that tap water returns a positive result. The 'fact check' never touched THAT, though.

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It would be so much easier if the "fact checkers" just admitted that they are actually "opinion checkers." They check to see which of your opinions are correct and which ones make you a nazi.

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Even better than that. They go in their cars, drove around the block a couple of times to make sure everyone else had gone home,.then headed back to work.

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Is that already taken down? Vimeo says it's a dead link. Anything on rumble or odyssee?

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I've placed it in a secret Substack draft, you can watch here:


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Hey CA,

I'm nocal and was handed a felt tip marker 800.232.1872 www.intab.net

As the "Official Voter Pen" (refused).

Were these markers at your polling place?

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In Sacramento, close to the Capitol, haven't voted yet.

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Nov 8, 2022
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They were going to send out 50, but now think half will have cardiac events by then

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Ha. They foreshadowed this at the 2022 half time show! When Snoop Dog rapped it was full on military imagery. Weirdest thing ever. I was just at someone’s house and it happened to be on. I wondered who on earth thinks this is normal?

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This is where I lose it... it’s so outrageous.

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Since election night 2020, Democrats have acted exactly like a group of people who stole the election.

Change my mind.

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This is exactly how I feel. If they would have been transparent or at least say "hey, yeah that's weird, here's the ballots you want to see" I'd be less suspicious. But the absolute shutdown of any debate is a huge red flag.

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And putting up barriers in DC, calling in the National Guard, arresting protestors who dared challenge the narrative (while also conveniently shutting down presentation of election shenanigans in the Capitol on 1/6), then using 1/6 as a springboard to declare political opponents to be enemies of America.........

I haven't seen anything so suspicious since the FBI was frantically preventing Trump from finding out they illegally spied on him during the campaign, using 'evidence' they knew to be BS from the start. (All signs point to this being the reason for the recent raid on Trump's home)

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Do you all remember when in the early fall of 2015, there were small fires put out on the roof of Trump Tower and Chex Clinton in Chappaqua within days of each other?? I thought that was peculiar.

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How about when Madonna told a massive crowd to burn down the Whitehouse

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What’s galling is they think they still have credibility and, sadly, with a certain slice of society, dolts, they do!

11/9/2020 Nolte: CNN's Jake Tapper Tells Trump Staffers Concede or Get Blacklisted https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2020/11/09/nolte-cnns-jake-tapper-tells-trump-staffers-concede-or-get-blacklisted/

MSM (Mainstream Media) ECHO CHAMBER: NO EVIDENCE OF ELECTION THEFT! https://www.bitchute.com/video/pxZSRyVheAjS/

Hillary Clinton says Biden should not concede the election 'under any circumstances https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/hillary-clinton-says-biden-should-not-concede-2020-election-under-n1238156

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Yup! They sure pushed that "BIG LIE" didn't they.

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They've been acting as a group of people who don't have to worry about winning elections anymore.

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The cia has been doing this oversees for 70+ years. What is stopping the deep state from doing this here?

Their existence depends on the outcome of these elections.

It's bigger than u could possibly imagine.

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gaslight anyone who demands audit!!!

that is suggesting guilt!

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Gaslighting isn't even a thing, you're crazy!

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Alright, I'll change your mind: it actually started in 2000.

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2000 BC

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Haha ! I think most elections are falsified to a point in the US. I think the elections in Belgium where I originate from, were fine till the machines came. You could not really mess with the severely controlled paper ballots. But I have no confidence whatsover in the machines. We had a print out now, but these can be fixed, too!

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Machines are made by people. People design them. People control them. The finger of God does not prevent this. People who design them are free to design control mechanisms, adjustment, cheat mechanisms and any number of "backdoors" that no citizen--or other computer programmer--will ever spot.

We sacrificed any hint of oversight for illusions of speedy results.

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believe it or not, the belgian people counted the paper ballots almost as quickly as the machines. We voted on one single day, a sunday, and voting was obligatory when you are a citizen. Voting places usually schools, closed around 2 and usually the results were known before the next morning. Of course, that is for a total population of 10 million, not 330 million !

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It would be a great idea to return to paper ballots, hand counted under the watchful eye of citizens--extreme left, extreme right, and center with everything in between and around the wheel.

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I'm not sure why the population size should much matter. The main issue is validating and counting the individual ballots cast at the local precinct. With a larger population, you just need correspondingly more precincts and poll workers. Once all the precinct counts are established, adding them up by hand or machine is trivial.

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We “were fine until the machines came.”Sounds like something out of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.

Voting machines sound like a high tech solution to a non-existent problem.

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Exactly. It was never a problem UNTIL they added voting machines.

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And since 2016, like they plan to...

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NOTHING was done about the counting machines, so expect more of the same.

BOTH "parties" need to GO!

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Know what doesn't mysteriously stop working on election day?

Paper ballots.

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I'm an extremely big fan of the lowest tech that gets it done.

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I have no idea why you would need machines. And I have no idea why these machines would require "algorithms", when it's just a count.

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Careful there, you’re asking real questions!

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Amen. I felt a sick knot in my stomach when I first heard the word "machines" next to ballot.

I'm afraid we're in for a hard awakening about corruption from both parties, for as long as anyone can remember and beyond.

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When the "maintenance" contract for voting machines was won by democrat operatives, free/fair elections were over.

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Call in the maintenance team to fix the vote. Sorry, I meant fix the voting machine. 😀

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Not sure who was in power in the US when the whole idea of electronic voting machines was implemented, but you can bet the corruption is complete. (And both parties were fine with it.)

It's going to take more than vilifying "Dems" to end corruption in the US. It is painful to the inner child in all of us, but real solutions will be a lot more complex than one team "good," one team "bad."

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If you are ever in need of a software engineer who understands this principle, then get in touch.

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I'm a retired Woman of Age whose only use of algorithms lies in trying to correctly render crochet instructions.

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Actually some polling places don’t have enough paper ballots! Oops!

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Both parties? You mean the uniparty?

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Yep. A good salesman doesn't say, "Do you want his?" They say, "Would you like it in red or blue? Or both?"

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I'm really tired of seeing so many headlines with the subtitle "and why that's okay" lately.

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LOL so true!

Myocarditis...no more gas appliances in CA...inflation...it really is endless, isn't it!

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"Turns out recessions aren't that bad."

After weeks of trying to convince Americans that recession wasn't inevitable.

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Ugh I know, it sounds so condescending and smarmy 😝🙄

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And it's used to gaslight

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It apparently must be a miracle how here in Florida that we are able to get this done the day of the election. I went and voted early...great process where you fill in your ballot by hand and then run it through the tally machine. We can even check to make sure it was counted! My mom did hers by absentee ballot and I was able to check on that as well.

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Weird how you guys fired the incompetent election official(s) and suddenly no longer had problems counting ballots......

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Amazing, isn't it?

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We do the paper ballots and insert them into the scanner but i hadn’t thought to check that it was counted. I will from now on.

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You should be able to go to your county's website and check.

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We can't do that in NH. We (well, at least in my town) fill in a paper ballot with a black marker, then insert it into a machine that tabulates it. There's nothing on the county website at all. And our town? They'll post the hand-written results on the town website (and the town facebook page). Seriously - it's hand written on a sample ballot with the number of votes each candidate received written next to his/her name. It doesn't get more basic than that. And I hope it never changes.

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I agree...the more basic, the harder it is to cheat.

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That’s the same system we have in NM. But you don’t have to show ID. They just check name and address against rolls. Then you fill out with pen and scan it in. Then gives you your vote count in that machine. Put we do have same day registration.

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Great essay, although it's sad that you're able to predict the upcoming electoral shenanigans so easily. It's like we're on the deck of the Titanic, watching the iceberg get steadily closer, and hearing the ship's captain saying that striking the iceberg will be good for the ship, but that if the ship does develop a sudden gash in the hull, it will have certainly been the work of iceberg-haters, who are an existential threat to the other passengers. Nothing makes sense about any of this, unless you accept that our elites are disproportionately psychopaths who enjoy causing as much human suffering as they can, while a significant percentage of the population is so blinded by ideology that they are willing to support the psychopaths' agenda as long as it pays lip sevice to their ideology.

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This doesn't fit my definition of iceberg!

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Perfect analogy and summation.

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Nailed it!

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We are so fucked.

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We were never going to vote our way out of this. Voting is as fake as the MSM reports on the "attack" on Paul Pelosi.

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FLASHBACK: Here are 35 times the MSM got away with spreading 'sinister misinformation'


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I am really starting to understand on a visceral level how Adolph Hitler could be democratically elected.

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I recall reading somewhere that the Nazis never enjoyed more than 40% popular support (can someone find a reputable source?), suggesting the great majority of Germans understood what they were to one extent or another; yet the Nazi party managed to seize dictatorial power.

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The while thing is complicated but the general conditions were hyper inflation and a failing economy. Sound familiar?

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You make me think of the reparations required after WWI, and how climate reparations in the trillions are being discussed at the climate conference. Might be seeing a false pattern, but the rhyming and resonating with Weimar is unmissable.

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Same sort of catastrophic leftist actions and ideology, different century.

It should never be forgotten that it was America's second progressive president, Woodrow "he kept us out of war" Wilson, and his combination of astounding levels of hubris and naïveté characteristic to all breeds of leftist, that set the stage for socialists to slaughter hundreds of millions, and impoverish and displace many millions more.

"America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World War. If you hadn’t entered the war the Allies would have made peace with Germany in the Spring of 1917. Had we made peace then there would have been no collapse in Russia followed by Communism, no breakdown in Italy followed by Fascism, and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which has enthroned Nazism in Germany. If America had stayed out of the war, all these `isms’ wouldn’t today be sweeping the continent of Europe and breaking down parliamentary government – and if England had made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over one million British, French, American, and other lives."

~ Winston Churchill, August 1936 interview, the New York Enquirer

Leftism is the scourge of civilization. We shall never regain our freedom and prosperity until is is defeated once and for all.

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Another condition was a recently-lost war to the expense of millions of patriotic lives, ending with major portions of what had been their country for a long time being trimmed off and given to other, sometimes enemy, countries. If that had happened to us (US), the folks that had lost loved ones in that war, and the folks who liked to travel domestically, wouldn't like it much either.

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It is true.

And it is a valuable, if largely forgotten lesson for those of us that oppose the latest breed of collectivist tyrants that now rule us.

"No class or group or party in Germany could escape its share of the responsibility for the abandonment of the democratic Republic and the advent of Adolph Hitler. The cardinal error of the Germans who opposed Nazism was their failure to unite against it. At the crest of their popular strength, in July 1932, the National Socialists had attained but 37 per cent of the vote. But the 63 per cent of the German people who expressed their opposition to Hitler were much too divided and shortsighted to combine against a common danger which they must have known would overwhelm them unless they united, however temporarily, to stamp it out."

~ William L. Shirer, *The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich*, Simon & Schuster 1969, pg. 185.

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Very interesting! Thank you.

Note, for those who may not be aware Nazi is the well known abbreviation for the National Socialist German Worker's Party.

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I recall reading that stat somewhere as well. Recently too. Though I can't remember where I read it.

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Anyone may grumble who is not afraid to go to a concentration camp.

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Or simply disappear mysteriously.

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You know what pisses me off; we would be the ones saving these dumbasses from the gulags.

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After seeing mind-numb robots adoring Creepy-Joe and Fetterneck , I can see it clearly.

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The gullible masses are actually the fundamental problem. Absent them authoritarians would never gain a foothold in a nation that had Constitutional protections.

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Compared to this lot, hitler was the epitome of a down to earth dictator who wanted nothing more than a place in the history books by creating a better country for most of the German people at the expense of other nations. These are anti human satanists with no other interest than their own.

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"it’s a fine setup and a tricky one to play against."

Eventually, we're only going to have one play left. They're pushing us to play it. We have before, 246 years ago.

"But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations..."

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246 years ago the enemy wore bright red coats, spoke with an accent, and hung out together in big groups. Now the enemies are a disparate mixture of uber-wealthy elites, ideologues and opportunists, some publicly known, but most of them anonymous. Only a few of them know, discuss and plan the real game strategy. The majority of the operatives who execute the plan are useful idiots who believe they are doing good.

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I'm not saying it'll be easy...


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It's true. Luckily for us, 'they' bleed support every day the ratchet cranks up tighter.

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Damn straight

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Shit Britches announced they were going to cheat last week. They don't give the slightest fuck about hiding it . . . just like in Brazil.

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The election deniers are the ones that actually believe Joe Hiden got 81 million votes

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I still cannot wrap my head around that. I know people hated trump but 81 million?!

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Such a fine line between "election denial" and "gosh it will take a looooong time to count all these here mail in ballots"!

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boy history changes...I came from a 3rd world country where there were plenty of stories of election fraud, and how they should bring the United Nations to "observe"the voting ... look who is a banana republic now!

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Sad but unfortunately seems to be true

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Credibility of Federal elections ended the minute vote counting stopped in swing states which were about to determine a presidential election, followed by in your face ballot box stuffing. We don't know the full extent of the fraud, because no official effort was made to investigate, but the fact of systemic election fraud is perfectly evident to any reasonably astute person who is paying attention (that would be many millions of people, around the world).

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What those votes looked like at the time:


Note that Trump only needed one or two of these states to go over the top. It was a coordinated effort to prevent that.

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Indeed, pre-planning and central control are also perfectly evident to anyone who enjoys at least a modicum of reasoning capacity.

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How come Stacy Abrams isn't on the Georgia list of deniers?

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Because she unequivocally denies that she is a denier.

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Obviously 2016 and 2024 election deniers don't count. (2022 election denier credibility to be determined shortly)

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Shameful that people allow their minds to be hijacked. I don't expect much from this Kabuki Theatre called an election.

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