What possible justification can there be to keep disinformation-spouting pharmaceutical whores like the CDC, FDA, NIH, et al in existence when they pose a greater threat to public health than the threats they purport to save us from?

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So no matter the hysterical hygiene hijinks, people get the virus, get sick, get better or dies, and life goes on?

I think he only reason this whole hysteria worked is us having forgotten that life isn't clean and sparkly like som commercial meant for Sillycone Valley Karnes of all genders.

You know how we used to solve breastfeeding if the mother couldn't or died from giving birth? (When letting another woman do it wasn't an option.)

Wipe the teat clean on a goat or a sheep and let the kid eat it's fill. The animal doesn't mind, the mothering instinct is too strong.

Nowadays, you show people a picture of where eggs come from and they go all "Eughh, I can't eat that!" Huh. But something you don't know how it was made, don't knwo what it does to you, and can't check up on or get rid of - that you let them inject you with!

Did IQs drop 50 points globally from 1990 to today or what?

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Incredible. When I see things like this I end up asking myself, "What if we would have just done *nothing* except tell people that if they were sick to stay home and/or get early treatment and if you are well with no symptoms, be sure to get some extra supplements, fresh air, exercise and go on with your lives?" It's a shame we will never have the data for what would have happened if we would have just done what we knew worked in the past. Instead, we get data from a huge experiment that was conducted on the public by greedy, power hungry control freaks in the name of an emergency. Disgusting.

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IMO the entire 'variant' narrative is simply an excuse for why the vaccines failed to stop the winter wave. But we knew the vaccines would fail to stop the winter wave long before the 'variant' showed up.

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It is still routinely and mechanically proclaimed that vaccines "reduce hospitalization and death" in the media and other cultural outlets (eg., the Supreme Court of New Zealand just said so despite outlawing vaccine mandates for the general populace). That this "fact" is reiterated over and over again in such a blase fashion just infuriates me. This article should be sent to Yahoo CNN MSNBC and NY Times reporters. Sent to Michael Hiltzik the shsyter cowbell for the LA Times. On second forget it, they ignore anything that doesn't toe the line.

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Dr. Atlas is one of the real heroes we have....a treasure!

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022

The question asked by Hold2 Strategies might be explained by post-vaccination immune suppression. In my jurisdiction (Alberta Canada) the data (now hidden from public view) tabulated cases, hospitalization and death among “breakthrough“ cases. Half of cases, hospitalization and deaths were among people who first caught covid with two weeks of vaccination. They get counted as unvaccinated. Our feline friend had a post about that. I’m still waiting for the response to my FOIP request.

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Awesome, Bad Catto. Thank you so much for your hard work and insight.

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I have learned over the past two years that talking about Covid and not referencing age and co-morbidities is the equivalent of lying. So, while not arguing with the general OAS thesis, which is extremely well supported by the data, I would like to suggest that the Israeli/Palenstinian data may have something to do with the Palenstinian population being much younger.

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I just can't thank you enough for ALL the hard work you have done over the last two years!

You sure you aren't a "liger" and not only a fickle feline?

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What GVB said a year ago. They knew and did it anyway. So infuriating.

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"...this was known and knowable. the drug companies that made them knew it. the regulatory agencies that approved them knew it. and many, many doctors, researchers and public health officials all over the world knew it. they were silenced, threatened, and attacked for it. and this is the bitter fruit of that harvest...."

This has been a head-scratcher for me. These are not stupid, uneducated people. Why would they plunge ahead with such a high risk of failure?

Coupla' thoughts:

Pharma and Public Health (but I repeat myself) thought the pandemic would subside as the vaccines were given. This would provide the appearance the vaccines stopped the pandemic, and the Pharma would look like heroes.

Or Pharma knew the vaccines would reduce deaths, the most important metric. After all, the shots are good for systemic immunity if not mucosal immunity. People wouldn't mind the ongoing cases (they would be milder anyway and add to "herd immunity", reducing future spread), and the vaccines would be credited for the decline in deaths. That's why the push to get everyone vaccinated (which really never made much sense).

I think the second explanation more likely, but Public Health got their messaging confused. They implied the vaccines would protect against infection as well as deaths, but the vaccines failed to do so. Add in "waning immunity" and "booster" shots, and credibility has been oozing away. And no amount of claims of "misinformation" have made reports of side effects disappear. Mandates are not popular even among many of the "fully vaccinated".

And now the possibility of long-term vaccine damage, though far from proven, begins to look real.



Just my two cents.

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I've lived my entire life not trusting the liars and cheats in the government and media, and it has always served me well. In this case, all I had to hear was that corrupt, doddering, urine soaked moron in the White House telling us we HAD to get get vaccinated, and that his "patience was wearing thin with us", to know I would NEVER take that poison. EVER.

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We all know “they” changed the definition of a “case” from actually having symptoms & a diagnosis from a medical professional to a “positive” test run @ such high cycle that it produces tons of false positives, facilitating the hysteria that there were tons of cases.

I have no particular training but it was always my theory that the “virus” rounded the globe a whole lot earlier than Dec 2019 or Jan 2020 - probably more like Sept or even summer 2019. IF that was true & the global lockstep lockdown didn’t happen until mid-to-late March 2020, 6 or more months later - the “virus” had surely already ripped through the world & herd / acquired immunity was achieved?

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I can answer the cat’s question “if vaccines work….”

A: Because not enough children are wearing N95 masks in the playground.

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You are probably right - I still enjoyed the one theory that someone thawed out an early version and tweaked it to be less deadly so as to shut this hysteria off

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