What possible justification can there be to keep disinformation-spouting pharmaceutical whores like the CDC, FDA, NIH, et al in existence when they pose a greater threat to public health than the threats they purport to save us from?
Excellent list... it will save me a lot of typing. I'll be sharing it (and abundant evidence) with friends at home and abroad. Reminded by Margaret (below), I would add (10.) the incentivized murder of tens of thousands of hospital patients via the CARES Act, which included (among other provisions) extra money for use of a ventilator, and a 20% add-on for prescribing less-than-useless remdesivir instead of effective, common medicines.
I have gotta say, that at 12 years old, had I been given a choice to have a shot, ANY shot, the answer would have been a resounding, "NO!" --- What's wrong with kids now that they would want a shot?
Speaking for my niece, they want to be able to hang out with their friends, go to Disneyland, all the things they should be allowed to do anyway... they can't comprehend that this level of evil even exists, much less that they're targets of it. (And some have parents who are IV-ing the damn kool-aid, so that doesn't help.) But yeah, you're spot on... it's like so much of what kids want today: completely and utterly twisted.
They don't believe in depth 9f this evil because they don't really believe in God....
And, they donot love the truth.
I was spellbound by October 1958 takeover of Vatican... I was spellbound by Mar 2020 takeover of most of world's institutions... other folks , 20 minutes in front of Lester
Yep, probably so. God tends to be taken for granted until the shit hits the fan. But the greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing everyone that the shit has not, in fact, hit said fan.
Straight from our pockets and into BigPharma’s, with substantial bites being taken by the chain of money-laundering agencies, governments, medical facilities, media, and shills along the way.
I think that banning WEF associates from public life is more urgent. There is also a connection between WEF and WHO management, likely mediated through BMGF- a housecleaning is needed there as well.
I know I am starting to sound like a broken record here, but the way to get rid of these and all of the other unconstitutional government alphabet-soup agencies is to follow the original intent of the Constitution. Follow the enumerated powers, and get rid of ~200 years of 'constitutional jurisprudence' starting with Marbury v Madison.
While these groups you mention, MAA, are certainly a problem -- they are not the only ones. Probably 90% of the government is extra-Constitutional. (The military being the prime exception, clearly authorized.)
Getting there, now that is the trick. They will fight like cornered jackals to try to keep their power and perks. But, unless we identify where we need to go, we'll never get there. A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step, but you have to know which way to walk.
"...know which way to walk" Exactly. Amen. To. That. It seems like Russian nesting dolls in the house of smoke and mirrors in inverted replicating multiverses. Does feel to me like forces are just swinging the pendulum right now ala replace the villains of The New American Century with Obama, the sexual predators of the Catholic Church with a Liberation Theologist, that sort of thing. Fox is owned by Blackrock Vanguard too. I don't really know what I'm talking about nor do I know enough to really have an informed opinion, but my creepiest feeling is that anything that gets taken up as some kind of clarion call, like Mass Formation Psychosis or the WEF, is not the source of the problem. I keep feeling like The Great Reset is some kind of code for Mao's Great Leap Forward, only this time it isn't famine and delusion but a devastated human landscape of losses, small businesses, kids to suicide, drug overdoses, Covid, Long Covid, vaccine death and damage, which continues slowly in people's weakened hearts, people unable to afford groceries, rent, their meds (prices just got raised), others filled with dread, derealization, shell shock, the parasite stress of evolutionary biology---what rough beast will rise with a simple seemingly cleansing message of hope that will usher in what analogue of the Cultural Revolution? Notice no National mourning, just the pandemic ending in endemicity, with a whimper, and people pouring out their Russian vodka like the repudiation of French fries back in the day. Something wicked this way comes.
Yes, Satan is on the move, and behind all of that which you mention. Broken record again, but prayer is powerful. Every prayer takes away power from Satan and delivers it straight to God. Prayer is powerful. And it is something we can all do, every day.
The Revelation of Jesus to John teaches us that God wins in the end. Getting there is a bit of a mess and a bit hard to understand, but those who believe know that Satan loses and is thrown into the lake of fire, never to be heard from again. I keep thinking that we are getting closer to that time, but then so have many since not long after that book was written.
'Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it; for the time is near.' -- Rev. 1:3 NRSV
Rest assured, famine and delusion are a large part of it as well. Famine is coming, with millions already having been pushed below the poverty line and more to come.
Let counties be main collector of taxes... and main spenders.
Globalists, nwo whores in Vatican ain't Catholic Church. Francis is enemy of God, Virgin Mary, and mankind. I love Catholic Church, ❤ papacy. He ain't Catholic
Agreed on the Catholic Church and its sad state today. I enjoy the postings of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who speaks out forcefully against the apostasy of Bergoglio and his henchmen, and the WEF/NWO.
As for the organization of taxation, if we can go back to the original intent of the Framers, the fedgov will no longer hunger for our blood to anywhere near the extent they do now. Most government will, in fact, be local as in municipalities, counties and states -- as you would like to see. Collecting taxes and serving local communities will result in a much more responsive and efficient government. Not that ANY government rates high on efficiency -- but, for the most part, the more local it is, the 'less inefficient' it is.
None. I want them pulled down and erased when Pfizer and Moderna are sued for fraud. Because they are in bed with both of these companies...and as taxpayers, we cannot sue ourselves, so I say burn them to ground.
When our deaths and inability to procreate are their goals, their justification, at least to them, seems perfectly justified. When we learned of all the 'favoritism,' classes of people not required to get the vaccines, that should have sealed it in most everyone's minds.
So no matter the hysterical hygiene hijinks, people get the virus, get sick, get better or dies, and life goes on?
I think he only reason this whole hysteria worked is us having forgotten that life isn't clean and sparkly like som commercial meant for Sillycone Valley Karnes of all genders.
You know how we used to solve breastfeeding if the mother couldn't or died from giving birth? (When letting another woman do it wasn't an option.)
Wipe the teat clean on a goat or a sheep and let the kid eat it's fill. The animal doesn't mind, the mothering instinct is too strong.
Nowadays, you show people a picture of where eggs come from and they go all "Eughh, I can't eat that!" Huh. But something you don't know how it was made, don't knwo what it does to you, and can't check up on or get rid of - that you let them inject you with!
Did IQs drop 50 points globally from 1990 to today or what?
My daughter calls 2020, The Year the World Discovered Viruses. The 'extra cleaning' in restaurants amazed me, WTH were they doing before the *the virus*?
Don’t you love it, when in the middle of your meal, the waitress comes over with an industrial size spray bottle of god only knows what and sprays the living daylights out of the table next to you, recently vacated by some horrible germ spreaders. I love the smell of disinfectant when I am eating a meal, don’t you. I especially love it when it settles on my plate of food😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ooh, bonus points to you for making me recall the scene in "Aliens" when Ellen Ripley is sitting at the inquiry of the Corporate Board after being recovered as the sole survivor of the Nostromo (of the prior film). A great scene, and my brain just meme'd it to fit your remarks. Ding! (--"Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?"-- Also, the board complained, "we've gone over the lifeboat centimeter by centimeter and found NO EVIDENCE of the creature you describe."--Ripley: "Good! That's because I blew it out of the damn airlock!")
There is a theory about that. Before the internet was in widespread use, people who wanted to do something had to think about what they wanted to do, come up with a plan to do it, and then implement the plan. Now people look up what to do on the internet, and do what it says. And, overall, this has been a good thing. The number of people who never got to do things because they never could come up with a good plan, and who came up with bad costly plans that were doomed to fail was enormous. Spreading wisdom around is a good thing.
But there is a cost when 'thinking for yourself' is something that is only done rarely, and not, as before on a daily basis. Your problem solving skills never develop as well as they could, or deteriorate. And should you not be able to find what you want to know on the internet (because, for instance, the thing is too new) your ability to figure out how to figure out what we want to know may be lacking. You also may have become intellectually lazy without noticing.
All of this problem solving deficit shows up as 'lowered IQ' since most IQ tests test problem solving ability.
Incredible. When I see things like this I end up asking myself, "What if we would have just done *nothing* except tell people that if they were sick to stay home and/or get early treatment and if you are well with no symptoms, be sure to get some extra supplements, fresh air, exercise and go on with your lives?" It's a shame we will never have the data for what would have happened if we would have just done what we knew worked in the past. Instead, we get data from a huge experiment that was conducted on the public by greedy, power hungry control freaks in the name of an emergency. Disgusting.
I learned in the spring of 2020 by reading preprints that optimal Vitamin D status was showing a strong correlation with positive case resolution. Now, if this dimwit could make that connection what of our expert class?
The knew. They could have told the masses to take 5K iU a day and that would have blunted the death rate dramatically. Sad.
I have been offering a loonie to people who can remember any politician or medical authority publicly recommending Vit. D over the past two years. Two winners, neither would take the coin.
I think this may be the basis for some liability action, but the medical profession and courts are still in thrall to "the narrative."
I work for a retired hospital doctor (UK) . One of her old college mates contacted her in spring 2020 and told her not to question but to take vitamin d immediately. He has been working on immigrants in the north of England being deficient and the consequences.
I got some for my 87 year old mother and she said she's been taking the stuff for years😁😁. She takes no medication thank goodness!
Somebody somewhere in this elite group knew about Vit D. Over this shitstorm I shop at Costco every 6 weeks. End displays are LOADED with bottles of Vit D - and Zinc isn’t very far behind…. As well as the other products of preventative treatments. But especially the Vit D. The price on this bottle of wonders has more than doubled in the last year. Damn, they knew……. Not only are they pushing the shots, they’re scheming and conniving to rape the public pocketbooks, raising the price of vitamins.
Well, here in the Peoples Republik of Kanadastan, Costco has similarly loaded up on Vit D, including their generic brand. When on sale for $5, it’s 2 bottles of 350, good for over 4 months for one person. It’s a crime that VitD was never suggested to the sheeple.
There’s been a TV commercial on, from Jameson, a Vitamin and supplement provider, that always makes me smile. The last few seconds , as it wraps up, the screen prominently displays Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and ZINC. Three very basic Covid protection elements. The companies know, but, if they were completely overt (and honest), they would be cancelled!
The FDA keeps adding more and more vitamins and minerals to their list of things that shouldn't be allowed to be sold as supplements OTC. Vitamin D is on the list. They are diabolical!
What if? Trump would still be president. Our economy would still be humming. And about three quarters ofa million more people would still be alive. They achieved their goals.
And not only this, but Ukraine might not have happened. We'll never know that, either. What we do know: Orange Man Bad, and in their success at his ouster, they've since made a godawful mess of everything. Wooo!
Oh well. Midterms-a-comin', time to start righting the ship!
I don't think we will make it to the mid-terms. Seriously. Biden team over granting Iran major concessions, recognition of their terrorists, etc. in Vienna, Now. This is not bumbling, this is planned malfeasance and if we remain asleep there will be no elections.
Many there take ivermectin prophylactically, against river blindness and other parasites. They also sometimes take HCQ prophylactically against malaria. They get lots of sunlight. So I suppose you could say they did nothing -- special anyway -- but the things they were doing already, probably helped a lot.
Yes, you are correct Bandit; but the people who naturally have the darkest skin tones are those whose ancestors lived in the sunniest places. UVB (270-300 nm, the rays that make vitamin D) content of sunlight at the Earth's surface is highly sensitive to latitude and incident angle of the Sun, since the atmosphere significantly attenuates these wavelengths. The longer the path from space to the surface through the air, the greater the attenuation. So near the equator where the sun is nearly overhead much of the time, the UV intensity at the surface of the Earth is much higher than in temperate latitudes.
Bottom line, those with darker skin, which protects against cancers and other skin damage by blocking a significant amount of UV radiation, need more UV exposure to get the same amount of Vitamin D benefit, but so long as they live near where their ancestors did, they still get plenty of Vitamin D if they have a lifestyle which takes them outdoors for a significant time in the middle of the day. Which is pretty much true for a large number of folks, living in the equatorial parts of Africa.
Yes, thank-you for the lecture. It's nice to know that all dark skinned people of African descent still live in equatorial Africa. I'll make sure and let my next door neighbors know that they really don't live in Northern North America. --- The darker skinned individuals living outside their "native lands" might not know they need to spend greater time outdoors or that they need to suppliment with vitamin D. Not all doctors tell you what you need to know for your health.
Sorry, I did not mean it as a lecture; please remember that most of the people reading our comments don't participate (in this discussion at least). Hopefully they will find our discussion useful and interesting.
You'll note I did not say 'all dark skinned people of African descent still live in equatorial Africa.' Rather I said that for the folks living there whose ancestors were also living there, which is a large fraction of the population in those countries, their UV exposure is likely adequate for vitamin D levels.
And, those who have moved elsewhere likely need supplementation or more time outdoors. Perhaps one or more folks who fit that description will learn something about their Vitamin D requirements from our discussion, that as you point out their doctor has not told them.
There are a fairly large subset of people like myself that didn't change much of a damn thing and refused the arm poison. From what I can tell, taking out for advanced age and more than 3-4 co-morbidities, we all did just fine. In my case, my job had me around thousands of people in three different states the entire time. Wearing a joke themed mask to get into Whole Foods was my only concession. But I have faith that whatever happens belongs to a higher consciousness, not mans.
Without donning my tinfoil hat or "seasonality theorist" spy cloak, I am now wondering about Amazon's convenient takeover of Woke Foods.
There would have been two classes of clientele, the Organic Karens (easy prey for a mask mandate) and the hardcore "No chemical BS and no face diapers" thinkers who might have been able to disrupt the narrative if not properly coerced. Did you really want groceries from Walmart?
No one profits off of that approach and by 'profit' I include the psychological thirst of collectivists to control people in order that the evil demon of free choice is warded off.
IMO the entire 'variant' narrative is simply an excuse for why the vaccines failed to stop the winter wave. But we knew the vaccines would fail to stop the winter wave long before the 'variant' showed up.
It is still routinely and mechanically proclaimed that vaccines "reduce hospitalization and death" in the media and other cultural outlets (eg., the Supreme Court of New Zealand just said so despite outlawing vaccine mandates for the general populace). That this "fact" is reiterated over and over again in such a blase fashion just infuriates me. This article should be sent to Yahoo CNN MSNBC and NY Times reporters. Sent to Michael Hiltzik the shsyter cowbell for the LA Times. On second forget it, they ignore anything that doesn't toe the line.
Or some kind of Nobel prize or something. Remember that Obama got a peace price just for being elected. That was the day I lost all respect for anything being awarded by the Nobel committee. Totally political group.
The question asked by Hold2 Strategies might be explained by post-vaccination immune suppression. In my jurisdiction (Alberta Canada) the data (now hidden from public view) tabulated cases, hospitalization and death among “breakthrough“ cases. Half of cases, hospitalization and deaths were among people who first caught covid with two weeks of vaccination. They get counted as unvaccinated. Our feline friend had a post about that. I’m still waiting for the response to my FOIP request.
I have learned over the past two years that talking about Covid and not referencing age and co-morbidities is the equivalent of lying. So, while not arguing with the general OAS thesis, which is extremely well supported by the data, I would like to suggest that the Israeli/Palenstinian data may have something to do with the Palenstinian population being much younger.
"...this was known and knowable. the drug companies that made them knew it. the regulatory agencies that approved them knew it. and many, many doctors, researchers and public health officials all over the world knew it. they were silenced, threatened, and attacked for it. and this is the bitter fruit of that harvest...."
This has been a head-scratcher for me. These are not stupid, uneducated people. Why would they plunge ahead with such a high risk of failure?
Coupla' thoughts:
Pharma and Public Health (but I repeat myself) thought the pandemic would subside as the vaccines were given. This would provide the appearance the vaccines stopped the pandemic, and the Pharma would look like heroes.
Or Pharma knew the vaccines would reduce deaths, the most important metric. After all, the shots are good for systemic immunity if not mucosal immunity. People wouldn't mind the ongoing cases (they would be milder anyway and add to "herd immunity", reducing future spread), and the vaccines would be credited for the decline in deaths. That's why the push to get everyone vaccinated (which really never made much sense).
I think the second explanation more likely, but Public Health got their messaging confused. They implied the vaccines would protect against infection as well as deaths, but the vaccines failed to do so. Add in "waning immunity" and "booster" shots, and credibility has been oozing away. And no amount of claims of "misinformation" have made reports of side effects disappear. Mandates are not popular even among many of the "fully vaccinated".
And now the possibility of long-term vaccine damage, though far from proven, begins to look real.
The problem is, in addition to the many other lies & fraud, “they” KNEW this was NOTHING - high survivability of like 99.7% for the vast majority of people everywhere & an average age of death in early 80s.
It was dangerous to the usual vulnerables - the elderly in general, & the elderly & people of any age w/ co-morbidities.
“They” also knew there were cheap & effective treatments but “they” could never have gotten the EUAs for their poisons if that was acknowledged. The one-size-fits-ALL to force people to have something injected into their bodies WITHOUT informed consent & the right to choose = a depopulation agenda, to me.
“They’ve been trying to make mRNA shots work for decades w/ no luck…. I have no doubt “they” know EXACTLY what the short & long term effects actually are.
I've lived my entire life not trusting the liars and cheats in the government and media, and it has always served me well. In this case, all I had to hear was that corrupt, doddering, urine soaked moron in the White House telling us we HAD to get get vaccinated, and that his "patience was wearing thin with us", to know I would NEVER take that poison. EVER.
We all know “they” changed the definition of a “case” from actually having symptoms & a diagnosis from a medical professional to a “positive” test run @ such high cycle that it produces tons of false positives, facilitating the hysteria that there were tons of cases.
I have no particular training but it was always my theory that the “virus” rounded the globe a whole lot earlier than Dec 2019 or Jan 2020 - probably more like Sept or even summer 2019. IF that was true & the global lockstep lockdown didn’t happen until mid-to-late March 2020, 6 or more months later - the “virus” had surely already ripped through the world & herd / acquired immunity was achieved?
I don't know if everyone in this group is familiar with the Ft. Detrick shenanigans in summer of 2019, but they pre-date Wuhan by several months, and raise a LOT of questions that the army has never answered.
July 11, 2019: A "Pneumonia outbreak" in the middle of summer
2 dead (later 3), 18 hospitalized, 54 sick, in a matter of days
Symptoms identical to CV-19; very fast spread
CDC could not identify the pathogen for several weeks; later said rotovirus, (if I recall correctly) -- but that doesn't exclude other pathogens, or assure us that they told the truth.
50 miles from Ft. Detrick (biolab) -- an easy work commute or to visit a family member
A "Cease and desist" order was sent the day after the ABC report, citing "two breaches" which were not described for reasons of national security. Ft. Detrick closed less than four weeks later, and did not re-open until spring of 2020.
Note: This was only a short time before the military games, which China claims was the source of infection, and two of the doctors living in D.C. (husband/wife) who worked with the athletes were later murdered in an odd altercation. (Bizarre stuff...) And just to stir the pot a little more, remember the "Vaping deaths" about that time, that didn't seem to have a good explanation? Start here:
Don, W-O-W. Have never heard of this (or the vaping deaths). There is so much evil to this whole thing that I hope will come out but fear it never will….
I had it in October 2019; got it at a conference in Portland OR late September with several Chinese in attendance (and others from all over the world, FWIW). Wife had it later in Oct-early Nov and had the signature symptom, anosmia (loss of taste and smell).
They tested us in southwest Utah (along with a significant group of others who claimed early cases) a year later and said "Nope, no antibodies, you didn't have it." ALL of you that were tested, nobody had gotten it. But then we find out that antibodies disappear after 4-6 months. So the outcome of the test was meaningless.
There is a test called 'serum reactivity' that was used in a study in Singapore that showed survivors of SARS-CoV-1 in 2003 still had serum reactivity (long-term B and T cell immunity) against that virus 17-1/2 years later. Remarkably, most (~85% IIRC) also had serum reactivity against SARS-CoV-2, demonstrating the well-known cross-reactivity between strains of coronavirus. That test, had it been used in Utah, would probably have found that a significant number of those early cases did, in fact, have immunity to SARS-CoV-2... but they did not use that test.
So yes, I'm not a med pro either (engineer), but I believe that you are right: SARS-CoV-2 was in general circulation long before it was publicised. I believe that 'they' knew about it, but 'they' did not want to talk about it.
Wouldn’t have done @ all to have the masses of the great unwashed have a real test that would show they had immunity so no need for all of the bullshit & esp not the poison. “They’re” STILL trying to bury the truth by labeling it all dis- or mis-information to keep people getting vax’d, boosted, etc
Cindi, I had this thought, too, in Feb or March 2020. I'm in Socal. As far as I know, LA and SF are big hubs for travel to and from China. It makes sense the virus was long circulating here before anyone knew. The lockdowns simply slammed the door shut after the horses had left the stable.
LA Bob, exactly. If it came even just 6 months earlier than the “official” but phony narrative, think of the millions of people from China & everywhere else going all over the world in that period. I knew a LOT of people sick w/ mystery illnesses in Fall 2019 & I got what I thought @ the time was a heavy duty bronchitis in Feb 2020. Wu-Flu was not yet really a “thing” yet & there was no testing yet, etc.
But I have never heard this theory posed or addressed as a likely scenario to or by people like Malone, McCullough, et al….
You are probably right - I still enjoyed the one theory that someone thawed out an early version and tweaked it to be less deadly so as to shut this hysteria off
What possible justification can there be to keep disinformation-spouting pharmaceutical whores like the CDC, FDA, NIH, et al in existence when they pose a greater threat to public health than the threats they purport to save us from?
I'm forced to conclude from:
1). the suppression of early treatments,
2). the refusal to implement a Vitamin D3 and weight-loss information campaign,
3). the refusal to acknowledge natural immunity,
4). the vicious suppression of scientific dissent, including both heavy censorship and attacks on medical and pharmacist licenses,
5). the hiding of data by CDC that demonstrates vaccine failure,
6). the outright lying by FDA about the non-existence of adverse vaccine effects, despite the overwhelming VAERS evidence,
7). the vigorous coverup of the NIH role promoting Gain of Function research,
8). the coordination of the media in a massive psychological operation to create a climate of unending fear (and rage against the unvaccinated),
9). the monomaniacal pushing of vaccines, with mandates, donuts, lotteries and the enabling of 12 year olds to consent, and finally,
10.) the murder of tens of thousands of hospital patients via the CARES Act incentivizing the use of ventilators and remdesivir (both often fatal).
that this pandemic was a carefully planned attack **on** public health.
This is far darker than mere corruption.
Absolutely. The corruption is only a conduit for implementing democide and New World Tyranny.
Excellent list... it will save me a lot of typing. I'll be sharing it (and abundant evidence) with friends at home and abroad. Reminded by Margaret (below), I would add (10.) the incentivized murder of tens of thousands of hospital patients via the CARES Act, which included (among other provisions) extra money for use of a ventilator, and a 20% add-on for prescribing less-than-useless remdesivir instead of effective, common medicines.
Done. Thank you, Don.
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel hard at work.
I have gotta say, that at 12 years old, had I been given a choice to have a shot, ANY shot, the answer would have been a resounding, "NO!" --- What's wrong with kids now that they would want a shot?
Russia has spread its errors, as foretold by Our Lady of Fatima, 1917...
In other words, lies of communists are ingrained in very high numbers of western nations
Speaking for my niece, they want to be able to hang out with their friends, go to Disneyland, all the things they should be allowed to do anyway... they can't comprehend that this level of evil even exists, much less that they're targets of it. (And some have parents who are IV-ing the damn kool-aid, so that doesn't help.) But yeah, you're spot on... it's like so much of what kids want today: completely and utterly twisted.
They don't believe in depth 9f this evil because they don't really believe in God....
And, they donot love the truth.
I was spellbound by October 1958 takeover of Vatican... I was spellbound by Mar 2020 takeover of most of world's institutions... other folks , 20 minutes in front of Lester
Yep, probably so. God tends to be taken for granted until the shit hits the fan. But the greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing everyone that the shit has not, in fact, hit said fan.
Peer pressure. "Everybody's doing it."
I've always been the odd one out. I never jumped off that cliff my friends said I should. 😉
I would add to your list the threatening of doctors world wide with losing their license if they question the injections
Thanks, Yukon Dave. See above.
Absolutely. Greed, blackmail of key people etc..means to a very dark end
Great summary!
Follow the money………
Straight from our pockets and into BigPharma’s, with substantial bites being taken by the chain of money-laundering agencies, governments, medical facilities, media, and shills along the way.
Maxim: Every governmental agency, from the moment of its inception, will seek to expand and ensure its existence.
Maxim: Regulatory agencies are subject to capture by the controlled entities.
Maxim: See CarolAnne's statement.
Observation: Dang, I wish I could figure out how to use emojis on here.
😆 If you're using windows, hit the microsoft button and period button simultaneously. Gives you an emoji menu.
😜 (●'◡'●) Thanks for teaching an old dog a new trick! 👍
For those on Apple machines, go to the bottom of the Edit menu.
Follows Parkinson's laws of expansion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson%27s_law. Known for a very long time, still quite valid.
Thanks for the reminder! Forgot what that was called.
Go to a generic emoji page, copy and paste. 😚😚😚
Use your phone. 😉😋
Recommendation: 😡 ["pouting face"]
I thought that was p!$$ed off face.
The NIH gains from those patent royalties. The Congress needs to remove those incentives.
Yep. Outlawing regulatory capture is at the top of my desiderata.
I think that banning WEF associates from public life is more urgent. There is also a connection between WEF and WHO management, likely mediated through BMGF- a housecleaning is needed there as well.
I know I am starting to sound like a broken record here, but the way to get rid of these and all of the other unconstitutional government alphabet-soup agencies is to follow the original intent of the Constitution. Follow the enumerated powers, and get rid of ~200 years of 'constitutional jurisprudence' starting with Marbury v Madison.
While these groups you mention, MAA, are certainly a problem -- they are not the only ones. Probably 90% of the government is extra-Constitutional. (The military being the prime exception, clearly authorized.)
Getting there, now that is the trick. They will fight like cornered jackals to try to keep their power and perks. But, unless we identify where we need to go, we'll never get there. A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step, but you have to know which way to walk.
"...know which way to walk" Exactly. Amen. To. That. It seems like Russian nesting dolls in the house of smoke and mirrors in inverted replicating multiverses. Does feel to me like forces are just swinging the pendulum right now ala replace the villains of The New American Century with Obama, the sexual predators of the Catholic Church with a Liberation Theologist, that sort of thing. Fox is owned by Blackrock Vanguard too. I don't really know what I'm talking about nor do I know enough to really have an informed opinion, but my creepiest feeling is that anything that gets taken up as some kind of clarion call, like Mass Formation Psychosis or the WEF, is not the source of the problem. I keep feeling like The Great Reset is some kind of code for Mao's Great Leap Forward, only this time it isn't famine and delusion but a devastated human landscape of losses, small businesses, kids to suicide, drug overdoses, Covid, Long Covid, vaccine death and damage, which continues slowly in people's weakened hearts, people unable to afford groceries, rent, their meds (prices just got raised), others filled with dread, derealization, shell shock, the parasite stress of evolutionary biology---what rough beast will rise with a simple seemingly cleansing message of hope that will usher in what analogue of the Cultural Revolution? Notice no National mourning, just the pandemic ending in endemicity, with a whimper, and people pouring out their Russian vodka like the repudiation of French fries back in the day. Something wicked this way comes.
Yes, Satan is on the move, and behind all of that which you mention. Broken record again, but prayer is powerful. Every prayer takes away power from Satan and delivers it straight to God. Prayer is powerful. And it is something we can all do, every day.
The Revelation of Jesus to John teaches us that God wins in the end. Getting there is a bit of a mess and a bit hard to understand, but those who believe know that Satan loses and is thrown into the lake of fire, never to be heard from again. I keep thinking that we are getting closer to that time, but then so have many since not long after that book was written.
'Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it; for the time is near.' -- Rev. 1:3 NRSV
Rest assured, famine and delusion are a large part of it as well. Famine is coming, with millions already having been pushed below the poverty line and more to come.
Catholic Church had to be taken out... you are spectacularly wrong in thinking Vatican II Church headed by Francis is Catholic Church .
But you're in agreement with 34999/35k on earth.
Catholics lost Vatican in Oct 1958... roncalli was a freemason, death foe of Catholic Church.
One resident Catholic priest in tx
Income taxes are unconstitutional, too.
Catholic teaching of subsidiarity.
Let counties be main collector of taxes... and main spenders.
Globalists, nwo whores in Vatican ain't Catholic Church. Francis is enemy of God, Virgin Mary, and mankind. I love Catholic Church, ❤ papacy. He ain't Catholic
Agreed on the Catholic Church and its sad state today. I enjoy the postings of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who speaks out forcefully against the apostasy of Bergoglio and his henchmen, and the WEF/NWO.
As for the organization of taxation, if we can go back to the original intent of the Framers, the fedgov will no longer hunger for our blood to anywhere near the extent they do now. Most government will, in fact, be local as in municipalities, counties and states -- as you would like to see. Collecting taxes and serving local communities will result in a much more responsive and efficient government. Not that ANY government rates high on efficiency -- but, for the most part, the more local it is, the 'less inefficient' it is.
None. I want them pulled down and erased when Pfizer and Moderna are sued for fraud. Because they are in bed with both of these companies...and as taxpayers, we cannot sue ourselves, so I say burn them to ground.
When our deaths and inability to procreate are their goals, their justification, at least to them, seems perfectly justified. When we learned of all the 'favoritism,' classes of people not required to get the vaccines, that should have sealed it in most everyone's minds.
Bingo QuaranTina. Nail. Head. I bet Amazon is gonna take over the Post Office under the New World Order....
Could it be... the money?
I think it’s more than money. It’s the on-ramp for digital ID… and the resulting end of our freedoms.
Gee, I wonder … 🤔
I quite enjoy your tone
If out of a job they might start peddling drugs to make ends meet?
At least they’d do less harm on the streets 😆
So no matter the hysterical hygiene hijinks, people get the virus, get sick, get better or dies, and life goes on?
I think he only reason this whole hysteria worked is us having forgotten that life isn't clean and sparkly like som commercial meant for Sillycone Valley Karnes of all genders.
You know how we used to solve breastfeeding if the mother couldn't or died from giving birth? (When letting another woman do it wasn't an option.)
Wipe the teat clean on a goat or a sheep and let the kid eat it's fill. The animal doesn't mind, the mothering instinct is too strong.
Nowadays, you show people a picture of where eggs come from and they go all "Eughh, I can't eat that!" Huh. But something you don't know how it was made, don't knwo what it does to you, and can't check up on or get rid of - that you let them inject you with!
Did IQs drop 50 points globally from 1990 to today or what?
My daughter calls 2020, The Year the World Discovered Viruses. The 'extra cleaning' in restaurants amazed me, WTH were they doing before the *the virus*?
The extra cleaning is unnecessary.
It was known pretty early on covid does not spread on surfaces.
Although employees get to breath in all the toxic cleaning products.
It’s an airborne born aerosol respiratory virus.
How about the billions of discarded useless masks. They’re not being held in some biohazard bunker.
Don’t you love it, when in the middle of your meal, the waitress comes over with an industrial size spray bottle of god only knows what and sprays the living daylights out of the table next to you, recently vacated by some horrible germ spreaders. I love the smell of disinfectant when I am eating a meal, don’t you. I especially love it when it settles on my plate of food😂😂😂😂😂😂
What are we going to do with the million gallon industrial tanks filled with hand sanitizer?
People will be happy to carry on slapping the stuff all over the themselves 😩
Seeing as most of it is ethanol: drink it, or blend it into your E85 gasohol. ;-)
No he doesn't.
Ooh, bonus points to you for making me recall the scene in "Aliens" when Ellen Ripley is sitting at the inquiry of the Corporate Board after being recovered as the sole survivor of the Nostromo (of the prior film). A great scene, and my brain just meme'd it to fit your remarks. Ding! (--"Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?"-- Also, the board complained, "we've gone over the lifeboat centimeter by centimeter and found NO EVIDENCE of the creature you describe."--Ripley: "Good! That's because I blew it out of the damn airlock!")
There is a theory about that. Before the internet was in widespread use, people who wanted to do something had to think about what they wanted to do, come up with a plan to do it, and then implement the plan. Now people look up what to do on the internet, and do what it says. And, overall, this has been a good thing. The number of people who never got to do things because they never could come up with a good plan, and who came up with bad costly plans that were doomed to fail was enormous. Spreading wisdom around is a good thing.
But there is a cost when 'thinking for yourself' is something that is only done rarely, and not, as before on a daily basis. Your problem solving skills never develop as well as they could, or deteriorate. And should you not be able to find what you want to know on the internet (because, for instance, the thing is too new) your ability to figure out how to figure out what we want to know may be lacking. You also may have become intellectually lazy without noticing.
All of this problem solving deficit shows up as 'lowered IQ' since most IQ tests test problem solving ability.
In answer to your last question - yes.
Regarding you final sentence: yes. Yes they did.
I think it was more than 50 points. 😏
Incredible. When I see things like this I end up asking myself, "What if we would have just done *nothing* except tell people that if they were sick to stay home and/or get early treatment and if you are well with no symptoms, be sure to get some extra supplements, fresh air, exercise and go on with your lives?" It's a shame we will never have the data for what would have happened if we would have just done what we knew worked in the past. Instead, we get data from a huge experiment that was conducted on the public by greedy, power hungry control freaks in the name of an emergency. Disgusting.
I learned in the spring of 2020 by reading preprints that optimal Vitamin D status was showing a strong correlation with positive case resolution. Now, if this dimwit could make that connection what of our expert class?
The knew. They could have told the masses to take 5K iU a day and that would have blunted the death rate dramatically. Sad.
They instead closed the parks and beaches, discouraging people from getting the cheapest, most effective source of Vitamin D
And I still wonder if that was intentional, or fortuitous incompetence.
🙋♀️ Good question!!!
I have been offering a loonie to people who can remember any politician or medical authority publicly recommending Vit. D over the past two years. Two winners, neither would take the coin.
I think this may be the basis for some liability action, but the medical profession and courts are still in thrall to "the narrative."
I work for a retired hospital doctor (UK) . One of her old college mates contacted her in spring 2020 and told her not to question but to take vitamin d immediately. He has been working on immigrants in the north of England being deficient and the consequences.
I got some for my 87 year old mother and she said she's been taking the stuff for years😁😁. She takes no medication thank goodness!
God bless you both!
Somebody somewhere in this elite group knew about Vit D. Over this shitstorm I shop at Costco every 6 weeks. End displays are LOADED with bottles of Vit D - and Zinc isn’t very far behind…. As well as the other products of preventative treatments. But especially the Vit D. The price on this bottle of wonders has more than doubled in the last year. Damn, they knew……. Not only are they pushing the shots, they’re scheming and conniving to rape the public pocketbooks, raising the price of vitamins.
Well, here in the Peoples Republik of Kanadastan, Costco has similarly loaded up on Vit D, including their generic brand. When on sale for $5, it’s 2 bottles of 350, good for over 4 months for one person. It’s a crime that VitD was never suggested to the sheeple.
There’s been a TV commercial on, from Jameson, a Vitamin and supplement provider, that always makes me smile. The last few seconds , as it wraps up, the screen prominently displays Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and ZINC. Three very basic Covid protection elements. The companies know, but, if they were completely overt (and honest), they would be cancelled!
Here in South Africa suddenly anything over 1000 iu of vitamin D needs a doctor's note to buy.
Nothing to see here, move along, move along.
Don’t forget your Quercetin💕💕
and NAC
Yes indeed. Take it daily. THX. ❤️
The FDA keeps adding more and more vitamins and minerals to their list of things that shouldn't be allowed to be sold as supplements OTC. Vitamin D is on the list. They are diabolical!
Im surprised they haven’t banned them as cheap & effective treatments!
And lose weight. Take zinc, quercetin, a baby aspirin, and Melatonin.
What if? Trump would still be president. Our economy would still be humming. And about three quarters ofa million more people would still be alive. They achieved their goals.
But he said mean things to elites!
AND he has funny hair and is orange! We can't have that now can we?! (Sarcasm font needed!)
I know. I want to weep.
And not only this, but Ukraine might not have happened. We'll never know that, either. What we do know: Orange Man Bad, and in their success at his ouster, they've since made a godawful mess of everything. Wooo!
Oh well. Midterms-a-comin', time to start righting the ship!
I don't think we will make it to the mid-terms. Seriously. Biden team over granting Iran major concessions, recognition of their terrorists, etc. in Vienna, Now. This is not bumbling, this is planned malfeasance and if we remain asleep there will be no elections.
Look at central Africa. They beat covid doing nothing, with outcomes far better than the western world.
Many there take ivermectin prophylactically, against river blindness and other parasites. They also sometimes take HCQ prophylactically against malaria. They get lots of sunlight. So I suppose you could say they did nothing -- special anyway -- but the things they were doing already, probably helped a lot.
You do have to remember that the darker your skin tone, the less vitamin D uptake you get.
Yes, you are correct Bandit; but the people who naturally have the darkest skin tones are those whose ancestors lived in the sunniest places. UVB (270-300 nm, the rays that make vitamin D) content of sunlight at the Earth's surface is highly sensitive to latitude and incident angle of the Sun, since the atmosphere significantly attenuates these wavelengths. The longer the path from space to the surface through the air, the greater the attenuation. So near the equator where the sun is nearly overhead much of the time, the UV intensity at the surface of the Earth is much higher than in temperate latitudes.
Bottom line, those with darker skin, which protects against cancers and other skin damage by blocking a significant amount of UV radiation, need more UV exposure to get the same amount of Vitamin D benefit, but so long as they live near where their ancestors did, they still get plenty of Vitamin D if they have a lifestyle which takes them outdoors for a significant time in the middle of the day. Which is pretty much true for a large number of folks, living in the equatorial parts of Africa.
Yes, thank-you for the lecture. It's nice to know that all dark skinned people of African descent still live in equatorial Africa. I'll make sure and let my next door neighbors know that they really don't live in Northern North America. --- The darker skinned individuals living outside their "native lands" might not know they need to spend greater time outdoors or that they need to suppliment with vitamin D. Not all doctors tell you what you need to know for your health.
Sorry, I did not mean it as a lecture; please remember that most of the people reading our comments don't participate (in this discussion at least). Hopefully they will find our discussion useful and interesting.
You'll note I did not say 'all dark skinned people of African descent still live in equatorial Africa.' Rather I said that for the folks living there whose ancestors were also living there, which is a large fraction of the population in those countries, their UV exposure is likely adequate for vitamin D levels.
And, those who have moved elsewhere likely need supplementation or more time outdoors. Perhaps one or more folks who fit that description will learn something about their Vitamin D requirements from our discussion, that as you point out their doctor has not told them.
Thanks for your reply.
Young population, of course
If we had done nothing, you would not be able to be tagged and electronically surveillanced. This was never about a virus, never.
We do have a reasonable model in Sweden through 2020. They have gone all in for the ClotShot in 2021 however.
This was known at the time of The Great Barrington Declaration by the way.
There are a fairly large subset of people like myself that didn't change much of a damn thing and refused the arm poison. From what I can tell, taking out for advanced age and more than 3-4 co-morbidities, we all did just fine. In my case, my job had me around thousands of people in three different states the entire time. Wearing a joke themed mask to get into Whole Foods was my only concession. But I have faith that whatever happens belongs to a higher consciousness, not mans.
Without donning my tinfoil hat or "seasonality theorist" spy cloak, I am now wondering about Amazon's convenient takeover of Woke Foods.
There would have been two classes of clientele, the Organic Karens (easy prey for a mask mandate) and the hardcore "No chemical BS and no face diapers" thinkers who might have been able to disrupt the narrative if not properly coerced. Did you really want groceries from Walmart?
No one profits off of that approach and by 'profit' I include the psychological thirst of collectivists to control people in order that the evil demon of free choice is warded off.
This is exactly what we should have done. Now, all day, every day, I plot our revenge.
IMO the entire 'variant' narrative is simply an excuse for why the vaccines failed to stop the winter wave. But we knew the vaccines would fail to stop the winter wave long before the 'variant' showed up.
It is still routinely and mechanically proclaimed that vaccines "reduce hospitalization and death" in the media and other cultural outlets (eg., the Supreme Court of New Zealand just said so despite outlawing vaccine mandates for the general populace). That this "fact" is reiterated over and over again in such a blase fashion just infuriates me. This article should be sent to Yahoo CNN MSNBC and NY Times reporters. Sent to Michael Hiltzik the shsyter cowbell for the LA Times. On second forget it, they ignore anything that doesn't toe the line.
When anyone mentions "the lessens hospitalization s and deaths" myth. I just call them a liar. It's all a lie. Still is.
Dr. Atlas is one of the real heroes we have....a treasure!
I remember Dr Atlas saying he would go to Covid meetings with data, papers etc.....
Fauci, Collins nothing.
They are political animals first.
I am not even sure I would call them scientists at this point.
“ All though Dr Fauci is the truth and the science “
My husband and I sarcastically call him Dr. Truth Science
And Dr. Atlas was stunned that when he presented some data, they had zero interest in asking anything about what he said or discussing it.
you can thank Pence for this
Can't stand that man! He talks out of both sides of his mouth at once. Ugh!
Speaking of Fraudci wanna bet he gets the Presidental medal of freedom. Probably at SOU.
Or some kind of Nobel prize or something. Remember that Obama got a peace price just for being elected. That was the day I lost all respect for anything being awarded by the Nobel committee. Totally political group.
Yes, that was a total punch in the gut.
The question asked by Hold2 Strategies might be explained by post-vaccination immune suppression. In my jurisdiction (Alberta Canada) the data (now hidden from public view) tabulated cases, hospitalization and death among “breakthrough“ cases. Half of cases, hospitalization and deaths were among people who first caught covid with two weeks of vaccination. They get counted as unvaccinated. Our feline friend had a post about that. I’m still waiting for the response to my FOIP request.
Awesome, Bad Catto. Thank you so much for your hard work and insight.
I have learned over the past two years that talking about Covid and not referencing age and co-morbidities is the equivalent of lying. So, while not arguing with the general OAS thesis, which is extremely well supported by the data, I would like to suggest that the Israeli/Palenstinian data may have something to do with the Palenstinian population being much younger.
Yes I was about to write the same thing. Hopefully gato can adjust the analysis for this - I can’t pass it on to numerate covidians as is
I just can't thank you enough for ALL the hard work you have done over the last two years!
You sure you aren't a "liger" and not only a fickle feline?
What GVB said a year ago. They knew and did it anyway. So infuriating.
"...this was known and knowable. the drug companies that made them knew it. the regulatory agencies that approved them knew it. and many, many doctors, researchers and public health officials all over the world knew it. they were silenced, threatened, and attacked for it. and this is the bitter fruit of that harvest...."
This has been a head-scratcher for me. These are not stupid, uneducated people. Why would they plunge ahead with such a high risk of failure?
Coupla' thoughts:
Pharma and Public Health (but I repeat myself) thought the pandemic would subside as the vaccines were given. This would provide the appearance the vaccines stopped the pandemic, and the Pharma would look like heroes.
Or Pharma knew the vaccines would reduce deaths, the most important metric. After all, the shots are good for systemic immunity if not mucosal immunity. People wouldn't mind the ongoing cases (they would be milder anyway and add to "herd immunity", reducing future spread), and the vaccines would be credited for the decline in deaths. That's why the push to get everyone vaccinated (which really never made much sense).
I think the second explanation more likely, but Public Health got their messaging confused. They implied the vaccines would protect against infection as well as deaths, but the vaccines failed to do so. Add in "waning immunity" and "booster" shots, and credibility has been oozing away. And no amount of claims of "misinformation" have made reports of side effects disappear. Mandates are not popular even among many of the "fully vaccinated".
And now the possibility of long-term vaccine damage, though far from proven, begins to look real.
Just my two cents.
The problem is, in addition to the many other lies & fraud, “they” KNEW this was NOTHING - high survivability of like 99.7% for the vast majority of people everywhere & an average age of death in early 80s.
It was dangerous to the usual vulnerables - the elderly in general, & the elderly & people of any age w/ co-morbidities.
“They” also knew there were cheap & effective treatments but “they” could never have gotten the EUAs for their poisons if that was acknowledged. The one-size-fits-ALL to force people to have something injected into their bodies WITHOUT informed consent & the right to choose = a depopulation agenda, to me.
“They’ve been trying to make mRNA shots work for decades w/ no luck…. I have no doubt “they” know EXACTLY what the short & long term effects actually are.
Also, this was a perfect opportunity to test mRNA technology on a massive scale.
I've lived my entire life not trusting the liars and cheats in the government and media, and it has always served me well. In this case, all I had to hear was that corrupt, doddering, urine soaked moron in the White House telling us we HAD to get get vaccinated, and that his "patience was wearing thin with us", to know I would NEVER take that poison. EVER.
We all know “they” changed the definition of a “case” from actually having symptoms & a diagnosis from a medical professional to a “positive” test run @ such high cycle that it produces tons of false positives, facilitating the hysteria that there were tons of cases.
I have no particular training but it was always my theory that the “virus” rounded the globe a whole lot earlier than Dec 2019 or Jan 2020 - probably more like Sept or even summer 2019. IF that was true & the global lockstep lockdown didn’t happen until mid-to-late March 2020, 6 or more months later - the “virus” had surely already ripped through the world & herd / acquired immunity was achieved?
I don't know if everyone in this group is familiar with the Ft. Detrick shenanigans in summer of 2019, but they pre-date Wuhan by several months, and raise a LOT of questions that the army has never answered.
July 11, 2019: A "Pneumonia outbreak" in the middle of summer
2 dead (later 3), 18 hospitalized, 54 sick, in a matter of days
Symptoms identical to CV-19; very fast spread
CDC could not identify the pathogen for several weeks; later said rotovirus, (if I recall correctly) -- but that doesn't exclude other pathogens, or assure us that they told the truth.
50 miles from Ft. Detrick (biolab) -- an easy work commute or to visit a family member
A "Cease and desist" order was sent the day after the ABC report, citing "two breaches" which were not described for reasons of national security. Ft. Detrick closed less than four weeks later, and did not re-open until spring of 2020.
Note: This was only a short time before the military games, which China claims was the source of infection, and two of the doctors living in D.C. (husband/wife) who worked with the athletes were later murdered in an odd altercation. (Bizarre stuff...) And just to stir the pot a little more, remember the "Vaping deaths" about that time, that didn't seem to have a good explanation? Start here:
Military(dot)com pulled this last link down, but I looked it up on Wayback:
Don, W-O-W. Have never heard of this (or the vaping deaths). There is so much evil to this whole thing that I hope will come out but fear it never will….
I had it in October 2019; got it at a conference in Portland OR late September with several Chinese in attendance (and others from all over the world, FWIW). Wife had it later in Oct-early Nov and had the signature symptom, anosmia (loss of taste and smell).
They tested us in southwest Utah (along with a significant group of others who claimed early cases) a year later and said "Nope, no antibodies, you didn't have it." ALL of you that were tested, nobody had gotten it. But then we find out that antibodies disappear after 4-6 months. So the outcome of the test was meaningless.
There is a test called 'serum reactivity' that was used in a study in Singapore that showed survivors of SARS-CoV-1 in 2003 still had serum reactivity (long-term B and T cell immunity) against that virus 17-1/2 years later. Remarkably, most (~85% IIRC) also had serum reactivity against SARS-CoV-2, demonstrating the well-known cross-reactivity between strains of coronavirus. That test, had it been used in Utah, would probably have found that a significant number of those early cases did, in fact, have immunity to SARS-CoV-2... but they did not use that test.
So yes, I'm not a med pro either (engineer), but I believe that you are right: SARS-CoV-2 was in general circulation long before it was publicised. I believe that 'they' knew about it, but 'they' did not want to talk about it.
Wouldn’t have done @ all to have the masses of the great unwashed have a real test that would show they had immunity so no need for all of the bullshit & esp not the poison. “They’re” STILL trying to bury the truth by labeling it all dis- or mis-information to keep people getting vax’d, boosted, etc
Cindi, I had this thought, too, in Feb or March 2020. I'm in Socal. As far as I know, LA and SF are big hubs for travel to and from China. It makes sense the virus was long circulating here before anyone knew. The lockdowns simply slammed the door shut after the horses had left the stable.
LA Bob, exactly. If it came even just 6 months earlier than the “official” but phony narrative, think of the millions of people from China & everywhere else going all over the world in that period. I knew a LOT of people sick w/ mystery illnesses in Fall 2019 & I got what I thought @ the time was a heavy duty bronchitis in Feb 2020. Wu-Flu was not yet really a “thing” yet & there was no testing yet, etc.
But I have never heard this theory posed or addressed as a likely scenario to or by people like Malone, McCullough, et al….
I know someone who I'm sure had it Christmas 2019
I can answer the cat’s question “if vaccines work….”
A: Because not enough children are wearing N95 masks in the playground.
You are probably right - I still enjoyed the one theory that someone thawed out an early version and tweaked it to be less deadly so as to shut this hysteria off
I also am romantic , and enjoy savoring the idea of the ancient " sabot".