It's amazing—though hardly surprising…— that post-infection natural immunity has disappeared down the rabbit hole of official-dom. I had measles and chicken pox when I was a kid and have been protected ever since, but I guess I was delusional ever to belief in such unicorn wishes.

When "health" organizations erase the very idea of natural immunity and rewrite definitions and history, we know we're in for some serious shenanigans...

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Patty Hearst indeed. What a symbol for many in our time.

> "note what it utterly absent: ideas of cost benefit, notions of personal choice, and notions that one size may not fit all in terms of solutions." ++

This is an email conversation I had over the last day with a family member about planning our annual trip to the beach.

ME > Hi __ I hope you and are well.

I was going to email you in June to see if you wanted to plan a trip this summer to (The Beach). But June busily slipped by and here we are.

So, any interest in going?

Best, _____.


Good to hear from you. Yes, I'd definitely be interested as long as you (and ___) have been fully vaccinated. I still need to be very careful because of my immune condition and asplenia. Have you both been vaccinated yet?


ME >I am unsure how to respond to your question.

Best, ______.

FAMILY MEMBER > Covid vaccinations.

ME > I was looking for a yes or no answer and to my original question. I did not expect the conversation to go elsewhere, so I am on the back foot. With that said >

It troubles me to ask of you any private, personal medical information. Over the course of our long relationship we have had many medical issues that we have faced. We have respected each other's privacy and autonomy through them and commiserated at times (our teeth and dental adventures comes to mind).

So it pains me greatly, and I do apologize if I am crossing a boundary. You do not need to answer this question, but >

Are you vaccinated _____?


ME (after an hour of prayer, reflection and asking for a loved ones opinion)

This is much more fraught then intended or anticipated.

Let's touch base next summer and pass this year.

Best, ______.

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Wow, hermano, another scorcher. Nicely done, indeed. Worth mentioning, perhaps, how comfortable this fellow and the Dr. Dings of the world are in making these statements in full public view. These are the sorts of social engineering concepts that even 10 years ago would have been aired privately, in focus group sessions and deliverables meetings run by the Edelmans and Ketchums of the world, with the idea that the less the "useless eaters" know about how the sausage is made, the better. These are "by any means necessary" folks. Any niceties about personal physical autonomy or "my body, my choice" are just window dressing when it comes to achieving their desired outcomes. Probably some of them, at the lower servant levels, like this fellow, actually believe they are doing the right thing. Still, interesting that the mask is fully off now. A sign of desperation or a sign of complete hubris and overconfidence? Or complete delusion resulting from a personal and situational awareness that is not only very, very low, but actually in negative territory?

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What's hilarious to me is that WE'RE ALREADY DOING WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT!

Watch ANY drug commercial, and half of it is just listing side effects and precautions about who should take it. But the vaccine commercials are 100% sunshine and rainbows and hey, you want your life back, right?

Millions of people already had covid and don't need the jab. Millions of other people aren't worried about covid and won't take the jab. The politicians should hang the "Mission Accomplished" banner and start taking credit for "beating" the virus.

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This all started with Thaler and Sunstein's "nudge economics", which seemed so innocuous at the time. It has corrupted state policy to public health completely. It now means "stop all pathogens by any means, including by destroying people's minds". Richard H., do the right thing, hand your Nobel prize back.

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I don't know how many here have the seen the work of the control group study. please do check that out, might change a few minds. about everything. https://thecontrolgroup.org (or maybe, like me you were already there, but had no data.)

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Very well stated.... Exactly how I feel. They've lost their minds.

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This is one of your best articles to date.

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I'm having an epiphany. Maybe there is still hope. Maybe some of the nutjobs still driving around alone in their cars with their mask on are not covid karens!! It is possible that a large portion of them just have a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome, and can be brought back to reality with the passage of time.

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why not do therapy?

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how do you tell tho at lying.... lips move & unhinged % about virus& vaxx

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Excellent writing gato! Gracias!

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Now imagine this with family members.

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Thank you for spelling it out so beautifully. Makes me happy!

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