and the UKHSA haven't updated their pregnancy/birth figures for almost six months now. Their latest report is still stuck in June 2022

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System upgrade, almost certainly.

It’s strange how, even back in the primitive 1970’s, we were able to figure out how to preserve data across many upgrades of hardware, operating system and software. And how to get them done with minimal downtime. Seems to have become a lost art.

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Knowledge is power: hide it well.

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"Data Security"

If no one can get to it then it's totally safe from compromise but actors of ill intent. *nods*

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And if any pesky citizens find that knowledge and tell others, just call them "conspiracy theorists" and all will be well!

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Systems up grade on a corrupted system.

The root problem causing most of our other problems is that our main operating system (government/schools/media) have been corrupted and it has seeped into everything else, including the data (look at the Sugasphere study on HCQ by the Lancet).

If you tell us the kind of systems that govern over you, we can accurately predict your quality of life. If those systems are corrupted then so are you (and your families).

It is time to organize with other like minded individuals and fix them.

We know the solutions. Decentralize everything. Demand transparency in systems. And most efficiently, weaponize the tyranny of the masses back onto the people corrupting our systems to end this Global Agenda.

Please, give this some thought: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/weaponized-direct-democracy-the-kryptonite?r=7oa9d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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I disagree this has become a lost art, I release software updates on my projects weekly or fortnightly with minimal issues. "Continuous deployment" is the usual buzzword.

The problem in this case is that the public sector is generally poor at commissioning IT / data projects, and on top of this PHE were especially rubbish, and the creation of UKHSA means they're undergoing a restructure.

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I was being a little tongue-in-cheek. Thank you for putting your finger on the precise words that reveal the nonsense that the “server upgrade ate our data” (e.g. DMED) excuse is.

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We said the same thing about counting votes after an election!

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They're suffering a meltdown right now at NHS. I'd imagine the same is true of the rest of the British State. The probabilities, given their past lying, are that they're covering up bad events. But I'd assign maybe 30% to systematic breakdown.

Part of that may be caused by good people learning what NHS and other places have done with lockdowns and vaxxes and walking away, leaving incompetents and malicious people behind to run the system into the ground.

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No, they are nor our glorious Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that everything is fine and he would not tell lies to the "Great British public".

Wash your mouth out with soap and water you naughty conspiracy theorist!

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June 2022. "Lockstep" stop reporting.

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No babies = nothing to report

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That means that they are really bad and haven't been able to work out how to bullshit them to sound acceptable.

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The authorities are ignoring mass deaths and excess mortality.

The press is silent, with an occasional article like "right wing misinformation agents are trumping up excess deaths. We have no idea why people are dying and we do not care but WE ARE SURE IT IS NOT THE VACCINES".

This is consistent with the depopulation theory.

Making the sheep ignore their own dieoff, instead of sounding alarms and doing something, is how a successful depop would progress.

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i hesitate to ascribe to cunning, well executed conspiracy that which may be well explained by "jeez, if everyone ever figures out how badly we screwed this up they are going to feed us to rabid honeybadgers"

i suspect this was mostly a nasty confluence of amoral greed, stupidity, credulity, and a vastly unwarranted sense that "experts" and "government" had any idea whatsoever what they ere doing.

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I feel the same way. The facts that I am seeing are so weird that I resist coming to the logical conclusions.

Can things look like a conspiracy but be explained by institutional dynamics? I certainly hope so. Still looking for confirming and DISconfirming evidence.

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Whatever the excuse, I'm starting to lose patience. I was in a 'vax injured' Twitter Space the other day where people told their horrific and truly devastating stories. A listener was an ER doc who had the audacity to interject, saying he has not seen 'a single vax injury'. These people and their attempts at gaslighting are laughable at this point. And I think that should be part of our current plan- to just laugh at them before shutting them right down. Let them know that whatever their initial motivations, they are the now the willing architects of their own loss of credibility, stature and respect with their incessant and unsupportable denials, which are delusional, factually unsupportable, cruel and most certainly, self serving. I can take them about as seriously now as I can a stubborn toddler having a meltdown when he's told jellybeans aren't a breakfast food. Time for a good old spanking and a time out til good behaviour emerges.

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"Can things look like a conspiracy but be explained by institutional dynamics?"

There is no conflict between these: they can both exist and be true concurrently and independently.

Which of course makes reality that much worse.

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Whatever is involved, as much as they have lied over the last three years, whether openly or by omission, it's impossible to imagine there is no intentional coverup of malfeasance.

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In fact, doesn't one provide the perfect alibi for the other? Plausible deniability is woven everywhere in this clusterf***.

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Never admit guilt or responsibility.

Never volunteer information.

Never speak with police without legal representation present.

Never speak with media letting them decide pace, angle or topic: give speeches or drop talking points only.

Communication about a contended point is a power struggle, a battle if you will. Treat it accordingly. The point isn't to be right, factually, or good ethically: the point is to a) prevent you from losing b) prevent the opposition from winning; corollary, c) prevent opposition from capitalising on any gains/your losses, d) destroy/despoil the prize so the opposition loses by winning.

Because victory forgives all.

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Can things look like a conspiracy (b/c they are - at the level of the globalist cabal pulling the Biden, Trudeau, Ahern, etc strings) AND be explained at the agency level by institutional dynamics (hubris, greed, incompetence, ideological capture, etc at the researcher / government manager level)? I think they can - which would explain the coordination globally in lock step with the Great Reset agenda, while using the ideological capture of all levels of sciences/medical/media by the left as the "useful idiots" foot soldiers who are not conscious of their roles and therefore stumble drunkenly from one piece bof agitprop to the next.

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but this looks like a HUMONGOUS conspiracy.

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mandating vaccination of the known immune is one such disconcerting thing

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Or it could be a cunning, well executed conspiracy...

Again, I refer you and Igor to the work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt.

Surely, "amoral greed, stupidity, credulity and a vastly unwarranted sense that experts and government had any idea whatsoever what they were doing" were factors in the 2009 H1N1 vaccine debacle. I imagine they were factors in the 1987 Swine Flu vaccine disaster. While it took far too long for the vaccines to be pulled and too many people were hurt or killed in the interim...the vaccines were pulled...the failure acknowledged.

Why is this time different?

Why are they still pushing jabs for babies when there are 33,519 deaths in the VAERS?

IMO, we are long past the time when this nightmare can be explained by the usual faults and failures.

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i have not seen much from this gang of politicians that points to either cunning or ability to execute complexity.

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It's not the politicians.


Pfizer's lawyers used this argument (we were just doing what the government told us to do) in their motion to dismiss Brook Jackson's lawsuit last April.



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I recommend the Epoch Times article (linked in the uncoverdc article). It's behind a paywall.

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try looking at the lobbyists & lawyers

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It is different because there were some reporters actually interested in investigating and reporting facts. It is different because there was no social media noise machine screaming for the heads of those who disagree. It is different because, although less credentialed, people actually thought. It is different because there was a president named Trump and this was possibly an opportunity to be rid of him.

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You miss my point entirely.

Yes. We had a functioning media in 1987. I'm not sure that was true in 2009.

For over two years, the loudest voices in the opposition have been pointing out the failure of so-called public health.

"Can you believe they're doing this?"

"Why are they doing this?"

"OMG, can you believe they just stopped publishing bad data?"

And my personal favorite...

"If we just show them our data analysis, graphs, proof, well-reasoned argument, they'll surely wake up and change course."

No. They won't.

The contracts are clear. The DOD (not the FDA, not the CDC, not the state or local health agencies) is in charge. The so-called health agencies have engaged in kabuki theater. They are powerless to stop what is happening; and, apparently, many of them are unaware or cowardly or bought and paid for.

If people (like the bad cat and Igor and Steve Kirsch and others) continue to fight inside the snow globe when the actual fight is outside of it, then we waste time and energy and focus.

The lovely young woman at ONS with whom the bad cat is conversing may not have any idea what is really happening. And, unlike most of us on Substack, she has taken a few jabs. If a terrible thought sneaks into her reality, she's going to smack it down as soon as possible. It's one thing to admit you took a medical intervention that didn't work. It's another to realize you took a medical intervention that is dangerous. And much, much worse to realize you took experimental injections in some defense program.

Pfizer's lawyers used this argument (we were just doing what the government told us to do) in their motion to dismiss Brook Jackson's whistleblower case...last April.



Perhaps we should stop barking up the wrong tree?

We cannot defeat a monster we cannot see.

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I would argue it is the controllers of the controllers of the DOD that are in charge. Love your "fight inside the snow globe" analogy. While I like Igor and el gato, may be unsubscribing to focus on those aware of the much bigger story. And yes it is the psychopathic global cabal that has conspired to destroy and control what remains

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I agree. We need to know the power behind the power, but it's pointless to keep pointing out the obvious problems (preaching to the choir). It appears, based on the contracts, that the FDA and CDC do not control the operation. Why they are going along with the farce is another story. Sasha Latypova believes only a few at the very top understand what is really going on, but I don't understand why the others aren't speaking out. Clearly, there is enough evidence at this point for some cracks to appear?

If this reality is hard for Igor and the bad cat to confront, imagine how difficult it is for people with 3 or 4 injections onboard who've been working on behalf of the monster. We are pushing against a granite wall.

Why are we barking up this tree when the bad guy is in a tree the next yard over?

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60 minutes did an expose of the 1976 Swine Flu problem. In 1979. Prescription drug ads were illegal then.

Watch a recent episode, and you'd have to guess that 30-40% of their revenue for running that program comes from Pharma ads. And if not that one program, for the overall network. You will not get reporters reporting facts unless doing so doesn't get them fired.

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I wonder if we've crossed a tipping point, where corporate power now exceeds the resisting forces which once held it in check through regulation. Add to that the effects of globalisation which allows bad ideas to propagate globally, where before they might have been stopped at the border.

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My jury is still out re the Sasha/Katherine news that US DOD headed all the covid tyranny. However, it does help explain some of the crazy behavior- as if everyone’s’ hands were tied by a higher authority...

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Pfizer's lawyers used this argument (they were just doing what the government required them to do) in their motion to dismiss Brook Jackson's whistleblower suit...last April.

Why would they make that argument?



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Well that certainly explains a lot. Shocking how they claim they didn’t need to follow good manufacturing practices for a product about to be injected into millions!

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‘If you put the Federal Government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there would be a shortage of sand’ Milton Friedman.

Not exactly this topic but - illustrates my skepticism of all things run at the federal level. Amoral greed indeed!

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The coordination of the lockdowns and other actions early in the pandemic, especially the rapid deployment of the vaccines that were known to have originated with the Deep state, the Banning of alternative treatments, the censorship and so on etc. In retrospect seem just a little bit too well coordinated. Yes, there's plenty of stupidity in there too but don't underestimate the evil that was behind this.

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All due respect el Gato Malo, but this culling has been in the making (& carried out over the decades to a smaller degree) for hundreds of years. The controllers are not stupid (just psychopathic), their minions are perhaps, mixed with greed, which works quite well in fooling the willfully blind. We will never be privy to the real data, these methods of show some, pull back, scrub, give lame excuses, republish, are pure gaslighting tactics. You cannot fix a corrupt system from within said system.

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Well said. Unfortunately, I have to agree.

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I saw it well put by a british doc in an interview by Maryanne Demasi this morning. Something like, 'We are depending on FDA to indict themselves. We have got to separate the monitoring function from the approval function' For most of these bureaucrats it is simply CYA which doesn't exclude the possibility that 'someone' has a nastier plan.

Actually, even Fauci doesn't seem to have been in on the OP. He lied and hid data but he did it like the giant weasel he is, just to protect his own. Whereas, US Intelligence seems to have started the whole thing. The plan seems to have been a bio attack on the Chinese, I suspect by US China hawks rather than globalists. These are the guys who came up with the 'lab leak' so that they could blame the Chinese. And then Fauci and Farrar spiked the lab leak to cover their own behinds. The Intelligence origins seem to be confirmed by Radio Free Asia and other USIC puppets being the first to become aware of COVID, even before Chinese public health, and to finger the Wuhan lab before anybody was even dead. I suppose that they made the 'dying in the streets' videos too. The confirmation is the January 2020 outbreak among high ranking Iranians. It very quickly spiraled out of control and was seized upon by the Globetards, who, per the usual, got nothing right. Schwab really is more like Dr. Evil than any genuine Bond villain.

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Malone claims he was told to shut up about Callahan being in Wuhan in early 2020. Your theory might explain why.

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You have basically just outlined the Ron Unz hypothesis. Possible but overly complex. Just the same a deliberate release for whatever motive cannot be ruled out

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Yes Unz was one of the ones who turned me on to this theory.

You have a simpler theory that makes sense?

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I just can't go to those theories. I assign the whole business to incompetence. The fact that many are working on bioweapons is not new. But I doubt any sane organization would deploy them. The uncertainties are just too high. The Chinese might have had a lot to gain from many getting ill and having their economy soar. But that backfired if it was ever a plan.

The US military involvement in mRNA seems logical and appropriate for them. Whether the technology is ready for prime time remains to be seen. I'n not convinced the lipid issue has been adequately addressed and even the premise of full transcription is a question. Those teens with heart issues had rather large amounts of circulating mRNA proteins remaining that shouldn't be there.

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We were told that the DOD and FEMA were brought in to handle logistics and distribution because they're good at those things. In reality, they controlled the entire operation from manufacture through distribution to injection into arms.

Read the contracts.

Why would Pfizer's lawyer argue that they were just doing what the government told them to do in their motion to dismiss Brook Jackson's whistleblower suit...last April? Why did the FDA decide against joining her suit? Why was she fired by Ventavia (Pfizer sub-contractor) the same day she contacted the FDA to alert them to the problems in the clinical trials?





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How is it logical for the US military to be involved in mRNA? Is there any legitimate use for this technology?

You are right about quality of the vaccines being a huge issue, especially when they scaled up production from test batches to 'enough to jab the world 10 times over', there are tons of partially transcribed proteins and ones that fell apart just due to its delicacy. Also, did you know that the mRNA cannot be mixed because it is too delicate? So basically there is not even a plan in place to make sure that the same amount is in each vial, not to mention no quality assurance.

But, why were our Intelligence Agencies giving briefings on COVID before Chinese medical community knew about it?

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The military worries about biologic warfare which they think might be in the future (China, perhaps). So they want the ability to have a vaccine handy that can be created quickly. The mRNA platform provides such an answer. The encasing lipids are a very real issue one that defeated Malone for 10+ years and those using his patents for another 10 years. That patent has expired prompting others, particularly Moderna and BioNTech to solve the lipid problem. We are now in a huge experiment to see if it works. At the moment we are paying attention to the payload the RNA but we also ought to worry about what happens to the lipids.

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If it is a conspiracy it must have been years in the making, at least in the UK - have a look at this twitter thread - "covid-19 pandemic from within the NHS - insights from an ex director of end of life care at one of the largest hospital trusts in the UK" -- explains one of the mechanisms that enabled ramping up of death numbers/ascribing every death to covid. The mechanism was put in place in 2016 but not fully implemented until 2019.

Super interesting the manner in which this switch was carried out in 2019

"...The power and decision making with regards to MCCD/Coroners Referrals was being taken away not only from treating doctors but also from Bereavement Services/Patient Affairs/Bereavement Officers/Bereavement Service Managers/Directors of End of Life Care....This decision making power was being handed solely to the Medical Examiner, who has not been involved in the treatment of a patient during an admission.

...In 2019, our Medical Director, came into my office one morning and stated that the Board of Directors at the Hospital had made a decision to switch to the Medical Examiner System.

...Hospital policies were changed alongside the implementation of the Medical Examiner System, to ensure that any patient who died within 30 days of positive test, would have to have Covid-19 as their primary cause of death. This was regulated by the Medical Examiner....The Medical Examiner (one individual in each hospital), was certifying all these Pneumonia deaths as Covid-19 deaths. When 4 different diseases being grouped and now being called Covid-19, you will inevitably see Covid-19 with a huge death rate.

...The mainstream media was reporting on this huge increase in Covid-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner system being in place.

... Patients being admitted and dying with very common conditions such as Old Age, Myocardial Infarctions, End Stage Kidney Failure, Haemorrhages, Strokes, COPD & Cancer etc were all now being certified as Covid-19 via the Medical Examiner System.


"60. Hospitals were switching to and from the Medical Examiner system and the Pre Pandemic System as when they pleased. When Covid-19 deaths needed to be increased, the hospital would switch to the Medical Examiner System."

full thread https://twitter.com/TheOriginalSai/status/1614390349140459520

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Fascinating info in your link.Thanks ‘Medical Examiners’ put in place andjust in time. How cute. How easy. How well planned.

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I believe NIH/Big Pharma seized the opportunity to force a new gene-based technology platform on the public & had the hubris to assume it would do more good than harm. I believe the vaccine RCT data are highly suspect & trials were biased to the point of being fraudulent.

I still err on the side of cock up over conspiracy however because I happen to have many highly qualified physician & surgeon friends (up to Professor/Medical Director level) and they (like Rochelle Walensky) all seem to completely believe the official narrative without any idea of the flaws & manipulations in the data. My medic friends know of my scepticism & are very wary of me - they certainly don’t want to talk about it. Only one them (a Consultant Haematologist) has mentioned he doesn’t think that BigPharma/Public Health will ever be held to account for the harms they’ve caused - implying that there indeed has been harm.

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I completely agree with "this was mostly a nasty confluence of amoral greed, stupidity, credulity, and a vastly unwarranted sense that "experts" and "government" had any idea whatsoever what they ere doing."

I have been struggling for years to find an example of "governments" or "experts" doing something that was sound and reasonable to solve any problem. All I see are stupid measures imposed top-down that do not solve the original problem but rather create a myriad new ones.

So, why would the management of covid be the first time they succeeded?

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“The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of rabid honeybadger fodder.”

- Robert Conquest-ish.

That's not verbatim. Don't quote me on that.

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Don't forget also the Public Health Mobius: "We can't tell the truth about endangering people because that would endanger people."

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This is long - an hour and 20 minutes. I figured I'd skip through it. Instead I sat and watched the whole thing. https://www.anecdotalsmovie.com/

Somehow we need to figure out how to get those who are able to help these folks to DO IT.

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So tragic. I had been aware of thousands of tragic vaccine injury stories well before covid. Of people (little kids included) who were cast aside after suffering at the hands of pharma and medical 'experts', and then demonised for speaking out.

No recognition of injury, no medical help, nothing. Only scorn and hatred for merely existing.

So this is not surprising in the least. It has been going on for many decades, it has just multiplied exponentially with the numbers of vaccines given. I hope that the damn bursts one day, have been praying for years.

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Systems/organizations/bureaucracy designed to output "greater good", over time (or during crisis), could very well lead to emergent properties of evil being an unintended output.

The scaffolding for "evil" if you will.

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Good insights!

Subjective "greater good" for a "collective" seems to tend to always devolve into abuses of individuals making up the collective or group. Even supposedly objective greater good is fraught with problems, facilitating mob rule and disrespect for individual rights, such as of the freedom to protest. Any life worth living for people in a group will have principles the group acknowledges and adheres to, such as respect or protection of individual rights at the individual level. Collectives are made up of individuals after all.

Medical tyranny overtaking an entire populace is so grievous because our health is foundational to our lives, and when the tyranny imposes sick prescriptions, then the entire group suffers at the individual level.

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Well said.

What is great? What is good?

Perhaps fewer people would fall into the greater good fallacy/trap if they simply asked those two questions? History is clear that the "greater good" pretext precedes evil/malfeasance - especially during times of crisis, wars and uncertainty. It's pretty easy to manipulate if you think about it.

Seems to me that the greater good is the diameter between good and evil separated by 180 degrees on a circle.

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What an interesting way of visualizing the "greater good" concept. I had never thought of it that way before.

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"i suspect this was mostly a nasty confluence of amoral greed, stupidity, credulity..."

I would add an absolute gut-wrenching terror of the legal (as in Nuremberg | lynch mob) consequences of what may end up to be the equivalent of genocide.

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I don't think Nuremberg was quite what we thought it was.


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Don't forget cowardice and groupthink. Also essential ingredients.

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I'd believe that they had no idea what they were doing, except for the fact that we had people like Pandemic Advisor Extraordinaire (TM) Bill Gates saying that vaccines are a great way to reduce population. And just the other day, Ted Turner came out again on depopulation.

So although there might be *some* that are simply greedy, there are others that knew about the adverse effects, aka possibility of death.

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but there are some curious things that happened that give some credence to pure malice

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NIH alone gets royalties from some of the MRNA technology. Add in the known or likely other Intelligence Agency investing in the vaccine companies, coupled with the de facto immunity from prosecution and opportunity to field test a new technology, and you have a Monumental case for greed and abuse of power

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yep, likely this explains most of it.

not all of it though

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What things do you mean? I’m not sure myself tbh but I can see a positive feedback loop where the initial fear generated a hysterical response which literally sold everything from PPE & newspapers to experimental jabs. “Pandemic of the unvaccinated” was indeed malice but it was driven by factions who realised that huge profit could be made from hysteria.

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profit and malice often go hand in hand

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Did you see that Dr Aseem Mahotra got interviewed on the BBC news and has had over 12M views? He was on to talk about statins and managed to say how the jabs are toxic. If nobody was bothered about the jabs and weren't beginning to wonder whether they were being misled, why would so many have bothered to look at the 7 minute clip? Also, why did the BBC interview him when his views are widely known?

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They chose him for his statins expertise. He wisely pointed to the real issue. (A prescription for statins will not correct vax-caused myocarditis.)

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I know but they must have realised there was a risk he would "talk out of turn"

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I think that we have to consider the public health reaction to the die off due to the underreplacement by native births. The total fertility rate of native US is 1.78 while the replacement rate is 2.1. A public health that didn't want a die off would publicize this. So public health is at least accomodating to a US die off.

When we add the ongoing excess mortality into our calculations, the picture gets worse for public health and we have to consider that this is prima facie evidence of premeditated murder.

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what do you say to Taiwan and NZ?

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What do you mean? What about Taiwan and New Zealand?

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The science version of Office Space:

Public Health: So we just went ahead and fixed the glitch.

Politicians: Great.

Public: So um, the data has been released?

Public Health: Well just a second there, professor. We uh, we fixed the *glitch*. So you won't be receiving the data anymore, so it will just work itself out naturally.

Politicians: We always like to avoid confrontation, whenever possible. Problem solved from your end.

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My head begins to spin when I think of all the propaganda that has been thrown at us these last three years.

These agencies simply do not have a shred of credibility left for me. Which is incredibly difficult since I have a one year old daughter that I’d like to keep healthy, and the “recommendations” of these same agencies invariably become law in many states.

These agencies didn’t just become caught and corrupt--this has been years in the making, but it has never been more stark as to the extent...to me anyway.

I’m really at a loss as to how I can live my life (or what to believe of their recommendations) and keep my daughter healthy when all of these agencies are still looked up as THE authority even after so many lies. (They changed the definition of what a vaccine is!!!)

Like so many institutions--government, media, academia--l now listen to what they recommend so that I can do the opposite.

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There is a great new book out on vaccines--that I wish had existed when I was a young mom: Turtles All the Way Down, Vaccine Science and Myth. It might give you some peace of mind as you make decisions for your little one.

Like you, I have zero trust left in our agencies. Yet, I still need reliable sources. It’s encouraging to see that not all young parents are asleep. Blessings to you and your daughter!

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You can choose to live in a state that most closely aligns with your beliefs. My kiddo is going to college next year and you can be sure we are only allowing her to apply in states that did not/are not going Covid policy crazy and don't require unnecessary shots for college students.

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Where would that be? Florida for sure. But where else?

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You can still look up the childhood vaccine schedules that were in use when you were a kid. You turned out okay. Stick to those and feel free to reject anything newer, plus / minus chicken-pox. Your kid won't get it the natural way any more, and getting it in adulthood sucks. So maybe add that when they hit age 12 or so even if you never got the shot.

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Yes but be careful that the “old” vaccines aren’t turned into MRNA jabs without your knowledge.

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I ended up getting the MMR for my kids before they started secondary school because they had failed to catch measles themselves and it's a bad one to get as an adult. I got shouted at by my doctor when I refused it orginally. I'm glad my kids are adults now because I don't know what I would do now - I thought traditional vaccines were like miracles and had no hesitation in giving them the "major" ones like polio or diptheria (I knew people who had caught polio and my mother had horror stories of pre-war diptheria vans carting off whole families). Now I don't know - I don't know anyone who's been hurt by the traditional ones but I did read that autism in the USA is now at 1 in 44 kids. Nobody had autism in the 1960s but maybe it's more about parenting or junk in food or poor education or something else?

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Yeah, a lot of that stuff can be hard to know. Autism rates gone up over time. Crazy new vaccines? High fructose corn syrup? Greater insurance coverage of autism treatments leading to increased "diagnosis" of marginal cases in awkward teenage boys? Speech therapist's Jaguar just started making a funny ticking noise!

Basically, the order in which a vaccine was invented is a pretty good clue as to its risk/reward ratio. Smallpox and polio (some of the first to be invented)? Yeah - pretty nasty diseases. Worth even a somewhat risky vaccine if there is even a remote chance you'd otherwise get that kind of disease. HPV (one of the newest)? Come on. Don't be a skank and get your Pap smears. If you do those things, the marginal benefits from the shot are not so great. Feel free to avoid.

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Sugar,high fructose corn syrup and perhaps refined carbs are probably far worse for public health than any vaccines ever were.

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"Autism" used to only be diagnosed when someone was completely non-verbal and obviously "not normal". But nowdays it's a much broader thing that covers social and emotional difficulties in people who are "neurodivergent", but in the old days would have just been called "that weird kid". So it's no surprise that the "rate of autism" has gone up.

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They're just running out the clock hoping the normie retards won't (literally) wake up.

It just might work.

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I don't think that's gonna work. If the gene shots cause problems for someone's entire lifetime that clock strategy cannot win. What this is really doing is buying time to formulate a strategy for them and plan their next wave of propaganda.

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Precisely. I expect the next "current thing" will be incoming here shortly.

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If the damn unvaccinated would simply get their shots we would not have this kind of data discrepancy. 

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They really were hoping there wouldn't be a sizeable control group left at this point.

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Ironically, if they wouldn't have pushed so incredibly hard, more probably would have rolled up their sleeve. They came off as pushy and desperate - giving people prizes to get vaccinated and mandating them to keep your job.

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We the people consist of 2/5 sheep, 2/5 goats, and 1/5 hogs.

Sheep you herd. Goats are driven. But hogs, ah, hogs you must make curious, make them think they are choosing where to go even when you control all the options.

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If the damn unvaccinated would simply get shot we would not have this kind of data discrepancy.


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data needs fixing so there does not appear to be "weakness" in their narrative (obviously)

Climate science is the same. Past records are "adjusted" to make the current portrayals believable and alarming

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The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. All the preclinical research regarding how fenbendazole eradicates cancer is consistent with its effects in practice. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com its all free.

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, lung, it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are melanoma, ovarian, breast, myeloma, bladder are the next five.

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My aunt just cured colon cancer using fenbendazole, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and ketosis. Diagnosed in July, all clear Dec.

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What country does your aunt live in Owl?

I am going to hazard a guess and say that it isn't the UK.

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That’s wonderful to hear. Graviola is also good and raspberry ketones. A friend with colon and liver cancer had success with those after she stopped her chemo.

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My daughter and I were just reviewing what we know about her dear friend who died in December. In 2019 she got colon cancer, successfully treated and she had been in remission. She got tested every 3 months, all was clear on every test. She got her covid jabs in February 2021, was diagnosed suddenly in July 2021 with stage 4 cancer that had spread to her liver and some other spots. A definite turbo cancer. She tried everything to control it. We think (but not sure) that she got a booster in October or November 2021. Things just got worse, the cancer went everywhere, and she died in early December 2022. Her daughter is convinced it was the vaxxes.

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Luckily my aunt was not vaxed - it was a relatively stable tumour that the onco thought was about 5 years in the making. But I do know someone whose 30-ish year old brother-in-law died within a few months of sudden-onset pancreatic cancer...very odd. And another unexpected quick demise of someone with rare sarcoma.

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Pancreatic seems to be having a field day.

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My Aunt just died a couple weeks ago from Pancreatic cancer at 62, 10 weeks after diagnosis. 😔

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Oh no. I am so sorry. I know someone who reviews medical records for a tissue bank and she told me she’s seeing it.

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woww so sad. I am sorry for your heartbreaking news

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There's a new vaccine for that!

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We can demand all the answers we want--all they do is ignore and ridicule us. Bombshell evidence comes out every week. From excess mortality to plunging birthrates, to V-safe data to the Israeli data scandal that was actually caught on video.

They just ignore it and the masses never know it happened. How do we overcome this?

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I don't know if we can overcome it.

I know ONE jabbed person who stopped. I believe it's because his partner died from the jabs.

Conversely, I know someone else who had two friends die of C0VID (probably killed by the hospital) who has a husband who is vaxx injured. She has stated if her doctor tells her to get the jab again, she will. Because... "her friends died of C0VID."

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Governement agencies do nothing without being ordered to, legally and formally or not-quite-so-legally and tacitly is of no consequence; no order, no action.

Someone who could give orders to the ONS told someone high enough emplaced in the ONS to stop reporting.

If that order was legal, there's a paper trail. Which means a FOIA or whatever it's called in Britain might produce clues.

If the order was given by word-of-mouth "in the corridor" as we say here, the very fact that the ONS changed data collection/reporting without orders or documentation as to the whys and hows and so on pertaining to the change is possibly a crime - breach of conduct at the very least.

I believe the Naked Emperor is british? Perhaps some collusion with him/her might yield dividens?

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FOIA are the way to go but nowadays if they don't want to answer they just don't answer.


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But someone inside ONS could order the reporting team to pause reporting "while we work on improving it", no? In which case they have a plausible reason because they were "doing their job" by "making the data better" (and, oh, oops, we also just didn't report it for a while while we were busy "improving" it...)

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The second it was obvious the injection did not stop transmission …I cannot imagine anyone still believing a word they were being told from these people. And when they said that even if you already had Covid, you still needed to be injected. And in my community we had just had our surge then started “vaccinating”. 🙄

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I have a very smart friend who got jabbed to help things get back to normal. This is a smart guy who has a high income.

Yet when I told him that they promised the jabs would stop transmission, he stared at me blankly and said he didn't remember them ever saying that. It just stopped hospitalization. He didn't accuse me of lying ,but was confused, because he honestly didn't remember anyone saying that.

That's the power of brainwashing.

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From simple-minded me: 99.5% survival rate, it doesn't stop transmission, it does not prevent you from getting it, it doesn't stop you from dying (the "strong" argument) it didn't prevent changing the definition of said procedure (lol) but actively prevents us from accessing and implementing preventative measures. Global operation. Why would I think it a good idea to take it? The most worrying is the fact that we're three years into it with no great reason for optimism. Just thinking how the 1918 "Spanish Flu" was over in two years without the benefits of the advanced technology of today, and released on war savaged populations. Something here stinks to high heaven, doesn't not? Looking at the previous attempts in efforts to

implement various "pandemics" only confirms highly sophisticated "operations". The only positive aspect of today's situation might be our awaken awareness of the extend of decades of total corruption, moral and otherwise.

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Well, the easy answer is people were brainwashed.

"You'll kill grandma if you don't get it." People in their 40's + who are caring for elderly parents still believe that.

"We need to get vaxxed to get society back to normal." Be a good citizen. I know people who fell for that too.

"COVID is deadly." People ignore the stats and believe whatever the talking heads on CNN say.

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I think there are still a fair number of people who STILL don't know the vaxxes don't stop transmission. My brother is one.

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I told someone vaxxed that they don't stop transmission and he didn't even blink. He simply replied:

"It wasn't ever supposed to stop transmission. It was supposed to stop death and hospitalization."

When I pressed him, he said he believed me, but doesn't remember that being said. Ever.

So even if you get through to them, their brain just provides an escape route so they don't have to cope with the fact they might have injured themselves.

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There were too many red flags to count. People have been ruled by fear so their minds don't function properly. Fear makes people vulnerable.

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It’s a quaint notion that public agencies serve the public. The British Prime Minister said in Parliament last week that the vaccines are safe and effective. Pay grades at the ONS are not high enough to contradict him. Now if the leader of His Majesty’s Opposition was to do his job and challenge the PM’s position, then the public agencies might have to be more even-handed.

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Doesn't the British Prime Minister have large vested financial interests in Murderna, etc.?

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Unfortunately, all the verified data in the world is useless if they - Yes! THEY! - are, as Fred C(at) Dobbs believed, out to kill us and keep all the gold for themselves, if you know what I mean, Tigger.

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they are called agencies because there are principals. and the principals are we the people that delegate the task to member of Parliaments and governments. Now it would be appalling if no MPs would actually call out for the data dissemination to be resumed and made available to the public. Agencies employees are paid with taxpayers money...hello? this is a scandal in terms of transparency and accountability. No matter the performance of the vaccines, it is a basic violation of democratic principles. to get information we are entitled to we have to go through FOIA etc....a joke.

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I'll never harass someone on Twitter, that just isn't my personality, but Ms Caul gets what she deserves online when interacting with the public about her work role at a governmental entity that is actively hiding that their advocacy that has killed and is still helping to kill and maim children.

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The ONS have been better than most, and there is no evidence Ms Caul is personally withholding anything.

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