Aug 27, 2021Liked by el gato malo

When an organization attempts to persuade rather than inform during a period of rapidly evolving knowledge of a subject, that organization can become trapped into reinforcing nonsense when the data starts to diverge from the original thesis.

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This should be true for the 70 doses of ridiculous childhood shots kids are required to get by age 18…immunity needs to be removed. That schedule would likely drop precipitously

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Gosh, señor Gato, it's almost as though the motivations around the vaccine aren't about protecting people from a virus at all, but about following through on a longitudinal obedience experiment and doubling down on policy decisions to avoid ever having to admit the slightest fraction of fault or responsibility, ever!

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First great article and observations. There’s a lot to unpack here but I’ll hit a couple high points without getting into the weeds— I don’t want to write my own article to discuss, lest I want to start publishing on Substack lol.

That said, the construct around how vaccines exist in the marketplace is absurd. This model would not be tolerated in any other market, including the remaining wing of pharmaceutical products. The combination of lack of liability, govt ‘coercion’ and promotion, and little consumer choice creates a real issue for many.

Imagine a situation where a car manufacturer was able to to corner the market on a particular vehicle deemed so safe that govts required individuals to use this vehicle to drive on state funded roads. But, if the vehicle resulted in injury or death, the company was not responsible. In fact, people injured when in this vehicle are often told it wasn’t the vehicles fault, and safety data is not scientifically collected or published.“You have a choice” advocates say, “you can always not use state roads when you drive, or ride a horse instead.” I could go on in this example, but it looks and sounds absurd, because it is. This is the same construct as the vaccine market.

Again, as I’ve said before— we grant these manufacturers complete freedoms from liability and allow them to run their own safety studies, in spite of the fact that every single one of them has committed fraud and/or other atrocities in related to the pharmaceutical products in which they ARE liable for. (Except Moderna, who never put a product to market). The level of trust here boggles my mind.

Corporations, including big Pharma, do not care about you. Skepticism is a good thing. People need to insist on corporate responsibility and liability.

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At this point, I really do believe that people would buy a parachute that's actually an anvil and jump out of a plane anyway if they were told by Fauci, et al., that it was an effective treatment against Covid.

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If the SAT still had analogies, they could ask:

FAA is to Boeing as ...

Answer: FDA is to Pfizer

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Never before health care had been taken over by war rules.

Even at wartime the marching orders putting life and limb at risk, fighting for a flag or frontier, never crossed that sacred line where human life became universal, the ultimate one to fight for, either friend or foe, under the Hippocratic Oath.

For the first time in History humankind chose to cross that border, jumping into an abyss conflating life and health care with war.

Just as "friendly fire" and "collateral damage" are acceptable concepts under war rules, as high as that toll may be, so we are being forced to accept them, for a fight against a virus.

From cannon to vaccine fodder, from the Hippocratic to hypocritical oath.

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I would also like testing to be conducted by an independent organization. Pharma should not evaluate their own products.

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"there is simply no basis for trust between the public and public health officials."

True but they don't want trust. You need trust for lies, and truth for that matter to work. To have utility and that's not how they are playing the game.

I read a while ago that world leaders don’t lie to other countries because trust is too low to begin with. You can't manipulate them. Oddly, leaders of democracies are more likely to lie to their own people than autocrats are. i.e. Saddam was truthful he had no WMDs while Bush lied. Without trust, there's just raw power and things are more predictable if you just tell the truth about that rather than lie. What you want is fear. And that's clearly what they are after.

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This seems true of anything the government gets its self involved in. Since the government has an open pocketbook it really has no reason to be efficient and deliver the best product. I would use the school system as a number one example.

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Hear, hear. Great essay.

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All this force has convinced me even more not to get it. What about those test animals that didn’t survive wild virus after being jabbed with these types of vaccines? I’d rather take my chances with my God created/evolved immune system.

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I am a primary care doctor at a major academic center that has recently mandated the vaccine for all employees. In our meeting this week there was a discussion about how many pregnant nurses are asking their OB docs to write medical exemptions for them while they are pregnant and how the OB group now has a policy not to do this. The OB group sent us a letter to please not write these letters as patients are turning to their primary to try to avoid the vaccine.

So many of the docs in my group just laughing and ripping on these women and it turned into a real nasty ordeal of docs listing all the “stupid” reasons people have said to them to try to get out of the vaccine. Very hard for me to listen to as I have an autoimmune condition and have not gotten the vaccine myself but my colleagues dont know this yet.

I actually took some of the very first covid swabs in my state working in urgent care when this hit. I was the first outpatient provider working on our hospital side during the surge in cases and spent a month at the peak running a hospital ward. Not so long ago I was a "healthcare hero" and now I am some sort of social deviant wrongthinker.

I guess I will lose my job next month. I dont really have a plan b it seems.

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Great post as always. It's basic common sense that if the people who made a product aren't liable for the results of the product, they don't stand behind it and neither should I. But government has only one tool -- a giant fucking hammer -- so guess what every problem looks like?

If tomorrow government decided that food was 'too important' to be left to the market, we'd be starving by Thanksgiving.

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The Bayh-Dole Act and the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 must be overturned.

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"VAERS is reporting around 7k deaths from vaccines. this is almost certainly far lower than reality as reporting is certainly incomplete (though how incomplete is anyone’s guess)" yes, and yes. But the German pathologist reporting 30-40% of deaths caused by vax https://freewestmedia.com/2021/08/03/german-chief-pathologist-sounds-alarm-on-fatal-vaccine-injuries/ tempers this a bit. I've been trying to persuade Buzz Hollander (did you see his recent essay? https://www.realclearscience.com/articles/2021/08/23/lets_stop_pretending_about_the_covid-19_vaccines_791050.html) and Eric Osgood to look more deeply into material here and from Rounding the Earth and Rollergator but they are blind to it, so it seems.

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