Guess you could say angering the people who grow your food isn't going to... fly.

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Burning it to the ground could provide heat and light to dozens of families. Albeit short-lived...

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Better yet, turn it into a "mobile" home!

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or fill it from a liquid manure sprayer.

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Jammed full of turkeys, they would blend with the Pol's.

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Exactly our policy: "Biden Mandates More Ethanol in Gasoline, Expect Many Negative Repercussions"

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Brandon just does whatever his masters tell him to do. He has a hard enough time reading a teleprompter.

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He’s a puppet for Obama.

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Here in Israel it was just announced that Biden* will be curtailing his schedule of meetings during his visit which begins tomorrow "because of the heat". Do they really think we have never heard of AC?

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Brandon could be acting for sympathy.theater abounds.

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LMFAO!!!! Bravo!

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I'd say that angering the criminals who hold the guns might... backfire :P?

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I guess he’s not “leaving on a jet plane” ✈️

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Air Force None

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This is one of my favorites in a good piece.


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The news over the past couple days has made me so deliriously happy.

Yes, I know this picture isn't real. I've been watching plenty of video that is.

Something is happening, everywhere. A little bit at a time, then all at once.

Be ready, whoever and wherever you are.

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Little Fires Everywhere will eventually connect.

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Let the Recokoning Begin !!! for everyone and everywhere. This is a Great Spiritual Awakening,

it is palatable, you can Feel It , a surge of emotional Release, .....then exploding Spiritual Freedom!

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Freedom or Valhalla.

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Oh this is so great. Love those Dutch farmers and their tractors. My dear departed father, an airline pilot and 100% proudly Dutch, is spinning in his grave laughing with glee. You were right, Papa. "If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much!"

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Wait you’re of Dutch descent and have ties to Hawaii? And you have great comments all over substack? I’m continually intrigued.

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Thank you, Stephanie, that is most kind. Ah, you don't know the half of it, my father's family story alone would be the basis of a great novel. Grandpa was the Dutch translator at Ellis Island, set a trap for Grandma when he saw her picture (her brothers were his housemates) and persuaded her father to ship her over to New York. A few years later in 1920 they were off to the Islands with their five kids. Grandma became a Baha'i, attended seances (after their son fell from a building and died at 17) and sang in the opera. Grandpa built the highways, bridges and tunnels in the Territory, worked at the leper colony at Kalaupapa and ended up having a one year stay there when he was diagnosed with leprosy. He said it was the best vacation of his life and ended up forming the baseball team. They still remember him there. Now we are Hawaiian, Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino as well as kama'aina haoles.

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Amazing story! Thanks for sharing! Incidentally I love opera and some of my favorite people are part of the Baha’i faith. Kalaupapa is a very special place. My family are kamaaina haoles but I left when I fell in love with a Dutchman...

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What a happy confluence, Stephanie...we'll have to talk some more...

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Start writing! I would read!

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Thank you, Cheryl. I'm working on two, count 'em, two other books right now. But my father's story is in the queue.

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That's great! Hubby is an author-has had two books published. One in the works. It's a publishing jungle out there! One memoir and 2 young adult novels. Best of luck!!!

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Oh it is indeed a jungle. But young adult horror seems to be an artesian well of interest.

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Terrific story!! When you want to write it, I'll be your proofreader. ^_^

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Thank you!

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I freaking love these Dutch farmers.

This calls for a celebratory replay of International Badass Dutch MP Gideon van Meijeren grilling PM Rutte about his WEF strings included in my “Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis):


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My friends who were part of the Peaceful Trucker Protests are Dutch farmers, so are pretty much all the farmers (Dutch/German) around here. I can tell you they are watching very closely as they know Commie Trudeau will be following suit very soon (he will probably wait till winter to keep protesters away) and they are having none of it. None. As an aside there was also Nation wide Cyber Attack on Rogers causing the internet to shut down for an entire day. Shit is hitting the fan at an alarming rate, we gotta step up, be extra vigilant. BTW Loved you interview!! So nice to put a face and voice to the beautiful writing!

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Thank you, Sirka, and you always have the inside info on these dissident movements! 🙌

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Sorry - who is "Rogers"? Thanks.

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Rogers is a Canadian Communication network Co. Same as Verizon, Telus, Bell etc.

Those of us in Canada who use it were without phones or online communication for two days and more for some...It was a nationwide breakdown. Serious trouble for anyone wanting to call 911 !! As well, they are the servers for our ATM machines so people could not access their $$$. And Bank cards were non functional !! Rogers are saying it was them who screwed up by doing repairs blah blah...however, much speculation as to the truth about that. They have issued an apology and say they will issue a credit....we are decidedly not placated.

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I know someone who works telecommunications and all that jazz who isn’t even Awake he told me right away it was a Hack. I’m thinking Digital Social Credit Score…I’ve tossed my phone

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Thanks! But, we have no reason NOT to trust the gov't with digital money, right???

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Digital is DANGER. I do still use Wi-Fi but no SIM for any devices, not sure if this helps but I’m trying to get away from the bastards as much as possible. If people need to get a hold of me they can email me or better yet mail me. Remember those good old days when you would check your mailbox to hear from people you cared about and could walk away from those you didn’t??

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I agree. I'm sooooo thankful I was born before all this technology... I remember when there were three TV stations and just a desk phone, land line, that didn't go down when it was windy, and didn't have an answering machine... We kids spent a LOT of time outside, playing. Good old days.

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Yeah I’m going to take all my $ out now, not just a bit.

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Rogers is one of very few companies providing cell phone and internet services in Canada. When their platform was down, people couldn't use 911 for emergency calls, couldn't pay bills with Interac, etc. The economy suffered a (temporary) 25 per cent drop, according to the CBC.

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Buy and use decentralized, legit cryptocurrency (not scams). Ask vendors to accept it. Build local networks and promote silver coin for exchange. You have the keys to unbind your own shackles.

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Yes, this was a wakeup call. Also when the truckers had their bank accounts frozen -- I heard that a lot of people were taking their money out of the banks and the banks asked the gov't to back down about the Emergency Act, since they could have gotten in trouble with too many outflows. Don't know if this was true.

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We don't need no stinkin' Centralized Banks... they're ALL corrupt. But I have a lot more faith... not ULTIMATE faith, but more... in our own community banks-- Local, Local, Local!

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Except that crypto can be shut down by the bad guys. Better something real, actual, in real life, like cash, only we could use it as we decide, within our own communities...

I'm hearing this from a super-brilliant financial guru, Catherine Austin-Fitts... she has a site called The Solari Report. If not for the ability for Big Banks and Big Tech to control crypto, I'd probably agree with you.

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'cash' is part of the problem, since it is fiat money. If you use cash you are using central bank money.

If you want real money for in-person transactions, use silver rounds/coins.

For online transactions, crypto is a new category of money, not controlled by them. All they can do is push their own fraudulent version of it (CBDC's)

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I thought Rogers were the chocolatiers...

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Thanks Wendy and Susan!

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Sirka Sie -- Of course they are not admitting it was a Cyber Attack. Can you give more details? Who attacked?

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How the heck would she know? If some group hasn't stepped forward to claim responsibility, only the government might have an inkling.

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Probably WAS the govt.

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Well worth watching....the Dutch MP Gideon confronting PM Rutte was EPIC

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It really was. He has been vocal from the get go. A very smart young man!

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I heard the Dutch government contacted the Expert Nazi-in-Chief, Christina Alexandra Freeland for advice :P...

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Margaret -

Shame on me for not knowing you have a stack. I just signed up and reading a couple post.

Exemplary work product.

Thanks for what you're doing.

Bit crestfallen I missed your previous work.


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Aww, thanks so much, Ryan, and I’m delighted to welcome you! And don’t worry, the archives are always there when you have time to work your way through them :-)

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Margaret Anna Alice -- Sorry for my ignorance. Was HB 7021 a Florida bill? Otherwise DeSantis couldn't veto it, right? What happened? Did he indeed veto it? I love your collection of videos in your letter. Luckily I am healthy but my intention is to NEVER become a hospital patient.

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Great question, and no need to apologize! Yes, HB7021 was a Florida bill to extend liability protection for hospitals following the CDC’s murderous COVID protocols, and I was asking DeSantis to veto it. He didn’t wind up doing that because he was afraid the hospitals would be bankrupted and unable to provide necessary services, so he and his wonderful surgeon general, Joseph Ladapo, came up with a brilliant plan called “Buck the CDC” (https://rumble.com/vvs2f7-buck-the-cdc.html) that enabled them to provide state-approved protocols emphasizing early treatment and alternatives to the CDC. It doesn’t directly address the issue of hospicide as I was hoping, but it does help prevent people from winding up in the hospital by advocating early treatment.

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DeSantis for president. I'm all in.

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I want Trump in for one term-PAY BACK’S A BITCH! And DeSantis as VP, of course. We take the House and Senate (and something better be done)!

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It probably would give us 12 years. I'm torn.

No matter what we have to lean in hard. This is a war on two fronts; class and culture.

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I’m not torn at all. I don’t give a fuck anymore about people selling out the USA! I know the consequences of simple shit…like freedom. I don’t need any politician telling me what to do after he/she is getting bank money for selling out a Republic. And a Republic IS the people. KMA!

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Here here!

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Sadly... this is not a real photo. Not of the Dutch pm plane anyway

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just like nearly every hospital and political and ukraine image.

that's part of what makes it so perfect as an exemplar.

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Well, now you have broken what was left of my heart. 😢

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Too bad, it should be real. These WEFers should have everything taken away from them so they can own nothing and be happy.

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And eat bugs too, don't forget the bugs!

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Correct! Look at the "No Smoking" warning written on the back of the hanger in French rather than Dutch.

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See my post above about an even bigger clue as to the authenticity of the aircraft; The letter "N" on the tail.

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That's only determinative of the registration of the aircraft, though. I flew dozens of times in East Africa on a Cessna 206 with an N tail number.

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Highly unlikely that the Dutch PM would want to be seen on an aircraft of foreign registry... even (or maybe especially) if it were German or French.

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(The point being that, not knowing anything about Dutch law on the matter, it's at least theoretically possible that the plane is owned by a US entity and leased by whoever it is that's flying for the Dutch folks.)

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This plane in the photo is US registered. All US registered aircraft have numbers that begin with the letter N. If you have the entire number you can look up the owner and aircraft particulars at


Many corporate aircraft are owned by a shell corporation to hide the information about the company operating the aircraft. Often when you look up the N number of a commercial airliner you will find that the plane is owned by a leasing company.

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Yup. Plane has US registration (note the tail number starts with 'N') and the Deere tractor is quite unlike the sort of tractors you see on the Dutch farmer protests.... but a common model over on this side of the pond.

But as Gato says, that is not the point. The photo has great symbolic value.

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To paraphrase V (for Vendetta): "You can't steal from the [government]; [they] merely reclaimed [it]."

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Spicy meme goes viral: fact checkers descend like a plague of locusts to deboooonk.

All of MSM falls for fake story: Quiet retraction a week later while fact checkers dig through "far right" message boards looking for next meme to deboooonk.

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Better not repost it then, even ironically, they put me on notice earlier this month....

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For what?

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Omg I don’t even know. I had five strikes. All of which I deleted as requested, though all of them were factual. Simply not worth me fighting over. The only one I did NOT delete was the elephant meme about the unvaxxed not dying. I asked for proof that they were. No answer and no redress. Why delete if it counts as a strike anyway?? No humor these thought police 🖕🏼

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Fun haters! Keep fighting Sister!...;]

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Given the entirety of the environmental clues, this photo probably comes from francophone West Africa.

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this is what makes it so perfect.

it's the dutch "ghost of kiev."

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If it's not purely a Photoshop job

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Now that the escape plane is in custody, storm the official residence of the Prime Minister!

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I never thought I’d say we in the US could take a lesson from the Dutch, but there it is.

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Jul 10, 2022
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Which the Dutch are pretty good at! Basically anytime there’s an engineering problem involving water, they call the Dutch. I’m pretty sure they came with lessons for Louisiana after Katrina. And after laughing in their fists at how backwards the American engineering had been.

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They offered, but the Corps of Engineers declined the help. After wasting hundreds of millions appropriated to maintain and update the levees.

I bet the Dutch would have exposed the grift, and well, we can't have that. Let New Orleans flood; but don't embarrass us.

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oooh thanks for the update--like many things from that time in my life I forget the details. sounds about right! clowns.

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Stephenie are you from the Netherlands? I feel like I remember you saying that.

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Only a naturalized citizen. But like it here!

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My wife and I had a trip to Europe about 10 years ago. We flew into Amsterdam and were only going to stay two nights. We ended up stay 10 and literally rode our bikes around the country.

So beautiful...including the people...and tall.

Some of the healthiest people on earth...and tough nosed.

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Yes there was a big push after the winter of starvation to prevent such a tragedy from ever recurring. Which is why the Dutch are very tall (excellent nutrition apparently) and the worlds second largest food exporter. I honestly don’t know how the WEF thought this was going to fly. But at least you enjoyed a trip here while it was still iconic landscapes and green fields! No one can take away those memories...

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Is the red bandana in support of farmers happening? Are people wearing it?

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yes that's their chosen symbol. I do see people wearing it, but most just have it on their car--rearview mirror either inside or outside. I think people genuinely support the farmers, but they also don't want to be targeted.

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Apparently you can get satisfaction.

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As long as they don't leave a turd on one of the seats. That would be an insurrection.

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Can we acknowledge the elephant in the room? The Dutch really love John Deere.

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But don’t you think that pictures like this might encourage an actual tipping point toward some kind of actual reckoning with and correction of some perceived lack of poetic justice or rightful reckoning that might be “dangerous”?

Nah, I didn’t think so either.

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