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i cant imagine any parent jabbing their kids with this lethal injection.

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Oh, but I'm told there are people in our church who can't wait to get their kids jabbed. Probably the same parents still making their kids wear masks. One is a pharmacist and I'd place my bets on him being one of those anxious to get their sons jabbed. They are all in the myocarditis roulette age group. I wonder if he's even been exposed to the risk information.

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I had family members tell he how they can't wait for the vaxes to be approved "for peace of mind". As a biomedical scientist I just can't even imagine the naivete but then again all they ever hear is 100% propaganda.

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So encouraging anytime I read someone in the medical establishment who is awake. Most seem to be hypnotized in a mass formation.

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It is. There are wonderful docs out there like Ealy, Zelenko, McCullough, Brownstein and many more that are arming us with info on early inexpensive txs and immune priming for prevention. They are the heroes, the lovers of humanity. Any doc that shrinks away from this and hides in their office drinking Kool Aid and not pulling out of the stops for their patients is a charlatan in a white coat.

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Let's add Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Simone Gold, Dr Robert Malone and a few others - all heroes. ЁЯШ║

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then supply them with data from Dr. Peter McCullough, renowned cardiologist out of Baylor and Texas A&M. He is citing excellent studies that are showing concerns about the gene therapy for children. Keep talking to them. WE have to protect the children. Sorry you are up against this.

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breaks my heart to hear this. I pray our concerns never come to fruition but what if in a few years there are sterility issues, autoimmune issues and of course heart dz caused by the jab. heavy sigh.....

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We are the outliers in my husband's family of origin. They've all been jabbed and I'm sure think we are crazy. I've been begging my MiL not to get the booster and asking each time I talk with her if she's gotten ivermectin. What broke mine yesterday was reading a quote tweet on Dr Malone's feed about midwives reporting the deaths of healthy babies who died 48-72 hours after birth from pulmonary hemorrhage. The mothers got the jab during pregnancy. I would be inconsolable.

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Hurray for the outliers! Who needs the Bell curve! I hope your MIL will nix the booster. As far as the babies, this is gut wrenching and makes you sick. And the SOB that told them to get the vax needs to hang and I mean that. I will hang the noose myself. this is revolting and is nothing short of murder.

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I read an article of 2 doctors who say, they have to 'sacrifice' their offspring to their science. The fact they use the word sacrifice made me shiver. One should arrest these people for child abuse, instead of the parents who keep their children safe from the needle worshipers.

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but what they are doing instead is sacrificing ours.

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My sister got her teens vaxxed as soon as possible. She is a super virtue-signaller type. It hurts my heart to think what might await those children.

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Oh boy....I will pray that we are all wrong and that the gene therapy has no long term effects in our kids. It would make me very happy to eat my hat in this instance.

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Sadly, millions of them have already done so and it is still ongoing. If they approve 5-11 year olds (don't bet against it), that's millions more.

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and then kindergardeners......when will this madness end. our poor children and grandchildren......

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Unfortunately, I don't have to. I know parents who will vaccinate their kids.

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Ugh, I am rendered speechless.....almost...

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