ok, now I am our for blood. this is vile and repulsive. who the fuck does this kind of shit? A sick twist....... What kind of thing do you have to be to inflict such cruelty, sedated or not, on any other creatures. Yes, do this to him but with no sedation. And if I had the guts, I would do worse to him.
ok, now I am our for blood. this is vile and repulsive. who the fuck does this kind of shit? A sick twist....... What kind of thing do you have to be to inflict such cruelty, sedated or not, on any other creatures. Yes, do this to him but with no sedation. And if I had the guts, I would do worse to him.
ok, now I am our for blood. this is vile and repulsive. who the fuck does this kind of shit? A sick twist....... What kind of thing do you have to be to inflict such cruelty, sedated or not, on any other creatures. Yes, do this to him but with no sedation. And if I had the guts, I would do worse to him.