Instead they ban unvaccinated people from gyms lol

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I appreciate any attention paid to actual biological needs, so yay for Venezuela, for real. Unfortunately, though, the advice in that video is more than a little wrong. It is like they asked a medical professional who'd just woken from a 40-year coma (or one who neither cares about or reads scientific papers--a very common breed) for recommendations. TRY to get at least SIX hours of sleep a night? The photos of the "healthy balanced diet" contained no meat at all. If you HAVE to take iron, b-vitamins, and/or protein powders every day to avoid serious deficiencies, your diet is not biologically-appropriate. Two liters of water every day without increased salt consumption could cause issues for the entire body, including the kidneys. Low sat fat has done no one any good since they've been doing it (the exact length of time that obesity has been on an exponential upward curve). The citrus thing--is that about vitamin C? Cuz first your body's master antioxidant is glutathione (don't need to consume any vitamin C at all, period if you eat enough meat to enable your body to produce abundant glutathione). Citrus isn't the best dietary source of vitamin C anyway, and if you are drinking juice like they show in the video, the glycemic load will only hurt your metabolic and immune health. And vitamin D...it'd be difficult to get enough vitamin D from the sun while wearing all the clothing the people in the video are wearing, even if you live in Venezuela. Healthy lifestyle advice that isn't actually healthy or beneficial just frustrates the hell out of the people who take that advice, and it hardens their impression that lifestyle modifications don't work, and makes them the the best answer is to just be sick and manage sickness with technologies like pharmaceuticals, devices, surgeries, etc. I realize I'm being a nerd, but I figure this is a nerd zone and ya'll might get me here.

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I heard that the Department of Health in Hawaii recommended AGAINST trying to exercise and eat healthy in favor of asking people to make vaxxing their new year's resolution.

True story.


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But but there is no randomised control trial supporting this. You might be killing people with those advices. You are promoting vaccine hesitancy. Your account is suspended!

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Except this has never been about health, this is a cat's paw for a far more sinister agenda. Given the previously-known lethality and predictable ineffectiveness of the "vaccines" - according to Pfizer's *own* documents finally released under a FOIA request - and the censorship and suppression of known cheap and effective cures, it's obvious that "public health" has nothing to do with this, rather the reverse.

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its a pity they still demonise saturated fat

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Shouldn't the commercial feature those within the target group instead of the perfectly toned, youthful bodies?

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I will go back to what I have been saying since June 2020: Once the words '$2.3 trillion to start' were uttered, there was no hope for rationality and sense going forward. It was off to the races for the governors to see who could terrify their citizens the most so they could demand 'safe voting' and $$ for vote buying among low information constituents. Trump didn't help when he backed down about lock downs and masks and he still isn't. So once the juggernaut got rolling, rational, helpful messages could not help but be drowned out even if they were uttered.

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Does Pfizer still make $33B in your alternate world? If not, then we know, for certain, why that option did not play out.

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It makes you wonder if the motive was a quest for power and control, rather than preventing disease…

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The only thing missing in the PSA was, "And read Bad Cattitude Daily." :)

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yup! I never changed my workout routine...drove almost two hrs in the desert to a lake once or twice a week to get my swimming in. Cycling and running were out-the-door same, laughing at those with masks on (way back then!) and set up a home gym for a few months until enough people complained about where there association fees were going if we couldn't use the pool, gym (but hey, lets t-off at 8 because GOLF is the money maker and never shut down!)- letters were written, meetings were attended (zoom mind you!) and miraculously when people started asking for refunds/cut in what we were giving the company, they caved. This was way over a year ago. We are a 55+ community. We are not dying on the elliptical in the gym or while playing bad golf. We are surrounded by others in this area who are old also. Have heard of onsies and twosies actually GETTING sick. Zero actually dying, unless they were in a LTC facility, and we certainly have many of those in the area also. Just imagine!

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You're assuming what they did was out of negligence.

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It really is happening, isn't it?!? The narrative is changing. I'm gonna go ahead and take credit. Well....me and a certain internet feline! :) Oh, and you guys too, I guess!

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Why can't anyone, even this well-intentioned commercial, just come out and SAY: "Take vitamin D! Take zinc! Take vitamin C!" Just maddening.

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Except for the saturated fat thing….

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Ok ok, I’ll go do the g*%dammed burpees

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To me, the key concept - mentioned by the cat - is "health advice". I guess they could advice and recommend whatever they wish: vitamin D, exercise, zinc... Did they want to RECOMMEND distancing, masks or even shots when they became available? Even if I don't agree with them, if they only recommend them, I have no problem. Each one of us decides which recommendations we follow. The problem started when they began mandating, restricting, and deciding what people can and cannot do. That was the blatant overreach, and it is against every previous public health practice.

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Hilarious, it took this cluster to find ourselves back to previously accepted findings and knowledge of healthy living🏋️🏋️

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I had to ignore the 'don't drink alcohol part'. I consider wine my fruit drink.

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Keto is the only way I lose weight! Bring on the eggs and bacon!

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Thank Event 21 for this ShitShow run by ClownWorld. Too bad so many were swept up in the tidal wave of corruption, misinformation, and downright fraud.

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I performed precisely this thought exercise in my “A Very Boring Story About What Could Have Been in Under 200 Words” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/early-blooming-parentheses-a-very)!

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If you go down the road of the „what if’s“ you may end up barking mad…

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Everybody knows when you're in lockup, you're supposed to be working out!

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The difference is due to those who wish to contain a pandemic and others who want to exploit a plandrmic as in the WEF who view covid as a "rare opportunity for change" Klaus Schwab

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Hey! Although I would also advise against "fattening up like pate geese", there is something to be said for our migration patterns as covid mitigation strategy.

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Next you'll tell me that people can actually lower their blood pressure without meds! This is dangerous. Only pharmaceuticals can make us healthy😼

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Faith in “the experts” is very often misplaced. These experts often don’t know as much as they believe, or pretend, and they generally have poor incentives. Their incentive is really to arrogate more power to themselves and to stifle and discredit any challenges to their authority.

But intelligent outsiders challenged them anyway. And the experts were generally wrong, while the outsiders were often right—about the origins of the virus, about masks, school closures, lockdowns, the heterogeneous ifr for Covid across demographic groups, leaky vaccines, and sundry other things.

2021 was the year of the outsiders, who challenged the arrogant, complacent and duplicitous experts and won the debate.

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Hong Kong pandemic 1967-1969 was very similar with up to 2 million deaths globally (also mostly elderly people) but the reaction was very different. Very few cared and doctors talked about the "Hong Kong extra" (during their smoke breaks :) when few more died than usual. Even Woodstock happened and the Moon landing.

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No friggin' way am I believing some foreign language crazy cat conspiracy.

I'm sticking to the tried and true USDA food pyramid back in the day.


Now please excuse me, it's time for my eighth serving of grains, cereal, rice and pasta today.

Only three more servings to go!

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I hear ya, but that looks like alot of work. There has to be an easier way,... isn't there a pill or something I can take?

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I mean, if they'd done that from the start who would they put in the detainment camps? Plus imagine the $$ smart investors wouldn't have made from their $MRNA bets.

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This IS the reason Mrs B and I did not get the shot. We are life long weightlifters who eat organic, lots of fruit, veg, grass fed beef etc. Don’t look or act our age either (wife is 15yrs my senior).

Simply put healthy people don’t make $ for these elites>

Big Food

Big Ag

Big Pharma

Once these cabals get their teeth into you it’s about as toxic as a cat bite and just as deadly if left untreated.

Don’t get me wrong, we gots bad habits. Like booze. But get 85% of diet, exercise, stress and sleep right and the “bad” 15% doesn’t matter.

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Ill take... "What is something well never see in the US for $100"

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I imagine a world where the government doesn't want to kill me....

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Is Salvador the only sane place? Great public service ad. Pity the CDC couldn't do that. Instead vaccines are the only way out, until, well, they aren't. Opps.

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At the beginning of Covid, my fond hope was that it would be incentive for people to undertake healthier lifestyles. The trouble is there's a lot of disagreement about what a healthier lifestyle (read: diet) is. Sadly, for the last 40 years our government has been telling us exactly the wrong things to eat.

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But that bacon looked delicious!

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The question is whether there are space aliens. The question whether or not they want to do anything with our Clown World! Last year was The Great Embarrassment Year of Humanity.

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Wonderful.. NOW I have something I can share with my Spanish-speaking relatives. Mil gracias, Gato!!

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the self inflicted injury was to oust trump, when it worked they decided to go after you!

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This has been my wheelhouse for the past 20+ years but it was in 2008/2009 when it really hit me what was going on working with high level athletes who had run out of options.....ironically, I lived several years in Central America in a former life too and love that a country like El Salvador, a country roughly the size of Sonoma County , California, has bootstrapped so many low cost and effective strategies for working through this

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Wait a second. Let me offer up an opposing viewpoint. Raising up your sleeve is also a form of exercise and let's not forget the neurologically stimulating boost of an injection. And, even better, it is regular, like every 6 months, so that's gotta count for somethin', right?

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Whoa, kitty! Is that a real ad campaign? Too bad few Americans (in the US) will ever see such common sense widely disseminated. Not when there are so many stakeholders in the billions of $$$ being wildly thrown around at the coronavirus.

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Jan 4, 2022·edited Jan 4, 2022

so wait. in the americas i don’t trust “leaders” (i barely trust anybody for that matter). can somebody quickly sum up how el salvador handled the fraudemia until now? i see masks there as well. did they lift entry restrictions?

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I can see regime change coming on, if the government of El Salvador does not stop putting out this dangerous heresy. Every one knows the answer is jabs, jabs and more jabs!!!

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You mean: "Imagine a Western world...."

Other countries outside of the West where interested in the health of the people. E.g. India, where they distributed packages with medications to prevent Covid, which included Vitamin D, Zinc and Ivermection.

Only in the West do we know that these are just snake oils; prevention is not possible; curing Covid is probably also impossible; and the only possible solution are three-monthly courses of experimental genetic therapies and the destruction of all our industries apart from companies with at least a trillion $ of market cap.

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The video did slip a bit on saturated fat

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