It's hilarious that examples like this and Dr. Seuss likely would have been "inclusion" when they were first aired/published.

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While all human knowledge builds on historical knowledge, the modern world...for good or ill...is the brain trust of so-called "white men". Almost every product we use was invented by a European man or an American man who descended from Europeans. A few years back, I searched for the inventors of all the modern conveniences I could think of. All were invented by "white men" with one exception. An American woman, Josephine Cochran, is credited with creating the first dish washing machine. While there were a couple of attempts at the idea before (by American men), Cochran is credited with the first workable machine.

Do I think this fact has anything to do with the amount melanin in their skin? No. It's the direct result of a culture that values education, innovation, freedom, ingenuity, and thinking beyond the paradigm of the day. That used to be us.

Should non-Europeans play classical instruments or classical music? Should we require a genetic test to determine whether a five-year-old has the right to play the piano? How European must he or she be? Should we insist that the child be of Italian ancestry since the guy who invented the piano was Italian? At least 51%? What about dance? Art? Should we let people speak foreign languages? Isn't that appropriation?

In a very real sense, anyone of non-European descent who uses any modern device is guilty of cultural appropriation. Turn on a light? Drive a car? Fly in an airplane? Use a laptop? Watch the television? Go to the movies? All of it is cultural appropriation of the so-called "white man".

Also, woman is not a costume to be put on or taken off. Neither is man. No one is born in the wrong body. No one can change his sex, regardless of what he does to his body.

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"System racism" is a Stalinist/Maoist tool to dehumanize the enemy, as well as convince the fools the system is evil. Worked in 147 on Chang, in 1969 on Saigon and in 1917 on the Tsar. There is insidious revolt.

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App has long been a positive and usually funny portrayal of the stereotype. Whatever net effect he had on people's perception of that stereotype it was a benefit

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Well said.

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It's BS like this that has destroyed my chosen profession, acting. If you are offended by an actor portraying anything different than who they are, that is a YOU problem. It all started with the great actor Jonathan Pryce and the American production of "Miss Saigon.' And with no longer being able to laugh at ourselves or accept and be comfortable with who and what you are. In our nihilistic, destructive world, being able to be creative and metamorphosize into a character, a true talent of great actors, has forever been destroyed. And I find it disgusting.

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