incipient canadian fascism as harbinger for the totalitarian world tour
like so many others, trudeau is way over the line into dangerous demagoguery. it must not be tolerated.
recently i spoke about the viciousness of tribalism.
this is what that looks like in action. watch this video.
it’s chilling.

those who do not want the vaccine are “extremists.”
“they don’t believe in science. they are often misogynists also often racists…it’s a small group that muscles in and we have to make a choice in terms of the country, in terms of the leaders, do we tolerate these people?”
anyone who can watch that and not see this is just plain old not very smart.
sorry, but it’s true.
yeah, yeah, godwin’s law and all that, but when the literal facts on the ground are that “hey, the 1930’s called, they want their speeches back!” what is one to do?
at a certain point, godwin becomes the fig leaf behind which aspiring totalitarians hide.
there is a reason so many of this group favor replacing the teaching of history as occurred with the febrile and fantastical fantasies they have frequently invented from whole cloth. there are parts of the past they need to erase from memory precisely so that they may be repeated.
there is a reason they bridle and bay whenever parallels to the 30’s and to hitler and to mussolini are invoked.
as is so often the case, that which they will not allow you to say speaks loudly.
theirs are the objective and identical strategy and tactics used by the fascists (then, as now, all and always leftists) to other, vilify, and attack their political enemies and to whip up their brownshirt cadres into ecstatic engines of oppression.
do you know why they do this?
they do it because it works.
but it does not work in the manner that many suppose.
it is not so much indoctrination as revelation.
the very worst part of the video is this:
look at her fawning, rapturous face as he suggests that we do not tolerate these unclean people.
she is outright salivating to do this.
she quivers in anticipation.
she cannot wait to indulge her delicious fantasies of being beastly to people while feeling righteous about it because she’s been granted an indulgence as a holy warrior.
that is a face of religious ecstasy.
this is her dream.
this is her happy place.
and there are many more like her.
demagogues do not make people evil, they reveal the evil that was there all along.
they give those in which it is resident license to not only express but to revel in their basest desires.
they are catalysts by which the worst aspects of humanity are elevated to false civic virtue.
this is why they cannot be tolerated.
this is the ball that once you start it rolling downhill cannot be controlled or stopped. it will gather momentum, it will grow, and it will crush the society at the bottom.
these are time honored tactics that run on rails once put into place. none of this is being invented for covid. it’s simply being dusted off and put back into play.
it is not a coincidence that all the same wokester karens who cut their teeth shrilling for aggrievement based status and the demonization and cancellation of any and all who fail to pay them obeisance have lined up their baroque pronoun brigades behind the bio-tyrants and covidian demagogues.
they love this stuff.
they live for this stuff.
it is their meaning, their identity, the integument around their fragile, hurtling neuroses, and the wind beneath their greasy, flapping monkey wings.
it is the pretext for their performative “anti-whatevering” that enables and justifies their moral inversion, granting permission to act as the savage, domineering bullies they always wished to be while claiming they are doing so because you’re the bad guy.
vilification is a helluva drug.
they literally do not care what the ideological payload is. never did.
they do not care how they other you, vilify you, and stigmatize you. they are classification and symbolism agnostic.
they just want to get to the part where they get to discriminate against you, wield power over you, dehumanize you, and best of all, to gloat about it.
they just need to be told that their lack of virtue makes them righteous.
in another age, they’d happily be burning you as a heretic or stoning you to death for eating the wrong foods on the wrong holiday.
in this age, they are performative anti-racists, anti-fascists, and anti-science deniers.
they do this because pretending to be these things is the easiest way to hide the fact that they are, in fact, racists, fascists, and science deniers.
they are literal lysenkoists pushing hallucinatory doctrine to deny biology, gender, genetics, and top down totalitarian control masquerading as pluralism, tolerance, and diversity.
they are serial arsonists demanding to be lauded as firemen.
did you think they’d suddenly drop this because of a virus?
hell no.
all ends serve the one end.
they are looking for a world tour.
this is why i think this issue cannot be separated from covid.
this is why i think this issue cannot be separated from climate activism.
this is why all these identities and ideologies have such near perfect alignment in their adherents.
it’s because it’s all the same thing.
it’s the petty and vindictive desire of the meaningless to obtain meaning as they careen from doctrine to dogma in search of something to fill the vapid space around their unearned participation trophies and quell their endlessly hungry neuroses.
it’s ethical alchemy to turn fear and dead-eyed moral vacuousness into the shiny fool’s gold of self-indulgent collectivist oppression.
such people seek the trappings of virtue without possessing the virtues themselves. they twist language and logic until viciousness can be mistaken for justice.
and they are aimed right at you.
perhaps you could laugh this off as collegiate puppies yapping about nonsense they would soon outgrow.
still laughing now that you see the manner of rabies raddled dog into which they are maturing?
there is no moral equivalence here. these people seek to rule us. we merely seek the right to say “no” and to rule ourselves. we seek the negative right to be left alone. they seek the positive prerogative to interfere in and order our lives. and they are sure they are the good guys.
for decades, we have seen the great massing of these lemmings of lysenko to try to stampede the lions off the cliff.
and it cannot be tolerated.
the forces this army of addled aggrievement seeks to unleash do not go back into the bottle once we cross certain rubicons. then it really is war. and folks like trudeau are already standing with their feet in the river.
and it must not be tolerated.
if we fail to stop it now, it gets really, really ugly. like, cautionary tale chapters in history books ugly.
no one is coming to save you.
if you would live as free people, you must save yourselves and dig this poison out, root and stem.
what other choice do you have?
blackpill cynicism is the iron from which these fascists will fashion your shackles.
do you really want to go that route? is that the story you want to tell yourself for the rest of your life? that it was too big? that we could do nothing? that it was too late, too far, too frightening, or too risky? that you sold your freedom cheaply in hopes you could comply your way to liberty?
because i’ll bet you don’t. that’s the worst life on earth.
anything is better.
embrace ungovernability as the alkahest of oppression.
people ask me where i get the energy to do this.
the answer is simple:
i imagine not doing it.
i imagine going along to get along and cowering in the shadows.
i imagine letting this take its course and losing and having to live in that world.
i imagine trying to explain to the children why i stood by and did nothing while this was done to them, while the world was taken from them.
and it is more than i can bear.
and so i chose pride over prostration,
because even if no one else would know,
i would know.
that is all.
and that is enough.
a message to all the would-be despots who seem confused about the origins of this upwelling of opposition:
these forces are nemesis rising against your hubris.
this is of your making and you could have stopped it any time.
you can stop it now.
and you should.
your time is done.
we will not let you do this.
the whole of the middle is about to flip and rise against you. they are not with you, and never were. they are simply scared of you. but they will not remain so for much longer.
their eyes are opening about you and what you intend for them and to where the road of appeasing you further leads.
being backed into a corner has a way of making even the smallest animal turn brave.
standing against you and what you have taught and what you have done will soon be the order of the day.
history is not kind to demagogues knocked down from their lofty roosts.
are you really sure this is the fight you wanna pick?
because it’s not going to end that way you’re imagining it will.
you will not be the hero in this tale.
It's not going to be a very long conflict if they keep injecting themselves with poison every 3-6 months
I keep hoping eyes are opening but I don't have faith in humanity. They have caved at every step, "but my job", "but i want to travel", "but it protects grandma". With each move the government takes, people move their line in the sand. The power of the technocracy is big. Until we can get people to look up from their devices and see what's really going on, the people in the middle are lost. Excellent article. I won't give up. I'll fight the whole way. But sadly I don't trust in humanity. I do believe in the power of prayer. I think I'll do more of that too.