It's not going to be a very long conflict if they keep injecting themselves with poison every 3-6 months

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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is burned at the stake. If the mass vaccination turns out to be a disaster, they’ll take it out on us.

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Well Billy, from all appearances at this point the mass vaccinations are turning out to be a disaster. One that is only beginning to take shape.

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The full consequences won't be apparent for many years so we must hope that the folly is revealed as soon as possible to limit the damage which has already been instigated in the millions who've trusted those that have betrayed humanity for their 30 pieces of silver.

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I have ZERO interest in convincing CovIDIOTS to stop injecting. In fact I hope they reduce the time between shots from 3 months to 1 month - then weekly.

Because only when enough of them are dead and damaged ... is there any chance this will stop.

The sooner we hit the tipping point on these deaths and injuries the better -- so I celebrate every single bad outcome.

No they won't realize that they have been duped... they are too stupid for that ... but the one thing they understand is FEAR.

We need them to fear the injections more than they fear Covid

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I think about that a lot. Then I remember those that have taken the shots after being put in extremely difficult situations, like loss of livelihood etc, and I have to back off on those wishes. I feel where you are coming from, though.

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I have two close friends who have heat damage from Pfizer.

One took the injection early on because he was promised he would be allowed to travel quarantine free (he works in Hong Kong so was feeling severe island fever). At this time there was no information available on injuries or deaths. I urged him to hold off and wait until the government actually lifted the 3 week quarantine but he went ahead anyway... and now has myocarditis.

I give him an exemption because he did not know the risks.

Another friend took the injection on the last possible day otherwise he would have been fired. He now has something very seriously wrong with his heart etc... he has been diagnosed with pericarditis but he cannot walk across the room without feeling exhausted... he has regular stabbing chest pain and body aches... He is a semi pro athlete in his early 30's.

I give him an exemption because he was coerced.

Sadly neither of them are able to get exemptions from additional shots -- apparently unless you are near death after one of the shots you don't get approved.

Unless someone is forced into getting injected.... if something goes wrong they I have zero empathy.

There is ZERO reason (other than being a moreone) to not know that 1. the vaccines do not stop transmission 2. there impact on severe illness and death is in doubt https://jestre.substack.com/p/mild-stealth-version-of-omicron-leads 3. they will need an endless series of boosters and 4. deaths and injuries are off the charts

If they do not know any of this it is because they choose to reject it as 'fake news'

Therefore I reiterate - the more deaths and injuries from the injections the better --- the sooner everyone knows a few people with damage... the sooner they say No More...

And that means governments will not be able to enforce mandates + they will not be able to put people like me in jail because I choose to say no.

We require mass civil disobedience... and the only way we get that is on the backs of the dead and damaged... cuz that is the ONLY way they are going to push back against this tyranny.

Marching around the block with placards is futile


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>Marching around the block with placards is futile

Actually, as Melbourne, Australia is proving, it can be a pretty good way to kick off the resistance...

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Not seeing any resistance. And if they do more than march - they will be attacked with dogs.... https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1477953412675346432

If they get properly violent then will be shot dead.

Keep in mind the anti vaxxers are a small minority - and within that minority so far none have demonstrated a willingness to go to prison or die for the cause.

They understand they are up against the police the military and their neighbours

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You haven't been watching the demos, chum; large numbers of Victorian demonstrators are themselves vaccinated, but vociferously oppose mandates.

...and if you think attacking protestors with dogs or live ammo is a good way to stop resistance, well -- I suspect you are too young to remember the 20th century.

Hint: Try Googling C-e-a-u-ș-e-s-c-u

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True. But I do feel bad for the people who just haven't developed their higher faculties thus far. In my twenties I would have lined up with the rest of the sheep and then spent hours buying "cute" useless masks to match all of my outfits online. I could've easily been mega-jabbed if the timing had been different. I get not being fully conscious and how dangerous that is, for everyone.

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Yes! And these eugenicists will end up eliminating the weak minded fearful spoiled brats that were their only support base.

Then we have a fighting chance to depose these criminals.

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But what about all the kids whose parents got them jabbed? Often not their informed choice, I would guess.

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There is a Darwinian perspective to be taken here...

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Given they have the same genes as the parents odds are they would have grown up to be CovIDIOTS too... so it's good to cull them early before they breed and pollute the global gene pool even further

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Your Darwinism favours the 'inside crowd' who are not necessarily very smart but have the connections necessary to give them the info not to inject. And it doesn't factor in the huge efforts on the propaganda side which is malicious. It would be better to have a future world where people have survived by supporting each other. Otherwise you're going to have neo-liberalism on steroids on the other side of this. And therefore the same problem again, probably quicker this time than 80 years or so.

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You're right and I am grateful but it is still a sad comment.

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Precisely my sentiments! 😂

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Thank God.

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Or rather if they keep injecting the strong arms. I am not at all sure the evil Svengalis are injecting. They are taking ivermectin.

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Truly, I doubt that they ARE injecting themselves with it. It’s just for the sheep, not the wolves.

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I keep hoping eyes are opening but I don't have faith in humanity. They have caved at every step, "but my job", "but i want to travel", "but it protects grandma". With each move the government takes, people move their line in the sand. The power of the technocracy is big. Until we can get people to look up from their devices and see what's really going on, the people in the middle are lost. Excellent article. I won't give up. I'll fight the whole way. But sadly I don't trust in humanity. I do believe in the power of prayer. I think I'll do more of that too.

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Yes. The people who gave in are sadly short-sighted. They may have preserved their jobs or their studies for now, at the expense of liberty for themselves and their children perhaps forever. Utterly foolish. In addition every person who gives in makes it harder for those remaining who can't or won't. The more of us that hold the line the harder this is for the tyrants.

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Love your handle, Susanna. I have images of Mama Cass.

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In Ontario 124,000 shots were given over new yrs Eve and day. Like who are these people? These were 1st and 2nd jabs. If you have not got the shot now why start?

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Don't trust their data. They are lying like rugs.

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Do you believe any statistics that are coming out of the People's Republic of Canada? They seem akin to soviet tractor production numbers.

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Given what I see around me, I’m not surprised we are one of the most vaxxed nations on the planet.

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How did Canada get like this? I traveled there long ago and they then seemed a rugged, self-sufficient lot. Of course, this was in northern Alberta.

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Because we are surrounded by dumb dumbs. It's the ONLY explanation.

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Well, we have most of the guns so there's that. As an aside -- Trudeau really DOES look like Fidel Castro; I wonder if the rumors are true?

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Pretty sure. If you look at side by side photos there's little doubt. I can't unsee it now.

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Brilliant and touching post! Going back to the 3rd Reich comparison... it's amazing that "pre-'covid'" these same people didn't hesitate for one second to compare anything they didn't agree with to "Hitler" or the "3rd Reich". Now, all of a sudden it's verboten to use the same example they have used for decades.

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The left is nothing if not steadfast in their hypocrisy.

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Hey, if the Left didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all...

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Canadians love it. That’s the problem. Australians too. I know, I lived decades in each place.

Eventually this emptiness of spirit will be recognized for what it is: the God-shaped hole in the lives of so many individuals.

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Americans too. The buck stops with the people. Look at your neighbor. Very good chance he has a little Stalin in him.

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That probably varies by location. Very much so in urban areas of CA and NY. Much less so in places where there’s a little more space between people.

High density is fertile ground for contagious viruses, both physical and mental.

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I'm not so sure about this. Space between people can also breed isolationism. I grew up in the South Bronx of the 1940s and 1950s, and the crowded neighborhoods then meant that everyone looked out for everyone else. If there were outliers, they were considered eccentrics and a kind of embellishment on the neighborhood mix.

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If by “isolationism” you mean “independent thinking” and “self-sufficiency” then I fail to see how that’s a bad thing.

It’s true that no man is an island, but it’s also true that social ills grow exponentially with population density.

I live in a rural area where people don’t lock their doors. When I lived in NYC and its metastasis that would have been a mistake at best. I still help my neighbor round up his pigs when they get out. My other neighbor is quick to bring his tractor over when I need that kind of help.

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No , what I meant by "isolationism" was disregard for other people. My point was that it's not a matter of urban vs. rural. In my semi-slum childhood neighborhood in the 1940s no one ever locked a door either, and, as I said, everyone looked out for each other. No pigs to round up, but neighbors to help in other ways if necessary. Children were safe and could play unsupervised but someone was always around to watch and step in to discipline or rescue as necessary. The crowdedness in fact was a kind of security -- always someone there to help in a crisis. And help they did. The difference seems to be in a worldview that's changed.

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My neighbours are mostly escapee's from Stalinist style places. They just don't realize yet what's happening. 1 has begun to see the light (out of 5).

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Thats pathetic. Maybe they werent escapees as much as opportunistic Commie members

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My neighbours, not so much but I know of those too.

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Most of my neighbors are pretty freedom-minded. Of course, most are in their 50s to 70s, too. My daughter's and granddaughter's friends are also freedom-minded. I fear for my granddaughter's buddies, especially the boys who are mostly top college athletes, because all were required to get the jabs. My daughter and granddaughter both got religious exemptions.

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Trudeau would have been history if it wasn't for Erin O'Toole. Their character (extreme narcissist) and ideology (communist) are Identical.

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Both the Libs & Conservatives are corrupt globalists. Max of the PPC never wavered against vax passports and is Canada's pushback against tyranny,

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That the PPC was the ONLY party worth voting for in the election last September was patently obvious. That only 5% of Canadians voted for the PPC tells what a mess this country is and a world of hurt we're in for in the very near future.

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Trudeau IS history. That media tripe is just that. He’s as popular as Brandon. I sing: Tru-doe Fuck Yoe

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By now, you're probably familiar with Mattias Desmet's mass formation psychosis. The problem is that our modern culture is deeply sick, with staggering levels of disconnectedness and anxiety. So, a lot of people are willing to project their free-floating anxiety onto a convenient object, and to sign up for any ideology that'll give them a sense of connectedness and meaning. That's how Covidianism happened. It's pathetically thin gruel, but hey, a starving man will settle for tree bark.

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They hunger for the meat and potatoes of a message of salvation. Pop culture serves them cotton candy and coke, and that’s all they know.

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both poisons of their own

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Too many people having too much time on hand to think nasty thoughts. If they all had to milk the cows by hand, plow the fields with oxen, dig up their root veggies and bake their own bread, make their own clothes from scratch, there would be no time for this nonsense !

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I don't know. A lot of people in our society are extremely busy. Some time ago, I read a book about depression ("Lost Connections") by Johann Hari. One thing he mentions is that depression rates are much higher in rural Zimbabwe than in rural Spain, and this can be attributed to much higher levels of social support in the latter compared to the former. For instance, in rural Zimbabwe, if a woman can't conceive, then she can simply be thrown out of the house. Hence, high levels of depression. Nothing to do with cows or root vegetables.

So, I don't think our current predicament is due to too much free time. It's got more to do with a lack of rootedness and connection.

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yes rootedness comes with having roots - to be established somewhere. To have a nice and cosy place to be. That village in Spain is probably one. Now it seems everyone is running around from store to store, no one eats at home around the table as a family anymore, they all go to restaurants where they eat fast food. Well that is how it looks like here in US. I just got to know a family where they still cook. Most don't. No one grows vegetables but that one family. That is indeed, roots. People now are more occupied with Facebook and phones... which bring no solace.

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Right. So part of the problem is that people are too busy, not too idle. I'll never forget how, when the lockdowns first started, I had a Skype chat with a couple of professional women of my acquaintance. Oh, my! I'd never seen them so happy in my life (and I'd known them for years). But it makes sense. Suddenly, they got a chance to spend more time with their respective families in their nice homes, with no commuting. They got sick of it after a while, but they were so damn happy initially.

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on second thought, one must admire the person who interviewed both farmers in rural Spain and in rural Zimbabwe about depression. What a linguistic masterpiece.

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He didn't interview them himself, obviously. I don't have the book on hand to check, but I believe he was citing studies (or maybe quoting some expert, I don't remember). It makes sense, though. The more integrated you are into your community, the less likely you are to suffer mental illness. The more disposable you are, the more likely mental illness becomes.

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Very true. That is why every person should learn to be indisposable, if only to oneself. A feeling of self worth, being able to live, even without other people around. For most this is impossible. We all need others. But I read a quote (I think it was from CG Jung) that one is truly healthy when you can be alone with yourself.

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Yes, but busy doing what?

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Jan 2, 2022
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Right: sedentarism kills. A certain amount of physical exertion is certainly beneficial for physical and mental health, but it's a matter of degree and kind. 10-hour toilet cleaning shifts, day in day, day out, and all that for miserable pay, is far more likely to trigger than prevent depression. Bonus depression-inducing points if you do it alone rather than in a team. (It doesn't have to be toilet cleaning, either. Try picking fruits on a plantation day in, day out, for miserable pay and with little human contact.)

My main point, though, is that it's not idleness as such that got us where we are. As I said, many people are very busy. It's the meaninglessness of the work in question (cf. bullshit jobs), combined with social atomization.

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I think people got too big for their boots. They thought they could do MORE than just milk the cows and plough the fields. But frankly, I think that's as far as we should've got as a species. Anything more than basic farmwork and it all seems to go pear-shaped.

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Wow, that is nicely put ! I think you are totally right.

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Ploughing the fields resulted in grain stores (which turned into Temples).

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I briefly went on Twitter the other day, and someone I respect otherwise was asking why we can't have a middle ground between "COVID hysteria" and "conspiracy theories." My answer is that there is no middle ground. The COVID hysteria on the part of the media, the government, and the "experts" was so great that the only answer is to be found in looking for a deliberate malignant desire to subjugate the people (versus just your regular old incompetence and greed). The first bred, in a very predictable manner, the second, however true or fantastical it may be.

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Finding "middle ground" is why we're in this pickle; there's no more ground left to cede.

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I think we all know how the left feels about 'middle ground'. They have pushed and pushed and pushed and never backed one step down. You are correct, there is no middle ground.

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The middle ground was the 15-day to flatten the curve... Worst middle ground in my life 🥺

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That was the inch that cost us the mile. I know it woke me up. I thought it was silly. I didn't suspect how evil it was.

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Exactly my reaction

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Q: What's the worst thing about "two weeks to flatten the curve"?

A: The first 18 months.

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Middle ground is bullshit! If someone stakes out a ridiculous position, why should I move one inch toward it?

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We can't, not if we're going to get out of this. An inch ceded now is a foot lost in the future.

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Canadian PMs always save their best material for French interviews. That way it won't reach the majority English in any meaningful way. ALL BY DESIGN.

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had help from the interviewer as well "sont extremists".

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Wow, great piece. Maybe your best. You have more faith in people than I do though. I don't see this ending well. We in TEXAS will hold out a bit longer since we are fully stocked.. but with the big population shift our direction from both north and south I worry for the grandkids.

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Teach the grandkids. Remind them. Show them their roots. What those people were and what they left for those after them.

As boring as it is, I repeat the same thing again and again, how my grandfather disappeared from life, in June 1941.

By the simple sway of the pointing finger, of the first neighbor, the door across theirs, who said:

You, Jovan Šobot, you are also Serb. You should step in line too.

Ustaš soldiers took him and others and his wife and two daughters never saw him again.

I asked my grandmother, many times: couldn't you see, feel, do something?

Oh my son, that came so quickly, in less than three months. Jovan would say - I am just accountant in German owned business in Bosnia, why would anybody do any harm to me and my family? I don't have any political opinions. Germans just came here, the same as in First war.

And, somehow he was right. The Germans might leave him and family alone, but little motherfuker first neighbor had a different plan for him.

Evil people must be labeled.

Aggressive evil people must be removed.

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I have to agree with Dan. My background is Croatian and we all have stories like you described. Religion or nationality shouldn't drive us but rather love of neighbour and forgiveness like Jesus taught us. That is the only way.

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Hi Vanda, do you still live in Coatia?

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No, I've lived in Ontario, Canada for most of my life, growing up here. I still have family and friends living in Croatia. I've visited quite a few times. As far as I know, things are not as crazy there as they are here. They have rules that are quite largely ignored. I think that's a left over of the communist times: people had to know how to survive without fully complying. I do however see a battle for the souls of the people. Their media is non stop propaganda but they also have quite a strong and outspoken resistance.

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"Evil people must be labeled. Aggressive evil people must be removed". Be careful not to become what we are fighting against.

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The thing is, the "other side" doesn't have one iota of a problem thinking that at all. Conundrum.

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I'd say "resisted and exposed" rather than "removed", but otherwise I hear you loud and clear.

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I don't know, those masked 4 year olds are either gonna turn out as total sheep or complete hellions. If they live that long after all the jabs- our overseers have over 80 new shots "in the pipeline" for them. To keep them safe forever and all.

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We're all in trouble if/when they start making aerosol dispersed vaccines. Then masking really might be a requirement.

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Hopefully too expensive?

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Exactly right - those that survive the vaxxing will be turned into autonotoms: https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/endgame-take-4-iont-in-jabs-turns

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Exactly what I thought.

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As a Canadian with chronic disease/disability, I’ve come to recognize that all the talk about human rights in this country is full of hot air. I, and my wife, can go to work via tests, but cannot go to a restaurant or even board a plane. We have survived by being closer to each other and by laughing at the absurdity that is living in Canada. I fully expect evil from some segments of the population due to my choices. I don’t care; I’ll defend myself and my family from anyone who wishes to remove my sovereignty over my bodily autonomy. Leave us alone.

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Amen! It’s not a surprise how all the civil liberties/human rights types have gone silent.

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They never really believed their own bullshit. Like most everything Canadian, it was all virtue-signalling.

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We took the wrong lessons from WWII. We learned to despise political anti-semitism when we should have learned to despise political scapegoating. We learned to despise scientific racism when we should have learned to despise identity politics.

Had we looked at the other big totalitarian disaster (the Soviet union) we might have learned to recognise broader patterns rather than highly specific expressions.

So what do we get? Political scapegoating of the unvaccinated, the sexists and the climate-deniers, for they 'stand in the way of progress' and are enemies of the ideology. And we get wokeism, racism with more colourful shirts.

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The Marxists determine what is taught and how to teach it.

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I see your point, but still a good idea to despite anti-Semitism. That's been a problem since way before the Holocaust and has reared its ugly head throughout history.

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No group is without its bad actors. Groups insulated from criticism by historical accident or institutional co-option are going to have more, by natural operation. Nature abhors a vacuum. Create a place where professional victims will thrive and you will find a huge glut of professional victims in your swamp you dug out.

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When I first saw that video I thought he's finally throwing away, definitively, the mask. I knew of course that he was a part of the Davos/NWO crowd and that he had been groomed for this, in many ways by his father Pierre Trudeau. But never the less it was still astonishing to see him say it in public, without the slightest care that he might be branded a fascist or a psychopath by many. He cocksure that he's right and that no one can touch him. Unaware that a change is coming, one that you can see if you bother to look. People are waking up. The real war has arrived.

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Where's the war? The guy was just reelected 3 months ago.

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Mussolini didn't see it coming either.

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You identify one of the gifts, the silver linings - they will openly reveal themselves now, whereas before they knew they had to hide those sentiments. They think they've already won, with Trump's defeat, he being the speedbump that threatened to derail the rapid "progress" that was taking place before his election. Instead, more and more people are seeing for the first time what the Statists have been doing and where it is leading. I pray enough do, soon enough, to recover enough of our liberty to avoid the second and third of Frederick Douglass' boxes into which men's liberty rests - the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. Our small-r republican form of government is a true gift from our Founders and Framers (though I could do with a bit more Anti-Federalism in it), and we should use it like we've complacently never used it before, to save liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

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Great comment. I'm not sure about the change coming but I hope you are right.

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Dan Andrews in Victoria, Australia is just the same. He's accused his own political base of being dangerous radicals for opposing vax mandates, and HE DOESNT CARE.

...almost as though he's not going to allow any more elections...

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j trudeau is simply disgusting, but what disgust me more are those trudeau lovers, and what disgusts me the most is that there are so many of them.

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Couldn’t agree more. I was shocked he got a second minority gov. Most of my friends, while maybe not cons, all seem to hate Trudeau for one reason or another. But there is some giant mass of ignorant clowns in this country that keep voting for him. Only so much if that can be because of the CBC, possibly the worst media org on the continent.

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Part of it is the brilliance of the media fund. For a few pieces of silver he bought the loyalty of every media outlet bar 2. 1 week before the election there was a top up for “help” with election coverage. Genius really.

We are truly f@@ked.

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Jan 2, 2022
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Yes but the socialists (NDP) are happy to go along. Canada is a left wing country.

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it astonishes me the labels we are given, ive always been a centrist with perhaps a slight left lean. i lean a little right now and theres no going back. ever, the left have a life long enemy now. they destroyed themselves

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When one group of people wish for the destruction of my way of life and my freedom (for my own good, natch!), they carry the label of enemy. Thus it has been with the left for my entire life. It heartens me to see that eyes are opening.

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The people wearing the skin of the left these days have already consumed the contents of that skin. The Old Hippies and Freaky Friends of Jesus are now considered right-wingers.

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BOOYAH, el gato!

“they are serial arsonists demanding to be lauded as firemen.” 🔥🔥🔥

For those who are curious, I map the 10 stages of genocide to the current democide in “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier).

I’d also like to invite everyone to join me in piling on the Illinois Holocaust Museum for introducing Nuremberg Laws against the unvaxxed (as detailed in https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/kitten-corner-immersive-education/).

I posted several tweets to their New Year’s Eve post (https://twitter.com/ihmec/status/1476934101420716034) and then moved to their New Year’s post along with the other resisters (https://twitter.com/ihmec/status/1477293543060230144). It is necessary to keep moving to their latest post because they blocked comments on the original announcement. Every time there’s a new post, we need to try and hold them accountable until they finally break and rescind their discriminatory policy against the unvaxxed.

I also included a boatload of relevant quotes from Milton Mayer’s “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45” and Christopher Browning’s “Ordinary Men” in the following threads:



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“Run it up, Margaret! Leave no doubt.”

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the bad cat is feral this morning! i came for the read, but got the education!

what other beast in the forest that is our dissident world could fill my sunday morning with such alarming and amazing alliteration; could skool my vocabulary with words like "integument," "rabies raddled," or "alkahest;" or could combine the elements of Wizard of Oz and Greek mythology so inspiringly and seamlessly together?

this essay is epic, bad cat!

but, i always thought it was godwin's law, not goodwin's. i'm going to have to go back to my dictionary on that one. you've challenged me in many ways this day. once more into the breach, dear friends.

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If vaccination will get us out of this pandemic, why are we still in it with on average 80% of most populations ‘fully’ vaccinated?

Why do we now need a third/fourth to be ‘fully’ vaccinated, wear masks meanwhile?

If vaccination works, why isn’t it working?

The way out of this epidemic is to string up Führer Trudeau and the rest of his ilk.

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The resemblance to Castro gets stronger and stronger doesn't it ? I found out that rumour by accident this week !

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I was a teenager when Justin was born and everyone simply assumed he was Castro's kid. It wasn't even worth a joke - everyone accepted it as a fact. I don't know how this went down the memory hole. All you have to do is compare pictures of the two of them - it's plainly a case of the "red-haired postman".

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I saw a pic of him with a beard and that rang a bell. I wrote it on the blog and got several links. Spitting image. I am originally from Europe and now in the US and never heard that rumour, and certainly did not think it could be true. Thought my imagination ran wild, and now find out it is almost certainly true ! Thanks for the update.

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