I don't know whether it is the Bayh-Dole law or some other law, but government employees are allowed to earn royalties on patented inventions made at government labs, and that includes DOD labs like the one I work at. There is a statutory limit of 150K/year in royalties from a single source, unless the employee gets an exemption from the…
I don't know whether it is the Bayh-Dole law or some other law, but government employees are allowed to earn royalties on patented inventions made at government labs, and that includes DOD labs like the one I work at. There is a statutory limit of 150K/year in royalties from a single source, unless the employee gets an exemption from the President. As a matter of practical reality though, the vast bulk of royalties are in biomedical research, not in DOD labs. That is because royalties are only paid for inventions that are commercialized, not inventions used in military contracts.
I don't know whether it is the Bayh-Dole law or some other law, but government employees are allowed to earn royalties on patented inventions made at government labs, and that includes DOD labs like the one I work at. There is a statutory limit of 150K/year in royalties from a single source, unless the employee gets an exemption from the President. As a matter of practical reality though, the vast bulk of royalties are in biomedical research, not in DOD labs. That is because royalties are only paid for inventions that are commercialized, not inventions used in military contracts.